HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-8-13, Page 5UBSDAY AUGUST 1914, ,11-7 - College at Home rfleollsande of ambitious Yssulle kteople are fast Sassterariska * ;their own homes to loCcoPY.lito- rative knesiteene an stenoerapen bookkice1Sers le1e3raPh- 4' Orteeeieral riervante an fact evory *here sef heel/teen asstivi,tiaa Ton may einieSt at College 0 sin so elvish Peeitiorie guarao- teed, Eater oollege any ooflees inatrtion, „ V.ert tosotters. Thirty' lrears experiertoe. Largeat inane-re- lOanaitle. fieVerk Onl1ege5 ielpeclal enures for teaettens. Mlilit with Psreimencial gas' neational Asacelatinn a °awl:ft Bummer Bahool at Famous Spot ton Bus/MO Celine Londssa. O VACATIori Clinton BosartessOollege • SPOTTON B. F. WARD Pis/opal 4I -1-14+44÷1.44, bbing Rates 'V;g4, :TOPA s7,5 p i(ng for. year daily :P.t OAS 4).ffiOec r Oainadian Stla, AND Eitar 1ff ogg 4.g 41 05 eX, EraPrie Globe of fltf ',if, *awe, Is 75 Imadeill Free -P.reae I 85 Itoediete AdVertiete e. eel 74 Y MOotreal Witness 05 kiy ',Farmers Sum 1 a mere, Advocatie 40 Wane end DeirY .„- 'She Canadian learra 4 8i 51roxoeto Idattarday nieght 50 WI/ Wenn( ...ete 40 d Pay ItItar 40 Pally Worl' -tad '25 24ortirg LorAon rree rxess ..„.4 90 ST.-x:.ing London Free Press ..„e Pally lhocodon Advertiser .42 90 Abristioz txtlardian gfg•fg *.t.n121 4 Crediton letr tied Mr. Behoke of Detroit are ependlog fele days at the, home of the. latter'e parents Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Weneet Mrs, Geo. Either left ma Wednesday to speed a te‘V mouths with her hies - bane in ;Cobalt. Miss seatie Soider- of Detroit left her home Saterday lifter visiting with ariende here. , k • Ii;elddred Drown yistieng in Dresdotte pad other placeIrs. * Maed Mrs, Chas, Drowee of Detroit„ are ependiag a week with re- tativee men. i Mr, Geo. Smith of Hamiltoo is vis- iting his another Mrs, Harry Mot. eile, nod Mrs, Ed. 13ertraeol. daughter !Thelma have returoad to their home in Detroit. MISS Ii,4Zie Eilber es vietting riende 'ea riagVnaw, Mich. Miss Cient Palmer is epealdiog her vacation Pigeon Mich. Miss Edna Pink seieer has returned tie Sebawing aftee visiting her par- ents. Miss. Elia Link Es ependieg a fin 'eekst Toromtee atel Hamilton Miss Orate of. London is at- ehe home of her brother Dr, J Orme RUSSELP.ALE Mrs, John Cole very Ple43401.)” - V eertained the Leaks Aid oe the Dap teat, chureb of leuliertoo and other frimeds Meeday artereosee )1.iss Belle „Drools, of Toionto, hae eetorued home after vting relativea ia 045 viciatia y for the paSt Weel: Mr, nod Mts. liavid Dow )pent Sunday arith the former% soo Mr. Simon Bow or Irma. Mortimer Whe Ws been ovoid. (01,t1, days at the hornet of 3fr, and Mrs, John McPhail returned •florae to hc•Itiorne1 on Saturday. Mrs*. Paco. and, nephew Leo, 001.e. I, Pt present/. visiting friends io Woo4oer oud Mrs, Jaine5 nerAl Of the latter' s Iin Mr. Woods of Avonton OP SP iterviees AOY'S PrOtlYtet being conducted by t Lublin $tratford. and ,Alvinsten during Rev, eee WhO SPOMlitia' Taiga. ew Teleplio e Directory The Bell Telephone Gompany rola le SOOP tt) pri0t, a neve iseti Official Telephone Directory the District•of WESTERN ONT, Parties who contemplate beeorn- ..itts Subscribers„ er that/ Nth° wish .changes in the ptesent entry should IFItteo their ardent with the Lanni Man - Jager at once to insure insertion in Istue, Connectin Companies should also report additions an ebanzes in thetIO list of Snbscrilmers either to local manager or to the Spec - Agents departnaeut, Montreal. 