HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-6-4, Page 8ON 16 id V EXTE3R adios ored Su W. wu t 1ear vey Ladies Suit that , el,will int ;vat you to know that clorto„ , wo weeks these Suits will be sold at a'greatIt' you saos. rant a well tailored garment ter little ey ear and see what we are offering. OSTERY eig 6.Loy-z$ T en. rge. en. ail 1* --------7-----"7'.'=---"-7" ."-7'-'7' +44.0.41400‘00004,0440.00444. + 4,, 0 * Market Report --The fella\ 'Mg is, the report of the Exeter market eted up to June 41h Wheat ;Standard. aso Oats 39 Barley 50 to 62 Rock -wheat 60 to 60 Pas9O. Pamily Flour 2,70 Short a $25 Bran $24 Creamery Entter 25 Bolter 20 Enas 21 Low findde floor $1.00 Ghiaks alive 11. Chicks dressed 13. Hens alive Hens direased 10 Roosters Olive 0 Roosters dressed 4 29 Back dressed 14 c7teesta alive 49 dresaed 13 TurkeYe alive 16 Tarkena dressed 19 Dried anp;ea 6(.4 Potatoes $5 to $1..00 iloga 2.1;i7.9.0 r° EXETER, TIATEs • • • • • " DO,Y1BiTIC Pd'st 'FHB BaSt Pdrre-lt Cmf)in ttion • *Swee13r '01.3t the thing • fqr keepin^ yOar r110"3 & Wirpet$ Clean. No taking • : up carpets. No dust while : sweeping. Every home I $houkd have one, LOCAL eke a t• ft, ' Q`5.1 spent is.; saaan Vera ad are ad a ng Reams The by the rain. The woven with a, ver door mats, an at as r r sevr _ 0,0 ck ett ek v - Pay Ce r Eggs d • The more you know about a thing, the more you enjoy it. It is easy to undersigned the Ford, the simplest car made. The full enjoyment of rumiing a car is ob- ained by the ownership of a Ford Six hundred_ dollars is the new price of the Ford runabout ; the touring car is six fifty; the town car nine hundred-f.o.b. Ford, Ontario (formerly Walkerville post office), complete with equipment Get catalog and particulars from Wes. Snell. Agent, Exeter, Ontario. INB.111(lna Brockville Canada Carload of Buggies has just been received •west Styles andan .x.tra fine lot. Intending purohasers wiil do well to call and see them and get our pnoes fr• 40. 4 CI *eV!' %Atari in WNW Y. is #ticiAy Paren ta o a4- On - days • SUNNY POLISH • • l'or cleaning and pol biug you * • furniture the best yet. Ito Sold by 4 R. N. ROWE 4 4 R,ItetertItleral Direct Ootario totalfosom PterafaIddeltr`e, ine3cf-ntetwearion ' 1111;urerrt cgtest coy'$• TITORS AY JrJ1ji 4,12 '4 "gr. RearYtrang. f Tdsborne c.o. cnreled the pelpit in Burns, PreabY- terian church, Hallett, last "Sabbath, morning and, at Londesberei la the nt tent, enik; • I Dr. IL R. Hyridman, has purchased property on Main. Street, South of the Jackson alfg?Co, and oa ‘vhich Ills present office is located; It is „reported ahaa the doctor will erect a boding on the property, the lower Part E0 be used as an office and the Upper storey to be •fitted up by the Masonic order for the use of their lodge, Thennaertr, of the committee in ohar- ne et the Huron' cedar -3" itaral*:!ure.Y. is nearing completion This is 'the k first sPeial Strrrey made in kthe Iturn al Parts Of Canada and is borne' con. - due el by the ir,shyterian and'-'MethOdJst r thurehea ft is ..fen the puipose f learning the *present social con- ditiOns as hey exist in Baron. Some toreresfnag frat,ures and info; naa.tion aane promiseda The connniltee ha* pparell no pains to get detailed Infora nIntion, The first exhibit of charts, •diagrams and pietares. „showing, actlaul 'camparisona of changes, failtires, and growth tinning. the -past forty y:ears. wtL be Riven in Exeter, nntbe gager future. There wm afternoon.;,aud •reoiw sessions at whinh nereral SCRANTON COA Imminent, be' present , edalista at "it,rao.ity-Two YoTana wl4002.44'eter reattlents are witch ItIrHP4441114194;arniTrSi°' rt'..hx,':;intital*a41' Rat sCOInas and Mina Ida Who. have tied tor riot e fourth year examillatiOr4 es',, The glaihn OnY eie 04:041414; it T.T.4 Ouvt/ latiltea dIstanct42 17,01:1" ago • hosttri CIIIAL dited orrsiatiV ref t e rd Credit Wrn, JIowe?, w GrondBe d„, T t 10 ter, vul t W. S. lloweY i own or the week, no hi vay to the Can route at Sarnia. r. ard,:lfra. n. 0. Beebe and two bildten 'who ,spent a feu weeks vis - Ling ars, *11 Prior, returned to their 01110 in ItidgelOWn ilaIrt Thursday,. 