Exeter Times, 1914-7-9, Page 5[IT SD.Pi'T` JULY 0, 1. 1,.
College at lloine
iihousands of ambitious young 4.
People are fast neoparing- in"
their own homes to ou ..luc-'`
rative !,oaitiona as yten graph,
• Lt tars hookkeeltera telegraph,
err, viva eerrantrs in. fact every
iapbere of buaine s aotiviti,a;
You ` teay i iiiesh at College if .
'00 :$0 Wish 'o.'T,itions guara'n -.-
teed.. Enter college airy slay. it
'dsnd yidual ; instruction. Ea- '«
rt teacher$. 'Thir '
Ex -
Pert ty lease 4.
.e3'gerienoe. Largest trainers, t
in Canada. Seven _colleges.
Special couraai for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial Ed.-
uc ti0
a nal Association 9 ttOn t%f Canada
Summer Sah9o1 at Faaanga Spot.
ton Business College London,..
Clinton BusioessOcalegete
43Bfl SPOTTON 43 412
t�§>313a'r++ 5:++ee.x1. -a s -a+ +eea
Wocan stave you from gS. to '40
eribin o
�Ea lay st�zs � for sour alai//;
weekly papaw t this office,.
Prieee axe tart' Canal airs Sus -
/f $grid And Weekly Star
lily Mail and Empete ..f 15"
ly London Free * Press . , 25
ly Lon4non•'AdverliseT .,, ...1 Tia
e•kty 3klortrea Witneas , ,.1, 25
lee dy` 'Farmers :atm. 4.19R w,Pi fill
finers Advaweate eet, , 4i
and Dairy ,. i 25
"ho ar dian Farm 3 $5
srract'a Saturday eligbt S 50.
Altaily Nerve .,-.! .;: 40
wily Star, 240
"oily World ;A, .tl 25
Ailereirg Load Free„ Press !• , 50
jkoro7iing immiou Ftee Pre” nl,...2 00
'Malty Landon Ailrertiso
Miss -Pearl l{olt mann, bas return
ed tai ber home in C ;icago after
scpndin; a month with her arents
Hill soros.
Miss Alda " r home aft-
er `Ra pleasant visit. ;#pith ,friends and
relatives in B€rli:
Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Lewis left for
their honte iIa Alg£aequi,t Park aft"
^isr.t c l:k it paren_is for /the past
Cay"Q a
itf.ass. Mary st et eiRer who ;hal
een attetedi.zg t be College at htrat
.ioad is §pending her vacation at liar
home here,
3I, :Fetes Banes of 'dais place Is
making a tour 'through Faig/acd.
wtli t le .T
. the Glee Club of .iorotlLo >nrta-
ver.Sit "
-. fr � and a ahs,Sta?itta of Detroit
Michigan Michigan axe -the guests csf' the i-
trs sister, Mfrs, Dan. Mclsaae..
Mrs, Nicholson and daughter attir-
e' el
are visiting friends in London.
3rr, and lrs, iShellick of lletroit
were elleguests of Mr,
,rd: 3s'
bert ^iorlock on Sunday
On 'Suroday^ morning last three vat-
-Won/3k. horseswned by e* ee •' .o H. i3rsta+^aI,
it -3 tell into a well in the
learn Two were drowned area the
other was severely itljazre d,
Crag utaday amt 3I'ontlay last stye
Club of' Northwestern (so➢lege
t rville fn, consisting ot tWy
-oung inert were Iowa ander the
ispices to€
the Evangelical eller,*
ai..daty oga,xrlxir ogakJ of tine Paellas
°Panned the u l ax
lt�c, " Pulpit While the
lnb furnished excellent tau Sae
t laokii e exrvitees, Oa llanday
In as;SWAT prl gritilt Consisting of
t-nuronnses Solos + a irt.ettes, s mad
w•adi"nags was, given 3),y the alliin and.
