HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-7-16, Page 5` 'I TTBSDA ' JULY 16, 1914. Js! TH EX TER ;1't 1......4,44+444.1,44.+÷...,....t+.:4 College at Home f.I!hounands of ambitions young .;a people are fast preparian,g in their own Homed to occupy,luo- s native Poole/ones en stenograph- ..: , Lcokkee',ners teles;rapt - •r.. nxseoivil servants int fact ,evarn e 'e of bushman aotnvl,tiaa, You may finish at College • it r47043,SO Wish Positions nartn- Enter college any slay, !individual ;inartruoirion. Ea6- tart "teaobers. Thirty' Wears experience. Largest trainers. * In Canada. Seven ccolleren iiiipeelal course for tea,cb,ere, 4 Affiliated with tComanereial Ed.. motional .association of Canada a; 8unamer "scinmol at Pasoan .Spot 4, ton iBuaiineas. Co11ene London. NO VACATION Clinton BusinesaVellege 'InnPal 1 ales Y4> you in .gG to its for your daily :data office. 4ra'andiat Sus - Crediton Celebrated Golden Anniversary Ir, and Mrs, Johan Lawson one ane. ea -tarter !miles west of C.redaten, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary o€ their wedding on Wednesday of last geek ,^henabout one Iteedr rela- tives, neighbors and friends gather - at their home and spe;ntt a very oyablt: occasion. 21r, and, =lire, Lawson have been residents of Stephen (turareg all their wedded life having :been*married at Fairfield fifty year ago. They have noted the transformation of Hain saction from wooded lanais tp the fine 'cleared farms with splendid homes. Their xarnaly eeiisaats of eight children, five boy* and •three girls vii, 'William et 'axaitoba. IThcuias of Detroit; Ela. of Crediton .Sirs, Edwards, of 1.3ind- tall Iowa, li'rs Il, El/enema, of Pen, -.v1varnia, Air's.. Flail George axed Garfield or Alanitotpa ,310St, +of wlro?ri ,were Amebic to be present Joe' ,the occasion but intone, gift wilt brighten, rtbe evening of iif as their porde listen to the lerarsie of a haeadsome Edison. Phonograph. :MaR*, J. Powr n 11 float "hods, the 1?henegrapla was purchased was Present sena "lee atie Vann Ond aupplled the oaxarsils kW; in *the evening the ,Crediton Pati land was$ ,present Ana played ser^erd Ael/mann& A purse I old awn Ott k(rletoth i►ly and )ir's, °their meighbor's and a~lrie*nds ns'e+old in a tangible way thein steein of the anted nobs tunes supper wos n.Y ,friends jilt% iP 3141e5 * tiding ,angina. end wlslirtn .fear Tatem many a of heal aatd happiness. 1-lealty air ! o more USE PARISIAN SAGE It's entirely needless to have un- sightly matted, thin or faded hair A little care is all that is needed to tnale it thiel:, soft, pretty, perft'ctiy healthy and free from dandre f F.. Use Parisian eta e--.i,t suppliea hair needs and as absolutely haranless, It eluicitly stops itching bead and €allipg loafer and, is ops of the 'best to{aies to: invigorate the scalp and make the hair grow long and beautiful, Get a bottle of Parasian Sage to- day from W, Seale or at any drug eounter, it costs bot 50 teats, Ruh it into the scalp all elaudruft nisi:),. Iaears your head feels tine and your hair is pretty' and perfectly healthy, IIE>SALL 'Onion pulling bas eonionecced nip bis district and Will the in 'fail s+wing z few days.. The crop promises be a goad one, Tbousairds of r$ worth oaf tine finest: Pnior,s are OWn in #tris, d;strict godshipped all ovr 'Canada contend ;George:gf St. Thomas surd are Visiting Ow Parents of ''the gine 40 dna . p l s; been in. t;td the 4aeaw? water n stctli se by Wednesday. remota in that the bsy ' dasapltoe',nti,3,`r although w ,fine field boll rem:1Y for ,'ha,rvestin The A4raatlgerllen marched to 'rSt,,. aar►rl's hrrrelr serer Panier4 Iby '.their k;icer t:roatlrre41, op Sunday' Morning 4 listened ,tar a a *rmon by klt*v, hsr#y They drove to Exeter in The sarong to listen to a tllhscuulrse lay 'Ur. zlliaats. e ladies oat the ¥etlied st church, air ire .cream social :recelitJ,y 'proved a fair su,hress. ytonday^ evening at the meeting o Council the contract for the srbrick' 'IOWA hall 'was `iawarc- .. wars, U. ballon and Thomas thus village for the 1411PI of 4 the : Wildingis to hethe month atovellthelr. of Clinton. pot in esti. bat atter cantol: ut . the 'matter tear and talk' Qr., certain titat;tera loot that it wa 14+a :home, outran ,as a good, genre, being ntttlnfattoxll"y: atstR olid ilio izicatmery spent .largely in he All ai o, lt» svntt considered advisi. aloin by foe cgrtrsail to sire tbecon' rant to t e linitis; hien at the smalls advance. The hall will be, a very fine ono over tiro sxotries high Of .sold brick with cement corners, with fires Proof trustfs"and win be ,nunit modern and up.to-date in all. detail*. On, Tuesday of lost week the , calor Ude, class of the :lfttthodist Sunday, tchoad ,trove =te he Blend art a rs °4i. Its atnd lichl ac very enjoyable ale Picnic the *return journe*y at hitt bt 03 on ut° •the enrry-rtll toads await p^tasit>rg the litthee :sw anw on the Zurich ltoad be Tongue broke oft and the been' red rig lakewdd to one vide into the ditch where it upset It r aGeupaxnts were thrown around: nsiderably° scratched and bents- *1,wo of them 1 4s Sadie Dar intron And Wilbur Dining" had each ilreh, left arm fractured nt the wrist amiss Marenee* ltertoids who la teaching in Calgary* Alta. is Bonne ;reading her +e'atc'.atton with ,heron par- ents sar-ents Mr, and 'Airs. w. I:1. hteyt.otd:i Airs. Ales Thompson of Toronto ac- ooenpanied by hernLnugh;ter hiss Ger- trude :are visiting /relatives and friends in their Cornier home. Alm Conley of Winnipeg Iran; l visiting her mother 7lrn, 1V°m. ale Ewen. 3fr, Iiugh Rose of Ottawa, is spend- ing the summer months with ;'his grandparents .lir, and fairs, John licla:wen. firs, Shortt has re tunred to her home in Woodstock after a pleasant visit Asa ith her father air. Andrew Johnston of Willow Ball :farm. Miss Gertie Petty nurse-in-training al, the Stratford Hospital is spending her Holidays with her parents Mr. nod 15Irs, G. G. Petty. Miss Yuill professional nurse of New York is yis`stIng at her .home here. BORN CLARK-In Exeter, en Tuesday, July '112th to Mr, and Mrs, Best Clark a daughter. MARRIED KESTLE-CLARK.-In Crediton, oa July lith Miss Ethel daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Clark to'' Mr, Bert Kestle. WELLAED - MOAL'I'STER At Ifcarnbanit on Jucc :Wit, Miss Pearl aLcilisl:er to bar, Norman Willard son of lir, and Mrs, fly. :Willard - of town. ¢¢ 1$: $ter illy_ 'G o 11 .RR... nTounden *.dart Adient f ourdien ,# The Musses Martha and ltalael. .rel of Detroit ore speeding t:he c3th0n with herr parents,. Alton Edna Finkbe+fast' of iSebaist-in;; 'lick is visiting etc her bnme here.: liisa 'Carrie Wein QC London 1s st of her : another dila week.. 11 °, Itafale*y and daughter 'So e returned to their Amine in i-. tad 3fra it wts re UOD 1t1G11 TON y' TSll1,l' 1.-A1dots*, tteuau't 391; telt Thelma 420;, •:Anderson. Alex 410 Elliott Lula E, 463; 1 ^lilan 430; ST' &N.GE1' TOW S. No. 1-.Verda M. kta rr Ruby, Tatyior 401. 4- 'North Fantle Sparks Tough ,%528. South --Win&. red Blue 3110, -Larne Epps. Ale Fred lie t '400, Agnes Love 307, Emma lEglf'u's, age 1•d ya ala svrence Reid 392. o. 1:I -Roy Ar. 11eys, 410. lo, a.4. -Wm. V. Johnston, 485; Lou.