7t1n4. Gen. Grant, or vitunipeg, Mar; and •Xr, 11. 3. Barris at 3r0ToggurV Sask. are home vting their mother Mr, and Mrs,'Jas. Willis, who is very ill but slIttly itnprovi,ng, airs, T. B. Carling ad Xiss Nina. Carling 'were in d.ond,ou an llondaY to meet is Eva, 'Carling, Asst, Sup': of St. Luke:, hospital, XCW 'York who its spending her vacation at her home here. 4 t IT/10 South wall of the Bank, i Commerce wince( nas beea left i a very rough condition by tearing dos‘n the brick building which stood beside it is soon to be cement plast- ered- Dr, A. 11. 1,11thter of Toronto called to see Dr, Sweet, on MondaY in con- nection with his work in joint ills in foals, and contagious abortion ia mares. Dr. hunter went from here to Sc. Joseph, ' , Mr,I.I.Cott of Goderich, Supt, of the Children's Aid Society for the County of Iluron will occupy the pulpit in Main, Street church, next Sa.hbath morning, and A. J. Heywood will preach in the evening, . On Friday afternoon • last Master Verne Roulsion held a birthday .party aud entertained a number of his young friends, Verne was six yeara old and the occasion was much en - loved by the little. folks, The entertainment entitled "What happened to jones" which, . Was re- peated in the Opera House last Wed- nesday evening, (Iron a fair attend- ance and those :presen!• greatly pp' preciated the performance.. 'Mr, C.' R. Howard, Wil0 was with the Inolsons Bank at Vancouver And who ha.s been recuperating at his hotne in town has joined the Maisons Bank staff here, Mr, Gordon. 'Goetz has ree.eived notice 'that he is Lobe moved., Rev. Mr. Reid of Thedford occup- Ltd the pulpit in James Street church last Sabbath, and preached ttvo very acceptable sermons Rev, W. G., IT McAlister, President of the Conife'rent ce,. was at, Ildertan7 openiIng a new •church. J. M. "Southcott tattle Mr, • Reid' s work al Thedford; Lucan is to vote on a Hydro electr- ic by-law this month, calling for the issuing of debentures. of $7,500„. pay - 'able over thiaoly years, at four and one half per cent., The expenelatire 'brovitles for installing a hyd'ro, sys- 4 ent..inelud.ng complete re -wiring, of thra village with ItYdro wire, building a power station. on the commons, op- posite where the old drill hall for- merly snood, and a system with appar. tas ,ca„.paiple ,of transmitting,.BY4Te 04 very wifl be 'bed b1' btb of o usday .Tune Ions are liont time. onjoyed •in will he serve& thildren not of bcdY weicome, to 0 nZ'ovzact, Ta0Vdat ere be wa Ire is n ;Intlep al. TO keep Ptt haa A. Vino:Iola! bytexii1n cbur- ti Prosby- morning od fn 0 (teoj eter Garden theThames Road t manse grounds on tit. Great prepar- de for most ex- nd sports wW 11111001.1 and te Minlasjon 26 cents: the 1501 lOn Zvor Str., until lifts, Prank Slutukousity of Berlin, have been the :guests of Arr, and Mrs, Zsll Heywood* during the oast week, Mr, SittinkouskY beinlit a bandsman, en,10Yed an evening with the Illx,eter' boys at their practise rooms oa ,Pridgy evening! f.r.