Exeter Times, 1914-8-13, Page 2••• AESTRIAN FORCE ROUTED Report Regiment Destroyed and Another Defeated 'Near Belgrade A despatch trona Belgrade says: It is reported here that an Au.strian regiment has been destroyed by Servians in a battle east of the capital. The Austrian colonel fell at the head of his men, The Sixth Austrian Artillery Regiment, opened Etre On idle Ser - vial), defenders west of here, near Obrenovatz, on the River ;Save, The Austrians were quickly silenced by tite t-larvian Are d retired, leaving two damaged gtlne on the field. The, whale aspect of the war in the Balkbeen ehanged by the deciar,atilon of war on Ger- many by Be/gium and It'lleand- -From planning a defenee against Austria; the whole Servian generel staff has turned to eehernes of eg- greseion. On receipt a the news every soldier plitieed &mars ia the muzzle of his rifle and machine , guns were likewise decorated. An 1; immense erowd of soldiers and 'civilians, women and ehildren, paraded the streets as if celebrating a great national fete. No one now believes that an Austiian SOldiel i, w ° . ' ill cross the Danube, The Ser. vians, now talk of a triumphant , !natal) through Bosnia and Herze- govina to azonse, tbe Slays and re- , claim therm to the Servian nation 'To meet tlt menace of on, invosi,on or Bosnia and gerzegavina at laa.at, dve a tite sixteen Austrian , army corps are required in these , provinees, Every Servian reser\-- let has been gelled to arms, 7).ree hundred thousand of the finest':, 1, fighting men in EaraPe, ltrared to war and haring the experience af 1 two great earanaleene„ ere now con-; ,centrAted in the*Ilorui-tr Valley, ready and eager to assist their, 1 ° TaIi"..011 FORT $ II:EDUCED. NANY PRIZES fa'W tJ' But 'Main Belgian Army fa Ea- Crttu,,ers Sweep the Seas of Clete; treneTited at Namur. nt-trz Mere'tattt Yeseis _ 4:S1 / ''777":74771e• P`' c.:1\ GERMANY t o 4 • 3T,PETZFO51,31,3G • • 11-4,› 4.4p , 0 NO6COW, I 5 ••( 447%fti! 0 .1"C'e'4114-4. ,afaia ta, k e IVATA 57' . „ „4. ftkt • •4 • • ere,, -Ka-ME WHITEST Lt obt',s6,•„ 4,, e,u1.,GaRIA 6EA'' 4.7„Grt --- 44:4, rcz neon auTeNG ut-d-AST OAKS CARRP414 ro PAV1FY lefir c.AKz's • 'allitegWEITOMS, CAN', ;11.4 -ETT CO. LTD. TORONTO- mosTagm,,, kitty"' CalkillA;0115 '1^4A4,..1Arir eiteaP. BXTTLES, OF .4fOiLAN , (eenetal Sonehoninnueff, Russia's War Minister, second to Canada May Relieve Great Britain of the Burden, Guarding Them in the West .the Czar in eominand of the array. THE ESSEX AT IIALIPAN. Cantata Says Hie Shin Could I/lane die All Three Prowlers. OF UBN A despatch from Ottawa aaysa worry of iotthitip,' aftez these prie A despateh from If lila N S One or the war duties whive ema., sonersi They will probably be 5,ent. •Sa,yS;" The Britieli eraieer Ease% Ada wint prahable, ha . t to Weatern Canada,. where local Ateamed in here vonvoying the unbitia forces eau easily guard atn ASInte later iner Cethee. As the e , o aseuine . r deSpaten ,,trOV-11?"4r4S St,T,yst The • at . ta ng ea.re of C e ..t ' einemlitrpp.p.t, 41.1a.4: NvlAggre. " ther- Eeeex went, up the herbor • the German .helit fire bg,,s, reduced twe 4."sPaf'''''h. f'="4",4 i,Corliidene °Tows That British 00Vertlattlet prieongr or war. Thenen will' would he little nSe, •,(,).1 their attempt- pasn,sengern on the Mauretania* of the 1,14,0 forts, h•sz the Bielmaas 4,4 11147, Mer4,1,,,Ark undonhteicily allanaapda af tbasa beg to. escape aince eonnananieatiOn wh4011 had arrived at won raised NVIII De tO Nleet t .