Proved tc be a rare treat and full+'
.'J:a,t°a'd .nfi telt ie;
latieei ttaA` lot
s. 1i of
auglwr z liar s euL tit
tirarud halter,
i Christ 'a heel"
w ,ititrry
RaPlex ba;a rc�ttta
in Marlette. Whin.
rialtheiner. bas s•lante • atter a
Brsad altaw ac-
i'aa as
rarsato e4 fru Bmita o
tit Bi?taf2tb a
iffi psi^'-_
cif gonna
°titer Ata
Your Hair Needs
Parisian Sage
It quickly removes dandruff. Just
because your hair is fun a dandruff
thin, streaky; dull and will never do
up to /colt pretty, do not despair
l ealakifetl;eair, tbiek fiutfy, Lctstroue
orad absolutely free from dandruff is
only a matter .sf care.
Parisian eI�g Sage : f r luentlyPR lied
will work wonders, ,rust orae applica-
tion stops itching bead, removes dan-
druff and all cxsessive 4i9. It goes
right to the hair roots and furnishes
the not;rssitinent needed• -tire hair be-
co.eseoft fluffy abundant
iant, wrathlife..
n S a iSla a
Sage e. Si 6t
g only saves 'the
mulates kQ.grzi -
and heavy. Get a 50 cent 'bottle
freta W. S. Cole at once There is no
other just as good.
council have quite a foree o{
w;`t itn en Pip'aa„ from _tre zmar or
.rhe, nedv towts hali lot to knee alai"
Teat fox the parptite of tentting le,
laYdi tart et3adrFal h the water
13arnt4y snow only for epee; fire puree
ws.:i at else for Street w> atering pur-
'r "eve gad welt a 7ti :f tel:y pat " a8:
� t lria � , u ,., rx
d"'T►I na latintaax for smelt,
Llir, tI. Sahlaxr: is havizst a tjc. +i
Vara rai$VCI :tit3 NYVACI. ads .s farm
tula2asng tAe village tar talk` *he
t►Ne 'Oa the One deateaaa.4 lay are
lRs frill,
/lied iSru tilaca mire bans aaaateal
eaR,t of idle tabiea iia. ,tbe
v llama
Frstparing xo t
tr�nlien tai. ,t
he rash.
`tri?, f#. IQArtlair t Vanieo
bare vitating her 1wwbnra„
circa and iitteiads thenad
ry Boo/: is improvinghen
aY /Seeing it laataa#t d.
sale Llamas sat~ Wroxeter
or c¢sie.n -Ins, > araeY Vanl
el .Filicaere flask, :<
few weeks with her .t,"^
Wetly and klir'a,'Hutt
to -celebration, here gat
male tear of tonna
t"field tu'nd .(L
tesla 4
in t lRda ich ea
Idiss thea Mills, Woodham`s Irep, i
alar young lady is nowecjoyirg her €
trip with the successful young ladies k'i'll
hick the contest conduced. b6°
the :tet, 'Marys Journal made possiole
3Iiss Lulu 3€ills is visiting at the
home of Miss Walker,
tss Henry has completed tai
School term and, is visiting a.t he
faazale near Stratford,
3Liss Lif is Baker is "reG vesi'n
frOi; l*.?
i bar a wine/- of alagrerndiczkis,
Arcs,Enoch leo liek who as been at
/ o11. t
th. ,arsonEz; f : has returiocri to 1ta:re
sma in Exeter.
:Airs, Wm. Kirk enjoyed ant r#uto
to her daughters Mre. 13, Rundle'
l:zc ereleer ttaa iaralne celebration
at ti M ,.
I. � tial
r3 � axaa ,Jaa$y � k'h .li s srar*°
aF t C$ g,n
r � k
lr �
"�el:S : tarCla rr taRlreli a'. "C.'E�l',. '1, 'fir '�4 hick ; ^. ..
}� situated in the constz-
._; Victoria .E:iospilai, Lpndoa.
