Exeter Times, 1914-6-18, Page 8ON 16 TABLE GIFTS FOR JUNE BRIDES d a wide range of beau= i;s n this store any o make e a suitable gift and beappreciated by those receiving them e PUBS Pretty hie is 'l.'asilet Sets Twenty five to elioose /aorta hey them direct fs ent the potte .. Ips, That, is Why we can sa'e yr g to oa.eyp e ROCS QRS l?re toy Tet $ray alar andel eimpes,, wits (rorty car withoaatlasittcilee, A pew ,alaip` 1f?Ienv has { .rl,"ived. CUT 1.0,, 'ass Salts and pep ere, lath sanl, les Pietas stela&aAl.waaterpliiavrs, slot WO 0411 $ave yells axaoney, if yott buy Isere, dor Your u.idays ROOF ROS RRY au role sour vacaxtiiula. Yew boxy of Hole- 'suitcase, ale-esuitcaase, They are' sa't AV three -mon-, Tr tad lieea nig' .tla iatartapa. akin, They this season. fsi have yaur.' size.. OBS s and bttnit- ucla warns r while we p mtaxe you know about a a g,- the more you enjoy it. It easy to undersigned the Ford, lest car made. The full of running: a car is ob=. he ownership of a Ford eddollars is the new price of the Ford on alae touring car is six fifty ; the town hu fixed-f,o,b. Ford, Ontario ( formerly ost office), complete with equipment and particulars from Wes, Snell, r, .Ontario, le Canada Co. buggies Buggies;has just been reG'elved: dan xtra Eine Iot. Intending el. to call and see them and J ery �%2b�t' and.� ycul men.t. Market deport ---The fellow€ng the report of the Exeter marl e 'rested up to June 'ath Wheat Standard 9$o - Oats 40 Barley 50 to 54 larokwheat 50 to. 60 eeas 90, a l'et, L z Family Flour 2:70 bh'.orts S25 a Bala Sa C anyery- ll'ayt%(a' 25 8u#'ter 2€l. Eggs 24 and 21 Lc»v; Gaade flour $1,60 ° elts alive A$, Ilene alive 12 Roosters alive 10 ]Clucks alive 15 Turkeys dressed' la Dried apples 6is, filen eels a` 75e Bogs $7,35 + „ 4 HALF HOLIDAY AGREEMENT a:a e'4 Jt fae> andersi;g tae i?f ;Sxett'r ahitea of a�aaaf4es's at 12n$0 1 Iharsdar dtarixag tl$e moo( ;and Aiagtasta i3 ares $N*MM:bII Far atetaanC Co, Ao A 41, W. 4eI/. SPackman anaoia: `#"" ltsl}ii f aaa tz". M. Royle a LOC Irp' lzn i iVe3 T AL II 1 alb rt tee: 7 64 DOMESTIC" •• First — Best ito Perfect OOlnbinatfon, Sweeper just the thing • for keeping your rugs 8z carpets clean, No taking up carpets. Nodust while . sweeping. Eery bonne • should have one. StiNKY POU.USi For cleaning atpel polishing your 4 s furniture the best yet, Sold by 4 • • ,N.,Row Funeral Director a A Exeter.. , Ontario • I'IIUNE �9 l e wean -e. Lotac a ra.rnoti We tf RA: CO4 O[ y' SCRANTON COAL E s Stove=: Se al: ltev taxa t B 3EsT Co l.; cat_ t e lPa sly pt1y d Saterd 9aa Tara:, • Aataaan, itaw' ,lo i7i t arxaait la'sel aaf l; an in. i :airs; 'afra, a4"ar, 13i 0 Mfr at t r li rtyte of !Ir, Tob The laltssea tlaacli areal aaatd Mie taalay '"relate za t sols zl to xti*rl;• lrrydn fly Maas Hiss 1" k, sats ,easel Mlfia llorothy Mallett vasiti"d iaa :L;ondon taxi S;tctar day last ;Hurontats (bei .: l-20 mill s« irl of tol ayaearls.y oina' 1 y+ Aebesot) has we't'ui fta"r holidaying at Rei hi y t.et Your wedding invitations at e Times. We can supply you on cart :notice.. .i :5Ii$$ Winnie Carling,. of ]3rar.tford visitint, her parents, ;lir, and -lies. Carling. tr, Chas„ Tiirney lett this week Quebec to attend the Grand Lvdget f the C. O. F. Liss atelln, Gregory o1 Chatham ;sited her mother in own daring lye post Week rs. ;G X. Reitman of Toronto, is tiylg with relatives and