HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-7-16, Page 7•WORI( OF A SHIP'S SURGEOli PEOPLE HAVE A MISTAKEN IDEA OF THEIR DUTIEs, ^ SLEEPS IN OWN COFFIN 'indellal g Aer17111116 CUR'S CialllPs RI'\111111111 A DESERT PROBLE3I. ters char e fellow 64 T . than a hundred dollars. It's out- - "But, then, I'm only 76 years old, iiii.SerY //1St patly ‘u u" • , rageous. FORAIER CHIEF OT POLICE COP and I don't expect -to die yet for NO EIE'M EDEN; F C8 ?ENTS,PEEDY OR A real eramp cure? 'Yes, a real one -in a twinkling the cramp is a dead one, and the laSt squirm la over, once you get a eat dose of Nervilene on the inside. This ise't mere tallt-it'e a solid, t aithful fact., NO other remedy -mit ebout twenty years. My grand - /IN COLN, NEBRASKA. mother lived to be JOS, and in twen- ty years I will be seven years younger than ehe was when she Life on eoard t$ poo of Continued Says Thousands of Dollars &re died^ Bat if rive 4* hundred yea" Attention te tee ies of Tr, t.„4 „ . , more I'm going to sleep.in thee ed. f ‘.4 17.'crY Year in -3eem" fin every nig,bt. I like at. Pass'engers'' less Show. "Do Ton know that's the most earn °I a e bedl er got" into- in a single one will eure cramps so offering special facilities for leebnobei Ranger, ikrni-elliY chief of Pollee of reason why I Sleep in it right It hits the spot in 4t. ;iffy aud eaveg got ringworM eves the fees, hande, aul orm$,.. I 1,77.4.3 given a sort of white ointment; him, eleeate, and The life of a shin's PhYSiCian is in- f bl b d veriatlY looked, upon as a sinecure, Every night in the year E. T. my life. bing with heiresses; punctuated now Lirteoln. ISrebraSka slee s in along." heap ot mieery. ache or the like This erroueous idea ,h OYER BIBL'S FACE Hands and Arms. iliurningand Pala- itd, Suffered Day and Night frein itching, Cured by Cuticula Seatj and Cuticura Ointment. rfoiv the Cacti Settled a D.lilleeet Ratter. . The Arabs stopped at an ;oasis to have lun.cheon ; one had three dates„. apd. the other 141c1 they _ „„ were tar eat tvictiter. Presently • strazer cane up, and. asked per- isrha..re their meal, , they cheerfully r4 -ranted iikffer fl 'Well, it is. That? s one euteley aad harmlessly ae. Neale/ie.. 9 st, yerweee: Que...*„ aki had eaten,. the strainger than:ked :them fo;- the food they 7.c.4,z,,,c1 given. and then *a-1th serioee ease of tooth,- ( collie,. The home-maele bow stands "Last Saturday night nay stoniaell and like a Phial of water to I will endeavor -to dispel. t o front poreh a the Hunger !TINTED P kteett,eppes felt nee all infernal machine," writes wash with. After eight residerice t 7c 9 o 314 Band I 11 T. P. faxanger from liertford. vms ' Until it i'eachea this side the ! '4'41 all at mg lti4 atter the that is difficult to sidetrack. found myself suffering the worst hied Vroin the moment a liner leaves Liv -1 st .e d - °""P Nerve and tact are a eernbinatiOes awaltened from a sound sleep mad rtuuate doctori$_40r there sre es.A neighbors have gone to bed, "Ol•d from two to four ---are in een-i Man" Hung-er goes out and agues If Toll think Yon eatetedo a thing of t"ture' 15'. 