HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-7-2, Page 1i Z att`nTY- NE 32 dies I e Lace t31i1T3 c1iIC 'II Collars; Beads; Tanga Ties; Fahey Purses and Frills and Laces': ,1- ci oidery' ords Beetle Hand Bags; 1?lair Sum Goods Crepe, Fanpy Crepe, Rice Cloth, .eller, " :1: df d ord, 113, Daus all all ll tx s., ,allies Sz Childs o�.ed OutingDresses; Underskirts; 'rap Coats and Suits. Gents sf Rate. tlztps, Shirt% ler(s, L'Irjmnas, Night ti Stiff idtate« 0 Mugs tllars, Zee, atlas* Uau dercV ens Boys Clothing rets lot, of et mem stuite .for Men w4 Boys Vitas clang fee the hot weather. eady4o• shite A real at eo lot solei chem, fl4ttt heat at your own Intl}go-, i.nti bliurie, is tl .ants anti shapes to ho d bay year %neuter hings 1:1plEtlkCY3 « e rt,iios, euvttsit PH3C:418 JONES RHONE • 27 A PHONE • 27 B . ET YOUR' SPRING HARDWARE WANTS A rid save money LAWN MOWERS Our Prices are Right W and B Mowers, from $4 to $6.50 Black Diamond, from 7,50 to 7,75 Grass Catchers, from 1,00 to 1,25 Grass Shearers, from 25 to 50 cents Hedge Shearers, from 1,00 to 1,25 Lawn Rakes, from 25 to 85 cents Poultry Netting from 2 to 10c a yd. TBereett Windows from 1,00 to 2,25 ,Slurtain Stretchers from 1,00 to I;25 Eilber Elected With., Increased Majority 1 The election passed : oft quietly as Monday. The very disagreeable wvea they made it somewhat difficult to get tont the vote. Following is the results or the el- ection in 1911 and also of 11Ior-day The outside ,columns shows the .re- sult of the 29th. 4 Bilber Zeller USBORNE No.1 91 44 2 54 63 3 103 3t 4 49 69 207 207 90 EXETER Screen Wire from 10 to 30 c a vd Mal' Screen Windows 25 to 40 cents Paints and Brushes • 0 Cedar Mops at $ 1.50 Wizard Mops at $ 1.50 0- Cedar Oil at 25 & 50c Wizard Oil at 50' cents Liquid Veneer at 25 cents. Dustbane at 35 Cents FURNACE WORK AND PLUMBING a ,s Hardware and. Stove Store ?u o rE - 27 A. S0111 HUIION BASEBALL LEAGUE, THEY STAND PHONE • - 27' 13 F !✓A`s1LS/,A .q ( P,XJ( ,lJ EZ>T7.LI.t , ETEra • OREDITGal 'ON -2 2' al LOST. rEit LF' l 667 U6 i 5 0 0.' 250 No. 1 37 32 2 85 54 8 '.. 52 43 4 33 257 149 246 157 103 89 Maj. 20 Dilate* .Zeller' 93 49 03 40 53 (17 40 67 22S 229 59 84- 27 64 58 62 • 54 36- 18` STEPHEN No. 1 66 21 2 4,5 15 3 80 31 4 87 45 5 '41 '42 a 6 74 51.' 7 33 51 8 58 20 9 03 43 54-7 325 Maj 222 HAY N0.1; 2t 41 2n 45 59 1(➢9 4 35 91, 5 26 46 (i 55 56. 27 29 12 43, 253 4(3 207 t oderich to, 16.1 Tuekersrtaith F4a,yfield; - €12 ien�all : Stanley 185 Exeter Com Th iCourt & Revi:aion w�w•as lrel4 the `1`Pwvn .£ta11 rridey e=;°ctaic;; lac i9th just to correct any appeals agasu the assessment roil for into mean» tiers Present John Taylor 11 W, Heavers and John Hied , llitad Reavets as chairman, The appealof Stave her name, ,esu ent roil lar tris. that 11r, Taylor Airs, Boon, tasking :to inserted an, the as- place spl ce of 'w,, R. ley- The appeal of Miss Jotaas-;asking, to ave ,her takes rednoed. The sone as lowered $105 3Ie, James 13rint3t01;apiaealt l cave 'pais Nosiness tax rstteck off a sae a.