HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-5-28, Page 4we AlwaysBought, ana whie at- has barrio the signat e as been made under Ids pei,. soa1 supervision Since itS innt.nineTe -c( AJJQW to Olin t'ef deceive you intiui. und just -as -good" are but rint$ 'OM and endanger tho 3ea1th, er, 11 Experience against kaperinaeut,„„ C STORM tdessSTO5stituto for Castor 00,„*,, IPa tang 8yps Iiis U IS :Dioraabine laor otbpr ,Attranta/V Inetlatarfganna1t dostroTs-WQr•taa o more, "tbau Vrty years,1. uso for flao rollor of Couatipation,, Teetblug Troolges mut !egdtds the 41011.34P4nlit and Dowels, 0 beaithY at ThItriaa'*21sip The lother S Friend. EXETER TIMES DES TO LaitaLS Home Rule Passes British Ca mons MaioritY Of 77. nioniSte RefuSe to Dehate 'Measure Withort Teartner infantle'tten Re - aiding Atnentiment Proposals and End of Long Struggle Comes Suddenly -Defeat of lainsterman Shakes the Getvermnent, LONDON, May 26.-3y a Cote- Sti 1 to g74, a meaority of 77, the House of Commons eeeterday afteae neen read a third time the Irish Home Rule Bill and priseed the hard- fought 'measure on to the Hellen of Lords; astere another effort will be made by Means of an amending bill to bring tho act bate ahaeo, which will ecure it the tgoo d wilt of all el, asee of ftiateatein The end of the struggle came qui auddenly, the Itnlovists refusing t debate the bill witbOtt frartber in fOrreation ae to the GoVernanentts in- tentions in tog -.rd to the propoeed amending measure. Prenlier AStraith lifted a corner of ths veil, bar though Andrew Bonar Law,, leader of the OPpoaition, admit- ted that the PrOMIPea wordwere, as1 conelliatory -4.4 usual.* he haatened to cld that Mr. As011itit had Itot told, 1:101B anYthiRg., To diacaes the third ading under the cirennistanees tiltl, 'he said* lir futile and r.itlicu- no. Ile added: "Let the certain ring down on this (eraptible tare. It la only the end act and Piot of the+ piar, The T verriw IA can carry the bilI Ugh Parliament, but the C011eillti- Piet of the drama willbe iti tie try, where au appeal to the peo- I not end tn. a farce," ^ then remarked that wiaen the Government WAS unable to obtain aeat in Parliament kir a Mertaber erf tne, Cabinet. meaning Mr. Masterman, haucellor of the Duchy of Lances - appeal to the people was not r.:PPER. RA.V1.6:41,1:9!27. ONSSTOKYAT oMr wcx% 4.74nrdin nun Oou Alt • Xt) IP g Tarrant FOR a 'r a 0 A •and erv k Agents Toroato X num= atioxi o shoo, 411 ut bpeaweI or Tiv3 n noun "em majosity of 77 1� 1 great tnati tillse and the Li an they rose from fl ind waving hatS Vail p of lisasola„ b of Toledo* omf 2srdnl, Ae- of the Congregation of the 0131te; lix:„T. Della Chiesa, Arch - of Bologna, Italy; Mgr. John Csernock, Archbishop of Eastergoin, Bungam Mgr. lieetor Irnee Sevin, Arehlaisbop of Lyons, France; Mgr. Francis Von BettInger, Archhiehop of Mitch, Batavia; Mgr. Felix Von rtanann, Archbishop of Cologne, armour, Mgr. F. G. Pilfi, Arch - shop of Vienta, ,Anetria; Algr. llipp Gluatinl, Secretary of the ongregation of the Sacramente; r. Michael Lego, Dean of the Tri- bunal of the Beta; Mgr. Scipio Techi, Assessor of the Consistorial Congre- gation- Rt., Rev. Francis Alden Gas- tuet PresMent al the English Bene- dictines. The Pontiff was surrounded by all he members of the Sacred College f living la Rome and by those who are / now bere, including Cardinale Gib- bons, Farley" and O'Connell. The Pope appointed Cardinal Francle Della Volpe to the office of V B. la. Bed Cedar Shingles nixatnnlerinint in 'wl.e'll P°sitical he] , 13, White Cedar Shing IeR 3 Will direct the affairs of the church --- 1 during the conclave. 2V - 4., Cardinal Diomede Falconio, for- merly apostolic delegate in Canada Bed Cedar iree P and e United States, also was raise Red Cedar Fence Posts s 8 feet 9feet th t '' ed to the mark elf ehanaberlain. t Tw The anocation of the Pope a Bed Cedar Fence Posts 10 fee strong appeal for political and soaesial Reece through the restoration of re- ITI_,......