'So d(Vit°24 14Vi *you know tie attuiver, 1 could, hardly cross my' rOora. ' 110,11 II al demand. j'a average weatite0 into the box. If the weather the first few hours bring the worst cold f - Bee h ueed Nerviliee before for the same eases of , or I a shower eoraes up he -les lave 'w erw-se thing and teak a real geed dose c seametetess to the eurfaee, piens th h • - 1 f I uni knocks but once - NerYililte rn stemach knew I Ives ono evening I foultel gamPle et Cati* n n 31 daya of this treatment tho The Aral) Who id the three dates .NgAgirazs instead of beg, beeame dark mol„ aed Dn14, 4'1iere are eight ducats for were spreading. thetS WO* Vigiitit;1..7ttes-ooe, dueat for eaeh date; bilrain$ and Panful Tho eemtsarreteelui„,n, eae moo therefore three duets are mine." fro t t One m *be •e,a itching, n D otherArabargued differ - e ,e cab over the -bele "u )" us ' g Yet's, I felt the warm soothing sensation et TTigbest grade 1,.ean$ kept whole and tuealyi by perect ba!zing, retaining their fail stet:le-ill. Ilavaxed with sa.t.ipas, 11r..cy hzv and 'Mt tea, Sleeping drenghtS, brandy 0 't 1m7 ently and eentended that The !mold x and o forth, ere administered accord- 413'4' e,) ealies 4 crack through I 1.3 Ja 'jog. to tbe requirements of each ease which Ito 0.lra get a, little freeh air but les different with the immae • ell right It fintshed the eraMps-- enr4 Deep nnxt Platt/wet that, L La4 re. have seven ducats and first man 1 - • iltavatet epent Pleasant, evening and eaindlr goes' to sleeP4 blPeker" Otte. The vase was referred to the sickness at night Is rendered a 43'444$44`svitiAtitesraallpiecentTnticki...rafioep• reareS IA his Cabin- Ile has been Mally yeare Elms been sleeping in all the 'wean things be knews'obent hau;ly, It may be earache, teothache 'It:theca-4 QrthircP44cYs the chtld was acre Itehl the eiccend 1`10411e$ 'enUtellti°4 ' agmPg- sefferers front ntateleerter 'ger is now 76 years oki, and for HAPPY. is the wan who can forgot wrinnore of the past it Nervfit4p $s applAeg tbe Outkara obtpeent ap,gi 044 of the nearest toW)a, who 111)- tteleei) two beers -when there is 4. loud hie eoten. himself. or cramps, Neryjline Ina every ea$e tering len, %ten eV wage to1Mno iDicatie This is tho WAY he reached his de - fallen. ill eodelenly, too," he says jn*ondly. "'Costs too we don% hianae some 'women for fleeter. Neevlitee is A lannily eletakRati, &rug.' Arteenrceen eleya" treat- Vte Area Men. dividee.1 hnoeleing en his door. .$0ine has tt„ajed I made thee eoean. Teesel After aizing their -husbands will cure et mice end eave calling the ia4MQIItialte'gOieetPacaoe'ellis"T'eacii He areeeee Herrteegy nateeh re° m the, being foto ,e!doe oan iti iteelf. The large 60c. family abl141'40Pr'4Wweremv4tedn."'"414 dat s ?sere were tt t --o e • aa 1-ae de dayr. ec, 4r'" Abided). them cei the tweateefitith day they ' - mid Ands a firet-ciass passenger weals- 1SSte tuOnglit I'd play joke on tbe Did yOu lever think WIlAt4A lot of i.eieHsifee%ri°t'stimei'euatC•re°,,u1rsele'elseett1tatee°,:fi; wore en 4/44 op- 4 en' • eeteeeei Atm thirds for. snail, or eight -thirds. Trite An ids berth 'MID, eraMP hie annertakel's and make ney own vot, gena .youl ntight have alOrtek ilad VOIL ter 'eee Temer; -seel ' elatetteaultelatetelgaysteileid, first Arab had three dates, go be eaten A heavy super la hie desire -11,(0 it- So I got mei some h t to.naorrow , WM4 alMlanaPateneatner otot000h,,,latohohly 400 to WO having An white I wan welt ,enough to de began yesterday ieeteed a waiting etUne' , When yen 1441;* g Rita toilet c.94140.1.0,Iat <contributed nine -thirds to tbe whole, but ato eight -fiords Wm. self.