HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-9-24, Page 816`� IV v 6 9 SONiBLE PRICES PREVAIL E S FOR FALL startmut, is becoming better ec.tuip1)e i very ,lay t,o iueet your needs. �a Ill glad th ewest lythe and the most o.d: to Styles at this store. No two Coats Select your New Coat NOW,, S'v 'E +.:Ti;r COTS Far every toetuttrrorl'the fanitly i viirietlr cif cotrir 4 at,Ut7, we,ices in the best Prices ieh sof cell. MENS FELT' HAI; Vine fall hat is lucre, fine English and America, made in the New i~szU S Priced at $2 and $2,23. Market .deport—The following 1.5 the report of the Exeter market rc etet up 'to, 24th;. Wheat ;1,00 "to $1,10 Oats 45 13a:rley 60 to 62. Buckwheat 50 to 60 Fleas" 90,, Low Grade Floor $1.70. Shorts ec',27. Bran 1126, 1*lour 3 25. Eggs 24 and 2,5 cents, antler 22 and 24 ceras Creamery Butter 30- C eleker; 10 Roosters tic. Ducks 9e Turkeys dressed Igo. Dried apples 4e, Potatoes 60 to 70. Hogs, S, 80, 444444444444444444444444. 41 LOCAL 4 4444494 4444444 Wednt"day eras the .first day :fon,s :G May are paste, 4e- per 1 for dried apples, tier. "6b rru, 'S :tt' vistaed h;s, da r ah.- Lore-1otT. last week` Mr G. co4hrane of Berlin, is visit of �. er1 ir, Wm. Leavitt, Mrs, Wm. IE'awden is spertcirug : tt rnoath , is',t eg %t Gcderitell M» ' rry 'aS.ea z 1 f,"1" Sattnrday to kart a. 4 Ch.; t mHeeireess College, tts. tV m, i lkvs<ll has. re +rated aIA for over a week in I o f f 44444+4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 m 4 t s - aloes, J. >•?. 6lclao+Y.xlri ,hunts : i. vv'i 3-.. rsxa Friday ;errerreon oa alt 5lis" l', 3tetl,se, tat 1`+ t:igham, ''at- i: sh,. v.eek end with .Miss Jaz.t i1g•ia,c 3Z: ,f,'^six Creech lasts returned Nott:., ;crier visiting for a few day's' to ."Lotldtpc.,.. Mr, L. Jones of St, Thomas, viist >d with relatives in town the forepart oil tho week, )1s'$srs Fred and Clive ri visitIn +^ their parc's.,a', tit parsonage. gas Lilian Bails oil London is reOs. Mr, at,Mrs.'. :5 l e ter North. )1cAilator' at ;lames • rpd cltilklru�aa is itBa Mr, atRti od :holo" Torotnt Buyers to share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1, 1914, to August 1, 1915; and guaranteed against seduction durirg that time. Touring Car $ :i90 Runabout .... 5l0 Town 0,1r• . 840 In the Dominion of Canada only FilITIlEit we .will headlatoobtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and•the minimum east in our purenasizur and sales departments IF we can reach an output of 30,000 ears between the adore elates AND should we reach this production we agree to pay. as the buyer's shares. from $40 to fi60 per ear (on or about August, 1, 1915) to every re- tail ban er who pnrebases a new Pox(' ear between August 3, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding; these low prices and profit-sharing plan, ate the nearest Ford Branch or Derier. FORD I1OTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED FORD ONTARIO Farm for Sale LOT 7 CON. 1. STEPHEN Tees property of the late: Thoma+ reshcry Rrirk louse, bank barin and frame h': n.' 3 good 'Wells, windmill, gocd r>r�b lin s bout 8 acres of good 1 d - wood, bush containing- about x00 eu- gar maple, trees. Soil ;lay loam, well drained and fenced. Farm in good state ;of cultivation, one half mile from Centralia''Staatidn. 