HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-8-6, Page 8XETER TIMEs Ti1l,.UJi,W1?Air A€TGt7'S'; 6a l.ele A. STEWART ERE. PHONE I REASONABLE "'RICE S P EVIL Al] Summer Goods IV1 •st Go LADIES LINEN STE COATS Just a few left, but they' nettet be Cleared. They are a reg. 86 lie, 'haat for quick selling they are marked - $4.50. Odd Skirts 1st. Mack ad white e1c.s 'These were samples cub are tailored k very $pUu t style 1f we have your, laze you will want cute at the price CI -totem- - selling for, Fancy Parasol Th se Its ooweesr.'with pretty handles and plain and, fancy tops, Alt to be eld at reduced prices.. White earntsts Srarnne lovi'ly ones leftyou rhoace o: these waists at neie,'.'s tblt, will etrrpri e yen. Club Bags ttztd leather goods a Aar prlices: you pay. freta I, Bayaway trine n eat h on Miltieer'y Sbow lie Sonic of tllenn soul at; lana 80.00, pont mi5S opportunity, White Skirt lel re psi bed•iford cords,. asnd rettoes. These can be bought for what you would pay flax' the goods alone, Crex Rugs If yon wvarat 4n CreX Rug for your veranda you can buy them away below reg, Antall and lenge size, Trunks r sues, either nan- o, bonnet. 'rola; big assortment Dinner Sets iso +tiro so uething wew to abow you. They have jq t acrrlved lrorxt the potteries. Three very pretty patterns in wlnitta cad gold band, floral and coapeational design:, The eines are kermes shape with gold band handles. Call in. and see, theca. ` ,87 pieces ;For S 1 t3 , 80. ,19 I he report of the Exeter Mar et Market Report --The folio mg \\'heat old 95 i\ +acct new 90 Oats 40 + " Baxley 50 to o, Buckwheat 50 tb 60 Peas 90. Family Fleur; .2,80 Shorts $25 Bran $24''^ Creamery better 20 Mutter 19 yeas 21e. Low Grade flour $L60 Chlc(rem 2 poands end Chicken 1 1-2 .pounds Rene alive 10 Roosters alive 10 Roosters 8 l alt kl.n„ ' 10e, Old Duels T0c„ Turkeys dressed 150. Dried apptes baa Potatoes $3.09 a 'bag.; Hetes 8,75.. Fry+ a: 1 t zf tt over 14e to 2 lbs HALF HOLIDAY AGREEMENT We. the undersigned meref?a as of the village of Fxeter„ agree to odes: cur I -daces or business at 1.2.50 ps air:, every 'Thursday during the months of July and Aa,gust B. W. F. Beavers_ > t J`, Grigg Peter FrYyna S Martian .t Sun,\V \V 'i` l m a e VC, j. Peer The Exeter Tires Priatt'atg Co. Adveeate Printing Co, 01- A Stewart. Jones & May W. J. Neuman °T Tlueswins etc lf, Spackman J. Lawson. on 4 a ♦4e1wi3P�P�4�a��, LOCAL Aa das;vrnai loci Mr. J. A. Stew+ Wan of d,•aY. Tropic is pendia; 404444 6 ing; 't n ei w. car #rraaaarota, 'd`hf. tome) is to fo°r ltrzn gie deihrtrv. -macs Ire Ayer aati 14+ua i al►.e 1Tiese ,7ewwra�ll, Pert Moore of London glare nd in €oww°at. Mr: J. W. Chittiele Sean<Inr ra +came itn Tele ,ewatcr * ►tr. aaiel Airs. Thos Trart:caatttre vi nn` in T. atlor this week,;. „a l'l.is Jf an Seddon has returned he Ftl*r holfdaa.ving itt' ;3enforth. Mr, Harry Ftnke of 1"arskhill is boli- vtrig with his parents here. Mr. A. i>"iat1'k or Tiamilhin is visidt lulu Mr. and Mrs. E. A. rollick'. il'isn.+ Meriorie Seidon ?Nrr•r4 ev« i - al days an't Gronel Bend this week.. Mr Prank Oke or Toran;to visited v. riy, Mrs. T. 