HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-9-24, Page 4the.
rl .,.eel
Ilt'S>ld: , 1
p1rtaAl,Mi rphilM IQailler
NOT' ca I,C,
T Tears
SII.>.P'. N-:OO1OWAN-at Ilse °J
Street Parsonage qui Saturday;
moraair:g by Rev, W. 'Cx. H. 34 cAli
ter Miss Rhoda Chowgan daughter
of 3fr, William ,Chowau of Iowa
to. Mr. elirank Sbapton of ,Srethea.
'M clUNNON,-,J'',: IINS";,O At gar.
ich ou Friday Sept 13'th Miss Ma-
a-ti da Johnston, daughtcar of :11r.
and 1Irs;, R. R. Johnston to Dr. A.
v ,
14 OT,tt" :-REOSZLF R --Tit. London on
14th of September Mr, Albert
Wolfe -to 1r, Rose I',oeszler daugh-
ter of Mr,'Jilau Roesxler, 'ball of
Ore d z tom
13E 1tN-AROi'YN-at the p•esidence of
the bride's parents Cred"atQA ou Sept
1,6th by Kiev. 'Burn, 'brother a tb
groom Rev. John Burn of 'Bridge-
port Ont., to Miss Idella 3rwalor CATTLE -1 cosh due to calve its
daughter of Mr. Samuel Brown. Nove caber: 4 steers and 3heifers 2 yrs
1ixI3:'t"'I3y 101313 --Tia Tvrozao, on 'Sept old; 3 steers aucl 1 heifer 1 yr old
Itlaln by Rev., Hobert Law, D. D. PRS -1 sow due time elf sale;; 3 pigs
Mgr, Clarence. L. "Whitby of Rawer- 3 months old: 13 pigs 3 months,_
d,?'i Sask. ro,'rmvrls of the. Bat—A--0f BUGGIES -, 2 Stanhope rubber tire
1:onzse:eree stuff, Exeter,. To Mia.$ top buggies nearly nesv: auto seat rub
EIt, an
r Robb, a former teacher ata , bet til e top buggy nearly new, auto.
er I'ezblie 5enoo1 acid .e i seat steel tire buggy; 3 top buggies in
°dean ghter of Mr, and Mrs, Joins good reptsir, Abotlt 20 tons of 1iA
Robb ofeafo:,•th.
1G P13i L1 I%€ SSEL1.--Lae St, BIwr-i TERMS
er 9th,
o,fg Tr t i ogwoa d 13.y o Y oa Apt# glop plo ed joint�be aa 'ivei.
ami -z roc ozae3 a.racic, of the a fealC4aae a notes, A.
L. to :i1:;ss Helen .i,nss•1i B. A, u , .. lu"„ea;L ori f!u1, c;dY.b,
gb`•er of Mr, Thomas .1 : sell.. of " N.P. YTa rr+eneX" a?ie
THE : X rc," EIt lr At `S
Auction Sale
At N. P, ti'4'a#rreners harm,2 miles
smath of Henson on they London, Bond,
at I o'cloek, the following
nnaRgnn, A ere ebed.team, general.
purpose l and 8 yrs old. carriage hone
5 yrs old; carriage horse £i yrs old;'
general }purpose horse f3 yrs old car-
riage horse 8 yrs pile: 4 yr old driver;
aged carriage horse, aged pouy; 2 car-
riage horses 7 yrs old; +carriage horse
yrs old; carriage horse 3 ys old;
fillies rend 1 gelding rising $ yrs old;
gelding; and A filly rising 2 yrs old.
,at, Mares. formerly of Erert:r, ! E L. ,.leak°. PrOke ,Plead
lLS01S,!-McR7A1 - La Tu,eg.:.rsm:th
$ip ;itlt Jennie, x•ldrsd €Tc g1a- A;
ter p T oh rt _1 oTcev to Mr, %..orae
:a, cit Tennersmith,.
1tll«I«- _ , t raz 3cIa> oo. Sep 13t:le La
L"hat Ila r£l" era t" k ar, ye in S naoatf€
Sg"b."I?,13. C'1i _ro.t ;rlaat, oa aSt'3) , 1,
Garnet t .gat,,ieb:eel aged 31 years ttw-
z,°.;,sly of ::,;rich
. fat Orr iia' t;oslatan. Line Stan -
lit h
tan-lith Mrs, Vonrad 4`ag-
fir; i* uged. bei yearn rand 1.1 months.
taIN.S,.In I)id0u'si'la ort Sti.tatl
Brpt lath Ila:aar..ah tlodgiza t,n rz
f;.!Jtb ;'a'Tta
1 A lti @l r R I
ca-ive d ,itstruetioa=a
slgoed to rsell t v pub ,
LOT 7 CON, 7 Tp„
C+e{,: ul,ilt sonars of VA,
11 Sale
.'9 RAI STooi
ellen to COnnnnO.ASS
to= t itiu*u in °Matta to
Pea a'..,
Ai Col.