friends in and around Exeter Mr, and Mrs, B. McMinn_ of Sea forth. visited Miss fi. aleFaul in town on rriday evening last;. Provincial Election Day is 'Alondes June 20th. Nominations will be held next _Monday the 22nd irst 31r E. 11. Howey has returned to h:s position at the l3ank of °Commerce ;ifaer holidaying at Grand Bend lap's. )iteInnis, who has been visiting w itis friends in Hensall visited with Passmore in town on Saturday. The site fog the Carnegie Library has been cleared and tenders are being called for the erection of a new building Invitations havebeen received for the Elmer—Samweil wedding to take place June24, at 9 p, m. ,t the home of the bride's parents in. Nev.; recon Mr, Harry Horton of Tackersmith has purchased for his son the 100 acre farm of James Petrie, London Itoad near l3rucefield. The price was $7,000 'Mr, G. I. Burdette of the Bank of Commerce staff is taking his holi- days and is visiting at Eavenr,a Ohio and will also visit at his home in God erich , On Sabbath morning next a 'mem- orial service will be held in James Street Methodist church, for the .el- even axe tubers who have passed away dring the,past year /The annual Garden Party of the Ladies_' Guild of the Trivitt _Memorial church 5111 be held e ons the Rectory lawn on Friday, June 26th. -Mr, Ro- nan, entertainer, of Lodcon, has been ingaged 'for the occasion ok at ;the Label—The label sheet of the Times has been corrected up -to. date. fs"indly took at your label and if there is -any error in same let us know and ave will have the ,:natter attended to, Mrs, Clarence Smith and little daughter who, have been visiting the. former's parents, _ Mr, and 11M a's; John fin --ell for several weeks, ;left last week' tor Vi;ndsor zt-;here they will make their r fuiure Koine Bear Rowell -_Mr. .N.,,:W. Rowel], the leader of the Liberal and -Tern- perance forces, in the piesent' cam- paign will address a _Mass meeting czt Rink Beeler. the. 'i In Wednesday cdnesd ay neXt the 21,h list a't 1'30 p, -m. sharpMr. ,Ro;veli is: a's,lendid speaker .,N ":.p p ,r ,and eryone; ahoaald ,make it a point to h r k ter 7 at', hint, aures ever,e; filtlti~ DEALER. i Ilan DIRECTOR: RAl;v:dBR Exeter done 74a. , Mchrala seeing bls 3rd ,year art „Ttndtlua haat _asset honors in Ancient, bistct^,y aced rad iwlairs _notion in° 7 Wish, and col- niso,l ltayv ladies' of .Vaveu church 1F:iti raspberry festival ; on. fir, elarltlo*a la*,v n July Stir Tea served 1ro111 to $ o'clock Watch for ftyr» tlac.r fa,narpieulare frA "ft ,c. Jorae8 teller of the .clank itf Co; tataattircir lett rondsa ' for the 't`Itedford ;lIr, ,Fones; has elle rrf ;toter wbongst willthisli hi allrn sue- ae5li Ili Tace i"n town for the ilrc stat is 'bc*ing taken b3 Mr, I L ilaarrinp; ton, LEpe would again retnirac our :elver- , dver, that all copy'ffor change should btu in our hands 'by 'Monday uoor. will greatly Resist rr8 at this rune of the .year, We always have on hands full at the 1at+t minute and; 'while we generally' try to oblige our customers, it will greatly hells 0$ out if you get your copy in early, were inoallensalla last nd Friday Statham after- noon attendir.g the district meet of the I, 0, 0. P. Delegates were also present from Goderieh, Hensall l31yib, -Sear:orth, ])nngannor_, ?Bruce - field and Lucu,n,. The delegate's reports showed that all 'the lod$e;a are gradually growing in etrength. The Tollow•ing were nominated for district deputy grand master; Bro .