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Exeter Times, 1914-10-8, Page 4
C GIGO.. Oct 5.—Severe drought in 44stralia had much to do ta21ty with making the wheat market ascend ?he , outcome was a € r r clone et ;'f.0 o sc above Saturday night's ter,...0, Qom los,". to oatn ^ece. off, pias, ouslens irreg Baas, varying. rtrur 231/id tkWNW B A.1' , MARKET. Wheat. €sip Feaxsl el... «t 15 to $,.,.' Otiose wheat, bushel -- 0 55 e fiy revs, bushel 3.: ()e.t.a, bushel Ca ill,4"53 Rye. bushel y6 55 5ae?.51; tt.. to.1;1aw..0. 75 TORD:N) :fL�11 7�..«a. :T2ALU 1 � ettt ':,. a.reaa<aen ab Sea,.- 2P ;a. ter. i>?wat l rt solids,. tp 21 a 24 R i3tt4rx sexiarat0 dalryas 37 gee t.ffi.tc.Se rie'4z Ab 010. k re laid -0 2,2 Q 5 ass aey, new, a ,. la d Lt 7ieazex, esneb. eza,,,... g a4i 5 EQ. Pel, ;-.�A ileal*. Marf.e. good t errzaatal ter all a tics * ri it atTM export ttreee. Marked to of the week,: "t't` $ea:t rice,* te lie. higher. T.I.tere tva. zse WPrli}, 4 04;PIPPPW lr PA stear4 teem Aleeteall ger; de ueetee eo, leeelere4 Zr eeeeoTb el etQltelt 1e bele+ eaxoaa t +tee savant ail, Cieeleg abets wee "sees for where ireebeegee. t ..a le rev to gl fie, ;OW-. E 'R T1 • otjce o re itors the matter of the. estate of Catherine Canaero , ok 'the Village of Eeeter, Coupe of fllaeo widow dace toed Notice is hereby given pursuant to statues in that behalf that alt cr a ztors and others baying claims ag- ainst 'the estate of the said Catbra=ze *; died on or :psoras .014, are requested Otaer before Oet, 20, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Aleasrs G3adman & Stan - bury of the Village of Exeter Solicit s for Executors of the said cleeeas", eel, their ehristaiR cared satrrnmees 44.- res4es and d'ScrihliOnS the fan pap, iculors of their e/a.irns the state., nt of their ae oegta end the zea; re of the secz.rines- if *lows Atm 5 tbenl, And fna't:her, take aptotice hat after such Fast mest¢taane 3 elate t oath Theer,tcars la Bed Rt► istrabpte the assets of the r eeeaeed Ing the parties entitleal thereto, eIna ,gag „,.1 en3,s to rho cieime or`, Picea they shall then have astarice Haat tb: Executors Will ?sat be sabre for said a.sets ctr auk' ;Tart tb,zreof to 0317 Peron or: 5ersnof not hare beea erecei Bee t. AC ass Pne t the rime of such distrebetioo elicitor t for .Exo Nit -O 's ' ed 44. Rxoter .this 644 dad of Va {)4;t, s+ la,RttlR2sc> ,ln a„, € $3ae eeble totley sa e ttrmica lleatiteti d€mac ttoin tendon airs sd, 'Tire o- oh, Abe demand to tell aetind rlaago, pato Letr•3�”, aaud. Aa:- Meg at 84 sotso- @Wit. Ia oglto; std, ut ..'tens, aamereit .t00 vacs toes from, the ua=de tit,.,._ } "ntablie alletign cit;, Loa' p ' D 4". 1 TiTOBVRT a >, Cis ODUR, 1,8. 1014 aaQ alaack obarp 'the following ° 1Mete 4 yrs. old natio, xidaag 4 "cars old a agricat}attair;al l�ltll ag 2 yrs old, 1 fills 2 1.m. 1 yr, Oa; 1 Bell 1 year old col .s. The above quit* are Tia *44,0, driver, 4,01g.t' dale ut'tiaaae h; stee ol; b (.Pei calves„ 'CR*..Ittfilrel hog, S IF YOUR UMW IS CROSS, NEVERISFIf 1M Look Mother! 