HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-25, Page 3FROM R 'OLD INBLAN3 iiE1117$ Zty Hl_ dile 41101Pie JOU1i BULL ANDY pia PEOPLE. Oeeurrences ria The -1 ,and Helen `Siipreityo;In the entre uacreia,i .�ltgrj e - In London thea;e.Were 2,208 bdrEhs and 1,240deaths last -week. Falling from .a chimney, iQ- feet high, a Steeplejack maned Merry - field WAS killed at Lincoln. An aanonylllIOuS donor has given $6,500 tO zaed the fund for " the building of a new church at Daub . . 3 water sellere is being proposed F for North-west` Cumberland and if carried out it will cos -t, $100,000, After ecmpleting az menthes m- PriMirnmaeat a man and a woman were married at _Knutsford Parish Church. Harrogate Corporation:hhave. pro- posed to erecta hangar for the con- veuienee of airmen visiting the city, Lord Savile has given the Oland Urban Council a pleb qof land of about 1,208 yards for street widen - ,. S. N. Tresise, the well-known editor and proprietor of Ilitatonon- Trent, ban died at Maatl€rok Baths -1. aged fifty'5ix. Pournenionth Corporation Tram- way receipts for lata year amounted tai an24,84n",'an 'ine.rease era there, vious year of $44,785. P The lace of Leicester's "pay -as - YOU -enter" ears :has now vanished. The Town -Connell llavih;g decided against their continuanee. Owing to their boat capsizing in galo, five eoa•stgiu r€ls lost their lives in fall vies` of the shore near Aldeburgh, Snftdk, Mr. Henry Collins;. who wads .fifty years registrar of Rea4., Count1I Court, has died at Bondi at •three agar of seventy ac.' The death has oecujred tat JSi; laaarr din, Deal' litIdderF,Seld, "Tomer, who za few Months ago eel bt'ated leis tltAtil birthday. 1lineil aghaarra Corporation Department has contributed Sa 420 from the profits of the, financial, year to the relief of rates. Inspector Moody, e't lion, who has jut: trveutyn'irrce ears sorvice, was tented at Moor Lae Station :j; gokl'watch, Cart. W. E. l+_. wbu was present, at Hadi the sea <tefotites of Sebastopol., c]. trig the Crimean 11'lar, haat died Senith»sea, aged bel'. Queen Alexandra has rnfe.a'rQcl bar patronage upon the Bort. o def Rest ;for Horses, Criekleaw, of \Odell inntitutii»i the Duke of Port- land is president. A public meeting of the inhabi- tants of I3ugsuvorth, a place of 890 inhabitants in the Peak district of Derbyshire, has decided to ;alter .the name to Lyn edade. Owing, to the savages of what is known on the Isla of Wight t disease among the bees is Surreys, auu:any eottagors have gid en up what was a protcble hobby. At Leeds General Post Office an endless belt has been introduced, and now when a letter is dropped iiito the box, it is carried off direct- ly rto,the sorting department.. As a. carload of hay was being taken along: a: street at Leicester, it struck a gas lamp. The ;hay was set fire by the, gas flamers,, and the brigade had to be summoned. The dispute between the Dart- mouth teal jumpers and the coaling companies, which lasted just a week and resulted in the temporary clos- ing of the port, has now been set- tled. E, FEC A DUE. TO TE, Lm Nq Girl or Wolman Need be staarty Ailing and Unhappy Nature intended every girl; and every wcnna�`,'to; be Italapy, of trac tire, active ,and healthy.° Yet to many of them. Ind their Jives sad €iened by suffering—nearly eaHy fI,�v,., because their blood is to blame, Al these unhappy girls and woTne smith ecoiorless, "cheeks, dull sl±.n and sunken, lustreless, eyes, are i this condition' because: they ha-. not enough good red blood in thei' veins to keep them well an in tl charm of ' health. Thor suffer from depressing wee ane weariness and periodical FAMOUS ENGLISJL a F. E. Si gill �Expeets to O e- Day Re Premier,. l4>;r. ,;1 E. Smith, -the brilliant ✓ young' T�nglisb lawyer and politi- cian-, oliti- ciai , has eery. &tinting chambc s in Elm, Court =in -the, -Temple, Lon- The' furniture ='is .mostty old oak, 'aied there is•the quaint trian- gular ; Oxford: oak chair to. remind hina• of his elan s at ` �' adha:m.. Ca'n 1 the walls bang the different "c;* lored cartoons iii which from time to time n he has been depicted. n The famous. T£.G. .allows himself e one luxury ho smokes the finest cigars. Every*; day his box -is fallen with seven large Coronas, and when re '1•<=, iss at the 'Gotta is it is the duty ,l nz his managing clerk; to -br- ng him r roundthis t as lia x to the luncheon n. r headaches. Darla lines form uncle their eyes, their heart palpitates violently after 'the slightest exer- tion, and, they are often attacked with fainting.spelds, These are only a few of the miseries of bloodless. mess. Nothing can respire girls and men from the inevitable eeline at follows anaemia, except ,a. gen erous supply of new, rich red god, and nothing has ever prove so successful in creating rens geef. bleed as, Dr-Williams'Pink X18 for Pale Peep e. Thousands and thousands of girls and women owe tlicti good health and charmiat ... < . • : )2exion to the use of thismeth- litre ie one example of its to cure, Mrs,' Bose jnoni , Ont., says; "For a coffered with a.naseia is ne 5s and general debility, in fact I w0A Beginning feel e post - tit O w,recic. T trout several l l will, -cines and emulsions. For a time avould feel better for taking the n4 hen, the effect would Wear off,'; leaving me wore than baefore. The ntinueddrain on, my health 4 - red zny +aPPearanvc, my friends; fling trio 1 bad a. haggard and,! worn appearance, This naturally did not help to, improve me, 44s, ea, new no •WQruaan Jib s• is be tole] she rks ‘'worn dtaat. Finally= D?r i rllimi s Pink Pills were suggei= 4 my 1a}ursiland girt lyre ea, sir; Used theem and foundt good—net .only good, bu laenefat; Lasting, and P am,' ircaw rljoying Perfect liearlth, have rr; a►od color and have regained, my ural buoyancy. 1 trent my aet- d�f gratitude may be the ,means c, sneering 1ping others who AS," ra health, ueav strength, POW it L lty follow the fair rt lot oft Dr, t'illiaws' rink I'ilis, li'dru can get - in from your meiaieino ekiller or byr mail at 4S0 colli a box or six boxes for $2.50 fmnitThe Dr, Wil- lia us' Medlieine Coe, Brockville, Ont. STIt iIGIIT RAILWAYS. 400 Miles Between St. Petersburg and ° Moscow. The route selected for the pro- posed race between an aerojrlane. and an express strain—from St, Petersburg to Moscow is the most favorable that could bechosen; so far as the train is concerned. :The distance is 400 miles; and the rail- way track between the two places is aimost a straight line, so that the ability of theaviator to, follow the shortest route will give him practi- cally no advantage over the engine - driver. The existence bi this long .stretch of straight track, the longest in the world, is duo to the Czar. When the line was projected His Majesty was asked to suggest the route, and,, taking a pencil, the: drew a straight line on the map. India possesses a straight railway line over 200 miles in length, be- tween Multan and Lahore, and in one respect this Indian line holds a record, as it is said that there is not one bridge ^ throughout its entire length','. New Zealand has 1101 miles of steel road without ani twist worth mentioning. Facing -the Peobiem. Father—What Yeti want can't support. here , I "can hardly One of a bo„ s firs ambitions to get all the j e he an eat, lkever Slaw n Bun Dance.. ] 4 trios Hatt graanm'ar lesson and. the teacher was explaining the dif- ferenee -between a common and ab- Straet noun, "An example of a cornmon noun is dog," she said, "for you can see it, while you can not see anything than is an abstract noun. For in- stance, %ave any of you seen abun- dance;" There was silence for about a minute. Then a ,,little boy got up and said: r'`Please, ma'am, I have never seen a bun dance, but T have seen a cake walk." Xis Complaint. "Let me see," diaid the doctor, as the patient walked into his office; "what is your complaint now 1" "Why, your bill is too ,large," One, day Prerre r, al rather iaagh the may be a steppiir bitian. The ix Smith has got oia as au11 a,rkablo from the fact ti+ irne he has ,had to earn his ever having had the good he born richlike others slianuaent, When be made maiden peeeh it was discussed, the most brilliant on record, and. one greatnewspaaper alluded to him as "another Premier at the ;starting post," a. Smit Ili neat; isters' rob zt1Olng,wit of his clerk. pelaid Ii�riaart-, t-. reer ship.. aanr� 1, ao .