HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-8-6, Page 5Grenadier Guards Band I vete e LESDAY 'ATIGUST 6, 1911 tolot4-144+4.-1.44.). College, at llonle tit ahoutacas of ambitiono Youtao aieople are test, preparing in i. tet own bomea oprieupsoluce satire Positions) as stentUraida ors bookkeePers aslelareeht t mrsinolvil servants in .face evorY " rbtero of business aotivities 'You ma Y finish ,at Colleno •"oll on wish Tennno guovau- teed. „Enter college arty slay. g !Individual inotruation. EX- 4. •*Olt teaehers. Thirty' !Fears exporience, Largest trainers. 3: frt Canada. Seven collegea 4. Special oaures for teachers. Affiliated, with, Cenamercial neational Associatiori or Canada Summer Salmi at Famoua Boot it *oupusinee..i" Collene Lonaon, No VACATION crinton Bosioes,sCollege 4 0E10. SPQTTON B. R WARD i. PIscpai e oan save you Treat 25 to 50 by attbatsribing ter aoer 440a eaklY Pallera at this , office. WS are ler a%adilaw4 THB TIMES AND Hearld and Weekly Star • smsi EMPTIO ”-1 76 1Weeatia...01ribeea nee- Weekly Imr;40;eVane 'Ttreee 1 155 Weekylentigtt TA,drertiller weeko lattntre.41 Witneee -al 85 ;Weekly 1,11amers ,aun 1 So Warmers Adrooato .. 40 Werra and Deiry ..........., 6,6 Canadian Farm ...- .4 85 Afeaanto Saterdan night ...... ....A .50 X1/43117 Welre te., alaatily Star Ilvett • 40 aNti1J Melba stoo_ • 25 Xeraing Istonden Vree Tress 60 "Leaning .11.40o4011 Vree lesetia to4.4 00 ViellY leaden% Advertiser ristian Ciatarillar; kt.ta 4IMPectory Ito Official Telephone Direoter 117 Varlarht is scion to print a IOW le The Bell Telephoue Conap.ti • **MI/Istria or 'WESTERN ON raes who contemplate becom- Subscribere, or thos who wish othenges in their pteaent entry should piece the orders with the Local Man. alCer at Once to inettre insertion in this /sole, Gonneotirig Companies' Should aliorepot additiota, and .nbanges in the.sts liet of Subhners ;either to local manager or to the Spec; Lal Agents department, Montreal. he.Bell Telephone Co. of Canada maimassat •Notice TI1E POLICISOLIGLbEltS OF THE 1O1NE J1) 11XBU211TMUT- UAL F.IRE IN'SUR.AN'0C,E COMPANY' 'The Board of Directota or the isaia 11*.oropany ;wish to draw the attentiaa of its merabers to Professor's Day's attallefin a"On Lightning Rods" (a, .opt which has been sent to each enexuber at therequest of the Board) nas a protectinti to ibtuilditags !Even Lightning and WOUla entreat theta to 'carefully read the- same, end would, ask those otho have theio ildixigaradded.'to see that 'they are 11ko4't in good repair and also urgto aeon. those who have not them road - lad to get them rodded as soon as pos- satlibletaseithe value of Rods a; a pro - tion to buildings ,againat Ligho- assang is ciearlyaset fortaa.on.afottesaid, _ elate Gardiner W. A. Turnbull President ore; „SecteetatY,told oal Monday picnic tin Grand „ a Dated July 6 19-1.1. Bend • • 0, ;;" era:a:gag) Crediton Mr- and Mrs. Enechtel and family of Berlin accompanied by Mr. Frazer Brown arrived bere in their Auto to visit friends, Mr. Artitnr Holtzmatt of Chicago is spending bis vacation with his parents. ' • Mr. Bradshaw who has been epend- iog his vacation at Toronto has re - Vernet" to his duties in the Bank of Commerce. , The Mis.see Tillie and MillieBertroorl of Detroit are visiting their mother. SaaliratMrs. Herb. Eilbee who have been speocliog ix few days in Luekuow