0 tongue is -Boated. Bleat se little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Moe sets can ?est easy after git�Ittg, `cell oir 4 ytup cat d Tpa, ` hc.Cc `So ` ,ted^ ktcllrs all. the clo ge&up waste agar bile ;wail :fermenting food gently, to.faxQ�*t 4?Rt p! the bowels,, and "41 have . e tat cbji4 again. zaSt+ l+; .: ? . Peedaa't be coaxed to. eft 1iS 'fruit laxative," • D$ eenunerr , ee ' it haudv be-. ;RQ3c it$ action Aa? litei `m: tie1F r to bfAivetfi 1 wip. >il" Tor a 5Q -Cent hot- .IairUxula S._ ,p QfFigsr , which, i iats" .it for bablee ebildren $ eand growunps. Auction Sale OUSE AND LOT & HOUSE, 51010 FURNWI,liciE Zr„c; Ph:114%s ;toss regeired 1 Turti s to ,E;3`11 by plibIte atitetittIft roto, preaaatses the 13Q4a50a :r4 I.ot Sim EDMUND, W, .+'1" R,C. .Q ,p .Ia.,. TG.1...PresidenAt .hot weaned sfer'axit' Be ture pts, And' 417.1MANDER LA.LRA.Genera/ Manager JOHN IZA,?iso't Gener-41Inusailer aa. 1, `street: on SaturdaY Qct; ': , 4'e1ock t m., HTJR.A O0TOI.1E:l O NS BA Incorporated 1855 Capital & Reservp $8,800,000 °, QI BRANCI- EBS. lee,CANADA ABERAL BAKING BUSK �ES-B ,TRANSACTED CIRCULAR i.Er,JERS mE CREDIT ° RAVELLERS CHEQ1iE.S - - - ISSUip.A BANK MONEY ORDERS - SAVINGS D R ENT At all Branches, Interest allowed at highest`etirrent rate.. Exeter Bra HuRDON Manage Ageuts.:at Exeter$or the Dominion Government TIDE CA A IAe.N BA. K OF COMMERCE Auc 11IT. `CL,p I NfiOLD$. " Ii GRAIN arnerers has receive. in, ,free the eedeeisetlei to. BIZ iC aActiQP Qa. X0. CON, 10., Xi13RAiit , ) t 00TORIat 9. llil �a 'clock stens `alae: followicti•^ 1 brood mare, supe o'ed to'; grle"..a 1 mare. yre, old it. par, mase quiet nod 1I13 yrs old epic: :1 rs, 914, dgriu; 1 'fii#1 1 re 4' 4 1,sttcking colt, agrii+ ; i ;: ikutav 5se l,' calved; 1 1 coxa bate las lit d crows dice ails; 2 ki Mars ad. Itclifrs "- in -° 4T, rd oboe ,? Obit' lira co lr ul. even tae hour n to mar e lu AuctionSale T�'r-4 t ed top buggy, 1 gr sleaglts Xaalal ; 1 good cutter. 2 avnll irtl: lalow '.Mow plow; set'` Iron karrowls; +.oder targe cultivator; 1 tit ecl roll.E awl ccuffleri; 1 'niaoiark sliread etas Twat; 1. binder. 1 Mower. ke; 1 ar. a, laatllai•r r;o;.tn ng trtndelmic; tatocebotat. 2 iron cow chains; ear, rope and gut double harness. nearly pats aver* harness; 2 seta single. aA number of 3torso collars. Ea,t«. rt t k. water trough, grain 'bap.' rebase :aztd horse blankets, gravel box new:b & rack; buggy slants; pig rack' pig trough, and lawn roller, chielteo'! coc ps and crates, rent Separator; iteik carts. 1t. quantity of 'Islay orad trrt.w; marigolds, turnips; .Hulett barley and oats. chairs, forks ova➢s, !hoes,trews and other arti©- v tCQ nll1aterotas to mention, Ilouslzbold Furniture—Mating stove burn lcaf ta'bie, kitchen theirs.: adder, tinware. crocks, ilishes pails; , etc. Marta cousisiitg of Lot 10 con, 10. 1.:1.bbrrL 100 acres of which; 15 acres'. r: hardwood hush, 60 acres, in grass, Gall cho'ce land w ll fenced, -.e11 drain td and to gond •stale, of cultivation. ;zrge new bank liar:+. ]'ostti.vely tno reserve as the Pro Arietor is moving to .Exeter. Terms of Real Estate made; known on play of sale. Chattels Alf sums of $5 and under -. cosh over that amount 12 months cre- dit stall be given ore Cure:tithing ep provret joint notes. A discou.at of 'a per -cent in lieu of cotes. Mrs. Gorle arid Thos Cameron Jos. Wills ,Proprietor Auctioneer 1i.yone ivish'tcg a good farm will do s 11 to look thee up as this farm s going to 'Ise sold. lit tYttclascal, ?i,rt"1 li 1S.11114E. ar ftp t ` el. Oct. 