01 Commons for so many years,
sans Lni> R uta at
it B;rr Irigham,
quest That
k Quiet, Felt
of Sial , is ,
letl30ry Sizn ltite eons
R Se
en; Landoll Are Attended B • Not-
ables ables Jo Official Life.
ow eltizens
BIR si1C;;IIS tI, xtrly ?'., - Joseph
Ohamberlain ; Unionist the lrauisrxtast. leadoar,
�' for TI3
R` �'G oecaiir8s#d a ItTraaa3r
meat positioe in British lit'
l• „
buried yesterday day its; iTioelrin,� 4.enae-
Mr, Cteorge..fieri ints tautened
tuency hs represented in the house
�; is
1 � Iii?
c"t i;�.
2L l�
} of Grantee, tvho ?ra
er daughter firs,
rias# .ti salt ,rettlin
Poe/er On .Til
Mr, and Mars,
ily of Mitchell we
-the tillage ;: St,
•... i „ and
crawls tic rim ar?a at
r .a few daytu last. ss-
Artiste ifttheert Ntar;
a;t G rales Bend,
l'liadelipe awl At'taster "3larvia
art nttiQlrell arc at l'r•escn'
at4dialt +tbear varrsttioat with frieed
elite.; Viola Clark
'rslay after upend
ria?t =frseeds jam, gragter;
awl Arra. ljaavid
ar: day and Friday aviu
ltliitan Balfour our apea t
ttnaday with friends In prat
ka*r Std'0,.
acid faro -
Previous to the buriazl a anetttorial
eryic e was held a 3r t/a, A
la ra
Clsure. ,
„messiah which was attended by the
Lord ;mayor of Birmingham, the
rpmbers of the, efainaeil g;g4 ankh,
srr ei i'ie dig hitaries.
Apart troatli the cl. b
mourners at both the
°Ana. :
iaqareisteil s4afellfi
the Chamberlain fauAinly^„ tw
statesman had extaresseRt the
that his funeral should al be free
Bing public nature.
alta:ln could, 3r+e�?,:eve'A'.'prevent
end of the citizens t Bra among who* osepli Chem.
„ popular hero,- from lin-
blob ilie .irrneral
lotion to rRe eat Horne Rule
rgci ..Fans,IS
O' h tits .,fast •) ? , r,,,. a a i a 1n
:rir s Mott ^`n
y de Br. s Suppor- dizss iYalIer, Dan
se of Lords Are Snow -
aaos;--Jnd :r zr r i"Iaio»ast ;l'ee's, Who
Plan to 1sasexaci ;,i eitsura3 In Com-
mittee-- 'ewe
onalnaittee,.-C.'z'ewe Urges a
g Conference '
of Leader,.
1 E>ON, July 1. -The Hoar
Se o
irn'ds yesterday passed by 210
the seeosrd re r " b tol t
di .>
a ri o
bill 1
amend the Irish. Home Rule
of :li t13'{tuu ('$lost " , l,,t3t1th
Vst'airt of s'a• ,t„,8. _., t'ztit' t 5i lterx
Sl , -3 F i
2es. Down onontto^ua:lr:.
4.it'l 'i'oo Terrified .to lived
Is t tie
Advice to 3uxnp.
f `yORQNTQ, July i. -„- One pe:;'son.
was Itilae£t araw/, six: etlif ,s E'scaRik?dt
a death by leaping' to iia,:t ground when
slant the ll€3RRse of forts: would
Pass the bill in order to amen 't
committee, -.d a in
. tn was a. foregone .corzClia
sloe, but there was surprise that on1
ten die-hards" could be found, t
vote for Lord W llo
d ro ,
sr ran
5 lc
motion for 0
s rejection.
re e
c , n ii.
The ldarguis pf Crewe, la winding,
p the debate for la Government, the cod erzn*nerat,
gad the Opposition to anal
ee that there would he no cavil via -
Ireland, even I the tail/ was
ended lotally e eihdlug sten.
