HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-10-15, Page 5VOURSDA14 OCTOBER 15, 1014. OCTOIIS DID NOT HELP HER But Lydia E.Tinich m's Veg. etable Cemptatrad Restored Mrs. BradleYs Health Her Own Statement. Winnipeg, Canada.- "Eleven years setga I went to the Victoria Hospital, suffeeingwith a giewth. The aloctore said it was a turner and could sat be re d as it would cause instant sleath. Th., found thatmy organs were Affected, inn said I could not live more Zn six months in the condition I was in, 'tauter" came home I saw your adver- -eement in the paper, and commenced taking Lydia E. Finithamda Vegetable -Compound. I took it constantly for two SrS, and still take it at times, and 'bath my husband and myself claim that it was the means of saving ray life, ifighly re co m m end it to suffering vrornen."-Mra. CntiLLA BRADLEY, a84 labium Ave.,Winnipeg, Menitoba, Can. Why will women take chanceor drag Staltaeickly„Italf-hearted ex istence,miss. lug three-fourths of the joy of living, when theycan find health in Lydia E, rinkbaws Vegeta- Compotind ? !or thirty years it Ass been the stall- aard remedy for fe- wade ille, aad bets re - Adored the health of thousands of wome hp have been troll - led, with such ail- id a a =mats as displaceznents, inflammation, maceration, tumors, irregulari,ties, ete. If you wartt, special advice `Write to Lydia lInkbara *dine ed- Oo, (cougdential) Lynu, Mass. Your letter Will be opened, „read aud answered by a woman; Skud held iu strict coutidence,, 5,1111,DltEDINA HAIR .itgaTEDN: t ow Vair And We Prove IT By lundreds Or- Testimoniale 'It never fails to prodece thre de- sired results. It enlivens and in-. esaigoratea the hair glands and tisetiee ere( the sip, resulting in a contin- emus and increaeleg growth of hair "lettere of praise Are continually com- a:3= in Crom all parts on tbe cetietry stating that Zrildaedina Hair Item- .ady has renewed tbe growth of disk in eases that were coadderea beolutely hopeless. A lady drone Chi - amigo weites. "After a abort triel rny stopped falling out end i r.ow e a lovely head or heir, very heavy over one ;led bolf yeeefs, long. dredina Bair Remedy etinenlates ithe scalp, makes It ,heeltby and keeps Alt so. lit is the greo.test scalp, invig- water leeowp, It Ls Sa. 'wholesome snedielne for bath the hair and the weep. Even a email bottle of it nein put more genuine aire ictoe your air than a ,clozea battles or any otbe ger 0onic ever made. it shows eaeults efromeetbe 'very start. New ca seta et leatte.A0 &lig store anti toilet atore, in diem lend Sao and $1.00 Mildredine Hair Remedy is the only ...stela:el destroyer ot the dandruff rn- robe 1whic1i is the cause of O$ per erent of hair troables. These prfll- nioiia and destructive little evils thrive on the ordinary Hair "Monies. ‘23e 9-4 t. -4111WO&IIAWS MESSAGE TO WOMEN. If you are troubled -with weak-, tired teenage headache, backache bearing Atoms sensations, bladder weaknessacons- Sapatior, catarrhal conditions, pain in the ,teliats regularly or irregularly, bloating Ifir unnatural enlargements, sense of litsillagermisplacement of internal organs, /nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation, loot liaslae.s, dark rings under the eyes, /wales, of interest an life, I invite you lasevrite and ask far ray simple method of *owe treatment, with ten days' trial aestarely free and postpaid, aIso references ,leo Carnelian ladiea who gladly tell hove Asylum regained bealth, strength, and hies, by t.his method. Write toaday. : Ms. M. Summers, Box. .841 or. Ont. 