^ -os out of hasine. Davis Ilota'FStoo. and Beer a aaalael Co ave- f1Zcii- niszt•ssocent thong had disposed of 'their iro- x woet . ^ianr-a.e*, stria. The rand, they ' a faiav /11P tnxz-13 if MC' ttaosirvr, eta b l7e.wwtrs--.Carr'- "1'haf °li." p.atst Gln cowsrt' h`t`,iz.4-: 'feats cc:r°clt, C a ried, Tian caiaitieil; nal t tiro- Tlow nada � evenit n tTa,• '� a sl i rr,i IM1Ix` s of the- per ". ;esls t ec flog ^re d anal apptroved. f -t.4 - '.1«� - re all presenf, Communivarrorr •.a' s. ot` maolioe Hoyle Deo r*utstiolrk of ,gasoline e 1 P`re and 1r.srlat C4tu.. with; Prttr cr t3 pct. G',arried. Ca3utarpaunpa?tion wvas. received vers1 from 1fr. C. C, 110:hell: ar Berne, re has nting or w.9;ater atnk and Thar., rack Ffind Trartoni tlaot `the Cleric nrl Mr. 'lhoehall din'-- 'or•4 Of taadlti �xaat ak r"3 -'k a stt'�r+s'- 'l, tri to hive Stat s,t Took «l r 3 i f { i1n.I xlci 'aarriied. chttt Wolfeai 1313 the Coa';t- Iiia. he f3oa aa3slao4 ,with two 3r3nd3 t d fit sof 1att rep3 3io s etc. lla> e—U I Tea rh,+t lh tA r3t3at3t tee; a.tata rrptaurs lirtlsort orf flea,ace co3t3 rocgs:iccnsi tla'tt �tccsr.Yat fa cis nt itt3lt aa,#pval:la' ratter tfi rw�ead, lltnry 'lint'w-lvr street. aoatt:ed " nit: jobs Gill to'i----' vi,=■4�nirs i«nett Charles Tillsoir rnm.'att ` ,R1R Bell k4- eshoa a account 20x3,' Thos 1'Tontclltts v.rr,t*t >'tit°att'' n 19;40; d03t,rs 'fL 1tlsoy ear 1 �fi: w Tt T.a,ve t ;t e, 19.;�fki dtlaa iiriritr slo 13,7 5 Plectrii I IAt Co, it o 103 co .Inmes ,Ter1'at*ll ala 1,20 A. G.1!y-' tr rt t wnr e71 li0; T,ibtwtry Board re 1. n l purrh,vi - 390,08, ,Tera .fell labor S 0f): Cita Oe m to tx„ n.0fl; Nornst nt: freeman. do 31,40: Thor 'rrot o'tt da 1,1~5 Divill Russell -do TSR .5. Tt.•tradford to ° frfl: idn„y S,arait•rs do 4 .20; 'Win. Cillcspie do is alias,-Deaver-ts--That the report o.r th" finance committer b' forested. rind that in` futnrt all remetcry :tic- counts 'toe first passed obs cemetery hoard 'before beinft preaeWted to the council for payment. Dose ITind— that the requosL ar :%tit T. ArrrnsLrentr to have . -eater works extended from the ,eor- nor of 1V;tterloo Streef to G. T. Ii. property be trra n+,• d for 1 i'; , own use only 'he pay .6.00 per annum. '(Tarried, Gibbus evaporating company ns,4ced. for privilege to store barrels in the. ,rpoer hart of the power TTouse build inn Bind Tloyl,+'.. dhat they be grant- ed .game aa;t :a rental of ti.00 ezr ono:4th. .Carried. l3r.averc Doyle That Reeve Taylor Councillor Horton and St. 'Commis- sioner be a committee to inspect the teai` at dam with po�w-er.to act. Cart vied, y "heavers—Tlarton that `the Str: ve. commiissioners have a :crew hoard sidewvalk four ,feet ww�:ide 'aid on the wrest side of main 'Street "front 100 :it north of the bridge to 'the North ex, rre'mity of the preren't board lva3k (ferried. ' , ' Beavers—Doyle—That the council go down to see about drainage from Mr. 1Thos. Flynn's cellar and street. Harried. Beavers—Har ion—Tho- t the council meet the committee •frons the Salt) 'works a't the Salt Btock on rTue uday ever ing June 23rd a' 7 p. m. re ,build iag a water main across the .Grand ' 'Trunk •track along WIrelli•ngton ` St. Carried. 