„ so he gave PDV fnle.thir4 a a date to ithe etrowr. Tim send I Arab tiAntributed 'fi-Ve4 elates, teen -,thirds; hs ate eight -thirds hire - self, and „gave FeVela-till145 tik tilOr "taill V410 ter Ids InaneTi, aBe rnilekbout a foot wide imtU and several pieces •Instead of trying te stir up • is addition to bolas abtalutor pureandro. lY relieves the patieut and returns to rit latter at. each troahli in this old world, let as get 0.0410,1v itats41$4 loodetmerveteueee LORD' V11(11.11Rit. th4 0'00 extlensive etisea ewer Med% III'S hod, hot sleep mit again visit AV ".frei Stieeessfully Fneettretered " eireo. t..,1,04 up 0, book auri re jeornee to make the hex stable And busy and lielp those who aro na 11° • '4 *Ivey medieeted aiviaa won toe oars gIgna himself to am leeelteiala legal t len nalled tegetber With eight trouble and see h,ow tough we obeli Wile EgelltitIn Officials,• , 9.0e, 44011° 444 4 04 041) 44 000 146:10. ilawn, breaks, • penny nalls. holo thing cost roe enloy the eletuge, 1;1 r VtitlearAfie4P and Catleare4(noteseat ere -The Living pitttint ngypii. fold Ile is held responsible it ally 0430 teSs titan $5, but it's strottg enough ----. - eueli -wee the tttle once bestowed I ver aliberei flea eetento et teeb, weal se.p, c. e 411 11°4 '44 Vall mY slse with- HoT NvBATIIER AILIIIHNTs upon Lord emitter, the great pro -I book. 4ted piat-tarcl to Potter letrus. - ‘a.'4 Vac°'" 4"1" 41e gWse ashore. f,40 shortly after brealtrest the' ont Any troutite. And those eousui pu4 ,makcl Riodorrt icereecomai,c,,p.t,43.0.v.a4. et t, It 4 t d th rs ra.. one uca an. _ e, y di • 1%1 4 4e 1 * stranger third'elase ilaisee-e-egeet6 Air DctrEledb4111undertalters be need eloa -I. die end . . ,d. „ieee filet will keep au., eetelPt, Nv e ett the momene ot aril- b„ . . , 1 - at b 1 +dusk' lal• "Well," Lord extonter re. deelr, and eglett PRO PS ei passes 0. PA• PIC 4( Irv, Is 11,11011e .to _ _tun, 0$2, fore hint is elesety eertttinized for "eel_ ''"e‘e 1-0 rep well is greab boon. i;to evelittt; Londone'resfeionee. idaed, qua ,o0014, 4' . I f tiola diseases With A -tie eeungev gone ba rem „ ,„„„ Baby's leril4ilcder$enofile-afeeliaruettiurty"cte'refei, as stireep., and there at trees_ all Inntnere 4.°15 15 14' 1/11 Lord Cromer used guts* and dor- au order of 4-151Ins:i"tal nl'e ne ie e.a.41e's' tnrtatin41141 eTen-o nonud it. :hi '614 $1111141er tb.".e 1 k th tomaeb, and '9g t. at Ori‘e that 411I coming home. - T t 1 . 4, • metito44 in „dealing with E.jorp.., utes will go and tablo to Fdagutzto aro very preve them, rees 1.1,D pore . Ireventu sick. - fr god *,13ko)5 1,441 Mean • fteta 0,, h 43114risme's. At On* 41110 alio rcin • Shoeild be discover 414' cases tliteY t11.0 , .ruesolMW nle ohjeot vea b. • seen bowels rig I all wAs Almon • open y tea ec , =tent " Ind before Lord Cromer lauavdlattlY 1$wated Ia eae‘" 41 Bilt 'Nat% Winter strillS , During-the.•lot . cmnala„,,..?r the Britie-n garrisoo WAS epidemics the shin is quarantined in the limbs and branches Mr. Jinn-. months storimen troubles spestoty terablip, Iwirerert, ittrilel/ra‘lact.„14nadn4ecturinifthil Prt Until the 4Iteea5e ataameti talt* bome.maile, voinn. op he seen turn 'to 'fatAl `0" °ItQlera' known that 04 TO Moe %VDUtr 440 e t 441,,,e,, nattax, Aftql, tites lospectioth. whioit is boil h , „ .s741 ivax, from India, Itt 11:Nats varefd t t,_spti le d i at 104 Arovio Det011d <414-1CRIN.4 A XoTo,t Scotia eftSe of Toteivst AU ilolliert Halifax 5erl.Out a Meqsave fiekr4 t4",4 Wany Peofge. Ort dela; 'in fine weather 'and between hz..