'Charles over Sunday., ;1Tr. Chas. T,iasde+nfield hang returned k,o me atter holialayin,g in Toronto. Ales. Medford and dataahter I)or- eth e stunt ..the week -Wad in London T're,l firm. -cion or 7:•i*ndarl is vis, 'no. .his grandparents, whir, and lira. Inc nowvdon, 1Trs. AT home end ;ton+ Fra nk and Mr. earl itis, G. Hockey spent Tues - els a in London: Buyers to share in. Profits. ower Prices on Ford Cars affective from August 1, 1014, to August 1, 1915, and uaranteed against reduction during that time.. Touring Car ..... > . $ 590 'Runabout •••.....•r 5.0 Town Car • 1111 840 In the Dominion of Canada only FO d FORD MOTOR R c0 P M dNY OF' CANADA; LIMITED. FORD,'J .ONTARIO THE NE ' FLOUR AND FEED STORE I desire to announce that r have opened up a Flour and Feed Store in Frank Wood's Old, stond, opposite post offiee and will keep a full supyly of the best grades of flour and feeds: I solicit your patronage I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 444404044404.444 N. ROWE PlIt1 :F, 20A 4 4 4 a 4 4 i 4 4 4 UNDERTAKER AND 4 t 4 9 4 4 • 4 4 CNTARIO 4 44414...4044.®44444®4,,,.08044004 FURNITURE DEALER • High Class Goods Ai on Hand • EXETER 4 ays 1etw art, 1..fescKeawaau ,'esstt4e-rs. Coet1 toy's. SCRANTON COAL +Eggs IStpve .e"ac Chestnut THE NEST COAL ofisittly f da afar e 1 l Inver -cc Prorriptty Exeter Shuts out Ails; Craig to 0$ T'lne home boys defeated Craig on Thursday last in: one of the best games ever seen in Exeter. Exeter got away in the first inning, scoring three runs gn three hits and an error. After the, first innings neither team could score although Exeter missed a couple of chances' by poor judgement on the, baees. Harrington pitched his ueual strong game striking out 12. The top of Exeter's list bauted well, Windsor being the etar with3 hits out of €our. times up. Roth teams fielded well, while Chapman pulled off some fine stuff at second accepting eight chan- ces without a, sli67, EXETER etantt ;eeb Treibner Windsor Carrington Rivers Yiiesett Boyle H, Windsor R 0 RHI 0 A 4 0 0110 0 0 2 0 md 190 1 20 4 +`� 43 (] 13002is tl0 p 401210 ri ' ss 300020 c 3 0 0 1? 1 0 1£' 3 0 0'0' 0 0 2 3 $ S 0 AIi Courser' McCall Hodgins Leach Hind argil Matthews Weir Cha' mite Craven 0 r JI E E Wl\NlFIblall' 1)1•q,dtl Irene \'innirred the ;little day glt ter of „wTr, and Mrs. .Tas,. Dearing o[ the Lake Road passed away on Satur- dar Aaeguet 1st alter Wing atntcort- seiataniJ 'lot^ several days with abscess a brain. The deceased we* live Ivo 'months and seven clays old The rawl ,Was ,held awzl,llsea acda;y af. hero ouaa ;nteranazat caking ll14c4 rtlat�, 1*arci:ter eett tery, , 141#,l*la J. Albert a, Lang eg ear :Toronto died tit 2nd, The +less rnaunl:ks and ".1,74: former xe,,sidertt Al vent his'boyhood ce leaving townt, Ins st�v rat occasions : For a. ars he had been Sar The iluneral willbe r morning from 'alto tba, arrival of the irtcrtnezrt hI Exc- !.fir l mf dxy' ,Alio 0 f?Tk it G O ll tl 0 tl f3 ar 8 ai KIMATA .a 4`list on errors 1xete tolen bases. Uodgins, Chapman and. Windsor; Double playa. Mathews and Craven, Weir and Chapman;' Struck out by.13arringt(n I2, byFllndrnarsh 7 Ease on balls, on Harrington 1; Bit InF. Pitched ball by lUarrington. Hudgins Left au bases. Exeter 5, Craig 4, Umpires, Dr, Clown, and, A.1)uplan 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 A13.r CENTRAIA 2 anal AiCraig arc how* lie ft plate* in rite girth+ Hare* Pre result of Exeter adding when they 4efttateai 'the am on Tuesday evening The ncoro being b to cored the first ren,,, izt hew Ila t imt*rgs n.at4 Bxeter wetit 11110 tie lead' in the Second lith:; they scored three curia. The tame vett, into the eighth innings but w.h„t called owing to darkness. 