HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-11, Page 8enry Ell.ber voted against; (i) Abolish the Bar (2) ` W l iping out 3/5 Handicap eini)erence Electors a vote: against; (l) The Open Bar ( z) Henry , Silkier'' , , P s ` 6, ,i,, 'd 5 t . e a- -may, rf3 -3 ' e"X yy 'yy(,yyS t;‘,4,01),,,44),;))1, ''j r +' ^" k''k?j , ni q y k, sn'k{,° x G 1 't i4, d. • a ,x , t + n,ra AR ONE 16 xerrEa i red wa • t clear every Ladle s Suit that we have wi irli a esl 1-011 to ittIOTir nil . clnr,ing the eel s th ase Slits will be sold at a great sae- f ou r a well tailored gars lelft for little 11 C l 2Jna see what we are :o erill . o 0 n ot +ts A a,xaaa are ;3 ass ->.w to n4hs, ww Free of Cis Yap `k 4.e•,Ssil-' r,' + "3.4C1n# Baan 43 glove. is; al is ore to baba in short or long 4c hove the d0aab14 ibi tlre8'. sae: SOLO 1011 as es, and , IzC, big; 4t1 0n They: They. very anld 3Tarket Report-Tbc following is the report of the Exeter market rected up to June.11t1 Wheat .Standard 0Se Oats 40 Barley 50 to 5;, Bnrkwheai 50 to 69,: Peas 09. FgAtaily .Flour 239 1Je0fits $25 • Bran $24 Orea scary B Butter' 20 Eggs -?0 -and 4. 'Law Grade itlOnr 51.5(1 Obleks alive. 11, Chicks dressed 1a Rens alive 8, ileus dressed 10 Rosters alive f, a 't+.00ster dressed s S flick alive lal Duck dressed. 14 Geese =livee 3. J O.,r'.'Se dressed 13 Turkeys nave 15 l'urkeys, dr_.._:d Dri d , o ass dc). Potatoes 85 to $149 flogs 7,074. 1 ETE_R • • ! t d • 9.4 4 • F• `• • „rst T,1 --i— • • rerfe:.t umnalnttion • • t Swa'Jp31° ju-it th ging e • f xr keeping your ruga •. • c a p s e 1x carpecEts,. ?!n. t3 d13o"stCawl3is 4 zle • • sweeping. Every home rt 1 * should have one, 4 • su`lNY PGLISIi • a t "cleaning Uod polishing .;your • i • furniture the best yet. 4 4 Sold by 41 4 4 4 L s • " fa 1 .......ALF ROLIDAY ... d, the nPde$y@gnerd erelwa.z lage of Esc t€1R, ag ee to ASR burltestat bored Y dnr'iaag t n►d .attnsq Fray a61 l+lrtnn 14 SOP. Wx.a a l'lnt" dxe Times Pr"nt.ITI The Advocate 4rrintutg Cn SteWOrt- tloties Sr. May leaaraaa n °l Caul itis ll, Sltaslonaln l elle R, gA to Din Iced, annatte ort Ktlonnt, crumb tra' Yet needing Ali you. land ta►and. rind. or at The more you know about a thing, the more you enjoy it. It is easy to undersigned the Ford, n the simplest car made. The full rjo ment of running a car is ob- tained by the ownership of a Ford 1s d ta,tlran ^a,i Iter Aetna^ R' y tsar tit' hied El. aew, dor- d Ila 'd dt 0': $4tt)u ?cls lhou of trg.,e, ink zwatk wal nay to rlxtg ;xray t.lt'r its ges anXtel ( Ss4it' A is'=in€c + ltazaxlnts,ttt }fr. Cooper iced his tom a 4i.tis week Ir, and Mrs. zaiac ;ndiang a few in Toronto, het Year wedding iu'vitantions wt size :bees. We can anppl3 yo an on V. Varr and little scanty Certtlil. oit are Visiting fir, a'nnd ,fxs, llter]lt*. other ."41tLJ. V. i"rank 73oy2a nax a1.ay l with re1ative. R. N. ROWE Funeral Director 4'xeter. — Ontario • I?Ilci" 0 A away' . 7,-,dEtcla;r .w et r et3te err oed1 Coy -s SCRANTON COAL ggg'w< Sttr' . almest:i HST COAL Domini'on Alliance >aieste To the Electors of the Province of Ontario. The Executive Comuuttee' of the Ontario Branch of rthe Dots►iniou Al- liance desires at 'this oriticnl junc- ture to place 'before '.you frtnkly and fairly, the present position of the Temperance question in rc+'tAti9F to the approaching. general t le^tion; The unanimous vote of .many large non-pa,rtesao Conventions and. ehrzr- ch courts have called 'Upon the Legis - !attire to lessen these cruel evils 'be at least 'wiping out the bar -room the drinking club; and the ,whole 'treat- ang system. .. in accordance with, r sound. natricatic this and policy we urge upon 113e friends of our t;aaase 'the duty of do=n4 their utmost to securto the nom, ieetien and election of men who will fairly represent 'the people upon tlias ,saaprerne