HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-7-23, Page 2eak
and Bad Shaky.
es for Years
ad Nerve
Mr. IIPercy Turater, niar:e Tose
S., writs I have. bad a wee?~ heart
'tad bad, shaky. nerves for years, ay.d.
have ever) 1*ng, but nob,.
lues raid ane aril good. tisk 1 was advised
to try i ba a"s Bear i. anal Nerve
e Pakts,:
d was starlirl;•z"i to, find how one beX
helped rite so I tried two Inoz4 and am
Aaaa completely co=red Your may use,
7)v letter as au aid to others sager -log
i tem hart or merle. troubles.
�i,tlq k3 St's ,ll;�ark sed. Nerve'. Pills are
i^" to dons and a a n a1 u rad ouae.
, cc car It run sue
troabled'v with. their heath.or nerves.
11fi1btara's Isea't and Nerve I'3Us sae'
69 c'eats ser box. or boats for $125
at all d'alera: QV nl. /e4 dieeet Qra': receipt
cal prize by T. .thea'- cd.. La ::it g,
TOTe4t0a Ont..
or 'Ilk, Iloirte.
:Keeping: ?ttoel liresll.
Despite, the, Many advantages iL
the warm ivelhthex:, it. has one seri-
ous drawback which causes it3o
housewife muolt pea:tizrhation gaud
tub 'sine]' , 7rhet vatraat,e'i` the w.;ea-
the' the greater chance there is,
that whena, the houSevrif,e gae$ to
the larder slue " cid] zAd a large par
of t<;hgM food turned sour.
fore t, �.. exermT-
h , 9,ou �
ed, howeve , to of e food can
,e p,eveutctl _iaaa. taming rancid
nihil ,aa,aax•-
caapi .iw dd hep eecl oxo a sale]
alae partbly t he'ip keep the
sy et a t i fres�za. ',l,"he lu
fifaxJ.3„d 'P.7P, :lk',:asg*�.' i toltt},we' oar ' ee
^ ita�at iw td h5xv C?iaa�t•r1''
rataM=iaa, 'e
of brown sauce; and simmer ge,tt:y°
for four or five minutes.
Two Savory Sauces. -A good to"
mato sauce can be made • from the
fresh fruit, the canned or the
bright a;ed catsup. Si mtier a, can
of tomatoes 'with two c,lovee and a
small nice, of onion for ; three-
quarters of an hour. 'Melt UN ta-
blespoonfuls of butter in a sinal]
stueepan and add two tablespoon-
float '. When brown and p'
smooth :stir into the ton a , sea-
son with salt and Lepper*and
atr sin. Or take . one-half pini of,
atsfp, heat, add one-half cup of
soup Istslck arud thicken with a tea-
nful: of ll azar starred into e:lld
Pot a.
��l'�ii;?�.: `411` roast,
on stove
itlaen. s' etP 'ne
get ��€I
s "different," put kettle
two tab"espoofs ti
t ,iay_3ags or lard 'f
„d hot, sb„ meat
put in tette, but ,rjo uot put 1,
er ilkettle;
; so
t1 af kettle that,
*:'.-.31 get out
a3g 3.R"'- iX tel" yan(
swz3 baa €.
;i 'rant
. o 4}wtt? leas' w
the, fi3
'pee 4aa� L
ti4E ba '+a
es, ]teat
n tl Cit"r
sale; l;'its]
dry tits
Etak fte drippl
1ti`l4taaul itec#,es.
si't'e faaz etf lulu
ztl1�'wiierc +~i5e"
g Itis floe% of
ti'e<it's, a1dnd 1l
ie ca'r'e arn
seven' et'
nd t'he ti4t
at, tile 'Iia''.'
timawriacereax I
eagtaric s and
d, Z� ho ]tits leen t'as3p
act'e s fur invert,}` Coate...
rbieg, ,and never happier° III
fn has
1 with him to tbbb ' yA
w�atiacaut a ebange and
at the age'of seven, and,
shows William 3 edges
2.3 The 1
%IOUS that, he
money so ,safo
poncibility„ how
c to put f
to b
English 4ett
Trades Unions . AntalgaralattnCa..