'Possession can be given to suit Purchaser. For terms and particulars apply to Geo,. G. Essery Gladman'&Stanbary Centralia 13arleters Exeter Farm for Sale 1G acres of grass land, a v. 1-2 lot 9 eonctsston 10 Tow, ship of Hibbert. abundance of water suppited by good steel windtnil1 Apply to John Leary Crotnarty for particulars -27-4'fp FAR11i FOR SALE ' 106 acres on the Sauble concession Lot 5, Township of Stephen, county Of Huron; 1,1-4 miles from Grand Bend. Ont. Offers 'received' at Wi.ni n`,peg Ma!n.,, Box, 1191; Glias, be;;' c iorisia e204tp !TO RENT At Whalen„ store and dwelling house 3-4 acres df! land a frame Stable For Mull particalars apply to Geo: H. Milison, R. R. No. 1..GranftonR=.B-4(; House S; te For Comfortable frame house with stable & lots of land, cen- trally located.' A Bargain; apply Gladman Stanbury 444444 44P►,it'4p 4444Q 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ONTARIO a ROWE eaox.n 2y;+ UNDERTAKER s FURNITURE DEALER 4 4 4 4 4 High Class. Goods Always 0 4 4 EXETER 4 o 44a.o 4444+1x4444!4444444444 AND on Hand ro P&to w we, ifeeiicke3t.wattieta .fgc Western Ccz e i Coy's4 SCRANTON COAL Egg, Stoves Che trout THE BEST COAL iLL'Rn«fiuflEleimaled � ltiver'ed Promptly evett 'Miss 1✓rlliaa Voyle of London was home, over the week and, Mr, AI, ir. Doyle ishipped a load, of hors's to Tnrdq'tQ da 7'vesday' The l air`ktott° Fall fair will be held ort Tbnrsdacv and Friday of this week' airs, S. Martin has •returned ;home after visaing with relatives in Dor- chester. Mr, Harry Sweet returned to London Saturday- after holidaying at hishome here. 3Ir, Thos. ])Iay is esriously ill at the (home of his son: Mr; Jos. Mary, London Road south. Miss Edna, Folhek returned home last week after visiting far a few seeks in Teesevvater. t 1rean-d Mrs, A. Hooper of the Lake .Road, visited 'their solo Fred at Jai gersolt tor a few ,days, last week. 11r, Eerie 1i3riekwood of N -ragas, Falls, visited his Barents Mr, arid" Airs, 3, 13, Bri+el wgod derzag the past week. Ca nzpbeil—Russell-;:The home of 3Li Ur Thomas, Russell ,St, Marys former 13' of .Exeter was the scene. of a wedding on 'Sept 9ath pf Ens - sell 13. A, and. Roy L. Campbell 13. A'. 13. Sc. F., editor of the Canadian Poly and paper 3tagaatne 3lortreal azid. son of Mr, and Mrs, A. C. O:tnlparell of Ottawa, The ceremony was con- darted by Rev, Ii, ,Fav+•lie of;,0o1lirrg_ oocl, .attielte of the bi~ide who wore ream eh,arneeaase watt 1rimntinga ri>F lace arid Pearls and ?Tulle. caps With orapgo blossoms .land pearls. 31LeS ressle IT, 134sselt was gpvvsuted ip. Trade Nue charmeose with triMtalasgs oak lave, Mr,„ Gordon k3ols 23, A. Win. - pip eg wan "groQA? pla.ti Mr, "ar d lallt^s, staoliell "hayo loft for tis east, FURNITURE U1 41L'ER Ffl vii R ,. DIREOT OR AND ENHA,l ?d&l;M cat rz " t,, I xetet- hone 74 a, . l3, Oen third ;rata Ilerasaa 9. ,RIs i rad Ilt"r^. T. FlM1t a�ill° linvt tri vMattitag ;tor rtvo vtc°ots <l 13ovtanahville lam;ab l', gr;'•'alae Aor, riiltoa, rte- visirir e with 'her rear-- It;'s, anti Mr, Simcon tdstrupa'P.. C.r't•nlvood` nod fam9b' clic»Il, motored over and spent r c1 t with Mr, TOT, `1.i.hnptoa. Mr. and Mr., T,3, S, Gosnell or, won, ;feta, znn;ored tap on Friday r, rid .s.,1 >»tl, lay. day's at Jatnts:Street parsonage lar, ll., F `Ila sto,t is In Ottawa at nd;n t;lar t-et,s;ons of the gentYai atferetlee of the Methodist church. 1Ir, Milo Snell will hold an :notion soh' of h;s farm, stoelt and ample••; rnrortt:t on Oetob;r 20th; Particulars later lir., A, L. llartdford, of Renfrew. txtme up Saturday and was accornpan led home by hes daughter L:111an on 4oatda . lar, +rhos, Scldon accompanied by M. and \Ixs, T. E. Ilandford nt,d Ills, Labelle, of ]ngcreoll, motored; uli and spit nt: fair Day in town. X11 5 Alice Handford of town and 1liss cdtord returned last Saturday after an extended visit with :Porch'lor Sale --A neat porch in 1t,lit;v,S ae pi.lmyra..W.s.;Ind ett.ot good repair, and recently painted 4r, Samuel Skinrer, courcxllar of 1-sboree Tp was taker. suddenly ill last s.