HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-7-16, Page 8XEr TIIURS»Ay JUL'. 6, _19A4 4 NITia STEWART f+ . -S ONABLE PRICES Buts any trimmed hat in our Millinery Department- We have a number of vez y stylish trimmed hats that sold aP fcwt $x,00,, .$6.00 arta $m.00. To clear them all we have marked the at the very lows price of - r 4. PH HE L BIAS CORSETS ire the embodiment of comfort .allowing plenty of room to breathe and providing support instead of discomfort; Only those who have Worn them can appreciate the luxury of real comfort. Be sure to get the right size. Pout, corsets will aver m wwli longer if they fit '�nb tiociately, t COATS or Men, and Women. ` bio. is s spletndid coat:for use when d i,<: iu g or. motoring., They are easily washed and will stand oirglt wear. ; t and CREPE UNDERWEA.R Iat Ladies combination. 1?iia, ass slips and Night gowns, eepe Cloth is a popular antler- is tbis season, Ask to see the new garments in tills cloth. Market Report—The following is the report of the Exeter market xected up to July 16th, 'tt'hi.et Standard 95e. Oats 40 Barley 50 to 52 Buckwheat 50 to 60 Peas 90, Family Flour 2.70 Shorts $25 Brian $24 Creamery Butter Batter 19 21c, 4 Low Grade flour $1,60 Chicken 2 pound or over 17c.. Chicken 1 1-2 to 2 pounds 15c. liens alive 10 IRoosostete.rs rs ;live 10 Ro Ducklings 13 i x Old Bucks 10c, Turkeys dressed 15c, po7,itredatoes 41.0arpAes 0 a Ccsi bag t HALF:EIOLIDAY AGREEMENT , the tiadersi 'zed z=,%erq;1ta its 9, he wrWWlage alt' Exeter„ ogre'e to .clan;= lir l�laa*s o@ lass z ss at 12.30 p m, vary Thersaay during the mouths of gunly Hasa .tugusb 13 \V, F. Beavers_ " "^ J, 13cer The Exeter Times Minting Co. The -idvoeate Printing C0.. J. A. Stewart, �a Jones & \"r J, Beaman i `L, Balzww ins Il, Sleac,hman F. F, Belle III tom 7, Lawson. Come in and See This � y NotGthe StFie::a Day oat@ box as a written gun, any pair that tree4 six months, They to than: the orclin LOCAL visia&i? tt--Tr011341 ,t .to4i rr*raaandltky, aal ir•s..1. NV, Po; to ratX a Way. . ,lora'ws of Lrrw o rvc: r tSit i.dalrY. usse 1 FlyTt a v sited ,.otoD uaranteed tl: to Wezx Six waths r New ose FREE . • h IP St ting alt leer kta •victor 'yl dr iv at. :iFi afetlrc'; ata'wat rtt:liac IPtr I desire to announce that l have opened up a'Flour _and Feed d Store in Frank Wood's old stood, opposite post offiee and w '11 keep a full supyly of the best grades of flonr and feeds: solicit your patronage .;rt DAVIS k�t ri Titi�� 14 i th. Ir: and lir Jar, ,glia Mr, , 1'a t, 0 its • • • ••t R9 N. ROWE 'ERONE Se UNDERTAKER ANTS FURNITURE DEAL;EtZ, tlagh Class Goods Aiwa on Tonna s • New Telephone. re for • • The Bell Telephone Oorpataw of • Canada is soon to print a new issue of * its Official Telephone Directory for •, the District of \i'1 STEI4N" ONT. • Parties who contemplate bocona-. ing Subserirs, r s w' a1 ebauges in thbeeir• pzeseuothot: cattywvho shoulwishd 4 place their orders with the Local Man- • agtherisissuab once to insure insertion in e, Connecting' Companies ,Should also report additions and changes is these list of Subscribners either to local rnanager,or'to the$pec- ial .agents department. il1ontreal. 