HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-9-10, Page 4Xl- '' TIMES or Nut onc lc4- 1 ., Years British Force Annihilates ti German Imperial C -card. Crowe Prince Said To Have Been, I Midst et 'Regiment* Wiped Out of the Allies Lite \Vas AIso Suc- eessfui - Germans korced Eetreat. I,gl�DQ, Sept. R. A lipulogne despatch t14o The ITvenili,g '_news says: "A telegram has been received At -one Gen. Pau, ammenetz;g a victory tali' the tallied forces under Field afeeshal Sir d4ahn French, commanding the Brittsle end Gen. d'Amade at Percy, surrQise, :about 25 miles north oa -1-'f3 tG "Tice allies were drawn across the northern litre with the centre at Per - y. The British troops were on the left, and the French on the right. The former had in front of them the Imperial Gztai'd, under Crown Prince Frederick William. "Ora both wings-, it is reported, the allies. Were suecess!'u1, The Germain left Was held by the French and re- tired to the actor. " 'he Imperial Gnard, wFlho wtrre ordered to surrender, were annihilat- ed by the British. It is rexoa"te4i that the crown prince r, as Tin their The eilleirni tette saI' a „Gen, offre's plans are borne ste4adily car- red out. The allied ftztees, acuity or the a e 4fY4'R,.lw e lits",--' be t'leL success ful in checking aro forcing hack u rt zaortheast direction the Berman falces op eyed to thew." The Frene a Wer Office ilea shade file following cleidal stateme,ut:, he allies are now engaged In a ;al actfoe ou t,attle Biles QX - from Nazeuil-le-Baudouin ;beau,, Sranue and i ztryie- extending as far as 5'er- ighning is very vigorous and t#e actltzu of our own troops is powi- erfuny a fisted be the ErltI€h army. "The Geriean, troops, ei tie had ad- 'aueee day ttettnre yesterday and y'es- erclast as far as the region of Coli - on a1tees and La Porte Gaucher, e department of Seine-ea-M<aree, ash evening were oraniaelied to re - Ccl a ,f COMPANY. RK GlTY., stags �rauc4lii duns, "Tile 3E Fid O tES T "WESTERN 1"AiJ stol . ; Reurrew an •..w „+be +,aria .'ai+*'",adar, a s.,. ,...,�.-' rid Part irrorr, Miele / Ael AFare and One.Therd doteqtr . ealyt, ff�Y 13.1 'lb @ Want te aalrsion Deye i curs, for Cr 35-10-17 sONDON Will leave SliPT. 15 leel7tll tuber* ;Ist, 1914. VJVC.41,/i T RT PARAGRAPHS. dtrilros be nuti it it:itloln it Lo arid,: is that Iia wla 'limn S E C R EXCURSION lits Sarakln cite lcafco: each '. oesday eaustve, :at lbw Return lmai t' twvaa inonths. Rall partiea ors fan agents. J. DORE, Agent bets era ;point' in Man- % and Alberta via l'cr Duluth, on sale rntil OLL.her;.'itlt, in - d tickets fro FOR SALE fit Grant is,, lowest prices Hemlock Lumber ough Pine Dressed and Match. Pine DressEd and Match Spruce B.. C. Red Cedar Shingles , B, White Cedar Shingles • Red Cedar .ii'ence Posts 8 feet Red Cedar Fence Posts 9 feet fed Cedar Fence Pasts 10 feet • All Styles of Woven Wire Fence and Gates B!lee Lake Cement St. :t!arys Cement Eureka .sphaltRocfiri at l ? a Rer square AD J LAT$XIH `GRANTO 4 OVER 65` YEARS'" EXPERIENCE TRADE MARS EMUS nopvRtQHTs ac. . 77 a match and description batty oast opinion free whether as rnblgrratentable. Communice, :ielentiaL IUANDBDDlt onratenta xgeney for secnr12g atents. ra throw Munn `& Co. rece1't 1 t�hour ebarge,.1nthe �1 erica q irwtratedczeekrg.';; Largest ear. fete tit,c ioarnr: Terms for 330,pO070 0 prel?aed. sold by iSs'cr5aortay'1i v Qd ,s,h1ngt0II etelne$s rna,y but never t ltY o a Cr&' 2 to so lie la00 fire owner of the q Othi vvcona0 says being a elutperon Co1lsEste mostly Twing bow wise ly not to see. .*Nothing could' be inore fati- guing to 0 lazy' Man than to have #o, hear people constantly won- dering how bis folks can stand to have him around. Loee in a Cot. loge is certainly,, tall' right 1f tbq relit is paid and the cert bin full.•' 3t is a good thing to begin now to, practice resolutions so that when you have to nee them daily they will comae easy. It seems queer that the expansion of a .War's head Shenk result in the pinching, and shriveling of his brain. Chance For a Poet. Oh, who will sing'a ditty Of the city, of the city. One pertinent and witty That seems to tit the case? The country has been netting From poets lovely- petting. And they have been forgetting The bio and basy place. Ile sings of birds and grasses And useful garden sasses And in his measure passes The compliment along, But no one sings or flatters Nor tears the rag to tatters' About their humble matters in verses grand and strong, Of,cows and colts and porkers We've had sc?rne cca4ting. corners, But how about Is'evy Itorkeps?