HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-25, Page 5v.u.urisDAT Tun 26i- 014iT 1014444. College at 'Home 21ramaands or ambitious, Young + iletoole age fest pri i`It their own h.oniee to ocoupy.luer- ratlie itaisitione astenagraPh- .013 hookkeeners teletgeanbe Prittativil servent,hixi. feet OvarS, rve at buaineaa esetivittea, la alaY Itnicat a VOl-lean Etna o WWI Positions Iguarann + Enter collage 0113flaY, ividnal instruction.. EXe teachers. Wol/O-re -V i Or .enee. Largest teal Xte-1:6, Canada. Seven colleges e ,001al teettree tor teaoherst, iliated with COmmereiol E. lestsitional d_aeadation et Canada 4- '144Pr1er Scheol t -Foments Soot + naineras College Low** + oit • NO VACATION Clinton Bpsineasesollage GEO. SPOTTWAJ te 41.111.11101rat deity offiee. Sete, 14 TIAIP nr.41 Weed"' Erapr,le Tree 14;04,51, $5 "Advertiser -.1„ 75 W13,00$1 eel 85 Zan 44,4,14,10a4 84 'Tee iliENEXTeTe ealetiof t week. WIIVItt Ot It late Of eldingS tee 00 t 4014 oVio titer pair ,for • besnoy, wbom wementt issue has sold his pro tise to Dr, 3.1ol. he first of last we* •hfra, 'Chesney and or Renee Zlatal and ter beteg, aud to visit before 10- guer and fatally oe • 'village 'wine* d oz over 20 eeetre driends ts- tatioi to wish them pleasaat °ugh sr, •ioneeraut nL passe ek. "She 2zad reaehcd atbe oL age of over 'eighty yeers, And as wonderfully stuart for 0 ao advoneed in age until the past tear. when he bad been in failing 'sIth And -during the past •month. try seriously ill, Aire, lien - )(nigh leaves to mourn the loss lovixig mother, a member ot is And daughters, as '747ell as very ny kfriends and relatives,IrIIC neral itook place Friday at 2 o'clock. iderestill Union. temeterye ;Mr, James 13or-thron, soft of Mr. need Airs. James ilontliroa of this gageis now spending it couple of ovaelcs with his aged parents. atr, +nos, welsh m •tutoring good eboadwas.,7 with hts tinenew two stor- y dwelling on the west sloe ot the ;railway track.. it will be brick yens leered, with cottage roof and. will smoke a fine appearance, iJIe bazaar Judd under ,the auspices del Ste Paul's church, was one ot the ,ranost largely attended and most sue- Ocestuddield in our village bir, Sma1- eacombe's store in which it was held oisVas r.icely festooned and fitted up Oear the occasioe. and brilliantly light - and was well ifilled with alt kends it usetul and ornameatal goods 1.or ;strata; Ithat it was well managed by )the ladies and well patronized is ev- idenced by the „fact that the,procceds Intoned rue fine sum of $270.90 ape 163LtIe the ladies „ens.stet by a number , ept-the -‘geialetnen members DE the wonigregation, worked until a very elate hour on Saturday night, be it to their •- credit to report, that ,nearly *every one was la her or his place rat the Sabbath service the ',following ne3unday morning., .e zer1lI011 I -7i' I,- ild-rs, Henry :Webster, ot Preston is •,,visitirgewith relatives ir town., Miss:Heinle Sipple ot Detroit is at eoiii .resent vstng relariives toefo, , Fred Thiel returned home flrom Stratford?, A very interestipg and ;East game •sof ball was played on -the Dashwood diamond on TUesclay evenir.g of last -eheek between DashwOod and the Voshen Line south resulting in a afictory for Dashwood, by the score nil te gee, Heury Inneliler of' th.e Goshen,' "North of Zurich died suddenly •"a'oesday eftertiden juile: 16th, She ead,a paralytic etreke ,and had not 11:1111)1 eticoeered from ils'Cliects, an "ehonighnthere has - been, e