- e Old ll�,cl ,clue j lett =1 : Will Tux Yate l Stiffness is Rubbed Right Out; Every Sign of Pain Disappears. Qee w#adzi---third of it+ No more stodna,cb,' dosing necessary to, cure your lame baclr. Every trace of lanfeness, every bit of -stiffness, every sign of weakness in the back's muscles can be ribbed away for all time to come by geed old "Net - volae." Nino other liniment can do the welt So quickly, can penetrate so deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the back w earn sufferer as lvervilfde in variably does, :0aeldaehe isn't the orzdy malady Nerviline zs emelt to carte. For lum bago or sciatica you would go far to find r T relief so speedly as i\ erviline gives. For chronic rheumatism they are pain-destroyxing properties in Ner- viline that give it first rank. The wa it limbers alp a stiif''joint and takes soreness nut of strained, or rheumatic rnuseles is simply "a, wonder, 7f you have an ache er a. pain any - Where, if you have a sore back, a stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscle if you have lumbago,. congested chest or sore throat, just, try Nervildne. Rub it on plea ti€ully--.-it won't blis- ter, it can't Oct anything but cure you quickly, The large 5Qn family alge bottle is thio most ecpnonaicran of course, but you can, from any dealer. also get the .'; c, small size of Nervi- lfane, the king of ell pen -rel ev^i r niedlcs, rig e ' \'ED #ff°tQitlf_1f'IIS.. making. After he had repeated this several times, the man laid down his tools, and looking sign/A-, cantly at Carnegie, said, "Ili, you handsome face no have get how can make," and turning too Pott, he din tinned, "Here can make handsome faee, for too much ee handstarne face knave got." Carnegie was offended at both observations, and declared he would not< pay for or take the model away. He kept his word, and the next p li xa ., tirne we -called at the shop we found -.tire image of Mr. Carnegie tucked up, banging by a. rope round the neck to a beans'srith several others, Inquiring the meaning of a%hat, the Chinaman, with, -much anger, an- cy A fi suveaad, Al_ these have too mooch ee 'greed ladreees, give n e too' much trouble, make ha-ndworn,e face; no pay, no lake, so ,must ee bang up, Some men are unable to believe e a word they say. A man isn't necessarily honest y because he is poor, Ionian nature sets a man up as a judge of his neighbor. Sometimes a girl doers a, young: mana great avor by jilting bion.. Iter a woman with rosy cheeks than a. man vrlth a. rosy nose. la € to the altar and then quits the Cupid is wise. Be lends the cow- r 'game. ever judges a married marl byz his notions when he is away from borne, ire$ OtaleSs . a roan keeps rreevin the world. will soon leavee him iia 'tale h And many a. horse has been badly raced because money talked to the jockey. If it wasn't for the weather Intal people would have no excuse for OM the front dealer we get onr jd from the wet goods deal- er we get our janijams. It's an easy natter to All teeth, all you have to dois kick a savage dog and. then wait a little, With tbet exception of chocolate 431, 411.01u there is nothing sweeter te girl !than WWII oullg dream. It is well to make ra good I.rt nil, it is raker welle telt remember the is'hee finish that really counts. `. .iany a loan makes a streirraotas t recognize his duty so that A positid,rt to '407,iit, Ali HOW TO BE ('OOI r, Variety = of Your Food Not So Im- portant