* al passers_i. _ _ txpiatu. tnee isted mre4.: wait trout. ,tot ttg to, deft In htd. the, consultation leenseic,1 For. more teem. teeentee.:Fea.F.aeatr. wits re not i'a.F wi'41i4:10A T;14iv i „ _ viewe at lot., ... wine ., validly hetet.. .This is the time thai Ifung.or tOpStAblo r,„n4b010,,, i,wititaat iitt le itUltIrS4.T ,Nb'eknnun y , etch., ewer., and inn" 4.4e4.-pirsti men.' P011eiTED ier,4 utter: ,,ieteus,iiftrIlLe. ,11,,issatue7riditeapt7eill,41,e doctor tireadii most. f°r Pa5seagers'ii fed; 18 •O/10 'Of the ibest-kuowct inert itie-s.' alAra,4'S keep the 10 "11 i'Wei64. viay flaak /4 t aa trtaa an i "aunters' SWIlt) Ita the eitY the fact titab the itouse and give their ich.; ren , ehio,ekodted soldiers in Industry is the mother of Success. s eps S U 43,11. imeast rt sertiwere o , d eeses the jolt. d d t bee aureate v4th "4/' °bets IFIVA8111"Y' 411' IC sofa every nivitt ie al dose A to clear oat the* - o tiered ll'parstle all ' Peditenee$ le an. rah' '0481110ml., Oat. ,a‘in,i;ealitairif4,„4..ilitliflYartesaluatetletlitYves44101 fact known to few others t tan ins stomach mod bowels and keep them over the town in mall ptIrtles, an Medical AtIvqgs GrAtist neighbors and c1011e frienda, well. Don't wait till babF in ill- the patieee did not telke ln 411e Net opt, $a tamilye W 4 did eat a leegreett eutA34' Two heads are better than one -ex- abert �U2 as they are not to be it , No radertalters for Ulm. the delay iefiSt Prooinus lhfe. that, they -were 414 sort of ge arinY so cheap agent they came themselves ' 44R e die se ht in ste T 0 t p ot h , greatly from dissittess and sick head. t A Get the %able -is now mul „)Toit may the $4141°' melt 'over' arid over IS nhOet islUIttilla4vAr.°1 48 'be43 sild,fCared a nervous breakdown. " 13 41 feel reasonably safe, Every MO- again. 143b straw when Paintings are never hang until ltter and bring their children with them. Upon rot druggist's recommendation several meateeeses enable him to die. that ceffin, Says the ex.e e ley are eeXeOU tingtilsh between real and Imaginary poliee. family kturws lust titer who ues sthe Tablets praisTbe was es ti h. he too tiscel fir; Iterailtons P1114. ins2 but, the Quo Irma ooto most out. what I leant done. I want 'them to thorn and "that is the best evidence Lots feetn men enimugo wave *I felt better at once, Uvete: teee eaelealielY in eeeterrell, which ..§?ce 14% nail that Ha on just RS quickly os that there is no Other meelleine f ditt bliss tor matrimouial Misters, hnlIrevett et.1 weehu was` we 1 I I fidi d tO 1 I tue Hardship comes when the ilre urio surtovra witb 61°)Nuteb dlgen* the IMMO Of ',Turkish HOTIOY- AllY they know ..E) ne dead and then for ebud en g 4n T suspeeted abusers of the free attend.' v 8° ° CL fonlisil---but a man la love is always ent /Y5 aus me out to the temetery; don't, want are sold by medicine tkolers or by twee receive two or three tablespoon. more. It is for Me reason that strongly' tuis ot this detectable mixture, hut munnY (4 those'. un(1ertalters holding mail at 25 cents a imx from The Dr 774 11 A. woman in /ore je more or /eau woman. cured tomeletelle ter or* der the or -stows oyes, as otherwise me 01) for big bill for funeral ex- Williams CAL, Brockville, Ont. they spit It Out or throw it away. penses. No, sir- what's good vs— The Onttinely are, of eourse, pro- enough for me to ele.ell in iD g.00{41 THE WHALE DANCE to their renuirerneote, The old man has his sleepine, Lex When the Eskimos Select Husbands 51144 fl the frequency of falls in bad Broken Inaba are net uneonation ONV- Ilk* arranged. Redluat the (-as- and*wives.i perly examined and treated aecording enough to be buried , weather. operations for appendieids keti itt c < cePer Ian Ilene .4 A, Very primitive =tom or the ria I I I are also occasionally performed, end then he fitted set ef sPlings, tives of the Bering and erotic coasts Tooth -drawing, bandaging' scalds, the bottom. 