3 ear .11iSS Alice 'Tfeeniner of uto'" leiteog hor 1oV44s Mr a. t enry Trueinnetet .Mr. and Mrs, IlejtrY Gellman or 0iflinotaAro vng the fortner's par - and Mrs. Joho Gellman. Airs. 4. /t/ alelicit or BO - visiting for a Lew weelzs Ives. oy Geiger preached in the Oka), church last iSantray even- T X TER TIMES Next in Importance to Makin g a Will as making pr ion to ensure its being preperly carried out, The interest of this Company in any estate which it, is em. powered to administer is StrintlY impersonal, All things o.re done with the sole aim - of fulAlling its trust with the highest degree of efficiency and faithfulness—in closet conformity with the expeessed desires of the testator. Consult with us regarding the administration of your eState. All loformatioo eheerfully furnished free. THE LONDON 8t, WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED 382 RICHMOND sTREET, LONDON, ONT. negonetss meg, presideit, " Jogier _s. AdogRE,e, eVegeze HENSALL WOODEAM 3fie3 Jessie ,Sproule le visitleg Mr, T. B. rollick wife and elaugh. Rincardioe. Lillian of Port Perm' Visited a '...Atiss Sadie Caldwell is home Tree's the varsonage last week, the, 'west, Mre, Prouse is ving iser daughter Miss Smith is holidaeltig at Bey- alre, Wm. Brown, ield, 514% Acteour Bailees iers tor Wolse- titss 'B. Cadmore of Toronto Is ey Sask., where Ile has eecured The vis'teete her peref.4 iS wsitioa ef principal, of the echeal Is M. Ortwein of Berlin is holt- II there. daying et her home.; Mr„ E. Follick ofEsk,tt,r Vns 31r$, Abe Case, wbo bas not, been. eted friends in the village lest week, 1 for some rime wi leontlott Atnne. Ford Nvbu has beets Vis'tt,, On '$11 IltrAY nr.d was operated on ing eeletives soul elegets here left appt.ndieitis on Wednesday We tare Saterday for his twine in Vencettver, sedto ern filet eta. stood the The little son of 3fr, awl ;efts, Jebn Peration n4 isprogressing far- Whiteford ie tepees improving, 3117e, Geo, -Ingram and slaeghter, ; i\,Teisridtaingilueu"j ra hly. is STre, Haugh el' Veneetiver who 'have John lopen teecru eielteirs :errs, Petterson, Mrse' "Mies Drown, Of the levet is visiting 11, Berry and other friends in thia aT the home of Lr, Gilfred eeetion left this week for Niagara and . Vane Buffalo, and other polutg prior The galberieo- in of the harvest id are prepariug but I.:null:ally to rettirning tie the coast, 'etre. Togs advancing rapiuly. Threstin.-.- has up in a meelitieleal way the rpet On ram is 79 years oge eoniueei u he neighbOrtmod, thestrinee befere thetn.-Arooneet, 3frs, SUor toe and daughter or c1on0estc,r city N. Y. recently TiS- Steil for a week at P. Fees, on noaoseey Mrs, W. Beery. :erre, litunestort 1fl& 5liesee Ando erol Greta Lantruie •ere ,ZJrs,eIlelde: sofi.a-ff,;. VtiPg irelatiVe5 in Deteelt. o ter oalled ur DIP, /rhos, Dinsdale of Rippen had 41r,5, u.Weit oPerkhill and Mr d. helf, She le 87 e'eare bore 'visited )hlittrogr ere r ell last Weer; Ond seriously itC14414,, ORIENTAL CARPETS. Some of Those Made of Kashmir Sal Stronoly Resemble Silk. Generally speuelans, the carpets ot GerMarts India eau never necelstboee of Per aie Fighting AS the materials used in the forties are not of the eione eneerior deitlieY those employed in the latter country The wool, of whieb meaty of the lies; carpets are Manefaetered is otttae frous leashmin Sometimes enniet, which are mistaiten for atilt are ratan!, of au extremele line quality of woe known as "pashm." This is obtoine4 from the goats of Katsbrair ttod grtnr.' VIOSE1 to the skin, being proteeted the laug and coarser wool. It isea seeeetla end /Mine§ ee $114 and is asee for the beautiful