HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-18, Page 5InTralWAY JUNE. IS, 1914 ' • THE EX TER TIMES 4-1-144-1-1-1-1•4444+4-1-4-1(44+ I solidly against Mr, Rowel /Piero Hear Rowell -Mr; N. W. Rowell College at Home fr. Thencands of ambitions Young '1." Teopie are fast prepariag in their own homes to ocenpy,lue- tattve !positions as stenograph - ere bookkeepers telegraph - 4 01. ereaelvil sarvatate is fact evory tiphero of buness activities You taa,7 fint011 trt College. if you eo wish, Poaitione guaran- teed. Enter colliapa any day. Itadividual instraction. Ex- pert teaohers. Thirty' {years est:ter/et:toe. Laraeat traisers Casuals. de'en nolle,gea gi3 ttiai 0inirtio for teaolaiera. 4 +13;+ffiliated with Commercial matioarail altasoolation caPada Simmer ea -14001 at Famous 8Pot ton Snaineria C011eae Lor. NO VACATION elittZolt ,Bilameaaeollege SFOTTON 13., F. WARD catai "We eau al 25 to aulaiari rkyraPe PriPeS RITe bVT5-, THE TIMES Rearld 0.'d Week o. 'Weekly 'Moll nod Etopite lwrcoo mot ,weklay Iva(34. pro. lakenn.,••• • "Weaa." :104(10.4 Advertiser .., .4 .."4 We,(147 MOAtVeal IMAM lAreekty 'Volum( Sun 1 00 Martacan Ativocote .o..1 40 vat .and Paw 11,14 05 Vonadiart Fartm -3. 80 nto Valux40 migbt DO Novo ViWkr1,4 f') 40' aor ,ngt AO.* 40 ailWolin 444^51,4. 2.1Aretwei.o_21*atea' lomdart Erea rreoa VCIT, Ore,Olk 1,1,,reas vertiser 4 AQV TO WO aided with weak, backaehe, head dderweakocss,eons. (MUMS, pain in the cgularly, blestiu meats, memo ofinternalor t cry, Pal gs under- t Rfe,, I invite 7 simple melba( ten days' t d, also references (lies o gladly tell how iced health, strength sod method. Writetatday. Sommers, $ v taceitY, f e ist chore Toronto, Ii o e cram men a UD 4wbop tneiple, before; party be said "My frith - a Tory, my grandfather was ye brother is a 'T or y and rother-in-law of mine Is a Tory was :rocked a Tory crle ad et ay that Ur, Ewell will ie in trtcs, and his blood AVM be s unless we tChristinn pebple •et)behind him and support hint in , , courageaus stand for 'righteous- JarS5." ,000 BOW NEEDED Airs, lleClungone or Ca.mdtes most oaotable women. did inot put the case 'O•oe strongly -when she said the other day.. "When you go 'behind the Arreto to register your 'vote, 'when ]ea an* alone with God and your oughts. -1 want you to see that Song line or 0,000 little +boys, as sweet and lareah as any of Your own going Ito ;the bar for the 1first time. want ;vOu to see the long fieie of mothers, es, eyes reddened front weeping anal Jaces drawn and hoggard„ waiting 51a 'the .night for -the toot steps of Ile. drunken father, and the Effie oareaa ponrly clad, and ,a.ften beaten, 31"f you back your iballott against ihem I will not know what to think .of you 1 appeal to you men ''n the niaine .of,your Manhood that you proa ataf our homes and oUr children, may !be a few exceptions, nitlaough the leader of the" Liberal and Tenn - we confess, we have heard Of !none, nerance forces, in 'the Present cam- ut Ise are reasonably eertatn„ unless paign will address a Mass meeting at all signs fail, that Mr, Rowell 'Will the Ititik Exeter, on Wednesday next if 'very few; liquor "votesi., 'The or- the 2Itia ins( at Lad p, on sharp Mr, attired liquor trade„ /with all the Rowell is a splendid speaker and wealth it can command„ with its mil- everyone should make it a point to Thus of dollars inveSted in brewer, be at Exeter to hear hint