=Scott of LSea•forth; Bro, !Bailey, of Dunt,*'anon and I3ro, xlrcIi:ay of Der-- sail. After a number or ballots Bro. McKay was clear(' by ale casting vote of the chair: la,t Mrs, B. 'bar-. £r. 1 eayert visited in Cordon, last wee. Quire a number of motor cycles pas sed through toned on (Sunday last. Mr. Crhas. Brad, or. Mort Huron, visited with relatives in `town over Sunday Mr °end Mrs, iT, C 'afeL eod, spent teday at the former's bream In elddelph, 1[r. Frank Roche, of London, visit- ed Mr, and .Mrs, F. Durdle over the'. ti't ek end, Mr. Will McAlister, of Sarnia, vis- teed•Sundae- :are, �ra�ht the homeof ,'Mfr, Jas.' Jewell overSundae - ars, this Altah, and Bete earl of" 'i'i roaeter are visitina at the home of Mr, aloha Grigg. Mr. ,rad Mrs, J, laaancaa axed daugl, ter tlladys visited Mr, and Mrs, John Bell over Sunday Arr, Robert S.;rnders:has returned to town after an extended 'trip through the Southern States. e''rsrs. riles. Ilarvey, Beg, Knight Gunton and Goderieh;� gal Edgar Torreepee s Gait aaundpY sat :lir, and 'Mrs, 3..,' Moir, of Sta'eley Alta, are visiting the ,foriner3 par- tints Mr, and, .Mrs, Jobe Meir.. Clifford liegnrth will address the Y oupg _ten's cess Iia Male Street. riettreb next 4alebath atternamte Mr, and Mrs, O fan, of Shakespeare are visitant; the latter's pother Mra 11 Oobblediel who is under the doe - tees s car:¢. Mr, Coate ale lister, aicd,c.tl Stud, at Toronto, t<'aaiversity; is vis-. ia* . h;s laare;Lata at J` zaaaes Street. par tDr,l Quaekez♦iao;;lh is Visiting; Per rlaanghter tii;a 2', Muwalockr of Glaatlaaaya and at.o with friends at illenla, 'xrn, _lass Edith 1Toncur assisted is a re"a,"aI given by the Pupils of 3fias tioi,a J:ittl,,' of Sr. Andrews UZl) Lon- da+a 5i Thursday licensing,. Th e death oceered a4 Croruarty lIt*aar' Stoneman wino was 60 ewes of alto entad leaves a wife 'raid grQavn alta €neatly- The fu:.eral 'Fs; s held; 0 'uesd'• e. sa; of Torodatg, >oaltory, of Smitta rat' e l ye#i r TI la, dept, iatalales last week ';fox i"& k . l e well 0' tent n,bei yea d i4s 4 sobers tA1 t for aya on 1'4xa+tt+t. a4k1 atd Clinton can radars la, Te tendered :Qn tho .nave, ;lean of the ''Zew Town ll',all, at lien. all. Ten dalls will he opened on the dela eh orating sat Waimea etiaadist church, .;a ntraatiar- ;sit serheld, for the elicvela; ylii nttlyertl na°ile eparted this lift ,dear- ;lets, and ilRisa. isowler ryl London,; Ont, sere gtrezits tat Jaaayrps t 1p,tt.soat a a*, firs, l*ow ear is n. sister of else lata Viscount 't "olverhnloptoza, eer tasty of State in 'tl* "Ilr#tislt Crttliaw(• ".the annual Giirderz F,trty i " ;tla:c IAndiea °Gufld of ^the TrivitC 1la�xztorial oiautch will be held on the ltaotcrry wan Aon PridaY, :Tune 26t14 i5tr. Teo- nan etintertainer,;of Ladron. ergagild' for the occasion lltsnr Botvell— Ir, tlye leader of tbe Liberal and `.Ceara, laerance 'forces, in +the present cam., naigi will address a lfass meeting at the Rink Exeter, on WednesdnY next tltc 24th Inst at 1.34 p, m, sharp Mr. Rowell is a splendid speaker tan<i everyone "should make it a point to be at Exeter to bear pima Court of Revision VILLAGE OF EXETER The Exeter ,Council will meet as ;a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for 1914, at the To`wwn, Hall Exe- ter on Friday June 19th at seven o'clock p,in 'F. B. Carling Clerk Rowell's Challenge "There are men and women in this hall and throughout the Province who for a score of years or more have prayed and worked for the coming of this hour. The hour, is here; the clock nas struck. I have discharged my responsibility; it rests upon your conscience. What will you do ? I've been true to you. Will you be true to your principle and to me?" i ,.