_ ,. Do they deserve the slight? And other urbane dwellers? For no poetic yellers in garrets yr in cellars Sing up and treat them right. Yes, really. it's a. pily That no one sings tha.cit7.: Win not some poet gritty Tune Top and give it voice? Its buildings tall and spacious, ltilen braver than 13tiratlus 1'he topless there, good gracious; The That come has his choice. More Lip to Flat,:: "So- the are cin' to sail the sea of matrimony ttinetiter" "l•iea of toot:i•iiuotty nothing." "Why., 1 lie.trel they were to be,mar rlod_" guess they are going to be Ina rried all riytit,, eat it is aviating they .'rnpire of ether t.bat they are going to Flu.' The Difference. "What is itae difference Referent a a H e„ and a t•ixaz rls girl?" "17 she 13 an actress abe geavel i...t large robe.'" -.‘ nd re she t5 a chorrds oardrole'is ern It, but swell,' fy. position i'' i+eefln. tad an au 1tell, Our >Io. ng and re the ;partial sue the Vosges, "Third, the advancing troops and allies defending Parts have had several combats en the Cured river with the reouits in favor of the allies, "Fourth, the :Minister of 'War has Telegraphed to the governor of Mau- beuge, expressing the Goverrsrnont'2 ednliretion icor the heroic defence, and saying« "You stop at nothing to prolong resistance until the hour at your approaching- deliverance, which. I hope will be soon. "The eomnrander-in-chief bash placed the name of the governor ot Matzbeuge in the order of the day for his splendid defence." It was officially announced last night that the Germans are retreat- ing from the line of Nanteull-le-Har- douiu to Verdun after a vigorous ac- tion with French and British troops, An earlier official statement given out in. Paris yesterday said that a general action had started on the line from Nanteuil-le-Rardouin to Verdun, a distance of 120 miles. It was then said that thanks to the -vig- orous action of the French troops supported by the British the Ger- mans had "started retiring." Unoffi- cial advices' front Berlin also have indicated that a battle of tremen- dous importance was being fought in the territory described. Semis Evacuated. WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. - The French Embassy announced yester- day that it had received a cablegram from its Government at Bordeaux saying that the French town of Sen- lis was evacuated by the allies, and that the north- and south movement of the German army continues. The despatch was as follows: "On Sept. 5 the north -south movement of the German :armies continued. Coud- ommiers and Eportay are the bases of the German army. This army, was attacked by us at .Sanit. Souppi'ets, on the right bank of the River Ourcq. "Senlis has been evacuated by us. On the road from Montmirl to Cha- lons the second army has sent its advanced guard. As for the third and fourth, the heads of their • col umns; are on the road from Chalons and Buray. "The line of the fifth army has reached the road from_ Triancourt, moving through the .Argonne. Our. 20th corps was fighting at Gerbervil- ler against the sixth German army." 1lolwlrlg of ass nerdy. Wit ie!sue- 6 CRRtro e1 e rnately advtinc There Have been ses on our right nic avauee etio t+3 TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. J; Wheat, fall, bushel .41 10 to 51 12 i Barley, bushel . 0 70 .. d' Deas, bushel . 1 20 Oats bushel ti 5S o s0 For Years:estoredTo,Health Rye bushel .. , 00 .• s f3ucxawheat, bushel . 0-75 •.,a ' by Lydia E.Pinkhham's Veg.. Pxli3lilttt b', k' - Butter, ereamerts lir set. 0 31 0 32. etable Compound. Rzetter, creamery, solids- , 0 27 0 22 Rutter. separator. dairy-. 0 27 0 22 Cheese, new. ib,,:. , . 0 15 gbs new -laid 0 25 0 26 Honey, new, lb .. 0.11 0 12 Honey, comb, dosetz....,. 