temporary •iinaorovemn.dt. The deceased was • • aagelearioof general dispOsit ion and was •-welt liked ani htgIy YerVe:,0ted by ilser neighbors. , The - berean'ed family &aye I he siocateest sympathy 'in'their nit fiction, 'errs, Koehler, was in the 7,7n4th, year of her agee 'The •Errners.1 'Stook -pIaGe on 121inreday afternoon to, 'ilionson Line .cersietery Services lzere held n thesEvangeheal clmrch CiWtaIioa she las bee e'nilds si,hycite6rit sirtesqb aici ',udb '11 -1114t -'''S• Gide , t -home, Crediton THE EX TER TIMES Afr. Ood Mrs, Sy. 1011e/Y, and daughter from Marietta Ohio, " are visiting the laeter's ,father Lewes So, • Mr- and Mrs, Alf -Clarke or Ailea Craig spent 79tinday in, town. - Messrs •Fekert and Use "' Fanst ape KA Sanday it Sebriugville., Dr, arid nirs, Orme are aneedie ew weeks at Grand .11eisil, - Mrs, Harry nlotz Sr, is visitihg London iand Bernie, Mr, and ars, Anne. Lewts of Algea- (oda Bark age visiting relatives ia town, 31r, and Mrs,. John Wind have re- urned. home after aperding a mon-, in Detroit. Miss Carrie Holm spent ,Tue London. Our base hall beys played a very tereating game in Ailsa Craig on onday last oitla the 'reanz of that placo. The score amounting to 34 in favor of our "team. J IT. iloltzmaun and family spent tonday- at Parkhill, fIdelhi Mono. ad Miss W&..* ar spending a few gitcys 1er Yorich,- is this t Grant 0 wo as w1 aet o 1 ng to. U fl'''xiek has :returned hoene .-^tingf friends in fltilsenteard, Mertha Wind is visiting °usingee t. tog or f I-IAVE PRETTY HAIR THreK SOFT FLOFFy AND Liberal Leader DANDRUFF -USE eeAetee, abolition of the pablite bar, the 'treat- ing system and sarielletag La cities, The Witney government as asked to adoptthisPolio, •aut They would net, do it, -arlie Tctriperance depatution then ;Waited on Mr, Rowell and lain eollea,17,mes awl they promised consid- tratitta., This is the oolloY Of On churehes and this is the policy a the Alliance nays the speaker, rand -will ,'Yout take it and make it. Touren fLoed Clieet4s-4 The ,speaker continued that Le had fieied ir JanieS tho unite and lift the viestien a'aove party polities and Wipe the aars out of the'viaet To his he repeatedly ref -Used., felt is an ieetle if its no fault. of ;nine, es the Goveenreeut hes refused ib. €6Mr, Rowe1L, The Conservatives have chOser, to stand fjcy the bar ac.4 the liquor for, cest are lined up at their hack to derea* us, The churches are en aee •eldo, and the organize4 liquor traf- tic on the other and everY olecter semet. nvisto on his own renR011.§ihilaT ,Rowe/), C,caltirnted that they had ad,opted the poRicy that they ere asIted,to a -apt and selimit, to the electors and t, Alttla Hills vlsiling relar- ' lent Mai° ray ' IAN" SAGE If your emir ia losing its natural lor ooming mit end splitting, or aeks thot enviable softness, gloss and beauty, do not despair -pretty halo iergely a matter of care. If it too thin make it grow. it it is _harsh and brittle 35.ofte1 it up -lubricate it If you have dandreff it is becaese the acalp is to() dry and flaks. oft Freehere up the ecalp with Portslau Sage -all dandruff disappear; li hair and itching bead cease, your hair i$ double' beaotifut IsztaiSrart nage, sore by We fie Cede and nt all drug counters, is just 5Vka u need -a large bottle 'posts but DO CC Ilia. J,t bnrely makes the heir lustrous and seem twice as ahoodant You cannot he disappointed in Par- isian Sage-. shot 41k.r. and ars, Dayman will take 1,11} their residence or; the groOtten 'fine farm on the ?rd pnees- sion of Txtekeremitte Their !Peeve' trends will join with the Telma in wishing them a tIVPPY and ons,future. IIAT THE BAR IS DOING The cnrse of the bar -room was shown in the i,i66 arrests for drunkeness in Toronto last year, which by no meaas represented the total' number of cases of drunk- eness in Toronto during that period. - Out of 5 14 cases tried in, Stratford Ponce Couit luritg tleo satrth period,, 270 were for drunkeness'.' 