have returned home. - Rev. Jefferson who has been camp- ing at,Grand Bend with Artlauo and Nathan Sambrook, Russell Clark and Victor. Kestle has re" wooed. kt0Liv, M. Almost Kuhn accompanied by hiswife and the Misses Ella Beaver and Susie Jun autoed Loodon on Tnesdearo Mr. and Mrs. Kelso orid daughter Lily of Detroit have returned home after visiting frieods. Inre,Koepling of Berlin is visiting at the home of Mr. S, Brown. Miss Carrie Kelso is spendiog a week in London. Man, Geo. Finkbeiner a Detroit is visiting her mother-in-law Mrs. Car Fin kheiner. AlferYsad accident oecured at GPAO4 Rend orifitiOdaY Afternoon last when Mr. Ed, Rata et NOW klemlnIrg Was drowned while in bathiug, AlthOugh the body was brought to shore- hoz mediatolY All effort to revive him prove onAvAding, 'The xensaina were btought here tO the home of hie stater Mrs, ("has, Zwieker And then to his home in NeW Ramberg, lie Is' sor, seined by bia Parents, three eistere And POO brother; N. Brooke and family returne from their visit to Belgrave Monday. Mr, Harold 0oplan look advantage of London's civic holiday 911 .Munday to Pay a short visit to Centralia. Douglao H. Blatchford passed so Ceesfully the examination for 2nd par Entrance to Faculty. The game et baseball played hero o Tuesday evening between. Exeter an Centralia WAN *01centeeted. The vl Mug teant carried away the honor Score 6 Z After the game the aflee' Aid se ed ice-cream or; Mr, Davis Lawn. goodly tnimber partook of the Appet ing dish, The W. 4, S. Auxiliary porpose holding an ice-crearn social on the- poreonoge lawn one week from There - day eveutng. Herveet in this eection a the coo try le haetening to a concluidon. Mr. Walter Baynintm and 'wife an children who have been vieiting friends here. expect to start on their return joueoey to Oak Lithe, Manitoba Locals Threshing bas commenced 'through ;set this district, Main 'Street Chola will picnia at. Grand Bead to -day (Thatseay) Rev, 1S, F. and Mrs., Sharp aad doeghtor Margaret left this, week to visit in Simeee, .Miss, Roda Lamporte, of Farquhar,' is,evetitsittotrogs sealtehis/itiss Rea Rea -e Ext Mr. and INIrs. W, F. Robinson, of Denver. Cole visited with their attat Mrs, 'lobo 'White last eveek, Recoite Wanted -Por F., ;Co. 33rd Eri:t..g5'n1'7.etr "ato29th4tteitidg )plyczk'Cl)alAaug:: - ,.Wtyl.,17.J.Ellrer eat4m!..n, or Lieot J. 0, .i/StaVe • rs..I.Senior and daughter ilitsitela >Its CLae. Senior and oaeagatee ti pendUig 4aflev.2; 1,1'''seelcFst.aalltkOra4:4°d)3Oar-rdo Mr; Wood ;spent tae week end with them. Stfrs, .las, Grieve left Satordaa for Grand Bend to recuperate t She is gottioot akmg nicely aort is able to take short walka each (lay Mr, Grieve oua Latimer are also at tb Box& alit J. Wambold's horse, rat a Oth the bead cora ,lont Then -440 ertleen ran groom' Coaide lecke- and 'was stopped in front of 144 atore without opeO demean be110 d aoa received in town. of the of As. Wilson of VirOodstOOk 144, hlrs. Fowell of ES?, dernalte4,1104. beer.lizg titne and Mrs, Fowell baen s air, t%;;Lther4;t4l'et' jaaaae ialtin'etx tett, Toterley tor his Vat oa.Ho „tett tor Toronto ettidi OttanSa. And Mentreol hefor lag, Daring his alastoce its will preside at the orAno- MiAs Mnbol Porker at Tereettr atol arra 0.en4le of Berlin are the goests 1)fr, audra,11Y, *Webb Or 'tQW4) Mr. 0114 MU, Weeeleh of Borgia ;dal ifl it Vying, vt on Thursday of we while VII a vialti likith e bit different parts eit The eonoty 3itho COttle ot Farquhar how in tWo PASO Specimens Of 410e sat week. The two weigh ntl and halt; Thel or largo yellow variety. The uodembledlY the 'finest . 