„ Olum kousky has returned to Berlin but Mrs, Situnkousity will remain, tor some days, There is a possibility that they maw one to Bxeter and mako it +their future home. • The Exeter "Encampment, It., 0, 0. held their election of officers on afonday evening.. when the following were elected, 0. Patr, W. J. Stat- ham, It, Patr, 1 ITowald, Sr War. Patr, 3. M. Sentheott, Scribe T. Boyle; Treas„ Parr W. 7ohns. Jr, 'War, Patr, W J. furray. Patr, T. 1?.. Boyle was elected representakiva: to Grand Encampment, After the meeting the "brethren were treated to refreshments, 'by .C. P. W. Statham at his ice cream parlors. Mr, Frank Durdle of town has pur- chased a ten acre fruit; and garden farm adjointag the city of St. Thom- as and will take posses.sion it the fall Mr. •ad Mrs, Durdle were in St Thomas last week and 'closed the bar- gain, Mr, Durdle is very much in- terested in this line and at the pre- sent time has a gardenthat is welt under way and we feel certainthat he Will make a success in his new venture. Ile is offering his house and' property for sale, See adv, in another column" :The, Department of Agriculture- at Ottawa. has ' available for free distribution upwards of two hundred Publications inclutlir.g re- ports, ibulleitins, and circulars: These have been issued froth time to time by the several Branches, and deal with almost every phase of agricult- ure, science and practice. ,A list of these has been printed' in pamphlet form giving the CC author, and data of each, • 'This Es, 4s for free dis- tribution and may be procured on ap- plication to ,the Publications. Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Otidawan •I 1 • FURNITURE' DEALER F'ITNER AL I)IREOTOR AND ENB.ILKElt, 'lain St., Exeter Tho $T I V 0 -T r, &p ars, Moso 4blutt f Gamtsbilty a 4914 Exeter North. me June awl Airs, Geo, -Steer TIM her 13 13;01 to Zr by Tier. ho atchford. fIC DIBI) XDENNING-T.Ot 14 Coo, 11 Me VillivraY. George Glendennir.age 7,q years IICTIO•;11 ANDPBRTU LBACIVE lIetutsentatives from 'Staffs, the nada*. and Hensew met at the me of3fr Dan 13rintne1l Chisel* st reeent'ly, acd organized a baseball league to be knouxt as the Huron and Perth League. The officers elected were, lion. Pro Thoq. Omicron, Pro, V. MoDonell Vice Villas D. lluteb.tOn. Sec. Tv as W' Wilson. • rrne XI:Mowing schedule was drawn op; cut it ottt arid keep it for refer- ence. May 29-1(ensall at Boundary June 3 -Boundary at Staffa4. tit Stara at Ilensall I, ... 10-13oundary at Hensel! 22--Staffa at Boundary , 1,1-11ensall at Staff°. 19 -Hensel' at Boundary: 24 -Boundary at Staffa V.G-Staffa 'at Hensall t 29 Boundary at Hensel?, July 3-Stafra at Boundary G--Hensall at Staffa. All games to commence at 630 sharp., v r•-•-•-•-• Beautiful Fiair---A Clean Cool Scalp PARKSIAN SAGE; tE "IIIAK- ES Ting HAIR F.I.IIPPY AND AILICI,NDANT It is .needless for you 'to have hair that is anything short of pariedt, If it is falling out. losn a col , splitt- ing. or if the scalp 'bu jj nd itches immiediately get from V '; Cole or any drug counter, a 5 cart 'bottle of Parasian Sage, use it 'frequently - the first application removes dandruff invigorates the scalp, and lbeautifies the; hair until it :is gloriously rad. Lent Parisian Sage supplies hair needs -is perfectly harmless, It contains the exant elements required to make the hair soft, wavy, glossy, and to make it grow 'thick and beautiful. • You will surely like Parisian Sage, It is one of ;the best and triost delight fat hair tonics knoWn, , ----- THE WESTERN FAIR The Western Fair rnanagettaint have commenced operations, alridy at Queen's Park, in prr.giarati .n for the great exhibition tobiela wiiJ b' hela this year, Set lith to ;Aria The buildings that were hurrediy WAR last year -after 'the fire, ,T,na‘ being made permanent. Anather horse barn will be built, •Oarnent floors will be piitain the machinery hall and stove building: and every- thing done To make. the buil limas comfortable for he exhibit -ire and visitora. The track was• re-clayed Iasi- fall and twillbe one of the heat in Ontario /for dids corning exlii:an.ou 'all' information, will be given re- arding the L'xhibiticat on application otheSeereLaryAtEnt Loadan At "II "ran" :C1.