HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-18, Page 3jy CORPORATIONRUNS FARM 3�': Tf lilt ILDREN WORK IN P.,RTNERSDIp. C'lti;cly Seo Organized a Com- pany with Them as Stock- holders. tock- a T I,ta:t?„ pis. The problem of how to keen the boy on the farm. his' been solved by a Minnesota farmer, _ :John Me: Callum, a Scot farmer .of Big Stone County, Minnesota, organized his nines ons and daught'er's into a cor- por;a t ion and divided the stock of his 1,S30 -acre farm among them, as though'it were a regular city busi- ess ;r: fat:tory, store or Milk, Mr. McCallum himself was elected presi- dent of the farm corporation .hy the vote of all the st ;ekholderrs, while his oldest soar, C#ilber t, was elected general manager, and a younger 4 soon, Leslie, was chosen secretary and treasu a•, One ,sou was made superintendent' o£ the. hog depart- ruen.t, ail full-bl+.-;cid stoat. ` An- other s -other b:oy was elko^aaat to care for the horses, ,Between two ether a -)us the , t cattle. lsllc�xr�p-svere'tli}•ided. The' girls were BFit, in charge of the ns home, Each r,srldras Mad? ii el - yrte•Flilelrtscmc C..}Si€iofAlta farm work- awl given warn, 'nt' uta- therkty in la. `s or her deinaareme.at,' Farm C'irt"pa>1'aaticau liter; thought the matter over .8.1 ' said the far-seeing lang.of his plans, '`Then, I. t(1 tdswu, got, a lawyer .� r1 la's's my"plans^, 1 i arggesYt'<'a1 ws* the farm the Lismuze ;tock lata from the name, of the island 4catLand where l; na/s horn, lie gat^lacerated] the farm With a, liazd- aaja cdapitat1 representing nav u104, - farm land StaOtrk, 1 had n stack l a k printed aaicl Med re - lar. incorporation. d,;C few days later 1 called t cIt" ktlren itattr #lkez parlor one In+ 'tag .after lareakfaast and. told thezl +e rtntla` ter , satrpresc..Titer e doe ora to xd fourdaughters. ail sdxjai all ltrl ilea'areas :at, $]ilii. a. 1 RYO S CHILDREN The Trouble Often Really St Viols Dance-1}tj Not Neglect It of such, a' wonderful household reap cholera,. epidemic, one Of a party of forty nurses sent from Scotland, Best L� �. t of All Sho went to Cincinnati, where sloe served nine mouths. On, her return to Scotland she persuaded her hus- band to come to- America, and they lived at Marietta, Ohio, whence she volunteered as a: union nurse in the a -t -i1 war and was ash ned S&gel's edy i1 r ,, 111 When she was discharged Lamontagne from her home near We from the army sho was ass ,Grn.ecl tv tasl Twin, Alberta, "In this far -"way, aC dk)n - of a eaSv S eC`i En far a ch from doctor (A" �ruggist, avers' fµrrii5 needs a oozl scaarr°i «lliez• to their liorzlcs and the £aalaalres cf tli,c nu i made laer ti•o cz birlitera . i�yr ever is rt e hest of all. It d'IE:Str4ys every rfaiii,; ' weld'3me . that she Beni: for #ser ,hut ' , aea�er tis ^. Ave use :del"Takine jt huSbandr to 'iuways i her. in r score ok, !!ways, ".. If 3.t�6' &l«E"'x1ii1.`.': In 1809 her husband was ifl ,,e .r. husband, 1 ��i,. 1 ,r.a by(ism, aching back, :rain. au the side. frontier robber's. A bang <,£ cattle- Sciatica tar $tiff 'loci., --you can laugh found a Y ,. l "� a , , la ''',e ] a .:F'�.. men toari.�, c.s ,)acaT and buried it .� di..ai_ If YOU 'tlnye &rr&s stf Xert:;sline . • �, � . ,...: and sent ward o ,i a' j'ohlt,P,n llaiacly- aeF earaokre,, tmtlaacbo or, 'Left i::e a , , r , cm.:iiapr 1 d"It t'heis't a'u tlil.n could, act, :share uiet,ly, For a genera/ all. lea rge family rrf lxi;::@real, she i . • • rsed, fumed, worke4 b ^ tilos ora more } la 1. i a a<. Il � L �. Destroys Every Pain But 'How thankful we are to get hole] Many._ a child has been eaglle•cl awk- 7va. •d, has been pinished in school, for not: ]~reaping' still or for dropping r n C�tcfa .,>, when the trouble was really. St. Vitus .