11011414g tOnilattag3 we havo tbio on Thin eday, • , od Ethel Parinksoo St. Maraa_ Zlias Ola We; Mb too t Loud= who hoe Imo; visiting tivei around 'here duriog July r turned home last week. The Miss Ilannah and Myrtig or" 1Cirktoo 'visaed 'their cousin Mrs, .\ I bzrt Ottrating. On Sunder '31r, and Illrs, :Norman 'Brooks and family of Virrginia are' spending the %)11. r here and With rola . Mr Jnonos Brooke is here from tho visi Fog friends a od looki ng oft atone fine hose. allea /Vera' Ogden spent lash welek ior 'Exeter. Mrs, Thomas, of London', visited, her raece aIrs, Hector Willson last week. Miss Verde Morley and Gertie Su th erly •returned home last frhur.sday feom tt visit with triends mean Wier - ton . Mee. Geo IffiRson visned-IrtOt Su•nday with Mr, lifillson's brother Mberti at Licknow Threshing Coos started around Imre the grain will be about all cut this week aid the crop. in general is very geed. „ TEAMES ROAD Idris, Coolie of Hanover is visiting friends in this neighborhood. • Mr,. end Mrs, Balfour of Mitchell ara 'visiting at Mr, Arthur Doupes. Miss Mabel atIoNaugliton of London • wase, the guest of Mrs, •'also iSabbath •• • ',O. • . .Bethany people in tend-lialdiag their ani versnry on SucdayolAugefot 30th a. alat.E,RE'S alOTICE OF FIRST iaOST- 5.-NG OF VOTERS' LIST ,A6foters' LisL 1914 munieipaIiity of The Township `oft treborne County of Huron • illative isobereby given that I have ratoanrittadror deliyered 'to the per - sums %mentioned ie'aections 8 and 9 eaf the•aaoters' List A.ct the copies re- oauixedsby,the said section to be trans enateda or .deliverect of the . lis't made trarattarnto toe said' A:at,' for all persons .rappearingobse the last revised asae,S-s- *meatBoit' of- the 'said Municipality. •Tao ate -entitled to,vote; iLn.the said rnun dai.pality at, eleethme .for mem'bers of /atm LegislativeaAssembly and at Mon eleetions andthat said. liSt WAS lir posted.uptat my office in laebore. the asch'd,ay of July _191S a ed ins tlaore for Dasaectiatie " o ectors. are ,called upon to examine ,theosaid- Esc and if any omission :or lte.resterastro are found therein) to take- immediate- proceedings to have 'ettlee saidateors • corrected according law; ft ANCIS MORLEY ;Cierke of the said .aitunicipalitto d)a-he 2T.t.ti day of July 1911 " Childre-n, Or • .7H FLETCHER'S The Advantages to the,Estate of having a Trust ,Company aclminiiter its affairs are Many, yet the,charges are no higher than •those, allowed a private individual acting in the same eapacitY: This strong, • conserve:live Company, unlike an individual executor, will not fall ill, go abroad at a critical time, be- come a defaulter or pass out of • existence, _neither will it • neglect your affairs for its own, because its very life de- pends upon its fidelity to your affairs and those of others. • Consult us regarding your -will and the administration of your estate. • The. London estern Iretts' go, Inited,' 382 Richmond St. London Ont a Geo GibbonaK.C.,President jaku 34soref Manager OW lat Jennie Alev Dow agd months. day Aug,noot tenet of the 1 ed 67 years ekes' on