soft shawls for whieli Kashmir is fa mime. Peculiar methods nre exuployee ie indien weever io tonverting righted design into a ,textite. Inst1-n worlang rr0m eutored dra wing at agram, tbe Vet' 11:15 the pattere ranslated on paper loth rows or bets, eacb of which exeressee the Ewa ter of stitches end the mlor. With ibis written 'deer in Ws band tht head are site beeina les subteen mites mad die/fates the pattern, to them one row at a thlte. Ilitoilgh Its breadth ef the carpet. These ernHy -sit IP than Or the Ivan) - le in the requisite numPer of of each color 213 called ont to tIftIfl ,;der from los eiptivvvd soip, hoys, who oeviona the aettav. presees of wea Ong the pik).totowdtie ey day the dietetions of the licad onto, oltr,volg nothing yr 10e ptitt0ru they beee tatie Are Now at Long Flange. They Are Now ombarding ging of Forts With Siege Guns — Allies Are Threaten g to Cut German Force Off From Base of Supplies raiser's Officers Coinnitit Out- rages on Civilians, BRUSSELS. Ateg, 11. --(Via Paris) --Accordiug to the War Office, the fightiog at Liege has now narroweS down to egcbanges of shots between the Gerwan. siege gens, which have been thrown about the unyielding forts. arid the artillery of the forts themselves, which are picking eff, pointe in the Oerraan position at long range. Evideutly the Germane neve for the time abandoned their efforts to take the forts. The comeaauder of the re:els at Liege, according to an official atta notatieemelat, rePorts that ail the forts are intact. 'rho f.oldiera man- ning them are In tae health and serrits, and are ampiy aupplled with previsions end MilWtions,, Thera jg cause or elarna, The, population of Liege main, - it,s calm, end the offieial view the Situation Is quite salts, All the appromehes to 'Braes evell geartled, to prevent io the ue.tum Qf A surprise onnoiterlog parties •of •ger- valve. Sunlit bodies of 1Ibo. been sigoalled ita all direc- rally they had lost their rittlzdettrreudered ao4i- 014 beLO obaUeotL kzaet toy eempe af Lteg are 14 4anger f being mit off front 11 sour s of fltUOS Tbe German my invasion o th or the River euee is helogsiar4y attacked by French aXlti J gI1t4 VAVelree, ted Infantry and ffeld artillem e said to b11V0 141QR0 through. Man IMO Of 1/11A444ole14t1ott her or peitI15. Waving hIcle'at tare. Up railroad traelta. -ways seriously intorter- talon. e toward the g harassed lan cavalry, li ot at destine. use. The aer elluquisbed the River Ourtbe, e about a tulle mbling to re- rand Bel- nw, Rill,A14d daughter Eths el Or Greet/bosh Le Co. spent last h and. sister 'MWU- or Tor0Ito art , .'c 1t. the guests A. , ,s o. Broom siod oth Will 1 Te the c to gueet of iliss 3lionle Sherriet. 'AL Deeelman of Dressels Ives v his vr4afsprained while pleyinel Tbo many friends of W. J. Wilson 1 af the flood. on the Civic Ifoli.Esti will be plea...itsi to bear that he i bee gone from tin. hospital la Gel- tisean wen to GltelPh , ROry to bto booke in Alberta and i I rday wtore they will visit', 1 iterrreeing, few days of .r which they will Regina. 