'e. 1 bard 4' "s�ymbernlar%Sr varix; '.7.4o, w that Detw 'Canada and to Miro* :Rock, Istitern t1lsion Bridge, tf3 now co rik Hemlock L bar lEt9ngh Pine Dressed and Dress Red Oedar Shingles 14 soap,' bone tinny lit Inti; she The boxtes lambs, -real tY.. into tine d ttf fit 4 celerp. C8 €ti15t1 ;sad;" hills h".iatl ends of ptctbiit' vita b happen to be Osi on - 0 dd strength and j of Ilitasrp ere opirit of known oth vh Spruce aed Cedar Pence Posts 9 feet ed Ceda, Fonoe Posts 10 feet, All Sty4es of Woven Wire Fe lee and 'Gates Blue Eurek A. The maker executed It ons reeds triotisui un - s. Some years Haytian army e in Paris. order to the best of. his ability; but the eye was returned front Port au Priace, with letter complaining that "the eye you forwarded re, is of a tint that resembles the Spanish flag. I am far too patriotic to wear any colors but those Of my owe country." After as- certaining from the Minister of Ma- rine, the colors of the Hayti= stand- ard, a scarlet and green eye was de- spatched, and this met with approved. —London Daily Cbronicle. The Orele„. of rocas. On Nov. 12 1381, the Order of Fools was ins'tituted by Adolphus, Count of Cleves. Members were not by any means idiots, however, for the word had a different meaning then. They were the prototype of our moderu fraterna orders, doing ttot'Irtry a similarly benevolent work. Their insignia consisted of a mantle, upon -kr ,quare the left shoulder of which -was era- broldered a jester, or fool, in cap pki EH and belle, yellow hose and, silver vest. So these cheery, useful jokers had " 4 a bright, happy outlook upon life and met together to dispense the earnest their healthful existence at stated intervals, the chief day of which was For tbe S‹ "I want my son to enjoy' his boy- ] hood, because he will bo n 'ld only "That's all welt. ellen t ihere's ne's. children." one's children. enjoynaent in giving "Then why did yor 3usly -when your btry dime 1.0 pay his hear. 1 know 115 pent the ' 1.14Oro toys,: 0 PON O, Oct.Reea3pts Q9 els at the Lttloat`rtra➢s ;fere tile,: ::860 ho s, t111� sheQli bs stud. '38'7 ,eahes. , " Aut;hors' �atUe. a7 butcher*' ittcara o�i lat eS.25 to ad betrlaore' steal at, S to $3.56; sat litttelters' tat $7.GQ to $7a- to $7.25; common at 46.50 Iowa at 45.75 to $7; good 46,+0; medluna fat 5$.7$ dilation eorvs at $4.73 to $0.GD; rs and Butters at $;.GQ to $4; light $5 to :50x..'5; ]teary bulls ateti.5t) The rasa+ s ivtd cal letter to LOT O.ae ttai; Receipts were liberal and prices un. hinged. Choice steerS sold at 77 to 17.25; good steers ttt 40.00 to $0.15, and etocii- Mtlkers and Springers. oderate supply of milliere nee rtes.:ere, which sold readily at 465 to eaeh, the bulk belhg bought at 370 6 mete Veal calves'. ep -ere inoiterete prices Choice calves sold at to $117 n at el to e7.00; interior, rough. eastern calves at 75,00 to 76.50. Sheep and Lambs. A small delivery of Iambs caused 'prices to be much. firmer. but sheep were steady. -Ewes sole at 15.50 to 76.25; heavY ewes and rams sold at 74 to $5; cuns at 72.50 to 33; lambs sold at 77 to 73.10; culls at Hogs. Selects fed and watered sold at 43.50. $8.15 f.o.b. cars, atal 78.75 weighed off cars. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK'. 1VIONTBEAL, Oct. 5.