rid nosh Keettr; Id Cobbleklick, snoutha. in !Peseta°, n August 2a rL Jo Lang On o Robt S.Long oot.st 0 months and 27 days 41117NU"--dit Stellhon 00 AligtUit 9 Irene' "Winstifred, %daughter of Mr. and 311% Jas., Dearing nde4 5 YeXT4 5 months and 7 slays. EfTEMBN COUNCfL Thecouncil met 4tt •the, TownBali ota alondaY Auguat 3zol All me - bora present. Attest passing the following orders they Adjourned to meet again on •Bonslay Mepteratter 7th at one, p.. in. SILOO William Wbite gravel contracts' A ifttorley ?repaira to •cement; molds Successful S. 13. $178,10; M. Illitebell;Conunissioni- er6,00; R.,' Rill Oravel $1.7.70; Touruanien Lt ., ICenny grading 7.00; S. P. Graz - son rep road S. E. 13.00; ojseph Law - pt payment on controet 1,000; Exeter; Agricultural Society vont 016.001 bovid Webb gravel contracts end; •iitapeating 'bridges $66.10; Wit- , 4 i Henry Eilber Clerk. 0. a number to e...z rkorabeit 9 MT, CARMEL Exetee. Ezeteri R N. C. tell -.17 J. laillgalitoola Latalea Thistles Zurich Mr, faina..Collins of Love and Leave A. Itf. Beaman -.24 A. F. Hess 16 Co. Mitchell and family are camping Lon, Thistles ,_ London, at Grand Beard. 121r, John Gallatin 'is vOsitittg bis 0.Lo-RialaiTalirislie-s-18 F. B. StleBDIIrt '2.6 uncle Mr, Wra. Miller of $t. Josephs L E. ()Ellison ...-12 Dr. UcTaggarti 8 Lor a coulpe of days. 'Mitchell Our popular business man Mr, Jas. af, fflurkin 22 Jas. Tayltxre„t.er....16 Quarry las .returned from the west Bonsai' Seaforth Jim reports the crops of all kinds are F. guest 13 so, C. Greig ..la in, goad condition but busicesa at a stand,still Mr, QUarryeand partner Exeter . Lon nta'islti8ad Round Segni-Finals are 1aented in altec arise' having nur- Goderich obliged ' the ,Central formerly owned A. A.. Langford......17 .C.11. Uutaber 11 by, Liter. They iatend having , hot liseter ° Lon, frhistles ixinatatthe t WA by patronizing the rneala -and 1.ed drinks. makes. . all la N. Creech 21 A. M. Heaman...14 Central. t Lon; iThiatles Loa -Thistles C. E. Lear, .... . . -.19 L inn Tillson 15 P. -Flanagan has' t'reated'harniel'il to Ofitabell C Glavin entertained his iriauds to Hensel! a Cadillac touring car: -• ' M.- Durkin ' • 18 la •Bush • 11 • Lon. Ttaistles Creech. 3IC •..17 Langford sk...13 111,TSSELDALE, The Rev, end airs, Be 'four ana fam ily. of ;Toronto are epeodiog a few aeeks at the homes oO the former's orothers Mr, J. C. and Henry Balfour Misa Beatrice Clark, and Mr. Percy lewberyo of Avonton were arrests t SPrialit Praoh farm ore Bunday Mrs, A. Tiodgert has retorned home eftert /vending a few days ir4 Strat- forat ond Niagara. Dr, ond •alas, Schofield of' Tenant° W� base avert visiting at the heti* of ;lir, 'awl Mrs, akin*. Cairn for the oast, week hove rettullett J10,4e, Will Cole and family of 'JL' oro ero bolidaylog nt Orchard Grove is Ida Ofelville attended atte.r.e inion Seanatth on WedoesdaY. Mies Mina linseell of 'Regina Sask ts spending her aacatioa at her home here. at. 'number aroma here attendea the ri taieeral on) arnday oE Mrs, Alex Dew of Exeter A.V,I10, was kilted to art auto aecident vialle coming hon e 41am Grand Ileod on Saturday lust. TwentatfolaroZ or ;Nome aeople motoeed lo airand Bend or.l Tioutsee.y r4 had, a Moat enjoYable time, afro. ahatTisort aod family a at peeeent attending the a -minion( a trattoria an inducement auk - scribers twentrolive cents oore the Tlinlea ratIoe new toatil the latl et abea Teen good, Your order ir; early and got the Toll 'benefit of this big eat in rates. Troops x er is isels10 ths outtiry odterr42i4AC91:0491InUtt R.:tlYal.:irl ?yin a ts -23 DEoza?lkne.r..1 L. la Dampier ... 