1 , Sellery aho has Wen spenditg weeks with her parents 3Irti ,..... W. Moir has revarned to, etre, Downs tied family have re, Toront eecompanied by her childrene turned to their home in SE, CharleA Mee, James Bontbron and tittle i Nigh; orter epending several Weeks danghter are home from Wa'erlooi witlf IlIr, and Mrs, Jinx Bantam. vivre they spent sortie 41011-thS With Miss leathleen Mnrphy Is at' Kee- .3fre4 Bonthron'e parents Mr, and era spending a .few days tu: mt. Cr Mrs, l'ungblut, owl 'hot is expected to retern shortly 1 Mims Katie Power of Detroit is :t1 pending her Ivacatiou with bed tuna Mise Nell Keogh. itP Venn or the Standard Bank Threshing' is the order oe the dey The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 'Notice SXO TIIE POLICY HOLDERS OF THE USBORNE AND IIIBRERT 'MUT- UAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY The Board of Directors of the said ;Company wish to draw the attentiaa sof its members to Professor's Dyes •UtinOn Lighteing Rods" (a lcopy which has been sent to each nnember at the request of the Board) las a protection to lintildijngs dram Lightning and would entreat them to 'carefully read the same, eind would ask those who have their, buildings rodded to see that 'they are Japt in good repair and also urge‘ capon those who have not them rodd- era to get them rodded as soon as pos- esible as the value of Rods as, a pro - election to buildings against Light - tieing is clearly set forth in aforesaid Xicibts Gardiner W. A. Turnbull President Secretary t Dated July 6, 1914. ° •1/CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- - fiNG OF VOTERS' LIST -Toters' List 1914 MunicipaliltY The To - n hp df Usborne County of Ilarori - Notice is hereby given that 1 have ranaanitted'or delivered to the per - nus !mentioned in sections 8 and 9 aof the 'Voters' _List Act the copies re- 41-nired by the said section to be trans emitted or delivered of the list made tlsoursuant to said Act, for all persons „appearing by the last Teyieed a,ssAs- itnerat 'Boll of the said Municipality OP tie entitled to vote in the said ratio ficipality at elections for members of *he Legislavve Assembly and at Man Iowa!' alaotions and that aa.id list was -first posted up at my office in Usher,- -am the 2511) day of July, ,191.4 and aernains thre ;Or inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omission ,or s}thez 'errors are found thereto to take immediate proceedings to have the aaid errors corrected according -to law. aCIS MORLEY Clerk of the said 111urticipal15y ed tins Vali day of July 1914 Ohuldr.en (i" tett: nbe The Lutheran Suoday -School and Ladieo aid held a pienin on Tuesfday tbo Ilth of August to Bayfield. Mies i1lelleea Smith or CSoseswel is visiting with ler sister tre 'W. 011irein. Mrs,MeWaters and daughter Vere Detroit are visiting nt the home or tlie eortner's parents Mei sted Mrs. U. Well. Xesers P. Lamont and H. llowald ere rent additions to 'the tauto owners; or town 'Both have purchae- ed Ford ;curiae': rare. DAT COUNCIL Connell met Saturday Aug, lst The following rates were authorized to et* collected for 0)114. County rate 21-10 mills Township Ito 21-10 mills General school lute 11-4 10 tails Zurich Police Village 35. 0 mills Dashwood Police Village rate I. mill School S. Nos 2 87.50„. No. 10, 2507: 10, 14, 450; /No. 13, 150; N. 3, N'o, 6, 350; No. 7 1200; if No. 0, 412.50e V stio. 16 830 No. 8' 400 No14 ',No. 12; 358; U. No. 1 216; If No, 15 273.75 No. 11 200; Scp No. 1 307 Sep No. 11 500. The. fallowing accounts were pas- sed. Harry Lipphardt commission %work cast* branch North and South draim $4G6.55; Telephone supplies 188.16 Volland sheep killed 20.00; 'Wm. Davidson elo 14.32; 'D. inicharmet do. 4.00; Hy Pale ...do 24.00; 14 Becker do. 2.06; John Mosseau do do 6.9t Sane Dietz overseeing bridges 20.00 C. Eilber, working grader 7.50a Win. /arrott do with engine 22.50; P. tKropCdo 36.00; Con Fuss work CAR. 36.00, Fr. Mosseau Corn work 587421 Jae. Kuepfer extra work do 2.75; Thos Kyle gravel 22.20 John Mosseau gravel 62 10; Elmore Daters work 1.50. Council will meet again on