4 a 0 XETET ONTARIO O 0 0 L efermye °'e, Letlekeatiiaa-ra, `elterrt Coat/ oy' SCRANTON COAL. gym! ve �Tte ttxsrt TTE EST COM; filettotclied 'rompt;1 i.,evett *mai' €'*�`,`cfw'.'fi; Ed. 11:gnat) `1 aorpg 'still ret u ielatir e rli Gower of Myth 4i spasec3. of It llaii c• int E*e ter 40 ,lir, ll`es, Par- t.i.ts,ou Ias¢ wweek, Mr, and :Mrs T'ar€zitasrari of „eudota. pent a law d )Ss with Mr, an41 ' TFwchsExeter Norah, Mrs,'Fraser Guentkaer, of St. Camt drt'. to visiting .bear mother atop. oi►il and brother (Teo: 1llo e, and Afro, Tho@. Thoom aunt sail hat r Lizzie of Toronto_ a.i ' i t title relatives `' and flit=cdtn nt visit M. Martin, of Lan at funeral of the latae 1t visited. i tartar taxarrg cant atodr ay ;acrd rasps ww;tkt xic %s, of ar. ThoiXi;is t and Dorothy au ;'itis er's parents Mr, gas; 'ioniser home heir r of Ridgeta ltie panto tar Iira herr IXaaXne Valdron •a Geo, All rang; r of Ldn, in visit- ao1 :\arson,o%TAfi, Gotrla 4, fF'}sos, Palmer visited 1, Ifioww t ti on Thursday u X1;4 Tortir! rel,tiwc Miss .'lana \fact: lao has 'been moil ria}•,tag i:a Henson a' tied horny hills 1V,;; 'IC. qtr, llaaua vf• 1i*esla r has re turned rafter m•ptIldi.at� sevtraal:days at Grand, r.ld. e ud Mr.s, (,awo. are visiting paween of Lu- o u- )w'ith relatives t Mfrs. \v, S.D. Clarke entertained number of young people on Friday �Seiiir! UtU"w Ethel '13issett milliner at Seaforth }las returned home for the holidays. Mr. Edgar Borna'y after holidaying for two weeks a t a rn Xord. Mr. W. S. Cole hasreturned horse n tending the Rexal} convention r ,i Miss Eloise Pond of Toronto is vis- ithig heir grandparents Mr, act]; _Mrs, 11. lyillon., 1:%i Trivitfi Memorial Sunday is h ail will hold their picnic io Grand 1!end on July 23rd. Capt J. +1`,*_ froward is in London; this week "btzildin ; a couple of cern- eait block verandahs. dr, 1. E. Barrington of ,the flank of Commerce staff is holidaying at his home in Chatham. Master Reg, Beavers is visit citing his uncle Y and d ,aunt Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Turnbull of Farquhar. Mr, Elmore harness has returned. home frons Vi ininipeg acid is barber- ing with Mr, 1. Willis. 11r, Floivard. Ross of Kirkton, who has been barbering with Mr, E. Wil- lis hies returned home. Miss Margaret Maxworthy sang a very Pleasing solo in Alain (Streets church East Sabbath morning. Miss Charlotte Sweet visited' in Lon don lastweek and was accompanied home by her sister Miss Ethel, Master Lloyd Beavers of Berryland is spending the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. 13. W. F. -Beavers here. lfr, P. B. +13rawni,ng of Toronto, visited 'for several days with his parents Dr, and Mrs, Browning. Mr, and Mrs, Percy Baker and `two children of Moose Jaw are visi!titng with relatives in wad around Exeter 1)1r. .8..D. rfuinbu11 who is preach- ing. ,this summer- at Welland is visit - nig his parents Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Turnbull of Ferciuhar, hiss Meta Link and Master of "Saginaw i\.iich,, have returned' to r home after visiting 'with Mr, and Mrs, F. Baw,den. returned Mon - Mr. olid Mars,, WT. Acheson ands iilaster Beverley. and Mr, and +Mrs,, P7.' I3. Levert have returned from a motor trip {to Toronto Niagara. F anal Buffalo, :. r alts Jz aid) it iii "il`ta+a11 } Mrs, John 4 Marla