HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-18, Page 2iecif Connag Common Ano nce l; ornament. -vas cyan, v -he^-. t,io was del , ercd. kst: 1T.R.L the Throne, is Royal l igr peeeli , of the Se! OGIJE1)t OF PRS s °Iving the Pare well Toronto, Jane, 7,6-- 'lour—Qatar.o 5vheat lours 00 aper cent. ;3,85 to 3. AP sear oard aid wC $3,511 fronto. is zitoba--1 irst patents in late bags, }+k z ft, . seee) th1 55.10:' strong. teak- # } erg". tk tk4e bag 4�.p� N'!'"L i'�?, 7N' �e ?''t's` Iu c Malt.ttoba Nrheat—Bay 3�t},^' .3'^^'.+q,4o X. Passed ";.� C A'?,i ri nal Northern,: 31, said. ivu, ,. 8§c. Lt're�3l.�i'� -*star±o '#�Lae:�s—\o. at &t -4i to 41 jF Q 1 #"EP Sem', ai 4,a oa.;toitde, and $1,.€i$. un taia;,, To= %G'3, &A3 i' ci1.ti e ii' asL4Xi i :1t0, , a n 't'a'w-� '1c,, b Ontario mc,t5, o;?h ff0. ^il1G^, _i? z %.416,7,' Latkare e^= E � n is+sMe. .t:ci 13t 42e, on track, Tc otito. is h h been pass: 4'ao 'effective: salperti- aafo wore u a 'have zaupertant lotion in, the, pU )nd i0 "a dispo a0 dere& trt?cipad lea triad ft nrked, , Parr of a 4 laee rkc in qac-, aIont,, charm .iA i.,t :i','a '>.� i ,'I la,,� the renrie- a of rite `naiap o tiao , e amus Aii tn. �a440)40.tr North AlPert 'Pe tOItas e t1; been i d&n ir ar 10 \ti mstt e Cada 4: tsa k;+ #baa \o: , q td at 'lite :P3` :a'la � � ?` �t8. AN RESCI FROM SNAK. Three Hundred Pond Python Wrapped Its Coifs Around An Attendant A clespatcb. from Quelpb says t An set, Qf conspicuous her'tis?n was performed on Tuesday at the Ex- hibition ibition Park by one of -the lady. Performers of a traveling show, k'etc3-1+^ieea noise&) 1)9 ani 41.1 aSOit .g o(�etkrxexw was 130,r1O ,- aotllnatticag )0.110-Y ss to shorn of -fatal ttea^aalinataoat by to tae, ecc xa ing to quality. c aQ1-uecr✓�iedness �aaad braxo o the year a at 04. t + 04c. atttslalc :371:zae, s R, to I)se,, outside, yotk'ng vonnaaA ria question. A, man tearer — , as 4:uwerteov. ante. .° leashed Idem boinae. ei7ht, .1 . axd a �� rarrt� y � � .y cam-- i ztl aV"a a ft. 824," to rke, A nae assistant An the make exhibit, 8t, IA bates. 1.9.41 40 rre gh4 14'';' i"'g. entered the a pii'" or enclosure ea. pied by "Edward the Great," a holeei st A tQ 9c„ at= , giga atio Soniti American ytho' 0 to tiafit axaamex sPa 14,01r is tktch xceent3y arca ecl> arae , , _ ,, sit. in l.a ,ahat icreallnea a anrto. zresbi. .s not yet laecome a eirrt hied to to e. s ox ' rendes. $e to , s -x to ,o ner ire lk tat a l,Ats 'i3aryra*auncliaags, va rda x i[aaaarr.te t.` .eteat au tS . 10 to �i s wes hs ov r 3a 0 j 443 an+d meas- "0,7,014 ;�� t� � �a ;iaache�s trr ciu�a`eazce at Ptieis eu e e4s ;4' toy1.4;1' 'tor htethiek t point, an this atdded to xaTe.. *trees 14,i iia 14 o Farr 1twAns, 3m:a�--=t�x�I�e�� 4�.�a .t3,,��� #h� uat��� Tt?�raei�h�� dfs�sf tnoxsaze11 4a r .141 to 0� f.'- tfona :f Brit fret:l ro hfs trlt V,a � V to 100 P 2 kaa.. ' k e l 1, e'er, gem; .�i..F�r&�$� '&Mgf. �trifil?r�`i�?. '�V'�'(k� RRA � ?L�F��?,� %%encs. 10 tO I,it011 ckr a�. r g 14ea tterVolgt..14 tea ;23;e cl s� a dange0114 OppaAnelat rf a ot<ro- t-aelst.a. t M, fix ; and Oaat:Arles fet 41 nee ro eared. Thos who tr 'aa ner 3a, : nn 1V4,3 engaged in sweet 'herah 'iaitbolit rlbe L.�Ae ftrraaad hrae o RAM I• rlali ar.i. the u bt t vWitt.Vats ' 3 our and. brait eOrtaeren, 344 '1 ti94G • a3i11 1Y't 4t, it a' K ;*cA?1« w flea w, r nia)i be u, a�1 ) par a1t1) ribe re54 rt1 1 lI there rn'` of the gard to the e 65th Regi- KicahariStie The. regu- rryng of er such. cir- ,, and. the: intend to nt instance. vim and, the) T. on, m all poi nt.s tri t =eke and flames to ly be sear. In the majority is the fires spring up 7u sections sly burned. .1 DIDJ)R+Y1.4 SEr TEN CE, Former Employes of C.P.R. Convicted. A despatch from Vancouver. B.C.,' says: Seven risen formerly con- vioted *of robbery