'Conseilidf l,tx �':a rritaT, rcaltfe0— \V Ott. ra�f4'rT"a* -3 Hind—Horton—That report of-ptt:>' lie ww orks com re Mr, Deavitt's com- plaint re drain'tie 41ccepted and- that, the Commissioner be instructed 'to proceed as per report '-Carried. 58 30 53 14 51 84 7(3 46 49 2A ev, Powell Preaches' Farewell Sermon Exam. o� iYLirria Bev. E, G, -Powell preached his fare - ave ll veru on Tat 3fair Street ?ifethod- ist church last Sal h:aflt evening. 114s exi' v. is taken front 1 Cor, 3,7 a'nil `. 21 and 22i `io their ,neither is he that nlante`th ansthir•;S,- teither lie hat swatere>rj;; hot God, that 8iw'cti;; ZhL- increase" Therefore, let 410 man' g10)*S in Meal For all things are 1 voaars; 1V Nether Pa=il or Apollo,. or oer4has or the world. or dire or death, or ihrng4 r'resent, or thatgsto come :ll• are y.tirs,r + - Th orae'tlxene' oaf Shay Ap t,1e P-ul Od roestiom fit Do Beoxo verl y xto ii.rorncted `'fro so- Jr, to'Sr.rat Honore Leen ria f 77; Clifford. Mallett 76, 11•- Boy pe 7€. V. Hari -lei -I* 75 G. 7ledforri 75i .s x3 ers— . Carona 73;Clarence Motley 72 Venda Arte 71 '"Violet ,Mallet. .Oft; ', i1'i,+ Davis 1'43; Bruce it ver-. ; Dr '. ght 62- I'agL•sne- $l01' ,. S -.as Lt «.o r< et i e- exaroinat oota V,aspe teater o :the rAza tueucemezat of ti¢xsmis ; 71 Z is man's glory. lost through „sin - ozntie 1Lar"tie� 70; rlo,w•ard re Faixaed 'throu , . n�a „ 70; vin. Reddm -- 'Tel.' k e rhe ,r ;, er9„ ' ui a LIa, it 1,attic-sole zF t p 1 riWence, w �e.?nt ;� , 0 1 r. st lll.t* 3 s. airs contrrtotte�; to the ,.•ell :fare I B,,,,drord ei jessle AiilvVelr -A ak Clip Ii' of p api e '1";: peryear to a l• 1'xoZ Ilooeu jdfo - Z f11 r , k : x Yaafaaz: latvis 79: G_ reee? asM `:i3. a el) 7k.: is 1 } c -Aoy 69;; L. Br/ ala It 55; C. fjord Pl,w- 1iEt: Rt..ra;aiaii;*o i d C.'i -:- o:=it, „xr et 2 'Doom's.6`i^sn'17aaay tr alez?o_ y .! 7l :.s.� L � .til r'�"T1a tq a,,.� '� 1 -. & �•: t �.� . _k .abrin enrC0.041 9 ,i tr years '?crone rl t zendc- 'iF!dred Woos t 5 a if 'rriri.g this letter Pazt1 had resag1 • 1 Nis At•o u 56, .r, 2ndto jr. la d h4 a,'torate at Corinth Eltxratti..-- srdPowell39; Caltil TWO I'M, bed Metl. an• -a a•<-41rIe edl(n S. a lttl 1dr1a 79I :�a .1R➢at iit�a' taata8�v � ra•atit,�, ttL' lt�a,l ;:'F:aL::f:;t,r7St'!T.,.