HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-8-20, Page 51IUDAY'ATICITS'I's 20, 1914, -Aeeelsgeloi-eleeeleteeireeneeneleleinee-eitielea t College at Home 4. ets fel• Thousands at ambitious. young + -eople are fast Drees -aria; in I; their own homes to occupy -eine- .s. ativir positions ats stemograph- ss hooitkeeners telegraph- eloivil servants in fact every her of business aotivitiea Ifla roar tinisit at Colleeet it a et Oct 'Wish I'oeitinos guanine. + teed. Enter eolie,K0 hnY der. * Individual instruction. Ex- a• "rt teachers, Thirtyrears 4" soerience. Largest tealnere iGans.da. Seven collezee „peplos" course for teachers. A- silsifiliated with Coanamereial Ed. neational Asmoeiation o -f Canada el. Bummer SOlsool at Famous Sleet .÷ ton Business Colleae Londor- NO VACATION Clinton Business College 0. SPOTTON B. F. WARD cpal nelnesentelearestseeeiset++.4-,1-4-e-fsinlea 1 Pri '04 THE Bearl4 WkIy tar .114 111. ttn$1 8:4 Zell seed ZURTitq, Mahe 'see. ondors Free Press .....• 1 05 17 Leedom "Adverniee,r e, "ie eekly Montreal 'Witneee ,e1 05 *WY ' rxnixs 1 $d meta .AdVeVata 40 and Dairy 41,, e cranadiant Farm 144444 444444,4 OOP VatereleY night OITIOV4 ,111,1 414,41, 41,1 #44 4 Star 41-4 ',12„r Warta 41,44 '111111, ;11,1 11:11.4P felondoia Free 'Pam -1,ondon Free Press --a an Advertiser „.. 90 411, ew Telepho Directory Bell Telephone Comp.ri' e /8 soon to print, now Mite 0 iebd Telephonte Direetot7 fo tieLoE WESTERN 0r$1.; ties wbo contemplate beeom- scribere, or theta who wish banges in their present entry should me their orders with the Local Mou- nt oneo lo iusure insertion in shone. Con nectIng Companies Sbo»1c also report additions and 4ebarges in these list of Sobscribners *either to local nitioager or to tbeSpec- Ageniti department, MOntreal. e Bell Telephone' Co of Canada .8 SS NOTICE OP FIBST POS' ING OF VOTERS' LIST tees' List 1914 aluniciPalKY oI •The 'Tow riehip of Ltsborne County of Huron, Notice is hereby given that I have etransrititted or delivered to the per - Inoue Imentioned le sections S end 0 eof the Voters' List Act the copies re- •fs:Inbred by the said section to he trans hatted or delivered of the list made soarsuant to said Act, for all -persona, -swearing by the last revised assess- ment Roll of the maid Municipality she be entitled to vote In the said, man acipalay at elections for -members of sthe Legislative Assembly and at Mun ;impel elections -hod that said list was ;lest posted up at nay office in Ltsbor- ne on the 25th day of July .1.914 and tee:name there for inspection. ...Electors are called neon to examine Ike said list` and if any oneiesioe. ,or nether eerrors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law, FRANCIS MORLEY OCIerls of the said Municipality 1)-Jted this 25th day of July 1914 H(MESEEIE RS' EXCURSIONS TO—..... , MANITOBA; ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Tatsday until ,October 27th; inclusive. Mallilpeg and Return e $35.00 ,Itelsnontren and Return.. 43.00 'lrfam Toronto; and StationWest and iialortb of Toronto. Proportionate fares Ism Stations East of Toronto. ,k1 Return Limit two months. Pinticniarn regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets Irina Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P. Ry, • Toronto. I idreli s)RFLTCIEes T Crediton Miss Mabel Wenzel left for. Toronto yesterday to attend the millinery openings. Mies Wenzel has charge of the millinery department in Feist Bros. store this season. Mr. Arnold of Seaforth visited at the home of Mr Atomise Hill on Sun- day. Miss Salome Tientnan of Loudon