i'ssue'. i we urge all; right (thinking, citizens to pet their temperance principles be are any mere party pz'+eferepces in approaching contest and vote only. n- of .tdidares who can 'be relied nth? a to sa ppory the most advanced tem r 'tee measure 'brought before 'the pislatore. tf -we believe. his gne$tion Fs the ost; amlurcallat het-KOther=l.trtors txt Se l'ravitaere, to 411,nc`P lit►n 41.1kt ha ods pressed for 4410144, U na iS tra14 lists wise alaienlightened leaders 'ins. 1lartI ner is or cottune.r 4x1, indtas- nntl uta tnoneatl life, are heeinia... lac c°aeit laT Itr, alotle, to destroy 'efit leatrcrer, we feel Jeewiee tilg all 'who love their eimntry dire 1'atx tlnQ h?gheet leterest et Ina'► t1!Uo w: rtltll. 'tan rise, if rsecl'ssar ow w $ l► *f'e'lFeIza'+=. and Oats-, that their ToPre-en, fnkr:alnmelled in latitrlt to this issue, rrs, G, lilrnnile leases this we, and lie nd tp rifiit hvatlt Atis, y at "ClOol Einan.f" eottagC East Six hundred dollars is the new price of the Ford roarabou a t , the touring carie six fifty ; the town car sine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ontario ( formerly Walkerville post office), complete with equipment Get catalog and particulars from Wes. Snell, Agent, Exeter, Ontario. r Villon '.w}to Zia, 'heel visiting in - Clarke left l: for atsit in + ewv York-` C. Flan wnta of the er Mfg. Co. 1'Mft this ,veek :for Detroit.Cleve- la ud and Erederietunn on a "business tissue a number from 'town Took in the circus in London on Wonder. Sonne took the train while ethers nett to auto, " ,,, sir, JY. D. Drumm6nd,'.clerk of Mc- Gillivray has been rarspolnted return, int; ottieer for the provincial clew• tion in North Tiidd"t,nex. Mr, l'• Coleman had the misfortune to have the top of one of his fingers taken oft while adjusting a rack to a '•agore The rack fell catching has ger. S'rawherry Festival on Main Street church lawn on F'ri ny June 19tb. Supper sarved from SIT .to eight, Ad- mission 25 and 15 cents, Band in at ancet r. Roulston is al present taking ;vacation tor a :.few weeks, During his absence his dental office is 10 charge of Dr, 'Campbell, 3 Brockville Canada hlage Co0 BBuggies A Carload of Buggies has just been received newestles t. and l.n xtra fine 'lot. , Intending purchasers will do well to call and see then and get our prices. an Stable Equipmen J. M. Southcott and Miss Stella Southcott attended the funeral , of their aunt Mrs. J. Burridge, in Lon- don on Friday of last a eek. The Exeter 'band gave a band con- cert on the street last Friday evening The band has given ;several concerts this summer which (have 'been much appreciated by the citizens Quite a number of baseball fans ac- companied the. baseball :team" - yto Ailsa Craig;, l>louday evening to wit- ness the first, gaane to the South Hur. on League played by those two teams Mrs, E J, Christie and daughter Grace are visiting the ;former's par- ents in St. Catharines. Mrs, E. Chris tie accompanied them as ear as Lon- don where she will visit for a ,few days. Messrs EL F_.11'uston and John ;Cann from Main 'Street charch and Beth- any and .i ., 1Lartitn and Chas, Harvey from James Street church returned this week after attending 'the Lon- don Conference at Sarnia;, ate. Bennett )who supervised the building of the bank of 'Commerce about 'three Scar„ ago was in town this week making preparations to have the south cement plastered, At the County Counc''1 meeting held at- Goderieh last --week it was decided that the county should build all brid- ges of feet • and over frozrly, Grand Bend ; n else south, ` eenczary Step ;ll 1 C the iUotsun'a is spenlleg his c 4 .l, l e1A►1` - of Christ Tlaeop a Al' Chia Tuve mad anal appraved th,e adQ>rtecl11 nd tiunw ta'tllnee ret►lesiaotica:l gall►snags $ #!1 situ ttt #eacierraltttt► e `t 4t?Ptp