17 A ..P ,„5t1raaltoher:.Y. _1 8,G.95cifeefhiecalid..... 10 F. El!aFrielneetYtVi!•1:- Exeter DaShWeea R. G. -faeleen e.,..4O G. Doligtioffer..,12 a.,:tfe.aeita:rtratttobers,Yee..0.2n3d Ni;0,..al,,,14DorEeNeter11 J. IL Tamaln....,19 JecksToint44--1-19 Exeter FOXY, Giadman.4.0 0, E. asftexpaokbararx Goderich ,21 4, II. Dampier' .44 fle,Q.Seidoo J, Staa:Feitiurtnel:-.12. Exeter Cliriton •jp.r1"';'. elleitilueliali :0QdaedOrinch - C. Greig 14 J. Taylor;-;;;Y•ttet:e la,$.elaa,foll.114cPX.......16 Dr. aloTaggart Third iflound T re! at rt •Exeter Ooderich eaforth tregi 9 o Speck an a Grieve oie Exeter 3 Creech "Bly tit Qta4i534g a fa Godericia KWgaflia Morteatt Exeter ,...., Londoo 'lees s Case. M'eTaggart Clinton • ober Dowding sk eter e art OlaExeter rite Man , gxeter ark? Tino•-ati olainooseaela .12 London Oke 11 Silcox, sk -Exeter Trick ... 17 Hurdea sk Exeter Statabury ..9 Gladineri Pensall 1,Viai teeldee ' aloDoeeil . Exetor' Teyfor 17 lakstar eh -1 nd Len. Thistle fferaan Tiison nis Exeter Fatheal Foster - Spaeltman. lailgaliin,,sk 18 Qrieve sk Exeter illyth -anal"( Case eech ok .......-15 31cTeggert 1 Exeter Clinton $vart. TaYlor Oes. ok .4$ Dowding eh- iSemir-Rmal s „...10 T`i Crecer Lembo Thiattle4 tInder;ch zh'idoo „ F.Keto Pat aer Poster 3 Kilintinti ek and--Seread- Event. 414 1100Mall 01; gorove-r. !,1; ton, nootie5 geasol frittsom etz aogu.„,..,514 Fourth Ronod r Exeter Befifortl:$ eldon 10 Taman ederich Sitalerth enter k Greig af4 .os, abistols smao sk ,,„a2 ..„sk chell Len. Thatels. Pnfkin (ik ,...1„$„. A, liangder,t141A-34 Sesoic.Finals Coder loriter ell 1.on. Tisietlea ertne, sit a Heatittae alt, so tsr have; been sa, 'P0ner4 1 tog the troop been. ao op .ftio.• their iciot 141-nottretz,j,14eflreto Aar!, tiolle of the I °sling the tar during the vs A. as the aVairk ortort will isevo lifted by (tat hop Orchards' a rut yardd will he placed out of be to the, troops It, is hoped that t era goo ally will co -opera t, ability with I ;Pir Cenritry. itrt so MAY Itnt tberoavives to Itte0C0 4)410914'0C baekvaptpreo op tbe mai the troops from gotleri Itycle Pork before the troops iv t the vicinity of the AuxSauble sive there will be some rifle tire wti tuntrutuitiom the tight the force will move to Me following AiIis Craig where they will on We' Voir tirounda. Luean, afls ILutrup 'u Ir Jus. :,:te,:dt-.0tIvr..eil.1 bete they will comp ox Mr, dello rks teat o , ria faachteetustrit ito ttventy-five gum Th1103 from. AMA until the ot -the rear. ISand,your'ciTclerIn tirlY and get the lull ibezefit t big cut in rates. We the undersigned hereby agree to 11 package of Silver •Tip Sdent tithes containing S standard stse five cent boxes for twenty eencs Quality guaranteed J. A. Stewart o lotted from page 1 Second Randal Lon,. !Thistles • Goderich A. A. 1.aegtord -20 Dr. Ilutater 1 llama WI** mapecting bridge etc 19.00 iinderich, clintea a be drawing brick. E ...Breen is spending his holidays in. Lucato e Mr. Sullivan says be did tnot break Lora .Thistls Mitchell Ir, Reardon's bag pipe. W. Gained' broke i t. • C. Lour sk ...