Maud °oboa o, eastleramre tl 1l"r. Frank Johns of Toronto tette lila sing ivi:tb their pore ttts real ',Mrs. W. Johns, The many £riende of Reeve W. °Manta, of titeiwhc'n are pleased w that, he is ultra to be arm gain zttto' his /*mat olx%ration. Mr, alnd airs, Warr, Dayis ut Dontil- ort, 'who have been visiting with k lativ.s in and 414-00iit . iCa is :e- arr•ale'cf to their• Norrie ea o a - The BellTeeoeo f Canada aerate Street Sunday School picaio ls? fAR' 1)04 at Grand 'Beane to=day rt t`L wi4l�'S: 'NOTICE OF FFI',WJ` COST, 1,' G OP VOTERS' LIST,` Voters' List 1914 Tangle<'pitl;. Y tk illiigt* of:Exeter of Ilurett eta that T -bare 1ramsrn U 4 Ot daaki sous sloe. tlorr0d it se, of 'the To List Ae aired by the sa1d sretiossM i4fled or delivered of the. Ii boat t( said Aet, for n xi ppoario by the as revised tsae�g Roll of the said 3fattiei;aitlil entitled to vote iii theagcl to its at vlecti9ias fhr^ members rs istative Asseui'bly and at No rytiouq and that said list ova 4 nap alt Atny office at Na oak 'the 110th ,day rri~ains there for iri e41 Io be iter- and 9 es se- tt°;i ria AN ---No dust or rlri chutes guide all ashes into co ashes. s.! venient p No ash shovel necessary. See t nacre McC rt' dealer € r write for booklet.. T: ITAWKIlif3 ez SON, Local Agents txG tat . -. 'emu ttit* es a- es in a shop r t alt k 1 ooks zap This dvO,P, stud aha : rtt, Cain- snd 71'r°, trait hilts of Detroit several days with Zr,1and Mrs F. D. 't invent, At, present; they are' w a •'sting ith Grand Bend. _hiss 'Rawl Grieve, ofSetafortlb0 has returnw�cl to her home after visit- nt; ltr, and Mrs. i , G. Selden. Miss Jean iSc'ldon returned with .ler and will visit :for a few drays, ;,1lrs. Brown and 'Master Oswaalai leave to -day <Thurs day) for S ilrnnr- nael. Ayrshire lieetlaand sailing from 1rt 11 on X rid sy. Tlty will visit 5at with relatives for as couple of months Miss 17nre1 •roiing retlarned Satur- day evening to her grandfather's .11Ir john Caldwell after .a two weeks vis- it with her parents Mr. a.aid firs, NV. J. 'Young of Liman, owing to the ill - floss s of her brother, i Taltce n airtp7i,lnhrt'erdi s boyf wtihSeitEigtherretXshrrOn from Xlen all attended .Divine Wor- si'ip in the r'rivitt 31ernorial church. on Sabbath evening last and _listened to an excellent sermon by .the Bector Rev. D. W. Collins. Ta.cor.r_ection with the services Miss Nora 'Walden if London sang a very pleasitg solo Warming. -Cards have 'been placed in the different stores in town, stat'- ing that 'the .I ere Food Law makes at a punishable offence with a fine of;*200.00 for the first offence Cor selling !fear unfit for use. Bad eggs conies under -this heading. Egg producers exs should protect themselves by using an egg candling device fur- nished ' free by 'the Dominion Govern- ment and may be had at any of 'the Stores. A large nurnbcr of Orangemen .from town and surroucading district went to Goderich on Monday to celebrate the '234th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne They report a very en- joyable time although they were. quite late in arriving at the County To•arn. Lodges from Exeter, Crediton, Granton, Lucan, Ffensall, etc were in the procession.,Tbe Exeter Lodge se- cured the prize for the !best