ies., :distilleries, liquor shopb, aod -6,-- Th/war selling hotels„ wiJ 'be thrown Miss "Minnie Wynn 'who or the into the „sealle 2ga it:St he man who Past four weeks has been so seriguslY has dared to pledge hitnself to "alaol-. ill is slowly recovering alat Still colt- ish the bar" As to this f4dt we -do fined to her room: not Oink that there can be titY rea, Mr, and Mrs, Riekbeil of Zurich, sc•nable doubt and 'arra, S. ;Morrow and child (7,1 What will Methodism do: Holm ur Beetott, visited Mr, and trs',, Hat', have a political leader, 4 'Wefl-known dy on SaturdaY last. Zfiss Hardy re- etbediae worker. who has taken 'ins 'reed with them 'to Zurich and olitteal life in his hand, and, at the spent ;Sunda -Y- on of the chnrches themaelves. has thrown down the gauntlet to ;Dna im- ROWE-NORTHCOTT tensly wealthy and' trentendimasly werfuf affic 3U wo stood by vettY Pretty wedding .t°°k Place him or not? rhe politicians, who the hoe of 31r. and Axrs, know something a human nature_ Northcott, on 'Wednesday, jaene iota 1+ -'"Fa. no doOlait Of 040 ireStlit In The when their daughter. Mary' Alberta, • 5"- e- It the churches do not give was United in marriage to Oar, Ova, r, Rowel/ meat unexpected and ma- P..e"erEeritoles;en•ssr;VOf ast4,11,ro,rraanniarTg., precedented support 'The World ' Toronto declares that Howetwios; 'eAl„:4.cr'°eikrn Liz bpS;e'sReeeliNo'i.G.4114.t3T15-^ an octastozz when it is to s„y; s at, least over ibis sae - naany . Lifateralis as 1u dSKneet$. While the strains,' of Mendel- , that 10130 Conseryalites cheered Mr. .4w4 pxababRy 4,404t. ssoltio7s wedding march was being Rowell to a mom, it was ,aie 1909. cialtS ggre? with this State* 1)14,Yed;„, 'hY Aliss Darling, the bride 44d a convention Was held at Massey aad swig' liberals are pitting ellte,4"eo tho Puler icon:'11 nn the arnt ' Meetings were held foit days- VonSerrattrt$, thlOarialg that °I o.t.r fIllbor and tgok, tat Place 'MI, 110. EnWe'll (Ms awl:Main at one of Exeter Old Boy Dashwood Boy Weds- ;work of the ministry in the ranks or the !Canada 'Conte 'n of Eva g Favors Rowell cal "Association, 'talong their Av(wk LER:ILASN'--LANG ' : att Pel.haiainfunCeennttefM11;1-teha;t, (;e'll-, On ibe e(..e'ino- of Jure Mat an yr- . their f * ds i h h ' '" e s 'ts teat -0 I Toronto On Montlar evenicg, stated at. the home of 3fr, and Mrs, „Bernhard .a.n`` Service and all Join IL wishicg li;;• i,"' lt"'"'",e°-°t' the outset that he did not hot& a i Laxyr of mendoit m- h -. ,--,- ,,... tAer-4 4 taost 'Pleasant journey 11 :I::: *ia:e: 'stelilea‘T::;; ":'01" 07 " t` +for the liberal party, He stat- ' "- 'e lt, '"e Ith't , through life and success in the Itlas- l tenst'n ts cv0en't-danctra ed that the Temperance people of ' riage ef their ciaitghter M'as' Estiltr' ter they servo ' Amon.- the out of to -a eueats pr- ' n°ur'isiled' Cntario had gone again and lagair„ to „..to llet,,,,',,11. A. Kellerartn of Ilaslu"°4 "-- '' ' - 1 Parts'. n -age I' d Sir James IdnaltneY and said tileY did' Ont. "ae nerenwaY, beganProtoPt- ' se"'t were the following, Mr, and T%-lts 1s,an t•altil it ( -0 a y Don Mr, S. Senior a "Cc'csexyative 'anina lent 'of lion Snalitaterest occu'r'ed at I! Ifli:vdese-ctivrillilePhe' sinCeetil:e°inntfgd'rratt7uts,a'ft:inresk'l Ycalr hair an 'Exeter Old Boy at a meeting USE la t AN SA ieek and then otea4'; n II 1, needed. It _removea a application; almear .ps ,ba* and itel rigorates the etatip