Saturday September )5111 tat .2 o'clock: TRIALS OF A PARSM His Flock toe d Humble, less Ql1 04.t se or /Alum Eug/tal BIDDULE'll COUNCIL The council naet pursuant to ad- inurnment. The treeve and all the memaers present. A petition was received complain•- ing of a fence' beingbuil't On the sideroad Jolts 30 and 131 con 10 So as to impede and 'endanger puldie trav- el and also complaining that the aw- ard da.ch in that locality was 111154 ula so as tollooil the., road and make it impassable al cetrna'an sea,sons ef tin)/ year. • The clerk was instructed to no- tify the owner et Lot 30:con 9 to have his fence removed at once and the parties to the ditch awurd to clean Lite same) out in 30 days; A copy tett' ,the Centralia Drain Aw,- a.rd" anal of a bysiew passed by -the Township of Stephen was received and read. The couned agreed to meet all interes;ed (parties trom 13iddelph to cox -Jar -tier the same on Monday the tenth of Auges at 1,3Cin. in. in the T rrsbip Ilall Luealn, Id :polity lo a communication from the Ontario Munic:oal Association the Peeve was spponted a delegate to meetthe conyeatiori to oe held ia Toronto on the :?-nd and 3rd of Sep- tember ,next. • There 'Wert: orders drawn 'for the ifferen, aajvices of the Towtrish?,-1, amounting Lb 736 45 The coita- 1 adjourned ito theet gain on loriday September 7thi- '101.4 axi IQ AtN etarr Dublin. Is ependieg his hole* dayet with bie Merents Mr, and Mrs Those Dente err. John Rollins has returned to his home in Vancouver atter ViSit,tag' with* trelaiives lleeve Bayaraft of the Township Iliddolph was appointed a delegate to the Ontario Manicipal Aasociatiott ! svhieh meets in Toronto ia September. As an indUcernent to inew s.ub- On May ,..e3rd Mr. Eli llodgens of eeribers twenty -live cents will ee- the Course' Line Planted a field with sure the Times from now until the caret tient two months later some of *4 of the year. fiend your order in it measured 11 feet 2 inches, early and get the dull 'benefit of 'this Tee Ifirst ;man to arrive on the La- big cut in rates, can trace track is eolot ES. Caen, with three or four SliC0 youngsters getting thein ready for our races which will be held on iSeptember 21 they are e beautiful lot. Severe] of you will re- member Mr, Cain, as a drives; AS he CASTORiA developed Such geed ones as Lucy We the undersigned hereby agree Hazel Points Hacienda, Lilly tand O to sell a package of Silver Tip Silent ther good ones. Those who have matches containing 5 standard size horses '10 dram Might. do well to give them into Mr, Caines hands. es 'Ite la rive cent boxes for twenty cents very careful. Quality guaranteed J. A. Stessurt ELIA" VILLE firouTtrl he re. °Mitet Nellie 000113411, spent a they with her sister ilfiss Janet. Clootr,ng. 1114'isrs filbert end John Lyme) pd Kathleen Murphy end itethel Lyn= spent Sunday; et the home or iticita rd Pa Lion, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S i,5•ta1ileY 'Me Last week our renowned well d:gger Mr. Tr. Smale scored another. success. Ile dug a well for Mr. John Sleamort in the village and secured a aplend:el Slow of water After completing, the wen he undertook to repair the family clock which had failed to strike the time !for many a Year and here he also succeeded for in the night/ Mr, and Mrs, Sleamon were wakened from their refreshing slum- ber by Iliac once Iztrailiar sound of the -.lock' striking and they listened to learn the time, of :night but listened in vain as the clock evidently warde.d to make up for lost time and contina- tied, 'striking on and on, and on and still on without rest or hesitation un- til exhausted it could strika no more the:, weight had struck the bottom' Since 'that time the clocic has solemn- ly and faithfully performed its duty. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Andrew of Gor- ricg have been visiting relatives and friends in th,is‘ (vicinity. Mr, John Johns jr. had a run away last week but no very serious damage was done. Mr, W. G. -Horne is making preear- &Iona to enlarge and improve, hie house. Mr, Richard Johns who had his leg 'broken last week is geeting along nicely. - As an inducement to new ,sub- scribers twenty-five cents will Se- cure the Times from now until the of the year. Send your order in early and get the dull 'benefit of 'this big cut in rates. THE LIQUOR _LICENSE ACT The ; changed conditions it Huron County .since all barrooms were dos - a has resulted in tho impression be- ing. created that Italy quantity of li- quor or alcohol may be obtained with- out._ difficalty in any drugstore but this, is far from correct. Accortring to the liquor license act of 1$97 tthel ameading acts druggist are permitted to keep liquor for sale for strictly medical purposes. It can be sol(1 only in packages of not more than six ounces at any nue time, atd then when a prescription is duly signed bv a legally qualified medical practitioner. No. mixture containing liquors mix- ed with, any other drug or medeclue shall lite sold in packages in nol more than, oae pint at any one Lime. Pt is also sLipelated that a ,diruggSst mnsa keep a xe,eord of ',all sales the person to whom the sale was, made the quantity sold and, the prescript'. The law further states that any drug- gist who dispnses of any liquor to be coesurnedon his premises as a tieve erago shall be liable to the penalty imposed by the act. RIA For Infants an.d Children In !Joe For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of MayThoad Farm tiet)or_ort Wanted FOI=1. HARVESTING IN VIIESTERN. CANADA ,"GOING TRIP I "RETURN TRIP ,EAST." $12,00 TO VVINNIpEO : $18.00',Fp0m 'Gq.IN,A2,.P. ATE. s August 1.1.th---Frain all "stations; Iringston, ,Sharbot went to Azibla and ,Snult Ste. Moril �nt; balI pointa in Manitoba. 'August 114th.....,Fr0m all stations' east of 'Kingston., Sliarbet,Lake tvad Iteatrety,Art the Provinces of ' ' Ontario and Quebec, to all points in Manit,obti. ' Anguat ,l8th-Froin all stations; Sharbot, Lake, Renfrew and rest to A Siva and Sault Ste. iVlarie, Ont., to all Obits in, Manitoba and to, certain points In Saalsat.,', all statIOns 8121 04 IcIngston, Sbathot Lake and ,Rendrent, 141 the Provinces of 'Ontailo bud Quebee,:to points, In Manitoba, and:46, aertain...polrits Saslint. ohewititzattAtb-orts. ' ''Sr44-.)%1Atif.414, _ fees'ne 7-ee ',CANADeltle - g6flL04W8t6' , 4,1,rtimb ilapV‘i&tailtit;mtiltr agr.bt iota, ‘,P1,,ept et:WetntSr.egl?Gei.,c,r4...suee,Fiptimtlayrr,";;,, 11 ele 414 we 410 said; 111.r1V Pa not, "1 he to gia he said with relief ;ys had good nos so fart" scattered parish I called /mon onple about tea time. "Would .e a cup of tear' the housewife vonfessed that I should t very lunch. The dear old soul pre - pored one and eept opolegielno be - rause she Ilad 110 Pin or calm. 1 ns' urcd tier Met it del mat matter in the least, "Wen, blr," she phi, brIebten. lege "after n11. 