'Thee. core by innings, Exeter 0 3 1 tl it 0 0- tie Cent.ralta 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.1 e • Dr. Tir,snion, E, 'Torrance. Chester Harvey and Ree. Rnight spent Sari - day last a t 3eaforth, lir. and Mrs. IL Samuels aril daughter ol` Alvinston are visiting 3l r. and Mrs, 3. Bawdere 1'.f eear T'pner of Hamilton is ctlending a few days with Yr. and Mrs. .T. G. Jones at Grand Bend. Misses Gertrude arrd 'Marjorie Spackman who are holidaying at Grand Bend spen"t I i day id town. Miss Bessie 'Hall returned to home in-P'arkhill ehis'week after view Wing with Mr. and Mrs, G. Hockey. WANTED -30 or 35 acres nen,r town wlus. he good land and have good baaild:ngs. Make full particulars at Times Office. Mrs. E Treble is spendine 'tbe ''w1dA7,3oy's +week' in London. Mr, Tre- ble spent the afar'epart of 'the week in. the city. - Mrs, Crocker and. Miss Whimsies Of Ottawa who ha;vea been visiting wvitdh' Mrs, David' -Johns re'tu'rned to their home on Tuesday. Mr, Perry 'Windsor sang a sold in ,Tames 'Street church last Salbba't'i1 morning; and Mr, Phillip's sang a solo in ,the evening Mr; Jas. Sweet 'Jr, left last week for Mt .Clemens Mich, where he will visit the .baths in the -hope of im' eroving' his health. Mr. W. R. Geary and 11r. J. Raney of" Toronto were the guests of Mx. and Mrs, F. W. Gladman during 'the forepart of the -week. Mrs; Elmer Campbell and .three children+ Zennie, Irma and Lloyd of Danville i , id,, are the 'guests of Mr. and, Mrs, Chas .Hooper. Mr, and Mrs, frank •Malle'tt Sr and, z, granddaiigbiter' Miss Violet 'Mallett are atte'ndin'g the Old. Boy's Reeunhooa at Stratford • this weak. Mrs, (Rev.) Martin and Mrs,: (Rev) Cranston were the guests O0 Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Smith" and other 'friends dur ing the fore part of the week. Ctrs. .Fieher-orf Dundas and cion Stanley Of London, have returcacl home after visiting with relatives alnd friends in Exeter and Grand Bend. Rev. Geo., Jarkson'a former pastor is - conducting the services in James Street: Methodist church during the absence of 'Rev W. G. H. McAlister who is away on .h:s vacation" Mr, Jackson occupied the pulpit bath morning; and"evening Iast Sabbath and preached two acceptable sermons Additional locals on page; 'vg rrj 1i h aa;it An IIlts. , op DICK" t)it Saanday ttiornisg ..ogust 2rtd 11st the xeaapee of death elaimerd: one of our oiti.Lenss in the person of -Zinn= nab tlitaldy Te1let; or the late David Gobbtediek. The 'deceased was born at Port Hope in the ye;n' 18411, When about eight years old a'he nov ea]. with :her parents fir, anti Mrs. Robert 7%eddy • to the Township or tieborne, le the year 1873 she mar- ried the late David Cobbl,:dtek who Predeceased her about thirteen react - Ors ago, They resided lu McGiJl v. ray Tows ash%) .for ubottt twenty.. live Years, later on moving to Lectin and thence 'to Ailsa Craig. About seven years ago they' moved to Exeter Nor- th Last December, the deceased, pur- chased a residence on Andrew Street but Providence sa.