Mmlag the possIbill4 cif a, soln-
'eneerenee it dropping. rte
i it
bill hrealting dawn the
_ *s »o14 " waft tq ,
be a ��e
would be impossible ter
t, to accept lit but.
sierra staerlllefs
WO n .4/a=xio8us SCD:
to lee, he said,
di not hesitate
n Redmond. the,
der, Sir Edward
U ninoist leader;
4 two or Harrel
old get together
Angli ' for SAM
alit than :aur,
tett. notice tai
a s handed lag
salon from,
rnottiC�.. cca "ii0d 3 .
b St.�x,xr.l E's`n .tie
Maclennan avenue /lull just
north o, the C r ., and 3
!l;'l't. ta'«icats.
ed directly in fi;larat, of the ens thoaud
y , afternoon, 2°.P_. freight gout, l for
S. .a .• Miss l 'Waller, of London, ii..
aI; her father, Principal •ii ;liea°„ of
raiz College, London dei'.
Powell ell and ,1»'s.. Powell, of To,.
o; Sa. n ei _Kennedy. obab Xeur.
girlstwo w
»c€ka, nxai, narrowly
The ear com meiase i to Climb the
sill at ta.sL
akled ?it
way treattl
y;lee *that
laic. head.
nn the bruit
lly° ba.chtt
bR heavy
la Ford r8p,
!with relatives
totting relittiveti
Roy Geiger, Is V16'11114,
AO. Geiger. le ViSitilag
Mr. and atm,
Nona Schlibe who simat
w. months 'At Broadhagen
, Dot Iroettler is visiting he
,Afr„ and „nrs, Fred Wawa
Jaate ler
DU*, and Mrs, W. rinkbeitor
.111ilverton. 'visited relatives Itere for
se; Sew days last Week and was accent -
Cr, and Mrs, Schellig and farmer's
Mr, and Mrs, George Schellig
Ontrolt are visiting reIativea
drab in 'this ,sectiar.
ad event occured on Wednesday
moan, of last week throttgla tbe
coma. Mlle deceased was of a bright
vail who knew her, she reached the
itsletant Member of the "Lutheran
litter about two years ago The funete
ltook place on Thursday afternoon,
tinterment in the Latbersto cemetery
Aalie leaves to mourn her loss two
4anghters and One son.
ea few dee% in travistack last week
air, G. W. Hess electrician was in -
wearied as manager aiad operator of
;the Ilay ,Township Telephone 'System
Haying has commenced and reports
;from all over the Township agree on
. eact that tbe crop this year will
tirpass the greatest yield of the past
teed tire color is trich and eveu.
The 1,011 Paize list of Zurith Fall
Xair has been pleated and, dellivered
Whet attractions will be varied aria
ehe 'epeeding contests promise to be
abetter than evee Wedelesdo.y and
:Thursaay September 23 and «4 have
set for the occasion. The sore
Siete' is in good shape finaecially and
ein effort will be made to excell, all
with the burial
amberialn were
t's Church, we
Asquith, the
b many or the
the foreign
with a large
!pent in the
of the capital, a
After vi
°Me Rule
III make
rovItite oat
the juriadla
ry State
eat, whose
'mild require
e of speed, , and Was
abnitt 25 yards
--ay tracks. Tho
he, did net
he cul* Olid
the ./Galli„
and heitr-
ln ^k'When
twelve feet
ova, d
eta t
4 her
jag relight
air, lion Pe
cation) at his
weitier went to 14
their motorcycle .
la, ilarrar Sweltaer and f4
tul Bend,
s Louisa llatia of Cb
nZ her vaeatiou at hex
September Ilth to le'LE
-The 'Western Fair of Louder, Ont.
