HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-7-9, Page 7HOUSES OF TGE GSGGGS GOES RAC It. TES TI1E TIME OF i ?k.:�I'd?LI:0:�i, A Long Record of Disaster. and 3iur dersi s Sunc ale.. and Divorces. Crowned with ears and sorrowsstra p , whose sae - I the Emperor of 1u Austria, pn ew andheir was reeeaztly assas- sinated, cones of an ill --fated house, and his own life has been one to g, Series of :tragedies, The phrase, rFrr,e Ilapihurg 'Lila," has long s,'noriym,• f tr'taragedy, aria Aaatoiaaette, the ill-fated of Louis XVI,, of .Franca, who to the guillotine was the Em pernes •eat -great-aunt, being a daughter of the Emperor Francis.#T, of the Tioly Roman empire (the Duke of Loraine), and sister of Leo- paid IL, the Ennperor'sreat- gramdfather, g carne Loi. `se ui ,the second rife of Napoleon L, VMS ; the Emperor's aunt, being the sister of his father, ran i Claaa,i`lea, Sim was appoint, d relent'. of France in 1511r whea Napo/eon was in the faeki. But the son whom she bore Napoleon found saes titie:s, "Xing of Rome" and Napoleon leo IL, merely eauptiy' ones. She safterwaarda married the Count t jean Neippe�rg• sand ruled with hila lit Parma, meat after hist death she load t ► talon refuge with the Au trialed, and, one their rearing her rade, Pa nlaN became merely an out- work ut-wo x of the Austrian. Exnpue. By the abdication of his uncle, the Emperor Ferdinand, and the renuneiaation of the oaten by Irl Mg father, Francis Marie '. arporor cazu to the throne 0, boy of eighteen. At on revolt'. tion dogged him, and he waded in the gore of one battlefieel4 after an- other, Kb defeat by the Prussian kt S�aando�wa was the bitterest oaf q i s to him. But his bliackest tvex{ d anestie eaxtala. A NER'VO S BREA D ' Can BeAverted By Feeding the .Starved. Nerves 'With Rich, Red Blood Nourish h o r — y u nerves that is the Only way you can overcome life' worst misery, nervous exhaustion. 'he fats of depression. and irritation the prostrating headaches, the weak- ness and trembling of the legs, the unsteady hand and the.imperfect digestion that mark the victim � t zip of nerve weakness, must end in ner- vous breakdown if neglected, Nourish your nerves by the na- tutal process o, filling your veins with rich, red, health -giving. blood.. our nerves xare crying�out for pure blood and the mission .of Dr; Wil- Ilams' Pink Pills is o make ew volt blood. This, explains why these pills have proved successful in So many cases .of nervous disease that did not yield to ordinary treatment. 1?oa example, �ifx. ��. H. Weldon, Annapolis, N.S., says `;Ira the atreunous life, T have r olloav the drain On nay system . 'lovas great that my nerves boeame tiered, the blood: impoverished ry whale system d r aan e m�rnued, a, number of so-called mine lies ithout deriving' any beaaefit, lti'i ally having read so much aberrant Dr. Williams Pink Pills T decided: o try them, The result Wait be - Fond my expectation. T regained my energy; the lalood and nery. ere rebuilt, T lost the sense c „ exoaistent tiredness T had loose aid: filled with new life and energy. are since used that 'pills With id results in my family an?d` lwa s have word, of praise eria." na can gets Tar, 'Williams' Pink ills from any aaaaedicine dealer o ,rail posh paid air all cents a hex. :y boxes for $2.90 by writing The I?c-iTillianns' tlfedieine f"o R ADAM BECK. rich, Handsome, a Sportsman and Fa. ,Statesman. Sir Adam Beck! The new title sounds familiar a,.nd • natural right at the start,; for Ontario's "Minis- ter of Power" is associated in the public mind with more than a touch s of the knightliness of the old, old days. When the people—Conservatives, and Liberals alike ---think of Adam Beek they think of a gentleman poli- tician—a, broad -gauge, wise, kindly. man doing things naturally on a high plane, Because he is also rich and Q an ,.o n me ,and well-dressed, c1 ain. d a sportsman of the highest type he Stands ' a as. a.' unique figure in the Province. He is about the nearest approach we have in Canada. to ,a Lord Itosebery, And as a matter of fact, Sir Adam has .taken the great British states- roan -politician for a model, lie onaee said to an interviewer: "Like Lord 1tosebery T had as a ';bay three great ambitions. One was to marry the most beautiful lady in Canada,,, an- other was