„; „ - / 4 1, eontinue to resist with untiring Igearael's gt44Pritt4e5ula • eireee eer,nienenxeaue to wetni eeerneeny ...,,,rastria <won VIA grea% QA*eer *Or the cruiser The Germans were able 4114 Ade''hett 'have 1)ef°11' k th Jr f I th d t eep em iere oar sup- 1.41 e 1, es 'eel piaetically Esseee preeeedec at once for the ' 1 1 or lize to use their lighr‘ guns aping Se;Z,,O„;, wars, .rpi. ;ley , • plies will ha mom or legs ,ent ori Imo the telhiwatton oc l" le 4 ,gt,.?g,g • 4 ;years ,otua, Two of t beat wOr*e b'Pze4g114 th(1' '8,1311-414°.ms 'Pf Panlo' Over the guns- with great Smoothness, but tbel nent noted lead to trumeren,„ mo r -t wooli.i not. bo a_ ,b44 Ce'aptain ?Angie I). Be "Viratson is la 'ti - silenced and the German coluvana ISMI'mer TulPotntiOa iton of food and money supplies (royernrnens's railway SerVICO, on" tempts to a8ea,pa, charge the cruieer, gna angh the' forts of -Liege, which are thirty !tVi'3'1N-';" 31; POtattath, The t--itsfriit•c*-11 front LontiOn SaYs: tire army mobilization proceeding a'ad wbero tbe nearnesS to the oon-, the, war. had assembled, and coatrug at once kyree for liantbarg earrTtng 4 hs'd,(1 aiteaVv Wedpesciav der the directiOn ooMMt t t " broke through. The other tarts ure ; , „ , . . • .44 the ;tine of the 13ect me,nt, space aftar. the atar oth.attti telIor"t' fro' or lie 7Esgtn,-/c" bolding out. The, Belgians are 34'rg go4 ,seoree Thery elinflf,ience twat 1.11,7,44goist .1,pmng opernve „ soners rf',' 5"1/t, ,t44 TieTruAlda, erable nunabet.' of these' lorisonura,044 oritiser 114,0 ,be eu 'trying-- to • making a ilidermine4 reeisreuee ba, of_ 0_,,,.,ea_m.a4, ,11.101 rty. ,t,1,4 -e' 4'14 41)„111f11544t" T.he erlfke-P, 4144 ['the. Pre-eiit 041Iada, could roe. turgid become Permanent residents Y ", ^", mourn earlier, Thirty German .0,orerruinent will aR-er the, ertem; football grounds in n ourneer ,der. acksigtaximo. by renieNe, efolkado, ..tud ti4ke tomelitea,„44 • • - .X011114 un the three Gerniaii ovule - e usuless tor e caern- %tee 1 ecd ro vermarinder semi- f*Triiitt111,4),:rh.oYi Artillery Are ilau been ft? far, calitnred.„ bY • that. ,the ulone,y .eities have been OeellPied catuPall* A '; et% in t3,060 INAters. The ot *1, .nag brrtnan fjA 4CVS.t. tue ernisers 01-1, the 4,,tmeriaeu and heard „tututerrtrotellis ail around 4415$' i'411131" 4 tla`‘.1"ete" sllia5n.. 444 t4'at tlte ,ANIAntle route noire senoras atm oraer PAINZO., tate, -t uo„ . dad taken near the Orkney Islands„ off will be kept open tnra. ter shipments buildings are being traneformeeti . ermans w suc..ocre enterang the creche of forts at the tuortlt ot Scotland-, A- sus- 'roa Arneiebat* 140SpitSIS. TU`gliTSISIIWS Icrui - F1 d:, peeted of 'being a spy and several ,,,jany, shops ilave plaearded their The reporp spread by 14044,1010 eING SITI, ATI ON CA14111.4V. oren t -es VA 1r4X11.4 h rel;Mol j their fire, an., Dressfaur, and earner pigeons were found aboard. windows with the tlianneller s news ngerneres rne t ' GOVerninein TalieS Over wr4ke xanbol,1;e& Tile? Thittalt deautur ReInerlek. Warning' n$nlitnit tbe welmo,d0 that, the wiodotta ot the, German!, Two prezonouots, talon of .1I.N1*leria 7,,,,Iallecahle in , During the nught, nmrd or...es of bout Oalveltott for litregten* 'WAS hoarding food to the cletrirnent of Embassy were broken is denied by Vrench vapital, *Tim lu Dripper, the eivil 'caPtutea oft. wo6t l'4'tiv'tti"k r°41rer dnsss Ile ° id the big" the eonnuissioner,of who d?spetv11 from LO11410i4 524yS: datch ,,rom gOard despatched patrols, in all clis. tokon tot Queenstown. Tire Eniner‘ gest attprea has, linaited the 4114444t "4144"40, thAt ihtTe VAS PO The r'it•l$14 GnernMetit 'WM PAY Avhiao es_th''u-" rugh Pnr rectioas with levies to auttounee lek had "If0/°1) trimtera tut wheat ot ford tu be sold to eaell Pollan outbreak. The German colony 'is! the neighborhood Ot (4.15* Ablj ter Nray city wokti'ld nos surrender ah`c'rel 1'1)1' the 'C'terg144s" tu "vet' P"344 in Wei.ght; others in ,samething a panie, however, Lthe tWQ Terbish hattleshiPs lit"1"1 "W" to the I:1°4d and gae atmy VOIVIUMe / refuse to =bog delirerfee, no that because many et them cogageet s:onitrunted in English yards and Art* 15 4 ntigld'a °Pm") °III' , A...1.2.1vormommOM brave resistance- Amara- the Ger- E.1' LE° itU-SSIAN:'. PeePle can bony oftn;37 nthtUY Valrit516:VCUI1e45146 °4fe4114155 WrCI4 ,e4;c''cit:1-48:41r4artoinn;kig 14ertle 1 4,4% e. mar. One manoe s