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Exeter Times, 1914-6-25, Page 7
°I' 31 k„. ON E 16 WA BXErIPE 5UITA.RLE. FOR JUNE . You fled a viderange of beau- I io this store any o VIII make a suitable gift and eh appreciated by those receiving them are slt aw ing a PR pieces tltn. lice q.decoeoted With At Prat ro e. and tellwitb golds. '11i4' at ww igt?3fa' ati$11, )P I:'G LAMPS netrt of very pretty rill tg Price ft'a:tt i 11t Gee lie high prie CODS ralagta Qf 1 v, calatlle. w five arts five tO, Ol1ta€ase dltuet?t t' tl it >ww' a " liteOOtt roan,. t ! HATERS sit �aw and, eitaprs, wet: G ale& A new obil LASS Sales Iftat pel'pers, bon . hone,;. Pickles !ado ati.d water pitcheraa. e Can, save yQ14 money; if you boxy here, Get Ready for Tour aolidays IrEs ]t1 11. They t11s. n 1a, c STRAW TS lain nail sea netdattrctwwio, : 1 twwa obaapee for nen axati taaayt atat3 at St- niw1$1'r, 1 OOF ti $1UR be r1 a1ut take your Vacation e ata to IMiTt a .o o pa of axi arc° suitcase. `Eley are Wear t Eeei WO, TORTS at clot 10, oat! 0 sin s1'"s and =UN "HIE sgoEs ait1 'wneed gas before y tx l ca tltaxetlta, oxforde and cluck. o i wwraY. WO il(wro a big user tw skin, They tv:flt bo mini 'worn. sl1t lu different sizes. Tho this aertalau. tet a pale while we rl+cos alxca right« aayo t As man3r Fords were sold in Canada last season as all other makes combin- ed slogan " The Uniwersal Car" and it's 3ron cap made in your Counk, ti Six hundred dollars is the new price of the Ford runabout; the touring car is six fifty; the town carmine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ontario ( formerly Walkervitle post office), complete with equipment Get catalog and particulars from Wes, Snell, Agent, Exeter, Ontario. Market Report --The following `~ i;a the report of the Exeter market re,ted up to June 25th -Wheat Standard 98o Oats 40. Barley 5:0 to 52 Bock -wheat 50 to 60 Peas 90. h'amily Flour 2.70 Shorts $25 Bran .$24 a. t Creamery {3Estz.er 25 ? 'Dotter 19 Eggs '20 Low Grade floor S1,6 Cl :cin ailare 17;. !lens alive 10 Roosters alive 10 ' Rooks alive 15 Turkeys dressed 1;3 Dried aoptes, 60- Potatoes 7:3o, does S7135 • 1 • HALF liOLIDAY AGREEMENT ''re, the rttidersiga?ed merebo..tts F,f he village of Exeter„ agree to cl3se Places oG topirea2ss' at. 12,30 p, In- v y n..«eryThursday' daring the trerrrtth,s of Fiuly and August) B- F '.ea,wwers,, adg Wte ` 1 Trane S. Alantin frq 590,., 1aho WT , Beet The,: Exeter' .Tirades 'l^,ite� . dvsaraat:e V•riAtin J. 414. iSteww'a.1^t, Jranes d rAlay • , j. eARpq mK..n fr, Ilalli wvia'ati 40n: U, S, as?kmeaa rt Bayle SALE OF A CARLOADOF 1I1 GRADE I3GI S Mr. o Camer arc will sell bypublic auction � OTI SATURDAY, ATU `Y JUNE UN � 27th At 2,30 a'cloel t sharp; at the ware rooms of Wes Snell; " a car'load of high grade buggies to make irovi� for his automobile business. Do pot neglect this g op- portunity to t ; ug p y.. get one of,the newest .arid up-to-date bug-. r practically 3oir•oao figure re, ,f:? J r *par**aroar.4111.104 t4It *t*411)4** A. t;taww? I«ilk alt ci your that Times* alltsixt notice,, Grad Afro. John. tTFalls of Md- dtllinls were the goes tta of 'plc, and :►leas, I G, 31e14e401 on l outlay. so Ehlers s tab. •A.Xr«. fM 111Ar.twiax. ll. of Windialt spent lied week, Claes bras rota> c41 !tele at S}Al?1Ga. Calftita Ia1 tor►„,,,, aI e of the Lral:rw II 41ng nn Tuesday, ttlitlg iIrritations g can, supply You 4s Ii. P. PlYRte 4111 uncia .lost, visit! r, 3;i!l'. F'lynn,of AL Boyle xn aiittlr'd tiirg otter +spiwdcli a'taopts oC waeal io Totems!,. i'tlr. 1), Mills and Ades, J. J. 1 and little son or Guelph visited ' 10 Exeter one day latah week* lbw. 