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Exeter Times, 1914-9-17, Page 1
777777, tiro CANADA, civ 'G iEtrdltw cc' 6 iors be t i MILLINERY DISPLAY YOUR APPROVAL very busy with the New Fall and o'su ply you with xt.l isElAttf4lll, . COATS ltGt ofNew Win gild Cloths, Evet° • la€ f;+ two coats alike, This has t titc z's i 11ioOhiidrens Coat. 11 Dress Duds ll the New 'abrins ie<ldilig colors are on our tee's. A very Targe ran ot.so from at all prices. Colored Bari ai shad is st 4is peal,. No matte-' wh oil ' you '\`ill find : it bore at all prices ick Dress Goods incl s are real strong this s `r S ll fi r hath Ali and your big variety of cloths to -boo a raN tl tla aY, I'ti•t,`c.. 4.'k'at'd4,17 z;ratC e ;1`'11 a e CL ,?ic?i 7A741 't. - a. x .s 'Ai al f7) 1 n1;,A , r, a-o:,ws fog^+Eh = ., `J:'ai "aa ka+ :zs ork . f•a :.;'f'c'A:;c c::::::::C:` Very -4 r?r Grc . ac3 t a S2,t% Gaz, e ic 11.,47 1t' rta Fre- e's Ready .To Wear Clothing Rain Coats Suits & Overcoats " Y 0( r„ew; Rtl,lzi goats least n S of I r vk caxf ti e, ll the New alio tlae best'` still bought ala°l °Overctailts aro ' 1e1'e in before til war. Theypro the seasons New Styles and real bargains at $7 tp15. Cloths, call and have a See them at once. look, tai 'S JONES AND MAY ake a Specialty . Mechanics A got ti -+..w r•sa 60 to 85c . Mechanics Saws 1.50 to 2.25 Pipe Wrenches from 1.25to1 75 Hammers! Good Value, 25 to 50;c. Mechanics Hammers ! from 75 to 95 cents. Wrenches (sets) 1,25 to 1.50. Pliers A Splendid Assortment of Pliers frem25' to 50c. Auto Pliers, special at 35c. Cutting Pliers at from 40c to 1.25 Braces Levels Planes Vises 500 to $2:00 20c to 95c 50c to 4.25 2.25 to 3,25 Thresher's supplies Belting Lace ' Leather Packing Cup Grease Cylinder Oil Machine Oil Oilers Gauge Glass Fillings HEAMAN'S IIARDWARE AND STOVE STORE r ycrm.wr s r, _ SOtiTH HURON 'BASEBALL LEAGUE THEY STAND EXETER — a TI ' CRAIG TrON WON 7 7. OST PER' CENT I-' 636 ¢ 6 3 f , 5 3` CENTRALIA 10 , 2; ,k a CP" 110 cutting Down The Gran ts-:1fr, .f. Lockic 11rt1son, Supe .rill teoder, t: of traits and Exhibitions for the Pro- .o'nee of O:nta - r has written to the Secretory or the various 4igricultur- el societies as follows, , Owing to the outbreak of the, war t,nd ere central financial conditions resulting there- from. I, ern 'instructed to advise .yoi that .the Government wil ha unable to furnish expert judges for the, FOR fairs th:syear and, will also b,' unable ro pay ",Wore than `ail per, cent, of the re,ghlor grant: ,neat year, This de-, alston has been .reluctan#.ly arrived et after careful considerat'on I would suggest •tha't yoti' rrdv:se . your dreo eetors at once so that they may make whatever arrangements may be ne.:- essary under the circumstances. You will agree that the s:tuat:on is: one anprecedent:cd in the history of the 'Prov;nee and calls dor ,acr:fices on the part Of nit and your, co-operation In 'worki:ng ou'- changed card:tions to the beat advantage will be greatly 'ap- preciated; ,,t BORN AUS17,t1`7.---,dt,,Centralia an Sept 15th to 141r, and Mrs, ttbos, Austen: a SOL. MMCE%VEN—Tit-Hensall, on August hist 'co Mr. and Mrs, Ilugh McEtve,a 50n . PHILLIp. _A.t iiinciersley Sask on Sept 3rd' 'to Mr, and Mrs, herb Phillips a daughter.. 11fcN..0 kkHrrON-_3z Woodham on September 2nd !to 71Ir, and Mrs, iFrank 11C,Naughtort .a son Ial(t LL`SO, T—In Biddulph on Friday" tiept 11th to 11Ir, ar.cg141rs; Hector \J llson a son. (,lames Garnet) MA RH [iii D • sCDTI°I'IICc'TT-I:IOB.i3S— On Srptem- l;er. i5hh 7 ,.. r..._ o 11 to fr tl 44 cat 111 sa a r•.•^ - cvavov.S a°E 11 T1; M c olti al On, 0.a 'Sdts3X'r47y s , ,3 _ 141 O,yAVr, 3na r+: Bri?1.'