banner in the procession. County Member Einriey presided and Robert Elliott Reeve of Goderich-welcomed 'the bre- thren. Rev, J. E. Gord of 'Goderich and W. E. Southgate of wS•eaforth ad- dressed the gathering the +park. James Beverley FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND E?' BALMER Clain St., Exeter Phone 'the weld t ctlu atf ,hd.y I l 4. AK to Sage hiss Addie Marlaciz wili have ow diction atarlr of ITqusebOld cfta9ets nit be home of'htr•, U, Canld Carling St. •• Saturday duly 2Nth at 2 rr'lllps . uet5aXaeer, Ck R t�►Io TktA;ti «lla^a, WOU,er or. ts)trt;il 'spat• w .their ai►preeintio.. kindness and eynapaa;lel° ]tdioi>as, /:ben by the Burin the illness and d Ile tit of l it ]'Icer. , e °.w Notice TO THE POLIO.' lfc)I.11lai%3 T":S13O11;`':l \ND TilililEDT I'A:1 FIRE .I\SUI'i.A1,C.13 7t1iITV:1N5' "the Hoard' of Directors of the sant Coanpany'wish to draw the atteatian kf its mennberr to Professor's Day'a l'.ulletin "On Light rr.�g .Hods"' (a copy which has been sent to each .nemberat the request of the Board), 05 a Protection; to laarild lips rr'n Lightning and would entreat alien to "carefully read the sane, Ind would ask those who h;kve t.lula: sarild'ngs rodded to seg that they setts ca Pt 'n good repair and also urge, upon those who have not them rodd- ed Lo get .Lean rodded as soon as pos- sible as the value of Rods as, a pro- tection to buildings against Light- ning is clearly set forth in aforesaid Bulletin. Robe, Gardiner W. A. Turnbull Presiden t Secretary Dated July G, 1914. F ''TIAs l'A$D OF THANKS 4` 11irs, William Northcott and farm 1 y desire Ito express their gratitude for the kindness, assistance a :d expres- sions •of sympathy ,from .neighbora and friends during the illness and death of Mr, Northcott. Mrs, Northcott, and family We the undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of Silver -Tip Silent matches coatainbig 5 standard size five cent boxes for twenty @encs Quality guaranteed J. A. (Stewart IIOCTi5E FOR kSAj:,l$ + /louse and two 'lots of landon the corner of 1Villiam and Albert streets: The house is a frame cottage contain' ing six rooms, and is in excellent state of repair,; hard and soft water in the house and ,good cellar under- neath,. 'Land is yyell umderdrained,; several fruit trees and some small`, aauits on the propertyc .O,miner is leaving town and NV iyl sell, at a sac- rifice to early buyer. Apply to' F. Durdla, Exeter, nr B. S.: Phillips. real 'estate agent, Z•seter, :FOR SALE Eight I3ocnaed, back veal:e:ed house on A'Villianz •4`;t;reet Exeter, Good: sit- uation Price 1.,825,00 A. snap Iso Premier separators, ;$:45,00 Apply to 11 r. M. Blatchford i - 401 Morley Ave. 1 Ivor .1,1tps > d ertiolog i c "hart sra 6a7 ti ' tt€limaete c-t,trc-5e. Tire Big Variety Store ce a SpeciaJULY SALE e Ls Bazaar NE 5S A 0 0 Nickles. ,, >p Dimes and uttrters 5e -lige - 25c_, will Ise the s eciat prices. SALE STARTS FRIDAY (tomorrow) Both windows will be failed with'o er " g 1F wvhelmrn., Bar gains at only ( Pave ,C a as t s. i New goods will appear each day You Will Ficintr of a Sale at FIVE CENTS. Special Prices all Jou then the Store. (We Fear No Cornp etition We want the ptiblie to compare our prices and' goods with others Conte with us