is Visiting at the home of Mr J. 0 Young, Mr awl Mrs -Garnet Baker eat Lon- don are spending a few wee ke with relatives in town. eir ante Mrs Ben Either and,abildren of libly accompanied by Miss Gert- rude Either arrived here in there auto on Monday to visit relates. Me. and Mrs. Frank fienlike have returned to their home in Detroit. Mr and Mr e Hy. Sweitzet spent Suoday in Brantford, The Misees Milts of Woo-di:sem are visiting their awn Mrs., WM. Sams brook. The Stars played an interesting game of baseball at Exeter with the team of that place ors Monday even- ing. The score being to I favor of the Stars. Mr, and Mrs 011ae,BrOWn have re- turned to their bottle iu Detroit, - Mrs Oleneene Sted Mrs Josiah 11410 ot8ebringeille are 'visiting relatives. la town, Vessrs Valentine Raiz. and ILTernse r4New liamborg spent Sunday err en. Mrs Sydney -Clarke and daughter f leomiont beve retorned home after t%stng eeletivee in town. there Sambrook is spentlind few flaYs in Woodburn. ' Ben, J. 0, Morloek of New Rain - burg will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church next Sunday. LDALB na of Lonon b at Preeen le Nse and Olive , .4 rs John Puk, ph Hill of %iron 0 t Uli rebard we onThUra tleha *And daughter. of Bier wbo were the geuests of bitr. and Mrs A g Hawkey for the past two weeks 1 of Toronto• at New Durham on Fri retutucd bcgaie on Satorday. Mrs John Cole attenned the funeral of ber neice, the late Ora Dougherty Mr nod Airs Alfred Dow and daugb• tee Marion were the guests of Mr and Mrs "Morray of Avontou on Sunday. TEE ER TIMES -#0 Trusteeships Often You may Last Through in the friend whom you, have enerY_ Confidence appoint as the original Many Liktirnes tntiroouns' -‘troeolc, he : c 111 Ioe: :01 Thi $ strong Trust Company is permanent and fulfils it duties far more effectively than is possible In the ease of a private execu- tor, It is ever on the watch in the intereets of its clients mad through its Ofneers au d Management it feels the pule Of the, fina0- dal world as ;to Private indiVidnal can. Call or write for full information, THE LONDON & WESTEDN TRUSTS CO. MUTED 30,2 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. StR eV)- G -113001S. ire -co President s enner moan, es tiger 3 WHALEN. Clarence Onneicg Jac on Totesde for Saskatchewan to hell) with the resteru Harvest and vieit ;aloud Mr, and Mrs, 3. V. Millsors of Der. aafl ad Mr, OVA 1.3,11r. Little of Mich ;gap spent Saterday tied Seeday the home of ifeetor 'efillsopre ” -4117,FS Ida Armatge LUNA and Miss Alyraz' Ferris of ProsPet are vUng this week whit Mies Vora Deniers, Mr, ned errs, Xreetre Baner p Diaashard, received a visitfrom the sterk on Thursday the Oth and ar now the pessessore of a baby boy. Samosel Coxon of s thi paiming else nubile seeoel. ere, trod else, Altprt Gunterre seeps undey the guest of Prod (awesome Anderseet, , t le nearly afl g thpr(ql, in round here but easy titer ie out will be delayed ouite t long thee stow ae beve had ae exeesalve amount ef oa-n coupled with •a fierce electric 5 rm. rrs.PI1041 o who 1s ot iil is it ovine, 11 W00D43MI Efln.Mills is visiting at be sis Fled Stephen Nzs Vtn,. Avery arid daughter 0 tebell are visiting at Mut Wm, F.nsingers Misses Lena and Elsie Dufton are yisiting at Mr and Mrs James Routley Miss E'thel Stephens.of Make is vis- iting Mr and Alia James Routley, A118Rerr o Creditor) is visiting friends around Winebelsea. Miss Viola Colgin is visiting at Her- rinaton, Miss Velma Neal has returned from her visit at Wellburn Quite a wutuber from this place took in the Celebration last week at, ,Lon d cm INII6SkEi Mary at d Rhodaruller who bare been visiting Mr and. Mrs Ford •hey e iet tuned home to St Marys ?dr and Mrs Rea of Detroit at e visit- •irg their son Joseph of Base Line. Mr Edgar liedd is building a. new house. 