tis finality. beeping well in the numme axed <avgidling extreme discomfort from, the temperature is not so r u eb matter of the kind of feed eaten or avoided, morning to Dr, William 0, Wondward as it is of the quan- tity of food consumed and its gnal- ity and freshness, "4ueh is said+attout aveidj, at in summer," a said DT, Wo rd, "but as far as lean meant -. reed, provided it is?resh ;aan. roodcondition as in: winter•, as not much to support this i 9 ory, The trouble with; meat in summer is that it is likely to aapoil unless Vara is taken and turn, of course, it bea manes uz wltolesor te, "Again, ono should not get the idea that it is safe to eat all of the vegetubies, )cereaals.alid other foods' haat tae can, Ovorcating is really ureao of much of the trouble h persorrs''<s ire fee/ oppressed by bo heat, rather than, 'tlae eating) dir voidance of particular foods. "Of course the body door not re- quire so .much heat producing food in summer aas in winter„ no rappe tits tales care of that to a large ex- tent, Moderation is really the important thing. The xnan who eats. xnoderaately and 'within the bounds of reason as to selection of foods,. and who lives temperately Other- wise, can follow his usual regimen with but little ahangc." Some of his pertinent hotniveather suggestions are "Don't overeat. A furnace is not stoked in summer the way it is in winter. "Avoid alcoholic drinks, Alcohol never yet made anyone cooler. "Be "sparing i,n the use, of ice water. Water cooled in bottles' placed next the ice is preferable to water containing ice. "Wear loose clothes of a light calor. "Take just enough exercise to keep physically fit. "]'seep in the open air and in the shade. "If possible, sleep in the open. "Take cool baths rather than cold ones. "If you can avoid it don't fret." BABY'S HEALTH DURING HOT WEATHER Duffing the hot spell the health of baby must be ` carefully guarded. Diarrhoea, cholera infa,ntuni and dysentry carry off thousands of pre- cious little lives every 'suanmer. Baby's Own Tablets are especially adapted to keep the little ones well during the 'summer. They regulate the bowels,• sweeten the stomach, and an occasional dose will Prevent the dreaded summer oempltia,ints, or if they do come on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will set. baby right again, The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, WJLAT ARE DRE i.IIS? was the startling reply, -,, just xilere Memories and Nothing ERUPT1O Oh HEAD HAD TO CUT HAIR Formed Pimples and Matter Spread, For Three Months Did Not Go to School, Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment Cured in Teri Days, 60 Rue Derazilly;''Villo Emard, Aloutreal,' Que.-=" Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured uayilthegirl, ageOeloven, of itchof tkehead. It formed a pimple and that pimple broke and the matter spread and wherever the mat- ter went another formed. She had largo scabs on her head' and at night she scratched; i' until the blood came. I was II,ii��'�1 obliged to cut nor hair all around the ern tion. Por' three months she did not go to school and T caredfor it dining that time without result. ' 1 was told to wash it and to make an olntment of -; but after: 'washing 11 she was worse. Ono evening when reading the,, paper I saw the advertisement of Cut'. cure Soap and Ointment and I wrote at once: .After recsavin the sample I im- P mediae etre y, tle o1 tI. t_. ,leo p� titan bill ale eat` utt cul a »i = fit mi I 1, did' haat iivIco a aai+t ('weeping. and morning. From tho: tinieff'nebulae nced using the Cuticura Soap and Ointment that `night -she dict not scrtitch any more. ' It stopped the itching -frown the first evening, After buying, some Cuticula. Soap and an- other -box of Cuticura Olotment; in tot days '" silo was completely cured.t; (Signed) _Mrs,' Arthur Poirier, July 5 1913. Cuticura Reap and Otilacuia0intthent are' sold by druggists and dealers .everywhere.1 A