and clo-na' hair ao,ft lahntalaal t with life- ;EnonDY L'oc net w44t local optton they wapted to; 1Y at ;s1.x °°ock when Marma ‘°- erman. Aaron and Martha close up -the bars, hot he hati PeStreicher, of Dashwood ont, touS Oestreicher, ail of Dashwood, (tut, to assist them, Itelactontly they had of the groom in ber ellaraeteristie th/rfloid Kelleaman, Elkton Mich, "Mr been compelled to say, Well good-bye way sang, "A Perfect Das" by liaaaaa and Mrs, T, Shirk, Smith Bend Ind Sir James, we will go to a man who and "oh Proodse Ale" /17 De- Koven, rr's• -P. &Aal'ealske Mad etas, Crof- v,-5,1,11c ,h4ve no oon f40,13ue ;u th Tb orida p la4trengnaMahtr3ecx, bal,e0;a:en:etNyitheaueldije rsisvrtroaaulieirti,saIsloi; cpLr.taoteliii: hrz„ ikM, olaa; kl:Is!ps se a r aohoat r a C th .14 v ell is not sincere!' said Mr 11001,1t:niIt.hat.3ire. stleao lawn, 4w:or a .11,01,,e of {,ver) uta, Naperville Ill' Bev and Mrs Onen or c tan a (TYmen in de s' or ii lor to e is sincere, an greens., artistically dottenith white + - 4-.r tome can be 4. Cole Or POV drug (Tunic., want t""a .say this to You, 'AM You rasea aud i5yri,..itta; grooto c councii riotesi tell/ c stand in the way of the great- 3fiss 'Nelda Lang sister of the br;de sincere?! aLood cheers an.4 mottY ably supported by his cousin. tIarfieln y There is alet o er tia voices.. 'That's the stnftv) laeilernaan of Elktoa arich, 'what( " it now st opportunity we have ever had. acted as bridesanaid The bride was trery simply but ottraetively dressed (• • r e gown trimmed with Yeavilaa hoods and shadow lace and carried a hone (vet of white re,ea,; while. the brides omriat!cin oll°Iaecde b(:%;(14VPfl'ile4g4 ruee.41nree5r5epl ‘11.1ietl.t11`1,-,!a rat:131 i °err at 11 dapti;.41:44"'Aive:r Lttzt, b.enne(11 Shoe(' ineOhew of the bride anted OS Ting -hearer carrYiog rirg in a ealla,dilr: t ti/ and impresalve one W3$ perforMed fr, cel'elo011Y. was a Most beauti- Vm fA1/2 El ,Schrader, bhakes, Pi'lre, Oat, a elassmato ond very VI, (itnate friend of the bridegroom; Al- ter he young couple, hod been pro- noimeed. husband ood we, 'and bad rived congratulations, alt present aired to the tliolog-rooto where ptuotts repast 4(vnited them. TO. evettmg was spent ver, 1.104sato- a ly in sorg, and speeches by several of the gaV$V$ awl friends i(eV. Kellerman bas bad ra educational privileges, nvi"ij gro (toted trout North Western College a Noperville. in Jure .1011 aod of Evangelital Theological •SerainarY o the same place oft June S. 1914. Intro Are You Sincere? Gentlen I want to say soMething (0 you. I remenaiter 1144 mado agootder au oren of evergreers iifto the nleetings, ond 014 4040, nect4SIOn there is ony 'mistake the fml Notell; voleY Prortytn ancg31.er a‘.3W slY3• 0330:13t ito tow, o nod ;lot ‘ARgwep ttayo henttliful bridal dress or whifr bro- letldenmJ tri,),,,vbe4a'nvidntth'el ',.it,:(147calartc:1"3:4$4 "(NZ$ tollbenfat. Teti jte74145714Q.gap‘or to(h1:4_e ade(1.