ig'cwo, titles P ovince. "salty lxatso tanoda #be atoned tieplor e fe k rnotri l mTbiblee of ebes .ol' our lend id mild solidly un file liquor t iltdcwpetulaintly tor t interests do Ia I' It you do. Alb iI AEOLISi l`mawza1 crag h4.b t$;f 4e rtlt. irleV t124re. Mymit'zI t twat rs ell is town tor a to %Q8 on frit '1ta1 or tt '. C'Tnnttr p1nnin eCr,k►aa :leen tri tl. leaves g apt` x.e t 1w°eaeT hire. O. Becher. r" motored over, on 644nnwd vi with Dr. and Urn. linrownt 1ltc. ok'n M. Adams and Regi,. Adams, of .St. Marys„ also called nr tanld ZTrs. Browwmieg or.their. to Hens all, r. rttut lttrs, " Z. 'Look/tart, Un- ut.reet /Kingston Ontt announce. - be engangen►en't of thein youngest iauginter Ranee( t. Grace Barnwell oranerly of :Exeter Ont. and ruts ad slaughter of 'the tote George e atnwwell to Mr, Albert Delsva 3. Elmer only ;son of ID , /Annie Elmer of this city. Tid' Wedding will take place the latter Pint at Jtnnei . %Garden ,T,aarty—f. Garden Party will be iby the ".Thanes Bead 'Sib mann School on the manse grounds on Thursday Jitne tithti Great pr6±par-. ntione are 'being made for a most ex- cellent time. Games :and everts will he enjoyed in the afternoon and tea Ain be served. A«y Iission 25 cents, children. not of the spool 10c Every bcdy Welcome" A cyclone unprecedented in that mart struck Oxford +county about two miles north of Woodstock on Sunday eventrig last and ,resulted in, the death of., Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Bartley and the destruction of property val- ued at several leteisend dollars. The wreckage is strewn over an area of three thousand yards, and the dam- age wvas all done within the radius of a nine. : . 1 First Ripe Strarwherries—:After the long 'winter we are1 ookim 0 2 the advent of the first home 'grown strawberries, at a price that we can afford to look at them and, judging from the' prosepcfei there should be art abundance this 'ear .• Last week several reported having picked some, of the luscious fruit and it will not be long before they 'ivr11- be an abundant supply Learn to Swim --A. Toroefo dail r "rw commenting on +tbe result, of the e t Lawrence disaster makes the obsur- vation that almost everydn+w re:co:, d from the. sinking sh-p''spoke n`. ha r to swain a certain distance in ordf r !e reach a boat, and. points out the fact that a child of eight separtwt-s:d -fn na her parents., 'was •able_, eio a er.c h place of safety, because she con et swim, The child was .waved, piek ad op by a boat while her bather d rove ed. In this country of Jokes and riv- ers and ponds, and z'unr`ing ere. •ks: every child should be taught to swim Instead of trying to keep the boys and girls from learning todeport them- selves in water, parents should .;n= courage it, and ''the teaching should be done under their direction and supervision. /ulna 6 ler dt the elved "avort r.red Wto James Beverley I:+URNITGI4h',DEALEIt FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ENSAta'.4MER, ain St Exeter hone 7 lr; agree 1 Bnient I size ce11:a Tenders Wanted whole or separate tenders wilt be ri ceivcd by the undersigned `tilt Sat- urday June 20th, for the fieveral tra- des tn connection with a Carergiis Gree Library at Exeter. 1'iansi and fipreiixaations may be seen at the aary •huiiding Exeter. J.clti*est or any tender mot r.ecess,•ar- ly a celstad. iI. E. HUSTON tiecy Exeter Jim 3rd 1914 Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders for the': erection of Town Hallwill be received an time after dune 2nd 1914 lenders may be addressed to A. Murdock "clerk" or T. Hudson Reeve, by reg- 'stered letter, marked "Tender tor own Hall grad must be in the.h-aeds of the above named, before the 16ch day of dune 1914, Plans 'and specir-" ications after June 2nd, will be In the hands of Mr, Harry