and we will Do Thee Good; 20 different views of Ea titer ar,d Grand Bend, 2) cents a dozen- Big- gest range of Post Cards in Exetes. Our Rest Room is at your service. Conte in Often. ow . � .M it's al �azaar THE BUSY SPOT IR 1.0 DON„, CANAI,DA Ontario's Popular Exhibiti.on. September lith to 1.9th 1914 FNCtEASED PRIZE LiST h�agniGcetst rog rare'of Attractions.Two S peed Events . Izil, y. P.Tew Fireworks Every Night. ., O and See The Darninion Experimental Farm Exhibit and the Y Canadian Royal Dragoons: The Cow. T_ Kennedy Shows will 1111 the Midway. Music by the best available Bands, ENDUG R:D,RALL VeAY.RATES COMMLNOING SEPTEMBER lith Special Excursion Days, 15th. 16th, 17th. All tickets a good�.tiI. Sept 2I, ALL t I N;FOn7SEAraON mom TEIE SEOttL:TAR;Y resiflent e • t�.r M:IIU_5I', Secretary ID, THE urttV.Er SAra C. Today's the day to buy that Ford.yourself a comfortable, dependable and Y,y' i economical car for the coming tom a begin ..,. ���'�. � can't too soon to cot down that Li'1 La. transportation i�expense. .The Ford- pur- serves your every 4* pose at lowest cost. -.._ p a i Six hundred dollars is the ne AT price of the ,Ford "- runabout; the touring car is six fifty; the town µ car nine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ontario (formerly Walkerviile post office), complete with equipment g Get catalog arid particulars from Wes. SnelI, Agent, Exeter, Ontario, it h. ParIMEZNPPOParriligar IPtr I desire to announce that l have opened up a'Flour _and Feed d Store in Frank Wood's old stood, opposite post offiee and w '11 keep a full supyly of the best grades of flonr and feeds: solicit your patronage .;rt DAVIS k�t ri Titi�� 14 i th. Ir: and lir Jar, ,glia Mr, , 1'a t, 0 its • • • ••t R9 N. ROWE 'ERONE Se UNDERTAKER ANTS FURNITURE DEAL;EtZ, tlagh Class Goods Aiwa on Tonna s • New Telephone. re for • • The Bell Telephone Oorpataw of • Canada is soon to print a new issue of * its Official Telephone Directory for •, the District of \i'1 STEI4N" ONT. • Parties who contemplate bocona-. ing Subserirs, r s w' a1 ebauges in thbeeir• pzeseuothot: cattywvho shoulwishd 4 place their orders with the Local Man- • agtherisissuab once to insure insertion in e, Connecting' Companies ,Should also report additions and changes is these list of Subscribners either to local rnanager,or'to the$pec- ial .agents department. il1ontreal. 4 a 0 XETET ONTARIO O 0 0 L efermye °'e, Letlekeatiiaa-ra, `elterrt Coat/ oy' SCRANTON COAL. gym! ve �Tte ttxsrt TTE EST COM; filettotclied 'rompt;1 i.,evett *mai' €'*�`,`cfw'.'fi; Ed. 11:gnat) `1 aorpg 'still ret u ielatir e rli Gower of Myth 4i spasec3. of It llaii c• int E*e ter 40 ,lir, ll`es, Par- t.i.ts,ou Ias¢ wweek, Mr, and :Mrs T'ar€zitasrari of „eudota. pent a law d )Ss with Mr, an41 ' TFwchsExeter Norah, Mrs,'Fraser Guentkaer, of St. Camt drt'. to visiting .bear mother atop. oi►il and brother (Teo: 1llo e, and Afro, Tho@. Thoom aunt sail hat r Lizzie of Toronto_ a.i ' i t title relatives `' and flit=cdtn nt visit M. Martin, of Lan at funeral of the latae 1t visited. i tartar taxarrg cant atodr ay ;acrd rasps ww;tkt xic %s, of ar. ThoiXi;is t and Dorothy au ;'itis er's parents Mr, gas; 'ioniser home heir r of Ridgeta ltie panto tar Iira herr IXaaXne