6,909 men fill drunkards' graves in Canada, qva-ry yeat. These 6;000 men were once 0,000 little boys, the fond hope of good mothers, yet the , bar got them To abolish the bar vote for Rowe Zei rid Reform "During my reign 1 have observed that of the great number of crimes appealed to me for decision, nine- tentns are due to alcohol. • Nerves are Undermined and endangered from youth up by the Use of Alcohol," — Emperor William U. of Germany, Ofrs 1). Ross lett for Winnipeg Bo H 0 at it then had sun'e- ; • 1 CA A NS WR NG ust hursday after sPer ,ug eesera the liouse -theY 4424, hlift.OVerY itar at'03. elcth OOti$t 7c1;,4 -,13,y School fupsu iu Tim .11,44Vadee,, Of Ontario eld Alwir annual niciii• (oheg,r4) ttar os shops Inesdayr teerned They wal he 0.1,4alft witU jyablo time, different way. he Local One Fridey after', law will co:Ili:1;12e on the sia- oi PaC",r,tuu 11/nOts and tu,der that liva the ot London, ar,t1; veopte of each local community hove of nlie right to W4Pk! 011t, the shOltbd and d the tha,. more they propose to make 1490 OP, to1y cec COIIII-t)' WtIle and the ehope 'Ped oat- ley majarity vote evil *though,QtPY - r. three etiftlie hendice reltglat•„eersa No shop licenses would Phi trePaired issued 'where the bars ore VIII off., •he speakers said to!.. brd het* 'Eno erItlen thet the Eleetore, bed he • 4. to ;ignore 1-tni temPetanNo .11 Ord JnbCieatiot hire 041, vkrOr put ouodadrn. under tuunziy be is unable to le work is intoledia et he 'wilt det unlee he attained is a puez 'hat oetee tetra wOUld be wit104. A by the 'Scott Act, Alt, lies butt** 'VMS vomotttiogi ked timetuesetoue M 1etty opor" antto own bar maY HTT1c004118,AT perhaps; you 141e0, Win q OTAT Arent lime tnenared,..1 111,0 1 MO) ea the Ln1site one on the other Laftu ea the dete tJo good wiotttar. 'helping baud it of:5qm tends to bligli bruag MIRO to tla d is a VIVO le the pro - t Its tie big. •enoogli to for. ty ttos nod poky afttiottOos o 0re4sti our 4ronofil80 accordr oiotoug, ot owe coteetilemee Men are harytag -titetr putt - ad getting beheed Otis polio Man Who ,beliterea the -liar arid yet tor the Sake Alor par - Imes to Wipe at oat most his couatilence and lu,the °Me 'with every 'home that wreekdT eery mother that ' and every Childs flte hteti yott must mink Qf •tgUt have !helped Io rem- dbL1ftylielfoxectoDuaateleteuexibtre the towe1 also spoke Ortatly graLUI'n the rametuse to trturried women on the same -terms as grant.cd to 'widows and emeseerSe. ^401100 'the Liberal Oand de CO was ,the first called on to speaklie said be tad atottys aott lutar0.)1y sup - Ported the callae of temperance tact Pleased that he emelt& ea- dorse Ithe Whole policY of him leuttee Ile was. also delighted wttlx the xe- ception he was xeceivuag through- out the riding., •Maul? Ponservativee liad voluntary pledged him their sup - polite el v n • ot Wnugi )Aferye is visitlni trsJed, ,Copeland. Is tttog her brother W 4U trs, 7wm„ James,'Oroigh. and 1,1riagie ato LewhAt improved •titt health. Woodhene Chem led in elle ,ser- vice at on at Whaler; ro; Sunday c5t 1; 4 preueldeg eerviee in elle elmrch; on Sabbath next eeltle tetine ,On ,count or Anniversary servtces at the leloa oppoinimeat Mitchell Road. Several of our public scbool stud - Aunts wrote on entrance exams at, St. atarys lett Week. we wish theta -sue- .cess, E'LISIVILLE Mr, Me, Jacques is improving the „pppearance of his barn by building i. ruse class hen house, . Mr, lire Parkinson while 'starting to cut some hey with a young team had a xunaway. The team became frightened at the tnoise of the mower nd started taxon breaking the gear - nig of the mower, but luckily not much damage was done, • 1 Ws”, E Penrice was helping Mr, J. hlerdman last week. t Mr, *W: Penrice is 'home for the Xummer holidays ilIr, Herdman intends buikding a new, house thia sammer. • 1. " The annnal Anniversary and Straw- berry Festival of the Ellinville Metho- dist Sunday. School will be held on Sunday, June 2S1h and Wednesday Jelly ist 1914. On Sunday Bev. R. Hicks of Revisal! peeach at 10 a no and 7 p.m. The morning service wil) be especially for 5. S. Scholars man Workers all the scholars and members to be present as there will be no after- noonservice. Collection at each ser- vice in aid of S. S. Fund, On Wednes- day July 1st the annual picnic will be held in Mr, liertisnatire orchard. The features of the afternoon will be ball games, tennis, reces etc. by the schol- ars. Ice cream, 'Lemonade, and other refreshments sold on the grounds saiings and othee amusements. Ad", mission nO cents, children not of the nichtiol 20 gents. Come one and all and • spend an enjoyable ay. t ftLES CURED at' HOME by New Absorption. MethOd-, yOn. Suffer; fro/11' bleeding itching, 'blind or peotruding Piles' send me your address,: ,ancli cmril1 tell yOu how to cure Yaur-d sill at home by the ubsorptiott trcatinent ; and will also send sorne of this notne treatment), free for :With referenceg -fiespne your, o-cirltre--. . nes tecle;: lnirn ecliate4elief itnanenf. enie SSitfie., e on y tell 02, Write to -day to tga-jAqts, Box P 8110-113, or•ths wtth her intreete -51r, and Woe itivere, friemie of'Mr, lishap liedgine e - of Lucaa received word tturday at ty vlioestt,riToiriQl;eit4ittlenalsaltpl, 'llocss of six menthe. De-, 1./occ; ia 1.141,1tAlpU, TOWAI 'Lich piaci-- he nettled: for , Ueleaves a widow. QIt nd three (Jett:gel:Net to latAll tree ;Met held ;t tavberry Veet Church met Pride), eye ether was sanlewhat VQ01 was oetved in the cluirch be latexie There was a Wen out and 30- c-xceller«V ouppwa The 'head furaiehed Mose ereleyahlee time theet preerate first tightly meeti with the Royal a- unt y CalAdaCtOil tOteahy1040,0„ ichlArC VO be Wawa Ault on Toyed *7* 1 in *Ile of tefr1100 woe some 1terAered with owing TO the ;mg', The IlagetbAg al y uii attendtd„ anti OW ClY 10 Mr. George lieLagen, of eitratford, was also present atd spoke for a few miunteil, Ile stud he had never dol., Played much enthusiasm but there was something to this election that empealed to principle. ,The Conserva- tives claim to ;he xuoving as fast as Pub119 °Pinion will justify tut whe- ther is it better to allow public, op- inion ete sweenexeforms ibeiore it or to feet the pulse or Dubuc opInloa. The show of public opinion during the past few weeks leas on the side of Mr, Rowell., The speaker brought greetings from Perth and Nana he be lieved• •that :Barth woad send donsn two supporters of Afx, Rowelt. The •divialon, he said-, Was mcit along par- ty lines -as these were broken and ihe temperance question was taking its fotace. ' - Ex Reeve W., J. Ileaman, acted as chairman of the meeting!, MasterThere was a large crowd at the 110 Douglas iStanbury the boy singer, or ination meetlag held in the Meth - Toronto who is well known it. town °dist church shed llensall on Moat - and receives a good reception when- ever he appears here, sang at the opening and at the cocclusion of the Mecumo-, , The band furnished several seiec- (tiorist • Ringing cheers were given tor Row ell. Zeller and the Kings A tlitET110 181,h, timer is Is Far Fr m Where They y C0111'61011 Occurrac4 r Details Pr le c t Stor ne.^ producing centre ate teat cannot he recone nether the Empress of ry yesterday o it Was tve t h1111o the line the OT40 sa and a quarte PlaCO where Captain oramandor e 'survey 'WeTo made ; JS 119 was eteyores itev. S. hale northweat of the point tten. National, poet Obtet Officer Tuftenes of the d on V. G. Medd ;end 310 Storetad contends the collislon ba took up dirferent pQued, The loeetion ot the wrc work. Wee explained. by Cantata Osamu 0 Itte Dominion Marine Department, bo buoyed ft. • Tbe taking' of evidence woe fttter- 7uu uptel twice yesterday because the ire hers of the committee and the • awyers for the Government. C. P. R., and Stoestad had to attend a recce - ore tion given to the Duke of Connaught I 7u ni. by in the courthouse and a luuelmon give Alice or to the duke by Sustlect Lemieux Char' end the ciouhoe rilatrlet Jutlgee in the Chateau Frontenee. In the morning an effort eves made to get further details about the °per - talon of the Storstatl from Chief °Pa- cer Tuttenes, who bad filed bis garter; and deck log books. Tbe attempt was temporarily abandoued, because it wae discovered. that like the engi- neer's log, a number of important facts bad been written up after an interval of some hours, and the offe. cer WOO hurried oft to Montreal for the memoranda he had made at the time the orders were issued. One important tact canto out and that Was that the lira officer, who was in charge of the collier immediately be- fore the collision, was not told by his third officer, Tecob Saxe, that be bad put the belt; bard apart when the ship failed to respond to the port helm ordered. in the afternoon a quietus was given to the suggestions raade in questions asked during the enquiry that the Storstad was speeding be- cause the °dicers and crew got a bo- ll= for a quick passage. G. F. Mc - Isaacs general manager of the Dorn- irdon Coal Co., which chartered the Maly, said that 'while gratuities weee given, they went to ships carrying the most tonnage, speed not being considered. The cause of the tremendous in- • rush of water into the punctured hull of the Empress was again obviously the motive for a number of ques- tions asked by Lord Mersey of 'Wil- liam Moir, a night -•watchman on the Empress, who was examined as to how many portholes were left open. This witness could supply no definite information, the presumption was left that the night being fine and the river calm, many of them were not closed, and that when the list grew great the flow of water through the hole in the hull was augmented by the rush through the cabin port - 'holes. ,Storstad To Be Auctioned. MONTREAL, June 23. — Justice Dunlop, in the Admiralty Court, here yesterday, with the consent of(both parties, orderea the cale by auction of the collier Storstad, which rammed and sank the Empress of Ireland near Father Pobat, .on. May 20. AttlIOT. 