�:us Dpnee. This di«r.:e�ac.q n,ay y appear at any ago, but is most cern;- 7t2; n between €lv.s ager r. sic an,J e fora t;ee t Tears, -rs, it is caused by thin. blood ; °]ilei 1:.; s to carry suffi- cient nourishllment, to the -nerves, and the child becomes restless and twitching of the, muscles and 'jerk - g -� ing of tli... limbs sod' body follow. In revere .ca es the child is unable to- hold anything or feed itself. S Vitus Dance. is eared by buiding up the blood, The most successful treatment is to remove the child from all mental excitement, nt, strop sehooi work ,anti give Dr. Williams' Pink P311s. These== Pills renew t ^e blood supply, strengthen. ey es, antl. restore the, child t rhealth. - a t .e k`e.. c Z 4)r clakar power to cures �k s, Geo _4> tkefonalal, Harrington, 1.ik., ".�F tTr v --t to ' ��22 ppkv.. 4rM �. 4 �.N .k, � la , ppn'��. �I., C W'r=, --Vitus dance; et. the e set k s rx ,. h iia � z .. t t rF seep was weak a,atd lea'>�y We colloid a (lector who 'treate l ibut itr°spa. al<t. ithstarading h� erran3nned tdda Irvorse and at last grew ail load he olid. not hold ao cup in leis 'ilal lss heads. t �n ta,utl�y' eased' itis s�; oreit ba'c2 (Rr 1'rdictinet, At this ju�necu ' n ;a pe; ler the 'cure of a boar irail:ar trotalat* through tlac Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,. at Thea sent for' -a sujzfaiy, and. fere weeks after he begrtn theft t l considerable la-Trove- -as a— rove vaas not long after this coaftpictely 'cured, load. symptom, of e. 1 xann eonv inc d bine ,like Dai. it thepure of lie+ T as t%aerra 'to ]keep nkc: geek raeh bine 1 die'the ' soII if 'away a t+ ck r Make, l(janr' The eitildrs}1z ewe? d,}°ter the idea. 't intere.,,t .in the Basals' neves that thz7 hied fore and before viae MOT 1 a block tatUne ' aclrk ]swear" cl rr} *, that by ti ill r vc* pureh:tsed have nit ' :le 1U 1ta ertrralt RPM* aiaztJairmiustie rr tkaena an inn tlaer l,ftoO }ger' bad he- �st geek' was. ever eaetion, of i}ae Ilaratrd of tl'txet- s doing his best. to stop the leaks that hevet any large corpora- tion. orporaR tion. The directors hold] daily: mecti nt,4 arr.mud the family break- fast, ',able, wth,rc• the work of ids, day iv appcartoned, while annual meetings of t -ho stdrAbolders .are held, as requir d by .late', and the Finalities of business procedure care alum~' ob era ed. `tthe .17cC1alhtn farmis the only faarrn eorporatiun in iinnesota.--' and tine of the foow 11 +rho entire United States—that makes reports to the State and to the' United States the same as a big railroad corporation does. What has been the result of the experirnontl Of the nine children eight have stayed by the farm, one deserting it to become a lawyer. Nor. have the eight stayed against their will or because they did not know. by experience, the lure of the city', Five of the children have been away to college, have con- Plated their courses and then thur- ried back home to stay by the old farm, in `+which. they are directors. 