'Oster as 0 you %YDS one f them that feed Ingle Ary 080 can see tent." One more, 41 rased of utter had got a job for a 11)1111 who had boon for n lone lime out of work, I guessed be wee getting pretty shabby, so I Welted np a suit -we were much or a size - s1)11 took it round, The men's wife tee; it, and I waited in the room, ready to be overwhelmed with tboake She mime leave and snid: -My 'usbarel thaults yon sir, tnit he don't hold with parstnes elothes. Cut if you've got anything us *ti sttit a man he'll have a look at lir 44 11 shed, Borth of airea y k along ins tbe go, and a °net/Ming Cut His Visit Short. Tbe Duke of Wellington once wrote to Dr. Dutton for information as to the seientifle ncquiretnents of a young officer who had been under his instrne- den. The doctor thouglit he voted not do less than answer the queetion een belly nraf Made an appointment ac, eordingly. Directly Wellington saw him be said: "I am obliged to you. doctor, for the trouble you are taking. Is --- tit for the post?" • Clearing his throat. ler. Hutton be- gan: "No man more so, my lord. I can"- "Tbnt's quite sufficient." said Wel- lington. "1 know how valuable your time is. Mine just now is equally so, will not detain you any longer. Good morning." , Test For Hydrochloric Acid. A curious mishap gave us a very del- icate test for hydrochloric acid in the atmosphere. In a north of England locality many Melees have curtains of the cream color produced by metanil yellow, popularly known ns "dolly" eream dye and to science as "the so dim salt of meta-atnido-benzine sul- phonic acid -azo -diphenyl -amine." Some of these cream colored curtains sud, denly changed to heliotrope. Investi- gation showed that an accidental es- cape of hydrochloric acid from a neigh- boring alkali plant had discolored the curtains, and the dye became a most useful test. -London Globe. Political Influence. "What do you understand by the term political influence?" "Political influence," relined Senator Sorgbum, "Is usually something that a lot of people come around and tell you they brought to bear after you have ,succeeded in landing a job."-Wash- ingten Star. College Education. A_ college education is not a scherae to enable a man to live without work. Its purpose is to help him to Work to advantage - to make every stroke , eouot.--David Starr Jordan. Considerate Parent. "What are you doing these days?" "1 have joined the sons of rikt.." "How can you do It?' , 6'13y having a father AU wave WEALTH OF HAIR IPARA'SIAN SkCIE 3.1A E:5,TIflN l..1,LESS I'IA113 80141 ANL) fAI31 N D T eattiful hair, thick, softth lustrous and free from tias.draf one of AVOESOI'S a,reatest okarms so many have sareaked, Osip ea 1 less hair, and think there is no rat edy,. Facetty hair is largo; a an.“., ter of care. Frequent applieations of Parisian Satge, well rubbed into filese8lp 15 all that is needed et acts like tnagi4‘. it Ito -night- -you will really ,le surprised wiih 'the t'est-hic• Nuti only will the hair become sofa, finUy Tadieat with /ife„ anal really q;ion'taly ty beautiful but all dandaa,lr diaap- )oears„ falling hair and itehiag :ease, your head feels t;ne, droggists eeil a large bottle of Parasian "eitig„c for fifty cents. Get it Iron) eV, le, Cole, 14r wiil reeued the mopey if YC11, ara ' ere15 tqis1derab2o probability allied army is planning to tune the offensive. garrison of Liege, )vitb its re moots, bas retreated, accord - o the War Office, for "strategie asous," and is retiring to Namur, re the Prertch, Belgian and Brit- -aria:ties are colleeted. The eheels that Germany has re - !red at the hands of the French and Ilelglans renders France able to place In position her reinforcements, and now Germany will be obliged to con- test every Inch or the way as she proceeds south. It is reported that following their arrival at Warsage, in the Province of Liege, the Gorman soldiers