4191 • THAMES !ROAD Miss Todd of Taranto and Miss Merl risort of Brucelield a -ere lite guests or Mrs Andrew teirembell last week. Miss Hazel Dellois end Miss Edna leloNaughton of London were the guests of MI s Geo. Williams last Sitb- bath. Me and Mrs V. Miller of Stratford were guests at Xi' Geo. leer slake last week end. 11Irs Chas, Monteith is taking care of two Fresh Air boys during the holi- day, Tee Lathes of the Presbyterian Church iutend to try and do it little towards helping the hoSpital. While Mr flal.13rown was moving his separaror into Geo. Dunn 's barn last week the cable broke allowing the machine to run baek down the bank and then overturn. The dam- age was not as bad As might be •ex- pected, Repairs were made and the machine is running the same as usual. es• CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs Cole ill of -Exeter are visiting their sons in Centralia we are glad to see them so mach improved in health. The Sunday School picole is at Grand Bend on Friday, Mrs Beavers of Crediton has been • visiting the Misses Wilson. Rey. E. G. Powell •Temperance -Field Secretary for Huron County held a meeting in the Methodist chneeh here on Monday night. The conditions were very unfavorable for a loorge atotende nee. Pearl Seli of Lucase is visitiug her C0118in Gertrude Andrew, Ale and Mrs John •las ilson were at their claughteres in ,Caradoe over Sun --s, • Miss hereyeu3- ng f escao is -visiting frirni Mesia John Wilson and John Brock while out driving last week met with W11/71`, might beam been a serious accid- ent e hen the horse shied at an auto and upset them and buggy into the ditch, Mr Broels was sonaewhat in- jured but Mr Wilson este:sped unhurt• , On account of the rani last Thurs- day the W. M. S. ice-cream social was but thinly attenped. • An interesting game of hall is billed for this (Thursday) evening when the "Old Boys" team consisting of the Dororan Boa Percy Simpson, ed Bloomfield, Milton Mitchell and other nienabers of the old Centralia ball team will meet the Centralia Soul h Huron League Teem. These is no scbeduled game fol Slentroslia on Thurseay and the "Old ;Boys- under their manager Wm. Boyle aye oast to shcsw theiope 0 te ine pcant tne ioet ae no% rnnle.saysti 'lit ‘‘Jt v c eh ppre4 in last cling 1 ithe r t .1, antost's clock was e,e's It ivati a goad on biy forgot lo state that no teter nd It he s" ritting par Time Crops are nearlybu'vested iId 'any have threshed 'hie :roma Ea orto are very rgo id /numerous ‘‘ :Itch your vines. flrs, Fr, 41 Sheiter and children, of a; lo are tlie, guests ot the former e Mr, and ilfrs, 34, 5•111:ier- 500. ,1\11s9 limisors a frail is spending her holidays at her lionse Miss Dorman hoe returned ea her borne prier a very PIQnlilin t visit sviele eIrs, itudson. Mite; Ada elfelelserson is lh guest o Mies Gladys Pattereen tt rtersdt Pend for a syeekt Joh n 'MeLeodaf the 1,R1.11i, eon. West Willionos fell from 4 scaffold Lo the barn floor in Charles Ileyes barn on Tusteriny afternoon alum Pre- paring 'I o ;steel Oa resid ng. 