'icer "xt'":ctland ;pram lied, tit Csn trxlia, last Sabbath morning and 3 tl, $ou.theott 'i hallo evening, ass. Street SnridaaY Behead have cicta'd to .hold their annual piece Cite, to Grand Demi on Thursday 3uly l,Gtla, 1Trs. llfcl)ona td and Utile scan, oC Des Moines 'Ohio, ore vislti•ag with the: fot°nmer's parents 1tr, and ,:Ctrs, John Snell. Air. Clang, Dirtier has returned home after spending a week in Que- bec ar s delegate to the Grand Lodge of the GO. P. 1,0ST, Pox. bound, Ditch, color Black and Tan, with ^white breast and white front feet Any one ktow ing of same, please notify*. W. johns Exeter r, It C. Burton, of Iw.lirktan wall rrreic•h in,,,tamcs Street church mist Sabbath The pastor iiev, W G. IL Mc Mister lraaahing anniversary ser- mons for 3Tr, }3urtont The ladies of ;Caren church will hold a raspberry festival on Mr. Christie's lawn July ittit. Weft served /rpm 5 to 8 o'clock Watch for fur- ther particulars; .Mr, J. II. Cameron, of Toronto and Harry Robb Pianist have been en- gaged for the ladies aid concert in Centralia, on the evening of July 1st ` Everyone should hear him! Hon, B. L. Borden plan, Geo. E. Fos- ter and Born' Adam 'Beck, will be known as Sir Robert Borden Sir Geo. i! osier and Sir Adam Beck having boon created knights in the birthday List of King George. LOST -On Thursday afternoon June 18th on William Street between Harvey's Mills, and Dignan'. "black- smith shop a pair oP' Men's Pat, Ox - lords new size 9 Finder kindly leave at Times Office. The annual Garden Party, of the Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Memorial church will be held on the Rectory lawn: on Friday, June 26th!, Mr. Ru- ral), entertainer, of Lodnoti, has been engaged for the occasion_ 440444.4.***T+i"!> ^I!* ***!'* • "DOMESTIC " • • First —' ',HE -- Bast 410 • Perfect Combination • • Sweeper just the thing • • for l eeping your rugs (• • carpets clean. No taking : up carpets. Ne dust while sweeping. Every home should have one. SUNNY POLliSE heir cleaning and polishing you felt siture`the best. yet. Sold by R. N. ROWE Funeral Director F4xeter. - Qatario VILONF '90A 44.'4#...+0•** **apes•*aaa** ap 4 * ar. 4• • el 4 a Baseball No hits, nc1 rima, no errors, was the. brand of balk the Exeter players put. up when they visited Centralia on �wfortday night to play the first game a the league series with Haat team„ ffarriogton. the Exeter: pitcher was the big surprise to Cheam' all. In the first innings at bat Centralia connect, ed with the ball sornewhat but the first thea men Were pulled down at first. fa Exetero first at bat Jaeksoin for Centralia fooled the boys and they Went out -alone, two. three order. in tete second iaanangs Campbell for Exe, ter got a walk wad when trYin` to etealsereand theczatcber threw the bale, over second and Campbell scored; Af-, t ie Second innings Harlin:ton' tvirlapg was a mystery' and six, sva,il;e-' outs without a. break were entered up: Eeutrafia bad only two liye anew ora bates and both were walked.,'' The ,ante throughout was a.fine exhibition` t ball. It was called at the ettd of the seventh on account of darkness.' De>l w rpt, Llefic titowavrteix ,a, Westorry C001 Pr* SCRANTON so T Y.. : On Sunday last;• Sirs, Jas. Grieve underwent an operation at her home here.,; The= operation was perforated by Dr., Moore.