(t;b:Ift:(1e c,tf;a4(Milvtrtildn::411.0t7ere:1:447$9140broiltria:e4:1, (+that in the Ditairmau of this we have such e Man,' .3od vbao awlifibuo, „cogid She carried fl. bouquet of bridal 7J54 S four tbesad people cheered the ItteStinn is whether Tile o„,,Otr ottendant was lttlie l'a.. statement to the CCbn I think It trs sill altifilt We 1Pre 'Northcott. nelthOrgf 'tho laridP, b safe to SitY that •thero %roord, 7;0 it tho polls '1E bo T8e a pretlY 1400 IMMO, After 1 000 if not 2 000 onservaks aor Ter years in ntany mei eaogratulagg. eV* $014, f wan( to osk those tuel prayers a„ - dainty 'wedding repast was sere. they o owl" ...ed tosal been sa cht relwa nit Tbe i 1 mitt Within o eltess thathol we know, and $r 'that the vote not long part fallAPP101)„.1 1 1'ekblarti((011$ ((ere „mt gior WOrg. Tibbfkb$ sad flowers ard bis sirst 0 --rirr:21.1gtr: tWour. Keg, OK The grooto's gift to aor the deVOOP'' neither is 1( ride aaaitS check; to the poloist t a the Zraeral Pro' Mr, Howell 1 1oat oet with wohles and pearl. the Mose tiVat dfeet; emucestlY and te.stified to the esteem of 1„os u , doubt -a st that hi ;de the, bar -room al hnbtiles and the whole liquor 1 are rano-ittr themselve \V vept*ge to say that„„t itV ;to n 'the Ada a the abolttion or au We afford to tote (to (he. sant ide as the (111.411101". the 'brewer% end the liquor setlets1 We do not •'.r,) which 11401 eas; e glad tO sometiatea ton the men:1 . Sono (toots dent it Presenfs were ;numerous ond tario, . goo -the Ab. lho Plum; couple. The evening was lo spent in games and amusements. to ap. 'Guests wtre present front Parkhill, eitflt 115left, St, Thomas, ,Clinton and Exeter. The moo bride's going oway soit was of xaavy 4 Mae 'with hat to match. Ur. On life& Rowe will reside on 'the, groom% fine brill On the «nd c0/4CeatiiMO of Their In u friends Pio Nvith 0 1( think we nano Temperance People Pledge Stitiport to Liberal Candidate a Welt attended temperance - ertiou held ot Denson on Ittorolay evening the following resolution was unanimously passed': 1 "'That whereas the reply of arr,11. Eilber 'to the letter sent out by the tempertinee organization asking cant- didates to stab their attitude in re - toad seettring legislation to bon- sb ihe bar is 'very derivate a'nd Un- satisfactory to The temperance mo- nies and whereas mr. :Edmund !Zeller has pkdged himst.lf =to support In its entirety the poliey of oar alliance, atnelY: abolition of the public bar., the treating system and drinking ir. clubs. ancl ',the imposition upon, the liquor traffic of such restrictions as ahall Mod effectively eartail its op - ration and remedy its.pvils, there, fore, he it relsolvecl that we, as a temperance coovention, ir.doree the candidature of Mr. E, Zeller, loud call upon all -the =Christians tend all temperance workers to do their ut- most to secure his election A. resolution was passed recotrimend ing 'that the series of purely tenwer, once meetings be held prior to tho election at which the position of the temperance party, will be made plain. GREENWA Miss Iva Stewardson of ParlthilI vis ited her cousin Miss Laura Steward. ,nn For a few days. 'Temperance in politics Whose Fault? iThe excuat is aornathing advanced -hat Temperance should not be mixed avitla Politics, and Tndependent Tem- ' Verance people are asked Ito vote for Ihe Conservative liquor combination on -'the ground. that the Liberals are aresponsible, But'rendthe offer Mr. JRWell made in the House and judge for yourself). 'Ildesire IiIk r, Speaer,to make this lurther proposal to my honorable Nriend,..