'MODERN WR hurleng bolts are screanairz • '4eross the reddenitg skies, To -meet the caimans streaming. "Tee death with egar eyes. !Along the fareflueg trenches he spitting° rifle drives. rlithles.s hail of quenches OM thousand human lives. Lke mount.a!r., in convulsion ' roofs the neth.r bell. "Trhe seigp-gitn's vast propulsion. Caughs out the monstrous shell. machine guns splutter o-nt ifelite, rage and spite 5 -lie bursting strapnel.s s -‘)utter. Red death ,ateft and right. he Ns -al -planes 12gli in heaven, ;Like ,g,ant vultures ride, p .tti'in a skies are 1'3 ver. alut guilt and pride, ?Cs cur aii;'e of ages 1 1:be anci gaiz.? say ,yr. condom sa ali your vairnt,ings vain?' illericy clact, and Pity?' 'ioce an c.1 Fo:th at Tess? through Ziorirsoiy Christ bar Forth Ors Cross? ,Ta area W.. Doll:are". Mr, Frank Pinkbeiner of Londe spent Sunday in town with his par - Mrs, J. 'Wiwi and daughter Mrs, J. Schroeder are visiting in Detroit Mr, Arnold of Seaforth Spent Sun- day at the Ceatral Betel. :Alm „L. Either aen i 'few 1nysi in Loctioe this week. alrs, (Rev), J. S. Thera orBrielgeport sprat the -bolalays with her pareetS. rgiss Lulu Gaiser of Londoc visited, her parents, "ou, Sundae. qktiSSOS 'Warne and plAri.saa, eneat a. day it; Lendon last week. Mr, Daze Feegueon bolielytted a hoLs heme in Wir.gbare. Afda: xNai.4 or vt,dikmi,is gliest'of her Sister, Mrs, Joe. Ranee. Miss Miller spent the :henna,' at Iter hoine in Goderiele Mr, and Mrs, J. .G. rouen viisted friends ic "Parkhill last weezik. Iferb Fahner 4cd Garnet Sweitzer were loadon on Monday. Miss afurie/ Niche/son is visiting ini Goderieh Several from here spent Thaaa- ziving in Bashwood. WOODHAM Aneiversery arvce ixi GOlineetion -with Woo/Mara Methodist Oahlarch were in "every way a decided seccese Oa Ganday Oct, ilth the, ReV, S. W. aruxwortley ot Exeter delivered ere - (meta aed inspiring sor710e5 to large emigregaitOCS. •011 Thackegiving night Oet I.?.t was held the fowl eepper eAd.nelVAI etglcVrts "Abent, qi00 people were PieS- exit, Tbe ,super eves eatiellto, ail expeetatioas area ranks with the beat or formee 'yearsI'tI. eolicert !held in. the ealtiroli was of a very higa order. Exeellent Ad- draseee full of wit and wi,edom were delivered'ily Rev, It 0. BUVtOrt Or lairktori area Rol, G. Barnard or flevs lioyatt ftadirktdal d Reid or Greaten found it lops - to be preeeet aael *eat ablare. ' Mts. The Orohestra 'from Marys was n*very way equal to tbeexcellent reputation 'which thy d Mid justly deserve. This is the tbird Appearance ef the Orchestra * Nrinieh speaks volums far lls- f. The Hudson quartette amen $t. Johns was a rich treat the selec- tions Irendered were cholee. A few or tto aupprbo,s Was the Lord's, PTA), vootiroos vross, Ve artist Woe "woe Imo Tear" Rock or Ages" he Golden *Path- way"' ,"Conie Where the Lilies le/0one" The proceeele or the aneivereary ame toted to lever .$200,00 TRAVIA Tlw es WHson epeet Tbanksgiva ay ir Lonrlon Thos. Aftletell has reteraeol drom his visit to rrieads corth of larooto. Miss Itazle flicks eend llfesers Depeln eat] 0. V. Inatehtord were ouu: for the Thanksgivicg holiday ailr. and Zara, Emelt Blatehrord of Ilurentlale alai their $on 1)r. Franklin or Fort William and his bride .vieited at the parsonage oi Saturday last. Mrs, (1`. Greenway of Ilta r.i toba, Aow or the lute Bon, T. GreetwitY andalster Ill's, Beaus, visited frieuds here laat week, The IV, ale $. Auxiliary met on Teesday et the theme of Mrs, T. Oli- ver tend the neeetian• proved inter- esting and profitable. Anniversary services eae to be 'bald in the church here on Sabbat)h 25ttli Lest when Rev,. S. We aluxwortlay will preach at 1,0.,30 a. ine and Rev. W. G. IL McAlister lft. A. at 7 la nil lft is to tbe hoped' that ithe Veople 'will show 'their deep Interest in tbie) 'Patriotic gift to the British GOVCiTV-. rnent on Mendel- next the inttee best by contributing large quantities or 'apples, oats and potatoes. ItUSSELDA.LE Mr. and Mrs. A. alaidarert and daugh -ter Marie ispent Thanksgiving Day eviht 31r. mad Mrs T. Verner of .Lurn- Mr, Erneet Roy of the Q. C - Guelph, is Spending ibis holidays et Royston Farm. Mrs, Sbellenberger