`nv ,fit to call her home' atter a lingering illness of nearly five xnonths. Her kindly and ehr1stian character endeared herself to all. She was a lite 'member .of the :'Mlethodistl chare1a +The 'funeral service took place from her residence On Tuesday ai)d pro - ceded to Main :Street church where, service 'was held by Revs. 1luxwworthy Jackson Powell and Yelland thence to Exeter cemetery. She, is survived by four' daiigh"ters. Mrs. IC. E. Carter, Mrs, F. W. Hodge son. Mrs, A. F. Oehm and Mrs, A:. \fir.• Ellerinnton, „Two sisters Mr,s, E. Ilorney; and Miss S. Reddy Three, brothers,. Ralph. Wm. and Walter tCeddy: A number a'ttenddd the funeral from' a distance airs, E. Cobbledick t)enffieldi Dir, N. B. Cobblefdick Tor? outs Mr, Wm. Galloway, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Elliott Lucan Mr, area Mrs, 33. Abbott and Mrs, Ashbury Lucan. Mr, and Mrs, Jefferson Dublin. Dome' blaving Pielture !Theatres -A; special program on Saturday evening Aug.. 8th ; two aextra reels. ?The' fol- lowing attractive list will be pra- dnced : Our Wives, two part) comedy; Apples of Sodam: Circle of iHa:te; 13roncbo Billy's Mistake; Come Seben, Come Leben; Papa's Baby, split/ com- edy. Special' program every two weeks. An evening's amusement well worth the money. Admission 15 and 10 cenitts. STEWART-HARNESS A 'very Pretty weddc ng took' place ;n \d. rsl ay of last vn kwhen 9 \Land Harm,ss da:ugh'ter of 'Mrs; lS..Ai Harness: was united in marriage. to Arr. Jas. Steiwart o'f town. Thee wed- ding was .performed by Rev. S. W. Mixwvorthy 'at six o'clock in the pre- sence of the 'immediate relatives and friends ' of the -contracting parties. The bride who Was given away liy hie brother -Curtis ;Harness took her place in 'free* of "a (bank of Clowors and looked very pretty r in a while wedding 'gown with overdress d9 shadow lace. She wore 'the bri- dal 'veil caught up—with sweet peas and carried al Bouquet of '+white( roses 'rho bride lwas attended by; her peice Miss May Harness "while the. groom ',vas supported by Mr, .Elmer Harues- .nephew or the bride. After tlhe`:cere• mony a dainty„ weddiiag supper was served. The bride was : the recipient of,many beautiful " presents. Limes joins with the many friends inn enter din ;co;ngratulai,iOt s .;, SII kinds sag woodwcorktog, 'e zg «a nd pnin(ting neatly and club cdoue at as reasonable price at R Blacksmith shop. Thu Prize winners in tbd etandi12 gain competition tor oats ,conducted the Agricultural Society are es. rstlIowa : 'Cd, Broderick, Geo Andrews+, tag. Shelitori ' °'. It. .Clliott,`•h, A. Mieringtta. B.3 Shapton, Sohn Rowe Judge A. 'Tl, 'Rose Lost --On Tuesday evening, :n. Cameo Brooch;' on. Main ar Sanders street„ between!, Statham's and William ata. Finder kindly leave at W. 3, Stat - ham's. 7' CAitD or THAN dr. Dow, desires ,to expresst1i sin,. sere appreciation and thanks to the many neighbors tud*lends for the assistance and ,sympathy rendered during the bereavenroat which him "net befallen him. CARD OP TIIANIi$ we desire. in this way to offer our sincere thanks to our neighbors and friends for their marry acts of kinds• ness and sympathy during the illness and subsequent death of our mother Mrs. Cobbledick. Yours sincerely Mrs. C. Carter Mrs, A. Oehm Mrs, E. 1lodgson, Mrs, A. Etihorigton Farm for Sale LOT 7 CON. 1. STEPHEN' T..w• property' o'f the Iaate Thomas lisserr Brick'house;, bank barer; and frame here. 5 good wells, windmill. go,::i .,r..hTer.' ,'bout g acres of good Y d - wood bush containing about 500 su- gar maple trees. Soil ,Lay loam, well drained and fenced. Farm in good state 'of cultivation, cave 'hale an:Id from Centralia Staatio[n'. Possession can be given to suit purchaser. For terms and particulars apply to Geo, G. Essery Gladman'.foS'ta'nbury Centralia Baristers Exeter Strength of the Nations at War 1 HE NAVIES Britain and 'Allies Great Britain 406 ships Russia 166 ships France - 321 ships Servia ... . ,,111:1... no ships p gotal ,,1,:..11 ..1_. 