ne 14malgamattert of the traders unions
goes steadily ,forward.- Following closely ;
toren the 'working agreement" between the
Whiners tt'rnaseert .aerkeri, andrailway-, taken
men, with a tet�.1 uu mbti nap of 1 350,460, ��+ Diarrhoea
which hoe now been, dually 'corned, the Hes
General Laborers. Union n,eh 13. :s 3;1 •
immense organization spreadiu all -e e:
the •nuntay, has be.'u "druit`<'ti to tate , They lirere 30 Mi Doctor s Fran a_
amalgamation, '.thus d a. eito•t iy all the
gas Not
-mamas abase members: mine coal. or.
handle rho freight, of the'eeuutry are in
the ergallizatIon,
This Is the reply of the worke a iothe
combination of the, employers of the
<v:zntr c but it .s -only tart of what the
trade i o lists aim at. They are .sxa.^l1.
rag :for t. e'ene3`4,: ,Rinalgatuation of the
w car skilled or general a ib,ar, At, pre-
sent the ;renu_ent are ,^r u1 t roti ;an
alarming growth ell ion tiny'' employment Tr eent of
el i aP inhinese and other 1.2asterta labor„
cli etis at the great rorty where r, C2ltrat
n.en ar'd iiawi '' are arrerikag ,n n =crew=-
bag i numbers= and t- ey inaoaec. someMrs. pred Seho?at?, k'ennaaat
drastic wwtion, , it'at e politteai of d neer, writes;—"I used Dr, Pewler's.
so, put, a sten ".+b rids rznalaetittiaf.
Cif lna 10 Met z t. blOess,
xtract, 3a
b M Cured i
of Wild Strawberry wbean Wray lit'
Arai not ean'tMcted; is lives 1Ve wex'e thirty
Goat:;: tti as;ee_, a royal pfilae€S? "rite I: ties front a d9wtor, 2•lteu the little
outsell on ono .nr:onat 9aAaxita first wo old lace axeaa�. all dalit and at
u,e4i to tto tla ere1caaa iaa II Ianrnd 4 P
�a �u ' ve
0 1 ei a aa ..
7 s"lrt 15' At l7 A
,.„n a d
a as p
x e a
•p 1J;*wY:arl.
n<<l s '^II �
i tr
�.3aeste�l tv� bc,t�• �',a;onn a11� vva°s*, a �.ssabe every talc 'tr'o't, e`• i+laas
3 in.. 14 sa In 4 ltceaa' enl a� o f r . 'resat oa day and night u4il hepon to,
radia dons, Ile ''meta n*� Iaaetr la,ilae aaa^ :pass blood” 1.gave la .st3 �4Dr. Powier.� ,a
Wali :;4.gi
e till ween
A4'*uratr3te� ah,i �A�int �
at mart, as as p17 to hoer O 11,et cl. la° t vattlaotat a1 ' d4tod egxec't cit rt stn s4
amen t tie tri t -n mare I hn z lar er, mese, and
4'tlae IlPriS
aaa sax „ aaFa da ta? Mail a oalat hd henan to get r ref, ft, 'vas
the only nwdie e 1 had in The house
e time end X always keep, it AO
to remember then 3 th wt 'ou fellow tools sic] Wise Diasrkaoea plc, at.
low lea r
4 when arc b
54> cC@ a rx X01)1' ar3Yt"a xan
ye Ti
5, itis 1 F:fta eiPaa1
- Ti n, e,. Iaerad, Ila
who it eta recently. was a ver
as =avast, vs 'erne of zine
IaracsaealUr li<tied in ,the itAru I t '•.
to and to of 'tat} old 1 }I a14 r t w w.
belyaaged woo ""Study retue'•, and 1t
alas note of len life With h ;haat d e wa
inc ssk` genal et aa's<wtela in r,' a,}rir;n
arh.tt a}e�.
I£is vwcmrt,, at 'ttic mu -axon Itrcawtrlaf�
ltsta, tQa4jib with all the 4.,^0111 -
># 6 SIS
of the world, �aad in xtnttt character
Ii;ttslae[lci^, ttterk with lint. a; Maatt,a}
'�- r'i'ce+ a� z"Ia
tut Qia
lhta na . ,fifAlic*� p ;e ra . ant
e}u;.raars rain' er►yoa't4 llri friendrlup. Iia
as of singular ew itneis' of diyl?or tier' ,1
a good clubbable 3n%a, tat lulu rear,
that rysep, only for a1 title, for cert.
