HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-10-1, Page 8P NE
New. Fallart4.'
Winter �aa�s
We ale showing by far the best and biggest as
sol trrent of New Fall ,nd Winter Coats for
Ladies and Missses ever offered before.
The cloths al:ld styles are so entirely dif
fertnt from last seasons. No two coats
ate alike_ Come in and see them and
oring your friends with you.
Ladies Fur Collared
This cut shows our New Fur-.
Dike )oat, for Ladles.. `.the col-
ll S are of Choice American: able.
e can show you both the quilted
Iia,d the curl linings. The cloth is a
oveIy Kersey, Every coat its fully
guai'antteed See . them ,before you
We are proud of our showing of Deng and
minis );'all and Winter Coats You will find
the style you are looking for here. The price
will be what you are willing to pay,
nicla rt -Piety of calors ip tiie newest etyles
See otti Special :for filen, with red, green air
garnet triatanlInge. Great value at 51,60
Ardatt wilt, arta can be seeding Furs. We have a
big asaorttttent of the newest styles for the ear-
ly buyer, We will be glad to show tom to yon
Corot tion Underwear is beeoz)
popular every. season, This year t
larger range, in different sleights.
Etre to
Buyers to share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1, 1014, to August 1, 1015, and
guaranteed against reduction during that time.
Touring Car ........ $ 590
Runabout ....,...... 51O
Town Car .... 814
In the Dominion of Canada only
FTThLTHEB. we Will be adlr to obtain the maximum efficiency in our
factory production. and the minimum cost in ou.r purenasing andsales
departments IF ire ran reach an output of ao,Oop oars between the
adore dates
AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer's
shares,. from 40 to :did per ear. (on or about August 1, 1915) to every re-
tail buyer who pnrsbases a new Ford car between August I, 1214, and
Far further particulars regarding these low prices and profit-sharing
plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Derler.
Farm for Sale
Tee property of the late Tliomae
Priv k Louse, bankbarn and frame
eerie. 3 good evelis, windmill, goeti
ere 'i, bout V8 acres of good t d-
wood bush containing about 1500 sm.
gar maple, trees. Soil clay loam, well
drained and fenced. Farm to
good state sof cultivation, one half
mil.: from. Centralia Station.
Possession can be given to suit
For terme and particulars apply to
Geo, G. Essery Gladmaa'&Stanbury
Centralia Baristers . Exeter
Farm for Sale
56 acres ofgrass .land, w. 1-2 tot 9
concession 10 Towt;ship of Hibbert.
abundance of water supplied by, good
steel windmill, Apply to John .Leary
Cromarty ,for ;particulars
.Eight Roomed; brick veneered house
On Wiliam Street Exeter Good sit=
' nation. Price .(825,00 s A. • snap
Also ;Premier se0arators, $45,00
Apply to W. M. Elatchford
401 Morley Ave.. ,
_- •;, Toro at6Pa i. �L b...:.
At Whalen,, store and dwelling
house 3-4 acres Of land a frame Stable
For +full particulars apply +to Geo. H.
MilIson, It. R. No. 1..Gra!nitore 8t -9-4t
tiouse For
Comfortable frame
house with stable
�?- lots of land. Dela:
trally located.
Bargain; apply
Market Report -The following is
the report of the Exeter market
reeted op. to 'Oct let
Wheat VL00 to :1.16.
Oats 40 to 42.
Barley, 60 •to et2;
Buckwheat 50 to 60
Peas 90.
Low Grade Flour 51.70
Shorts 227.
13ran $26.
Flour 3 25.
Eggs 24 and 25 ee'a'ts,
Butter 22 and 24 cents- ,
Glearneru 13ut•ter 30.
G` icle,r. 10
Roosters '7c.
Backs 9e
Turkeys dressed 15o.
Dried ripples 4e,
Potatoes 60 to 75;.
Hogs 8,40
Read the anccion sale advts orf
totge rotIr,
_Mr, Douglas Stewart of ,Stratford,
visited at his home aver Sunday.