- 13 Durkin; sk 11 3 inale Jas Breen has loaned his imm:grant F td to Tim 1Collins for the harvest. Tim ri.iGineinaidae.raric:ha,E. G. Obtatio iskies Exeter as girls are scarce. • Jim Quarry has the contract of W, .Mara L. H. Dickson bearding ,the,..3feneey people who!, ar.0 13. 'Barbour W. J. Beaman engaged,. by the Queria Bros. Jim Score by bsyk end R N. `Creech; dic15 says he dont wish to get rich too Quickly so is adverting meals at inn. Thistles 342,050 100,001 .110 -11i 1and 20 cents. Wish you success in your good work. Jim. Remernaer ' 000, 16 5 s. ri;aeer SOUTH 111fROOT TROPHEY what Tecumseh did for the -white man ,Jack Gainan has advertised for a Seaforth Hensall aaaager for his flax gang of 1n.,- J. II. Taman, 16 A. Scruton :a11 -9 diens. Tire husky maidens are prey- Glertoa Exeter i rig Arainehaha.• -•• C. E. (1111cDonnefl 17 T IRoigahrtkohni-1.O. .0 inge to be a big undertaking. Be- V. Jack -son 0 4. H. Grieve... 16 P tan -noes sides Jack says he has found Laugb- Iler.sall Ot • 1164 Thousand, Farm Laborers Wattle IcANAnyui. OR 1-1ARVET1NG IN WESTERN CANADA ."GOING TRIP ITEtT." ."RETURN TRIP -EAST!, *A11.44Ar $12.00 TO WINNIPEG •I • $18.00 FROM. WINNIPEG nn, stations, Fan tN.90,1,7,,Abx ad t to A la. , _ Sault St'e Mario, Ont.. 1 Manitobt*. Ausupi 1st mal..:.1.7(57,,tt: an points In Alionat bo' '•• rpTinm °I' 1401-, l'ornrarioAlt..a.11,,,ttuoun3,,_' 0:a4CtPor!alPlIng's"trb)d, Lake':i.Oaltant -FtOOi 05 2to alt .2.__arpot nematIt' otO1 'neat to Assfida, and 21. eh le7anaphaft.td:Alperta. . 31unI• tob, and to certaia' points '10• ,Saskat, ' A• chomea: ands el boo.. to Rotat,o; lylooltob: anifntre'r. In the5o1uL0Pr°'ince • • t Fagitarll sharb'''t n6 • r5011 tUCuJA .at.,srunoc4grsdeZ, .71t5,,T- laearen• se-eitSoeseettor-‘ - ow ttarttlf, o.r.a.. O.:rosolnies-t. 011 oY ki:V1,7.11. ais Mitchel , t"". Martya It Colo 11 M, Intokie cond 7'01, Sneii 0 Islotles rnonf shi to 1 Exeter Preeeh Esette. "de Dal* �a1tt*vzMe reCOY .41 Dasbwoorl offer.. 14 l.1;t5.t. 11eTagga Exeter eech, sk. or • ; Wbitesitlea name"! ek TOYlo 2 Taster 1.1044411- M9401 •5/44-4..6 Broter Gladmao bury rickot Exetor Won by ilecv4 and Cdce, of Loa' odRazrd ?east -tore flusb eit Eat te frrme "Turdos ok. Exeter 1 Tbia teas not a ick carat - survey Mr, Shorn ssited by ilicaRe and the miontors of the coant ; y went all -through the country dig, iricts enquiri,ag into soralltiona vtaere, and getting tooetater notist:es wiach were neatly work- ioto an hatelligiale form by Dr. afaers aO expert on sociological pro, totems and Coinneeted oeitla. the Jina Beards Soeial ;Service and alviengeie ana. The most; !farareoching results will come as a result of the ,sorvey. The facts /arc:eaglet .to light eholleaga - tention., Huron county people -worn 'vela a new appreciation of tine sere aooess ea the aitiE3 .41:1R., "charts shown tell a story or entral, device; ion cameo vividat than wonas caa tita The most out staneirta nohlt lo ale loos in. popelatioia „To fSmost all years ago, the tetalopopulat non of! aforoa Courny was- 7.1,28a. In icooney ho asked hinisoie, cent, .But this doeo 0/dt tell thO whole otorr. Tin. towns, have made alight increase from 9,,57, to 1.45.60 lifence Oa country' populate bas deo, ,creased from 04,930 to 49.030; of 40 praa 1033. This loos of Ose rs eent has resuked in, a serious .ed. noutionat problem. iSchcols that srere ooce futt