captured in the att. able to ? tale aw St 11 oth re will he ragendr.oct by the war and AV 414 bas been renamed Agin - k Liege was Lieut. Baron von r„4„vtit. 0114gli?1" DuPre s Tolo:(5 OD of limit the AMOVint any feedstutl ruin their business. The American court is tb corureted, The other klviu whu Are being left e A distinct; surPrl5o to the peon. taken charge Of Genoa' intereets''in the ir'itieb navy as the, Erin„ :r1h4$3191thaeritule,;:tlotriothulls4"1":;:r4tonlhetIvrorertits: ner, the young caner whOse , beat Beard SPertul. sold to twe Poundg- „Embassy and Consulate which have Osman I ATI 10401 Will be known, haughty treatment of the French daspatoh from r-.---- — save The Dowa er tar mind is' tile oramfrevapparetit tern, find that they evill have to uearly completed. They Are first - inhabitants of Zabern, Alsace brought on the dterturbonees there sillssia startett 1,00; ,m7i:04.744;xitt rgrt prpparedne,5$ to change tire ma. taco Itea..7 work, and it is Probable class battleships, udde.d to by the oectuaalat raPorts last year which, were aired, in the y. way aa tte b 1 Fi d Ste 'fermi A -a dutuerY ot, ordinary lite 41 tss, war that titerr stairs will bare ro be. 4ra QaarQoannpnigthatar:Maaatttenliaarglill;abliallide. Reichstag and resulted in Von 000 11, s m„/ 1104 tooting sltort notiee. Not only intereed, u an Kt eXpe Forstuer being sentenced to six bora Gerulaw, and who cam here, FRANCE REGAINS CITIZI'INS, lug baok ibe German investor). The general feeling that Franee iS des - weeks imprisonment in a fortress. to travel. with ilex, ber special. tined 43turin this war to et full train. CONS114A.PE ST0101,111). Essex 00 to Sea. Vatteauver Mob Tore DoWit "Ger- A despatch from. Balifax, N.S,, man Bale. says,. Amid the chore of thetozoti says ; Foll_owing_ the annonc..nco- The Gstette, the ofaeiat newspaper, o_ people lining the wharree and ment that Great Britain an uer on wednesday pubbnkes the nom_ A despatch from 'Vancouver, B. f 0., 4ays: A mob on Wednesday house tops, B.M.S. Essex steamed many wore at war, huge printedJeation of tile state of war „pain., stormed the German Consulate out. 01 Halifax harbor,. her baud placards appeared on the walls of between German and E f here, tore the big double eagle PlaYin? "Rule, Britannia," which ,tlic ett,y and in the restaurants and well as an order-iraeourmil signed from above the door and trampled the citizens ean- as she glidoti down cafes- All carried, the Nv°1.13$ by the King, relating to the incr. h in the street. The glass in, al/ the stream- VI eheer4 °f'the PeQ- "Lang live :King Genrgc and 411°*ohant vessels of the countries with the doors and WiadOWS Of the Con- Pie eoekt be heard over in Dart- valiant British nation!" A aunlher which the British. Empire is at ever, sulate was 'broken and the furni- 'mouth, across the harbor, where a students and workmen elinibed ,order specifies as absolute eon. t el 1^ 1 d. re rted the residents hnenediatelY flecked to the roof of tbe Grerraalt ErebassY traband; Arms of all kinds; that Herr Von Eltinger, the Ger- to the werterfront, and their enthu- and tore the gold eagle from the elothing and harness of a military man Corned, who is a naturalized; siastie farewell re-echoed across top of the fla.getaff. They then ran character; animals suitable for war British subSeet, has resigned and the harbor. It was a never -to -be- up the Bus,,,aa nag, A maeslel purl, joes; foodstofis; fuel; bar - thrown bi.s fortunes with his adopt- forgotten neene. statuary dePicting a grout) 01. ease; telescopes and fmld glasses, horses led by men was hacked to ed corrutrY• )toilted Cavalry pieees with tines and the debris hurled into -the canrd. A bonfier A despatch from London SPIES IN BRIT.IIN. A Brussels despatch to the Ex - 'a3"' then was roade of the contents of the Embassy, and an attempt was -- change Telegraph 0 Twenty-one Germans Are Arrested that thehenoilreititarertetdh-eoonnigpa:rbrutiyIsor Liege, &LIT, but