Reynolds Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Ae rr1URDOCK )CLirk r 0 6 73 D FOR SALE US House "and two dots of land -+n the corner of Willi/lei and Albert ;. The house is a fra+ae cottage cudain in(z six rooms, azis in excellent state of repair,; hard and soft water in the house and good cellar under- neath„ Land is . well underdrained, several fruit 'trees and some small fruits on the property; 'Uavmer is leaving town and will; sell at a sac- rifice to early buyer'.. Apply to F. Durdle Exeter, Notice TO THIE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE EXETER :SALT WORRIS COM- PANY LitMIITED CLEAN_o chutes guide T11U5f$DAy J N 11, 1914 dust or flying ashes, Ash ashes into .convenient paw No ash sboveii „mace necessary. See cCIary dealer or write for boob leta e T. HA.WKINS & SON, Local Agents dirISIONIONONVIIMINNINNOWNIV divi Call' Chi there is x1 gain, $ell at as titled aiers I1 unity are hundreds of In. ad fvuilles ou the watch for ellnet which will offer them al t at an advantageous prise. ;an -hunters if you will, but wrong in waiting for a bar - hen the seller is anxious to Ono fancily wants a oe varlet ---the need is Il i t rgent, An them fa l l is lookitlg for, ward to buying a set t}i'ediniilag l0ne f i-nitn>re ilR, ttuay tot be for a tx tv 11 Ctut Ile 11130 ► woman a pin ll' can xoada lra Tali .iearlles - bg adver built :h.ttzRs another an A NOTE TO MERCHANTS $tiinsa,plaato business by the eller at some slow-movi.0 speesal prices, Brighten up business by .a erl4sin some desirable geode at reduced prices, viertieing banish: dull business.. Often you tit the buyer who is biding his oS' ;her time, rout you—at a time of your naming. Gentlemen: Please take notice, that the an- nual meeting nnual.meeting of the shareholders, wilt be held in tae Town .Hall Friday June 12th at 2 o'clock p'. m. , T. R. Carling See, Treas.. FOR' SALE Eight Fo:rncd,-brick wen`ered house on William Street Exeter, Good sit- uation. Price y.825.00 A. snap Also Premier separators, '$45.00 Apply to ?V. 11.-Elatchford 401 ➢Torley Ave. Toronto. COurt of Revision VILLAGE OF EXETER Shop sere You are Invited to Shop The Exeter ;Council will meat as a Court "'of Revision of -the Assessment; Poll Lor 1014, at the Town - hall Exe- ter ':oil Friday June 19th at seven, clock4,n1. ' r H. ar1irig FARMERS FARMER'S FARMERS EXCURSION To The ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE GUELPH The Grand Trunk Railway will run an'Excureion to Guelph under the auspices of the South Huron Farmers Tnrtitute on . JUNE.22n . '14 Free lunch on arrival. Guides conduct Excursionists over'the farut Special program for the ladies CENTRALIA. EXETER, HENS ALL, KTPCEN, Your Op SPECIAL EXCURSION RATE4 eaves 7 00 a.m. — Fare 32.055 BRt7CEFIELIt, leaves 7.59 a.m. - Fare 32.1,5 " 7.10 am. — " 2.50 CLINTON, " 8.00 " -- 2.05 7.22 cm. — " 2.85 SEAFO1t'ril 8.15 " .'0 u" •- b `IL 7.302.50 3 30 t,6)5 Children over 5 and under i2 yeara of age, HALE FARE Tickets will he good going one train only, 'valid returning until follow- ing day. Except from Dublin, from which station, tickets will be good returning date of Excursion only, lsortu iity to see the Experimental Farm in Full Operation Many- neer Esalidiegs have been erected' since our last Excursion. One especially we sleight mention is the Dairy Barn, which is fitted up with alt tlae latest appliances. Do not fail to visit the Dairy Barn. The Committee issparingno pains or expense to make this one of the best Excursions of the season. Considering the distance to Guelph the Rail- way. Com pans are giving in a very cheap rate. It is several years since. the last Egcarsioa and this will likely be the Inst for some tinge. . A PROFITABLE AND ENJOYABLE TRIP John Elder , Alex Mustard, John Elder, B. S. Philips President B. S. Phillips, Committee. p , Secretary