* n DURABLE --Fire grates are three -sided; Shaped in the last three times as Jong. to grind up clinker& e when rocked". See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. T. HAWKINS & SON, Local Agents Bargain thia conDrnu1ijy ar htdie Moats aid fUks OR the advertisement which wiii of at they want at an athra.I1tLgeQu pr co. au em bargain -hooters ir you 0 On but is nothing' wrung in waiting for a bar-, eeialiy when the seller anxious to ;Aced price, vaots new carp t nQt urgent Another family is ward to buying a set of dinfog-ro t may not be for a twelve toga One Al a s buy A NOTE T tnte business by tile offero4 sowot specslow-movrag al prices. UrIgbt up wiliness by ad- ihi o desirabie goods at reduced pricea. UTu3g banish dull business. Often you oiwt, the or who is biding bis or Iter time, ata time of your naming. of adver ANTS Vhere You are Invited to Shop Orme or /mien horse.. cheap and eliable, ‘Vrite or pbene 3 13retert• We the undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of Silver Tip Silent matches containing 5 standard sire five cent bOxes for twenty cents Quality guaranteed J. A. Stewart •••••••••••••116••••••••••••• Tenders Wanted Whole or separdte tenders will be received by the undersigned 'till Sat- urday Jitne 20th, for the several tra- des in connection with a Carecgita Free Library at Exeter. Plans*, and specifications may be seen at the Library 'building Exeter. Lowest or any tender not r.ecessar- fly excepted. • H. E. HIIS'TON Secy Exeter June 3rd 1914 Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders Tor the; rrection of (Town diall will be received any. Lime after June 2nd 1914 'Tenders may be addressed to A. Murdook "clerk" or T. Iltniaon Reeve, by reg- istered letter, marked "Tender for Town Hall and must be in the .hands of the above named, before the, 10.:11 day of June 1914.-Plan.s, ,and specif, ichtions after June 2nd,i will be in the hands of Mr,. Harry Reynolds Lowest or any tender inot necessarily accepted A. AIURDOCK Clrk HALF HOLIDAY AGREEWE,NT Ire, the undersigned ee.erelia its of the village of- Exeten, ;Agree to elase I cur places pd business at 12.30 p. every Thursday during the rnontlin of I July and Augusto .13. W.-1?, Beavers, J. Grigg ter Frayn 6 5. Martin & Son. .17V-1 W. Taman W. J. Beer The Exeter Times Printing The Advocate Print' J., A. Stewart. Jones & May W.. J. Heaman, 111. Hakwitts & Son 11 Spackman. _ 140VAnd 1 ousr, Pop s,A. House 'and two lots of land on' thee corner of *William and Albert streets. The house is a frame cottage contain "rig six 'Thema, and is in excellent te of rePair,; hard and *oft water In the house and 'good cellar under- nedtha Land is well underdrained., several truit ftrees and some smelt fruits On the lproperty' OwIner iter caving town and wilt sell at a sac. eifiee to early buyer, A pplY to Durdie Exeter; Notice 70 THE ISHARErfOLDERS OF ZEES 'EXETEI3 SALT WORK S CO3E- PANY LIMITED Gentlemen.: Please take notice, that 'the an - anal meeting of the shareholders wili be held in the Town Hall Friday 'Tune. - .12th at 2 o'clock p. m, 1 Bt. Carling Sec. Treas.; , • George Pedlar rialtos and Organs, Tuning and repairing. Over 30 years experience All work guaranteed • Leave orders at bhis office or ad, dress Box 174, Exeter Geo. Pedlar„ FOR SALE Eight Bocrned, brick ven,ered housta ,on Willjar Street Exeter, Good sitin uation. Price 3.,825.00 A. snapr Also Premier separators, $45.00 Apply to W. af. Blatchford 0/J Morley Ave. [Toronto. '-nannei• Court of Revision VILLAGE 01? EXETER The Exeter Council will meet, aaat Court of Revision of the Assessment: Boll for 1914, at tlie 'fawn Hall Exe- ter on Friday June lOth at sevew o'clock p,tra. T. 13. Carling Clerk ' COUI t of Rev-ision „USTiORNE IliVshornQGonno 1edli, meet as 1.t,POf Revis'on of the Assessment Boll. for 1914, at the 'Township Hail Eliravihe on Saturday June 6th, at one o'clock p. in. sharpt_ MOBLEY- Ciektr..