1.),E71.1 -At Si cli llensall, ;Tune 20. ltural .1Jean, IL 1) Lockwood Vetty cd lieu% les Abbott of boodea, tetettelATII-AUMTRONG- n Exe- ter too flemaday, .Tutte 23rd, at the, tionte of the bridee parents, Mr, and. hits, A.rtnetrong, !Mali Ethel Lo lir, eterry McCreath, pf Lucke now, by the Rae, WeG. ter). L, UUNTER ItOltree'ON-A.t Regina to instil), shwa:bier of Mr, and etre, G. T. Robinson of Regime, elask, to'err. AVerreo ,Iluteer manuger at the Union Beek., Newdele Man, nett sou. of 'Mr, and errs, John Bunter o rtow.A, DIED CAMERON -At Verquhere on ay June june 1Stie Flora Cameron. wife of the late John Caraeron, in her 37th yeexf. ATITOIIELL-In Exeter, on Friday. June lOth„ Jane Mitchell Iwite of the late David Mitchell- aged 76 years 11 montlis and 3 days,. FANSON-In. London or. atocelaY June 22nd. Samuel, Fanson, tore ;Merle; of Exeter aged 61 years and 7 months Funeral op Thers- day at 1.30 .Erorn Mr. Thos, Route dens 'to Exeter cemetery Zeiler and Eilber Nominated IJAYOININ -SQUIRE it • A ;very pretty' wedding took place at the, home of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Squire of, Zion, of Wednesday after- noon of last week (when their daugh- ter Florence May, was united tia mar- riage to Mr, Joseph Albert Dayman, of the Township of Tuckersrnith. The t ceremony took place' at, Ifive p, m. and was ',perforated' by Eev al. A. Steadman ,undee an arch of ever- greens,and Orrafige blossoms. The bneile entered the' .Parlor oil "the arm of her father to the Strains Of the wed- ding march played by Mies Myrtle Squire cousin of the heide, ?The briens looked very pretty in a (It'CSS of aceana duchess satin, wearing ',the bridal veil 'caught up ,ivith-orange blossoms and carrying a 1bouquet of +bridal roses. Both bride and groom were unattended" Af.ter e0:1- :-.Tatulations about 150 sat down to a ziurninuous :repast The groorns glft. ,Lo the bride was a beautifulgold. watch lob, and to. the piarost pearl, neeklaen, The gifts to., khe bridewere ,antnerous'azd' costlY,' incladedhifr*ilifaitlelgoine leather trock • eibeors %n T11414,10ft - a -nra- ram of inStiumentfill4tairYocal mus- e, and speeches wsmueJi enjoyed he Ibridee going a.v.,ay direse:sv.a.z..„, a day -afternoon, The cat:id:dates nom- inated were Ed mund, fLieller of 'rich, Liberal; and Henry Either of Crediton, Conservative. Mr, John Sherritt acted. as Chairman, Mr. Either spoke in a general way of 'the administratioa of the Govern- ment and the temperance eituation Mr, E. Zeller .spoke of the extravig- ance of the new Governernxit house that is being erected In Toronto and also of the prison farm at Guelph. The principle speakers of She after- noon were Ex -Mayor Johnston, of Sar Dia, who spoke in the interests of Mr Eitber and ,Mr, Thos, ..11TcAillati, who spoke in •the interests of Mr, Zeller, • 0111:EASEEICERISI EXC'EIRSIONS . . , MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASICATCHEVVAN' ach• 'Tuesday until October 27th, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return e $35.00 Edmonton and Return,. 