•- While in 'many respects ittrefer the policy we have submitted, to the house tootle. policy submitted a -o my Honorable friend 'the .1):rOvincial Secretary by the' Young 47onservative menabers ot his party,f .,say -to my- honorable ariend that if he- 'thinks the proposal presented lo Salm by the Young Conservatives of he Province is a' better proposal 'Alan ours; if he 'thinks it is more in the public interests than ours; thea 11 my honorable- friend will intro - legislation to carry it mit, we on *his side of the .1..1.oue will unite with :him and his friends to 1111 the whol:: ituestion out of the region of party o:entroversy, Tboth parties unite ;.ted ,tog,,-.A.th.er wipe out this eV l fiom our ""..-1.rov;:nce. 0 1. y :'(.) 3 ro,.clisti.s n. (T ,,,C"i •;,_, Geo" 'A?, prese ta 0 e el, tb. 4. P4111 be:''''f,`O „Iltgitioaa0. 'Cla. way tha - liquor .„"ti4de, ..t (1 ' 13,4qa[,,.:"9clt.lg,Y.4(,..c1:,',; 33"- 13:i..;..e fa "0 140 Times in etrndiog o -.rotate- V at a 0 NN -In 1hkwoe& on Jnne 12th, to deo Llteart. On TneS 00 2nd, to Mr. and WS, It daughlet. QUIRE- At the -s o he brideparents. "Orr. and Mrs. 'Henry 'Squire, Zook on Wednesday ;lure 17th 'Flower(' atly to Mr. Xoseph Albert IlaYalen; reAVVIVE Ailas Cr eg on ;lime 13th Erne IlreAlptre cf MeGillivray to Vinkbeiner of Cretlitert. Klli1DIED NEB -At Credlion on Tun arida Barbara. 'aged 26 y'ars 1 mottbs and 0' days tritICE lfissPearl 1,Vortz is visiting rein. Ives at Guelph, during the past week Mr, Hubert Klapp of Stratfortrols. tell his brother Lor a few xlays We are sorry to report thnt Mr. Justice Melich is not rallying from his severe illness as rapidly as Ids many friends would 'like to see. idt Robert Douglas or Saskatoon ar rived in town. corning by auto from Windsor.. Ile iotends visiting his mo ther at Make for a while Illr, and Mrs, Morris Rau of the Commercial have returned Srom short vita in Detroit, The latters sister returned with them for a short nialf Mr, Thomas .Snowden is erecting a Rae modern dwelling on his farm at the Sauble Line Stattleyt r. Mr, Jacob Deichert has invested in Porti auto purchased from Mr, We3 Sn'ell at Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. rit 1). Merner and bily Merner all of I-Ieapler formerly residents here are visiting relatives and friends in town,.. 'Mrs, Dave Studoa, who has been vie- iting her parents, 1tr, and Mrs, Hen- ry Koehler has returned to her home in iravisfiock NUT M VILLE lfea,, John Solios oi Exeter, visited her daughter, Mrs, Godbolt last week: Miss Bertha Andrew. spent the -oast week in Exeter'. The !AV: M. S. will meet on Thurs- day p. m. Miss W. Bern will; give, report of the branch meeting+ Bev. ISfeadman will preach, :fare- well sermons next Sunday June 21st Zion anniversary services were held last Sabbath, Mr, Geo, Stanley spoke in lthe morning and the pastor ic 'the evening The, colleetian for the day amounted to $41.25. rhe new- silo. erebted on the farm of Mr.,, Joshua Johns was coinpleted last week and is a reditto the builder, ;Mr. .T....,Passrnore. The silo is !built'of ceinene 12 -x 45'feet in side measurement with a, railing on the Briawin. _boa „been on the sick list but is improving. - Everyone 'enjoyed themeelVes at the olenia on Saturday lash. The game between the Grand -Bend boys and the Knights of Honor class of Green- way proved to be very interesting, The 'score stood 10-1B rin fayor of the Bend. Miss Edwards has returned Ito her home here. Don't tail to attend the I,own 500- l tat at the Methodist church on Fri- i day the lath inst liefreshments will be served from _6 to S excellent program is being- prepared, consisting of addresses by the pastor ,Itev. D. D. ThOmpson a -id Bev, S. C. 