• of, London and Dr„• Ilyndman' of towint Mrs, Grieve is getting along as well as can be ex - vented •Nnee Cap 1'racturea- Oa. 'T'ridiaY' ening last as •Ni -,, 'Frank 'Wrightl . was (returning home he :Sell on the side 'walk in�'h - alley -way of the C e y Central Ebtel, and fractured;. his knee cap in three pi uc s•`„ Ile wv.a11 be laid up for abo'u't six weeks, iln canscciu ence. ' The :editor on Sunday last, enjoyed his, first mess of new potatoes and green peas :this year:: They were hro•ught ;into the offiee by tier, Thos. Somie' 'of ,`G irnvilie who is ` always 1 among the early ones with garden• staffw The peas were fully :developed while the potatoes were a fair size., They' v'ere Las000 • an : rly atuxday •:.G � .,fU ,. .., xi.4,_„ ,y.WGstli.i....rn vY,JY :. , fi'Ia'�.I ttt win g Tto' tlatw lay wviaag `vas the line up,• - za; aE 7 TWo bass hft, liiitu Q.:Robinsonksalzl 1t1y1 2, HerrinS llt 1 t1L.tr Iw Trot balls, off JaauHit by e kstlaa: ai+ari'iogtonbIJ, (chill tl Left on to=cillo, Er4eter ztaad Ja. inaxn galx iwn:ang last a1i1. larosxgItt the 2t elt wt;ltTh the 111 a3eftwtwtixl the fro 4 40 2, in aaal altglit Catalog. arrlttgtotw Itad. littcesa a'trih Uartou got ,three hits arad d . Cive frown., Boyle the- ea ick with. a ball and laid sett Saturday telt class Arouthiv pubbsitcd '`thodist Book Booms oron. curs the Picture of a group ut' tbrallaaar.t leaking young men, with 1tr,, T, L, Iiauadford atorlrserly or I';*e- ter' in the centre, ',Glee ,picture iso on of Mr. xiiat,dfortt'a elatss At 111ge .. poll and the write n1 lax :ceatta;ct i Ia)w.s that Mr, Handford, is tlersa;,"' aaable work among 'the yonn.g naen of Ghat, hewn „4 Addressed the Ladies -Mrs, Grant; Needharxi or the Ontario Vomeres ':!crow eral Association, Toronto, addressed a1 splendid ,sleeting of Littera! Wo- men in Sealers Balt last Friday aaf- ternoon. The women were entitusias do in ,giving their' moral support to the platform of 2 tr. ,Howell especially in regard to the 'Temperance issue., firs, Needham carne from; Guelph and was on her way to Sarnia.' A quiethotpretty wedding took place at Clic homeof Mfr, and Arra, ?i. .,or to strong on {Tuesday anarnirg, ,Tone 23rd. when 'their 'dliugh ter .Afiss Ethel 'WAS united in marriage -to Mr. Barry Me0reath, of Lucknoww., !Tlte ceremony '' es_pertormed by -the Bev. W. G. X. McAlister at 7,30 o'clock a°.'tn. in' the Presence of the; irnxued-z late ;relatives and friends of the con- tracting parties, Mr, and Mrs, Plc Cxc;a:th left en the morning .train for. Detroit, and other western points a Id on their return will take up. their residence in Luokuow the Uhrtes joins to exteatdirat cotgratulations. Runnawvay—vat Saturday last as Mr J. McWilliams was returning from, the funeiat of the last Mrs, Cameron, with a load of mourners, ,.the -team he 'was driving ran away. Osie of the horses was lagging and 11r, Mc-- William's c-Williams 'touched it up with 'the Whip when it jumped breaking the whif- fletree:: Mr, McWilliams was pulled out 'of the carriage and was jragged. for some distance. His ',waist anti ankle were sprained and he was some what bruised about the tface and. other parts of the (body and, is. con- fined to