'rho knees cap of hie loft knee was broken end he suffered other injuries. Hie injur- ies were am Nerinos •that: he we's ta- ken to St. Joseph's hospital :London, by the evening train. John Grieve rAr. P. P. was taken seriously last Wednesday sr -menthe 1)zs 2, 0; Wilson nod G. W. ltaeeY were cal/ed. His condition beceme so lerave at four &aside- a. ne, that he was rushed to Victoria Hospital Lon- don by the automobile, The is seported to be easier with prospects of rt rapid recovery. airs, 13eclovo:fhiTiiC otli:sondon is 'visit- ing with C,riende in tossi.c. IM.r, and Mrs. F.dgar Edighoffer Bed, Axe Jlleb. are visiting with re- latives; around here. a The onion harvest is now neer( and •tho crop is said to be above the lave.rage. "Al.iss Alma Axt has returned from be.r holidays in London and other cit- ies. Mr. Ed. Appel is .spending a few weeks with Err -reds in 'eternal and oth- er towns. Miss Flossie Hartman of Da,shwood visited 'Mr, and Mrs, Alex Foster. - Miss 1)1na leickeeil who :spent a Cow weeks with her sister' Mrs. Mor - mw at Becton has returned. Mr, Fred lless is very ill ;It present but it speedy, recovery is looked for ivard to. re. Keel Shen -Ian of Detroit is spending his holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Seims, Mrs. Ehas IPritz and •claughtec Dor- othy left on Wednesday for Sarnia and other places. , .5fiss Tillji Welt of Detroit is visit- ing at ber parleuts Mr, a nd Mrs. H. Mr Geo. KalbfreiSch 'ofi Detroit is • visiting the sick- bed ot his wife at • the home nt Mr. and Mirs, 13e.o Soars, btrs.,1:Tenr; North Dak- ota who, has been visiting rola Lives around this vicinity left on Wednes- day ',Coy her „home. Mrs. Captain Prank, GILmville and 111r. Ltiiiis Glenville, of Chathani are, visi Cog 413e. home ,of Mr, and Mrs. George Deem -lay Drysdale. .Ble.ssts Neiman, ' Elmore, llctarv Wm. 'and his'. \rife Iii. nd Ce, and; 7i1rs, '•Schtil'otc, r, et1', wwl, Mrs. Arnold Vi-u.rin ,.ot Detroit atteaded the !liunc.ral of ,the late Henry Jitipp, 111r. 'I -ivory l'?iipp.who'had been, oii- log Ioi sOrn'e. "time 'cliiej on Su rola y Angt1s1, Sth tiloct ,of his pnil,clreu were, at 'home t1ii ,the 'died (Pli de- ceased, CtrUC from Now Ill naboarg tri a n 31 years ago -and bed reached, the ago of 71 yearsUhe remmius we.re, laid tO rest On August 11{h in, the Lutlitil-an cemetery. 'Besides, bis • ere he leaves a family, of • sun;jc issighteraeo, ,rs-sourreenialosela 'n .ae 'under:578:1as Miss- Dora Sherritt and Miss Mabel Cudmore have volunteered to aecornpaas tise- st Canadian Contingent to the war professional nurses ir be, Chesney of Torototo Lts ast %wee, V -IlosT• Smith has rAuraed ekes, end overspied th. •-• %deities. la n, elrs, a ,bnideing itther emet- is • efiss l2dn AreDonaldhe efser visiting in Detroit, Mr, Unlit and daitghter oisr, Lon breo visitiong nith nis inott,.e Niss Igaggie Thoitipson is hom out the west on a ris:t. She is QC orespateed by efise Desertsh of Port Arthor. 5tre. 'lobo Jacksoe and denghter efrs, Alex kar-lTalll. have returned 'tome after visitlog in file west. • NeelandS is looiUo and Qat silk. d 3frs. ehijd London called on old friends illuge last we lr, and visiled Mrs„ Illeks at he, rarsociage • Case who reeentlY naal-ars operation for appeedieles, spital itt Loudon:. b gettit-t 1 a • 41trehrti g parer; all, rs, F. llama Lean represented tle- IhWrth bud - go of ihe 'I. 0. 0. le, itt the astedin 0 the grand Lodge 10 l'areope Ia week. The Bell block is 14 0 °teals Urs. Jas. Stewart is ' ;seta cs mope, Master -Maurice Ford Le ill with e mumps. Mr, 3. 0, Stenbury is le Toronto this week. Miss Mary Delkivill is hehdayin itt Port ilk:Iron. Mrs, Billings LS visiting her sister itt Fort Was-sse '114 Will Dignan of Toucan visited rolrA This week. Miss, 31. Steerse of Ridgetowa Is iting with blonds in Exeter, Mr, and Mee. W. D. Clarke and eon Gale are eiestieg in South 1:Tamp4on, Mies jeeeler Doss coy v'24,te4 itt'41`tos, Paltner'e fler,sall over the week end. efts, J. S'aiter of Toronto With friends, its and armsed Exeter. 