and two sons, of Mitchell accompanied by Mies Ken- nedy aral Mr, Titz ot Montreal were pleasant callers ic the village on Tuesday. Mr .John Roy lost a valuabk horse by falling into n well on Friday. ' Mr, and Mrs, ,DavidDow are spend- ing the holidays With Dr, D. .faine or Dutton. _Poring the !severe electrical storm an Thursday a valuable horse be- longing to Mr, Alex Park and a cow belonging to Mr. Alex Truepaner were both killed by lightn:cg. CONSTIPATION RE= LIEVED ENTIRELY AT OUR RISK Rexall Orderlies relieve your bowel treubies and make you )feel like corning back Id thatik us ,fer telling you almn.t thein, then coma hack any- way and ask, us to give you back your money. This is just as strong as we can 'make this goarantee. and • Ave rant to make it strong because we elieve ,that Rexall Orderies are the best bowel remedy made. Soothing acd 'easy in action, they cleanse the bowels, toml- ing and strengthening them; end make you feel great. They promotie easy and regular bowel actor, help to proinptly rel:eve coast pation orid overcome its cause. 'tothese things 'hey differ from old fashioned, harsh, l'sa,rreeable salts and other physics hich usually only gives temporary rclic[ and often leave the bowels in vorse condition than ever. They psie like candy and even children thetn Thev are' particularly' geod or children;and for del`cate and ague eople. in 'vest pocket tin 'boxes; 10 \riot cad uY It ex n 11 ,Cee elesliett at the 1-1ixa11 stores i -and to\vu only , o is. THE EXETER 1 ME 'Good Morning! We Are introducing American Silk American Casbmere American Cotton -Lisle HOSIERY Tbey have stooel the test, Give real foot 'comfoet. No seams to rip, ever becomelooseor baggy The shape is knit in-oot pressed GT.14:11.AN ED for fitness, style,supeilority of material and„woratpapsbiRa Absolutely staialess, iII .wear'C months without holes, or new ones free. " OUR SPECIAL OFFER to eyery one sending us $1.00 in eurreney or postal note, to cover advertising and shippingcharges we will send post-paid, with written guarantee, bseked by a teye million dollar company, either 3 Pairs of our 73e. value American Silk hosiery, O r 4 Pairs of our sec. value Aznerican Cashmere Hosiery, or 4 Pairs of our 50c, value ' American CattOrt-riisie BeSiery or 6 pairs of Oltildrerdstlostery Give the eolor, :size, lead Wbetber Ladies' or Oentie hoe, iery defared. Don m LAY -Offer expires when a dealer in your locelity is selected, TOE INTERNIITIONfIL 11081ERY.60. 0, Box 214 TON, 0/110, V. S. ela GLORIOUS HAIR Girls and women of ali ages want to be beautiful anti attxactive, but unsightly, tbin and lifeless ,hair, de- stroys half the beauty of a pretty face, If your hair is losing its natural color, is .falling Out, dull, streaky full of dandruff„ too dry, or it the ,scalp itches and burns do notbe al- rmed. use Parisian Sage, Rub it well into the scalp ft will go right to the hair roots, nourish Mem, and stimulate the hair to grow long and beautiful It retrieves dandruff with 05e. application,' stops itching scalp failing hair and snakes tile head 4.,0 firke Xaritsion. Sage supplies the hair ititi what is neoded to make it stort oily, thick and gloriously radiant. It is sohl in 50 cent battles by W S . Cole nod at all drug' connects. L ook for the trade mark The Girl viith the auburn hair, except no then • :ZURICH Mrs. Schweitzer of Nort Deleota is visiting her mother area P. Relict ler, and Mrs, MacKinnon bave re - reed from their honee-aungin trip, Mr, Ezra Keerener Of Berlin isr.tee tien has 'lather alr. Micheal Iratercber ireco t mica guite poorly 'sea. G, ‘ar, paelor of the Le tberen church is busy organizingA Lutheran League is conneetioo with is church. Mr, Ales Foster has purchaeed tbe dweldng oweed b fr, Peter Bopp t the south end at presea occupied y Mr, 141, Zeller, J. Bedard or. Stratford an Vbartes Bedard or