-.;e've Reeve Wm. E. Elliott of Ste ,Hen. The Dominion n•o n i i n redistribution' i utron bill: has been laid before' Parliament af- ter, wive months in committee. Wes- tern Ontario loses four seats. Kent 11Midd1 cses Iluron and Grey, each lost: one. Huron is divided into .+, two rid- ings. instead of three, north and.; south' each electing cue'.' member North Huron consists of '.Waiva.iosh, east and west, Colborne, Ashfield,. Turnbury, Morris, I•Iowick, ' Grey. G odcrzch, V<'in haan, 131ytH; 73russels, and Wroxeter. South Iluron, coin - sists of Flay., Mclaillop, nlanley, Step- hen. Tuckersmith, Lisburne,: Iiullett,: and Gad , cr ...... zch I w hil, CI'i n' Lon S:a - foeth; 11ensall, Exeter.ar,d Bayeeld peeped a seriou accident on . the area,. Street :c oazling"of the G. 1. it, Wednesday morning as 'the 9,45 was running from the east, Mr ,Lit ott and aAi 1 tonHay Hays were r a.a_, occ r the crossing with his new auto, hea it sr,ddenly stalled across a he track They both junened out and endeave ored to push it off, bat Lilo clutch or brake hadn't been ,released, and with all 'their efforts thee could to -+y move it about- two feet, .tlli in they saw a it would bestr• c u k by the train they left it The engine struck tbe right hind wheel. the pilot raising up the machine breaking off the plate with .h ,, the number in front of the boil= er, The front of.the' car swung ar- ound against the engir.e 'breaking the front wheel, the rim of ,the hind. Wheel and tire: wee ; thrown into the er ka,„: ee 1, i he, side , ,. e o : a ,, f r ca i,nd the f.. ,r mud gr;a;di'onfi;bent The car. c' y tv a � tit ref t r t 4 . n i t :5•d> walk 4YQ 6 Mr. L'Iln_, s Lrom LtiMz•. w Baird( le' to, 1 v ,i A: an•,t.he' car �r ed .. 11 t t: it o :ia ,� S. . F 6 abl' e�t' ,i�ltxi . lis escape . with itix„ s , . p -0.14,• .. ea -t Va' sur•prisirag., '.L'az'Jshil', it Middle;.ex County, here:io(oie three ridings., 'heeomes, 'tyro. east and west each 'selecting one member, East Middlesex, consists of r. Dorchester, North LondonNissouri, West (West - minister Biddulpb,'Liman Village and proportions of L on don, City' . ,Westwi,ddle e.x consists of Adelaide, , Lobo, O 9 Deice/arc, Caladoc, ;_Metcalf;, - _losr� kkfricl. 1lcGiliivray; V✓illiams'Last,, and ',West, '1?arkliill,:tStrathrcry Ailsa Craig, Glencoe, 1cv bury and Wards-, °IIS;ISD AY a ];C ta, 191.4 DUSTLESS----I3y opening dust damper and direct draft damper `when shaking I dusts carried up rizace smoke pipe. See AfeCialy dealer _ or write for bo THAWKINS & SON, oca'I Agents MMINNIONNEWOREMMONISEINNOMENINIMMUM etting the light ;hops and businesses that are iii�?ll Hued by advertising have a vitality and e eieney not possessed by shops and buei-. messes that drape their servieeand ant ivities witha pall of silence. Everybody knows that it is iu all ways good o let much light into dwellings, factories, shops and stables - 'into ail places where Cafe iS 4n.d where health and efficiency are