___on and the inftuence of the All Styles of Woven ....._____. At Granton -est price Hemlock Lumber Bough Pine "• Dressed and Match Pin Dic.sEcd and Match Spruce Wire Fence and Gates SS A .1;;II,I4ON„ Blue Lake Cement St. Marys Cement _ureha AsphaItRoofing at $1.25 per square CLATWORTHY GRANToN PAO. , DES1GMS , CO?,iTe.i01,17.9 uietylorigeotlihkEt:SsRciteb pea dorgerffnticra 5/m014'6124El r°,,P,..,.071. flee .x 1.1.c1211 4.4,4 nr 011-1SttlirtlYCOlifidelitifif 1,1‘44APanarrtmL.rxm eut ireOl Oldestagencirfe'rr „rut-eats:taken, oro”'-g-tii Pj.:.'tae=.43'tsa.=a cialWelfpre,:vi ,bous Charge, Cleveland Lumber Yards Fall Victims to Conflagration. CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 26. -One railtion dollars' damage has been done by a fire which broke out in the business centre of C:eveland shortly before 10 o'clock Monday night. The fire broke ont 111 the yards of the Fisher ter. Wilson. Lumber Co., supposedly started by tramps smok- ing, and spread with lightning -like rapidity. Inside of half an hour the fire was beyend control. It spread across the Cuyahoga river and caught the Cleveland Elevator Co.'s grain elevator. . Fr m there the flames spread to the lu .t...er yards of Martin & 13ar ress, wbich are siteatee. directly be- neath tbe Central Railway viaduct. 1 At 11 o'clock the flames at into the viaduct, part of which collapsed at , midnight. Cartier Statue Nearly Ready. MONTREAL itlay 26. -- A letter was received yeeterday from •Mr. a, W. Hill, A.R.C.A., the sculptor vho is executing the etatue of Car- tier anei the other allegorial figures whteh wU sun -mine the base of the onuMene from Brussels that his completed :with the exception 'gore, ratinOlinting ,the mill- , • , 0' O'13rIn rondo h nd. Under the lo a 0 hIll brougltt a by the Na- k. As on ae.ii.i abee-. d oa wa.trictly 00 ern of William fl voting, Mr. tew that the ot straight and or Ire - °visions of the Pltrlia- becomes law after It bad already twice ill its stages in the Commons In two separate $, and the vote of tbo Mouse of Lords therefore has no further effoet The Irouse was seething with ex- citement Trani the altoment the Speak- er took tho their. Members Of the varioua parties indulged in loud ca- b trete of cheering when their respec- tive (tampions entered the chamber, while at the same time mocking ban- ter was shoutud from the apposite beaches, iqr. Gal:soul. the Unionist who on Saturday defeated C. P. G. Master - man, Chancelloa. of the Dueby of Lan- caster, In the bye -election at Ipswich, met with such an neroarions welcome on his introduction that be appeared glad to escape from the linaelight, The Rt. Hon. Jame.: Lowther, the Speaker, beak an early opportunity Of applyieg balm to the sores left by tbe violent incidents of Tbursday lat. He frankly admitted that he should not have used the expression he did when he asked Andrew Boner Law, leader of the Opposition, whe- ther he approved of the disorderly demonstration by the 'Unionist mem- bers. The Speaker appealed to the Premier to give the House some in- • formation regarding the bill to be in- troduced after the passage of the Irish Home Rule Bill for the amend- ment of thee:measure, so as to meet some of the objections of the people of Ulster. TI Joe Martin To Contest Seat. LONDON, May 26.