at Kamloops assizes and ,sentenced to three years each in. the penitentiary. For some time the Canadian Pacific divisional yards at Kamloops have been - rob- bed and in all more than $10,000 worth of goods taken, R� SATISFACTORY ses to be Fully up to Past Four Years iron i 4tav✓a gays In nee by the- Census and co preliminary ea'ti- n of the (areae of th crops an Canada,_ as ts on their' condition., 'i,urn.s made ,by the June1'. . The re,- gho'ut the in:g 'was de- ess of the Qn.ebee file .,ween now and harvest will be orally sat- equal to the average of the pastg. ,a long four years,, 1910-1913, E}1e above, In many percentages represent the prom we were o* `- jiel�ls ;' equal to: the four' -year Vie, off L. average in the case of spring wheat, iinughnu ass, genes z i o.a'not k airl'cy andinfo inferior in''bhe ris wattle ease of oats by one per stat.,"prod " itgba in the erase;' of fall w•heat, by, two per Average of On June 1 the condition of field crops, as measured by a. standard in. which 100 represents the promise of a full crop, was 'very "favorable. The points are as follows t Fail wheat, 79; spring wheat, 03; all wheat, 91; oats ancb bar] ey, , 92 ;rye, 89 ;, peas, 92; mixed grains, 93; hay and clover, 90; alfalfa, 88; and pas- tures, 90. Assuming that the conditions be- cutters6"il.r, t 4o k It $11.00 to 572; ciari ee It Valves—e�ttlead ra't`a„. common. $'t,7Ca tr,' . Sind ern to amara rs� $t 2 ala. $7.;:5 tet 3r 76; goo to mitt lbs.. 57. tea yi..tila 11 67.25* beep and lain heavy. #449 so s 7 lartc Btt :tiering hortha each. lambs. 50.fat .a.* -..sr. to S9, ted 5 off rears, to il11E1111' ded 11 t 11 itv. General Dillingham for reper ...r 'Washington that winter an "1 peg lasts from October to June, . -with the thermometer going down 5 rar as 15 below zero and that he elimate is responsible' for ram. *a and other diseases. r5 to m beeves* 411 utel yea, ao n•css Attacked and Many ra sengers Ire Injured. despatch from Milan says: T Berlin "express was attuked near Como. All the windows were broken and a. score of injured pas- sengers had to descend for medical treatMent, An attempt was made to blow up the railway bridge at Piacenza. with dynamite bombs. Vast crowds of rioters devastated traola station, damaged the locomo- tives, overturned rolling stook, and set everything on ftre. Between Ancona and Ealconara many miles of track were torn tip. A state of siege has been pi:oeiaimed at An- cona, where barrieades have been erected. At Naples ro.any people were killed and wounded when the striker a stormed the Carabirsieri barraeks, and the artillery opened fire on the rioters with quick -firers. There were many fatalities in fighting at Florence and Turin. IIISCHINE TURNED TURTLE. Seven Occupants Reid Prisoners Under a Motor Car. Browns -vine, Opt, June 11.—Se- yen persons, all:of Aylmer, Ont., had a narrow escape' Irom death just outside this village lag night, when the automobile of G. R. Christie turned turtle aaad dropped Into a ditoli while turning but to avoid a, wagbn, standing in the road. Fortunately at the spot where the car capsized the ditch was veyy deep, and as a result the occupants were ,not Crushed as they otherwise would havo_been. The weight of the machine, however, kept thena prisoners for a long time until one of the men of the party crawled out and obtained aid. ustralian elections will be bel tember 5. enveloped in the great serpent's' elammy coils. Thomas w.as.'able to givO one shout for assistance before the constricting body tightened about his throat, and ;he Iapsed into uncor seiousness, wrapped front neck to ankle's in the scaly neon ster's ever -tightening folds. Mar. gaerite St=_'ll, cashier of the ,show, was in the ticket berths Outside, and was the only one -who heard the ehoking scream