- Clytnont, 44i; Lawrence W. 411. ;S. No. i --Edward Lamp tither 1?, LAR P, is cam Breed, ly ansa d as gliter T • a 4 s l'ya u l",:r;"rats 3 orimapunlor P. S. Graduation 'Tho following students were sue- vIenslul :,it the Junior Public Sc'hoal valuation Exalninatiors held in. Vienne, The marks have 'beam Gert to Abe teachers and the dil!Ionas 'vial Lae meat when received, from the depart - Anent of education. To pass, a cane snidate .shall make 40 per cent on each "subject and 60 per cent of the total ' be plass mark is 660 and honors e% ilbe highest percentages received fat ,cb subject are as follows. Oral Beading William Fitzgerald; percent, 'Writing -Bernice Drennan, 84 per ant, . English Literature -Jessie %troth- sers, 79 per cent. • English Composition -Jessie Stroth errn per cent.. dish. Grammar -Ethel Brown 83 toter cent. Spelling -Jessie -Strothers 98 per ,=ant • , a+t s:i 1Flistory- Liella Finlayson sGp ter Geography -Jessie Strothers 74 per gats „Arithmetic- Winnifrcd iCudmore, per cent. Algebra and CGeometery---' Ethel oerown 92 ,per cent ,Li`n't Alva Ingram 76 per cent i'Sookkeeping-Winrifred iCudmore ;?, per cent. 3Sistory Art Bookkeeping and Geom taetery -were the weakaubjeots for sev- en -nal of 'the candidates. DUNGA:NNON .SCHOOL HazeI L. Augustine, 692; Wim. Fitz 'raid 710 Ethel Brown 8,05; Jessie :k'a$trothers 867. • - JiE'NISALL ,SCHOOL finnifred ,Cadmore 787 Alva Id =•ram 704.- AiSHFIELI) ;.a - 5, No. 3, :Bessie` McKenzie 745; nion 5, No. 4,.Lielia Finlayson 829. WLSTI''WAWANOSH S. No. 3 Ldttie A, Johnston' 711 S. 5. No. 14 Margaret Laidlaw 678 Sr11 $ Entrance the following a'eudents or Wes public schools passed: the Sr "'EL S. Entrance or Sir, P. S. Gradua•+ ellen +exami11ation. :.Dashwood P. LS, -Ora 13. Hoffman ;Xenia E, Tiernan, Addison V.;,I'iemad ;Dungannon P. 5, Rae J. Strothers .'. aaricli' P. S. -Enna B. Fritz Elva II Ileyroek Anna' McDonald, En E. It. 1'cilar (Lower School): r 'Bayfield 'P: 5, I)aro'th n • ie anie L..Fitnri ', _ Deltic S P i. Wood, (Lower .aSchtwl) Exeer 1? 5., Cordorl Mori ;.si nitl. h art Torn Chas. ',Rale carne after visiting l New 1lauthrirg. 'lir, and dare, F. 'CI tirlc,. gars ttltd "sir a, ia'uhroolk, and :qtr. sand dlira. liege motored to Goderielt ou ltZon- cloy in the lat terla auto. M tarot Feltner, of Lot in tniaa,n for n, few clay's. Si. IL Eidh:r *snare a'.on 4llirtd,ay last. On Saturday =welts- nt 7 a, the Bouin* of itEr. and ars. Jas. Clair was the Scene at a pretty 'event when their daught"ter Ailsa Jhel was quiet, ly rnttrried to lir. Bert .1iestle a prosp rotas farmer of this place. M- tcr a dainty wedding breakfast "the couple left: for London to upend to short "honeymoon. On their, fretui, rr they will reside an the ,groom's farm, Their many firneds join inxtend- tub eoi; ratulatior4s. t1rs. 1 red Young, of Dutton, is ,re- newing acquaintances in town. 1trs. Frazer Gitinther, of St. John is visitbig in town. Miss Martha Sweitacr, of Windsor t.