—Butchers, cattle,* choice, 78.25 to 73.50; butchers' catUe, medium, 77.50 to 78; butchers' cattle. common, 75.25 to 76,50; canners, 73.75 to 75; butchers' cattle, choice cows, 76.75 to 77; butchers' cattle, medium, 75.75 to 461 butchers' cattle, bulls, 75.25 to 77; milk- ers, choice, each, 780 to 785; milkers. cominon and medium, each, $70 to $15; springers, 755 to 765; sheep, ewes, $5.50 to 75.75; bucks and culls, 75 to 75.25; 79.50; calves, 75 to 720. EAST BUFRALO LIVE STOCK. EAST 131JFIPALO, N.Y„ Oct. 5.—Cattle —Receipts 4500; fairly active; prime steers, 79.50 to 710; shiPPing, 78.55 to 79.40; butchers, 77.25 to 79.35; heifers, 76 $7.50; stockers and feeders, 76.25 to 77.75; stock heifers, 75 to 76. Veals—Iteceipis 1502; active, 15 to 712. Sheep and lamos—Reeeipts 10,000; sheep, slow; lambs, active; ianshs, 75.50 to 77,17; yearlings, 74.50 10 76.75; weth- mixed, 75.55 to 75.75 Te.xas steers, 70 10 tu 54: swelters and feeders, 75,25 /0 ;7 vows oinii heifers. t, biter is, `➢gr�d achet.` arttatio a from ti ell by .public! exact COQ. 7 'Tp, titeptten saattft of Orediton, ONS 1 ilea'()l3RIt fi. '101 ti" ediv 44 Xallularr one heifer enc ears *id due to calve+ in liceencluir rising three 'years. due to War riei brae van old; five ; Ming three years old; 'three ,r1Sing two eeers old. Six. spring ow December; eighteen pigs Three eoliths old. SHEEP Hive ewes. Th's s".ack all well "bred arid in ood condition. There %val. be rot re- erve as the proprietor has; given ap nits ler= and implemeate tor his sore -• has all the stock he Weeds so this ock 'be eold to outsiders at any IISTATE—There will also be teinieg telly eeres more ors less; the orth half of Lot 5„ corcesside 4, Tp, of Stephee. T.his is a good pasture, farm and pleely of good weter. A ',Leine, creek runs across the corner- iTERAIS Oh' SALE - Oita ttels--All sums of $10 and, tire For cash over that amount .12 mod- ths credit (he given on iturnighing ,,eproved joint noles discount of 5 per cent off for cash in Lien of notes. Beal Estate -8500 down the eirst of !November, 1914, The ;bale:ace can be left, ty.a (the farm by ehe perches& niving a mortgage on the same at 5 per cent. Isaac Bill Jairres Stanley Auctioneer "She's getting rather plump." "Yes, but don't You dare to tell her so. She .nearly sued her hus- band for a, divorce an aeceuut of her complaining that he had an elephant -upon his le:aids, snd she thought. he meant her, and be only meant a house he was trying to rent." Louis of the Oysters. Louis des lauitres (Louis of th. oysters) was the nickname given to Louis XVIII. ef France because he lived in high style and especially en- joyed oysters: In. Feench this nick- name iS a faiely good one, as his off", :alai name was leouis dix-huit (Hie like des huitres. An Unusual Ouse.. r doesn't seem, 10 r losa mite h, of a m is Auction' Sale o The undersigned a.uoti neer w sell Itie publi.c tido, on. LOT 9 CON. 1, USBORNE 1 1-2 miles South of Exteler. frCESDAY OCTOBER, 20, 1014 At ono o'clock. sharp . ll'orses—Driving, mare 10 years old i foal Lord of Ma cols ; carriage yrarirar heavy draught mare. eapposed lo he in calf; 4 yearlir.g calves. , Pia•s—ltraerl sow. due to Ifarrow be- ginning o".'