HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-25, Page 1F XE"Rs ; ONS'; CAN. A. T 'DAY H Meeting Liberal Leade Ladle Fancy Wear e liars and Cliffs; Emdroi ery la rs; Beads; Tango Cords Beetle std 7 -Purses and Mand Bas €ds 'lair Crepe, Fa o, Crepo, Rice Clair Seer Stucker Radice, Bedford Cord, Li1lells; Ducks and i lgiialns Dresses; Rouse csses; t ikirts ;Wrappers. Aprons; ,sen;'aasts� Skirts, Under- Cavern; Night Gowns, ose and Gloves; Fur Shirts, . Ties, Sox, ala, Night tattavtts, Tt`u(ierwear, real nice lot of trimmed bate ,and shapes to 1 e fc elxeap, Contra alongand buy you etuurner t €4t your own price. ger suns for Men Boys ,iust l tr s heather. ani bti carpets, litaoieunrs, curtains, curtain nets 27 A PHONE , 22' B YOURSPRING HARDWARE WANTS ��! HEAMANS arid save - money LAWN MOWERS Our Prices are° Right W ,and B Mowers, from *4 to $i;.50 Black Diamond, front 7,50 to; 7,75 " Grass Catchers, from 1,00 to 125 Grass Shearers,' from 25' to 50 cents Bodge Shearers, front 1,00 to 1,25 Lawn Rakes, from 25 to 85 cents `: 'oultry Netting from 2 to 10c a yd. 1Zereett Windows from 1,00 to 2,255 ,e- .S:tactayin :Stretchers from 1, OD to 1,25 Obituary JII1S DAVID Di1TtolfE'Li Ips, Jane aritchell passed away her home in Exeter on Friday at the age of 70 years 11 months .and 23 days. The deceased bad ,been a , resident of Exeter For about "two I r c `tl Ira lYt t1 na Ira' lIa tor J;o +sr do hat. call` th( T u the haav expr The used t c'fSt' of U the eriun enstrs ,.« -lark aske rite }• tario ('Very cat" 1Ve co tv1 says thG l ccs a after up a Carina church Caren . atlthat last I Govern �Ux•x N. W. 'Rowell reciived a roos- int ova•tibn .rt `tike .;Eating x'iui- iz Exeter on Wedai>: dat after -not -ix when tae addressed. one of the Jargtc' i t*ath erings that hard ever 'a'atlaered to- gt ther in the history of Exeter, O;,i rising to speak lie ryas cheered the echo Pie -souk= or the Itecilent country 'throe".;3i • h,''. 12,0 !It' sed conlint, ar c fj • t ad pas - said that the )CO1l,ie a,•' szfoa-d a: at` such a country wo(.:ld bel boiYt grit uv -the proykni i; i to cleaa�; =ltr. Rowel/ dealt -pith some of type statements made b,' lfr; ffartoo, "Ti*'. rov(uc,ai ecr Via,;-}- hod sa-d that the erel i ]et S;AS O0: -to ['3d,I"r;g.Re0: of Pi-Lirtct bl-tiro but' the s: 'ker said there was no such issue as Efoliing aline . If ttla# t, r!?v y 'z there is. how it at' ac of their platform there i•-; ;to mention or it or that to their t,i.-(' On tt ttncl wok front ire- innbig :(o (*t:kt the 14'oro is rot to 1be tottttd, 'Why Acres it(•. inerzt'a+!arl it kt41:fi w`k('rl the ki alta'.}; satr�(e reason, tli,t t for r intra- this cov;ni iv defeatl ,sol*4olt t . Pann '3raa OP' • a'cog,'liirw 'the; stab'• t is against theepett •g t.oda-vert ril trtfli:n issoe, Tho position 'Pail >1id a nth(' d ti t} of 't 4Rrk - c htld give n S'oe l g i,Isii ttid that The most s, z I wit•. r tal(ash the Far i rile 1-517 w /noel 444 Shoo iiePia s: rias rite liquor iota rani the pre. v 14 rold'to as two ... andZellers Pledge pledge myself not on i to support tl 'Abolish the Bar's it fie, of vote for the most adiranced i ea 3•tx ewi° � ae ,ce reform, whether it n .v Live or Liberal. if 'dlftyour epre- ,t: the next gisiatre:." n Ad lei you vote•, or the. h r' an Pear( r' teat he he Iroainc n it sho dri('at,a�n, The spc �tke�r zi issue was th (3.