mounted police routed the riot - In Twenty-four Hours. ers. Another -crowd later tried to that the men could get sleep, took the ofiensivf; Friday by sma repeat the performance at the Aus- A despatch from London says: s° - The Home Secretary introduced a a turning movement in Belgian, trian Embaseer, but that building bill in the Bonze of Commons een was too strongly guarded. Luxemburg, where .they routed a .1, Wedneselaa- to restrain the move" German eavalry 110ARDING OF GOLD. British Chancellor Aslts Public to Leave It in Banks. .1M* SCENES IN ST. PETEllgilUBC, 1 vosTRARAND op )v,kit, .......-- II ......... 'Long Live 104f4 Ue4rg4-' mid thel Royal Proclamation I/ethics Illott ! ,Valinut British Nation:" -must wtte sozi,,j. A despateh from St. Petersburg A despatch from London says: rnent of undesirable aliens with the 1, object of facilitating the removal prince Benius Duties. of apies, This was immediately given a second reading- Mr. Me- A despatch from London says: Kenna announced that 'en apes had The Prince of Wales commenced been arrested in the British Isles his duties in the Guards, and was A despatch from London says: during the last twenty-four hours, enthusiastically received by the Ohancellor Lloyd George eontend- chiefly in important naval centres. officers and men. ed on Wednesday that anyone hoarding gold was assisting the CRUISER SLNK BY MINE 13o British Marines Perished When the Atnphion Sank of the Coast of Holland A despatch from London says: An Admiralty report says that the British cruiser Arnphion was sunk by striking a mine. Paymaster J. the stern of the German ship, leaving a gaping hole. The sea rusthed in, and the Koenigen sank in six minutes. Most of the crew jumped into he No WIRELESS TALKS. T. e7.ecige and 130 men were lost. sea, and some of them were picked The' captain,' 10 officers and 135 up by the British sailors. II.S. Government Closes German n mewore saved. Twenty-eight prisoners were The Gern2an mina -layer Ko,enigeo landed at Harwich. Four of the Tower at Sayville, LI. Luise had placed some mines be- German wounded lost their legs A despaf,eh from New York says; fore she was „Alia, by the Lritasla and two their arins. The British It was reported from Washington torPeCk-boat Lance. It was the had no casualties. on Wednesday that after consider - Lance, not the Amphion, GaPt. Fox, who was in command ing. the siabus ,of German -owned the Germawned sent the Germa.n. mine -la of the Aniphion, was a-rnid,shipman wireless tosre.r at Sayville Long steenter Koenigen leitise to 1'48 on board tho British wa,rsbip Ool- Island, the corresponding station bottom, Lione, the only warship which es- to the tower at Nauen, Germany, The- Noeningen Luise was Out coped destruction in the t,errifie the State Department has come to laying mm ines, e0 miles froHar- Samoa tornado of 1889. the conclusion that it must be wixbe c'ff the coast of Holland. Tlie The Ainphion was of ;the Boadicea closed during the European war, Lane() arca • fan'. sh,e,te. The first class of vessels, The of these This decision is based on the inten- t -1,i° were °Ver.. 1("g -e Inn b"'ts to be launched was the Fear- natioual agreement signed by Ger- Luise, bet the third salonnavy tale less, and the total number in the many, the Unite,c1 States and W and other beidge, The ' fourth carried away na3, is seven. countriee at Ile Ilague m 1907. CONGENIAL WORK nil Strength to Perform It. .A person in good health is likely to have a genial disposition, ambi- tion, and enjoy work. On the other hand if the diges- tive organs have been upset by wrong food, work becomes drud- gery. "Until recently," writes a West- ern girl, "I -was a, railroad steno- grapher, which means full work every day. "Lik-e many other girls alone in a large city, I lived at a boarding house, For breakfast, it was mush, greasy meat, soggy -cakes, black coffee, etc enemy of his eountry. At the same "After a, few months of, this