Exeter Times, 1914-9-17, Page 81 Market Report—The following ..r :zone of the. `$t ter tnar1t•- lK s�2i " 4,•.cr ;o z: 00 to 62. ;3i,..i,%vh at.50 t9 P� a 60 Gre d'. Flour 1,70 a rt ;< iron 1fi,« r and 24 eelzts « � iN t.t. x 30. '1.t l( dressed iSo. w wa, 9 tb• UN:) yRTAN! I=iJ: ; 10 ill i. DEA1,t;a2 eXETER zX tss, Dods as etc ON TA 4 4 tir e W0r'. Lt: t4,exwars tx F3i sr pr-otrtpUIy FOR T ht .11otlm ed, ba ick seri Bred on William Street Exeter, Good sit- =teou. Price . 1,F23,00 x.snap ':t o .1'a•ntuier s‘teeezetor.s, pli to \V 5#. l'latcirforcI 401 5aozley Ave, Toronto, 3 4), %:a"t Court 'of IZe ijon 'VOTER'S w L IS'T Township of k _a berebY given that a Cork t hold pursuant to t. et Onta7 ' List' Act ;1 5 Honor t of the County Conrt of t Uf flt forto Teams nsIIip wr z} oo ab: 21st day of. Sept, s ;z'ea e o hear ar ani. dt l k a oti errot'C and oraars-.. tte an the "oat 3 ? 1 `fiCs Of the Mt/rt.,. rug f -;;Porn - tot a14. FitAXelS Vtranto.k. Clerk, Rat ass 2 4. e Colzr° t}; '1SI( OTx;lr'S LIST i" -hinge of Exeter Na t as har:'hy giVen: that ca Conxt i^4 int 41 pursuant to thy O Stam o t L , t, Act. ity 1iis honor th•o ;4 , of, -rho County Court or tbo nntat� of Haron 411 the Ton -u 11111 .' "b ae ou alto Ord by of S4'Aatera,,,. t 1Sdne o'clock to thta'ar as complailat'3 ocal :era'ors tg„ r.Fa, ,aa-;.* 1,ns ave altml�ry c4 ,€ r.vacr rasa ..191 arung, 0irt,r1f, tan ews atch for sp ndow displays, ..'ome it often and look around ome. Special .a, lie i.. 4'. { l,;casas wa=s, Beverley , kL rPq�}€yRit fain r ter PiPane 744, .41 *ie a 6a 1t T Tro 1z1 lab ' can very Elt,110r2"C ry ti4Lora aeras tan; 14Y jlil xratt A lad .. - h aaaaaarawwa°i: dra the New $2 a, Toronto wr Plater It sir _.. for tho haute. from 1 »yrs 'ti?itici;g alt' S. Tap uoaa am Tapp own. '►'iib the 'fl�inna rtrh* t :a meeting or J cation. held aa_ it 'wos decided t~o tacteat' gra, Giles of the prix rr trs �wwlao h�av c1. for Active tµrvlcr Iari:as. sent European .yo,;my Road and 13r,r1fah Corn. tat met in 'Exeter on t to ay and utters ;tor that new taaµraaa,ta't Thrid adiaa0 'to (rand lysyl were opo 11xa tender of tt;r. Jos. Lawson, for $400 was accepted. F4a tit Buyers to share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective fn.nt Augnet I, Pilo, t,o August 1. 1015. and t;aauiantctd aal;raiLmt aetltxetion chat` g that time, r'd�il•i1� Car . , . $ ;5.90 Illlll!?out crown Car la the Dominica Ft°t:TIOnt we a are i udrs to cRa laetnry pa uduetaon, and dilemma t1313 IF we er rx mace ce :Wove bates'. ttr� «e t'tna•Da flays lar b trtitar :aaa dFa *'�{j}I•ar' e«9 tar➢r,uwerwa^.aaopet41i S sa august t, Jirr. :r 1t} , 5410 dtacnly• tt,rerr^e a�.� ears s�iaa' arta atnpreet4tltay, as Lfae brie'er`es or tatnottr ewupatSL I,1at31 at esttrv''�re. orki enc betLcrcen �l tt tat 3, 114 arra reriurtherpartreulars regardiut; these low pates and profit-shariuS' pian, see the nearest, Ford Branch or Der'* r. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CSN .Del, LE ZXTJ1b FORD ONTARIO ZO Farm for Sala LOT 7 CON. 1, STEPHEN T..z. property of the late Thoma, fsser? Prick hoose, bank barn and frame r, : n: 5 good Wells, windmill, go,:a i,rLb �. . bout S acres of good b. d.- wood bush containing. about 500 su- gar maple trees. Soil ,lay ,foam, well drained and le aced. Farm in good, state ,of cul'tiva.tion, one half m`le .from Centralia Station. :Possession" can be: giseri to suit Purchaser.. For terms and particulars apply to Geo, G. Essery Waldman &Stanbury' Centralia Baristers Exeter Farm for Sale 0 acres of grass land, w. 1-2 lot 9 concegs:on 10 Township of ; F1i,bbert, abundance, of water supplied by gcod steel wvindnaill, Apply to John Leary Cromarty for.particulars 8-27-4,tp FARl FOR SALE 106 acres an ehe :bauble "conccss:on Lot 5; ,Township of" Stephen., county of .Huron; 1 1-4 miles from ,Grand Pend. Out. Offers received at Wir- xiipe ' Ma,o. .Box,' 1491; Chas, Wy %tor.ask ;7204tp aa. ern RENT , At Whalen„ store and dwelling house 3-4 acres or land:a frame.iS�tab1e For full 'particulars apply +to Geo.- H. Alillson, R. R. No. 1..Gran+ton House or Sale Comfortable frame house with stable .