Valdron •a Geo, All rang; r of Ldn, in visit- ao1 :\arson,o%TAfi, Gotrla 4, fF'}sos, Palmer visited 1, Ifioww t ti on Thursday u X1;4 Tortir! rel,tiwc Miss .'lana \fact: lao has 'been moil ria}•,tag i:a Henson a' tied horny hills 1V,;; 'IC. qtr, llaaua vf• 1i*esla r has re turned rafter m•ptIldi.at� sevtraal:days at Grand, r.ld. e ud Mr.s, (,awo. are visiting paween of Lu- o u- )w'ith relatives t Mfrs. \v, S.D. Clarke entertained number of young people on Friday �Seiiir! UtU"w Ethel '13issett milliner at Seaforth }las returned home for the holidays. Mr. Edgar Borna'y after holidaying for two weeks a t a rn Xord. Mr. W. S. Cole hasreturned horse n tending the Rexal} convention r ,i Miss Eloise Pond of Toronto is vis- ithig heir grandparents Mr, act]; _Mrs, 11. lyillon., 1:%i Trivitfi Memorial Sunday is h ail will hold their picnic io Grand 1!end on July 23rd. Capt J. +1`,*_ froward is in London; this week "btzildin ; a couple of cern- eait block verandahs. dr, 1. E. Barrington of ,the flank of Commerce staff is holidaying at his home in Chatham. Master Reg, Beavers is visit citing his uncle Y and d ,aunt Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Turnbull of Farquhar. Mr, Elmore harness has returned. home frons Vi ininipeg acid is barber- ing with Mr, 1. Willis. 11r, Floivard. Ross of Kirkton, who has been barbering with Mr, E. Wil- lis hies returned home. Miss Margaret Maxworthy sang a very Pleasing solo in Alain (Streets church East Sabbath morning. Miss Charlotte Sweet visited' in Lon don lastweek and was accompanied home by her sister Miss Ethel, Master Lloyd Beavers of Berryland is spending the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. 13. W. F. -Beavers here. lfr, P. B. +13rawni,ng of Toronto, visited 'for several days with his parents Dr, and Mrs, Browning. Mr, and Mrs, Percy Baker and `two children of Moose Jaw are visi!titng with relatives in wad around Exeter 1)1r. .8..D. rfuinbu11 who is preach- ing. ,this summer- at Welland is visit - nig his parents Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Turnbull of Ferciuhar, hiss Meta Link and Master of "Saginaw i\.iich,, have returned' to r home after visiting 'with Mr, and Mrs, F. Baw,den. returned Mon - Mr. olid Mars,, WT. Acheson ands iilaster Beverley. and Mr, and +Mrs,, P7.' I3. Levert have returned from a motor trip {to Toronto Niagara. F anal Buffalo, :. r alts Jz aid) it iii "il`ta+a11 } Mrs, John 4 Marla Maud °oboa o, eastleramre tl 1l"r. Frank Johns of Toronto tette lila sing ivi:tb their pore ttts real ',Mrs. W. Johns, The many £riende of Reeve W. °Manta, of titeiwhc'n are pleased w that, he is ultra to be arm gain zttto' his /*mat olx%ration. Mr, alnd airs, Warr, Dayis ut Dontil- ort, 'who have been visiting with k lativ.s in and 414-00iit . iCa is :e- arr•ale'cf to their• Norrie ea o a - The BellTeeoeo f Canada aerate Street Sunday School picaio ls? fAR' 1)04 at Grand 'Beane to=day rt t`L wi4l�'S: 'NOTICE OF FFI',WJ` COST, 1,' G OP VOTERS' LIST,` Voters' List 1914 Tangle<'pitl;. Y tk illiigt* of:Exeter of Ilurett eta that T -bare 1ramsrn U 4 Ot daaki sous sloe. tlorr0d it se, of 'the To List Ae aired by the sa1d sretiossM i4fled or delivered of the. Ii boat t( said Aet, for n xi ppoario by the