012 these be placett of siheria, a, cuStOM that has come puma ..apd oats aro of hourly occur- a small inattresst and.then tome his down from generations of savage au- reate. AtiS ShiP*S U08121101 is re- blankets and quilts. costars, is the annual celebration of Devitt: reyheml:JserisiletnepeG; 1parane4- i4rtahle'dir .°470fwl:t5.011111 sil°21)s12°.tolv.011:1; ,i4e4 stiell6eeltviltahleeirdeaviilv%ei e the Eekheee it vrythieg timt can be treated /1 ,c1 it When the mut moves soUthward at a er season, than on board. often hear' of a, fellow who turini and the Ice closes up the northern sea, , genius isri!t hot enough to heee ate, tiVe troublee to use Ilr. Ilamittoula no Snin A *-4.4 1-,f44xiv.rortintao, v+7*,. NiMat.Y Calborne Streei;i4, Ugl,i'VTgetr: Palibeeae , Zsr4. Vrar.eae=xs reaz, • •000 an't4ik.1447 I•N- Tear4 Ceentl. litgribnteklr 4441 Vaa'45; .Aelne4s co:meet-Om Prteet Oalle „;44.004, ToZrae /Meta- valsort laertitsise sag C'ex4etteii Weet Aosmitao gareot, Toronto, • rgagOittrirs4AtTgallriS. .41aNglat, 14413,AWD4 AW4Q- C ruilailmuteirtte7414 4,11tit.:14$17:teerotaor!ztortr4:e!,414: AwN,r11,1i Itas before toe. tate. Pe. leentaan Zedicet Noara's Rettivrtee. Nora was e,nplying for a piece as eel; ond ;viten tvkeel for refer - •moo presented the following: "To whom it. may concern: "This is to eertify that Nora Foley has work,sel for Po week and w.e satt;fied."' 11;eard'a Le'imestiCe. tierali,etacite;e10,44.4ageanizz, sura ittaMet vas Tigitzw. etr Itrk itiovort CV' 4.• cusp le411 team, bet 9* 4',',A4M, bil-'414110 feat d rettore end 43•"11.4114l'aVy• II7011as Inf.46.1..i.mit4• :524 trxictroil 44 •704v• ';;;; 5 41 .• ,1;:i a 4! ejra. 4 a ; wee ialgtialtnte.logni4117,P1' tag' gnsa eh t,44.4.1;772ka 1.1 la, .44i F,f;Trt CP-rlgt011y 'V 4 • .174.--rry Ignore it iignoranv4 perhaps 1 stow t., ln springing this one but This thing I'd really like to know, -What 44.44?4,.. the sot WPTIll lattinerelre x.inistasat OttZoa DlateMaeri, It It ts. Imo tee good dte eouar Dr. rittatilieles Pills strengthen the _ availlatipl'alollalltetaSut?ittbabila,nt please ewer itlitolnthaelabilelhOepsroa‘rt-hdillrigesetSofriOend, eSuitirtalgttehd. The average man might, lust as weli sYstelne t„c# bealith. 227,02tetuirfaug- rho eau in lave, tor hs hos to maize some blood 01 tongstanding empuhtles, by kind el a feel of himself, obit vigig.11:..g, ibbeeysyecirteetertuatogyadhluigslte aptivian; .e. wearineaadepression nod disease. 'Coward. Geed for young or old, for men, for "My husband is, a, COWard."worncn1 tor iTh-. H11flliitQTfSrdrirs .01A:liadsetisrlseirs,is ast11141 "Win!t, 'makes yeti think SOI" "He 1TiSilitS that I have gob to tell he Innellord that Iteelnitst papc'T the 'when a, men asks rent to tell hint 4 meter or we 1.1 At neuve» the exact truth about himself, don't do it unless you are prepared to take a good licking. tt nesured of equally careful SaYa You °T1 very the end of the short 'Urn 11 ly bas the consultation lleur round and sleeps in it rafter lieeti the whales come down to open water. minuted when he bas to rush. off made 2t, 4.10 your' Then in celebration of the season's o the tahlns of his first-class pas- "I don't like this 'thing of putting catch, tbe ice dwellers assemble