31,iee Merlelielnee of London the grseet of Mr, end efee, T. 3. Ree net I " Ac auto ioed of leistads from, Luisa Craig visited at Me. A. Iinwey'er os-er Ottodee• Ales, Poole e el two ebildren et edesa are vi!, if. est sei -11 Mr, ard ik.y. Riacii ef Visiting L rite4 berm., Misis4Ne t tie Pe swoosh el !tett A•41 tO TOTOraci titiS 001'0 .i.se oat with her Mothers 4" Allan 0t 1JlJ0i14g14 arP visit mathc,r end Miter. Onauee is expected h .s irons the west sveroes 'en visiting bee sister, who has larnin me Ma and .11rs, Theo. Swee New SISAIo'OTITIT Walker and "White srouti possessore nt it Pord en whiele they peid the 81111'4 01 •.$1, ea '1 best' two gentleinets term • the r- est to guessing the eorreet oumber of berms to the bean guesisor contest conducted by the Seaforth 'fire bri- gs:0e in eon neetiort 11 Ir the oh) boys' rinittion. There were =0,8fill beans in Ute jar and their critz,ss was 5.8031 Ireere were ins the neighborhood of 600 guesses registered 1 he highest ,a ing 28,563 and the lowest 1,,e51. 4et the regulaV mer;ting of be Tow 1 C.)11211C:1 Ill, rano or taxation for the ever wi paisad t1S iollows County rale 2 male; punlie library 75 mills, municipal re ti' 19,95 nulls, 'Collett are Instils sr te 8.3 mine; o ttbite aeheols. 7.6 mills, and eeparro t t4O110018 7,6 milit. ItT r, Ed Mole 11,41,1 re aPPointed, elettrieel loispecl or ;led Joseph Keating buiklIng Inspector. inGeaforth happened at No, 6 dem- One of alie saddest accidents knowe, itor on TtleSdaY after/100A of last, week, when little Clara. Muir lo[ her life by 'being smothered in thss se hea It :appears that she wit1 . some other kiddies were playing, up in the wheat it place wbere they ',nest ,ostresn gone before and when the mar,' who was loading a me p aUnl oat the stale antt let the wneart down the epout, 'mire happetent to le• tilreetly over the hole and was instantly drawn down the spout. The alarm was given at Once and Dr. Burrows was on 'the spot lviihin a few seconds and slid everything that could be done but the life bad fled. Decoosed was the youngest daughter of Mr. 1' and Mrs, ,Tobn Muir Railway Se and was 41 height little tot of tOno years and six months Besides her heart- broken parents she is survived by five brothels and one. sister to ell of whom the sympathy of the whole (own goes out in it very large mea- sure in +their grief. The funeral took place co Thursday at 2e:o'clock :to alaitlandbank cemetery the services being taken by Rey. D. Carswell, and was attended by a Jorge numbtsr of sympathizing friends. Field Crop Campo, 11 ton.— Secre Islay Broderick bas received from the De- partment of Agriculture the 'names of tea winners in the fiid crop compe- tition conducted by the Sea -forth Ag- alicultaral Society in oats i" his year. The 'report however does not show haw the 'prizes were awarded but gives the name of the first' five al- phabetically as ,Eollows Broad foot, teams James Carnochan end A. El - coat Toickersmith, John Scott and Jos eph Scott Roxboro 1.11:cRi11ip Thest live winners are cligableto prepa,re sheaves end exhibit at -She Toronto .P.Iibition whore prizes of one hundred dollars in grad audr gold medals arc .of feted. AINS SUPPLJED HE Orgencotherapy Old al diesel Syeteen, Which Has Been, iteviyeth Is it possible to provide the feeble - Minded with more "brain until they ere noremie Wild thouga the Possi- bility may seem to