of the unfortunate Tomas. With rare presence of mind she dashed into the ,smite en- closure Where Thoma 'lay inert its the coils of the ,great. serpent, and, seizing a email iron baa', partially pried the tropical destroyer from his 'victim. Then, lnuxriedly taking from her rectietde a vial of smelling. sats She poured the .entire contents ratio opaen, thisslrig mouth of the snaIce.. Choking w4'flee po'Ltrar- Ertl fumes, the larrgg anal?, hay nessure, and SeVera1 ehrployees: railsimg m Uses t I'a call, for help!, staceeeded' iax freeing Thomas from the coils which, in moment more, �k raalci have PraShed out hila life, sTrl;"i Pollee WI €sf 3» t1UJ or espatell front for the hosle IQ• THE CLEANLINESS OF SINKS,CLOSETS, IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO HEALTH, T%7 i'a4tx4AA'i reef, ONI4Orcrg rand eaa hQ ''CIlit-t into the polar Sorlre three ,mama ago reported mradered. by Eel part, oaf mounted pQlicerrr' uspe tot Beyt- Regina June ' 20th, It zs not yet caw many men will form the t e pplieaectaaipulezit 'ahem, for three ,-ears, they acre to rrndertul, of the most perilous" eve Comment on Eitents is tile adoption or a -ninoteen-hour day." ie has been reperted as saYing that our. conventidnal twenty-four hoar day nes no raison d'etre in the polar regions, and that tirne WOUld be saved by estab- lishing e. different and more suitable Ifor zneals and their preparation. and eight hours for sleep. This schedule 1• mord, rest other than, sleep: It is true ,that there are no theatres, Musle,halls, Ph. elle along. and another explorer a fOntball. baSebal1 and other sports or SeninSernents are, of course, available r'e- seurees even in the aretie and antarctie regions. Is it more efficient to concen- trate. cut into the part or the day sQt aside for recreation and sociabilitY. than te fellow the usual and habitual rout - Au.? Would. not a nineteen -hour day overtax the physical and mental enere of previous poinr ertpeditions are most The goiden Age of Dancing. ing Innen., Having, passed through a period of vulgar orgies the country is emotion. R• etormers who have oppose% anclitg en moral gr oonds are swept -Why /anneal It is an interpretattou relit loco national traits. life al14 thought—a Poetical expression of moods and emotions anti indttiged in for pleas - Ore. beautY. art and health. In the ovolubeit or the clancO 4 return to the Leaders who aro interested la erting the ort and clean beauty ' astline are trying to street the craze t the right 711reetion„ It copilot he cannot be stopped; pan only ito 41reet- ed and regulated. PoPIllar -craze In attended by peculiar dungen:. lop. is ag m• ueli part of life as staging. Painting tar laughing OWO a duty to the nuhlic in safeguarding its standards arid malting It decent and .4elightful, What EducatioP rrti aro some persons who thin% I WI /mows art. lOrt simple. ok,ln :And c;iiniti;i1o(oe4tiolstsove....ticAttri:;:tioa?tt: ut ot its doss to wed cely blood. • The mor- n on', comb- Calenlatr,11 , to a. inore countess, who ' maid at honor. will he mor atle nation in the lift- . :MOW Pince 11153. when n bridegroom. 10 Uroperor tothAievvarnottia,mliteumpfget:es another nnellS7lid miles in the a ono. 10 sill that ,000 d the r of Empress, of Ire) nd g crew. Towards t • ng has already been re' iverpool fund, 4'10,000; and, 401,000; Canadian md, Z40,000. Monetary assis. *II also eorne through legal ation, payable to -the crew, ssiblo dalriages payable to There is also the assts. orplianges., With all e sources reckoned, however, the amount so far received is quite ina•dequate for the needs of the real Britain. • a Least Lost spateh Stories the 1101' iek.