•eck aad is in a very serious. condition, IlLs 'maty friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs, J. Stewart Sr, has returned. home after visiting for a month with. bar grandson Ed, of. Locdon, Mt Will Stewart of Detro:t visited with her in Lotpdor for a few days. Bev; John hale, of 'Wardsville, 'will onduct the, ry �..rr.Yviin Trivitti Mem- orial orial church next Sabbath. The pas- tor Rev, 1J. W. Collins, will conduct Harvest Thanksgiving services at Warenv ille. Mrs. R. Fansor. and LWo children who have spent the summer it, the west, and hiss Clare Rooke of Cal- gary Alta., arrived in town. or: Mon- day evening and are visiting with I1r.. and Mrs, F, Durdle. Mr. and Mrs ,• Sam, Iiielland and three children of Vancouver, after a trip abroad, are visiting .svith Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Baker and other relatives, in this neighborhood.: Mr, Kellaud and family had difficulty in securiag passage home. Mr, W. J. Smith who has spent the summer at the home of his• parents London -Road South ihas taken a posi- t -Ion as Superintendent of ,the Knaipr Shoe, Co., of Buffalo, 'N. Y. firs. Smith cad little. daughter Hazel will join him +.ext week. Saccess Bill. Mrs, Jas, Westcort and daughter 1'.a who have been on arr extended visit with elle ' former's daughter Mrs, Rd. Coates and other relatives in thie neighborhood were called to Win- nipeg on Aiocday owing to 'the serious illness of. Airs, 'Westcott's granddaagh ter, Edna Ferguson. Drill ncght for t!he boys Who are training Lor home defeeee has been changed from Thursday to Friday evenicgs. ,The skating rink has been secured for Friday evenlogs, and this v 11 ensure drilling regardless of Lhe weather. Seven o'clock is the hour for starting. rip lets 'ref Gor + l t N 1, mng lorr f.lh Taroatfa, visit ip . t th cts 10 c 15ct --- and — 5 cis Important News We have just received our last shipment of toys of Xmas, Thus this Xmas we will show a still larger assortment at very low prices.. Don't be in a bulgy, youll get served. Watch for special WindQW displays. Come in often and look around, you're welcome, Special day Sale, ISIMIONMEINUMMENNIEVIR P Ela S ORNMINMENOMONMOMMEMINNONRONIMEEMOWINSMINMOSIONIt Ms" Horses Wanted--.Itpnptraitts Arid or tillr'ry horses ,v{cnn'd It Doyle' 9ta- tile in, Lxeter. bone Wednesday's and Satiyrday's, Mr, 'S, 0, Jones of Ayr, formerly of the Bank of Commerce staff in tipsvn spent the past week ;here vis�- itzrig with ,friends. 3SamWay Oetobt'r 12th has been fix- ed for T.hanksgiving clay. The day` %tas first fixed for Thursday Oct, Sth. twat was later charged to lfondaty lfr, iit.eDiarmzd of Toronto occupied. Elio pulpit in ,Caches Street pleural/ last Sabbath in the interests or the Doulin;bn Ailiclrce. .Collection and. 5libseriptions were taken, 1Ir, T, O. 