as revised tsae�g Roll of the said 3fattiei;aitlil entitled to vote iii theagcl to its at vlecti9ias fhr^ members rs istative Asseui'bly and at No rytiouq and that said list ova 4 nap alt Atny office at Na oak 'the 110th ,day rri~ains there for iri e41 Io be iter- and 9 es se- tt°;i ria AN ---No dust or rlri chutes guide all ashes into co ashes. s.! venient p No ash shovel necessary. See t nacre McC rt' dealer € r write for booklet.. T: ITAWKIlif3 ez SON, Local Agents txG tat . -. 'emu ttit* es a- es in a shop r t alt k 1 ooks zap This dvO,P, stud aha : rtt, Cain- snd 71'r°, trait hilts of Detroit several days with Zr,1and Mrs F. D. 't invent, At, present; they are' w a •'sting ith Grand Bend. _hiss 'Rawl Grieve, ofSetafortlb0 has returnw�cl to her home after visit- nt; ltr, and Mrs. i , G. Selden. Miss Jean iSc'ldon returned with .ler and will visit :for a few drays, ;,1lrs. Brown and 'Master Oswaalai leave to -day <Thurs day) for S ilrnnr- nael. Ayrshire lieetlaand sailing from 1rt 11 on X rid sy. Tlty will visit 5at with relatives for as couple of months Miss 17nre1 •roiing retlarned Satur- day evening to her grandfather's .11Ir john Caldwell after .a two weeks vis- it with her parents Mr. a.aid firs, NV. J. 'Young of Liman, owing to the ill - floss s of her brother, i Taltce n airtp7i,lnhrt'erdi s boyf wtihSeitEigtherretXshrrOn from Xlen all attended .Divine Wor- si'ip in the r'rivitt 31ernorial church. on Sabbath evening last and _listened to an excellent sermon by .the Bector Rev. D. W. Collins. Ta.cor.r_ection with the services Miss Nora 'Walden if London sang a very pleasitg solo Warming. -Cards have 'been placed in the different stores in town, stat'- ing that 'the .I ere Food Law makes at a punishable offence with a fine of;*200.00 for the first offence Cor selling !fear unfit for use. Bad eggs conies under -this heading. Egg producers exs should protect themselves by using an egg candling device fur- nished ' free by 'the Dominion Govern- ment and may be had at any of 'the Stores. A large nurnbcr of Orangemen .from town and surroucading district went to Goderich on Monday to celebrate the '234th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne They report a very en- joyable time although they were. quite late in arriving at the County To•arn. Lodges from Exeter, Crediton, Granton, Lucan, Ffensall, etc were in the procession.,Tbe Exeter Lodge se- cured the prize for the !best banner in the procession. County Member Einriey presided and Robert Elliott Reeve of Goderich-welcomed 'the bre- thren. Rev, J. E. Gord of 'Goderich and W. E. Southgate of wS•eaforth ad- dressed the gathering the +park. James Beverley FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND E?' BALMER Clain St., Exeter Phone 'the weld t ctlu atf ,hd.y I l 4. AK to Sage hiss Addie Marlaciz wili have ow diction atarlr of ITqusebOld cfta9ets nit be home of'htr•, U, Canld Carling St. •• Saturday duly 2Nth at 2 rr'lllps . uet5aXaeer, Ck R t�►Io TktA;ti «lla^a, WOU,er or. ts)trt;il 'spat• w .their ai►preeintio.. kindness and eynapaa;lel° ]tdioi>as, /:ben by the Burin the illness and d Ile tit of l it ]'Icer. , e °.w Notice TO THE POLIO.' lfc)I.11lai%3 T":S13O11;`':l \ND TilililEDT I'A:1 FIRE .I\SUI'i.A1,C.13 7t1iITV:1N5' "the Hoard' of Directors of the sant Coanpany'wish to draw the atteatian kf its mennberr to Professor's Day'a l'.ulletin "On Light rr.