- still ort ad the latest toll at 10 mese to the cons thonsands of the pe erviee tit h tave been nearly every ing as fropi eartyquet, to The on building trades stink not yet settled. The International C4311g1'4"SS of Chambers of Commerce favored an United States. to repe..til the exeitiptiou 1 se shipping from Panama, Can • Is was passed by the United States Senate. That French fashions are not fit for good women was declared be- fore the General Federation of Wo- men's Clubs at Chicago. ; General. The general strike has been re- newed in Italy: and the strikers are displaying a. vieious mood. Getman scientisth are coining to Canada to employ a new wireless rave apparatus for investigating tbe internal structure of the earth and detecting the presence of both water and ore deposit's. TO BLOW UP STEIIIISHIP. Blackmailer Caught in New York by Clever Ruse. A despatch from New York says: Out of the great throng of persons in City Hall Park on Friday a ma,n stepped toward the Nathan Itade statue and placed his hands on it. He remained that way for three minutes, finally removing. his hat with his left hand, and then disap- peared in the throng. 'Pale acts of the man were a signal that the Cu- na,rd Steamship Company would pay $10,000 rather than have one of their ships blown up bi dyna- mite, They were the prelude to the capture of Henry Westoott, a Spanish negnn,, in Bogota, N.J. Westcott had written- several threatening letters and the com- pany finally agreed to throW the money from an express train, and to signify their intention in the manner (lescribed, A package was thrown from. the traan later and when 'the negro piciked it up he -was Constablo Edwards of 'White ltive Makes Another Ifaul. A despatch Ivan Toronto says: Provincial Constable James Ed. wards of 'Mite River bas added an- other feather to his oap. Two -creeks ago le had the Hudson's Bay Com- pany fined $16,000 for buying furs out of season and on Wednesday he effetted another haul. At a, north- ern plaet called MisSartabie, he found on 'the bush 181 beaver skins and 14 otter skins, worth in all about $3,500. The furs were ship- ped towards Toronto. Alunia, -.which reached lymou on Wednesday from Cana pass ed the seene of the sinking. of tho Empress of Ireland, a service was eonducted by the Salvation Army deregates on board. The passen. gers -sang "Nearer My God to Thee,'" and Bandmaster Perryer, who lost his mother in the disaster, dropped a wreath over the spot, BOYS' CILITL Presque Isle, Maine, June 12.— Attacked by other boys while fish- ing, Victor Porter and Hartley Webb, eleven years old, were strip- ped of their clothes and left 1)ound with shoestring's tied tightly about their necks, acoording to the police. Webb had rolled into the stream and was drowned, and Porter's faee and neck were so badly swollen that he was neatly strangled. He will reCOVer. Two boys named " Cole were arrested, the police alleging that they were wearing the clothing and shoes of young Porter and MILITANTS DARING ATTEMP Most Dramatic Scene Yet Enacted in Campaign of Destruction A despatch from London says: The militant suffragettes sta,ged one of the most dramatic acts of their campaign Friday afternoon when they exploded a bomb in Westininster Abbey at the very moment that the Right Hon. Reo-i- nold McKenna, Secretary of St:be for Horne Affairs, was delivering an optimistic speech in the House of Commons nearby regardino. the Government's method of dealing with the 'wild women," The bomb was placed beside the famous Coronation Chair in Ed- ward the Confessor's Chapel. Al- though it- did little damage like Previous attenapts at destruction of .the same kind, its report penetrat- ed to the chamber of the House, in- terrupting Mr. McKenna's oration and bringing Isom° of the„,members into the street to learn what had happened. The detonation was heard for many ,blocks around, and a crowd quickly