1'wo of the girls are now at college, drawing dividends from the fares corporation, and planning to're- turn home the minute they 'h have won the coveted degree; }rt tai intent, a rtdt l before doe and has no the trouble that $here 't'l� illi' marl 1 St, "itus 1Iaanee. f adstar dealer does hat kee UMW by P,isr ` villa 'c►at'ta am by nr.ail at ISO cents •h,. boxes for S°,l. tl by writin 1 i98i uns' hfedlkeiue t �a,, ''ilia, Ont. ac 7 1l,if<1 ttlt°o 81. hi (Pr 4 e day, th• .. Only in to rz sevt..ed and did everything ng that pa:o- cure titan I1exa^tune," Liffe tP l gator(' n:.ise all o $_ j - cl ]x newt p�ainy*. The above letter is carnFtrrCti��°=--3t, Mrs, Johnson .as ,-eig. t ' tolls; how reliable andtrusty J ht? 1d.,ss +uf 1ps t,ri the Ens . rrss of �, ..n�lta '+ ilei¢ old krr:Jaricl p 3 n ,. #'ift II' graizad-c'h'ildren, but none lives nea • f tulle- reane Is. ` ry lire floc tarty "as Jaeaaa er1414'ledd on : her:, and :she Irecarrae lora l>•. ,fir tri ;ears has Leen a,lionselield word in eeeded by ornly. our reoa'ine disais- R 11 %4. s1. Less 1y1Ct she iota s ire foster txiiltlrea, i t.;r>;�at:da. Scarcely a Tallinn." in C' -shads tars in the 1;;), ,c:.'ntau'„y. `x`ik�4 ,you ,can filial with' ,:er WO inot..tet,ess til t 4b 010 A. ie s, axrd she eat+es . c un t 5 - rat. a, r . is l z ora s e - u r" •tkein c h k uit?t s of and other }es e1. at fat ' lac,nias, in and makes all o f thear' kite we ederDi cu ' iv 1 r , . cadrtlzos. T r k r a lrciiae toes rAa' the great. iiuri^ietlzaa of, October o9 NervIllue .laiiel- will tame pains 0.14 R , #. • Ja # ,1 r, J � 1re n } e , xs �... l a3 an F� fi tit .) i � a t r,. aDAatt� o �' � � ."t _ ja'1:tGkaela 1' �' aaaiaa �. i , Ala S burning, e ala as of Wm: e t, rhe, � . , F eel s s a e x e � t i e. e k � t ii 4 kat` . .A rat �54Pe1t .MA d t be i,,.t, and her rtadathr*r �}as p 9 . �. �tirn�'., ,_ , �" ua �cYia� � . , ; as i`er. ° active young g . wara1tng and sate rim voarog' ;taut old' ener'al St+e'u -, in tlta East , lEveil , ye§Ion} pa ,� t'rL� � rAriaa� 1}(AILlan }}•��: r .� asses for Titles. Mr. Launcelot Ussher o'f Johan - tion in South Africa, has intro-. dueed a. new dust -lasing prepare for use in :mines, the base of i which is rnelasses. The Iron and Coal Tiadie�s Review says that az u Spray of the adx titre lays the. dust perrngt3�`m "; 111 ori mine it 1' s+ foams.. t-h�.e, �lra R?t•i>e� walls spl'aa��et wit a i ai .t en t: s G t•em _ i_Lt in .,. me ar , o r„ ca list-,.aa_e .� �° a.r., eius�-�a�cl> ,.x> fen rlear1y a year. !I le. ,are :;a,ration, }5 �. 1S Ii h.nc',ll qua:atit,r er 4a..c,�7f dant - fCa,,�ITYS a thick .�. v . Pit:rr,,..Lex �ikAdl stiz'f�tl S,.rCa,._"3y {'UT' rS �;<T g F c ' 4lsiar ii ,-:x Sx)r, a,,11:i, ii? " E)w?esi; i?8" _::-;ci�e. S miler - tm"a1de s .raiaz tat^, ft`: ra 1'..,nd f`a orite. rlliaaita w a1#horitzes it` is ,a -d are , use the-.,--,,..-w-p tarnaaatr�, ttr. t ,.,, ,t�, a,'srk tial irk ,1;e ntIP-Cs that - ? c , ..> r.._ls,,F at,M 4 grzal, ante y' ern ttirark df p T �*c nm The ._ ildx relight, The P 'i^$ -&@S V;E.Ri( CAREFUL°LY. • 1 w�a doll' alit EPS ken,}e. .,,......,,�, n� killed in an aaCeidcnt: at fifty-eight. � tub. e' n s 1.r �ts .e nowadays, 4 fifty-eight. 1Cr y , t a ks a e isM1 ,el e a h, nt.eta,es .}aGr! ,tamd$ fc,rd, levies ti ae, eat -too Innen VOINTP lilt ` the lie Ali anti was e y3 ti r pimples and totel1esn ori. p � , Get Iia? IIsnee. _ . ? rtoilet were east only ;; irialrtiry tng to Ge t large a ee, family size Vie';} York, on June t,. 1t with, le; it's the most economical.m3 t'et*IIiaigs, but leetst<g i etaE)tagtit xaig" r iii n �,r p ''bre .of :gals marine grew despondent. 