'Corriere and notisie by alt Harold Pym soloist o St 4aryS,. Readings lay Miss Daw 'son of Parkhill tied others. + Don't ftirget the VaAe. Everybody welcome afr. oral BIrsa Caleb alillson " -of White Oke South Landoa...visited a't Mr. I -lector add George rifillson's while. on his way to attend the wead- at Mitchell of his ;nephew, Bev, Alvin otirtson Ito Miss .Edpa wooams Bev. atilison has been recently ordained and assigned a circuit. .a ?lost of the.peoplci around here 'at- tended the annlyersarY services at 'Zion, 'on Sunday, and the ice cream social On Tuesday, evening. Don't forget the services here on Sunday Bev, Walter Billson of iStrat- ford preaches it 1.0..30 and 7 p. Woodham 'Choir will .1,!..1rnisli the singir,,'.1'.ad. on i'u('e ;there t.et inc nanim to '1) u„ or t,s*.:aq vs co" ' 11,7 rave :1° 'disagreea o(k 1 v wood ant gind i vat 7:11neno 080I hat If the Li e v temperance plan t al - trick they cng the Roe. ri 4 group tsayi Id show th vas not Id win tfav C A ment co do $000 John Browg saoo and Ohara' SZiO oarY 3eiohert bad Struck off one dog, I) itoh struck off. Atter few trana tSr or the ossessment. the Cour4i o I Salon was -closed er ,Court ot Revision' 'council met . G. TireSt1, was appointed manager tnd operator of the Zurich Central Ur has to attend to all installations ot new trio/tones, and do all repairs Central and to the lines, he also has to Cornish office room free of charges, his salarY to be $I200 Per an num, Frank Moussenn COn ,Toss and Isiah Witmer were appointed 'toad Commissioners tor Zurioh Road. A. few accoonts were passed - The council adjourued to meet July 4tit at two o'clock log these yeero he took Part in all College activities. 'being ler four Xenrs on intercollegiate tivhatiug (-eons. was active in T Q. 4. and Situday !School work as well as Man)? other activities The bride, is ;also a graduate of Northwestern Collo graduating with tbe Or 19 lioth were wry pOpillnr alriOng the'r School mates, and teachers. and by their cheerful disposition have ir- stupierIedatibce illavevso potful!' wi w eu trt44 happy eouplo , 'alared hy TaYlor and Ifiadsola tba the Engineer be instructed to ZePAiX the sidestatk Ort the Exeter bridge as the walk ),13 In a dangerous condi', tion The alOtiO3 was carried, and (he salewalk will be proPerlY rePattr- e(1,, The Messrs Ge W. Vol a mere% re ported v Notion h t vouehers and f -5i• t45 sa5e The totol receipts for tbe Dalaoce ,an hood trona egeipta during' 1913, ,*1. 0l,'101,4( g total of $17$.203,1( 'The tote aymmats doriog 1013 were, $IM, viog Tbs 31esse or orn*sIttee s'- partedfollows„ !.Vi bve rna1s qnr terly v to the flouse, nndo the management very saUsfactory. this date there are S Ma4r car4 (or in the institt meeting of the coo baro sed a good sound yoing f liorses, three and Voir ycnrs tbz'2 O. The Committee woold re bat the twain building oat d 11111$ OnUltner. 55 it re4uI1es it hndts We also recont- nand the d possl of the present g.ttiet line engine and that It be replaced by. s hydro electric motOr or throe hono, power, We believe that this can be done without additionol cost rad , that the orrangements of the er be left with the choirman of tiis mittee and the Iospector, We 5150 d that a suitable vault he boll basementfor protec, fire all doom. (her valuables be left wit e ieve Your Mind ointiog zu a the wor- ries inci- dividual aa trostee of yqtr estate, such Wifl he live to uliil