to win the King's Plate; and, the ether was to be in politics." These Nvoro - the ambitions of the Oen of an obscure Ontario farmer. For Sir Adana was born Aft, =-seven:. Tears ago, on June 2ti, at Baden, i3''aterl+co County, when through An that conetrys rough farinas were int emerging from the hash, If Inas ealized: his aimbitions---except the toga Plate, He went to sex l len alt. He trade .his fortune os aanufturer of veneering and ilius lbe r and cigar boxes ,with lac, in Loiut n, Toronto, `1 oint-. sl Winnipeg. go is the big London. Ti'e bas served sev. para se Mayor and has done things to benefit that city - Any child in the place n1�ia2 ts<f1 you "aen>ate to find the lice?; home, with beautiful setting, grounds and 4FtF"9,'IO + . �T 01'�rs There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting an f n it y, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on 'a farm are weals, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys, The dizziness, insomnia, deranged Menses and other symptoms of kidae3 complaint can't cue themselves, v. x e rel es they e. assistance Y. require i 4 the ss ane o n S � Hamil- ton's li ma l ton's Pails wliicli go direct to the seat, of the trouble. To give vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend ald to the blatdder and' over, to free the hiiOcu or poisons, probably there is no remedy no $ue,, cesstu1 as Dr,Hamilton's Pills. For all Vis.:oiaanly irregaalarnies their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing efteet, Dr, Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are .recommended ter girds and women of all ages. •'?ii years Per box at all dealers, ,ltefatse any srih- stitute for Dr. I-lanandlron's Pills of -Man- drake and Butteriant.. SPARROWS FOR FOOD. Englicdn Village Laborers Valise Theme, Tn ertaai eially Il ii source o� At one stay: many see Tiling+ foldnets for aapaarrtnwa, �'arndmf'_... are being tight simply, for They keep down the butcher'a FM'S the London Globe, 'Tho number of sparrow i immense, probably* greaten tl ever has been. The {xvgrnlar population in one mall stoc „ .. near London' is catiiraated by tb "arreeas .at over %um These 2,Q ouths he hili largely with his in, The sparrows hay Q +coat-. te.1y: driven away. almost all tafyNA }IANIIi f .fluig y, i s €s With Entre Air—Good ood YAWNING POlt HEALTH. wHITE BLisTE03fad licaariil g. Scratching Made it Paul so Badly �Y Lost Many diginsSfeep, Could Not 130 Work at Ali. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cared. 1304 000,. Vaileytie d, Que.—•" y hand would get fait of Cale white bICste y art, when X would scratch it would pain meso badly .I lost many nights' sleep. My hand was one mass or sores. 1 metre than starered and tills auo.:titels- Scgt Whea :I rubbed my kaan.4 It wo^:Id bans. 1 uad 1}' about year¢. 1 Fr. w�niti not do a?zy worts at 4' an, f ken had seen r t you would leave aid tiaerca ta!t.otare, i aased to cry and get so dl xawsasaai.. T a $ zAPver troubles xatca EC t#Fa> ?maim bat ag soon as rile cold t .Iteired4.tarnithsayb a asdgriotenxoe and was 3 mated for ltbnee months ard every o$abt t - shed myband.. 44a44rees It' eveeaaykiae+d, I &ta rten tOMIP trip eutl. ;aia�, Ota aazd Manua as and I got re te>"r, �zRa# viae ?I C tlesraa, }Sean and two baxe aitigaraaint atcoin etel mired ,' cal) ."1.M$aarSd} egci_r,,Sancll,L 113: TOR MOVE DANDRUFF # d to and rale tab, axllA aaucl hTitatloa acne ,urenrgaote tram my Af "trine bait, t`r amen _,... Coliteum, flan eked by tin Qaattr r Oint. tivearad Immod 1, eia #out~ * 'mulct: oreaCWide Volt. Potter Drug l Aceording to most of our books on etiquette,, it is very improper to } but bt fr Onz the standpoint of health it is one of the best things we can do. For one thing, a yawn ventilates the lungs. When you take an ordi- nary breath the lungs are not com- pletely filled, nor are they thor,-1 gnghls emptied by an ordinary res- iration, There is a certain9 ua,n- tity of air left in the lungs "residual; physiologists call. res=danal ' air," The air in t; ne beeom-s foul and affects the blood, and through the blood the.y nervous centres, Then at attain Keime's°am ain nerves e. 1 � gets tickled, az it were, and the result is a, long-drawn-out yawn, whichhas the power of stretching the lungs to their fl tetetout all u les extent, , driving oza a..l the foul air and :drawing in a. ,s lap i of fresh, pure air„ You wir perhaps .be sax prised to ' that Yawning is beneficial earefreial our hearing. When Toil give an to^a big yawn you hear a cracking . 