'Chen my appetite ;� F p at .lJ t 'r � cis f Glx � d xc T i -'.,1 , s . >ri a�ota a# newer 1;eirrk raie+s a�#n � i F� trial size �,sS, o-att any dealer's ; '.lint alrFs s Tit iA 0 disa,strr's +tr l r ii mak' the. T>;raIIai }a'biele saath afse laerg with t.4 dr ria tLirrana. the icor. l; failed, t grew very � :exTt, \ adeno>' li A,iir,il 1tr 10,Il2x, ret;aedics, pills. tames and lebleto F. creta^.. �qrn avitlr ern tided without permanent benefit. A visitto fly.' atalt.r put foto my hands rlaj3,aTaTl� ; hear of D�', Hamilton's Pills. She rh gpleced reliance upon 'thorn ossa clow' that they have made fling well worm- tai# l` e ,;. i 'mufti net be without tetra wltatevex ey might cost. I Lound 1 r, Derail, 'a puts by their mild yet searvilin lay suitable to lite delivat cif ra we-rean'a nature. The neper Alitr°e griped me. 'et they estat- arity. �Typ appetite gr'e}ta ht laiand red and pure ---heavy t toot Japanese arrirt,} {,�traadeimy eyes dtsaFpeared arrri' 0, inti„ losszd, to^Kkia day si}tn to ae: altar' and nn. bluff snakes asialia kacaisa ho ic;hQs. lass to eould do I�at" of w*rk dodgri it, often snore efrteeti�* 'eloquent word husband always ger woman. ai induce oar zeas to to h� to take ai joke. will coo more torr alas tlasy° }}ill for a dui ra` s in xs %n dlisas . ,R t #leekered (alai;. that braau ht 5S of freta tselt the the e >n, IV It ld01 oleo n -room oris she because or their IVY bei', and ty to the SeasYenth unit, t O'arrth- r hair a. sh firm, she lay' Ad1'ent1 age, Y scour . and white h sixteen perfectly Round teeth, she never has been in a dentist's chair^, n, and she can read large type'without • glasses, Her present busy days follow , life that has had muchmore cif eXeitsrm(rnt than that of the average woman,. , . Mrs. Johnsoinwas born in Scot land, May 2, 1314; tlie't 5..ag atgx- ofa sea captain, She traveled withtl her father during her girlhood and was preparing to learn 'the 'tailor trade in Aberdeen when she be. came ill of smallpox, After re- covert' she served as a smallpox nurse. Tn 7.S26 sher was married to aa, I yqtrng civil engineer and devoted her iter life to her 'borne and the sick until 1'855, when she 'volunteered to conte to America for service in the, Overr all :ag the President. In .only one important>pa.rticular. does the McCallum Corporation dif- fer from the usual one. The cheque book is a decided :innovation. Mr. McCallum had a especial 'set of che- ques printed., boner' year a certain percentaoe of . the.surplus is 'set. aside, Each director may write a cheque on this surplus fund, in- dorse upon. the cheque what the vion-ey is for and cash it without asking the permission of any other director. On3v once,has ;there :been a,very decided difference of opinion among the directors. Last year there was a big surplus. The nine children directors proposed to buy an auto- mobile; ,the president of the cor- poration was not favorable. The nine outvoted the one and the auto- mobile was duly bought. Mr.Me-I Callum chuckles over it now; per- haps he opposed the, idea on pur- •pose lust to see 'what wpuld`hap- pen: -who knows 2- ',I'll have to' admit Ivo anade is so interesting for fake kids that they •haven't wanted‘ i;o ,:,eave the faarzn," says'. Mr. _,IcC;a1Il13u, "except that one boy ---and he as d u;t'out. Tot' a lawyer front the' start 1 guess . e a el -age iasarried man is, the iskkn nd ,tl a t 'hakes the'. neig�hl�oi s feel suraey for his Wife,' RIPlGWORN OV FAGE IN SCALY SPOTS Around Mouth and Chin. Spread Ali Over Face in Big Disfiguring Blotches. Burning and Itchy, Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment. Ringworm Disappeared. Burnt Church; N. B. -"For about four years I was troubled with ringworm on my far.,!'