HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-18, Page 1RIRTY-NINTH Y -4No 3078 Huron & id L ex Gazette E iJ+T R, ONT; CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE th i91 Pers PHONE :3s NES Sc MAY 32 ew Wash Dresses Ladies,Ladies Misses and Childrens the time you will steed your New \Yash Dress, We have a fine range to show you in different Cloths, Styles and Colors Children's Dresses in white or colors 50 cents to isses' Dresses in white or colors $1.50,to Ladies Dresses in white or colors I to New Tub Goo Wool Racine Crepes Q1>;ghams Cotton Ratines Voiles Bedford Cord Toutards Ducks Muslins Replan A,ll. Colors, Patterns and. Qualities to choose ficin. flats & craps All the new novelties are shown here h shap- es and colors. Mens. and high galore, s and Boys Furnishings Collars & Ties The New Stuff is al- ways found here; in ;a< big vety of goods, Mlathin aaad Boys Suits in all. Jp-to-Date in style, 0 Cloths r Suits PFION 2 Shirts Straw tints A big variety ol: W, We show you the lat- &R shirts in all colors est in straws & shapes as Tench and stiff 'cuff. no betteeto, pick ifioan. Underwear Rciol underwear for men, women. bays and girls in separate or combination suits. 'Lisle, Ponos knit Bntiilriggan or !Nue Wool. HOUSE FURNISIIINGS ' Lamina Carpets alf(atting Oilcloths Onrtains. Blinds Shades JONES &IIAY HONE -2/A PHONE -27B SET YOUR SPRING HARDWARE WANTS AT NEAMANS . t-nd save trioney LAWN MOWERS Our Prices are Right \V and B Mowers, from S4 to $6.50 Black Diamond, from 7,50 to • 7.75 'Grass' Catchers, from 1,00 to 1,25 Grass Shearers, from 25 to 50 cents Hedge Shearers, from 1,00 to 1,25 Lawn Rakes, from 25 to -85 cents Poultry Netting from 2 to l0c a yd. *loreen Windows from 1,00 to 2,25 eCnrtain Stretchers from 1,00 to 1,25 Final Exams. PROMOTIONS 1b. ,following Jr. H. , pupils have been successful s. FORM 2, GENERAL per cent ?J, 'Windsor <..... &b. Hawkins ..., ...... 60 'FORM 1 COM.51LRG)AL 7 per cent W. Strant 8 FT) Roweliffe 73 _,. ;Kimtz A rahaan T :Sneath. 67 1.2. A, Johns 67 A Horton fib IL L'ayloF 6-x L. Aobott , „61 1-2 .. Follick 64 C. F'i ttorr< ... ,6-t G. Hanlon 63 0- 1,PCDonald ,,.., . i w W 13oc1ga11. ...., . ,.61 1„ Johns, . 60 ECO .111M ND d. Dougalt, B ).Hunter O Kestle FORM 2. t'C1'iflt.%'l3t%'IAL ,per eaat l!Q13 1 1< 4;L1 1 411.1W1AL L Boyle .. .7 \YVI. lorthecrtr .73 11 RiversG9 (au 1-2 (11 ,,. 62 iil;Gt)Jtlr]E latthews < heed. 1, i3owdeu, Thelma Skinner, also Ina es bac has y> .1;to hand in her Term Wor'a iu Jct! ).)oris IGrlbatn, in during last days,, of r'xaan, 01)c;ai0-d 73 ver cent ova" pats nears attempted, Beer term Work an Stanalog throughout the year was t<x t; and ai.d she, too is pro uotedll Dougall and 1I. flouter have erQ d ia;xlale totals By taking 'a good mark ort a1 Latin Exam, a1 'beginr.ir,g of ielytember, they may receive Mull and ean0oxlditioncil promotion. Cleurge Sp4.rlta Prineiln,e The anovin,. picture theatre is open four nights a v.'eek, 3iouday Wednesday 'Thursday and Saturday On tlae evening of the RoweII nmeeting. an extra program 'will be given. Choose Between Them Tice following are the replies re- ceived by Mr, J_ .A, Irwin of Clinton, Secretary of the County Mentperanee Ao•sociation to his letter addressed to each. of the candidates in iSoutb Hur- oa.1.., MR. Z LL1.11'S ]1ET'LY 'Zurich June 5th 1.91 J'. A. Irwin, Clinton. Dear Sir. -Yours of the -1(11 inst to An Open :Letter to MI * l hand and the contents carefully 'r,o- • to When .:I accepted the monina- L. 0. Dickson Exeter, June, ,23, 1914 L H. Dickson. Exeter. I Dear. Sir,—As chairman of a Con- servative convention, held i Iensali On June 2nd you extend an in- vitation in some such wordsthese "If there is present in.this conven- tion a lying slandering sneakthat has been going up and -downis rid- ing, slandering Mr, ilbe 1 in - vile him to come to this p1 orm" i .In an unsigned letter -whichappears ". e ,.