his roonil. The ,occupants of the carriage were badly ifraghtencd: and shaken up; t 1 4 Ver 7!la ftt la wbat done thi* uiltlstbe' a great ianlaroveaaatytaa. to the' gue Leant it come of those raz4Arriatd 0 c.oaxlil be puranaad4 d to join it' k3ayle. rnactas ax sensatiou ellgailalg te;ass w Cease ka ww as at leis old trieb.s.. laoanne me hits if. Ford and W, 9ltttlaaaruw Ora steers in the box and 11raw cr'iiiaod. rn1a1- cors and "batter-. ' Cole showed ;araiaaof f1is old fort behind the 'bat-, The. score was 1 to 1. The, snaarriied mea getting all their runs in. the !. second inntrg ., Tltte game was Colled s at the end of .he sixth: on account M darkness, Tim married men intend to give them a chance to redeern themselves. Singles --Treble, c, 0; Barve;F, p. 0; Windsor, ' 1.. 1,11urdon, 2, 0. Ptdrsond a s. 0; Brad, ll. ;1"' , fi; Snein 3. Oro;,. Torrence, c, f, 0; Davis, 1. 1. O.-- Married 3•=•)tarried Men -W. Cole, c., 1; 11, Axt 1. 1; Tt s}3ople, t',. 1; T. Cret,,ch. 2; W. Statham p. 1.; ` Mc- Leod. 14 2. 1; . Ilowald, e. P. 0; IL Ford. s. s, 1 SneIJ, L 1. 0,_-7 led 4 sl A public meeting of the Women's Tistitute 'will be held at the home of Airs.. Dr, Amos, on Monday next June 20th at 2,30 o'clock At which 1lrs 1. M. Cowling Graduate in rimed: ine from 'the !Toronto University 'will ad- dress the meeting of our Coutnry's Assets" and other subjects A cordial invitation is extended to all women and girls to attend Mrs, A.Has'tn:igs Secy..'. • Underspent Operation. On 'Satur- day last -as Mr, W. R. Elliott, Reeve of Stephen was returning home from a picnic at Grand Bend, he was seiz- ed ei -ed with a severe pact in the sto:each which upon examination, proved to be a rupture of the stornacli, Ile was immediately removed to Victoria ilos pi'tal at London where he was oper- ated 'ort by Ors, McGillicudidy and Moore: His eondit:.,on is -quite ser- ious. but latest reports show him to be in a more favorable 'condition. ills friends will wish for him a speedy recoveryy,. Rowell's Challenge teThere are men and women in this hall g Province tl�roll Lout the,,�c1 cl t✓ who for a score and , r. and years or more. Iaab e pr�.<; v'ecI a d w rked for 1 ur The hour is here; the coming of this hour., the clock IaS struck. � have discharged my ;PS 01dtbllLt : it rests uO it your conscience. . liTllat will you do ? I'ye been . true yon. Utz. Will you be true to your principle and to me? : wood. L T— R jrn al, coke, . geed do g HSN r I+t e nfi g the tight u,d businesses that a •c iii! ikaed laUsing rave a vitality an ei lel l csscseed by shops and - ila dra e their service and acc.� it a aXi feti ww, s t1Zat it s ht into dw wra `�oiA1"ts3sw Lel! e it died coraw alt$ of icor the pubic corsze aid A NOTE TO tieing will go tar flpwwra, 4v sr tanners and wino t3 tiveanantaone inwwOatr e C4 laIesratbose� y tyou are now ym aaas w ANTS g the 1osaait, r once. I"ifty., prove au ex. to you. will Gee same sales - o eeYo a 4 AUieru an d'rtesda 0. 'Soathcoi:'t of :Tyr rel; Sys horidit s :at his aai1� wa^aas. Caere, Miss w. Heston Wog her ;parents l:. Hesston. tntilto tin for in 164. rs, iL Mas. Geo- 'Brooks had ane:wv po xttles for dinner Monday last gronce: h�L own gardex4. Dr Hewitt and :Hiss E. Dowof Tor onto are the guests at the home+ of Mr, and Mrs, A. Dow. Mrs ,tea }hardy ard Mrs, R. Fanson and two children ter; Tuesday for Clea 'west where they* will visit for sonic tixrae HAY FOR SALE—Standing clover. and Timothy, mixed in lots,. to , suit Onrchaser, Apply to W. Parkinson Lot B.. Don, ti Usborne. 