. It Arst made its appearance in little • scaly, spots around -my mouth and chin Which+would Last for about a week,' ,then would disappear and in two or threo weeks'':, time would ' appear - again. As the liltde scales or. scabs came opt it would' get like a'Ertaiked'sore which was always increasing in size and " - eating into the flesh: It ',5 -asp iJ always getting worse until it had spread all, over myface in big disfiguring blotches which did not disappear at alt. They would Have a burning itchy soreness. Thering- worm disfigured my face very much for the time being and was always very iriltating, • I tried all the known household remedies I .could think of besides some recommended ones without any effect. A friend told me of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I ob- talned a. cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment. The first application afforded relief. 'I washed with the Cuticw 6onp and.warm water as direCtcd, then ap- plied the Cuticura ointment.: In a week's time the ringworth had entirely d-isap- e peared.'t• (Signed) Miss Marjorie E. Mor- rison, May; 26, 1913. C.uticii Soap and Outicura,Ointnieut'are e sold by druggists and dealers, every,;1io e. - •, jj For. a liberal free sample potter, eeeh,.wlth 32:p. book send post -card to 1)rzrg, 1b caora.Corp.,D pt,A, F3ost4?n,. Ti .,atcaa tt�Ik Own ',le"ab r that the 1 tither. Ste msi fantu'iu ;Riad, thousands of It mer, in most'eas:a ther does not ha}' at hand to give jrro Own Tablets 'curet these n of s lbs do t slugg iss+ in the 'w'ilei tazaxried at the e; ess stat+. disaster. I es tele;grnpit egin: 1150 in i4," . The ste* to likejaialal,ic, threatening es on ]lead. -rata col; the I} iorkl;., that year `t first, rdtai a tryout. Al Sat 'he adaa�e 1 not a Rattle give» ocett:sncna91y to the }tie1t t1d will prevent thea eorsrilag en. ie Ttblcts are guaranteed by a government analyst to be aalnolute. ly harmless even to the now -born babe, They are 'especially"' goad in the summer because they regulate the boards and ]seep the lnlaela saaeet and pure. The Tablets are so]d by medicine dealers or. by niaa l gat 25 eents a box from The Dr.11'ildisaar7s' llicdicine C.'o., Brockvi.11e, A lover is loved most, a wife best, a mother always.—Anon. The worst of all countries is the me in winch We have no friends. Love extinguished can be rekin- dled; love worn our.=--never.--Anon. Love is the dawn of marria.ge, and marriage is the sunsE:t of love, There are more men who have missed opportunities than there are who have lacked opportunities.—La Words really flattering .a.re not those which we prepare. but those which escape us unthinkingly.—Ni- non de Lenelos: A lover who is ye longer loved is still good for :semething; heserves to Inde one who has replaced Joy is the ray 'of sunshine that brightens and opens th.ose two beautiful flowers, Confidence and Hope.—E. Souvestere. Women are happier in the love they inspire than in that which they A beautiful woman pleases the heart; one ts Jewel, the other a treasure—Napoleon I. If. women ,are naturally more theY are, more Sensitive ,and less en - e the wit, or the beauty of a woman :" what does a husband Nothing makes - people who have been 'a.t.t.ractisje, More ridi cu - The .art of conveiSation Consists ous than to forget that they are so k€. rr incl were *artacky i ye."d,t* XCQetain cated _ as ela, itr 1 burl rizag fre'ightel lcaraa,, when sill c)al board, is ts CoN nprepared. All were a t, ed. Tho Niobe, wrecked off Cape til the. great fie& di.SfiStfil` to the Ti - tank elaimed world attention by the unparalleled smunioning of as- sistanee from many diffrent EYE ST.liAlg Relieved by Quitting Tea and 0 e Many cas.es of defective. vision aused 'by the habitual use of tea o ; coffee. It is ,said that in Arabia where :coffee is used in large quantities, many lose their eyesight. at about fifty. Tea contains the same drug, caffeine, as coffee. An Eastern woaxian writes to the point concerning eye trouble and coffee. 