*+ visiting relatives. :Airs, :Edwards son. and daughter of Windfall Iowa, sire visitiinfg the for- amen parents /Zit', and altrs, John `Lawson. iso bar cif Mr4, their e ternned rents •in 1ttrSSELDAL E .rPiss Jalora McKinnon of Wood- ham visited her mother for a tfeW clays last 'week. Mr, Edward Rowley of Detroit is at present visiting al the home of Mr, John Park. The Ladies Aid of Mt, Pleasant Methodist church met al the home of Mrs, Frank Pridham on, Thursday af- ternoon. Mr, Herbert Foster badthe misfor- tune to break his arm on Wednesday by failing off a load of hay. The anniversary services will 'be held at lilt. Pleasant church tnext Sunday "followed by an ice 'cream social on Monday evening. • i\fiss 'Thersa Fox who has been suc- cessful in passing her recent exams in the business College at Montreal is spending a week at the home of lir, and Mrs, E, Colt] . a Mr, Neil 5!cKinnor_ and alias Lily °lark were •uni'ted in marriage at the parsonage at Fullerton on Wed- r,esday last The bridal couple took I;he .four, o'clock train for Regina. Their trier -ds wish them every suc- cess in their new home. ' OLANDEBOYE The W. M. S. of 'Clandebcye church, held a Union ,meeting 'qf their Aux- iliary;' and .the Mission' Band in the basement of the church July '&i:!h. The occasion'' being the annual visit of the /District orga+nilaer. Slurs, Wil- son. Quite a member -turned out and had a delightful meeting.: Mrs, Wil- son gave us ,a very impressive ?talk on the influence of Mothers, Our new al:mister Rev; Mr. Barnlby dropp- ed in for a ;.ew'minutes and ercouragod' us, all by •telling es he was in synspa. ,thy- with the; W. nn. 5. And' would be gI •d io 1ae.ip them as 'a co5iety in any' way he could. Lunch was .served Lin- der the. - trees ,on the .,chureili lawn, Mrs, Jackson one • of the members 1.ad her" camera and took a ,snap shot Yx ;tine gathering Mrs, Wilson aattez lnards g ve ;'tea talk to the 11Ii (Ytk Banti. i DIED STRANG-In ;Exeter, on .Tharsday, July 9th Margaret Strang. WALKER -In Stephen, on 'Wednes- day July 8th James Walker aged t•,(9 years 9 months and 8 days. 19 Con 2, on Wednesday July fith Julia McDonald aged 8S years. • WillT.LCACK-In Port 'Colborne on July ,13th. MarY 11(omper, relict of the late Silas Whi•tlock aged 95 years. Quarantine ,e ula- tions fog°Comm a niece Diseases Sections from the Act 53,-(1) Whenever any hooseholder knows or thaasreason. to srsspeet, that any person, within is s family or house bold or boarding or lodging in with him a g g g a has bold, :aommunteable disease tic shall, within twelve boars, give rao- :u-e thereof do :the secretary •of they. ',=rat hoard or to the medical officer of healtb. (2) The notice nay be given to the e:sretary or to cnerdical officer of health at his office, or by letter, addresed'to either of them, and wailed within the -time above speei- Sed 54.. o ltous(4aaldera in whose dwel- ling there occurs any communicable disease, shall -permit any person saF- ` ring, front sari), dis:*ase to leave, ,or any clothing or"otber property to he removee;4,:from. his house without the earnsernt or the medical officer of health, who may rerbld saaeir 'areMtwal,. Imeseribe 'the conditions o !erson sufferingfrothereof. ne4'k o e 06 untag ireeentiy Tecovered form on aniannunleaible disease- to 9v1ticlli ilei ,Bean is `b3 the regaalatksrata atmsl paronlay'e, shall mingle with the gen; aal'nubile and as person having or, Oto oily such Person. except the wiling physician and clergyman, do no until such sanitary pias itioti`3 an itvay .tae l'treserit d lay ibo diem ot1"icex' ,04 lsealtf+ biayt hoose ;. plied with, with, .