40, Sept., 21.
d ”titaclrt tl
tea;lay wen
talue Wit
poen su
treating t AAAA
"93.4 .deer *.
t:igocedd aattear loan
e C�:}li i1� of a,�.�, Mn" ,t"MMe.Y4,74t
Pref. iTAAss 3r wxltGltt ut d
hsrp and ep« AAAA
ve it will do more aan'attay
ns Gaze to remove dandruff and
ling hair; and 3# rosy human
CoA rotooto ar new Ponth
do that, too. t
t you to make Mt prove it:
ay for a month's trestmtnt
of team! -03"" Ifair Tonic used dor.
�"°" • a . "', if you will nue it =-
directions, and are not:
thoroute * lu4tisdaed. When we will
'doo datela.'IwYoai u stryurelyit. should not hesitate.
Start, the treatment today. Your
amerra request will get your money
back If yott want it, Two eize3, 60o
and SLOO.
You eau bun Remelt ;}03'; Bair Tomo
en, this community only at our etoa:r;
'6M1d. S. COLE.
Exeter 117ta Store Ontario
The iaa ,)resell Store in nearly every toront
and city in the United States, Canelo ern
Great Britainas. Thera is diderent Razat
Reanedy for nearly etrery ordinary human iU —
eialJy dignfor the particular ill
Xor wit is recommdeednded.
TheRezak .StoDrures g are AmStoreserica's Greatest
l 1.3c to 1
Sato rd
itue, elle
her, in,
ft ro,
es were
3•4c net advance.
tired 1-10 to 1-4u.
+v lth a 914111 or
U 1 provisions
to 33 1,20.
'TO G1 rl, 311ARKT r,
fan, beebe; ..3t 211 to f....
whrat, bushel,... t 30
busbet ... U 70
sashut .. 11';
bushel , 0 7;I
D;illii, 51;ln
Ib, se-
ssal➢idsa.. 0 27 4 28
;learn.. 0 27 0 MS
11 it
¢it; lea0 aa: t'M 1rr
.o1a 0
24 to October
p 1r111T Olor
sew er Agent,
oat Stotiozz4, Toronto, Ont.
DOR1 , Argent
t Gra i + try est prices/
Heinitek itInber'
atao.n Pine
rsssed and Mathh Pine
Dirsktd dSpruce
C. Red Cedar Shingles.
, ite Cedar Shingles
Bed Cuda? .Fepce Posts S feet
Red Cedar Fence Posts 9 feet
Red Cedar Fence Posts 10 feet
All Styles of Woven
Wire Fence and Gates
Blue Lake Cement
St. Marys Cement
Eureka AspbahRoofing
,• Anyone sending a ekettie =id descriptions:1E9
-cent race. Oie'mkt agency for serimug_ratcrgs.
rstonts tater, through :Thom ,lc• (At. r=retin
Cal..3P38,74athVTi" #110V1101
Messrs J. 3. Ziemer S1, P: P. Wm
II. blander. and Mfrs, llawald thave
their dwellings nearly ready to
move into. `these new louses nadd
dr,cidedly to the appearance of our
It is reported that Mr. Louis Kraft
who receirtiy =disposed of lis farm to
Stephen will shortly move ioto Mr.
Joht, Decker's +dwelling at presez:t oc-
cupied by Mr. Peter I1eabier.
Mr, Peter Keohler has purchased
from Mir, George Witmer the pro-
petrily formerly owned by i Mr, V.