erio promises to be of more than osu-
sel interest this year. Already- about
'the available space has !been taken
eat) ',for exhibits, and ,entries are com-
Aug tato the general offices very tap -
is such (that "exhibitor§ and visitore
edike have full confidence that every -
taiaing will be done •to make it a great
asuccess in every particular, For the
Paul try de part na en t wen ty v all] able
eilven cups wilt lbe given in addition;
sea the regular cash prizes,. These
c.r 's must be won three tirnts before
- The prize list has been inertias -
'this year 'by el.500.00 Taw tormak-
,ComputitiOn will be carried oa
daily tn the Dairy Hell where ample
Proagnificent .elflibit will be placed
1.1 lthe Agricultural Hall 'from the
minion Experimeneal Farm 01-
tva. This Exhibit -will occupy all
isid6 Of the ,hall and b- very
antractive. The new Art' gs
*till he filled wieh, paintiegs of the
ghest order ntchid,ing. that famous
,000.00 painting "The Haymakers
IthetAlbright Art GalIeyr But -
hit). Ail ineormation regarding the
Setae( Hun t A 'dee
has men
in Londe.,
who Ito "0
with h
• site
at et
Oft ot,1 Of
ilurton ,y leave
itoin as conductor oa the O. 4.
Dr, Wan. Ca lea lof II milton
campanied by
;Moo visit to ds"lliner glair vie -
this week.
r, and Mrs, Thomas (Thompson o
parts at prcaent.
is the order of the daY
round ltere. It ia a fair crop.
Too late aor laat week.
Quite a number from here a.lteild-
ed "the marriage of Miss Feat] .Alds-
'cal h. to Sir, Leslie Bares of 'Bins-
aela at tbe .hume of the bride's par-
ents near Hayfield art Wedcesday of
Iasi 'week.
A. number from here sPea Dalairg-
ion .Day at Grand Rend. ;
eir, Joint Treibner has had his
barn moved and raised and it:teats
traild.ett, a cement wall under it. and
alakaits- aal up-to-date stable out of it
The council met pursuant to ad-
journ/tient the Reeve end eouecillors
Several corainneicationa were 4 -cad
and disposed of
The following accotints were or-
dered to be paid. Robt ;Mattel's grav
el acct. and spreading gravel rand
boys at gate $`48.50; An order 'Joe
'4;35,00; svere passed for each meniber
of the council on acet, 175.00; M.
Malan; openieg gravel pit lot 30 con
6 15.00 E, leauricey cutting weeds on
bighwaY Div, 1. 13.00 Chas, Jones
gravel contract div 5 105.3e; Ruse
50.00 W Langford do a..00 T -
Duffield spreading gravel slit' 5,
4.50; Roy Langford Iteam on grader
div 5, 2.50; J. ilfclaills drawing and
6ra-eliding gravel ,div, 2 18:00 Jas,
oak rep culvert sliv 2, 2.00; Albert
Niteeell do 3.00; Robt, Flynn do
8.00; A. Patsou work ClaindeboYe
drain 15:00 M. I.aetton, iclo 6.00; Hom-
er Lewis do 5.37; S. II. Ilodgins over-
seeing end work 15.000 A. [Patron
gravel eon tract L. R. Div 2, ,S26.00
A ',Patron rep (washout , 1,50; A _Pei-
rce ;,washout 11.00; A, Davis opening
10.50; Atkinson gravel coetract
Div 3, 12.S0; 1Tasket one sheep
killed 'by unknown (dogs 10.00
'The council adjemened aneet
eV. D. Stanley 'Clerk.
Too late ;for last week.
Mr, and Mrs, 1Vm. Morley epeett
Mr, and Mrs, tttm. Ogden lete,ted
at Ares, Ferrie at Prospect on Susiday
,Alr, and Mrs, Alloert Gunning- spent
sundae at hts brother Arthur's at
Mr, and eIrs, "fleeter ,MilItort elate
Sunday isvith her mother at 1/eviets.
air,' and Mrs, John Ititzletvood at-
tended the Anitiversary servicee 01
Kirkton do Sunday, ,
Mr and Mrs Wm Brool-s see 31t
Sunday ivith his eistet airs Free -
snail at Grainton
oughliy. age
village, near
• the road to her h a
Coroner Tborap.