are now empty. ::Ent any eases attendance is aor s.,affic,% ient to ;justify pa„ylag, a teaaher ing wage, 1.t.,10, over e,0 yeara Elzaafi POpalatiOnioiItaX03/ 24215, la 1913 it was ales, of 48 14 per Achool population Apr And towns. Ra the is in the• coast kago beiog from 5$ 24 por Cen 'd is ;seeded ccotiuuyCounty are children as sva„1 po.ssibiti offer no spologr that IL la tskiugs otte st 900 tiMO Ontsitie, it As sphere 11.1$ beets effected More roral 4epepoiatio4 Ong 1 church, • showed thet of the rental ohm stationas7 gained 10 10te yesrar 11 Soae " W Ird Teg .. anber3 Ph tact 10 Dowling sk.. ensaI1, won by de - en of or Clinton. xeter won by default eggart Illytb, Third Round $trathroy Park hill sk 11 Ifou,s•bton ek tieu$all Strathroy sk, ..,...16 Dempier sk... 14 Taylor, Exeter woo by deftiule from, Hess ot Zurich. It'aeter tt"oderich anathema skeo,. 19 McLean lexeter' Lando% sk .....17 Silcox, sit ......11 Bush of Howell won by delimit onto Bomber of Coderich. .rourth Round. Strathroy Hensel' Malone ok, -.18 atcDonell sk.. 11 Exeter Exeter Taylor sir ..-. Gladman sk,..11 Exettr Henault 1sk -14 Bnsta. sk 13 Seatorth; Seafortlx Taman ok 00 Greig ak. oll Loni Thistles Lon, Thistles Latoefordsk 17 Tilson sir-- 12 Fifth Round Strathroy Exeter alalone sit: .11 Taylor sk 13. railgallin a aye. Seaortb Lou, Thistles roma* sk • 19 Langford ok ... la Goderic/a Lon. Thistles Hunter skHenma.n ak, 11 „ , Send Finals Exeter •Stiathroy sk 12 atalone'sk 10 Sea...oral • -Goderich Toinan sk ......11 Hunter sk .12 Exeter .1.1: ilgallin sit Tierney Oindenfielca Foster Finals S calor al 12 Taman sk oel" co tspoTc1.1 DOUBLES ' ;First Bound -First Event Lon: Thistles Bewail Tie f fern alo. Passmore Tillson sk .11 Bush sk .40 Exeter • Hensall ther Foster Muir 1, KilgalEn - Hemphill sk...1.5, gxeter • Exeter/ A WOMAN'S MESSAGE TO WOMEN. If yeti are troubled with weak, tired feelings headaehe, backache, bearing down sensations-, bladder weakness, cons- tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the aides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, sense of falling or misplacement of internal organs, !nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation, hot flashesaaark rings under the eyes, or sliest) of interest. in life, I invite you to write and ask for my simple Method of home treatment, with ten days' trial entirely free and postpaid, also references • to Canadian !adioswho gladly tell how they have ,regained health, streagthe and happiness by.this method, Waite to -day. Address° rs Bt aLumen Bent. ess Iforritsvifl Foevy 7 Hensel/ Scrutou sk lieosall . Scruton..... Clarke Taman Lon. T tve* lereasr.g proble rural Alia e Survey aboded much marts ban this brief Iew would IMP The ett the rural church ular was cle ly i'nquired urea were col waked sbew1014 t `taken in Sabbath school ' societies. The"overlepini: aaMe In for close laves - short, vondaloon Iti (nutty ore cow better koown ditioter in any othor county or of Canada. therms eounty is only ore of maul rural counties lo Which cooditions ars similar. hrough this ourvey harp and those who worked win.