13ec1:icr for $ 2,000.00 Possession will
be given Oct Path Air. Witaner has
tmrchase'd from MIr, In 'W. Bess+ the
dwelling at resent occupied by Mr,,
W. H. Penner.
Dr_ J. A. MacKinnon one of Zurich's
leading physicians was married Fri-
day Serit Inith to Miss Matilda, Johni-
stom eldest daughter of Mr, and :Afros
Robert loss, Johnston of the Donn
inion house The ceremony was pri-
vate Bev. Daniel "Johnston officiating
After the ceremony Dr. and Mrs, Mao
MacKinnon left in an auto for Detroit
from which place *t+hey will. visit' New
York and the East
Mrs, Charles Brill, who ,has been
suffering firom Cancer for the past
£onr years died' at her home bare Sent
13th at the age ' of 77 years , tend
3 months and 7 days She bore her,
illness with. 'the greatest Chrilst:;atte.
fortitdde and 'beldam complainclir
The deceased had been as resdlnt'of
,..:...i^`a far 'rnatay Years _ and Tier -de-
mise is generally .mourned She lea-
ves liner aged husband and four diaugnl
'tetrs, D,Irs, C. Eileen and Miss lda
of town. Mrs, 1X. W+eber of Preston
and Airs, Jacob: Zimmerman in the
bent !The 'funeral was ,held ote
�oesday afternoon toll he Evaa:gel:cal
hutch eemeter'y..
Mlrs..,Alvina 'Wagner widow of the
Bette Cun ad Wagner died at the "home
i. her dau,gg11.e.r :.airs. l)aa'd 7dcL 7iehN
Goshen fern Star -lex un Sept` lith
t the ai;e ri 76 yc zs and 11':menthe
!l: siii•viving are tii:lli+em' C. tri: this
0 30
0 33
WINNIPE,C1. 21. -Wheat price
opened lee to higher; oats no to WI
higher. and flax 4Niti tO 0%c lower. role
Inning the opening there were zurther
vancea in wheat MA oats, nalueraced
the higher Liverpool =lees for ispOt
Later paces eased on considerably on the
pressure ot heavy offerings. The rause:
in wheat prices lap to noon was 2c to 21leo.
At noon October was SI.3,1%, December
was fairly active, and exporters 'were both,
buyers and aellere toclayn market,
Wheat cloued %a to nc lower; oats %,e to
eeelower. Ilex prices showed extremely
weak, and elOsed Se to 51/2 cents lower.
IA cash /Ines there was goad. trading in
the early hours, but the demand was slow,
later tor all grades. miller.s and exnerinin
lower: oats, eic lower; flax, 5eee lower.
and barley 23ec higher tor No. 4, others
being unchanged.
Barley -No. 3. 64c; No. 4. 59erec; reject -
MONTREAL, Sept. 21. -The outside
demand for 11Ianitoba spring wheat was
better today, and, as the prices bid were
3d to 6d per quarter higher, sales of a.
few loads of old crop were made to Lon-
don and Dublin, but there was no enquiyy
for coarse gleans. The local trade 1n
oats continues quiet, tho demand being
only for small lots to fill actual wants,
and prices show no change. In flour, the
feeling is firm, with a fair amount of
business doing for local account. A. fairly
active trade continues to be done in
The butter market lo weaker, and the
finest creamery at the auction sale today
sold at 271/4e. There is a fair enquiry for
cheese front the cable, but the volume
of business doing is small, owing to the
uncertainty of making shipments. The
exports for the week were 33,273 boxee:
as against 50,106 for the corresponding
Week last year.
Eggs were active and firm.
TORONTO, Sept. 21.—Receipts of
live stock at the Union Yards were
183 cars, tonaprising 3276 cattle, 650
hogs, 2234 sbeep and Iambs and 207
Choice heavy steers sold by the lOad at
$8.60 to $9, and one lot Of seven extra c
choice steers were sold at $9.35; loads of
to medium, $7.25 to 47.5o; inferior heif-
good cows, 46.25 tO e6.50; medium cowS. I
choice 46.75 to $7.50; common bulls,
Stockers and Feeders. I
not up to the requirements of the demand.
Choice steers, 809 to 900 lbs., sold at $7.25
Mlikers and Springers. a
A moderate supPly of milkers and.
springers sold at prices ranging from titl.
ter EDS, each,. and one extra che.ice Cow at
foil oa5 -rig,
LiCn n n w..,;; fel
tigrori s, vies _sci>.
CATTLE -One cos: due
ata aarg; One ,:ager ee
on/ tine to calve, i ..
heifeC rlsi S Vero 5na..
ale `tat kelrilarn; en
!'art nit€ern 04d.' t
Oren nettle ell
'nen three, Yeatrl'S rebs d "t
ea' old, giro' I !
old. Nix 41)
Who Suffered As Man'y
Dow -Tells How She
Found Relief,.