the lay mind, ir 1188, nevertheless, beers eerioueltr eased er the Congress of Medoeme itt 1?aris. Furthermore, experiments in ut000rothpe4dap.y" neve alreaelY been beviseisienseecie::chr:13k,no:::i.a:ts''er- reating Uiseased Orlitane With plea- einee Made froM eireidee sergeleS, 14 isb:obiniitielddinIttobpy omredcline:t10-relinpr otst that eget' with extreeta from a similar one was praeticed, 2,000 years ago, although, of eonrse, in a very crude fattatril:reittn, 1214f roinis oarre:gr:nttitaat P 7111 tyS ol particular part of their system ware 74.37suns*pt:11.14tel:s t‘14'4, e hittal waste and dato ft Thee Mot - ere oree o ea u while fee' dyspeptics W.48 setibed a diet in VoThiell tine stomach Wes ranked as the chief item. n address (I't the =WI 0,4i d byn widely,knolm Doomme oetor, Dr, bestrews. be remark- epecial itliPertenee in attesette eatinent Of anaemia 11,.y "The Obi treatment with c "Was neve -:" '4140- Y eatisfaetory, 'while i a lipOld t of blood corpuscles 'le foodMitee tereii to Patients the etorPneelee za UlkihiPly 41-1,4 the nsnaeunia. cla a and ;about a %seed: ago he polled. L. Day Its floe field of eo ock that cwasured over 12 e o s, W. N. Right aesd dangbt'is end Liiliess are 1110 gineets of' s14' and Mrs. 3. Willie' 1'm , anti Mee, Steal owl' ilea visitod viCinity l'is"; fore seta -02 th PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you. suffer fro. bleedings • • m itching, blincl or protruding Piles sendeese your address an I will tell yeu how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment ftree :for trial, lidth references from your owt1 locality if re. quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no. money, but tell others, Of this offer. Write to -day to Mrs. tuers, Box i? 1113 Windsor2 51 ) side hining e ceoi rig. Rook is visiting -with relotive 11 ,'t, Thomas and Race tster N. Y. 5Ir, 0.tipackman of Guelph is vies ing with rel'lli'Ve8 lit town. ana )1 rs, :fames. Wambold a faniily 01141 315', avid Mr4. F.Eitop af o sport a eels days last we with Itir, and )1rs„ J. A, W'iunbold 3fr, C. Christie, of Stephen .had 'OW billed by lightitimg on 'Monday Elea ably theMeet startling *be doctor was tha 02 euring the eble-minded by thi method. Tbis hyslolau held that long A.S orgauotherapy w rked go we long nUiee lises, it stood wielli aessen than 0 feeble -MI old ttaet of of the brcli eir trke04 140/1114 , If this le nose of the greatest WO hie things la to ORIOUS HAIL Glrl end nogiti ef all ages 1V -MA benutifut and attl'antivz h os'ighsiee thin and lifeleee herr, de- troYs half the beauty of a pretty ace, ff yogr hair is /PS41:4 oo1o, faLing 011"2, dull, full of dendrafe, eoo de,y, or 12: iho snalP iteAtee anti teams .00 gee Piitjsian Sage. Inta is ell into the soles Tr WAII °V right the hair roots. nouri,sla tains end @tintulate the Isair to grair Ana beautiful It removes dandroft with one application, stops iteeieg sitip allirsg hair end nnalfee the heed feel Foe, Parisiee Sage k• les• 11,A],f i$ •xtegdQd to eseee inseft fl'efiY, thick eed glorimesey rediant. it is 401 ii D oent botiks Ly - 1 -5. Cele land nt all drug eaeotesse. Look for the crlde mark olfhotra except sao other. Ise' ^tet a Sir. E, bildren arP, .1, Grig r, Lot • l'o,a• of floret's; Rend. Oat. uTJta3lon•to w F Times t thf;se Toronto .V1, Toronto $tar Mail orcl Ere Ololse Worid I'rs.as rain of (beers' ;•is g set forth b.) a hook on that sub said, that stammerl or to incoordination t but tbls is no explanation does not tell what causes th at or the incoordination. A ng to Mr, Blomnel. stammerla 1 result of transient auditor la forgetfulness of the sound eltich produces the see - conditions of mental con - and tear, these being triton - ed in Seine eases hy atitOsuggess The initial cause may he slight Hinged. to eerly life. It may nt lessen and disappear, while the T dary effects remain as aequired 51 itt evening, The Ugh to:ng ;strut.