'If you, want the bread that tickles
the palate use MODEL FLOUR.
Mr, d oe Devia of I,oadQc. spent; 'thea
eek end with Lilee parents lir and
dos Davie Reeler north.
1F.sc Annie Bissett has returned
honeafter visitieg Ler eister ic, Sea-
yrra, 11, 11, Vole ell .of R,•grna, as ac;
cafe C+Xtre„ctl Viso arida lwr mother -in -
v. Urs, 3'oweli.,
1e e:ty of f,o,ador, will pay '$177,200
fo. r ireelraece Go the eeideess who
gone to the froct
qtr. 5.
M, Sanders hats sold his
hoose on Albert '£creel to Ur, :kleale
Cj+.i15' of Ifsbarnee, Mr. 4oultis take£
Possession soor_.
Mr, Rill ,Travis has rented 'the house
on the cuof Huron and Galrliing
'S, ra•el s !`rozsaErs, I3riltnell. owl has
ineved in.
Jlr< Co,Y'Neil, of Or;R1ll1?y Tad
graltdanughter,. .lies Gladya Evans,;.
of liarnilton are ttte guests oe Mr,
and 31rs, 3, It Powell
Mrs, `es, Cole and $04 of Exeter'
ere the goeste or the forrtler's parents
:dr. And 3Lrs, Edtivarei xtrA, for d
('ow day,the past week• --Luca; S?Gtt.
;At sere, Rams, 'lVintleor, Glare, Wood
a;id Tomo Feebale left, this week, for
1 oraar zo w•ha re they will ottt; c4 LTta•
latrga^ ttdtt9tll
4901 town ItOQ)r
me ar.ars»wn fair iaak >R rad`ficr
kus fa late aattdµttdaoce ;aid a0e}cod ex'
ilaits,. T,h1 ova r aa;ts fitae.
:a1r4, o ,fitatnlaury rturcedf ffQzri
`foroatto Arts 't reel: aa.4 ryas z4eco
l>;z,aied'by flt,s K, Gib:set. !olio visor
her aleph ir, J. Ce 5tat..bury
a few diva,
l)aatlr of a 1'idueer-.,X', John , Ic-
Donald o1 the 2nd concession, or Tuck-
erantitli passed :'to the better bora(
ott.'I•uesitas' Septa mbar 2'.',ad A,tir, blc-�
tlona,ld's illnesswas of n abort dem-
ion. as he was rtlwaye au healthy',
orous man. and it woo only giving
away at of good age of tin "years.
tt .- r, iforob}• or Ellaville con-
il'iteted 'the services in James Street
Methodist' ebureli oatunrlay last ir.
the absence o[ `the pastor who is ort-
tending' generrtl conference nt Ot-
tawa, '..Next Sabbath, Rev, 0, W.
llal;er, B. A. D. I). or'Woodhull, will
Mrs. Alex M.i'cl.itosh of Portage is
Prairie Mlazi, 'itacsed away on :Sept
15th, at sthe ngt' of 54 yrs, following'
au illresas of over a years durotlot.
The deceased went \vest froom Brus-
sels Oat, in 1551. She was a broth-
eo of 31r, J" Ilafll of Exeter.
11Xiss Jencie llardy, stenographer,'
with 3fessrs Gladrz1 -n and Stanbury
for several years has resigned her
Position anal leaves on Thursday for
Toronto where she evilI train for a
Deaconess. Miss hardy has ,mace
.....de it:, town who will wish her
s,irress in her choses calling.
This is the last week you evil/ have
the opeartunity to register a guess on
the Regina watch that is being' given
away free at Lawson & tricks. The
watch will be wound up ar.d ache leer-',
son guessing !nearest the hour s min,-
tttes and secou-ds it will run will re-
eeive the watch. Your only obhrgga-
lion is to register a guess without
On Saturday last a horse bclocgini
to lir. ML Sleamon, of Ceborce, be-
vame'frighte-ned at a small a agoe. on
the sidewalk while tied` to a veraa-
-+h post in =front of Walter's shoe',
shop. The Boise jnmeed and pulled`
out 'the post which tali over tthe hor-
ses neck acd in the mixup the horse
was thrown.' It was lir hitched from
the buggy and with the exceptioc of
some broken harcess little damage'',
was done.