Detreit ;delta itt their mother At -the Saul* title re- cently. Xr. Sara 'Bey blaoktasith at Bleite has purchased Air, Jacob, U. Otuser- ich':, proaerty cold lamina rentedel- ling the old ohapp:ag tete t ilk shop, judg mart Of were dispose a�l over to presided. bat 111r, Arnold enlisted to g t O1lcU.enutin- Leidoo, d dollars has $ et the log las3Nt wlt t aVater;oo Sonia II lip A lli lock or Vrn iisbed vacetioc, hemind here e silos Une NSA Plriatkm Cent rt. -4 patrid tart under the auepktis t ecco Lodge or e(flows wee be the Skatinitk on Wedriesdtty ing, There Was a large and, very theeiastio audience Present mnd splendid ared ended program was pro Resides the natt$1041 aud liter- ary numbers, patriotia tuldresess was givelaf by Rural Dean Doherty and Itev,,111r, Smith and the head provid- ed splendid, music tor the oecasloa The proceeds amounted to $75 Width, will be awarded to till: Reel Dross Soo.« iuty. This is the eeeentl contribate ion from the Itebeccos, to this "wort* rause theyainiaing forwarded $141.1 at irM Alkirrt ,nt tbe. war anti theee de SerVe Vent praise for their work to khe anise. arr. Wa. McVay principal or the tschooi ably performed time del. - „es of chairman. The farmers in ills leeotki,c; are ine- moving the lite weather we Lavu been' havitg in the way of silo filling plowing and other outside work. Wu undeestaral air, J.13arry in- tends puttieg in a. line ayeteas of steam beating ler his house. ate, 'Samuel Stacey and Mr, Robert Traotiair were recently in Goderleh an jurymen. In Stacie on Tuesday September 'd9t.ti the marriage took place of Miss Laura 31cFalls daughter of Ifr, an4 Mrs, Robert Meralis of London to irr,jas, Sparks only son of NV: ans. r. Sparks of this viVage. ?The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Jamas Patterson of Sartain The many friends- of The Speaks joit 15 wishing himself and Ibis bride happicese and prosperihy. Quite a large number from Iler.sall and viol city attended tbe tea mere time in the 3fethodist church at Cibiset- burst aloeday evening of last week and report a•record attendance 1,nd a very succeeded atel pleasant tea Meeting throughout. Mr.s, 'Arm. McKay has returned (roma pleasa.nt trip with relatives and friends in a number of our cities. Mr, Southeott or California and formerly of Zurich is in. the village this week Visiting her brothers Mes- srs E. and IX Mr, R. TaylorToroato, visited Mr. R, BOnthron and larailv during w the past eek.- 1)r.~ Alexander Moir Who fias been; sper.ding 'sintre months at the homestead farin a mile weist nI our village returned -last. week. The lifetbadist church a od parson- age are being nicely painted by Tires- srs G. rollick and A. Boultor. and when; completed will look very much irnprovocl: Miss Alien who has bie..lidie'guest of the Misses Shirray for ,some weeks, returned fast week to her borno it Toronto. . The brick work. of itthe now Town Hall is Inearly completed. Our bowlers are improving the fine .ea tiler in the way of playing a nom ber of matches. Mrs, Robert McArthur returnedi re- cently after spetding a number or weeks with relatives erieeds mn Niagara Falls wild .Bigraio. 3r,, Trios Peart Ivals 'ealledi to Mit- chell last week owing to the serious illness of his er sb.ter. The Petty, Block, formerly knot s On Bell Block will. be Soon reackv ror occupancy. W. '11Tilderbrand has purchased rom A. :Murdock enb of his TVCb 11,gs or. Queen! Street, at prestut nLd by "Mr. Si.