assembled all the inhabitants, and alter select- ing fourteen from einem; them, shot eight and hanged two of this num- ber. The mayor was arrested, but was liberated by some German, offi- cers who had been his guests the pre- vious day. Other instances of alleged outrages by German troops are cited In the Belgian Government press. That patriotIsta is rampant is shown by the fact that the Belgian Minister of War has announced that 40,000 volunteers have presented themselves for service. Hundreds of German spies swam through Belgium. More than five hundred have been arrested, and one hundred were shot yesterday. Captured spies were dressed in every conceivable sort of garb, in- cluding uniforms of soldiers and offi- cers of the 13elgian army, gendarmes, CIF -le guards, etc. Some were found armed with bombs and revolvers, and others were caught while riding in automobiles carrying false num- bers. Letters and telegrams bearing the counterfeit signature of the Bel- gian Minister of War were found on the person of some of the spies. Kaiser Calls Ont Last Reserves. BRUSSELS, Aug. 11. — Advices reported here from Berlin say that 'the Kaiser has ordered the mobiliza- tion of another million men for the French invasion. The call includes the Landsturm, the last line of re- serves. A Preaede When Cemraon peapte oft Attest the clift'erence- thQf. in eedtedota and tweelteS Igo wonder that the $ury M15 "With two opposing sets of la Tfitte Men who diaaatree, 23 ivi eit tiee he poet. be,4 Tim 008 1 :lite t'e tbe - 11 IO)1 bare act tUpe roing, nude has quit Yes; he has seen a great ^A great light?' 'Ills 11440i tbe looking 12ht Encits 46TaLtIng pIlysteal "just lig 101se," "or IsN, nature?' Zi the eel: he WIAS f I, et uso Wit" PERT PARAGRAPHS. he that the reason the nnw advising eold air e We eave tot 1 4411' t meta 7 ,s Queen's Will Will Send Engineers. KINGSTON, Aug. 11.—Prof. Alex- ander Maeplaail, M.P.P., is called home from Preece Edward Island to recruit his corps of Canadian engi- neers associated with the school of mining at Queen's University. He is calling the students by telegram and expects to have a large contingent ready to go to the front on very short notice. In additi a to the military training they are trained as a depart- ment in engineering work. Major H. Y. Hughes has gone to Valcartier for the purpose of laying out a camp ground where the Cana- dian volunteers will gather before sailing. • Spirituous Liquors Go Up. MONTREAL, Aug. 11—War prices went into effect yesterday in all spirituous liquors and struck a hard blow to the teeny patrons. Beers and ales alone were retailed at the old price. It was in whiskies, brandies gins of all kinds that the change wa.s felt. Certain drinks have been practically eliminated, the many brands which retailed at ten cents being now fifteen cents or two for a quarter, and in some places 'fifteen cents straight. In the more expenalve brands, which retailed a. fifte there has ,hgen.LAnalne e There Is no sportsmanship In c lug n slitter, Anybody ean do every tiny in the week. Many people don't object to trutlt terrIltl.gso much as tbey do to its after ee Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR arrierica's Greatest Livestock Show ecres of Manufactures Exhi bits .by- the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour' Boy Scouts' Review Canqa's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights - Grand Wpter Carnival- Creatore's Famous Band Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks inteDuatiO IYeac Tattoo Bands '-‘400 Musicians Audo 29 1.914 Sep