2 50 3 09 SUFFERED EVERYTHING OAT LJ mARKPas UNION STOOK YARDS. TORONTO, Sept. "I. --Receipts live stool,; at the 'Union Yards were 140 cars, comprising 2249 cattle 1936 hogs, $51 sheep and lambs and 936 calves. nutehere' Cattle, Choice heavy steers by the load soul et $5,60 to 44; loads of geed, 58.25 to 42.50, medium to good, :37,75 to 53..15; medium, 57.50 to $7.75; common to ;medium, 47,25 to 47.50; inferior heifers, $6,50 to 5n. choice cows, $5,75 to $a good cows, 22.25 to 48.50; medium Cows, 45,75 to $s; corn', toot cows, $3 to 54.00; choice buns,;6.75 to 37,54; common bulls, $5 to 48,24; ,00,-; Feeders. ellplee steers. 200 to 900 Its, are son- g' :at, 27.50 to $7,75; good steers, OA to 700 Abs„ at 48.7; to, 47,25; stockers, 5,50 to 46.00. Mincers and Springers. A,few 14inilker§ olid «apiiirS4vs were of,r tared, Prices for teem were tinchsanged. c t from 550 to S59 caefla, the haus going at $0 to 375, veal Calwes.. Receipt$ motterete anti values practi- cally utcitn.ee . ClhocCE veal I ee. 0 to $0.00; good 55.20 to Vete meditate $7.50 to 35.50 common, 42,50 to 57.50; i tnferler at 55,30 to 3c a0. Sheep and t,ambs Flree . ewe sold at $5,50 to 52,25; years i iings $6,50 to 47; heavy ewe, and rams, i 44 to 55; lambs, Sit to $5,25, with a VAT' €ltaz,e it 55, r0, the beet n;09nt: ut ;•343, eu111it, 56.0 to 57.20. Hogs. iThem were 1220 Imes ropsrrked, but out wwor these there were 1200 shipped direct to ! the Swift Canadtan Cempamy Point the 1, northwest. Rices were lew er. and eboeld theta be many m0 enmo trout ' the i nortlaww"Cst provinces 7prieei; will likely go lower still. ; Soteet4 fed and watered.. solve at 55."s3, and 52.10 :Ce.b. cars, and 570 wvelgineat :oft ears, 1 3 01Y1.Ii*L1.ii LIFE S'.COOlc. 11O TRtE<'t1,� SSeAt. �M it fife X10: s real Steck: Wavle west arid', rttrsrket 1 weaker feeling prel;alleai, acrd folia" 25e per 100 peunda 7q'rre .ioandey for butchers' stnclr w bl attributed Ito the inei'ea€ele alien the swraleWhai Thune( dwu.'rna, era in Peat cellos hall Cattle( CV sr^apklies oat (bossed be Min' last w rade was rather ,Slew, (wen at the l9W Ban ca tted demand wee Principally a eholcu eteere. of which a Sew I ell Imelda at eil,G0 to $8,72,- sieSli at IS t2 : ,N, soma n76' COWS went ` at 57.25 0 laoutele, There was also; le In the market for cannlnl declined 10e to 25e per potin8ri., caanape was not 20 !teem, but a fair trtrdt> wvas done at 56,50 to 35,76 for hues :tad calve. at 53,75 to 54.25 Per 100 pound The market .tor hogs was unchanged from, last week; T1te ptospecie are that values will r4imaln ttrm owing to the facthaat there Is a good export trader reoiv (ening In 4; anaelan bacon atprofit.- able prices. . The tone of the marl eet fez, sheep •and' lambs was easy, but ttagrti was no fur - titer chatuse to now in prices. Offerings were large, but the demand Was only flair, 13utelacrs' cattle cliolee, 58.50 to 58,75; a1o., medium, 5655 to $7,16; do., common, 55.550 to 46; canners, 53.75 to 55.50; but- cliers' cattle„ choice cows, Y7,25 to $7.50; Co., medium, 56.26 to 56,50 da., bulls, 55.75 to 37.20; xnllkem, choice, each, 550 to 555; do., common and medium, each, 570 to 575; springers. 555 to 565, a•I025. off cars, $10.40. Calves, 4.1 to 320,' ,'; ; t Belgrade Still Holds Out. LONDON, Sept. 8.-A despatch to the Reuter Telegram Co. from Rome says that according to reports from Nisi], Belgrade is still putting up a magnificent defence and giving an heroic example of the endurance of both the soldiers and the civilians. Even the wonatu are Bghting stub- bornly. The Servians swear that the enemy will never enter the capital so long as one bouse stands and one Servian lives. sponeent os Reuter 'Telegram Co. at loos. that a despatch has been re:2,ely,'o tikerf.,, from Naples; saying: -Stele. .6 arriving from, Egypt report Om; German emissaries are inciting - the Alohammedans against England, Javing that Ger- many is ever where victorious. Canadian women are continually writ- ing us sucit letters as the two following, whiele are heartfelt expressiensof grati- tude for .restored health: Glanford Station, Ont. -"I have ta- ken Lydia K., k'inkhaha's Vegetable Coln s. pound and never 'cunei any medicine to compare with it had tinrl fail ing of wonhb and doctors slid nae no good. I suffered dreadfully fpr yearn. wzrrtil .I .began taking' yourziredle ne. I ai so reoonaniend it for nsert?eazsness and tn- digestion, " - Mrs. Get# s, celanfeed Station. Ott,,. Chestervillee Oiat. "1 heard your medicines highly praised, and year ago I began taking themforfaltiog of womb and ovarian jc nhie. "My left eitlepaineel nip all ttnlA WOO and just hot ur3' perinlls 'Ala a were rregular and RAIN it WOW he Weree.. "fp sit dowtt ganged Me pairr and ;MINX'', izag ata( wenid ba ee aiervanrs fientes tinge# that 1 mild net bons to floe at► one erbear anyoziespo1 .. Littleepeeke, could float before, My eye* to 1 Wan lways eonstipat. 