�, ,rip ni) Tic's nse,�: the Izt�tefs on is old for :cttr t, ices, data lad tbae .stag)., removed riorlfi the ova stat ii that the 41iod t for +dealinttr 'ii'Ytll one is Lcol" Option pan, zo(t at.I (the. kleott' 4t :haat the fi4Ptalt'a�r r ndc his bearers' that .both of pica £itter;ai rcaerasatres Local Gg bas Pro''ect �a valuable 'wetto wilt;°ng oat rite Li(lt�crtr true'-'( owing to flit; tnree-ftt'(1 hand is is not possihlo io carry j• i Iarr„er ccntre,s, he tloveritaru( rpt talks 'theut 'ru, bar 'that h -v l.t•t-n wiped out Provirne0 .frail of "the b,lr.tt (b bfren wiped cut rn fl iron, Tb u•nntrnt erre phot entitled to creak credit iait3tte tate people who hav esscd their sentiment aria ,hoar the best Meant) at rt trir"4Iataasg t Ghee rs) t cording 't0 Mr, Hamm 127 tic ,s have b'( eat off try the voice t - people; but had it not been To. three -fifth ,'b;int lett' of 'the Goy ten from , 250 to 300 more lie - would ha,vg• been cart ort, rhat '-born°' the On'tnrio - .VlubV'. d •t voice/. '"What about the 04- C/oh." t and ,not only the Os Howell” a club, but the Albany club, ;1nd other club license 'win be ii•ipt'd (Cheers). "With a little .help n clean alp all the clubs (Chee.'s) at is the proposal We submit"' the speaker A :feu% years ago eadcrs of the Temperance for-. nd the idatdiers of the clttir:1ws a protracted consultation drew resolution moved by Rev, „Or n Gen Supt, of the llothodist. and sect,:yed (by'the late Prin', of the 'Presbyterian church a deputation -salt upon 'the creat advising them for the ,Continued on page 5 as t,:( l(. n Scars, She had been 7'a delicato health •for some time and on 'Tuesday of last n'cel; she was taken seriously Exete- School Board ill passing .away on Friday, The der ceased u b rn, in Ireland andcamo to Canada when ten years old settling near Toronto later moving to .iTib- !bert where she was married to Mr, David .ltitchelI, who predeceased her 1,12 .years ago, She resided on' the Sth concession of Hibbert for many years For abopi h.c °lunates of I3oard meeting held lo the Town Rall lionday, June 15th 8.45 p, tu. AO niernbers were present NOTE, When the Fa titers of ,Con, federation -vert casting about in' their minds ,for a name for 'the finely natio-, ne said, he had ;been reading that �o Sears she made her morning $is .Dominion, shall extend her daughter, tics, Gib- fro' home with h from t Rivers i(Ionrtay bhe ,s survived by one son jJol;n 5n.�tleWest and 1 , one. e son on 'the Thames Road, from -whose to /the e -a do sen anti fa(anl the home 'th name replied (mother;, ",The Domin- ion of Canada" aod so it -Was called. The more serious desire of every -veli informed :Canadian boy or girl, is that Canada may become first -among the Christian orations of the -world;, There is not a home -we think with- 1 In many sn';fes, .that -trill toot re-echo the thought;of ;;:he Fathers oC "Con. federation and"the more sieiious ,de- sire of every well iinforrned Canadian Roy and. Girl, and lend, vtheir influet.