opened Pax inquest.
wa eat
ON, JulY
herlain has dee
.clection in his late
e i now efts fox' the lireansgrov
div I of Worcesteraldre,
A 'wedding of much unterest to
Dashwoo4 people took place in
Saekatoon June 17th wheat alias
Mrs. Witzel of ihishwood, became
the ibride of Mr, J. M. Walsh. mita-
ager 3. la Spoors and Go, or sal-
katoon, The cereirtony eras perform-
ed fby Rev. A. 'W. McIntosh ax the
bride Was given away 'by her broalter
tired. in a travelling suit of navy blue
r 1 hat of block' jthadow lace
with cream waist of 'brocaded silk
leteneh Flowere. The gift of the
groom ao the bride 'was a liandsotne
pendeat of pearls and.peridots and to
'the groonasitnan a pair of gold cuff
links On ;their wedding tour AU-,
and Mrs, Walsh will visit Edmonton
'Calgary. leaner and other Western
centres: Her anany friends in Dash -
'wood 'wilt join ea washieg the Yesaug
couple isuccess in their -western home
and 10 long, prosperous lied hanPY
wedded life. Sirs...Walsh will he at
home lto her friends atter July ist
11;fa' Avenee F. Saskatoon, Sask.
Sr, 4th James Hodgert Jr, lth
Snell, Victor Jeffrey, Charlie
Jeffrey. Sr, 3rd Elsie Knight Reta
Pollen, \Nelson Runkle. Cecil Stowe
art Wilfred Turnbull, Ethleen Kay.
ir, 3rd Arthur Bundle Madge Doupe
tva :Williams Par, 2nd Laura _Knight
A.ntia Jeffrey, Dorothy Armstrong,
Gertie Stewart. Jr 2nd A.rabelle
tie. ,La Delle Kay, learrnan Doupe 1st
Wtilie Allison ..Eihee Stewart, Sine
Pollen, Sheldon Francis, Primer
Gertrude 'Knight, ICharaie Hodgeet.
Wilfred Allen Primer A. Edgar Run-
dle, Charlie 'Campbell, Robbie Tarn -
bull [slumber on Toll 37, average at-
( 11.1.L Coward teacher
Sgitte:V:d:ilit ,Ce ] , WOV.I.G.
h 1,1,ltiftekitavtitsei ;iv It a 1;0'41'1'1
alias Olive (Melling ited Neal'
Morelos; 'visited at Mr,. John Fester
'flog ihrout4h,
Mrs, Feank on itas
ter home itt Pleasant al ,11.
Mies Nellie Goodeet of Farkb111
eotISlintine in the village.
%lied open t the ;clay with ber contans
eses Mable and Catherine Masao
"ienie at St. Joseph's July ist and
Tort a geed time.
ilicleietc and eetilleat Clem
ent are visit:sag Mr. acd Mrs, Pat -
reek -McLoughlin ta London.
etr. at. NI arner emelt Sunday in
John Gooding ;Red frived Miss
McCarthy spenr Sunday with a ss
Grace ;McGregor in Parkhill.
The celebration ,n Epworth Park
on the first of July was a grand
success despite the threatening elouds
and falling showers. Tne concert at
eud.:Ip.ehitirlicther:anislirberM,se.ssrs 11.i0,(araeron
and Harvey Robb proved themselves
‘IlvearreolbduniDeupfloarat ha en dFier'srte.d
lifiss Tiazel Hicks is spending some
stiemsseionnt. home aeter the 'Normal School
Leht Buse -ell returned from
the west on Saturday last to spend
Ole vacation with her parents
The home team was siefeated
Ailsa Craig on Friday ,everiing last
The steote beingli to 2.
rreitawa-ayrtevElaitticghtord reached home on
Illis_s Vera Welsh of Tororao spent
a few days at tbe parsonage.