The boys who are drilling for home
defence are malting excellent pro-
gress in-goi'cg; through 'the different
mew/levers. Drillicg; takes place in
the Exeter skating riot: and the boys
are taking great icterest in it. Last
Friday ` nearly forty was presectt but
still 'there is room . !for others, and
as most of those orilling at present are
from town the officers would 'be
pleaed to have a number or recruits
`'rom the country.
Blatchford -Campbell -The home of
lir, and Mrs, D. O. Campbell, Mc-.
'i;ntyre Street, North 73ay, was the
scene or Wednesday of last week' of
the 'marriage of their only daughter
Cora A. to Dr Franklic A. Blatchforcd
Of Fort William, Ada, of Mr. ar.d Mrs.
Blatchford of Hinsell" by the Rev.
T. J. S. Fergusoa St. Acdrew's. church
The bride wore a wedding gowc of
white satin charmeusse aid Shadow
face and pearls, with tulle veil tired
orange ,blossoms. ' ',Mae, bridesmaid
eliss,Dorotby Gutelit.e of Mo'nctoc N
0. wove crepe chiffon with ser uir lace
and black picture hat. :The best. mac.
was Dr, ,Duncae A. Campbell brother
of •the bride and the' wetiI:Lg march
was played by Miss Bettie Paynter
After refreshments the bridal- couple
left -for -a trip through Eastern cities
the bride iccaring a smart salt of
Labrador blue with hat 'to match. Af-
`_er Nov. lst they will bo at '.home in
Fort William
Pa0:113. 29
• High Class (foods Always
on Hand •
4.. 4
• 4
• 4
Pelesware, Letokatwent as
Wetstee-r, C oea1 Coy'$
Egg* Stove Sea Chestnut.
aarete.illy Hssrcd*ed &
Peetiwe -eat .Presarn. >k'i3
W. LdevOtt
James Beverley
FUNERAL Df asoro.
rain St-, Exete
P flh1e.74a,
rrCA aCa 'i "
le his*dat;1u Stir, $remark,
gish L.Iver artif ioavels-They;
pilo you sloop,.
Tome, Bad Taste, Intliges,
1pn, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
fiches come from a. torpid liver and
bloggeat bowels, which cause your
stomach to b9cOflr„lt1C .an3tIN ,•matt•
Bested<food,'4(o.ti n sours and temente,
like garbage in a swill barrel, fatett:
the• first step to, untold, m iiory lndi--
> station, tout gases,, bad breath, yellow'
asltln, mental tears, everything that its
horrible and nauseating, A Cascaret'
tanfgbt 'will giver_ >y*our constipated,
bowels ir a thorough cleansing mid
straighten you out by int>rnintyA+`1 oy:
work while you e1ee+p . 10- em.. box
from your druggist will keep you toe-
ing good for znaniiis.
Mr. J A. Stewart is eshowing
some fine War • Pictures in his
Mss Mary Day is visiting at 'Bran
ford and Toronto.
Mr, Percy Gillis visited in London
for a few days.
Mr, Will Amos, 'of Stratford vis-
ited h.s parents ;here over Sunday,
Mrs:Brown n who'has spent, the sum.
mer visiting with, relatives is
Scotland re"turccd to town 3Xonday
Mr, Wil on who las beet away for
several weeks returned, oc Saturday
and is "tiisiticg his daughter Mrs, W
i) Clarke..
LOST -1n tsborte' on Sept , 29th
Fastin colored waterproof, )'icder hilt
be rewarded by leaving same ; at
Times office.
It you: have grass ,land that 'coed's
renovaticg, try Basic Slag on it and
save the expsnse • of re -seeding.. An
ply this fall, See.tElarvey Bros. '
Mr, Fred.Ale4lister .who is visiting
at the James Street parsonage, ad•
dresed the James. Street Sundae,
School last Sabba'th., afternoon,
James. Street League, have secured
the Glee Club of Ithaca Conservatory
of Music, of Ithaca N. Y. for an ec
terMiement on November 10tb.