- ?Williams. Mr, Percy Wig,gi.is has purcht-n,ed 'he stock a'ad good will of Mr, Alphin :11cEwert ar.d is ROW CaTryZng On the siness 'as a confectioner. , • The lIfi.1/onell 'Bros have opened ,out a,jevoellery stock mthe , premises they have receiut/17 rent043-' oiled. and they row bav€& ocle of the Cinv,ist jeuiclIery stocks and stores in th,:. county., ' .111iss Rolla ,Sparks of BracmtEbrd is visltiaig her btether lt;ere. WT/ALEN There was hot much visitirs locality for Thanksgiving this but in the evering several w. Woodam 'and enjoyed the fowl s rid a fine p During the past week quite a be from from around here have driver, to St. Marys and listened tb, the 'nolted Dr. Gordon. who is lectorir., in the 11fet1odist church there. rr,47*- t. ay they are fully repaid for their trip to the stone town, 'Alfr, and :73f,rs, 13- JohnstOn Of Lon" don, spent the litilidn” here at ,Iler mothers Mrs, 6"liztin,rlay.., '31iss Ileadley of toodeL was the gnest a Miss Edna Gunning itaSt week. You can cook to the full capacity of the top Scar and bake an oven full of good things wall PPe Mr, and Tmfrs John Wfglctspent feW, days 'last Week 4t Ingersoll. Owing to the raan. of late, the farm- ers are not through IN ith4 S110 tilling but are finishicg this Mr, John illazliewcod lost a valu- able cow laSt week, de-sensd kidAeYs' ott stilt -440x cauSitg her 4e4tb, Mrs, Audrew DiCarnere or KnaFAS eitY is Visiting relatives at various 'olace,s aver here this fall, TirBiPIie Pet moshds of three ap ir nvWa cireeit. has ring a bale for the Ri • bale consists of the ;:tt''0 e°.; 38 52. nzoligatil$5,9haipt$. illo 14weg la " 2 pair weielaseeckinfer: slim. 60 inendleg kite. , ea - Presentation tD qiss herritt of Oreenway t,(1.1,044,14:iteoefdascrietledt; 643t131id e gathered az theJorne of Stiorrirt Ev, M. Pe to spend -vete. g w ith his d inghter h us a 114 ;11(l'i.eugrth,;3'Wbcietnneritr'43.91iN san are- "-.10PtVii. Of the 3.fetba4ist chute The etiperiiiierelent of the fiatanclaY School Mr,• W, T. Lleai 44.4$ ehosea ettairmaa a o good progrant ot lo oistrumental sod VOQC11 into ed with addresses gina by ltev Cook 11;te pastor and great n*a others of the gentlemen and i present spoke tr. terms • ot t praise or )17,1/4s iSherrit.s Is - a4 werk lu .tbe neighbor church and while, regrets trtiPg was inevitable slL telt at one of t.,ht diumber ehould have pointed to the 041 a be lenithe distant China, 3liss odgins, read the dress and Mis E. Taylor Miss elaeon AO Miss Etbel Ortitheze pre. :Weed ber witt& a peretnt or Grand Bend a beautitul necklace and gold INtiss aberritt expressed her t.ratitude .or the One oatel her np- erecietion or the tnotzghtfulam the pron.:Pea It and tbe gathering or be tilruitt:%dismeadr..d eteighbora do wish her Tae lathes, served ;the's/entente a ter es Inch all joined "God he with you Till We Meet Again" Followitg was the address. alaes Leine. B. Sae Dear friend. fere you go forth fron as a .solder of tile ertad, Ise sou otrimede desire to tell you a litti of the feeiings whicli your deeisiotz ans eaba ceed 10WI. We feel honored beenuee (Me of our own girls bas heard the ere* for lielp from a land where womares lot 18 hard and where to be bora ag; =Melts miestairtune pad calamtry. Others or iGanadant childrer. are go - lag across the sea to lay down thei lives for atm Britesh Empire you go to live and give yourl Ue beneath the baotur of the Prince or Peace to do o a. KSrt4.148eklelia mre t in marriage Cti church. on 4ay Oal, latt in ho areseern or a large eangreg4t1U o ceroutoay WitS pertortued by l'`atit- Stroteber the pastor or the eitureat After the careinotty the brida and groom anti it number or'intimate ertends gathered at the bride's licanto $,vbere a wedding dinner was served after whioli a pit:menet artereoen was 81)011; '4 lace .the old aesiaeate from thisseeticin Vasa from oar midst :lad th.s week we eliroucila ,the death or lir, llauch, who had seaclied ellee age of nearly 'eighty years. The de- w:teed had been a resineett or Zur- ieh tor many years And was highly, esteemed by all who knew aim, leavee a widow foraserly Mrs, Moritz awl it number of nephewS and rtelees aod other relatives, sv,ho sincerely mourn the departure of a tailitol friend. Sim xemair.s were laid to rest on Tuesday