"attllttt�anztl aaaa104ies undertaf.ned
}.}}gill" woke at the. a ante tilale
^ht Gaut the, extraordinary tont,
s �rtaaracter,
e suffered more tbou he to
years: no one could lt�w'rct ,taci^ne
rings with xttore heroic courage.
dars before h0 death tae wan
oncab with a igaz of hie approach
tat, lir labors la ia,u 011'5 w mail
raatarria�ions, The 1.1154araa, :lamp
�aip +olx`��tt"' pts- entry €ease,, citta'
0403I < auQ.354 sxr,,Ea39tyi At:b"att9 ClAte
in the ret;i,,.ec3 wittier saute
trim. art' three days,, hcty ryas oat
alg', sand was as well as ever.'"
This grand remedy bas leen oa
Canadian market for nearly sev
mrst and is wnhoutt a doubt. the li
krataitil remedy ler all Dowel Complaint,.
Refuse 0, tabany other preparatien
'.pori wit os"4 for "Dr. Fowler's."
']acre i' maim else that can be
it "at. if tl
�ilataxa ,wet
(40th NV:
t:x�ttt eat91shh :tnd
rate ire tried. Thee*.
sh'i'eld mv'inh twice, once
c ztn4 ave in hot fat. 'Tlae'
t�id l lwiling hot here
eeaaure<d clothing h stained
Det it dry and Broil' out
n nl , Then apnly;1 il1t: t"!xl'
' last it remain, on
zt 'dal:. or two
a reflector GI
light in unward z,d UId
'lair's§ all this ]'gilt,
is reflected downs; s; d by t
ceiling, is thseles , for it i
la the lower Pardon of he x•oi
the light is to be used, Good .,
tors not only zeflet:t the light down
,ward, but reflect it ; in such a mann
'lint itis directed upon the obSeets
is deelred to illuminate.
plv sto vd to
icalxds clan Ile
:ala i.i
-Wireless Telegraphy has clone much
Par ns, and will probably—or, rather,
sorely --do a great deal more for the
benefit of humanity at large.
But, if they could speak, many birds
'would probably tell you that they don't
approve of this new invention in the
least. For in the parts of the worn
where there are a large; number of
wireless .stations observations have
been made which seem to indicate
that birds are disturbed in a very cur-
ious way by the wireless waves.
The unoffending seagull is one of
the chief sufferers, as also is the harm-
less dove. This strange state of things
Is attributed in some way to aneffect.
of the ether waves, though,, how it is
brought about is not yet understood,
- r
We admire the will power o£ a man
who is able to take a fall out of him.
self occasionally,;
We feel sorry for the fussy old
bachelor who is compelled to live in
the same house with a clever child,
Good Health Is Impossible
Without a Heathy Action
Of The Kidneys
'iVhen the kidneys begin to "act up"
and fail to filter the blood through them,
there passes into the system uric acid and
other virulent poisons, which will cause
some of the severest and most deadly
diseases known to mankind, .
On the first evidence of the approach
of kidney trouble Doan's Kidney Pills
should be used, and serious trouble
a -voided. Mr. Israel Drost, Bath, N.B.,
writese—"I am sending you this testi-
monial telling you what a wonderful
cure Doan's Kidney Pills made f9r me,
My kidneys were so bad I was helpless
for about two months. I used several
kinds of pills, bat none of them seemed to
be doing me any good, At last 1 was
advised to try a box of Doaa's Kidney
Pills. Wheli 1 had taken the firSt box
I found relief, and then got another,
and by the time 1 had taken it, 1 was
completely cured."
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
)ox or 3 for 31.25, at all dealers or mailed
irect on receipt of price by The T.
ilburn Co., 1,imited, Toronto, Ont.
hea ordering, direct specify "Doan's."
ihla vast a
Il loo it 11
4"atgetztbles t saandlr keep fie l 1
'tree are stored in dark cornea
f 3 sine -floored ceii tr nand ,cover
ecd aver with a damp 'cloth. To en-
tre them keeping absolutely crisp
and fresh, place some water in a
shallow vessel ,and stand the root
end of the vegetala:es aa1 ineh deep
in water.