- Thomas of Farquhar,, in hor'87t r s°11, ce Tthe accotnlpi h tit h yea1 Tie following is the order of basin - Although -va11 ens duly adv •n u y submitte z lite th d and approved, (: p wed , p fill) was conducted on en ° t e earth:. "That's th,o Screen Wine from 10 to 30 c a yd nl daughter con- P'aints and Brushes Rev, Ritohie at the 'the house, and grove inter Screen Windows 25 to 40 cents Airs. A. Gibson Iiev, C Fletcher ducted the funeral t ' h 0 — Cedar. Mops at $1.50 Wizard M ops at $ I.50 0 = Cedar Oil at 25 & 50e Wizard Oil at 50 cents Liquid Veneer at 2 5: cents Dustbane at 35 Cents FURNACE WORK AND PLUMBING: went taking place in the grave, cemetery. AIRS, JOAN CAMERON On Thursday last Mrs, Flora ;Cam- eron_ ~Fife of the late John Cameron, 'Passed away at the home of h deceased had enjoyed fairly good health, and was able 'to be up and around until the - 1onday preceeding her death, when she was `strickea with a paralytic stroke The deceas'' ed was one of the oldest residents oC that section having resided on the arm on -which, she died, for 03 years. She canoe there when'it. was nothing eamans Hardware and doves of but a:tvildervess and knew all the dships of ;pioneer_ It Fe, The de- ceased ; was born in 'the Isle of Tyree, yrec; ?'lora \IcIninisj; She came' tOC I..*'1,1tSI�n E 2 J A , PIIONF ,_ 27 B Gotland her maraca. name being anada -with her par en our years old and denied In', the ,T . a , ie re s e -,was -m arra d :tza 1:i 47 �to the late John Cati1cro I,.. ho pre- 'deceased her 1earns a,;;, &3 .ears How �s �® AILSA" (CRAIG cENTIt1S ,I . vIi DITf)irt . WON LOST PE1t (,ENT 1 657'.. 1, 667•, LL• sM& J4' `�� r `' ''-tT_ , .lam, �A.,r,'1'.�'�'%e�'��1�,;!:.,Kr..J eats when f P of Dalhous Lanark; Co•tn +tp "I h sago they moved to Usporne, ,The de- ceased is survived by rune ,son '1,nrcl on daughter~. Thomas ,fit Farquhar, with whom .:shexes�d, d and airs, Agnes Hill of bea�ttle %I' ash. also one bro- ther and oror:r, ister, .Donald 1U:cIr.r`as vc Exe'ler. and Mrs, Wm'.'Monteith of Winnipeg( ., n gt . Itlrs, Caxneran ,-vas one , of �h( firsti-members. of: /Thames head, 2tesbyterian church, and the ftvler-, -1 s(?r/conduc,ted on, {Saturday by tlze;' star .Rev, Cohn t 1i rein r, Inter nE 1oo1c place 1tT-t(te Ex. cep •3 em•, �.. (a!J cit v •: f f et'L . :Per chair minutes of previous meet- ing. Per F. W. Glabnau and 'ii. Wood, that the medical inspection re- port per ilfiss Leavitt sbofving 'twen- ty cases of e'ye and throa•t'trouble be- sides Other preventible cases the con, firmed and. payment ordered; • Per Ii`. Wood and - J. Armstrong, that the principals report ;showing• average attendance' iinl 1:t- 5, Dept 90 Form 2 Pupil's in special test exam all passing. "Form 1 .-411 promoted, one only ,being ,two marks lbebivnd the, re- quired .total in 'Pest otarns gives„ ;be adopted, , ;Per 1"! 1V.` Gladman a;nr P. Wood that the inspectors t-- , -i,' the most r >•a tc Tor a number of Years, be adopted. 