Cave.n Presby terian:.Sunday School
held their Raley last Sabbath morning
There was a splendid tureou't and an
interestieg program was rendered:
The Ladies Patriotic tea room will
be opened 'oc Saturdiay next •Trona 3
to 10 p. m. ,A11,artt. nvited to' take
tea or lunch at acy hour ,vlhi.ld thio
rooms are ; opea.. •
itr, and Mrs,•,,Hiram Shipton ar-
rived home ifrom their 'weakling 'trip
on Monday, evening and a number of,
boys sfivareed -ahem during the evert:-
Grace church congiegatioc pur-
pose holding harvest festival services
oa !Sunday next" Oc`t. '4th' wihen Rev.
I1. M. Langford -of -Listowel . w-i1,t
preach anornirg and averting and 'at
St. Paul's church, Hensel]. ab 3 p. m.
The Sunday School„Bally Day exer-
cises last Sabbath' Mors -ding, WCIT quite
takete Tor the Geceral S. S. Fund. The
Ilona decoratioos were beautiful The
evening, serviceeeve,s taken hy the Das"
tor after oh obsecce of three meeek.s
vacatioc e."
Miss Baker of 'Saginaw hfiebigat
Lies letup/led after visiticg her cousin
Miss IVi15011
'Mr, Bantle t)'Brein now Of
Blerye was a recent visitor to
Mrs, Thompson of 'Calgary is vis -
'Ting at Norman Mitchell's.
'Mr, Thomas, Mite:hell has beet or.
q. visit to his daughter north a Tor -
On Tuesday -Ifterroon 1, meeting of
tie, ladies of 'ehe village and surround
ing conctry' was heId in the basement
of the Methodist churCh to consider
the advisability a orga!niziCg for
patriotic purposes. „A. Society was
formed Jo be limow E. as. th Centro).
Patridtio League with, Mrs, El-
liott as presIdents Mrs, Gen. ',Hicks-
vice-pres Miss Vera Essery, Sec, and
3.1rs,- WM..' Parsons Treasurer, Who
vasing doronnttee, Mesdames Du -
plan Davis, G. Hicks; X. 'Utehelt,
On •Motday naornine•:1)ouglas, and
Ewart Plateroford leftt'for Toronto to
...Next Sunday .the services hem. are
to be coodqc`ted by Mr, .EharleA 'ea Et*
of Exe ter,
E---4rkted fall lair WaS a Ed sae -
Friday was the tor day and ;..xtelket
veather drew out a large crowd of
visitors from many mites groar-d-
was the children's depot kgogt and
a great deal of ietierZ4-1, was di*
'played by the boys and Th4
borticultural department t¢..4 nget-
The eviatre of attract or. hoWeVer
elms ituatoe carried ofe
the rnajoriky pri4es against keen
competition has it- p:...xcettent
rd aad ',hey' are iv, splendid C911"
arkton fair CQ get Ian
he dtifineti#4
e wait
e the
the soolO$
Ilighiy gratified
2,20 tror,
3\144v Uwe
A. Vedtiold
eet it.
ate wal
stor"yi or
Roasts retain their natural flair°
bread, cakes, pudding's, etc., baked in a
always come fresh and sweet
from its perfectly ventilated
sold by T' HAWKINS 85 SON.
rnportant News
toys of Xmas, Thus this Xmas will show
a still larger assortment at very low prices.
Don't be in a burry, youll get serve
for speoial window atsplays. Come in often
and Took around, you're
o ; one-year filly
Or gelding. 3. Dutteao; team in har-
ness lls prixe $.15.00 cash by Molso;r4
best horse or coil in class V. Bodge:
raised real ID 1014 W. 3. .11eid
3 yr -old filly or gelding R. Birch. A,
or gelding. vitas, Atkinson, E. Fran -
Commerce Brater, silver medal, lio;
$.10.00 IS. 'Wood; best horse or colt it
'Teary Draught -Brood mare hav-
pouw•, Two year, or gelding -Jas.
tbree er old filly or gelding, 3.