the trust? Will lie ';fall 111 or be away when attest wanted? Will he negleet his trust for his own affairs? V111 he prove unfuith.tell These are all possibilities. Butyou troy leave.thern out of consideration in entrusting the administration of your estate to -this strong, conservative Company. Call or write for oll information desired. THE LONDON 8t, WESTERN TRUSTS CO LIMITE 362 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. SIR ORO. GIBBONS, Z.C., Preadeat JORN S. MOOR. Man et Ittariggaaltgal191=1301152SlaiMaiNalinallIVIM the Ch.alrmen A r'eenunended that and Mrs, .iy"..carn. -a" the esi.ati. of 31r,s, Wt- zat0 •eif the iip.us a aiet'. ("Or lt(tore investiga (int atiOn ' Tbk, Cono(y 011tow.:;„ 4g4Int-f:ree(13Tg ed Orle,te to 3Lhe,beoet411balaffriya /,;.).00 1;01 BnrLh. There fr:gVett'd - but1)(ng less iba' 1W4it hride be ard eear will be re([tueed ridge will bwe the race at 1,/In de to the old floors P015114 and ore W raqufre new (10 dioR a» butr awe si*04' the Jitti Wai Thepeei ' of 3IOSsr :.'Io& aipo1 Meeting priterat .lridi botanCry bridi 1.1lttrk'to the $ OteOtned di.re!!: f40 feet or nveri,:" lines oad 00 ;the.. o term .,.riatitirle," 18 21 alt ri It 1 and on the I h Vounda tiro eltato lsr:43. a 1013 , 11 bridges o •014 'e sillting We I1a4e a pare, a b31 changes we t.'& 3,vhar %Va. fthaLt the by -la v ba amended s nake a report O sked to de so by ;al loather,. Co EDISON 'S Mr. andairs Bosnoll of Port 'Hope, are ithe guests of Blr', and Bit's. `‘,Vb. ohns:, • 'Tile annual Inniversar3r ed strawberry festival of the Elimvilte' Methodist Sunday Schoolfwill be held on Sunday, June 28th and 'Wednesday July lst .1.914, On Sunday Bev, B. ,Ilicks of Itensall, will prcach nt 10 a. +rn. and 7 p. 111. The inorniag ser- vice be especially for S S. 'Sch- olars and *workers all Ithe schol- ars and members to he, present as 'there will be no afternoon' iservicei' Coliertion at each. service in aid or, `S,„ S. Fermi. On .; Tuesday, ,Iuly 1,4d the annual picric will be held la gr. Iferdm ,Ceatur,.-4 ot 'the riciallAxitithVfb'all ,37;arn.-: nsfe nieaj,4tees,',e,tg,410qbefgebolars.„ itiooria,d,k, and oiherre a in u s otnee eetns -children 'rot."' eet 20 cenls', coMe one and ' !ail:a dr The New Diamond Disc Phonograph It represents the culmination of over 35 years of prodigious study in acoustic in the perfecting of new methods (-1- recording sound and of accurately reproducinv it. Over Q300 different kinds of recorders, reproducers and diaphrarns wei e tried out.. The present DISC PHONOGRAPII is the result, which represents as near a perfect sound reproducing'instrument as it was possible to make. Don't Select a Musical Instrument Of any kind -not even a piano - until you hay beard lbw NEW EDISON DISC. It will mean more to you than anything that has ever been brought to your musical taste, Don't miss our invitation to BLEAR it; we will not iinpor- tune you to buy; we will leave the result entirely with you. It appeals most strongly to those who have a critical ear for fine music. EXCLUSIVE EDISON FEATURES 4 -Longest wearing'record. 5 --Moderately priced record. 0 --Faithful tone reproduction. 7 -Motor of epecial design. I-Geniune diamond point reproducer -no needles to change, 2 -Unbreakable records, 3 -Longest playing record. COME 'AN Persona NEW E Beautif'ol' most luxnete,n of itotneniiir wain ut,'„fildllg T1-115 MACHINE CAN BE SEEN AND HEARD ONLY A