Cement having 'beea procured ,the
.,-..:„otemod,wotitno;ielithedd!r T. Nell's tiara has
Trusteeships Often -1
tiin the friend whom you
, appoint as the 'original
any Lifetimes no voice an 'the seine -
T' • trustee, hut you have
tion of his successors. '‘
This strong Trdst Company is permanent and fulfils its duties
far more effectively than is possible in the case of a private eXeC1.1-
tor. It is ever on the watch in the intereets of its clients and
through its Officers and Management it feels the pulse of the finan-
cial world as no private individual ean.
Call or write for full information.
intent II
od stated
ins and sec
been at work on
The indietment eharces the aeons
d with tut:mauling stones worth up.
ards of $100.000 between Veli.
d Aorii 3, 1012. Attempts
ateueed to sell smuggled
ihiSettY are speelfied. Roth
s he issued for tiler ar-
, it was announced last night, It
understood that they are now in
rmy Resent Use or Coercion In
asked Lord Roberts in the House
thoy were faced with a situation 111
WIllell the artlY bad indicated the
possibility of disobedience? The an-
swer was that this was no mere Poll -
cal aria's; they were race to trice
with a clash of principlea which
raieed a question far beyond the
realm, of ordinary por.tics at a com-
paratlyely early stage in the struggle.
Be warned. the Government that any
attenipt to use military forees for
the coerclort of taster would break
and ruin the army. Hi3 words fell
on deaf ears. The country might
plunge into civil war or might drift
into it, but evhlehever ceurse they
took it remained civil war. 'They
might inalte the position of the arittlY
yet more difficult by gradnatilag tbe
steps,. so as to give eae/a step a tall'
appearance of legality and reason, but
those stelae would 'none the leas put
them into the same abyss. Later it
would become manifest that force
was to be used for the sole purpose
of coercing 'Ulster. Wben that mo-
ment was reached the disaster to the
army which he foresaw would coese
British Official Not Guilty of Talang
Sides In Mexico.
EL PASO, July 7. - George St.
Clair "Douglas,' the British subject
held by Constitutionalist authorities
at Zacatecas was released yesterday.
His detention had been the subject of
representations to Carranza and, Villa.
agents here by H. C. Miles, laritish
vice-consul. Theodore Hamm, Amer-
ican consul at Durango,' who investi-
gated the case, left here yesterday to
retarn to lals post and report on the
Zacatecas case. '
The charge that Douglas assisted
the Federals at Zacatecas has been
withdrawn according to a telegram
yesterday frotu IVIanuel de la Vega,
Constitutionalist governor of Zacate-
cas state, in which he said Douglas
had been found not guilty before a
Killed By Train.
-TORONTO, July 7. -Geo. Coates,
who gave his address as Pennsyl-
vania, was killed by a train on the
tracks at the foot of Ellis avenue
on the Lake Shore road at four
o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was
found with both „legs alnaost severed,
his head crushed, and otherwise mu-
tilated, by Thomas Trams, of Swan-
sea, who secured police assistaeee and
had him retnoved to, the Parkdale
Hospital, where he died an hour af-
ter being admitted.
Reform of House of Lords
LONDO14 - Premier* As..
eet4;:3'C7,„9, roL'oourill timboen:reyseesn'tteerad at ey
e at for reforming the
Out l'en"
German Pair and Daughter
Grandchild Stain.
four 'wee Wiped otit by blows from a
axe in their home in the German
settlement of Blue Island, a suburb,
Staiday night.
ale victims were: jaeob Neslesla,
72 Years of age; Mrs. Anna Neslesla,
wife of Jaeob. 65 years; Mrs. Martha.
Mansfield, 24 /ears; daughter of
above; two-year-old daughter of alas.
BloOdy finger prints on the axe
handle were photographed. Search
was Instituted for William Mans-
field, husband of Martha, who Is al-
leged to hieve deserted here a year
ago, •a.nd for Michael Cherewinki.