Allison 1 & 2; team in harcess Wm.
Brock, Fred Hanson. best horse or
colt in class, Woo Brock.
Ilackney, special. best draft 1,17111
Judge A. Utiles.
Roadsters -brood mare having
raised font C. EValll$, Thompson, Bros.
foal of 1914, C. Evans, !Thompson
Bros: 3 yr. old filly or gelding Win.
Brock 1 & 2; two year old filly or
gelding A, M. Driver, R. Sweitzer/
ond year old filly or gelding IL Roes.
L, 'Walkoni. single roadster, C.
Continued on page 5
Hints on Hair Health
If you use our treatment, we will
either stop your hair from falling or
pay tor the treatment ourselves.
Dandruff is a e,ontagious disease
caused by a microbe, which if not
removed causes baldness. This
microbe often comes from a comb
or brush belonging to someone else,
'If you are troubled with dandruff,
itching scalp, falling hair, or baldnese,
we believe that Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic will do more than anything else
to remove the dandruff, destroy the
germ, make the scalp healthy and
atop falling hair, and, if there is any
life left in the roots, also promote
growth of new hair.
We believe that probably 65 per
cent of the cases of baldness cotild
be overcome if people -would only
use Reran "93" Ifair Tonic for a
reasonable time, as directed.
We don't want you to take our
word for this. We want you to test
the merits of Rexall '"93" Hair
Tonic at our risk. If you use it and
it does not give satisfaction, Just
come back to us and tell us, and we
will immediately hand back to You
the money you paid for it. You
promise nothing, eign nothing and
your mere word will be taken for it.
We are dependent upon your cone
&knee and patronage, mid we would
not make these claims, or make this
offer if we dill not believe that R,eirall
:''93" Hair Tonic is the very beat hair
preparation you can uee. Two sizeo of
bottles, 50e and $1.00.
You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonto
• Exeter 27,6 Store Ontario'
Them is A Rexall Store in nearly every town
mad city in the United States, Canada and
hat Does A* he Talk
That the
one guess-
ing nearest
the time
this 17.jew-
elled Reg-
ina will run
ou one
will receive
this watch
Mahi Street, Exeter
spoe1G43;LI:3allArIV. :111a7ctitgricobe:W:teilx•e'tiehbtriantellletrwpetrehok; SOUR, ACID STOMACHS,
station Low, ocCupied by Mr, Richar,d
Tere''',e. Mr, Terry expects to moee
',into his fine neAir, residenee on Vic -
'Aerie Street about the middle of the
Horses NCratuted-,Reinounts and ar-
tillerY horses wanted at Doyle' sta-
blii Exeter. Home' . Wednesday's
Poren For Sale --A neat porch iv
good , repair, and tecently , painted
,,Farinere growine- corn for the Gen-
tling .,factory will kindly bring a
sample ,cob )to the factory \ellen they
%vitt be advised when to dei/ver same
Exeter Canning -CO
, ReiceelY for weedy ei.erY ordinary 'auroral ill- All kinds of woodworkine,
The Reran Stores are Arnerlaes (noted d°ne'-'at a reala.na iL"' Price at 11115aellsi
, Drug stores, BlockimitA shoo,.
Each "Papes Diapepsin" digests 301013 -
grains food, ending all stomach
misery in five minUtes.
Time it! In live minutes all stom-
ach distress will go. No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness or belching of
bgraesa, tahciodr, ohreeadruacchtaet.lons of undigest7
speed in regulating upset stomachm.
It is the surest, quickest stoinachtren-
edy in the whole world and besides it
Is harmless. Put an end to stoma*
, trouble forever by .getting 1argie
fifty -cent case of Pape's Dlapepsfis
from any drug store. You realiz:*
five minutes how needless It In to air -
stomach disorder. It's the quickeoto
surest and' most harmleee eitotaleobe
doetor in the world,