-(C. A. P. Ca- blen-An interesting bye-eleetion is expected in Londoa early next month. Joe Martin, member for East St. Pancran called a meeting of his association on Friday, when it was decided he should rrsign his seat and offer himself for re-election as an Independent Liberal and Labor candi- date. His resignation has followed the adaaliost of R. L. Relse as the otficial Liberal candidate because Martin vot- ed against the Government in the Marconi division in the House of Commons. Inoculates Rabbits at Large. MARSEILLES, May 26. --Rabbits which had been in oculated with the virus of rabies, tuberculosis, typhoid and other deadly diseases, were stol- en Sunday night from the laboratory of a bacteriologist In .the suburbs of Marseilles. The bacteriologist had been eeperimenting inethe produetion of vaccines. The police are making. every effort to recover the animals be- fore they are sold or eaten but mo far avithont success. I Boy Is Drowned. TORONTO, May 26: - The firet €1rovzthg of the summer seasen here occurred at Ward's Island yesterday, 6 bo ly 0? six; .94,y-q0dd Robert Ren-letiP lbu found fl c/lal4d; ,44.p 1 TORONTti *WOMAN WELL AGAIN Freed From Bearing Down Pains, Backache and Pain Sidc Ly Lydia E. Pink - ham's Compound. TorOnte,Ont-'`Last October, 1 wrote 0 you for advice as I. wa& completely run down, had bearing down aensationin the lewer part of bow- els, backache, and pain in the eide. also suffered terribly from gas, I took Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound and am now entirely faee from pain in hmackstaronndgb:rinbowels a . 1. recommend Lydia E. .Pinkham's Compound highty Wall expectant moth- ers."--Mra. J wAxogy, 2 LogauAxe- nue Ontario. Consider Woll This Advice. No woman suffering from any form of ferne troutales should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkbam'a Veg- etable Cempoend a fair trial. This famous remedy, the mediatal jo- gredie/Its of which are derived from na- tive roots' and herbs, has fer nearly forty years preyed to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the •female organism. Women reeiding in airriost every city rid town in the United Statea hear Ming testimony to the wonderful v rtue of Lydia E. Plultham'a Vegetable mpoundJf „ tbat Salave tbe l -I3„ 1st xi es slt" edgoeatr be Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.P init ham -Medicine Co. (e0nAdential) Lyn n, .DIasSa for ad- vice. Tour letter will be opened* 1'ea4 and answered. by a woman* liold in Strict eentidenee. THE MARKETS CHICAGO.' ,May 25.-Preepecte of a record breaking yield. in Oklahoma and li7ansas today forced prices down In the active options of wbeat, Quotations of tkraY tightened, but trading In that dell - Very was at a minimutr. The market closed ,somewhat irregnlar, %c to %c net lower •to tte advance. In corn the out. etene yaaleci-from eiic decline toeitc gain. Oats wound lip 34c to 1y4c dearer, and Provisions strung out from a setbaek of 15o to 17%c to a, rirS% of 30. TOL-PONT() GictaIN MARKET. Wheat, fall, bushe1......$1 02 to al 03 Earley, bushel 0 62 . 64 -"ess. bushel 0 80 ,... Oats', bushel * • • • 0 45 .Jaye, bushel ......,..a. 0 65 Buckwheat. bushel 0 70 0 75 TORONTO DAIRY MARHET Butter, store lots,.. .. . 0 20 Butter. creamery, lb. rolls 0 24 0" 26 Butter. separator, dairy...0 22 0 23 Butter. creamery, solids- 0 24 E•a ---„.. 0 23 24 Cheese, Id, lb 0 15% 0 16, Cheese, new, 'b • 0 14' 0 1414 Honey. combs, doxen..... 2 50 3 00 lioneY, extracted. lb 0 09 • , . DULUTH GRAIN NIAREET. DULUTH_ MaY 25. --close: Wheat -No,. bard. 05%o: No. 1 northern. 94%e: No. do.. 923.fr,e to 93e; Juin 94e. Linseed -1570; Jely 158%e„ CATTLE MARKETS UNION STOCK YARDS. TonoNrro, May 25.