-(l1 =>o person suffer'1 laovine r'eeenrli recoil y etunrannioable cllana§e. is 'solation ia by the tre do applicable. °shall expw - r dneowsrtbonahUalion4srach di:scehixc snnn sn, ilwr can. :stein sae ipt#er cokn,<ahy g roti wtatasll,* aiaw- Frsci' otl of La% rtiairgn . tta fan t tea tri citAt satrap citei, teatted lantsoa, 40)" otiielw' ttavitiig it, rder: theofficer of. oki_ . UI t 1S 1{tPORTED.;' ors May (trove Amending Gill Third Reading To -day. LONDON, July 14, — The report s age of the amending, Home Rule bill been coaeluded, end the Iloltse t* Lords will to -dal consider the third reading. Optimistic feeling pre- vailed in Parliamentary circles last night as the result of the lia€est dis- asssio-ee in the Upper Iloaa,se regard- ing the prvspecte et a settlement' 'ae ,Potable to all parties concerned. This hopeful feeling was particularly- evident articularlyevident araeug the members of the nemone, Au the obbies and on 't::lne. Terrace last night. Among the Many amendments 'pro -j posed ;..,yesterday roan one by Lord Weardale, a Liberal peer and a .lo_ne Bailer, who 'believes, that ens ii war i +:a4 only be avoided in Ireland by l life exclusion of tbe Province of 'a"l stet fear the time !reins e i orae Rha By JUWWC COLLET This middy Laketon with aegulut>oa' sleeves =almes the very latest derelo^ moat of that favorite garment. Cords wig: do their own sewing win and tnie blouse an easy one to make. • nen k' C 0=14'10$ -el n Flay - HsvYrt l a$L:sl `'-< asport 1111 A 4'Airlaortttioiz Deeisan;es 1i,,•yf 'rano 3;ai, izal eta" 1 !I 't•c, nn€ • (.'Posta t;e°e "" °ell ilii 1'ie' criminally NegPgent., 7 Tv el th real ons e f ope7azions, of rd, o rye of the a:aost t apte. eta'spiers in tine. history: Amer.ie:au, railroad anal Fn ,ricas byhwee revealed in part neaters e t t'.rslate Ceromerea 'f..Otemiss- in reptant to *be^ Senate ea i*s av' srti"atiobx of that road. 1t told of tlilAtops:',gnsed Wise ztag~ €ton pits .a anii mon. ter }e, pL1Lg,givaiid'5 trans - 'Hein •Syynss-. •`.'/. . ASM le ul+. ' t ata re 2f ,141 1ny t&Ir e ii%3ug v flan, zd q[ltiuegrys, uauPd +hy aa: s'' Tdilelr lttv y ran rzt C Fesl a klllx,'ktlu o#ztab' xs.,.zots 0 a, he whetei tenth df cualxt' por1T 11,56x1 online ter to the, sr lata to 'cCO av tboitld nut also ta°-t t ho slid trial Ila a ve tbno 14 very largo proportion: ooplo of Ulster woitlat lau ctai o Homo Rule, 'Lord, Crewe found: it tau We. winch bos termed "formai Ort to the ai3tentl'iaet6. Lord. downo thought the eugge: tion too late. 'Without sir mend:meut wa ivl iIon. lel bill: idleness° h t having caused outs Alsed in connect. her touteoted. to the. at tuedleal officer or the purposes of t eller et an Wu or ltous4 xeception of ledgers shall b tied to let for hire Part or , to Any person. admitted a into neat An ina et house. 09.-0) Any person wno contraVen- of the provisions of Section's 5 14 Tor +which no other penalty Is 'provided. shall incur penalty or not less than $2,190 tor more Ono* :1)27).etittner,Y pirvolv•sglionwobto thcoirtattrAttovie,nuer qf the reguimions or of any mum- icipal by-law passed under tb:s Act or who wilfully disobeys or neglects to carry out any order or direction lannully given by the Provimail 13ourd, a local board, member of a natal board, medical officer of heal- th or nanitary Inspector. unless it is otherwise nrovided shall incur a Penalty of toot less than ,S5 nor more toultICS GRANT =QUEST FOR ,TELVV110 NE, EXTENSION Council at its meetlag Saturday granted the treguest of the people of Southwestern 'Stephen for an 'erten.- Sion of ;the Ilay Township Telephow system 'Into this locality. The line to- be. built is 6 1-2 nalles in length and will supply the link that win complete the chain of the Hay system through Stephen trownship. Ar- rar.gements have been made with tbe Dr .Orme line and the Mulland lice for free exchange throughout Step- hen Hay and part ot Stanley. Dash- wood in Hay Township will he the central for Stephen connections. This will connect Crediton and ; Grand 13.