43.00 •eirem .,meoronte; and Stationo West ond Ann:to. Proportlisante fo;no E0trefIC.31rOtit'n n e.,,exeeee ,reretedeue oxiiieCealetenteeete Mrs. J01111 Noble, of Lofidon, Out., who was severely burned when an oil lamp she was carrying exploded on her being seized with an epileptic fit, died in Victoria Hospital. There is a strike on at the Gov- ernment elevator at Port Colborne. The men want more pay for working overtime. This will tie up the grain trade until a settlement is reached. To save the life of one -year-old Vera Jones, of Youngstown, Ohio, the child was taken to Pittsburg for an operation to remove a piece of egg- shell from her windpipe. • The child was choking to death. • Finding the name of M. McLaugh- lin, 27 Wilton ave,nue, Toronto, in a book in hisvet pocket the police are conamunicatitig with the Toronto an- thorittes to Identify,a stranger found • dead in a briek yard in Hamilton yea- Professor Robertson Comes Out Surely the Governmcn candtdotes and newspapers that ace object:tip: so enuouslY to ministers of ,the lios. "I taking a strong stand in favor Of the speediest passible abolition ot th bar have very short memories" or is it that they tectity bo;e convea tent mentories? They continn, ally reminding us of ythe t;trie whea the Ross GoVernmout was driven; -,trom Power in 19(45 by ';:qr. 5 he then. was ;lave theY forgot- tex that campaign. \V14it- ney appealed to ihA clergvmen ef Ontario, to assist him In arousing the • People. and bowinmtedSately atter the. eUUf4 ii hanken ibenn for their ZILSSISia-nee 5"0": 1.1) know" he saidthe clergyman have• done. their duty They elEservii the ;nooks of all is worth recalling ah5o 'what i7la .dtorial enlumas of the Mail aa<1 marc iban c during tne campaigo bad to orlet Froe E i the c - Nye y nrg (trance i'lectO I Of laskIrr npaiajly ibe ilow before the y years (119 ltot the Proeinc irrese; inave Zlrgg varinos goverrn9n,s pee er s of stone Jew, that pubic her a thin, that shoeld mastet- - operations et' the .needY its evils euted to the v are ttle pre - 7i • t 9 vonld le ti 0 Id re e As x to tew we te. fltotitivar ' ben ed to eneli. IS hiles! nuzeh 1( este th • tempeanee ot area County to support only as has ple'ded bimsolf to port tiie most advanced Tenipe ore legis Foul We have already shown hy our vot- 8 that -oe are overwelminei5 up osed 'to the open hay, Shall we ow disposeof the old jibe that tein- ptrance men. are NEVER TE.IfftEl ,it,IN4Cx/RrIVATERS AT A POLITICAL Tbis may mean a breaking or old party ties, and It is 7t0 easy mat - r, even temporally to disassociate ruse'ves fromthe political affilia- tions of years, but if Ave are to re- deem our oft rePeated word, we must now stand loyally by those, who are prepared to give effect to 'the prin., ciples for 'Whitt' *e have so longtendd. cone 00 .Th e issue is very clear. This is our day ot opportunity; it is also our day of responsibility., IThe 'temper -- twee party or Huron County end ot Ontario is on its trial 'We can have what we want. If the open bar re- nins to imperil every home it will be because our iodifference or our mis taken party loyalty gives it a fresh lease of life., We have often prey- ed' tor the destruction or the liquor traffic. the 29th of June let us vote as eve praer. Signed on 'behalf of the Executive Commit tee, • . st.L. Li 1J A, T. coupam, President att A. IRWIN Secretary; Vkisi BE DONE Sopieobnodey, acne/ that it couldn't be d But he, with a chuckle, replied Tha,t vounlmabee. "maybe one. Who but be Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried So hoebuckled right in, with a trace f o On his face, 'kt he worried, he did He shttearthg eindto sing as he 'tackled That couldn't. be done, a,n.d he • did .itn Somdebondthyatecoffed. Oh, you'll. never But bre off