�g .Hods"' (a copy which has been sent to each .nemberat the request of the Board), 05 a Protection; to laarild lips rr'n Lightning and would entreat alien to "carefully read the sane, Ind would ask those who h;kve t.lula: sarild'ngs rodded to seg that they setts ca Pt 'n good repair and also urge, upon those who have not them rodd- ed Lo get .Lean rodded as soon as pos- sible as the value of Rods as, a pro- tection to buildings against Light- ning is clearly set forth in aforesaid Bulletin. Robe, Gardiner W. A. Turnbull Presiden t Secretary Dated July G, 1914. F ''TIAs l'A$D OF THANKS 4` 11irs, William Northcott and farm 1 y desire Ito express their gratitude for the kindness, assistance a :d expres- sions •of sympathy ,from .neighbora and friends during the illness and death of Mr, Northcott. Mrs, Northcott, and family We the undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of Silver -Tip Silent matches coatainbig 5 standard size five cent boxes for twenty @encs Quality guaranteed J. A. (Stewart IIOCTi5E FOR kSAj:,l$ + /louse and two 'lots of landon the corner of 1Villiam and Albert streets: The house is a frame cottage contain' ing six rooms, and is in excellent state of repair,; hard and soft water in the house and ,good cellar under- neath,. 'Land is yyell umderdrained,; several fruit trees and some small`, aauits on the propertyc .O,miner is leaving town and NV iyl sell, at a sac- rifice to early buyer. Apply to' F. Durdla, Exeter, nr B. S.: Phillips. real 'estate agent, Z•seter, :FOR SALE Eight I3ocnaed, back veal:e:ed house on A'Villianz •4`;t;reet Exeter, Good: sit- uation Price 1.,825,00 A. snap Iso Premier separators, ;$:45,00 Apply to 11 r. M. Blatchford i - 401 Morley Ave. 1 Ivor .1,1tps > d ertiolog i c "hart sra 6a7 ti ' tt€limaete c-t,trc-5e. Tire Big Variety Store ce a SpeciaJULY SALE e Ls Bazaar NE 5S A 0 0 Nickles. ,, >p Dimes and uttrters 5e -lige - 25c_, will Ise the s eciat prices. SALE STARTS FRIDAY (tomorrow) Both windows will be failed with'o er " g 1F wvhelmrn., Bar gains at only ( Pave ,C a as t s. i New goods will appear each day You Will Ficintr of a Sale at FIVE CENTS. Special Prices all Jou then the Store. (We Fear No Cornp etition We want the ptiblie to compare our prices and' goods with others Conte with us and we will Do Thee Good; 20 different views of Ea titer ar,d Grand Bend, 2) cents a dozen- Big- gest range of Post Cards in Exetes. Our Rest Room is at your service. Conte in Often. ow . � .M it's al �azaar THE BUSY SPOT IR 1.0 DON„, CANAI,DA Ontario's Popular Exhibiti.on. September lith to 1.9th 1914 FNCtEASED PRIZE LiST h�agniGcetst rog rare'of Attractions.Two S peed Events . Izil, y. P.Tew Fireworks Every Night. ., O and See The Darninion Experimental Farm Exhibit and the Y Canadian Royal Dragoons: The Cow. T_ Kennedy Shows will 1111 the Midway. Music by the best available Bands, ENDUG R:D,RALL VeAY.RATES COMMLNOING SEPTEMBER lith Special Excursion Days, 15th. 16th, 17th. All tickets a good�.tiI. Sept 2I, ALL t I N;FOn7SEAraON mom TEIE SEOttL:TAR;Y resiflent e • t�.r M:IIU_5I', Secretary ID,