2 W Mr. Jesse Delbxid a of ilanuota Man who has been visiting relatives tor the last two weeks 'returned to the west Monday last. The 'Times received a latter at noon to -day from Mr. L. 71. Dickson regarding Rev, Mr, Powell's challenge Owing to ;press of material we are forced to omit it- The t2The engagement: is aiinour,ced of Bliss Annie J•a'.ae Wren, 01 Her_sall, to ,.Norman Layton Brandon, of 't Marys 'i 'fhe marriage' will 'take place at ! oronto the latter part of Jun© A patriotic service coanmemorativer' of the ` Hundred fears of Peace be- tween d tween Canada and the United States will be held in Ca.ven Presbyterisnlj Sunday iSchool. next Sabbath morn- ing. • Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lewis and. daughter ,Verlyn, Mr aed Mrs, S. A. AleCallum and children and Mr, Ellis and Dir, Ruston, all of Lord,on, auto - ed up and spent Sunday with Mr, acid Mrs, Jas, Sweet. irhe James Street Epworth League held an ice cream social ort Tuesday evening. A sple,nd:d, program was given ai'•ter •whichice cream :and re- freshments were served, There was ' a good turnout and a pfcasant time was spent. Fail Oats—Mr, Cicero Aldsworth, of Exeter North this week showed us several tall stalks of oats which . he pilled `'from a field on'his property.. 1 The, tallest of the stalks measured three feet ten inches. The ' crops throughout the district areshowing an, excellent growth, lir, W. Warren heater, son of Mr to of ry for- merly and "Mrs, Jos, lin nitei. , :the of 'ir Sovereign Bank but now: Manager of the Union, `Bar.1>'at New, dale Man. was married: at Regina,' on June 20th to • Miss Frances Berl ;Hohittson •darzghter "et Mr, andz 15Ii4, , • Bolaiosm3, of ,,Birgit a Sask. sited to Shop. Removal of Owing 'to the sale of, the bulidr ow occupied by me, 1 will remover IY Wire to nay house oiapostie 11'b 13owe's furniture store after July sr. D13. McGIT,LICUDOY Auction Sale OF 1100,5 B, l . Phillips has received Lostrue..) 'tions 'tom ' the undersigned to se1 by public suction at" The Grand •Trunk Stock garde. Exeter Station - F= THURSDAY JUNE 25tH ' 'v At 1,30 r., u.sharp A Car -load or .Hogs all ages rear eluding a number of choice l rias mos., Terau s !Cash, Or four months cred-} it will •be°'given on 2urnishii:g aty- Droved joint notes bearing itteres`t itt five per cent per annum.,, Kinsman Bros. fli. s. i'hillsps Proprietors A.uctionaaet We the undersigned hereby agreav to sell a • ,package of Silver Tip Szleze matches containing '5 standard Site five cent boxes for twenty cencg•, Quality guaranteed J: A. !Stewart HOUSE FOR SALE House and two Ilots of land on the,; earner of William and Albert streets-,. The house is a frame cottage contains;, ing six rooms and, is b ine:b,cellen state of ri<pair.,; bard and soft 'matte. in the house and good cellar uucferto �i ne' t h Land is well u de aixer, several fruit 'trees and some snap•' fruits u s on the property,, Oww,-aer',j; rte: leaving town and will self at a Uure rifice toIr:xeearltex.y •boyApply pply t dle FOR SALE }l•ist Ilc� :nod biicIr veil: rea"hous�ri e _ on 'William Street Exeter, ` Good"sut•4• nation.' Price 1=.825.00 ' A, sn e Also Premier separators, 45.014 'to W. M.• I3Iatc'nforcd 1101 Morley Ave Moron -to,