4 inside ,ver" head. That is r, the stretoraug and opening These 4 t ea hack gest- ave ,a aiai; stacker/ et the t, t ref „when y 44, you an ..sv Tatlaen h iglat, rl and ahow dor varieties o; elsea. The apaaarnov; yrsto Uaaakk sin e' o>snip. Tt be stipg all,''"tli, month lathe sp?r eke$ from •they+ IOUs toll. Considering noun aofaulation of 6j ' as rg that tide tu oa tapped,. dieted to ciliation, a ed, and "Alaxat Empress Carlo insane in the prt ix. • `at°lriia g ice' it Darigees ri racarntes are na aine 4Kining dl ir. Tho commo Owning, calm e,ati n .tine meat,„ 3 iai4pots- est ptentm of dise sibie to teria< without amination, owi hey do not ca._ alae greater males renders: -thin mc e on :reap w survived, ca an h The child's delight. The nk. caichoiceie. er's t <u'era'l�oaly S favorite. POTTED MEATS 11 flavored an:d Perfeet.l,y ccokerl. make delicious sandwiches. • 4/4011 n of efel the EMpenOr the e Pope by OVe let They at cd on, Itudelp Vetsera, Was 't 1 on, the Emperor Grand Duke John y 'thousands o * rar beneath him, and onvieted of Kis ne. ke Leopold, mar arid was banished r's. niece, Louise, utor, who sub. His grand. do a 71105 - suite bit. 41 3 ran away sequently divorce alliance, of which terly repented. In 8 the Empress, was riSs The Late Franz Verdi and, The late Franz Ferdinand, ero prirtee of Austria, was the son .the Emperor of Austria's brother Charles Louis. Ho bad married inorganatically the Bohemian Coun- tess Sophie. Chotok, and by so doing his children were debarred from the throne. though the Einperor con- ferred on her the title "Duchess of Hohenberg," She was extremely popular, whith was More than could be said of Franz Ferdinand himself. aotionary. The. coup which resulted in the annexation of Bosnia and erzegovina, and which was a dis- tinct breach of the Treaty of Ber- lin was attributed to him., and it has always been a marvel that the Emperor of Austria yielded to. him in this matter, for the latter re- garded him with the utmost con - Unlike the Emperor who can speak all the varions dial'ects of Iris people with ease, Franz Ferdinand neglected. to master Magyar and the other dialects. Biz neglect in this and in other ways made him so dis- liked, that it was freely predicted that, on the Emperor's, death, Aus- tria and Hungary would break up into two independent states. It has been said of Franz Ferdinand that he rather resembled -the German Emperor in character, hilt without either the brilliance or the loveable.; ness of the latter. ',succession to the throne of .ria-Efungary new falls to Karl the Emperor' 8 great-ne- phew, and Franz Ferdinand's 'ne- phew. This prince, who is well spo- ken of, is the son of the Archduke Otto, nephew of the Emperor. ,Tbis Archduke, who died in 190d, .01`10-6, for a bet, jumped his horse, over a coffin which was being borne in a Funeral procession through the It takes two to make a bargain— and a lawyer to ge,t the best of it. pie had to be enumerated 10; ,r they were caught In the kas railways, for nilitallee, all perso travelling by rail who took ticket tor 7 pan. on the night of The c o enumerated either on plat rms or in the trains. The were all Stopped at 0 ehlook le following morning, in order nclude any travellers who up lien had csraped notice. spite of this, and owing to vast work dtme preliminary, the its for the whole of India were. issued in print the next day, This rapidity, as the report men- tions 'with Justifiable pride, "is not approaelied even in the smallest European states." The summary tables show that the total population. of India (including the native states) on the night inert- tioned -was 315,156,396 (lis against 294,061,056 ten yerts previously) of whom 217,556,892 were Hindus, 666,- 647,299 were Moslems, 10,721,453 were Buddhists, and 3,876,203 were Christians. Me literates numbered only 18,539r578 persons, and agri- culture elamied the labor of 224,- 695,909 persons, as against 35,323,- 041 persons engaged 'in industry: Ag of Twa na, ore din %times shop to 'Mere. ;stranger r mi. "This the first ve been here." "You el tim home," the