1?er F. Wood and '.T 'u - - trong• that the following accounts be accepted. W. S. IIot�+ -y chemics 2,70; J. Grigg X11,13:1 supplies 21..72 Per R. itiT. lereech and'I _'a.imstrong that ,the Salat list �for P, 8, sec- tion rein cin as for '1.31.3 and 11 l;x- pt 'rooms 0, and D. ttih re an aci,dut: tun 'In (moll case of ta. ulll.ty',(fir doh tars hall be made, Per Ii., Wood incl, T .lrrustrog chat the salary list of lhc.'IT S. sec- a,ttra he deferred -Por 'cor,rderation for tv:; eks t'ca',11' Wood adjotil'niri t Secy, o{ f P �A�ter r the cater Tut + ti" airy lrotelkeepers a lire l,lr:lU levied a�a roe 'to akin. ,tears Vote for Zeller -trhar i tr i airport tbt' moat advance " t' legislation if elected., r t "o far t`+k's; nee x�l(lctttrh A o(e ul4 'i'be aunt r: The 'vice -acv in Soul `atran will not he z party one, ,Tttdteltendsctt temperance and Librrcai'rs will. rejoice together as then 'died itY 'tktc Scott Act: fight,. Eitbcr 'noted in, Parliament fo keep fhc bar.,, Either "voted to .put 3-5 handicap on 'temperance voters. EII- ber refuses now to desert his liquor friends, Why should you support him -'" r The Whitney Government, bare 'a, creased club Licenses by fifty seveen. ~Wholesale Licenses by aeren, and have laved four Hundred and eighty bar licenses by their 3-5 handicap. Rowell will abolish them all. ,.. 4 * * Its a good work to help the boys and girls after they go wrong, but it is better by far to save thew, from going wrong, your vote may save four boy or strafe other boy from going wvrong, o to W The claim of sonic Conservatives that they are in favor of Temperance but can still consisterAly ¢support' their' party is scarcely tenable,. When Chas. Doughty a Con- servative pledged hints -elf to sup- port temperance he wits immed- iately read out of the Conservative Parts-. Gustave l vanturel a Liberal pledged himself 'to 7the, liquor inter- ests he was without delay read out of the Liberal party, ,The temperance that the Conservative party stands For is, identical with that of tho li cnior interests. The Conservative can- didate in Cochrane was once fined. for creeping a "blind pi " , 0 * a * *. "B" stands for Ba,r and also for Boy, Your vote can save one, the other destroy, Which, counts for most to youand your wife, The " Curse of the Land " or the " Pride of your Life: " "I=" stands for Eiiber, who stands by the trade, In spite of entreaties :true friends have made. He kwon'- Banish the' Bar or '13olisb the beer, So be can't be elected, -.ever yo fear. y st%lids for Zeller, t,:liti pledges kz,s troth. To 'brush the beer, mug, bottle •and ftotla,' Votes ca uti rot el -'tions, ;more tlt;ru;, insincere prayers, Rve-37 for towel/, note for .riztst . a, victory's theirs,, Z1.3 J CENZItA itzs D Alims at 1 4,00 pub i t: `qc .40? arch de oMtion 1.1 Elxr-n u a t UST RECE VSD Ttits ---EEK he to tltpy, Towe x,El Linde Rod i�Weal�, Mies Glowilaite 444 �e gbt, Go 7st utaw Prices ofClo oots a,id Shoes, t?� 1 inch • t -`PJB. TIERS Door North Past Office, 4.9.414414,444-04.0440404,4,4. 4144444# 4 O • 4• 4, ` geood_ I E ail styles • and sizes. 4• • PRING UNDERWEAR • T• i"skv(a Piece' and Combination ,e aitaoic waits .Ms-® we keephand on n dell. 4 Eine of Overalls FURNISILINGS • We have a new and up to ` date stock of Gents'' 4 �Furnishings in the leading • Iasi -iron hats an • Hats, Ca ps, Shirts, • Gloves, Collars, Ties, .`-den,, ear Socks 4• ® f,t7.•A trig'' AND • E k YOURIC,ITOICE, 044 4 4