diet time, with the view of economizing I used to feel sleepy and heavy in gold and maintaining the integrity the mornings. My work seemed a of the gold standard, it was pro- terrible effort, and I thought the posed to issue notes of £1 ($5) and work was to blame—too arduous. los. ($2.50) convertible to gold at "At home I had heard my father the Bank of England. These would speak of a young fellow who went, be available on Friday to the ex- long distances in the cold on tent of $15,000,000, and after that Grape -Nuts and creain and nothing would be issued at the rate cf more for breakfast. $25,000,000 daily. Postal orders "I concluded if it would tide him are also to be made legal tender on over a mornings heavy work, it the same terms as notes. He made an appeal to patriotic people not to withdraw gold. might help me, so on my way home one night I bought a package, and next morninr, I had Grape -Nuts and milk for breakfast. "I stuck to Grape -Nuts, and in less than two weeks I noticed im- provement. I remember I. used to walk the 12 blocks to business and knew how good it was simply to live. "As to my work—well, did you ever feel the delight of having con- genial -work and the strength to perform itel That's how I felt. I truly believe there's life and vigor in every grain of Grape -Nuts. Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever road the above letter- A new on appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. Natives el* 41"41e*Lnriratne Illy ravens* or 1870, and the ooert- g Joie Preneh Amities. • A despatch from Parts says: All 1poinzpedeeepuotfiesroso a taint,rleallurcefed*n et in Hourly tim )1nPression is gainIng instead of, Gold Pieces - Canadian coest engaged in the same search Are the Suffolk (flag- ship), Berwick, Lancaster and Bristol. All the Informatmn any of them bed obtaineel had been by 'wireless. The gaptaiu is anxious to obtain reports from ship masters ate May see Anything of the s rathat - e, aud he n.sks at this be tor. war4t4 promptly. The Lusttatim has been In tough with a German 'cruiser, but es - capped in the fog, Not ono of tliO Alps had been sighted. The Essex, he Saitts ift prepared for the whole ,three of them together. 'There is very little, danger of Any tho Germans attempting to land at any port in Canada Where there are military. could not thkink, gine at thy ld ey wouventure an at tack. &nee that is everywhere expressed cANADLieN MU,S, ba S Made a. marked Impression on all still marooned within the eity. 1•MenMelf•M ednesday to confer French na- strength that the war will not last tronakt5 on natives of Alsace and long, cannot last long, because Lorraine enlisting in the Irenell Germany, cut off as she is, will army. Several sick Senators wereoon be forced to eapitedate or earried to their ceats, as they !starve to death. There is even a were unwilling to he absent from well-defined feeling here that when the hietoric session. the pinch of famine vornes, if the Kaiser does not submit of his own accord, he will be forced to do so ANTI -GERMAN 1110 PS. by popular revolts within his em- pire. Even with France a war and a a;reat part of her male popu- lation enrolled and off to the front, all of the lightsornenese of the Parisian spirit is not lost. There are humorous incidents on every curred here on Wednesday. An band, Above many of the shopa angry mob sanked the German tbat have been elosed, for instance, cafes and restaurants and tore the are suspended posters making light ,escutcheon from the door of the runieuneements ca the eause of _German Consulate. 