filled the square in front of the Abbey, but the police were in immedi.ate possession and closed all the doors. THIS INVESTAREPAT HAS PAID 716 PIER N half yearly since the Securities of this Corporation were Placed. on the tnarket 10 yeare ago, Business established 28 years: Investment may be withdrawn In part or whole any time after one year: Safe, as a mortgage. Full par- ticulars and booklet gladly furnished on remiest. nnONAL SECURITIES CORP6RATION LIMITED, ra .1 catrilat titra-vlulet rays microbes max buol'etntlInulla*I'k:1411!:-: ration. be o 11 the root that tattler he inatterice fled tO degree that Is N*Irtually equiva- ent to transtorrnatton Otto a new one - lett The significative of this. not mere - 1 in medicine, bat also tor biology in general. hardly needs catplutsixing. "51 and lime. Henri coneliale that It possible to inter that all microbes .e originally had a common origin. a that it confirms the tieetrille of He le concerning the evolution or trans - Mutat Of species. not by gradual adapta on. but bv sudgen and highly contrasting transitions, says a Paris COrreaparalent, in note sent to him by n the microbes 00 autbra% Is what wo alt after the theories of De Vries, a. with a sudden change in the hie- ,lcal characteristics. it Is In this re - spent that 1)e 'Vries modified Darwin's tlieery of evollitiOn, by shelving that Midden lerina or mutations, and not by progressive variations. 'What is observ. ed the. microbes Of 1$ a. real mutation, and one is obliged to admit that the diversity ef microbes actually knewn either. proceeds/1 from a common origin or from s few primitive forms, which. under the action of the solar light, became transformed. and gave rise ' to a Wrole series of forms of mutations. and whielt engendered divers inaladies." • Intonaroldai Queen Wilheirnina. of the Netherlands is evidently determined to do her duty SS a modern monarch. Not only does she regularly visit most if not all, of the greater towns of her kingdom, but she le devoting Special attention, ac- cording to a correspondent of the Co- logne Gazette. to trade and iedustry, studying the details of commerce arid manufacture, interesting- herself in 'various enterprises for the promotion of pablic welfare and paying surprise visits to factories and workshops. In 'Atersterdarn she has entered cellar dwel- lings arid ascended to the npper floors of working-class terternents in order to see for herself something of the limp- ing problem. Evening lectures are giv- en at court not untrequently on the Dutch colonies, and she attends rim,noeu- vres of troops. This is in eccordance with the traditions of the I -louse of Orange, as well as with the established practice of the heads of greater states, which doubtless is a considerable fac- tor in that revival of the pepularity of mona.rchy which contrasts so sharply with the conditions in many continent- al countries a generation or so ago. Queen Wilhelmina is not alone in her conception of royal duties. Every crowned head in Europe is hard at work getting in close touch with the people. In Spain there 18 King _Alfonso, who would certainly be the first President if there were a Spanish republic. In Germany there is an emperor who, au- tocratic though he may be, is looked on hy his people as the most efficient man in the country. ii.NOTHER "BOW! ARRIVES. Remains of. Victim , of Empress Reaches Toronto, A despatch 'from, Toronto says : The remains of Mrs. John, Edward, Dodd,., 'Who went down in the Em- press Of Ireiand, arrived in , Teron- to ..Friday Mrs. Dodd, was son, having been:,married on. lllay eAitor Of the War CiY. She John Beaman .ae,elared war on the 'provisional 'commattee of the ,National Volunteers in Dub lin., Premier Rihot of France resci,gmod after''haVing Ministry tor