for the ground. They are needed hero en? days - senors sad attend to their Wallis* 'Mellor and eX umsive 'Cloth in the -whale dance, which lasts twen Gout, indigestion and rlieuruittiona are the chief ailments lio encounters In tThee great dance circle...is prepared, his part of the ship. on the surface. Thousands dol. and in the eentre the dancers, both Jars are waked that way every 1 • His PleasUres Are Few ata Lord Cromer. • - male, and female, perform the most No Alimony—Just a Separation Peliteeful. quiet, ‘separetion, no damage lone, everybody thappy that's 110 ilivatiOn when nm. divorce your corn This accomplished he usually =Rea 1141'!.' want To 141°111g; tt° <.12° S1111147.' 4Pild 84V4g4 er evolutions and Inatians to Lord cromer coolly pub on flannels I . ual )e I) t , 22way lus As sim. the accompartimeet of rhythiniess his daily report to the captain on the , ply. I've got things.,iiied so that beating of the torotoms and weird and publiely played game after health of the ship. Then, if circum 1125221105 permit, he may Join in some all`the expense will be that of dig- chanting. The dance songs tell of the game of tennis. This final piece of of the games on deele or engage some ging the grave. I'll furnieb the prowess of the hunters and of the his.tory of the tribe. The movements of bravado nipped the threatened ris- wealthy beauty in conversation. But coffin, and me. y son has a wagon. ing in the bud. , e the woMen are surprisingly graceful, it is seldom that these pleasures are :i:kre are not going to lutve a preath, And they mean, to show in their dance , • 1 ' his early. Several tines during vouchsafed Itim. r. And there won't be any funeral , . _. that, as daughters of a exercises ot any kind, These here they are possessed of all the qualities was in danger. An English visitor . great people, oays in Egypt, Lord Cromer's life On liners eastward bound the ship's Putnam's Corn Extraetor. Acts like nangie-dolfit iti,•;.e any but "Putnam's"- tho best, 25e., at all dealers. Twang Diphnuat. "Pa, would you he glad if I saved '-ou a dollar 1- eertainly would, my son." "Well, eieet remember you prom - sed 31 I brought a good 1...eport from my teacher you'a give mei ai dollar, doctor has facilities for becoming a such women. should have. The men who resembled bine VMS 1011114C1 stab- 1 specialist in diseases such raalaria, cholera. and dysentery. Also, it often happens that when in Indian or Chin- ese waters he receives a command to attend a prince or mandarin, -which, in addition to carrying liberal remun- eration with it, adds considerably to his prestige. Births and deaths on hoard are in- cluded in the doctor's Work. In the latter , case he is, as a rule, not fin- ished, like his colleague on shore, when he has signed .the death certi- ficate, but has to preserve the corpse until it can be interred on land, Even from the foregoing, -which is merely an outline, it can be seen that the calling of ship's doctor requires great comprehensive ability, anti that, in a sentence, his day may be deS- cribed as twelve crowded hours of glorious work. -W. C. R. A. Pure "Vaccine Natter. The anti-vaccinationists of Ger- many are about to lose one of their strongest arguments. A most tells ing objection a,gainst vaccination has long been that it was impossi- ble to get absolutely pure vaccine matter; notwithstandin 0. the great- est precautions. AeceiZling to the Geriiiia11 Medical Weekly, however, Fay has at last been found