'Mho pollee be- business suspensions. Here are the lug unable to cheek the disorders, words on a placard posted in the the 33elgian military governor window of a, barber shop in the nue Royale: "Our clients are here- by notified that we have transfer- red our staff to Nancy." Nancy is city on the French frontier. Goverinnent Authorizes Payment, In To prevent, any uneasmess or un- necessary ;trouble on the path of those not familiar with financial matters, and with the strength of our Canadian banking system, the Minister of Finance has issue timely arid reassuring statement, Ile outlines the effective stele; which the Government is taking to sure an abundant supply of eur- rency during the war, and author- iees payments in Bank Notes in. stead of in Dominion Notes or Gold. That is to say, the familiar fIsa, $10 and $20 bills, and thoee of higher denominations, issued by our Canadian Chartered Banks, have now exactly the same value as gold. Beltways, express coirmaniee, merchants. everybody in Canada, will continue -to reeeire and make payments in Bank Notes. Our Canadian Banks are, in splendid pm osition to eet any demands which may be made upon them, as their -reserves are exceptiot illy strong. :doh in Ant werp Sadted German Cates and Itestaurants. A despatch from Antwerp says: Serious anti -German rioting ec. placed the city under martial law, and ordered the expulsion of all German residents. CABINET VACANCIES FILLED. Earl Beauchamp and Walter Rua - email Appointed. A despatch from London says: Earl Beauchamp was on Wednes- day appointed to succeed, Viscount Morley as President of the C01.111 -- ea, and Walter Runciman to take the place, of John Burne as presi- dent of the Looal Govermnent Board. ee • Patrolled By Airships. TO ST01.) FIILP EXPOltT. 1.1.S. Manufacturers Notified That St. Lawrence Will Be Iltined. A despatch- from -Ogdensburg, N.Y., says,: Paper manufacturers in the United States importing pulpwood from lower Canada by shipload have been notified that urn less special permission is ..ranted the service will be suspended until after the war. It is said to be the purpose of the Dominion Govern- ment to stop all vessel traffic on A despatch from Amsterdam the St. Lawrence River east of says: Travellers arriving here Montreal and plant the river with from Germany say that the whole explosive mines. Large importa- Franco-Gelman frontier' is patrol- tions of Quebec pulpwood are re- ed by French and German aero- quirad at Ogdensburg for northern planes flying parallel to the line. New York State paper mills. German p, eservists A despatch from London says: German reservists from Canada weio arrested on the arrival at Avonmouth on the steamship Royal George. The British Government has re- quisitioned all aircraft in the King- dom and is mobilizingthem at, the Hendon Aerodrome. Sentries at Dover fired on a man who was supposed to be tampering with the telephone sysberia. The Arrested man escaped. Two suspected spice were arrested in London. The admiral commanding ' the Irish naval division reports that the Irish dockyard workers made a splendid response to the call for extra work. , At )3alina the National Volun- teers gave an enthusiastic send-off to the reservists going to join their regiments. The band of the volun- teers escorted the reservis:eto Che -station at Blackrock. JAPAN TO pRoTEct coLonEs, Authoritative Statement Mettle by Premier Okuma "„l'oldo. A despatch from Tokio says: The Japanese Premier, Count Olcuma, in an interview on Wednes.day said that Japan if -she were reluctantly compelled tO int-ervene, would pro- tect. the 13ritish colonies,, but under no circumstances would she send a fleet or an arinv to Europe. VOLUNTEER. FOR SERVICE. Sta' of Ontario Government Ofilee Answer Call. A deapatch from London says: The Canadian Pacific steamer , Montrose, reached Gravesend with four hundred British refugees from Antwerp. Paactically the whole staff 'of the Ontario Govarnmenfi Office here have volunteered for service. • Taken Front Train and Shot, despatch ,feeenn London says: ,Karl von 1..awvery, ,an American; who arrived in London from Ger- many, asserted that ho saw a Frenchman taken from a train' un- der the suspicion that he artia spy, and shot -C.11 01,-.‘, -,t,ation at, Es- sen.in athe prostaaa, i,f the paps- Seligers. , '