•nd with the flay System. The extension into Stephen ‘vhich will be commenced at once will give Ilash- CASTOR IA For Infants and Children ill Us For Over 301roars Always bears tbe- Rignature of The Logical The individual ap- 13°Illtd t° administer -an estate is forced to gIVe A 40 'I much -time and attention to his trust. The anxiety is ceaseless, the danger. of mistakes through inexperience is great. Why burden your friend with onerous duties that can be better perfonmed by this Company? The fees are no greater and the inanagement much more capable than can he,expected of any pri- vate executor' however viraring. THE LONDON 84 WESTERN TRUSTS CO LIMITED is the logical administrator to appoint. ,Its sole businesS is the careful, efficient fulhlment of every trust ;committed tolits care. Cali itt and consult us. 382 rticnmow STREET LONDON OW. nous - gati came the out a IIIIFFALO, July 14. --Judge J. Hazel, In the Federal Court hero yes terday, annotated, receivers for the 'United States Light & Heating Co,, a ;17,500,000 corporation engaged In the manufacture of ear lighting and heating apparatus: The application for the receiver. ship was made by Fred. R. Humpage, one of a committee of three appoint- ed last December by ruinority stock- holders' coramittee to investigate the operations of the company since its In his petition for the receivership Mr. Humpage said the company is solvent and will continue so if pro- perly managed. He criticized many of the acts of the board or directors, which, he alleged, dissipated the funds of the corporation in high and unnecessary salaries, such as $10,000 a year to Chas. A. Starbuck, of New York, as chairman of the board of di - 101IIST WATCH THE CHILD. His Health Will Be Chief Weapon Against Tuberculosis. the welfare of the child is to be the most important phase of the anti- tuberculosis campaign in the future. was the opinion of some of the lead- ing physicians at the opening session of the 14th annual convention of the Canadian Association for the preven- tion of tuberculosis -yesterday .rnorn- ing at the Technica.1 College. Dr. Holbrooke, of Hamilton, em- phasized the point that the root of anti-tubercuhsis 'work is the welfare of children and the prevention from infection. Children did not die of tr.- berculosis until they grew up between the ages of fifteen and twenty years. • WILL SAIL NO, MORE. • Captain Kendall 'Will Rave a Post Ashore, Says Report. MONTREAL, July 14. — Captain Kendall, who comma.nded the Em- press of Ireland, is not likely to go to sea again, though he was exonerated by the Dominion Wreck Commission in its finding on the disaster last Saturday. It is understood here that the P. R. authorities have given him several naoiaths' leave of ab- sence, anti that at the conclusion of it he will accept a shore position eith- er in Canada or in England in the service et the company. Carried Up by lBalloon. IJDINE, Italy, July 14.—While ten soldiers were holding a dirigible bal- loon by ropes yesterday a sudden giast swept it from' the ground. Nine of. the noldiers let ga, but the tenth 'Waal carried up. Tiie crew teeth:, ttirigible, made efforts- to haul hirc aboard, but PERT PARAGRAP TOEING en ..atis.iied One. self is one of the very essen- tis of being disagreeable. It we corild get out an 11.1jti C against ourselves restraining us from giving the things we so ranch wan ourselves to Some one else, perhaps we would be happier. Sometiroes men are disappointed