To °keep eh
seveaid get -
r. a verb- largo piece at a time,
and wrap it in a clean, damp cloth
before putting it away.
Cakes and bread should be stor-
ed in airtight tins, and if a piece of
cut bread can be put into each
tin •it will do a great deal to pre-
vent the cakes and bread becoming
By following these Instructions
many hot -weather troubles will be
avoided. And surely it is worth.
' rliile to do away with anything
that spoils our •enjoyment of sum-
Saudwieh Variety.
Thin slices of aTalattna bread
spread with apple jelly and chop -
Graham bread with crabapple
jelly on one piece and preserved
ginger on the other.
Equal parts of raisins, figs, and
dates chopped finely.
Salmon with lemon juice arid to-
mato catsup..
B,a-ked beans mashed to a paste.
add mustard and finely chopped
celery leaves ; serve between brown
Odtbage cheese served with W,01:-
ee§terSillre Sallee and finely -chop-
ped olives.
Veal and ham pounded to a paste
and mixed with creamed butter.
Six tablespoons chopped hard
boiled eggs, one tablespoon capers,
one ,teaspoon. pickles mixed with
,biei ear brown
:'vies clan be asaacie fid p'''''ing lE
nt of flour in
la etre n with
coals under, stud lorep stirs
con stantl'y until it. is darkest
r, but nut burnt. r
:lint brushes have -d
the paint in them,
} few rninntes i
been bxatugIrr'-
lint. Renn ve
in atm11t
wit ih a white e u l
'dater may; be. elca art^ri
1 ille-:ai' Put, it in the
tae and shake it around
let, it stand till the alta
35"l:a n Tt
may be washed i
fiscellaneotte Dishes.
rmesliroom sauce. halif can of
quartered rou,shrooms to
kat rho
atncl wast
qt suets.
r bottles ;wmci,n
Ft"?oat bard him ahai '^
1= l'aaiatiti za:ii
Washes His
The, 'Weary Liz
I 14i nciat (a ;nal
le Ocean, The St
Mrs. Turkey, The
r all naines tint hay
fho city -directory.
They are 4)ften
der ,Or appropriateues9
they talte. 414,. Itouve
Pretty Wtoilidla (Wain
male infant was a..te
Mrs, Ttunpkins; o:
named Samson; an
TitA a;
00, Sion.
es, Sirs, eya
The Ittal,a,
preer'<tes r as
(an his
';mill:}le w1l tla
,Wel either area .
mJericho atihd ;i rllf*d
ikely; in the house
ti .`they who henb1
tel utla''r-5
:,lu ptosed d'art th6
Gard was ; immedizitei
had been trade
lie bad taugh''
was dose at
was probably Ilex'
ihttae who aecomptun.ec�
u"z would enter ;fern -
1 pi),
Tera-itropi), and the li.inti-
"itttel* set up,
ef<1i'e--^This par,
to lera—
as the
t n bis lo
ving, Loy
remainder of
le reply of Sena,
'n which a more sever
meted out to the rel
etc 1111111 to the unprof
able by
tieb be
se 427,
g salem ,S 01? TRI -11
1'2. lie d Sabbath -breaking the root f
bob, dont be
a certain nobleman went into a, Lave AS long as Yon 1114 the .first.
them vino nobleman would not seem unusual
and coverincr
e wa hallow (ksil. soak a to Christ, s hearers, for Herod, and
even or mght minutes, lift out i Ilia son ,Archelaus had actually
with cake turner, place on a COver.i gone from Jericho on this errand.
ed baking tin, dot with butter a
place in a hot oven until they
and are a delicate brown.
How a Sailor Got Even With His the ability of his servants during
verse 14.