aftercoon, inteernent eking place it, the EvangeKetd cem- etery in whioh churchatr'liauch was faithful znember. falie femoral ser- vices were conducted by the pastor Bev Brown assisted by Rev. E. re leecker, Czediton, acd Rev. 3. Ilia Grenzebach or Dashwood. LI70.AIN Seewald--Browa-.4 pretty but oulet weddvag was soleutrized at St. enatrielde church Lucan, at Thursday Oct, Int when Miss Celia, second daughter or Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Brown became the brick of Matthias See- wald of Detroit Mich. The bin'Ola who was given in ma -Tinge by her father was 'beautifully gowned in ivory satin with an embroidered net tattle can wore a wreath and veil. The bride was attenclhd by her sistkr Miss Mayne Brown. Raymond See- wald of Detroit assisted the groom. Mr, and Mrs, Seewald, left for an extended trip to New Torlaacd Pen- nsylvania. Mr, Seewaid holds a pro- minent position on the staff of the 'Bard Motor Company Detroit. ° A quiet but pretty wcildtrig took 'Place at the home of Mr, aind‘ Mrs. Jahn Sloman at, Arra on Wedneshiy Oct. 7th 'by the Rev, Mr, Anderson ot Loadoc when itheir twice miss Bellaha SIon3aa and Mr, fIarold H Battler i.vas united together in the holy bondls of 'matrimony. The bride was given away by her father Mr, Joseph, Ste - man tad looked very pretty in a vale blue silk gown and was attended by Miss Gladys Moxely of London, Mr, Sidney Sloman the bride's brother at- tended the groom Mr, and Mrs, But- ler will reside in Lucan alter October ten th. GIVE 'SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. La& at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish., stomach sour, breath Dad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of 'California Syrup of Figs," which con - full directions for ,babies, chil- 411 and r e ag Sro)an alas - your part in wit:rang for Him Empire which shall be in elle hearts or wen and continue forever and ever. We have dollowed you as a girl in your home as a etudent at the Park- hai ifgh Sebool, at the 'Toronto Bible School, mis n teac.h.er in both aey acd Sabbath School and as a member of onr community atd everywhere we have around you 'worthy of our re- spect our admiration Acd our love It is -with deep soirow at toisng you 'bat we ace you go but it- is witie Leer's full of rejoicing and gladness that we give you to tilde work. May God keep you safe when we Ore ear from each other, may he USC yOnliatil by workacg through you Ile brings 'froin the earth the Lily and from the Ooze the Pearl ta mana a home in far away lOhina. We ask vou to accept these gifts \VI th assur- ance that we who stay at bome will eadeavor to do our part better be- ceuse one of our cunalier has been celled to stand at tbe Ifrocit on the firing Bee. Signed on behalf of the Women's Auxiliary "Church of Eng - The ,r.e!ghboring ,Methodist Auxilliary and Church Greetway and t-resbyterian church Grand Bend. 4 DA BWWOOD add Dash‘vood. Mr. Clarence Kellermano is 'busy these days filling silos. .31r, o3hn Eidt and famity autocid to Stratford recently. The Misses Lena and Marie Schroe- der left recently for Detroit. A Tharksgivitg serial was held on Monday evening in the Evangelical church under the auspices of the Lad- ies aid. a splend'Ld program was giv- consisting of addresses, readings, diol logues solos, duettstrio and chorus and special music by .the choir. The, tome of -1,Ifr,aind Mrs, Fred Preeter sr, was the scene of a fes- tive occasion Tuesday tever_ing- it be- ing the naarriag,e of their reldest daughter Miss Laura to, Mr:, 'Silas Adams of Lindsay Bev, Gaupner of the Lutheranchu'rel officiating. They will xe.S1..ide in Lindsay where Mr, Adams holds a good position ic ge,aeral store. The best wishes of their many ;friends will go with Chem, io thei,r new home. The ladies of the Evaingel'cal cburch held their annual TonslneSs meeting, on Thursday afternoon Oct, 1st. 22 ruenthers being present. An inter- esting report, of the ,'husiness of the Near read by the clIffurent of- ficers after wlaich the pastor Rev, Orenzebacl gave a ;hort, address en- couraging the ladles in their good , Lal abou the same time. Many exc sive features you should know et the MeClary dealer show you:', IVIade-ln,Canada" TIAWKINS & SO."