for lympth so thoroughly rit its purity can always b e elie d t on. This has been accomplished by 'Prof. E. Friedberger and Dr. E. Mironescu,_ Who have availed -them- selve's ef the well-known principle that T.he ultra violet .rays of light . are destructive of bactexial The virus iSi put. intO in 11 ubes - quartz glass, which theic" -ex- posed. to ehe ultra violet rays from .an electric lamp.' In twenty or thirty minutes there is not a live germ left in them. 4; • 21 Keep Cool and Comfortable Don't spend so much of your time cooking during -hot weather, and your fam- ily,will be healthier without the heavy. cooked foods. Give them. ost asti • They're light and easily digested and yet nourishing_ and satisfying. No bother in preparation—just pour from the package and add cream and sugar -- or they're mighty good with fresh berries or fruit. _. "The Memory Lingers" L , Cana -Ilan Postunt Cereal Co., Ltd., 1-Vinclsdt, Ont. ....,m.nrstra......— "'MY '..2,1iV.3.,=(...M.,,O. execute pantomimie scenes of the bed to death, having been killed in and didn't." hunt, and go through all the motions misbakt for rbhe great pro -consul; of the kill: they spear the ice bear, slay the walrus and seal, and finally, ,„ 1 if 1 while on another occasion a dervish s o have a tin e coneead e with extraordinary contortions, van- "- guisli the mighty whale. in a petition which he was about to During the last days of the feast, Present to his lordship. when the time arrives for the selec- And it was because he was al - tion of husbands and wives, the man ways lir man of deeds, not words, performs his mate dance before the that Lord Cromer became known as woman he has picked out. In panto- the "Sphinx of Egypt." He made mime he promises to provide her gen erously with the fruit of the hunt, both food and fur. If she is pleased with him, she walks out and dances her acceptance, and shows how she will look after the igloo. When they have danced before each oth.er, they are married after the custom of the tribe, and he leads her off to his walrus - hide lodge. , During the dance they feast on whale. The skin of the baleen whale is about an inch thick, and looks like rubber. The solid blubber betweeii it and the true -flesh is usually a,bou fourteen inches thick. The black skin and the blubber, the latter cut to the thickness of the former, is called mok tuk, and is considered a great delicacy It is eaten raw, and although it sounds repulsive to the civilized ear, is MOST palatable. It has a flavor something like that of chestnuts. "leaping lJp Inseits. Mrs Brycle--I told, my husband I was going to give something of My iowncooking and he said rdbetter try it on the dog first. Wasn't tha,i, a, cruel suggestion 2 Her Friend -- Very! And I thought your husband was so fond c.1 dogi. himself a power an Egypt which ad- mitted of no rivalry, and, although in 1883, when he was chosen ag,ent and Consul -General, Eighbr-placed Egyptians told him it_ would be impossible to do away with bribery and the buying •and selling of jus- tice in the land, the answer was, "1 am here to change all that." Lord, Cromer once went to the -Khedive to demand the instant dis- missal of high official who was t the Khedive's intimate friend. Enraged at the request, the Khe- dive refused point-blank to dismiss Once in a while you run , up against A ietild. ,sto-rage egg that convinces you that the Egyptians didn't have, a thing on us when it comes to., embalming. Ele. 7. - SUMMER. TOUBIST