And to return—The distance
3,vould make an immediate return
13. The nobleman plans to test
his absence in order to find oat
The captain of a certain larg6 sail. who will be worthy of promotion
ing vessel is probably the most polite when he receives his.lciugdona
officer in..the whole mercantile service. Ten pou'reds—A pound was equal
Ile has, however, a great idea of his to about sixteen dollars.
importance, and loses no opportunity Trade—That is, "do business,"
of impressing it upon his crew, In _
as a banker or a trader.
particailar, he insists being addreszed
as "Sir" by every one on board. One 14. His citizens—The people over
day a new hand join.ed the ship, and whom he was to rule. In this par-
a short time after leaving harbor, be- able the "citizens" no doubt re-
ing a seasoned old salt, he was en- ferre,c1 to the Jews while , the
trusted with the wheel. The captain aservanbsa were the 'disciples,
came up and put the usual question:—
"How's her head?" 3 5. Having received the leing,idom
"Nor' -by -east," answered the old. tar ---He now possessed full authority.
very guffly. He commanded tbese servants,
answered the unto whom he had given the money
ca'p'tlayin,m"aonn"thsliSlavceralYft, ivhen one of
. —This may imply that he owned
the crew speaks to ma, he gives me a „,.1.,,„ 1
ves to whom he had not
title. of respect. Don't you think you '-'"''''' s'a --
her intrusted anything.
might do so too. Now how's
head?" What they had gained by trading
"Nor' -by east, 1 tell Yer," shouted the —Better, "what bu,siness -they had
tar, displaying not a little irritation. ,
"I'm afraid you don't quite under- clone." It does not imply that
stand me," responded the captain good each °n°' bad profited bY bis trad"
humoredly. "Let me relieve you at ing, •
the wheel, and then do you take my 16, 17. The manifest ability of
place, and ask me the question. 1 will the first servant gains for him a
then Show you how it, should be an- h• h .•t• • th 1 , 4 ,th. t
hellm formerly overloaded 41
Wait 4r,os. 01 lain years they 3
fected to go almost Vlaetl, and are
unadorned tho rates!.
Anna eortyiapentlen't of the Tittato.
find proof' that VOIlltlt aro no lnore gaol,
IA; now Than Amy have 01,40:6.'0 10-CUi.road
ve luxe be (mite eure ralte trill return to
thra et grace and virtue, even thromb
may be but, a brier 'while.
"The fashion of n bore nee% 14 pretty
ough for *cweet and twenty; hut wbat
'fair and forty' to do, ospwially if ebe
not fit? She Imo Other to tvear a
inane and pat 'care about Pat liion'e
u tar be prepared to hear that, luta
I have reemmented on the linen
ze Ilare traced. about that
member, the throat. I have al.
admired Runs, Sarah. Bernhardt's
ot swathing her raeels soft folds
ni moni,seliiie, and cannot think
'fair mut OW it not •torty.' arm%
ot ronow her example, We have all
-adopted her long. light taliset. reaching
over the baud, rrai why rot the throat
My idea of neaven is that there
a no melodrama Tn. it aft all; t
it is wholly real. --Emerson.
The theory that a girl will marry
does nob absolve, ber parents from,
teaching her some good trade by
which she can earn a living. ---Miss
Dorothy Dix.
Tho boundless extent of creation
is so large that it can look at a
world, or a galaxy of worlds, in the
Same way as we compare a flower
or insect, with the world around us.
Virtue is like precious odors,
most f ragra irt, when they are incens-
ed and crushed; for prosperity does
best discover vice, but adversity
cloth best discoVer virtue.—Bacon,
They accordingly changed ijo..ces he jtat reeilied*. The king'
tain, with gentle emphasis on the "sir." ernors. l'he kind of test made
-Noraby-east, sir," replied the cap, was' tO get loyal aala capa;ile gov-
"'Then keel) her SO, mY Inan, y,las 'not unsuitable, ,since the gov-
l'goes ierward and lies a smoke," was er.no,rs wo.uld have much to do
the startling rejoinder from tile old
18. 19. The smaller profit, incli-
suit-the action to the word. , ,
ca,ting, less energy and abillty. is
The horn of plenty isr,' t rer 3 rewarded with like iadditional re.-
od to the horny -handed son of toil sponsibility. ' ,
But When Englishwoman is Ugly She
is Very Ugly.