'Southeoitt and bride sir-: ,riv“d home from their wedding trip this week, They arrived in town lt,et rl'hursda3• evening and spent the .re-. nrainder of the week at. Grand Bend/ r•2” ASA Rev. W. G. 11, 1rcAlisler left Una 1 :week to attend the: Gei,eral Coder once of the Methodist church field at Ottawa, Next Sabbath (Rev:. ;11r. Barnard of El;mvtlie will occupy the pulpit of James Street church and tLe >t following Sunday .Rev. G, 'W. linker of Woodham will preach. Annauncemeee ciswhere in this, Ls - 'sue tells how to get a handsome, gold Watel Free. This is someth`ng-entire ly different from the average free offer since Regina Watches are Hieon William Street Exeter, Good sit- highest grade and ore sold only at uation, Price ,1.825.00 A. snap reputable jewellers. Read the ,ad. Also ,Premier separators, $45.00 vertisemcnt land keep from guess:ng t;f,you can. - Don't forget Ktrkton Fall Fan' on Tfiars,dwy and Fridl1yg l r!''i/ wl't% will sell cheap. L. 0. Micinn+. a► Men and women wanted everywhere to work in their own home V20 week ly for a few hours work Supplies fur- nished free, Experience ncnecessary The to -operative Union Windsor. Ont. .FOR SALE As I am leaving about the 1st of October T offer for sale, one Art Garland neater with oven, nearlg new and one Bucks Brilliatt, Cook stove, for wood, in good repair apply to Thos Durdle, Winchelsea. Notice To A agistratee Eto.-The On tarlo T3.tatutes tor 1.9+4 have been re- ceived for . distribution to Magistra- tes and others entitled thereto and may be obtained on application to the office of the undersigned Court, [louse, Goderich. • C. SEAGER Clerk of the' retic„ Goderich, Sept, 9th : 1014. CANNING CORN Farmers growing corn for the Can- ning factory will kindly bring a sample cob to the factory when they will be ,advised when to dci.ver same Exeter Canning Co. All kinds of woodworking, repair.. ing and paiulting neatly and quickly done at a reasonable price at Russells Blacksmith shop. HOUSE FOR SALE ONE 011 ',THE' MOST, DES1,RABL 1:110US ES IN EXETER: E1; We offer- for sale, on, - reasonable ernis the residence of the late W^m. Drew, stn the collnier- of Fluron zed most conveniently located ire one of the finest'resideneal sections of Exe- ter, The house is 'substan'tially built of white 'brick •and. , rS int ' first-class, condition. For terms apply to Mrs, Robert Knight on'the premises- to A. Hastings. or to, Dickson & Carling. FOR SALT Eight Roomed, brick ven::ered house ,.5 Apply to 1V. M. Blatchford 401' Morley Ave. Toronto. , oront 7.n i.,"i +�_ -tee l q „» ..iMh''•d t i,:i'a 1.410,111 Cm. MIMS t ra SWIM M▪ IME NET Mel tm'gal� i«m 11� "s 1I RIM ,ea �sw mea � GCESSING ONTEST A. +dance to a get a high-grade adjusted Watch absolutely free and without mach effort. The entire proposition is intended to attract special attention to the superior quality and value of Regina Watches, which have been made con tinuous 1psince 1848 and have world-wide reputation for matchless merit.. We give every assurance that all shall have a "square deal" in accordance with these condition All guesses to be in our hands not later than 10 a.m. Saturday October, 3rd. The Watch wiIl be -.awarded to the FIRST person guessing nearest the correct time reason why you. should send in your guess early, lay finding out which of your friends own Regina Watches you can'. get an .;,, approximate idea of what guess to make. The fact that these yvatehes are all care fully : timed and adjusted before being sold is a guarantee of absolute :•precaion•and high-grade .".Qbetter movements made.anywhere,no matter what &;ah h•�rade service • with no o . =W'a price you pay. Watches rank first in point of actual merit and the lucky I ..'�? Reginay person to wi• n this contest will g et.a prize well worth having. N,,w■ Ls._W�Q6O Wg,tSitQRPdLL16Ell'A ID d[rf4lQRSQSAE WSON and is Main Street, Exeter Piz tE® 6H61Q1,N,1111 !Witt xm ,moo .G" :�iw-i�F!rn tl1N33 elf MR __ �ai50�nnQaY�dE�.ac&SB