'She says; "My son was for years troubled with his eyes. He tried several kinds of glasses without relief. The optician said there was a defect in his eyes which was hard to. reach, "Ile used to drink coffee, as -cve all did, and finally quit it and be- gan to it.s.e Posture. That was three years ago and' he has not had to wea,r glasses a,nd, has had no trou- ble with his eyes since„ "I was alwa..ys fond .of tea a.nd coffee and filially became so ner- vous I oould hardly sit still Long enough to eat a meal. My ' hear t was in !Saab a, ..conclition I thought I rniolt die at any time. "Medie.ine did not give me relief about time., we dc.3idecl to quit `used it ever sin:co. I ant in perfect ihietea.1111. No trouble now with my "Post.um has been a great bless- ing to us all, particularly to my son and my sel f. Name' given by Can adi an Pos. tri m Co., Windsor, Ont. 13ead ''The Road to 'ill pkgs. Posture now ccomes in t.wo forms : . "Regular Postum -- must be weld boiled, t 50 and 25c uackag lustant Postern—is a 'soluble 'pow- cre9m and su gar, makes a delicious mug due he 7111 The summer 1011, it will bered, was exteptionally hot. ▪ equence, flies were very the infantile mortal-il normal in par 1,006—jice-144-4,;. 836 per 1000. mo h '11911T:IdInQr‘01.Ftliiimite::;„d•rus,Pci!, An.,T non e ban did it aU. reightforward Todd. wife of a w Rogersville. Fr tea medicine. Ire It R.' Hamilton's. or the enorrli. gs, bile gave liter income v. JustAve ComferuJWrite ter )300 or tee 44 Durrag that year in England and Wales L'S.1317 children under two years 4if age died from diarrhoea) diseaces, and it is safe to a.,,,sume that a large majority of the -vitt- tims were inocculated by flies with the tate], bacteria tor in the fol- • lowing year, when th., weather 'WAS eooler and flies less abundant, such deaths numbered only 7,4.15, Idniment used by Physioi The Only Way to do It. again after I warned you not to." ."Yes, ma'am. 'If yeti really want to keep me from fighting - guess •••=brt'd ;better go out and warn Jim- my Green •not to make me mad MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at iny store and the. only One we keen for sale, All the people use it. FULTON pleasant Bay.- CB. ‘'MisS Batt, hew do' people yoUr house ever know what time it. tion Brthe clocks, of course." • "But I heard ma tell pa -the other When: the doh key saw the' zebra 11. never,, -was tas .eorum n Trade, -minter and dee he has emu -miss! d daughter's pc rtra -our slapdash paint - h good coats, rabid He's a fool man who thinks that he can please all ids wife's rela- ork County. Stati e „. an nook r.u.7 ss :in connection only of tf wed th Your o you PER 0 absolutOy therefore a means CO Give thi; vOur home, beater ra Remembet home tbro economy, you, toncl. There a Home Trade Store Near A COOL HITCH A cool kitchen on ironing - with Ne t The heat is all in the burner —nci The New Perfection is cheaper cooks better. 13roils, bakes, roasts, :iOn fa I, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes, 1914 model 4 burner, cabinet a cooking oven. At all hardware a Royolite Oil Gives Best Toronto Quoboo St. John Winnilser •