Sterling, Conit,-"1 atn girl e2
years and I wad to faint away every
weak. 1 was 440
hotherad a lot with
4eesah4 -4:70potryLru4Ydi: rnac
# • =ode tee feel
r hay° taken Ly,
Pitnnamend it. If anyone
ition ostIOXFOOd Was all tarn -
3404 tor two years ba4
as a run Om% but
tv=e yrs old,
colt, S'outtt..-
Girla Who ere troubled with p
onindlgeatiOn,4140P▪ 14 lam
304 restoration to hooltil Tart;
din E. ririMWOVegotablo Q
steers s-
Tb"s Jack is All we
aod coudition, There wt
4t$ the proprietor 134 given, ei
m ond Implements tor, his 400.
ate Oloel; wanut so this
'will 'be soldlo out5iders At any
UAL ESTAT.E.-4There will tiLn
1353 41 t
t amount
per Neu ot"
FS. GO bad
' Wells Proptio tor
°lac wishing a Go
R to look thief up
noinr4 to le2, 301d."
lnanta offered. tor sale•N con-
y acres more ort,,leas; tho
ot Lot coneenskia 4„ Tp,
This is a good poStura
plenty of good: -Welter. 4
!TER lin or SALE
joint ,potes dissoun.t of
t off for cash itt .Lieu -of
November, 1914, The hale:ate
b: left oa 'the farm by the ourchos
gir;itti is mortgage Oa 'the same
o per cent'.
Isaac Hill
l'rop rie tor James Stanley
Auction Sale
Mr Than Cameron has receiv tee
streelions from the underisgned to
sen by public auction on.
FRIDAY OCT013EII 9, 1014/ t
At one o'clock sharp the: %fallowing
HORSES -1 brood mare, supposed to
be in lea', Agrinn 1 mare, 4 yrs, old
egrie.; 1 gen. pur. mare quiet' awl
CATTLE -2 cows newly calved; 1
now, nue in December; 1 cow due in
'Jan. 1 cow nue in March; 4,,nows due
yr, old. 7 calves,
Iamb; 1 ewe lambs. 10 breening: Lei -
nester ewes,
ROG'S-Bare bred Yorkshire sow;
4 store hogs, A :number oll ;hens and
1 good top buggy, 1 pr sleighs, and
Lox. 1 good meter, 2 walkivng plows
:nuke. cow chains; car rope and
slings, set nouble harness. nearly new.
one set work harness; 2 set8 single
harness. A eumber of horse collars,
barz-, truck, water trou_gh, grain bags.
robos and horse blankets, gravel box
new hay rack; buggy shafts; pig -rack
nig. trough, and la wee chickem
ceps and crates, Cream 'Separater:
orn barley and odfs. chains, forks
hovels,. :hoes, news and other erne-
s too numerous to ane4tetec.
Household Furniturendlealing stove
hurn haf table, _kitchen ,chairs.
S'arin consistir,g of Lot 10?' eon 10.
109 acres of 'whicbr 15 acres
hardwood busla,, 60 acre.s; in grass
11 cho'ce. !vat' well fenced well draia
ci and in "good staLe of "cult.valroo..
Posttimly tio reserve as 'the PTO.,
't01; mov'ing 'to Ereter,
Incorporated 1855
Ceoltal di. Reserve - S8,800,000
.° At u;i1 Branches. Interest nhowed at highest c Irrent rate,
.Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Cioveri Luent
EliVE MHO, S13,511011
Accounts MAY be ersened at .C"rY
ranch of The Canadian Bar&
Columerce to be operated by mad, and will receive the
careful attention as Is given to all other departments of the Bank's
business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn hi this way as
rpatisfactorily as by a person4 visit to the Bank.
A 114A8_0
ARCH iTilkiT
York experienva.
17nloov, the
'AY 4Y" tbe 0118
ad the great s
Fhort tin
03 they touched t
t ?trough he air
:any days those mar t
laced grins deoth ianfl 0.0
ouch, some cross the se
ha mai
Soldier lad i
To the girl he boltind,
wader Icileellt.0 by aide,
ilying prayer.
:wet ler again on high,
Auction Sa
eived tn.struetions to offer by rub.
anetioa on LOT 16 Dna 21 Stephen
elf a mile east of Grand Bend, ne
one o'clock sharp
The following live Stock cis.
1 burr bred Shorthorn cow zee'
colt; 8 Gailoways nod Holstein
-; suppoeds to he in calf; 2 year-
ruel-$10 and strnier cash over
hat unt 12 months credit will
on furnishing approved joint
Pies. A, Discount of five per cent
per annum allowed 1:or cash on ere -
di I. amounts.