a "Mark Twain lecture to -night. , bought your tieket, t yet." "But everything You'll have to stand," annoying," Mark Twain 1 always liave to stand THE SPOT le O Or II it' 0.1 domestic lt n aridly. She takes eat int t in Sir Adam's Ind; exbibiting plendid s and both nr familiar figur the horse shows of London an 1 1" York as well ni Canada, Sir Adam Beck h represented London in the Ontar Legislature co 1002, In no he was appoint.. a tommissioner to develop Nilo, gara, power. Be became president of the 'Union of Municipalities in 1004, introduced the Niagara Power Bil" in 1206 and has been thairman of the :Hydro-Eiectrio Cdmmission since, June of that year. has been a 'Minister without portfolio the Whitney Government since 1905. In polities as in business r Adam's German -Canadian lineage is apparent. He is a quiet hut a systematic and persistent worker. The service he has given Ontario has been given at a loss of much valuable time, but of course money is no lonerer a matter of considera- tion witlihirn. A minister without portfolio does not get the $5,000 saIa.ry a, Cabinet, Minister. Sir Adam gets only the .$1,000 indem- nity of a private member, and if he had not been a man of great wealth he could never have carried mit his pet seheme he has. They say he has sa,crificed a fortune, for the sake of his idea,. The "Minister ;of Power," as he is popularly known, is not a talker. He will go a long way to avoid mak- ing a. speech, -which is one reason why his name is Mare widely known anaong the people than he is him- self. He leads a most temperate, and simple life, never touching liquor or tobacco. Perhaps this is why he looks so clean-eut and alert and fully ten years younger than his • Pleurisy,Pains Vanish! Chest Colds Cured! NERVILINE HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. Don't suffer! Neryiline is your relief. Nervilthe just rubbed on, lots of it, will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy the pain, will have you smiling and happy in no time. "I caught cold last week while mot- oring," writes P. T. Mallery, from Linden. "My chest was full of con- gestion, my throat was naighty sore, and I had the fiercest stitch in my side you coul imagine, As a boy I was accustomed to have my mother use Neryiline for all our minor ail. ments, and remembering what confi, deuce she had in Nerviline, 1 sent out for a bottle at once. Between noon and eight o'clock I hal a' wliole bottle piration_ poder the blankets. This droYe the Nerhiline in good and deep, and I -woke up next morning fresh as a dollar aild absolutely cured. Nervi - line is now always part of my travel- ling kit, and I will never be. without Tim large 50c. family size bottle is the most. economical, or you -can eas- ily get, the 25c. trial size from any • flanployee—'`I would like ,a rise, sir. I am ,going to get married," Employer—"Sorry, but Lave to reduce your salary, I am going 'bo ,ret married "Wlay, look here," .said the mer- chant who was in need of a boy, "aren't:5bn the same boy who was in -here. a week ago?" ``Yes, sir," said the aPplicant. "I thought so. And didn't ten you then. that I wanted an older lboy 7," ''Yes, That's why l'm back, I'M old - There's a, good deal of s Lion and comfort in hitting the right thing in rid one ried and ocies ant caused by tea and coffee "Ever since I can remeti writes one woman, "my father has been a. lover of his colfcc„ but the ntinued use of it so affected his stomach that be coukl searcely eat at times. "Mother lad eoffee-headache and dizziness, and if I drank coffee for breakfast I would taste it, all day and usually go to bed. with a. head- ache." (Tea is just, as injurious as coffee, because both contain the drug, caffeine.3 "One day father brought home a pkg. of Postum recommended by our grocer. Mother made it accord - inn to directions on the, box, and it jat "bit the spot." It has a dark, seal -brown color, changing to gol- den brown when tream ,added, and a snapp3r taste to mild, high-grade eoffee, and we found that its continued use. speedily put an end to all our coffee ills. "That was at least ten years ago, and Postum has, from that day to this, been a standing order of father's grocery hill. "When I married, my husband he admitted that it hurl, him. When I mentioned Postum he ,said he did not like the taste of it. I told him I could make it take -all right. He smiled and ,said, try it. The result thing but Postum." reiven by Canadian Postum Co. Wi7i.clsor, Ont. Rea,c1 ``The Roa'd to Wellville," in pkgs. Postum now comes in two forms Regular Postunt--Must, be. well boiled. -15c and 25e packages. Instant Postmn—tis ,soluble pow- der. Made -the cup with hat wa_ ter—no boiling. 