it, took off his coat: and be took fbis h And the first thing we knew he'd, With a lift or his chin and a tit; of a grin Without any doubling or quiddit; Ile -started to sing as ,he -tackled tha thing, That contdn't be ,one arid he did it Tirerre h,cfeaa arenu ox,re ate at he ore t huc soo andmu.sea.sn d st tiotellrryooptuecist Theryc(Hi,cn aretehobuyuri sancleto point out to • The dangers that wait to assail you But just buck -le in witb a bit, of gteoriiini: Thtake *veer :+ce L an .Tuslthsitie4rt ino11s5as Yo'4 Thda:i:c,,attnot' e 'done' A, Goes 4 rt the pro- of ciergyrnen „Te .,t4; out .T.0 Co al contest- Fr 1150-nee1; tande Itekett depande npota thu tin t ef°'141 beety-riarlt,rhio' erot 7 aailu'a IerEen en - I' be evIs 41104-R *19 ‘a*r tor iii V17.:Y te (.11rt`a, t - ils thatart Yt)23.1:4111;r„Oe417" ettl at pnlpft abiles not decbiui agalos doing 'ab' itrely this Is 1914 As in 1905 oed ieeue of toxeley has long been regar. d a")3" the eiterches a morai issue ad r• C.3:1117 comes trithha th lid 2r-uPireS dofitIltiaeo, It is Ilo thing for the clergy ot Outere to denottece the barroom as n/4 eVi ilaIt afflicts the country ond '05 514 rewire They have been de - tog aga:est it for years, Why d they hetp alence -now The bus ot yet ceased to be a more PIY because it bee eleo al testi.; eliffereee0, 1ste Min spoke lieut treel tben • their own initie But in thM i0 rn9it dentminattots t • of their Von - 9. for spC-nlz- 0 -*C10:Cilag that; eleto rastgnifica isetiori of temite, s1ntlos Iisdecd, ater Ore Ittitt14 fer yetra it. if Aid 4 n • rd At 01 51 041 0 nod sb; nduat we 31.0 1 011 05 9 CO said 191 or Joe, • d a d o told, ISA4 not de e but setttntt it Tbe oom 55 50 IUC servnti8ul ite xeteut doeMb ngo was n part ot true Lib- n1Ni And no greator erin come to our poUtia1 tb growth of on thde1endest vote bigbiy resolved to toflow ix and riot Prejacilee rithrl to obey te rattier thee he dictates party machine j• 0, ilebertson. 'aerie College Toroulo 5. S. Q. i litellONDALE Oh K. Sanders, M. Dougali. E. c,,.n 1 :stitvheit c Moir R, Dick 3r 4th, R. Moir, L. Oke. Sr. 3rd A. Starang Gs Dew. F", Dougall W. Se1ves4 Jr„ 3rd. IL Wool!. E, Cudniore, E, Mit- ebeil. P. Harris. Sr 2nd, A.. , Moir M. Otioir, Jr, 2nd C, Down, V. Duna Pt 2 G. Oudmore t .Btoir, 3. Oke, l't. 1. 11. Strang 0. 'Wood, L. Dunn; Oke Harris 'At. Down J. M. Robertson teacher. Former Resident 'Vest:es-The 3atte ot Samuel Vansoa a tomer ;resident, of Exeter, took place at his home in, Londoa ozl Monday. afternoon at the age of 61 years and 7 months. Bee sides his eviete he is survived, by two sons and two tdatigntere Gordon and Frederick and Mrs, IL 13eIlbach and Mrs, j. Nash all. of London The fun- eral 'will be held on 'Thor:day morn- ing to the G. T. R. depot end thte re - mettle brought to Exeter. The tuner- eral will be held in itown at. 1130 p, In, from, the home of ,Mr, Thos. Houle den to the Exeter cemetery, • of having a Trust Company administer its affairs are • many, yet the scharges are no higher than tliose allowed a • private individual actinin the I same capacity. I ' This strong, conservative , Company, unlike an individual executor, will not fall ill, go , abroad at a critical time, he - 1 , come a defaulter or pass out 1 of existence, neither will it neglect your affairs , for its own, because its very life de- • pends npon its fidelity to your • affairs and those of others. 1, Consult us regarding your will and the administration of your estate,