1111....... 890 ships Britain's Ene>!nies Germany .....:........ 316 ships �A.uetrea- Hungary ...,.....:... 111 s Total......:.: ._•...:_....,.. 430 s THE ARMIES Britain and Allies Great Britain 732,180 E$nssia,...:., . 4,50(1.400 France,....,...... . . 1111.:":..4,OSlO,finO Serve>ia.:.a� T xtal:.:... :.� •42'i 000. m .. ,1111. 11,1,1_: , HIIITAIZa7'S J�iwllJ+IdIEs' Germany.-- 1... m Austria-Iluisgarn ..25�,t1(r0,()(a(t�a Ym� °,potalc i 44 tl4 fit<,11�gVVV,Q�Q iXJ <1t.4 49,4,4 ships hips men men men Sen' eta era' men er1 ECONOMICAL—Heats the house without burning all, the coal you, Gives steady, even e heat on least ' fuel See the McCrary dealer or write for booklet Sold by T' HAWKINS & SON, ;oncentration e ter advsz'l;isf inteasiv'ely than t;ezd,siveiy Nebol7 the sum to be devoted to advertising is small This means the regular use of the of TITE EXETER tI --2 messages a year addressed the salve constituency of readers. Toter ittent or d%v ded edort is riot likely o e xesultful, One I" ll -powered blow is better ii tl two half blows. Co ceratration of appeal wvil$ da vark ti,f Czar viction'and persuasion that will surprise yo Fhen the years returns are totalled up, A WORD TO 111E PUBIC '1"lrere�n advice for you in thin little Naafi to aadver- i i.i w a Y szesw� t s, l� v rcl With a WI— not ctivided --- rr"tae- lcrraa the Merchant Who steadfastly solicits your gootlgoo whiff, The more you stroagt leu rite hands of the ctadti0 v4Ito serves you, the better call bo file service ve a Zed. p Where You are Bred to Shop SC -110C-2 . Powells Bazaar PHONE 55 The Big Variety Store This week oair special offerings will be 5 ets, Be Sure and See our Offerings at this Price. August 1O.th Will be Annlver2 sary Sale week. Monday Saturday, Come in often then. Powell's Bazaar. THE BUSY SPOT Miss Anna 13h'eriaan • of 'Tora:to and Mr Verne Hudd, of Ingersoll; wend euests at the home of Arr. and Mrs. 1?‘N.R Rowe stwee n c during, thiw pa ]f. As an inducement to new Sub- scribers twenty-five cents : will :se - euro the Times Irani now-+. uintil.'the end" of !the year. Send your order in early and ge't the full benefit of ;this cub in rates. James Beverley FURNITURE Y1EAZrER FEWER A.L :DIR.ECTOR AND • EMBALMER. Plain' St., Exeter e 74a. ROUSE FOR SALE c ; House, and two ,lots of land on the corner of William and Albert streets.. The house is a frame cottage contaisa ing sixrooms, and is in, excellent state of -'repair,; hard and soft wates is the 1ause and .good cellar under- neath,. . 'Land is well i i ideidrainedi several .fruit trees and.. some mesa) fruits on the property. Owner .,.-1 leaving town and will sell at a sac rif lee to early buyer. Apply to F .hurdle; Exeter, . or B. S. Phillips, real estate agent, Exeter,. r. FOR SALE Eight Boomed, brick vernered haus on William Street, Exete r , Good sit- uation. Price 1:825.30 ,An. snap - Also' na -Also Yaemier 'separators, $45.00 Apply` to W. Blatchford' 01 Morley Ave. r r � kyv i, t. tmefei,lo.".1;ee 1...,'...L �I+oronti8y. Vt i1