. Nov; 2 brood. sow,s due las,t of Nov. Mso ;number hens, good collie dog, foot .1..eQi land. rooter; 8 ft, cultivator 3 section lever 'harrows. Fleury walle- tag' plum; ,No. 21; 111axw ell root pal- oer. these implerneri Is ate ,a11, new. 1)1c harness, top buggy, road car't, cook stove. coal or wood and other ail:Mies too numerous to marl- 1ii, on 'Curt ishing approved joint -notes ner cent per annum off for cash. There will be no reservle as She Proprietor. Auctioiceer, ITC $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND S13,508,0 AVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS erest the current rate is allowed On all tiepoSitS of SI votel Account5 may bo 0E1r.wd la Ow namos of two droAval4 ba made by elle' Cele Pr Otero ,Oef 1,7 s Exeter Bran bySixlmaat:LACCatiPtslo ore person5, IT, Manager AN, Atomiser, , ed A, MASON ioctirrEcT got, Louden. Gear; rt, - Wings; rm extras; ding to build will 44 No charge for vnt.A o tie MOND ST. It led !togas eow, $0arling steers and i yes; 3 'Yorlz4ONV9, With lit foot. 0 otore hogs, 125' lbs weight. timelier of pure bred Plymouth .r00 trp1113 and pullets. 10 tons of let aloes bay a quantity or straw MU an acre turnips, half an acre ot mangoltes tar trough' Positively no roan.° as the Propriaor is moving Ido town ewe, credit en fureishing improved joint cores 0 per tent per ennum orr for cash on credit emoutes. J. MeDoneld Mhos, Cameron Prop. Ana, PI ST MOSS IINDS INDIGtSTI ON ort GAS ON STOMACH The question as to li2w Ion you ore going to continue to suffen'Irom. Indigestion dyspepsia or out -of-ore der stomach is merely a matter of how soon you begin taking Toroliee People twith weak stomachs should there will be no more Indigestion or reelieg like a lump or lead irt the stomach, no !heartburn, sour risings gas lea. stomach, or belching of areligt- ested food., headaches. dizziness or sick stomach. and besides. what yea eat will not ferntent or poisoa your these symptoms resulting from a sem. ont of order stomach feed dyspepsia are genetally relieved rivo minutes atter taking Tonoliee Tablets, Go to your ,druggist and g,et, a ,$1 box ofeTenoline Tablets a•el yea will always go Ito the table with a hearty. anpuille and what you ,eat will taste good 'because stomach and intestines will be cican and fresh aed you will. know there is ntit going to be any more bad eights and miserable days for you. Tormliee tabs freshea you and make you !eel like lire, is worth :50 'days treatment. At druggists or mailed by (American Proprietary Co Dosenri Mass. 4 • CENTRAL 6, • treputation Tor high 4,:,,rarle work and for the success of lt,s graduates, a school with super - give individual laiiteretion Commercial Shorthand and Tel- egraphy Departments. 1Why al- 0 tend elswhere when there. Is room here? You may enter al '0'. ate time. Write for our large 0 free catalogue. D, A. MoLACIHILA Principa anor Graduate of Tor to eity Office over Dickaon ling'14 Law office. Closed Nircrarsoi day afternoons. Phone Office II Residence 6 b, A. Boner Ora eraity a of Toronto tiaaaa Teeth extracted without polo. any bad affects. Offloo ores 1741a4o *mon & Stenharyea Office Blain eity Mine and residence Domini/4 Labratory.. Exeter. Lai Associate Coroner of Huron 1 for the elolson:s Bank etc. Money to Loan at lowese ratea of blir terest. MONEY TO LOAX We have a large amount a Arita ate funds to loan en farm and vile lege properties at lowest rate of UP terest. Barristers, Solicitors, Mein Hee Farmer's Mutual Fire insur-,-. Head Office., Farquhar, lartM.0 Vice President 110I3T. 14 J. IITJSSELLi AGENTS s, Parciub ,eeeee,et Fusileaiy.on,AT, .arnToduaRLNoglatun.L1 For "admits and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of