30c and 50c tins. The east per cup ,of beth kinds is about the same. ---Lsold. by Grocers. Do• n't on ✓ frequent st dation in ire 1 it by the r 1 Cana be week' 'eh were , report, that issued ix me 197 t buy -chopped meats or Fa.11., t 11(11:$ abSolUtely sure tliat 'AI 35 1:0 Canadians, .1 r it '"'i Euro that; his leentS are the Cattatliatis who received , patent were of Ontario, 8 of Quebee4 8 11 idled an a i,amtary ptems of ptomaine resultin o g bad meats are given 'mu with vomitting, seve abdominal pains, diarrhoea, fevoi m death. Canned foodstuffs more ; versally used in summer than at any -time of the year, and especial warning is given against using them unless absolutely sure that the con- tents are geod. The form of poisoning, from bad oanned goods is known as 'botul- ism" or "s.austige poi.soning," and vory deadly, with a mortality rate of 50 per cent. The mierobes hig this thrive in the absence of air and multiply rapidly in canned 'goods, sausages, etc.. Symptoms of the disease are partial or total par- alysis, double vision, painfnl zwal- lowing,, loss of voice and. interfer- ence with heart and respiration. 'With care irx buying canned goods there is no danger of this virulent poisoning, It usually hap- pens that. the steam sterilization, which is part of the canning pro- cess, kills, 11 microbes but now and then, oiving to carelessness er the canningemaehinery not working properly, %View cans will reach the ni arke living microbes. These indltiply and form gas, that pushes, the top of the can in a conveS form. Ilorse Ingratitude. Horses do not ,seein to appreciate good treatment any better than men. The hor,se that is well taken care of and has a groom of his ONSIn seldom trots as well as a Every horse that is pounded over the 'oads. by whoever sees fit to hire him. We can take a.' fairly good livery horse from any of the stables :Hid pass any horse in town that has pads on his legs. And what is more, a livery buggy never rattles ainard's ALinimeat 'Cures Distemper. ie editor— lid in your fin a .ou paid your debts. Debtor—That's so. I'm glad eu look at it in the same Tight th I do. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. dog of mange with aTINARD'S LINI- MENT after several veterinaries had treated him 'without doing him any permanent good, Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Drum- mondville, Aug 3, '04. rich mineral lead in his 'potato imnarcvs Liniment Cures surget in Cows. Shirking Work. Shirking is a kind of stealing, and a mighty mea,n kind. For ,some one has to do the work or some one has to suffer because it isn't done. Whatever you do don't geb into the way of shirldiag. Shirking is re- sponsible for more than half the trouble of ,this old world, half the work that's badly done, half the accidents that happen. Shirking is a vice, like drinking. It nrows harder and harder to shake, off, and respect, much as does any R-)th..,_r vice. The ishirk is a pitiful cre;,- tires in life than the statistics, shov They blame it On a 106 Of Ot111::' thin. s ; but really the root of Llac, matter is right there. STUD UEEN'S UNIVERSITY 1NGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SEVEN° /ACME ENGINEERING ' 7MMER SCHOOL "LT and AVOIVIST 1 1 route, Orzn:tio. it Gibbs- y no one can fool my wire. Dibbs—Then how did you get her 't nt, Cures Diphtheria,. nendOns Ice Mass. The largest mass of ice in the world is probably the one which fills up nearly the whole of the interior of Greenland, where it has accumu- lated since before the dawn of his- tory. lt,is believed to form a block 600,000 square miles in area, and to average a mile and a half ia thick- ness. According to these statistics the lump of ice is larger in volume than the whole body of water in the Mediterranean, and there is enough of it to cover the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland with a layer about seven miles thick. SS