The latter was compelled to Tecate
the Neslesia house three weeks ago
by the landlord in order to make
way -for the new tenants. He is said
to have uttered threats against the
landlord and Neslesla.
Acadia Off For North.
HALIFAX, July 7. -With Captain
Anderson and a large ,staff of assist-
ants from the hydrogra.phic depart-
ment, Ottawa, the survey steamer
Attadia sailed yesterday for Hudson
Bay, The steamer will make her first
stop, at Cape Chidley, making sur-
veys of Hudson Strait.
The steamer Sheba, from Sunder-
land, England, which 'has been pur-
chased by the Canadian Government,
arrived here yesterday. She "will be
used to transport men and material
to Port Nelson.
Borne Rule for Fihannos.
WASHINGTON, July 7. ---President
Wilson and House leaders have agre-
ed substantially on a bill granting a
larger tinea.sure of self-government to
the Filipinos. The President told call-
ers yesterday that he approved the
bill introduced by Representative
House insular affairs committee, but
Jones of Virginia and raod.ified hy the
made it clear that he did not expect
the bill to be passed by both Houses
during the present seselon.
Shot Man, Not Moose.
NORTH BAY, July 7 --Albert Mar-
chand, of Griffith, Ont., was shot
ad near Hearst by a companion
named Bouclaey or Romford. ; The
two were membere of a paety of land
prospectors, wile .had been out three
weeks. Their doge raised; et m,00se
which WaS at bay, and Marehatnel and
141 e
o Hese
a The India
' Aging with late
g an officer
tias, and 'with
e of
oath wo ganae wardens
inspect tbe Intlitta amp for
band skins, aud some beaver
)e 'ere found. One of the broth -
era in a rage started to shoot from
am:busts and injured both game war-
dens, wounding one in the wrist. The
warrants were issued and tlie arrest
effected yesterday.
To Look For Hulls.
SARNIA, Ont., July 7. --Word was
ecelved here yesterday that a survey
Parte will patrol a eonsiderable por-
tion of Lake laturon in the vicinity ot
Gotierih, where some of the boats
lost in the disastrous storm of No-
vember last are supposed. to be. The
canadian Government already has a
survey boat in that neighborhood ina
vestigating reports to the effect that
the hulls of the steamers Wexford,
aleGaan and Carruthers are lying just
To Fiend ror aluerta.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, July 7. -
John R. Stillman, who while acting
as U. 8. vice-eonsul at Saltillo, Mex-
ico, was imprisoned by the Federels,
wilt plead with Constitutional leaders
to spare Iluerta's life should I'Vfaxico
City be taken. and Huerta captured.
Mr. Silliraan, who Is returning to Sal -
till° as the representatives of the
United States, at the headquarters of
Gen. Carranza, made this statement
here late yesterday, before continuo
To Force Local Killing.
CHATHAIVI, Ont., July 7.-A pro-
1 position was brought up at the meet -
ing of the City Council last night to
inaugurate a movement whereby all
of the cattle and hogs for home con-
sumption must be slaughtered at the
local ', bbatoir where there is a Gov-
ernment inspection and thereby pro-
tect local cansumers from diseased
meat. This 'will be investigated and
reported upen.
Fatally Hurt By Machinery.
ST. CATHARINES, July 7---liman,
uel Bernhardt while attending a ma-
chine in the erntario Paper Co.'s mill
Thorold yesterday, was eauglit
the machinery aed both arms and On6
leg badly fractured and 'mangled.
Bernhardt, who also, suffered 'severe
injuries to hls body, and. has a hole in
,phiitsalh,etabdisis'ci7 exPeeted to r, ec°Yer‘
Ha is note in Van General 'Marine Hos-
HALIFAX, KS., July )7. --Tele-
phonic ,commumeation with Prince
Edward Island, on a commeeetal
basis, was formally inaugurated,,lus
night when Premier Mathieson
from Oharlottetqvn to' Sir Rolaq
Borden at ,Idalifitiefor about 1
t4T0i441.1' Ow ea '
has 'he