•2 s3S 44144 — 3ves ('Op,1e.tel ° aife-'Mtfo*r t:t he Ore .a`st'at ted frdgm (G arlt rem elliaaaarc,Ay*, enol saran f.¢rsta otieed n<-'iehhors,F4oa'afst: action. aaereeded t,r saving ,trait t tae the, oa a k.aa raI` thR1 fro>ae >ad ;3i37+ d too naaacla la¢ xtltKay A thc- iaaatlditag- here ''- 13d1114.1 ,4? rL' k,; rn i c fir ill Ij,a as big post and ,1r°,,o9 .w c r np<dP 4,04;ta+ for 3 ', „ror5:da. atvl 1 47,14 ,> 4 Lla i tiaora =ta I tsra erlta ad 11 ss inciotr 11:41,4,'4 thc” UstorO(o 44r,d ."131343.e'a - 7,4Ia1- afi rmat r: • !rP..rCcincc"' :.RI brtis aac fi r4i * r Ca ¢d+t E tA I aid "g" 1. 4u4k41 ra 4"& tit ° VOL' 41li iE ersU Patriotic Funs as T7,7 p At' r; 1R aaa a. tta".4ai; ., '1a u 4' *tl+Iltta, t trail I r ollt 1(4 Maid. 3Ik ion itaspittmli't. bt «mal p lion, Members 1.110 S. Fitton .. 1.00 0, Hooper,J. tt,Sectt, Sharp. Wes Bissett, W. 1{eanaan, .i, 1V, Traylor, T. Elston. W lialvi11e, H Gould © Zuefle. 0 Pym. S :Sanders operator. ti a White, total 13 (101 `ictal money raised $l510 Rata The ladies wish to thank Mr, Zueii+e for the donation of electric light for the patriotic entertainment A mooting of the league will be boldon Friday evening at S n'clnek in the Town Hall. Every member is ,asked to be present Mrs, llarrisj'on is able to be, around again after her recent illness. 1:Irs, IT. Oke who has been visiting in Toronto has returned home_ Air, W. r. Heaman a.ridfamily sire t several days in London this week. 111s31 Evelyr. Gill of Toledo Ohio, is visiting relatives and friends in town Miss `Vera Rowe leaves on Saturday for Toronto where she bas secured a ,situation. Miss 1114 rgaret Snaith of London re- turned home after spending tzvo weeks with her cousin Mrs. E, .Tones.. Dr. Will Knight, formerly of Exe- ter is -with the troops at "Valcartier in this capacity as pry-sician and sur - Mr, D. D. Crittenden. of Blyth! was a pleasant caller at the Tirnes1 nn Tuesday 'morning, on his way to Lon- don "for the iday. Mrs, (Rev) C. W. Baker and daugh- ter :Lillian of Woodham. visited Mr, atrrd Mrs, A. E. rollick for . several days 'this week. A land 'concert was bele on' the ,Exeter bowling gteen on iillor_da,v evening. There 'WAS a large turnout of citizens and all enjoyed the ex- The Women Of Thames Road and wted $'251 to the Patriotic Fund toad the women Or Thames Road, Kirkton Bethany, and Ellinville donated 152 Air, J. Gill 'took 0.1) bis Potato oroP uesday and reports et one or e test crops he has had in years. potatoes were plentiful awl an cellent size. One potato weighed 19 nces 'and ,there were numbers of Um about Ithe eame size Tuesday, 33 -as 'Exeter's civ:c holl- y. The day wa,s Tine and a large 333 d accompanied the Exeter band LOD don. .4 special tra;u Look', em down. tin the ,mormr.g and .Mee Hobbs to Mr, T. Orville Smith Th cott of Exeter by Rev.' R. I-Iobbs ex assitsed by -Rev. Mr, Bell. ou Pend on Septet/1134,r 2nd Miss Jennie Dic4c;jardine daughter of Mr, oand do, ter to Mr, Wilbert Pfaff of 1)asR- /0 DIED I brought, thein book flat- night. :350 1 tic COOPER—In Henson on Sept Oth - Mr, Cooper 'aged 84 3'ears. Sept, lifb Archia, Morrison. SRACKMAN--in Exeter err Sept, 01,„*4 '11.(4RRTSON,,In Mt. 