"One would have to he blintl not to
see that the English' are a good -look,.
ing race; the English in,general, and
'he' perhaps more than " says a
German writing his impressions of
"It is true that one sees very pretty
girls in London, Sometimes even extra-
ordinarily beautiful ones, and at ele-
gant afternoon teas many of these dis-
tinguee girls, of whom even the na-
tives te).1 me that they represent in
the aggregate Undefinable beings, not
to be placed in any category. But
when the English woman. is ugly there
can be no doubt about it."
Maud—You seem to like Jack's
atit,entions. Why don't you marry
hi.na? Marie—Because I like his
'Six months after marriage a wo-
man begins to feel a kindly interest,
in tile fnain she could have married
but didn't.
"Nl'hat a lovely complexion Mrs.
plexion." replied Miss Ga,yenne.
` 'That's a disguise
Alexancra's Kin to met.
Xing George V. has determined to ga-
ther around Queen A-lexandra on the oc-
-winter as many of ilter descendants as
three -daughters, one daughter-in-law, one
named -baby fo
not Mich
ed therea "We always h
wife <tali you rmkta!" answer
mother. She had mistaken
Coares familiar "my dear" for
husband's given name.
An old servant in Doctor W
family, at -caused
grandchild to be baptized in cht
The Doctor (Kauka); that, w
d by h
son-in-law. six grandvons, and three ortly name. Dy way of comp
grandilauarters. It is passible that 4., .1.1,.„
grandmother before her birthday. , dren wore named after thei▪ r ar
Queen Alexandra's relationships corer Joseph squills, Miss Rimh
Through her inarriage she le related also
to the royal homes of Germany, Saxe* •P', anles Alle°rnPlinlentarYI or
Coburg, Spain and Sweden, apart front diSglisting, are willingly born
numerous alter States and duchies. if
1.1)^" and graceful sentnnent. Ata
Princests of Sweden, the 1,111p, and Clueen
of Denmark and of Greece it, will be the
most notable royal gathering since that
rthith, King Edward. brought together at
British Patty Contract;
Tho British government replied lb Da-
TOIl Newton's Inquiry in the house sat
lords oh July 1 as to whether the firm
of Lipton's Limited, had been removed
from the list of contraotors for ,the war
office after the recent canteen scandals
aonneetion with ,which nine army- of -
fivers ,and. eight eimployees of Lipton's THE LIVER
An order was "issued on Saturday, ac-
cording to the Exchange Te-egraph com-
tbe existing contracts with Lipten's
with as little delay as peesible.
London, july 4, 1914.
Nearly $2,000,000 in Material Damage
Charged to Them.
the latter are the Arch oi
Wreftth (Ka, Lei ma Lii).
Liiiu Kalani, the queen
retirenleylt, means Lily it
According to the Londor, Morning
Post, the militants this year have set
fire, or attempted to set lire, to 146
public bUilclings, churches, houses a.nd
other structures, and have ea.ploded ox
at $1,920,0c,,e, excluding the dama.ge to
worlts of art, Which cannot be mea
b with a lighted candle
attached to it was found in a pew in
St. John's church, Westminster, atter
the services Sunday. A woman who
was seated a pew was arrested.
She proved to be Annie Bell, a' min
tant suffragette for whom the police
have been looking in order to,send her
back to jail under the provisions o
the "Cat and Mouse" Act. She sot ou-'
of Jail through a 4anger to en. .,-eelpt of. price by 1.110
Co - Limited To, orn o Ont.
If the Livaa. xs Laza, Stow orl
isnecessary to stimulate it by
a medicine that will clean awe
waste and poisonous matter
Oonstipation, Sick Headache,
system, and preVent, as well,
ness, Jaundice, Sour Stomac
Complaint, and all sickness ariS
aLivdeirsoartidedreBdowceolisidition of the '
been used for close on
by many people for the
Mr. Thomas Ducsli
Ont,, writes was real)
my stomath for twenty-five,
doctored with doctors in C
Michig'an, but got no relief.
and I can I, praise them el -10
aaticri iffidloi.e:y:Idocinitidter:s1 01 \I \:11. si f-teveLl a°1xi kLa' ecl-171
Laxa-Livcr Pi