MATES TO TEEL I -Acre -so COAST. examined, a figure exceeding that 1r..inar01s Mini:neat Cures DiaLtlicria. Abie-Botlied Youths Searee. Of every 100 persons subjeet military duty in Germany, ee.0 per cent, of the farraer 'lads are fit for service, agairia 31.0 per cent. in Berlin proper, which shows the Smallest percentage of able-be:lied youths of any place in the empire The statistics, -which ore for the year 1912, have just been made pub. lic. Wilmersdorf. one of the Great. er Berlin municipalities, whieh ha: the lowest death rate of any city of Germany, furnishes 4S.2 recruits for service among every 100 men Via Chicago and North 'Western Ry. of any other large city an the toun- special low rate round-trip tickets on bw. sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seat- tle, Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Banff, Yellowstone Park, etc., during July, August and September. Excellent train service. For rates, illus- trated folders, time tables and fall particulars, address 11, 12 Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, To- ronto, Ontario. Ilis Wish. She (during the quarrel) -I only married you tolspite Fred Johnson. He (ruefully) -I wish to heaven you'd married Fred Johnson -to spite TOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try liturine Rye Remedy for Red, Weak, Vitater_r Eyes and Granulated N Eyelids' o Smarting - just Eye Comfori,.)Write ±or'13oolc Of the Eye m a 11 e, Murine Eye Rem erly Co„ Chicago. ^ A Good Idea. ("That's a. good idea, ma'am," said the new servant, having the soda and water mixed in theni bottles with squirts. 1 done the scullery floor in half the time, and there's three bottles left out of the dozen. 11/Xina.rd's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. niduight Vocations. , Oats are getting to he a nuis- ance" , 'Ntayhe we could compel tho,m to have licenses. • ' '`i don't know that it would help Much. But I thi,nle.' they Ought- to have ±0 take eut licensee to sing' ISSUE 29-14. 37...thaird,O Liniment Cures Garf,,et in Cows. , „‘•a Acre of Tielieti. I The London Cleiteral Omnibus .1 Company iesue. something like 2.- dinn.tXrd tieltets in the COttree 1441117110 4day. and or tho$1.e wopie who like to have melt matters Oa- ' irtratc4 inttt statistical details it may lte rentarked that day's sup. Ply of tiekets weighs 2211210 230 ton. If pieced cod to end would stretelt front London, to Dover, would. cover 22 space^orly f neaan uere Or if plat- ed flab on t, of one ant:titer lvould reach to heIght 1,66O "feet. Iktkgor n aiey es. Eveotice bow three $e0 bills will to like 601 1-2 f- • You Oil VnEt relief in Zant-13nic it eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zant-, Buk, means cure; Viirty not prove: 'this? .azi Draggisit; and 4Stores.---4, 50,0 bar - 14: E ---.......-- ....;.-,44.....,....t-_,-. --..-;..„.....,,-,7:4„,...,.... ••-• 'Oa .4.-ss-kfUtlltr oy .....41, HOMETRADTCATALOGUE ,..„...,-- -,.0 .. --k, 1 Lo 030-41411 7:0:7 1-44 44rAt4,0 1!!igg7 e.e,teete, efei.eetees fee-4ft (71N e_ie%eie Near Yoe. ble ,Cataloguge-% Your Home Trade Dealer yil1 be pleaSocl to 'send yOn eopy of this ca,talogiae. 21 Is a 'valuable book, listibg Canada's bet iu numerous Lines ol goods at money- . (let this catalogue -get .2'1 to -day., You canuetlose in buying fro.ni Your Home Trade ])ealer -he abeolutelY guarantees every ar tle,,e I .;c7,' . .eli et° Is a 1 -lime T rade leeeti,eli. cvv aii 401 131± ot.y. er, i41 '11 4 , 4 41