* 4 '01: under which t be cow was stand - ng, )10: srs Wallace 41nd llorty Fab tieS in r:etliireed this week atter bohdaYing Toroato. lintry resnmed his du, alt the Bank a Commercet Park.; Miss ;Jackson who has been ntir.g,r.q• 01by Mrsilett al:turned itia her /or 4 yli:4bonus in Landau D 4: W. 3, hes returned t ar ing the former's brother at filasira nen ilandford of Renfrew who v iis- ted Isere for a few &Lys are visit- waisf.iss Mier liondford end Miss Lii- , Mi 88 Ebfail of Thanweville who is the t,•erest at tbe Main Street par - emerge Nang it solo in Male Streel. church last Sflilrgll it ,.veni11°.; Miss etuxworthy accompanid bee on the organ. As an indueemeat to new eab- scribers twenty-five eente se- cure the Times from now until the end or ,the year. Send your order in early and get the full benefit of this eig cut ir. rates. The London Fair Boned have sued circulars; trontaining a pilot° of the lieeeter Braes -Band, weld) will take part in the progione on Huroo County day Sept 15111. The Ilene will no doubt give a good account of 'them selves. A I; a negro wedding when tha cler- gyman read the words. "love hon- or end obey" the bridegroom intrup- t"ed and said. "Bead it once mo" eo's de lady 1tin ketch cle• full solemnity ob de meanire Pse been married be- fue ale, end errs, John McKinlef of Stanley Township announce tee en- gagement of their daughter :Stahel Elva, •to ltr J. Bartlett Laves, son 01: !Mr eand Mrs. Geo. Levis- of Clin- ton., the seedding to take place the latter -part of August. You co n't , beat eome of the pe Lena ineei el nes. A, 'fellow sail the other dee. "A 13'N) ago in3- wHe Ives so ,yeak dhat she could Shar.diY ben 0 tt, have me put Illy arms around der She tools 'three 'hot ties of Dr. Spa laltee's nerve tonic and cow everybody can put his aeon around her." The Canadian ,Bank or 'Commercc. have for -distribution to 'the general public a map afthe county of 11-u Earl publiebed by Bend etc.Nally and Co. evbich they arell be pleased to hand to those calling for same OT on 10 - quest a copy will be mailed Le those requiring these useful pamphlets" . Tbe 'attendance at the Ce nadirs u National :Exhibition last year svas one nillion and nine thousand. This year Nvith larger demand for exhibit space better 'aceortsociation for live 'stock obis best bands of essro coati manes' and everything the anatosement world a.foeds, it is confdently expected the attendance will reads it million alai a e natter. i1m1d ,the booming of thisreler end downpour of raiin 'W,ing,harn volun- teers for tile front marched to the station on Thursday oC last They emceed -0-d 10 Godee-iela for drill and await 'further orders. -There was POS8l2SS'iOn of a largo , aural:130r o.t ,),..,oplo many in autonmbile$, i,and headed by +Lhe Winglarn band wide mu 1 te tattles, linPd the streeis ,Dr. Ad- ams went as )tiatinim at a n.d Dr. leam teley as doe tcre The pi -see -0,r .13e p al '1. re op,e4eat'Idels Res.:thee o g s America. &nzerlgo Vespucel's lettere about er world were made the beets I f tut 1 5'7) nulled "COS - monies " liy is eertaiu Withiseernul- • suggested that, as Araerigo was thn dlecoveree of this "fourth part of the world," it should be called after him. The naine took