� last week's issue of the Advocate and Free Press" wla'ch is slanderous and libelous in its charact There is an inference that such itatiocl was extended to me, 1 have always tried to be fair and courteous with have paid no attention fih r:k ted as is c this r', atE Ad er., ir_v ve cou from utc vin her Hely chaliange, you to �meet me` in a debate. on the Public platform •in Exeter, where,` both will be citizens, independent of our calling or pro- fession, and let the people decide the great issue in th:s Campaign. As far as 'I am- concerned 1 promise to av- oid personalities„ And in order to be !fair I will agree' to the following arrangement; Subject to improve- ment with your .consent. r 1: You to speak one hour—Myself an hour and you to have 10 minutes s17d, t, ou and h to Screen Wire from 10 to 30 c,a certain utterances made f i limo' Screen Windows 25 to 40 cents to rime„reflecting on my •" i rgr ty ; Paints and Brushes bt tl thin1, the present circ sauces demand some attention so I ebypub Cedar Mops at $ 1.50 izaid Mops at $ 1.50 0 = Cedar Oil at 25 ,& 50c Wizard Oil at 50 cents Liquid Veneer at 25 cents Dustbane ant 35 Cents FURNACE WORK AND PLUMBING Heamans Hardware and Stove Store THONE -- 27 'A PHONE - 27 B• ' The Fntra ce examinations started �n Vi , dnesday There is a. fairly .iarge, class.' -writing on q� xamrz.. Some of the classes in the Fierce School have finished their ex- ams, and the holidays for them have .-omsnenced itunanay--Une day .last v, eek as'Pir Luther Ienha ,. S ' le was: loading shingles at the station the -`team he - was odeav� g"n. !became frightened' and Tran y �sh ay The `tried to- jump over Mr. 16;Creech's arae `hoe e, knocking it he wa or. over down and ',drawing ! ...t g ft, ,'!: hey rai is' faz- as 7VIr, 'Scott's rm:�avhere';thi,yTa a'a����gs�te Pia .z:a .% x a1 cleared themsclwes .trona the .wagon. The harness was- broken. hut, the,'hor- nes ,carne; :of.0 without a scratch,, 'Mfr 'Dreecl•.'s hotae was so,n,'u hat .scrat- ched and bruised, ; nearRolt'cll—' 1' �.. i� Rowell; thio leader of the ; Liberal- and Tem- perance forces, in 'the present,_ cain- naign will address a Miass meeting'at the Rznk Exeter on Wediiesd1y neat : the 24 4 2tit ms' shlrp, i£ th in •130 p iloatcll is. a splendid speaker ;land everyone Giionld n 21,P art .`s lioi?l ,r.a.m• be 'at ExOtert0 hear h1 t lr d+ 0 tion at the hands of- any Fellow Lib erals Ito contest south Huron in their interests, '1 pledged myself to sup- port. the temperance -policy of our leader, and which policy is • lmost identical with the one quoted :at your letter as being the policy of the temperance part5t I publicly pledged myself ^to the temperance committee on the day of our convcn- 'tion+. at He'nsall knowing before hand that I would lose the support of ntany anti -temperance Liberals es- pecially in my home municipality). 