(;44'eC;etN:;L:;;7TVTli,.5:ria.rt' aat a�£a��''�"�k4dsltl7R.z td °Ira€-a;ti 'flraatl t., fo.9r"'7ma " R its `1 11 5 l;w,e tf fah" laolla3s„ka.a.t limdplsir. Al Ad4* 1,sa^. ei ''l4r '41,'113, Qrt tl#to- IaAlis IliD�t,•ata rt ,1'.i-'h:'tc orf:'�r in- ' "iter. "def #� ministry in all churches most rlsf lacy fl Pard f t-,; Onc muss plant arra 'situ -r hBrant- r" 3o- y Da riivaTt 7 9p, f'irirr i( :r- —,. -i' Q rre ,a,nf,nn (10.i s ;a stf' i,',r tallow ting 1:--v 11r' car. aizl'tFs� a;)e5a 1, k?3fi, �'nni�Tt# T� - .,i r 1ax?orF• ro mr aracrrss;,�r r, "hrtl>rwcr fih w . Tilt sptatt.t r,, :o intrlaisils t„ rat;I.'O car era ar tan waf er: is t,nrl in 1t•K OW,.4 gal to, 3x -3aech tli, 4acnrl a^nal 11 in "aattAl p !"v- ar, rite• CrFoe,S 1,tnsii ams Chrs t. i f 4:vpd hare ' ate d, t,, alms. h :hash I+jatcc•d 9 era vat p 3amotra, lie Chad 1(' r9; Aa ifr tv bl£b ; too 1144 o llrtlitl xupa ;0haa aettr land ttaad 1 A' -- . 4iit a: "t !organ 3e rl lt'£' � as d t3fi31° a"1 30,. 14t3t i3 '1'«o- 'roe 7„;): ,s e - r 4tr,t i .t vf...ou z{1• h r f.`" T6 6 • t 1 e•fster 413; 11` tw3 6II7yy1` 3Dat ta�lir aar3t a, ate rtt14 ltd..hoot beet there, 4o- s 3313:Tho-' 333ielist1't of tla,' 1Taarl o eh era mirk' hit u'ctf"ail t`I T1+a a~,ponl:rr bald h+r 1 -t eel creat montories of ,hia3 relotiov3irpn ywartl3. flit Infnrrsterix,orf 'Ph1. 1ttowr•n attar. alt .actotionahtp bade Ireerw to frit+r..<1h o33rr. As inn narater' they hardrrl- %t tare sseen alike hitt h+;, anal '.rata uliiaf1: itrat it war'as in the? tt.•uh +t.1,,r-. -- or. €1.e ei&33(eti that itlrev sohoatld 'N' %l er,, .mill alortr- ditforc' tt frank �vtr,+ all breibrenf ,In tlae 0a3tr3- ii•nw, of t*ira.An ^ 4., Rif Mr. Polvell s•ti'i ln„ kn' w theme aware ' " 33 pn °the to wr n rho d'd not love himr'hot yet he thous ht l'a was .eine.. lore without an rremxt We ell .ntn1co mist;alkes aril blunderrc filet aw•e intuit leave 'them fell to (Yod, are turn over another page itt lift's lalaata+ry said 'fi'. T'srn,7lr P.' amts. Irma fnnoil}• a^0ultl always look^ 1 nelc uup on lour years, tivith prlea'ure nn,T r•wnTl ri°9S't:T7htrinee and ho 11t11.ved+ Iha,rct utc not n hence in caneection title ±lie church Hutt lie cortld not i- � cr r•+rntne 7anc1:. ;and iue a wrticnrne asst There had been ,no rpirnrrreemerf or` hitch. no n'al and worrl 'that Isad nr- #tred their ear's in 0scaua'd front tlreir tsps and he had heard 'notbin het' pr -der. t`nwarda himself. ,azul family Tlie speaker said lite had looked over past toatr years in order fo see re blunders. haad been made a rid h" the blundr' he eorald also set e successes. Dnriripg the Trost veal` ,, ft attar fit�[�Ertl tN jai, Clytic3 JE e4ffai 3 1 r1112`;t4efri44 Comae Vora rider a " fT '44r�3' Uedd. ' Willie Erma. Mildred Uarvt' +CzmmIIaa3�sen IMO 1 "ro Verittr Roweliff.e. "� rt,. Moran, a 1 174Priat Walker' f 3Tearvtag teak er. t tie rl; ia o-1 'Leel x_ aS,; M t3c'Sozz e074: 211 atta`m6aTI n6,ifrsll i_ llr`. freta F..xt 81 43 ih Viola 3ren T Match* agar R 1;14die 'l''.1,an�.; dtv13rd Tray et 'tiara datg Call is{,try hr Ir:adter 'a �h tnr to �'ail,' hn eorefrrt+tl. 133 Ile ava4.a 3013313 ami ria+go.had 111111 a; hrin r 1#o- M:r1.414 . ir? 3alrr1 wsta3 to ualte 0' ,lrOUEd t43tros ttt(harlr�t+ lteaHaritOtfl r ir, , t 3 33 rk ut aw'i Cha n be church 1bad sereno some ;1200 on i-rx,.4rovements :end besides giving Mire $1300 they had some money in the i-roltur3'. The financial eordifions were in such a state that other encr- ch-4 had envied theta, - Snititually' the :speaker 'thought t b fhev•had gained a little .:arronn,d and If he was leaving and felt that they s had not he -would wish to be removed • Ili of Travellers Sznlr le til; Whal.esA.i1 Prices• he lot ':.3 .ti: till;' Towels, Underwear,, :Ladies White Uitt erskirts, Princess Slips, Co 4et '(acv- ers, Night Gowns, &c., Reck Bottom Prices on CI thing, Boots and Shoes BEAVERS.. One Dol- North Post 011be from ,the - ministry,. . The speaker spore of being called ® e ave 'a to the ministry at the age of. Si.csupply 'Tis early life svgs cursed because of :fp good the open saloont Be was :forced to ® i `�'i p pot him self through for the ministry ty1c.s and had vowed:that ever and always 0 he }w onld fight the liquor 'traffic with ®and . all his might:, ' At the conclusion of -Mr. Poi*ell's I r'rnarks 11fr, Sharp was called upon!. , Mr. Sharp paid fitting tribute to the ®► work of lir, Powell and ,to bis family t and stated that the more he s'.nr,w • of Mr, Powell the more he respected • hilar. Powell leaves Exeter on Thurs- A ain SPRING - UNPER.Ta'r`�, BAR Two PIece asect Combination day morning for Clinton where he ®' Baits %sill -take tip his mew duties as Secre- i s tory of the Huron County Tempera • ' ince Alliance`. file, is rot severing his „ 41. rotLnect1Ol S from} the mir_stry Tort is Also etsa keep on hand a Frail 3S1 3Q being , left lwvithoat a charge for the • Line' 01 Overalls 51 19 Will be Celebrated as usual Yeiza: During flak: pastorate he has endeared .himself to the people of Main Street church and by his fear- • lessness has won many .fiends in' the 4' town,. His ardent zeal for the cause of temperance has caused him to • clash with the liquor interests on numerous occasions but he has always b come through at the lop. His numer • ^ns friends in town will wish for him • success in his tete field of labors.' ' •• 45 54 402 286 197 21 30 17 11 61. 75 54 501 30 40' 50 42 27 24; S 56 263- 373 105 106 1171 O11 FPWORTII 1 -)ARI( • CENTRALIA by SPORTS AND BASEBALL GAMES at 10 a rn;. and 4 30 p. in - and a, STRA TBE°Rl-t FESTIVAL Begin- ning at 3,30 p.nl and Couejading with a Grand g n the tihe standing o1 the. parties on di-olution of, the, legislature ww'as, �f3t'Crt in the o be. h, ' Conservat ve`s 86, _Liberals 18 L�atcor. t ,'cg p. 111 .to be. 1 Vacant 1- total .106. ;teed >' by £ II, Canteroit The standing of the parties in 'the • new, legislature is Conservatives 83; Liberals 26 1.ndcpendent 1, Labor 1 'Total 111, • • 4@^ • FURNISHINGS We have a new and up to date stock of G3C3t5' Furnishings in the leading fashion hits in Hats, Caps, Shirts, Gloves, Collars, Ties, Unmt.e3-cvear,' Socks, CAGE, Ea RLV AND ET you13, CHOICE •••••••••aaooaaa•••aa4e ts • • • • �:t4044$y444944,4. •