\ Buyers to share Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective ft OM Angtabt 1. 1014. to .snst 1, 1915, and guaraineed egaint,t xednation tflouukt time. ;i 0 boUt * 44 * saw vork, Time fulkswiag aitic 10 Muir r See, rg,i misI 'Tbp. following Is tbe Report rooa out or the Dadrwood emu. ee 2ta4 B. Korb. a5; Ilan de. Vender 67; /1„ Srebreeder " aanal. Tieman 89; V. Beiber JL Vic t re 76; C. Snell 73; A. EVelent 70; G. Steinhager.110; Jr pt P, Ger matte a .Gunther, aa; 11. Hader, SI; *olomaim Bettehec 75; A.; Gerittner • Sr pt 3. V. Zimmer, 53; L. 70; M. Bewiber 66; L. Stire 62; 411111ert 60; IC. Eidt 60; N. Taber 57 , Eveland '60: Pr c. Ar. Raeker 0 nMiller Sa3; G. Beaver 75; V. Baker ' C.- Benitez' ID; t. Grill 68,; it 1 Miff:nen 78; P. Kleirstiver P. Guenther 65; pt 1 A. L. Baker 52; H. Koller/ma 80; _E. Gabel 76; • Gabel 75; O. Beaver 67; El Ham- tcher 65, A, Steinhaget, nee eve, at - ie. A. Finkbeicer teacheze The fonowillg is the report of tbe nd room of Dashwood Public School axe ard 0. Graupaer, 70; G. faermatte, 10 CENT "CASCARETS" • IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggitsh Liver and Bowele--Thea work while you sleep. Purred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin. and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowls, which cause your stomach to become filed -with undi- gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery -Indi- gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A. Cascaret to -night will give your constipated bowels e a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. s They work while you sleep -a 10-cene box from your druggist will keep you feel- ing good for months. 11.1132,1 The Private Executor eldom gives the best o L.; tims to an estate in his are erefoie it frequently suaers. Estates have been dissipated through inefficiency, neglec tnd semethnes actual elislaan- sty on the part of private in- ividunls acting as executors. This strong, soundly Irian- ged Trust Company is always vailable, never ill, never away. Its officers are expert in the management of estates. The faithful de3CUtion af trusts is their one concern. Consult us regarding the handling of your estate. All information cheerfully furn- ished. The London 86 Western Trusts Co. Limited 382 Richmond St., London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbons LC, President John S. Moore, Manager , M. Schroeder. .05, L. Gaenther, 65; M. ,Miller 65; V7. Ehlers 60; Johni Gassman, 50 Jr 3rd L Tiernan, 00;1 L. Schatz 75; T. Bader 60; 104 .Paa-lf 30 0. Thartlicb, '50; iSr; 2ad T. Guer.1-‘ her 58; B. Schroeder 55; M. och , '13; J. Bader 50. T WiDert Willret, 48; S. 'Baker 45. Jr 2otld Ls1 Gaupaer 75; V. Bossold '70; 13. Coss-, ma.), 60; T. Ilanzacher, 60; L. Willerh 55; E. ,Rtaker '50; A. Vincent av eV. 22 Ola Woods teacher. • Stretch FenceLift Wagon Boxes 41, • Here is a powerful wire stretcher, which also comes in handy every day lifting beavy loads. `Divo practical tools M one. Jumbo Safetylloisf land Wire Stretcher 78nab1es one tnan to change wagonboxes,stretch wire and laandleheavyloadseasily. It elevates, lowers, locks rind tinlocks with one rope only-hclds the'loat1 at any point. Heavier the load, tighter the zrip. .Ttanbo oacIty,1500-ths. Other heists l'he only hoist with adjust- 400 lbs. to 4 tons, at prices able safetylock for various from 51.00 to 57.00. sizes of rope. Positively, holds load, even if rope is, Come in and see worn, Ivor or groo$Y. one Ceitni;