Fropr to
Auction Sale
The Undersigned has been intsruct-
ed to sell by public auction co:
At one o'clock sharp the tollowin
valuable property.
/ gen. pier, team; I mare 7 yrs.
old, by lord Sharpe; 1 filly 3 yrs,
old by Baron Irbe; 1 filly 1 yen old
by l3anks 0' Dee: 1.7eucking colt' by
2 cows with scat at foot; „ 2 cows
due to !calve nime or sale; 2 cows
due to calf in March; 4 steers two
heifer 1 year old; 3 steers one y
old; 2 ,spring calves.
2 stews due tHoCipGigS Dec '28th;
1 good ivagon and box, 1 set of
trucks nearly mew; 1 binder • Max-
well; 1 sea aC sleighs; 1 Maxwell
mower, 1 sulky rake; 1 spring tooth
cultivator; 1 roller, 1 gravel :box.
diamond harrows. 1 set of esalem
2,000 lbs. 'capacity 1 hay rack. 1 se:
of double harness; crovv-bar, ropes
end pintoes. for fencing; 1 reel,
pale for Inigge or cutter, 1 Fleury
Plow 'No. 21. 1 hill plow; 1 two fun
row plow Kangaroo kid, No. 2; 1
and other articles 'too numerous too
jrit'in'aticorlie. of' Turnips 2 acres of Man-
The above vrill be sold without: re-
serve as am not able 14:14 work and
the iia.rm is cetled down.
TEBMS-$5 and under cash. over
that amount 12 months credit will be
given on fnrnishing approved join*
notes or a discoent of -four per cent
per annum in lieu of cores.
William Smith Jos. White
Fatal Accident -Mr, S. A. 31,33er
has received parttculars of 'the tra-
gic death- of his nephem 31r, lrad
Where pato
!Lye passed
And well me
In the +realm
The question as to how loan yoa
are going to coati/cue to stiffen from
andineestion dyspepsia or nut -0I-Oln
der stomach is merely a matter ot
how soon you begin taking Toroline
People fwith ,wenk stomachs should
take Tononne tablets oecaslowatil DMZ
there will be no More Indigestion Or
feeling like a lump of lead in, the
gas on stolnach„,or belching or undig-
ested food, hendacheS. dAzziness or
sick stomach, and besides, what ,voa
eat will not ferment or poieort your
breath 'with nauseous odors. All
these symptoms resulting from a sour
out of order stomach end dyspepsia
are generally relieved five minutes
atter 'taking Tot:tonne Tablets,
Go to your druggist and nen a .$1
box of ITonoline Tablas a. d you will
always go Ito the table with a ,heartn
appetite and what you 'eat will taste
good -hecauee Stomach and intestines
w.ill cican and fresh eat, you wilt
know, there is net going to be any
more had niglets and miserable days
for you. Tonoline tabs freshen you
and make you feel like life, is worth
Tonoline 'Tablets cost $1.00 for a
50 days treatment. At druggists or
mailed by lAmerican Proprietary Co
Boston Mass.
reputation 'for h'gh grade
• work and for the success of Its
40' graduates a school with super-
* ear cour,ees and instructors. We
giver individual alitelation r.
(commercial Slaorthann and Tel-
* egraphy Departments. Why
tend elswhere when there IS
4r., room nein? You may enter at
• any time. Write for OUP large
60 free co talogue.
rue'. residents of thzs neighborhood
Principal., 4"
Donor Gra
Teeth tracted without
Ann bad effects, Office over
Ulan & Stanburre Office Ma
X'. b. Graduate Victoria
ti Oftioe and residence Dom
abratory., Exeter.
...d.ssoolate Coroner of Huron
Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Seerie
for the Monona Bank eta. „ 1
Money to Loan at lowest rateetall inn
1. IL Carling 13. A: lib, Dleltatteleil
We have a large amount of ais124
ate funds to loan on farm 43ktii Irian
!age properties at lowest rate ei
Barristers, Solicitors, Main NW
Ugbarne and Ribbon
-me GoniDanii
Head Office, Farcit.har, OVItr
Vice President ROBT. zioareap
THOS. RYAN Deiblign
JOHN ESSEllY Exeter. agent illsen
borne and BiddulPb•
Hibbert Pullartim and Logan. ...
Solicitors. Exeter. .•
For Infanta and Children.
-The Kind You Hoyt /inlays Bought
Bears the -
Signature o