desired.' We comtucnd :ta the nanny tyre acivane, rsistent ae isl iat'Fbile always goes tit iatlns dark places. Ligl fltaflideilcc• chants of thi and good ,rest_. our colutr ns, fi Tight is —the ubl cleans welcome alit of A NOTE TO MERCt3ANTS d+ ertie ng win go far tOtf'at^4u> tattling the ae loyatilby old customers and winningyou, new ones, ,bitty.. ro sa lWertisemento in our columns will prove an est... Itertt salesnan—one whose yearly cost to you will _etas than what you tette nowt paying to some sales• stn behind your counter. Shop Where You are Invited to Shop FARMERS, FAHME111 FARMER CURSION To The ° ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE GUELPli The Grand Trunk ilway will ran an. Excursion to Guelph under the auspices of the South 'Unreal Farmers Institute on 'Y, JUNE 22nd '14 Free lunch on arrival — Guides conduct Excursionists over the farm Special program for the ladies SPEOIAL EXCURSION,RATEq CENTRALI A, leaves 7;00 a.m. — Fare $2.05 nnUCEFIEGD, leaves 7.39 a.m, -Fare 5i.i5 EXETER, 10 a.m. — ` 4 2,50.. CLINTON, ” 5.00 " °' n ILEVS.A.LL, 7.22 Lan.. 2,35 SEA AH FORT. " 8.15 " — , .88 KIPPEN, " 7.30 a.m. — " 2,30 DUBLIN, 3,d0 .so " 1,50 " — " Children over 5 and under 32 a "care of age, HALE FARE �,6J Tickets will be good going one train only, valid returning until follow-° ing day. Except from Dublin, from which station, tickets will be good returning date of Excursion only, Your Opportunity to see the Experimental Farm in Full Operation Many- new buildings have been erected since our last Excursion: One especially we might mention as the Dairy Barn, which is fitted up tans with all the; latest appliances. Do not fail to visit the Dairy Barn. The Committee is sparing no pains_ or expense to make this one of the best Excursions of Lhe season. Considering the distance to Guelph the Rail- way Company are giviti..us a very cheap rate. It is several years since. the Iast Excursion and this will likely be the last for some time. A PROFITABLE AND ENJOYABLE TRIP John, Elder' Alex Mustard, John Elder, B. S. phiflips President - B. S. Phillips, Committee. tilitEnt.�ecretar y � HOUSE P FOR, SALE I t ;;Jrouse and two lots of- land : on the corner of "William and Albert: streets: The house is a, frame -cottage' contain. ng six rooms and. is is 'excellent state of repair,;` head and sola tenter in the house- and ,good : cellar under- neath,. Land is well uaiderdrained, several ,Fruit trees and some small. fruits s on the property:, Owner ' is leaving town and 'wilt -sell at a sac- rifice to early. liuyea-,,, Apply to F. Durdle Exetei, C� . FOR SALT I : ht Roomed, /allele veal Bred house onWill' William Street Exeter., r , Goodsit- riation. Price 14825,00 A, w snap Also Premier xrZi separators,' X45;00 Apply .to ._T!i Btatchford'. We the undersigned hereby agree - to sell acka Yea ge of Silver LTi aSatesaa; matchesd . coii�taininm'"5' standard sick five cent "boxes for twenty - cents Quality ar antee '" u g ,d S. A. Stewart Tenders . 79 an te. d' Whole or separate tenders wilt he received by the undersigned 'till 'Sae- errday June 2011i,for the several tra- des es i1n connection with a 'Carengil Free Library at Exeter. - Planet and specifications may be seen > at thea L orar r l ' l .r estbu y Low ari din nayg �tenxetecier Inot >Gecessai 'ily excepted. .: H: E. l3UySTON 'Secy Enter ,7ubao,, x ' 0,I4, „': is