singleseeoften sufcient.. For a Iiblral free sample of each; with 32-p;^ book, 3ond post -card to' potter Drug c• ,Chout. , o�r , It is memories and only memories which weave the weof of our dreams. . All that we have felt, perceived, thought, willed, from the first awakening of our consciousness sur - These memories, perceiving that 1 have raided the trapdoor which has kept them beneath the floor of consmousness, arise from the depths. Memory images are like the steam in a holler under more or less ten - If we dream about events of the same clay it is the [most insignificant facts, and not the most impoetant, which have the best 'chance of re- appearing. Sounds do net Play in our dreams so important a role as colors. Our dreams are, above ,a1.1, visual, and even more -visual -than we think. In a dream we become. no cleubt indifferent to logic, but net incap- able of legic. There are dreams when We reason with correctness nlanost say, at the risk ef seething aracloxical, that the mistake of, ef the iinconseieue, to labor in the subsoil of consciousness, tic ,, wiLl, in the eeinititil" ti2ch is, opening., I do iiOt doubt that 'wonderful discov-, eries await it there, as importaint, perhaps, as have been ea the pre- eedine centuries the discoveries ef thephys feel and natural sciences. -- (From Henri Bergson's "Eeplana- tion of the Mechanism of Dream - Grandmother Didn't Know , A good cook? Certainly, but she couldri't have cooked the Indian Corn, rolled and toasted it to a crisp -brown, wafer-thin flakes, as we do inpreparing ast T astie They are delicious with cream or milk, or sprinkled over fresh fruit or berries. From the first cooking of the corn until the sealed, air -tight packages of deli- cately toasted flakes are de- livere1-1 to you, Post Toast- ies are never touched by human. hand, Grandmother Vould have liked Post Toasties 141m -ism , Ont. rovidin It ot Amen Far bottcr It do In One day w free from 1 at all don, noticed eeille blankets -ndow, ticketed ("To be wn away i" -walked Pat and mended a. pair. He received them and -walked out again. The shopkeeper ran after him and stop- ped him. "Here, you haven't paid for those blankete you got 3ust now V' "Of course not," says Pat, "weren't they labelled to be thrown away; and elrare didn't I come in and ask you for a pair to save yet the trouble of throwing them away 7" Quickly Any u ure ighest grade beaus rept wb? anti mealy by perfect bak%aig, retaining their full strew +.h. ?lavoredwith delicious sauces. The have v ata Fle6ieves Fullness After Meals, `Wiaea a was workl g around the, last r; hunter, 1 hahadan attaelt, ©f naa Uon," wrists Mr.N. P. DANVW: ti114,' ori Rive amid. "I was wen ter al iiarle, eat well enough to Work. spiting, haat emeething ` went' wttlt my bowers for 1, 1nu to ansa or Oran aU the 4 i' aebt kept sour, and 4iwaya ` after .n these was in and fulness. ostler symptoms a intestinal, And, Nothing heltaed, tale until 1„ Ta.railtorl ae Pane. Instea ti of like other ,pills, they acted and Aeelnecd, io boat-tlae d not require largo doses .Ruda fir; Hamilton's Pills, glad that 1 have found a erthiu remedy. To' lay T arm. pain, no sonar stowaedl, a,> able to digest aaiytbing, ale lot at goad for coo and 1 van'' say Dr.. the best Pills., and prates At, tvor f Th .lfluulf' f. anal Bartter ult,' Edi dealers,' o., Kiar,gstott,, Work,' 'iude—C s >�:hican. 1, .,atria ---Does she neg ! .eren r ala^ode Oh, no " Sh; iy rear: woman a3 r '.r ined ray letter. Refuse in yellow be 'he etarrho It* o Wonder. ealled hires, Otar recelve Ogden—Going to get a new eui this spring'? Owens—If I tan find a new tailor. Vacs of Women. `cWhat's the matter, girliel "I have lost my ideal. lie has married another. "I lost inine in a. slightly differ- ent way," said the elder woman 'How was that 1" "Ile married me." I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by MlNARD'S LINIMENT'. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. wae cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by :.\IINARE'S LINIMENT. Mahone Bay. JOIII\T MADER. I was cured of a severely sprained leg by VITINTAREI'S JOSHUA. A, VITYINTA,CHT. 'Scheme Went Wrong. qWe thought this year we'd ra- ther move than clean house." "Great scheme I"' "Unfortunately, the same idea had occurred to the people who va- cated the house we moved into." Ask for Illinard's and tato no other. RANGED BY DIE .N.E0R. now a Chinese Artist Got Even With Mr. Carnegie. The man who orders- goods and then refuses to aceept them is a trial to shopkeepers, and manufac- turers in all lan.ds; a novel way' of serving such ,delinquente isdescrib- in "The Memoire of William Hick- ey," There was a Chinaman who took exoollent likenesses in clay, which 'he afterwards eolored, and -they were altogether well execnted, this thnn's shop Pont and I went see his performances. We ,ound Mr: Carnegie, surgeon of the ship Nottingham,. sitting for his Portrait, and connolaining violently of the otiee Dge good lady, eited, sir; it's their own , drinking out • 410,,, there 2 tfihned 'Please "m, y t this morn - ng that was the breakfast non.'" YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WIL&_TELit. YOU Try Muth:Le Byelteratay fared, weak, Watery Rica aud Granulated Rye de; We Ss:large loot Eye Comfort.,$Wirii0 Or Illook of the o 'She says lier love for you is consuming passion "." "It is. I takes five pounds of candy a wee to keep it alive." Lesson in Etiquette. She was a little girl. and very pe - lite. It, was the first thee she had been. on a, visit alone, and she. had been carefully instructed how to "If they ask you to cline with them," papa had said, "you must say, 'No, thank you; I have already It turned out just 05 papa hail "Come along, Marjorie," said her little friend's father, "you must have a bite with us." "No, -thank you," said the little girl -with dignity. "I have already New Fields. "I told him febere was a dozen of people right here in town who had never heard of him." "1 guees `that took him down a peg or two." "I guess it didn't. He started right out to find them and borrow money." "What time did your master re- turn last night,' Jane 7" "I don't know, mum, but at 7' o'clock this morning his beots 'were still warm.'" exactly meet the need which so often arises an every family for a medicine to open up and regulate the bowels. Not. only are they effective in ell cases of Constipation, but they help gFeatly fa breaking up a Cold or La eitype by cleaning out the system an. purifying the blood. In tile same wary they relieve or cure Biliousness, indigestion, Sick Headaches, at/stri and other common ailments. in the fullest sense of the words Dr, -Morse's Indian Root Pills ale 47 - C 'her uit, Steel:, Orant or ib ne St., Toronto. rr. aavirSIOrt, Colborne ,5t., Toronto, o D FOR nrcsT Ail TA repealtion yet zed, 'particulars to .1V. 14. Ottawa Building, and external, cured wit pain our borne treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Belli/Ian Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont. ITEWSPAPEIIS DOE. SAVE. (I 001) NTREIMY 17s1. LIVE TO's.Y.N` 1,..31 York County. Stationery and Beek 13usiness cormection. Price only S4.00.0. Terms liberal. NVIlson Publish, Toronto. A TREATISE on the Horse We offer you free this book that 'tells' you ail about horse diseases and bow to cure thern. Call for it at your local druggist or write us, liENT_ ALL'S. SPAWN CURE Is InvalnalAs, It cures Smyth, (Inn, Splint, Inas time:" lienneWs'Spatin Cure 15 sold at tho Uniform prSoo of (11. a bottle. for it you oanoot L t or our fres book et your loeal clruggitat's, UAW us, rt. IKENDAILF. COMPANY Eyriosburg 31 The Arts Course may 1).2 taken by correspoll- de n ea, but students desiring to graduate must attend 0 e 5005i On. UEEN'S KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION Inclutling MEDICINE ENC-INEE:iiiNG SUMMER SCHOOL 3ITLY and AUGUST 22