4'1 carnet say'tee eatleb for Lydia B. Pitaimrlts Vegetable Cornpeu nd and Liver Pills, for there are Ile Inetlieillee lite them. .1 have taken them. and 1 rectum/lend them to a 1 wonhea. Tournay publish this testimonial." -Mrs, rs, See. rum .7, MeRTIN, Ciaeeterville, Qat nrie Canada, THU sE Tz:e EF '1O,.' THE i'NOLSONS 4:ANK Ineorpovated 1$55 anti & Reserve -$8,800,000... gs BRANCHES 5N;,CAN DA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRR4 AGTE OUt€ ULAR I4 TTE1 S OF OREDIT , - - TRAVEL,1',7IRS tlilEWES - - - - ,ISSUE , BANK :MONEY ORDERS - J SAVINGS' DEPARTMENT At all Branches.Interest allowed at highest currentrate, Exeter t D . Agents at Exeter for the Doniihian Government THE C.ANADIAN STR JP3 5Ni3president £x RD, Ceiaerafhianager•• JOHN .AM14 kie+At Gener,Fl 31a ke (discount re supplied 000,. SERVE FUND, SIM. MERS' RUSIN Bank of Coroperce extends to ! ' action of their y banking, :on of sales notes, Bla IRe' ge on application, eter raneh-- ►iTO � 73RANGll - .,`ai1ttg', A.A NIA8 itculTECT Cf 4',. London, itlta,'si PO es;l exper1enee. '4%Ta 0 niediea ltd. It to rneaw* -ia ilr ,grower, n Hair Iter etl,v, inereleee .terns dart rl the past year used by .nearly eve+r34 man; d child. la,merica With V. l t; fildredina B lir l,?ctttetly rlSod .'Uwost universally, daadrttrt ^ nt{ill disappear and with its departure Ratwidness., itehiug scalp, splitting hair; and nil setup diseases will iollosw a.mt, t5Needy years trona nonir a bail bead. twill be a rarity." There is only one way to cure dart•. druft and that is to kill the germs. There is ` only nue hair preparation that will.kill the germs Land that is Mildredina Flair Remedy. This; tie 051191 .hair restorer wwitii its record a>f thousands ot cures will grow hair on any head where there is any life left; it cures dandruff, stop fall - inti; hair and itching scalp is three weeks or money beak. It is the most pleasant and invigor sting tonin is not Sticky, or gre'ray and is used extensively by ladies of refiternent vino desire to have and to keep 'their hair soft, lustrous and tur,uriant. Fifty rants for a large bottle, druggists everywhere. hall orders f Wed by American Proprieta r,y Co. elusion 'Mass. FREE to show, how quiekly Mildred ina Bair Remedy acts, we, will send a large 'sample free by return mail to any .onc'wwho sends this coupon: to the American Proprietary Co., tilos Loa' Mass. with their name and address and ten cents is *silver or stamps to pay postage. CREPT INTO 11ARBOR. British Submarine Fired Torpedoes -Germans, 'I'hen Slipped Out, HuisL, Sept. S. -Early last week the destroyers and submarines of the British fleet, by close surveil- lance, discovered a passage between the mines 'which the German. de- stroyers used in corning rut to the North Sea. With that information in band, a flotilla. of submarines and destroyers proceeded to round up the German ships. When the opera- tion Was finished one submarine was missing, and had been given up for lost, when she suddenly reappeared with a startling story. The submarine -had actually pene- trated into the. harbor of Bremer- haven, where she fixed two torpe- does. The Germans -were panic stricken. In the midst of tbe panic the submarine "went to sleep" On the bottom of the harbor. For hours the ship ,..and crew re- mained there ev,rhile the harbor was heieg trawled, but fortunately the trawlers did „not pass • over her. As soo4 as he considered it,was safe, the commander gave the order to pro- ceed out of the German harbor, the submarine returning across the North :tea without any mishap. Trying To Rouse China. PEKIN, Sept. 8. - Protesting to the Foreign Office