1 also reserved the right to support more advanced temperance., It i,sltt:en if brought forward by the Conserva- tives or any other party, and 1 do not think any of my temperance Lib- eral friends have ''found any fault for my doing so You have probably read y reply to the Editor, of( the News ,-Record, of your• ton which appears in'weekly newspapers this week, and from )which you will be able 'Ito judge -whether my stand on the great question is manly and straight to The point or mot, `t hope I have made my stand clear to you, and that un. the evening of ''the' 29th. we 'an�ay. be able Ito _join hands fav cel- ebrating a great victory, tor,the united temperance :forces of )South Huron; and of, the Province: Yours sincerely, E. TELLER MR, EILBER'S REPLY u first Crediton Out, June 11, 1914. to rcpt/ Thereby giveno you and last speech: Mr, 'J A. 1rw n. 2. John Taylor Reeve. to act as Secretary of the Dominion Alliance. chairman 3 The following, to have )seats on the platform The Presidents and Secretaries of 'the Reform and ICon servative convention Rev's Sharp, lrcllister, Collins, and: all neighbor, ing ministers. ':11Ir, Parsons, of 'the ldvertuser, and. Mr, Elliott of • the Free ' Press to report the debate f trust that; you 'wi11'"mee1 this chal lenge and believe such a-a•debate will dogood in our town aryl„ Yours ,Truly E. G. Powell On Friday next '¢i meeting for la- dies nvili'be held in Senior's hall at 2.30 11 :n : 4.0 ibe addressed by 111is;'. 'Needham of 'Toronto a member of the V10m en's” .Liberal club of tthiah Mrs, N: W. Rowell 'is at, the, head 1s,tjies an:te#sted in the :cn peranee:;. cause a,rc` 1'lo d,.i, ;Clinton Onit. IJear Sir, -1 am in IIece.ipLof your letter of the 4th ;inst. '1'n reply there to 1 'beg to state -that since my entry in ,public life 1!! 1898, I have never tite,dged niysel1 to any individual or party as to: any action I might take upon 'matters,' of 'legislation he fore parliaanen t .reserving to myself 'the ri;ht`to vote iipon questions as they inay present themselves, as !1'believe in 'the' bes'c interests of' the electors of South Huron. As ..o temperance legislation '1 enclose ;the policy, of my 1-lonorable leader. 'Sir' James P. Whitney, which is Wa11 expressed itis the manifesto recently puhlished,' a(nd appeared in the public press of the Province (copyenclosed) find a most he, known to yourself and the Alliance' f of the Qunt s �'of Huron' 13c1_a, c me, ] ' , Edmund Zeller's Pledge :s pledge myself not only to support llle "Abolish the Bar" policy of Mi. Rowell baa. o vote for the most advanced measure of tem., permit:9e reform, whether it be Lntroduee ,, by onseryativ e or Liberal if alb your r p 'e seutati.a e in the next Legislature,'‘ orne The t sbor 3faraai, the °l"oP',rrshit* ff rreerartte.a's ^aero; � uIy au ra oire+ rat Rolfe for 't:A ^;to +,raga iti .r IOW ,S '1...,3c; e4'l`,... .& .:.:'.iii Ole '4 olltt pazaacil 14A:,): for "rS ,ar c . •14,ex14)4%. g tar CVO preNa.las ' aaoI�rand', iaarvoterk,ioir ar€oars s,1 vital; hkgh xi* we ar tiolkaal—;ur, ,1., - ass i01Idar of khc i�aht'ral., and forces, an 'tta4, a? 'se,ri sill address a /)lass rareeti ik Eaeter, on Wednesday rlge 24th lost art 1.:10 p, rne. ;r Howell Is a splendid ,sInSla'shayr 1r;ar1 erFone' shonld me -it t eirat a Serer to heaakr ,Mall,: a b Baseball 'tel The Exeter boys went dowrt to Ik:- feat before the Vraig nine on SIonday 'ening the score being 7 to 0. here was a; large crowd OA band to itra4'S� tlae galas' tthich c as ane senCI di,Ca"P.point.naelt for anyone ex, rte+ ting Bxeker to hand , out good lr<all. The weather. NV43.. 