'Carmel • on IP ridcly ..Tohn,,,Spackmaira aged. 82 years. . .,yg,t4,,s1-,44:iottreca and 2t1 days, , :CARD OF THANKS Spaekrain tle.sires to 'N. -- the ,many friends in E:xeter. for their " aSsi.steetice and 'sympathy (hiring the sickne4S. and -death Of his father 6 rt ;std i t'1ly 'ores d'voted f 'reports end business 1 :it-tao 'afternoon meeting the no afar of the Presbytery Iter. ti'. lair flit. t lora 511g 8044 ou 10110:4' w(4.4 cablr or Gadsrici, Presided nand in, tht..name of 'the Presbytery consummated the. l neon of the two 44)0e:ties hereafter to bre known as the"Huron Presbyter int of 'the 1,1"nntrzes hiss:onaary Serie- ty," At 'the clog or troy Interestring,' part of the service, Mrs, Colin Flet cher of Thames Road 3010n n5 the uhanimious choice of both Pres14yter- - tins tor president, was 111, 11 c,"•1110410 tine Chair and the'n gave ,a fitfifalw 1+ address 3 'eastn't ,feature of the art rrnocn sess,on st•;i,C 111 preset.hotinx, hr :ID's. bail,' of Gode.rieh, nn he- r of the TT.urort PreslaNteriel or n a reamer Rug, to 3liss M. Smillie of Hensall our Missionary delegate to India. _1Ziss•Suafili,' an,cde a snit ohle reply l'Yoressint; her laugh : apprecia- tion of ;the gift Mrc. Kipp, of Toronto hospital Secretary of the Women's Missionary Society gave an address on hospital 'work among the foreign:11 ors in 114, North•orth ZYcst that was fulls of irrformatio' and interest. Mrs. Turner or 1113 th closed the afternoonmeeting with a`fe'v helpful asad ap- propriate 'words. 1411 rgse ism, 411 r r ;, . $'a tsar rdffi"„ a• it a d+<rr 07.0 ;4711 he The Presbytery of Huron held its regular 'meeting the same cla3. The following were preset -at viz. ...Mr, Richardson moderator .Messrs, Smith Turner, Sharp, Fletcher, Harper, Ross and the Clerk mi'aisters, and Messrs, Strang and :McArthur elders. • t ti 3.1 ,i11,44144.r'o 44' 441444-o Tb It Poi will Ink( to vor but It should w hat Is tang d ore n the am fall' 0, 14,404 ova a re MINI 7• 1 n ns to v o chic!: ane kens. 'There certainly I *1 put money tato them, a cars ago,,,and it is still th P Th Tao tope 'were put through :or narve5 Bros. If the hozne guards show the same increase Ia numbers this Thursday aIght It is no use they will hare to- remove the ge• t. larger training grounds There were two cozrtpanies but they could have been handled in three easier. 0t1 1411 g,ttrtel contra 11.10dgzon and Sutton drai A. Atkinson SP -reading gray c,,hrubs Div 4, 20.00; Richard Coarsey ?so -fading gravel air, 1. 4.50: o Monday October .iitb 19I1, at 10 • • Attractive Showing of ca - Fail Styles on, Mr. Ross was appointed moderator or Presbyterv for the ensuing six sembly ,reported their attendance at that ;Court. illessr.s Turner, Reid and Laing, with their elders were appointed a ... ssem ly and report. 7,11.r. 'Sharp re- 1 ported to the Presbytery the cost ot the soalal servic4.4 survey of the county and expressed the hope that the, ,racts of .the survey would be made known to all the people of the County or Mr, McFarlane convenor or rthe committee on Young' People'.s Society and Sabbath Schools urged upon tin:. attention or Presbytery, the motto or the Assembly's Sabbath school com- mittee 371z.4 "The last toy and the test girl". „t14 'was resolved henceforth to pay , the expenses of ministers and elders 1 to the ;regular meeting or the P.resby- joint meeting of 'the Women's 'Mis- sionary Society and the Presbytery and al til313-. 13. S. Sin'sll'e was ordain- t*,,t1re designated tror service in ,C4.3133- trot India. To Mr, Sa-ClEe a Bible Aliss Smillie a Bilok from 'the 'Wo- . • • • • • • • 40 clo • .444 • • • ed by ;Airs, Larldn of Seaforth. The, • missionarie,s were the'n addressed' by 49 141.r, , Armstrong ,and the congregation : bY D. Gardiner, convenor et the For- 49 coign 'Itlission committee, Rev. D. C. 44 _ • Exeter Fair Day Next Tuesda3r being Exeter Fair Day we lia,ve on exhibition at ono. store all the newest in gents wear- ing apparel. gien,ation also an. the relation 'or or Carmel ebuteh end :the service$ 4,4 For suits our showing of goods "s amongst the Ieaders • r7'71.7 c KS of great, ep