egainst itS note of Sept. 3, addressed to the diplonaatic representatives in Pekin and refer- ring to ',he transgressiOn of Chinese, neutrality by the landing of Japan- ese troops at Lunkow, Baron von Maltza.n, the German charge d'a.f- faires, declared yesterday that Ger- many would hold the Chinese re- sponsible for permitting Japanese and 13ritish soldiers to, cross her territory. Is Chasine Nurnberg. HONOLULU, Sept. 8. -The Wat- son Navigation Co.'o , steamer Wil- helmina reported OD arrilral here ;yesterday that she picketi upsa Wire- less message from the Anstralian Dreadnought Australia; then in lia- mailan 'waters; Saying, that she was full chase of the German cruiser Nurnberg, which left -here Sept. 1. Huge *German Losses. - COPENHAGEN, Seet e3 -Private -information received here says two Gerrnart officers now imprisoned al ,,.ntwerp estimate the total German losses up to two days ago as he- ' tween 200,000 and 300.000.;: As an inducement to new sub- scribers twenty-five cents will 'Se- cure the Tomes from now, until the 4nd or the year. Send,your order in early and get the eull benefit of 'this big cut in rates. A WISH. Iline be a cot beside the hill. ?A beehive's hum shall soothe my ear. A willowy brook, that turns a With many a fall shall linger' 11 ea The swallow oft beneath my thatch Shall twitter from her clay built nest. Oft the pilgrim lift the leteb And snare my meal, a welcome Around, my Ivied porch shall spring Eiloh fragrant flower that drinks the dew, And Lucy, at her wheel, shall In russet gown and apron blue. The church among the Where first our marriage vows , were given, With Merry peals shall swell $132 breeze And point with aper spire o Sa Rogers. Any well to sttitatitrrn. ARM ONO ST., LONDON SetALTST N tice to Credit n the (matter of the estate o Huron, widow deceased. Notice is 4hereblr given Pursuant to Statues in that behalf that altered,' itor,s and others having claims ag- ainst the; eateto of the said Iienineb. Cobbledick who died on or about Aug. 2nd, 1914, am, ;required on or before Sept, lat to seed by' post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gladman & Stan - bury of the Village of Exeter Solicit ors for Executors of the said deceas- ed. their christain and surnames ad- dresses anti deacriptions the full par- ticulars of their elaims the state,. anent of their accounts and the na- ture of the securities, if any. held by them. Apd further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors. wilt proeeed to distribute the assets of tbe deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notiee and that the Executors will not be liable for fetid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notize shall not have, been received by them at the t1MO of such distribution. Solicitors for Exesutors Dated at Exeter ala:s 12th day of Aug, • • • CEpTRAL • • ureputation Mr high grade • work and for the -success of its graduates, a school with super- • • ior courses and insiruclors. We egrapny Dep.triments. !Why at- tend elswhere when there 19 room here? You may enter at any time. Write for our large D. A.. eleLACEILAN. • • • • Principal. + • oThe eery tirst thing?" Himself, of Course. "Ile is tile Most conceited thing. ,::Y1sesh.et'ett"id be talks all lae tenets', Graduate of Toront Thai s Office over Dickson & anti Law office. Closed Wedneeir tterateme, Ilboge Office lid A4 II, ICINSMAI.N any bad foots. °trio over G 'man & Stanbury's Office Mein All sity Office and residence Dominioni Labratory., Exeter. Assooiote Coroner of an , of Barristers, Solicitora No axles Coo for the Maisons Dank eto efoeey to Loan at lowest rate* of .1.we 1. R. Carling 13. A: Eh DieltS*41 MONEY TO LOAN, We have a large amount of geri ate funds to loan on farm and se lage propertiea at lowest rate a fop Barristers, Solicitors', Mein ais Fanners Mutual Fire lEgur!- Head Office, Farquhar, ClivitT Vice President ROBT. DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN WM. ROY tiottelealaa- 3. II. RUSSELL AGENTS t borne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent fore' Hibbert Fullarton and Logan. Solieitors. Exe ter. '1 For Infants and.,Children. The Kind Yoe Have Always Bought] Bears the Signature of