4Initrr gold tznd "#here was ra, 7aet v' wii4 at the aura and this ana;y have been xe a noaosi1110 to some )degree' tine "the a;- re�ars . which however 1,v(ire most)y' gale-sirled god. were chalked op a, a9rast tlrcr local* Craig started uU strcogg a31 rsea ' 4laivXa+ita the lend rs;arnes, UuLlgins,- Wx l)oriti:tn,''t�, F, Coursey ltlatthews, A;.4 Leith, W Chapman. L. Craven, A. I{inclea'anarah xi h. 01 0 0 )I f 0 (� l 0, to A. Cann. F Neel,), D. Boyle, P. WIndsor. B. Rivers,' B. Campbell, Dr, ss l 0 Treibner41'. in Heywood, 0, p Harrington,, 1 2 111 I 01 0 ).' 2 1 0 (0�) 0 1 3 tl 2 0 2 3 3 (120p10 5 'W, Dorman ons;` didn't touch 3rd 5cOny. ny INNINO:4 — 83 ,Ii 0J A1LIA CRAW 7 0 1 ExF,Tint-010010001-30'10 Summary .first base on errors )Craig 10 Exeter 1 Two base bit, )0ann; Sto- Ien bases, Hodgins, Coursey, iMatk- hews, 2 Windsor, 2; Windsor 2; Inv - ars 2; Campbell 2; Treibner Heywood 2 lla'rrington 12; Double play. Rivers. Windsor and Can Base or ,ibalis off tiindmarsh ,5 Harrington 1. 'Hit by eitchar 0, Heywood, Struck out by Ilindemarsh 9 by Harrington. 10, lus- ted Ball 13oylc, Lett on Bases Craig 7 Exeter 8 Umpires Dr, Gunn and a1 I3oyle. 1 , s 1 1 On Tuesday night the Meadowlarks defeated iv. Jackson's Bluejays on the damonn at S. Joey's farm by a score of 1S to S. The•feature of the game was the heavy hitting of the Meadowlarks who garnered 15 hits off four opposing pitchers, while Windsor in the ninth pounded the bill for a home run with two racoon bases. Mor- ley allowed then) but t hits in five in- nings, but was a trite wild: at 'times and hit three or four men. Windsor went, into the box' in the sixth and the batters evidently needed glasses for they departed from the plate in 1, 2 3 order as there was something on the ball besides the cover. The M.eae- owlarks were also there as to swatting and were simply, delighted with the pitching ot the opposing hurlers and pounded' the ball all over, especially in the sixth when they, scored 7 runs. following is the line tip;— Btuejays Robinson - p - 1 Mitchel -c-1 W. Simms - ist - 1 Jackson - 3rd - 2 Gordon - If -1 H, Powe- rf 0. E. Simms - of - 1 M- Willis - ss 1 F. Willis -2nd_0 Meadowlarks . Treihner - 1 - 3 H. Windsor -2 - 2 3V, Snell - 3rd - 2 F' Treibuer-cf-4 A. Willis If -1 Shapton:•ss 0 1, Willis - if - 3 fes, Ikror'.1ey* - p - 1 L.Treble -c-3 Score by Innings:— Bhrety -- as 3'10 13 0 — g •Meadowlarks— 4 2 212 7 18 Hits off Robinson,; Willis, Simms and Jackson— 15 Hits off Motley— 4;" oil Windsor 0 Umpire,-- Nelson Baker The Meadowlarks play against Dash wood at Dashwood Friday night. 0 .. brated as I"„faiK give: by Camerei l Toronto Yra The Exeter Bar JUST RECEIVE WEEK LOST Fob, hound, hitch, colewr ,,•,i ^nd r. a tc .h lwliite i•rreest Rla:ok n a hi wad vx to front feat t one no a i t n 1 1 ing' of sank, iolgise ripflityi AV, .rYl3�i¢o Exe_ier.' la of Travellers W 1 &esa The alua�isef Hersaer,`roe 'owels, 'nderwea Ladies " `ade•Ski 'tS, Pie> cress l e,si;lat Gown Rock Bottom Prices Boots and Sly F One or North_ Po • and sizes,. SPRING UNDERWEAR TwoPleceanudi mbinstioa 5asitn ain ehavea t OC ifl 5 y a. 4 ®: 4' • Also we keep on hand a Each • ap Line of Overalls 4 4 • 1 11'ai 40 • We have a new and up to date sock of Gents'" Furnishings -in the leading • fashion hits in 6b r • � s ,`"\ , S .ohlrts Gloves, Collars Ties Underwear; Seeks, • • ALL E/%Eii.Y AND • 1' , YQi:7m4Ci-101Ci 4, •