% nun haver ?brought the seriousness or the situation before 'the churches and before the people geop'ally in a manner that, cannot be 'denied side stepped The text* tr eIon of the survey idea will servo to keels public( attention +focused on tbst rural problem. The qoestions elow ug for discussion) are What are the cam.; ees: What is the remedyj Pinot art al.; a esides Donnell ak 10 JohnstonSpecial Dashwood hotter air 15 Exeter. loyk ak 16 'ettsville .R. Fo.cey sk 11 The Rural Problem in Huron County The following article was taken from the Earns and Dairy aril was written by the Editor. eft. V. E. Ellis wlea took part in the meettogs of the survey held in Huron, Couttty Huron County has started in ear- nest to graple with its rural pro - blew. This problem has been tang with US4 l'Wo have known, in a gener- al way for many years ;that the rural populattion of old Ontario is decreasing. The Dominion census in t011 gave us dela:tate anformatitats that confirmed our wor,st fears. The census statistics allowed the rural dis- tricts of Ontario had lost over 100,000 souls in the previous teu years. Farm- ing ;populations in :the other Eastterrzt Provinces Shred little better. frhose who had remained more optianistio were astounded to find that the aur- pouplations of Ontario was less 'Ilea it, thad 1been•40. years previously; and Huron Cottoty suffered worse than most distriofs of eastern Can- ada. • Even the census, however, did not give us Sul] information on the rural problem. It • dealt only soith move- ments of population.,. How, has this decrease affected the rural ,school tnd the rural church and Suoaay =,chool? Before we can deal effeotp vely with the rural problem we must aaderstand all its ramifications. It was to get this definate informatfost that the Huron County Rural eurveY was made the ,first of the kind ever aendected int Canada. Behind -every .new movenaeot there 0s a leader. In the case of the Huron Survey it was the Rev. S. F. Sharp Presbyterian Minister of 'Exeter who evolved the idea and saw 11 carried to completion. A couple of years ago Mr, Sharp attended a summer course at Auburn N. Y. where the problems of the; rural, School was diacussed by Dr, Warren H. Wilson. Dr .Wilson bad conducted several surveys ta var- ious 'Parts of the United States and the itrformationt 'that be had obtaitie.d thereby impressed Mr, Sharp as be- ing distinctly valuable. 'Why not have a rural 'survey in my own One year ago last May the subject feet was introduced at the Presby- terian Church Conference Mr, Sharei )nduced that body ,to discuss sociology Ho 'then suggested a rural -survey which was Ultimately eenduced und- er the joint auspices Of the Presby' terian and ,111etho4ist churches ,of Can ada ,thrrnig.6' their joint boards �f Social srvice and EvaIngotsin. •Xert organizalical for coaductirg, •the sur- vey was fctrmed at Clinton: last De- ,,,omber with Orr, Sharp as Secretar 'ataaa4.4 ; it; Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Gre.atestlivestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scout*' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatnt Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintiurigs from England, Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods In Process of Making Athletic Sports , ,Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Catin'itinl Creature's Famous Rand Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chessipeake,and Shannon Biggest Midway eater •Peace Year Fireworks_ , , International Peace Tattoo 10 Bands 400 Mlisiciang -Aud. 29 1914 Se 0