& 2fr lots of land, cen- trally located. A. Bargain, apply On FAOy all toys de4atat+tti Ctatlraalita the tocal'dtanaot'd Ilan to 0. Tbts i4t tla,w l r+t snow to league between ttae�e tww,,y te. he Exeter ta.ttrry ; w;ws flog Ila Ba a ct 43a arr (Jeanne Battery al id as d rotirsay. rit thy* 3j' ax e.Ing •' home tram scored 4 rutri mead scop- another la the fifth. The game ^calf ad at the end or than rlattha owt*.. bat' tJecheld inames Sool treet church next Sabbath. In the morning aaal tie sermon will be delivered to »° open = scholars by t as pkostor y ^twr.. of rI, 1tfcAliste:r the centre row oft the church 'beth reserved tor the school to . to a;"utt otteratooaa a mass neetir:g will ed s interested in Sunday e schoottvttand x aro to'r invited, Addresses will be ;delivprtcl, n` by 41Ir, G. �l: Staley of 'Lucaax and co' the paagtor. . n addic,ora an ?excel- lent program has been ai rratted, stn lrlwtitard, A. T. C...11. wishes tot xnet that she will be galeas to acettpl pupils in Pisano; and mu ica1 Theory. Pupas ,prepared Toronto University, College and Co seraxvt ars eaat'minattou,4 lteisden tabu Street. The election +rspexasea of Ai"r, ll lalbtsr, incurred,, 1n the election heI iia June 20th was ;S13°1,2.5 m adt4 ns follows, Auto Sind livery hire. 2.6. meals and horse feed 17.50; Tall res 32.20. postage 54'5: telegraph and `tel ephone etxpeases 6.59 udvertisin 124 • Porch *Par Sole–A. neat porch and a ?p` good repair, nd recently € 'wv1:1 sell cheap. D,,C. 3lcizan`s.airted V< r am. ,. HOE SALE _ , ,... Mr. Robert Mawhinney of Stephe has purbeased the fine brick 3"014 CLAttee On 'William Street from Mr, The deal was put through by Mr. 13 ". Phillins. Real Estate agent. Ttre welcome Mr, Mawhinney TO town. site tells bow -to get a handsome, gold Watel Free. This is something entire ly different from the average freo offer since -Watches are the highest grade and are sold only at reputable jewellers. Read the ad. vertisement ,and keep from guessing If you Call, Master Tom. 'Willis, son of Mr, Jas. Willis of the 2nti concession or Step- hen fell out of an, apple tree on Sat- urday and fractured his leg. He had climbed into the tree to shake, down a few apples when o limb broke pre, cipitating him to the ground with the above reSult. 4,n The Canadian Bank ot Conanaerce have opened up a new branch at Grimsby Ont. with Mr, G. L. 'Waugh former manager of ,the 'bra.nch at Exeter in charge. fThe Grimsby pa- per of last ‘veek says. "Mrs, G -.'L Waugh arrived in Grimsby laSt week and Mr, and Mrs, Waugh have take.. up house keeping in the stone hOUSAY 011 Gibson lave, formerly the resider:, d 1. in b ce a ce tv tl he at cr ert Only four more 'days to the evening ay or the Exeter Fair. The direc- ors and Officers ale a busy lot of en 'these days and ev,3rytfaing will e in readiness a,s far as the) are con, rned. Secretary Alex Dyer will be t the Town Ilall Saturdayl to re - lye entries. If you have rdnything hich you think is a little better an the average arirng along ar.d lp to swell the el-1315its. The speed traction will be worth seeing, as e track is in good condit?pot, The owds will be here rain. or shiltle t however we ..hope 'for finel All kinds or woodworking repots," log and paintting neatly and quickly Bdoinaceksanat aiihreasshoonpa.ble price at Russells We the underSighed hereby agree to sell a package of Silver Tip Silent matches conta.ining'5 standard E11/43 five cent boxes ror, twenty cents Ea Quality guaranteed J.. A. Stewart •0 WORM LOST --On August 17t`t. somewhere se between Centralia and ,Crecliton, Wine serge coat. 'Wilt finder communicate wit'. 3. M.. Dltismare, 25 Daly Ave: StratfOrd Out; ROUSE, FOR SALE ONE OF 2.7,11E DE.SIHABLE We offer for sale[ on reasonal:tle erms residence of the late Wm, roost coLveniently located ins .one of the finest ,•residedial sections of Exe- ter. The house is, substantially built of white brick and, na int first-clas_s ,condition. For terms apply to .Mrs °herr Knight on 'the nremises- to A. Hastings or to Di k C I 111 A chance to a get a high-grade adjusted Watch absolutely free and without much effort. The entire proposition is intended to attract special attention to the - superior quality and value of Regina Watches, which have been made c iy since 1848 and havo world-wide reputation for matchless merit. We give every assurance that all shall have a "square deal" in accordance with these conditions. All guesses to be in our hands not later than a m. Saturday October 3rd. The Watch will be awarded to the FIRST person guessing nearest the correct time — reason why you should send in your guess early. By finding out WhICAS1 Of your friehas,awn" Rqgina Watches you can get an a,pproximate idea of what auess rnale. The fact that these watches are all care- fully timed and adjusted before being sold is a guarantee Of absoluteprecision and high-grade service:with no better movements:made anywhere, no matter what price you pay. Regina Watches.,rank firastIn point of actual 'latent and the lucky Mternomv WSON and T It • • FA 0.1111