be- cause so many girls refuse to take an engagement seriously. The beat part ot a woman's lettet is apt to be on edge. Moving Along. now the years slip away„ I..ike the swift river's flow, As softly they come And as softly they got Our hand is extended A new one to greet, And, lo, ere we reckon Its days are complete A stately procession, They go as they came, No slower, no swifter, But always the same. In joy or in sorrow. In plea.sure or pain, Proceeding tmheeding Through sun.shine and rain. They wait not for orders, They halt not for kings, They laugh at injunctions And such puny things. Strong chains cannot bind then Nor sla.cken their pace. No congress can cause them Their steps to retrace. • They go, and in going A:4 They leave not behind A mark'save on memory. That book of the mind. On down with the others A well beaten track, .1 And never -no, never - Comes one of them back. Mere Man Necessary. "Don't you like this place, Miss "No, not a bit." it "around." 'They are utterly valueles "How can you say so?" "Because there are no nice you o monopoly w. cons. The Zirew v tors, ipulated moo used its own paid the dividends or subsitliart aim -a showing. and need many ot devices to deceive e stockholders and the public. It dipped into polities, 'was a teeter lu "invisible government," made largo campaign tontributions to the two lominant political parties, bought Metals and tried to distort public) opinion. All this it did, the commiS. atoll says, "to carry out a scheme oZ private transportation rnouopoly im- perial in its scope." IICERTA REPAIRS ROAD. elle= Dictator rrobably Thinks HO Will Have To Cse TtA CRUZ, July 14„—Four hun- dred laborers, acting under orders from. Mexico City started work yester- day repairing- the gap in the Mexican Railway, connecting Vera Cruz With the capital, and the rushin,g of the wOrk is believed here to indicate a possibility that the first train to pass over the repaired road my be the special conveying Gen. Efuerta and his family to the coast. Quantities of rails and ties have been hauled to the break, a little over six miles from the city of Vera Cruz, and the two miles stretch which has been without rails since April 21 will be restored to working order within two days at the most. Passengers who arrived from the capital yesterday repotted an extra- ordinary session of the Senate there on Saturday, but said no announce-. Ment bad been niade as to the mat, tErs discussed behind locked doors. They said, however, the session waS followed by a conference between sev- eral Senators and Francisco Carbajal, the new- Minister of Foreign Affairs. Struck By Lightning. 01-1ATIEIA.M, July 14. -- Clarence Montgomery, son of Jos. Montgom- ery, of the llth conceseion, Dover Township, was struck by lightning deging the heavy electrical storm that passed. over this city early yesterday. He was standing near a stable door when the lightning struck the build. ing. He was rendered unconscious and is at present under the care of a physician. He has recovered con- .sciousness, but is still ha a precarious condition. /Toole Chance With Poison. PITTSBURG, Pa., July 14.— Charles Wagner, who last Monday gave Mrs. Susan Tiaornton the alter- native of drinking slow poison with him or being shot to death, died Yes- terday in a south side hospital. Mrs. Thornton, with whom Wagner was in- fatuated, hut could not marry, ,chose tbe poison, believing her chances were better than if she were killed at oece. She (lien Sanday in tho same hospital, a. Barris e Inn ton -nester