and, first applied to South America, was given later to tete entire western continent. James Bryce remarks: "The series of Incidents by which the name of a Florentine adventurer was given, first to a continent he probably did not discover and then to another which ho nester saw, is as curious as any - in geographical history." Why Firemen Hurry Little Ross, aged seven, had been arouod the corner inepectirot the fire station.. Ile came home to tell his mother of what he had seen there, He said: "And, mamma, even if they are just in the middle of sweeping the floor, they drop the broom and ruele off to the fire, and even in the night time when they are an bed if the bell rins they jump up and dress and go to the fire, 'cause if they didn't do that when they got there the fire would be all out." The Oldest Encyclopedia. The most ancient encyclopedia ex- tant is Pliny's "Natural History," in thirty-seven books and 2,498 chap- ters, treating of cosmography, astron- omy, meteorology, geography, geo- logy, botany, medicine, the arts and pretty nearly every other department of human thought known at the time. Pliny, who died 79 A.D., col- lected his work in his leisure inter- vals while he was engaged in public affairs. The work was a very high authority in the middle ages. Herd at Wainwright. The porninion Buffalo' Park at Wainwright, Alta., now contains 1,447 buffalo, 45 elk, 60 mule deer and 4 antelopes, There were 248 buffalo calves born in the pares dur- ing 1913. There are 31 buffalo and 23 moose in the Rocky Mountaen Parks In the Elk Island Park there are 81 buffalo and other native anis male. The parrs branch relearn that tin buffalo are thriving admirably. Troilite, which is a very eonunon constituent of irieteorites, is gener- ally considered to be the simple Sul- phide of iron, though the exact chem- ical composition is in doubt, This is usually in the 201'111 of nodules, plates or rods, and, decomposing readily during flight, leaves the re- maining mass with unique markings, Res Grose'. "A mail ought to know- viten o say no." "You know when to say no, all right." eThank you; 1 think I do," , ").'es, you said 110 syhen you felt, S -are I 'would ask you , and, said yes when you s to we,skSu.'' •eo 4.411,6b,4 • li it !6 "44174 itt 5 14 15581 itt 02 a 'it 9 ily tarn S1Mber of tienrtS 11,11 01 eto gd a it 1 Olt r a1 51141 a ds %I 81 A ,:"1113 mises 10 Its 1 spool, t nsand per t• `1q.4.4 4 fro•c /o soreles I' hosi 11"04.1'507U1?it , ri 'Judi, le 1 I IMP% e the ,I,,ear thincil t PatriotiIUZ with it %ander- OVP the an tisdpeesno e tthe Tietes from now until the .1 ef the year. Bend your order in grta. "ttes0 full 'benefit of 'this Wires the intention 0 jtArt1eipatin rniliary maneuvers ont of God- ' rich no:dente or up French settle - re ea commenced organizt.ors of a cal- vary Compaey at St. Joseph Although OW has it ,n postponed they are still s under a graduate of be Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Shoo Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion "Government Exhibits by West Indies i Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride An to -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show de AMMON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent . Paintings from Is-ngland, Scotland, "Jolted States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grend Water Carnival Creatorels Famous'Band Score of other Band Dozen, Band Concerts Daily Chesapealre and Shannon. Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks httei'nati 10 Bands al "a' ar.e. alto 400 Musicia