---Recelpts o live steelc at the Thelon I'ards were 125 Cal' ' S comprising' 2494 cattle, 331 bogs. 34sheep and lambs and 339 calves, eutchers. Choice loads of steers sold at 38.30 tO $8•50, with a few lots at $8.64; good to chelee leada of steers and heifers at 3845 to 36,30: medium to good at $7.80 to $8.14; eetniocat at $7.35 to$7,75; cbolce cows at 17 to 17.50; good cows at 10.50 to $6.90; medium eows at 38,75 tO $6; common owe at $5 to $5.75; canners and cutters at 33,75 to $4.76: balla at $0,60 to 37.45. Stockers and Feeders, rt -keep feeders at 47,75 to 33; !eed- ers $7,54 to $7,76; Stockers at $6,50 to Milkers and Springers, The rini of milkers and aoriuges3 wee light, And sold at $55 to 3300 each, Veat Gaives. HeeelPtS were moderate. quality cam - MOD and medium. and 1-44CO3 firm. Com. mon valves At IT to 1740: medium At, 32 to 3840 0414 gOed at 49 to 19.414 shales ealveta at $10 tO 430,50, • Sheep and Lambs, Ilecelpts were exceedingly light onIT 86 all told. and prices very firm. -Heavy es and re1113 at szi to 35.50: light owes t 46,50 to 47.25; Yearling lainba at 45.40 E E 49; American Yearling wethers ,xt 19; EN'EfiS , j 1 sPrin. larnba at *5 to 19 each, Hoes. There were few Ontario hogs on sale, but there were over 500 northwest hoge Fluttan Gives Up on the met, the quality of which wpm a Police n good. Ontario hogs were quoted at 47.90 f.o.b. ears, 38.23 fed and watered and /4,50 welshed off cars. DIONTREAL LIVE STOCK 'ear idhi ang ter's Aciv d and Frozen After Ili 1n t1z Bush, Slayer of az*tl Son -in -Law, Only e Did Not Rill Two Uo Was Captured osso Cut Off Ills Retreat, GRAVENHURST, May 25, --- Con- trary to police expectations and to Ids threat that be ;Would never be taken alive, Wllliant Ruttan, the Una:01m busliMall and tralaner, WI10„. On Wednesday morning, shot and killed his daughter, Dirs. Alfred, COU.- termanche, and Geo. COutermanche, fit their home at Ilousey's Rapids, otiletly surrendered to Inspector Greer, of the provincial police, and Constable Fielding, of Bracebridge* at his home at nine o'clock Saturday morning. Half fatnisbed, his cloth.es in tat- ters, and bis fate and hands torn by the heavy bush of the district, the murderer presented it pitiable appear- ance ',when taken in hand by the po- lice. Through Friday's heavy rain- storm, Rattan lay concealed in the bush, a7ad he, told his wife Saturday morning, that once, when his pur- S ' ers Were Within twenty-five yards of him, be wan forced to awim the Buck river to escape detection. Though he was soaked to the skin, and the raw air brought ma a heavy frost Friday night, Ttuttan was forc- ed by the presence of three watchers on his house, to lie in tho bush but a few hundred yards faom hie home, all night. At tve o'clock the watch- ers were themeelves forced by the cold air to seek shelter in Henry Cook's residence and the murderer crept into the shelter of his barn, Within a atone's throw of his house. After half an 'hour in the barn Rut - tan risked everything and crawled through the cellar -window, into his home, wtere he ate raarenously; While he was warming himself at the stove, Provincial Detective Greer, Constable Fielding and three other armed men returned to resume their vigil on the house and the raurderee's escape was t off. His wife said that it was primarily the message of •their minister, the Rev. Findlay Crowther, which per- suaded her husband to Surrender. "Mr. Crowther told Me to tell my bus - band it would in far better for him to surrender to the law, and I did." Rattan says his only regret is that h- dernot Succeed in killing his son- in-law, Alfred_ Coutrema.nche, and Henry Cooke, a neighbor. FRANCES ROSSUTII DEAD. Son of Great Hungarian Patriot Was , 7:3 Years pica.; • BUDAPEST, May, 2-6. - Francis Kossuth, son of the great Ilungaria'n patriot, died here yesterday; aged73. • He had been inVa.lici for many months, and his death ,did not come as a surprise. - In January lasteduring a crisis in les illness Kossuth was married on his sick bed to Countess 13enyorsky, widow of his life -tong friend. Such had been the wish of Count Benyor- ky, made on his deathbed, and Kos- suth and the countess, who intended to marry ' in March, hastened the nuptials when Inossuth's illness took a turn fr the worse. , Francis Kossuth took his "father's place as leader of the Hungarians • soon after Louis Kossuth • died in 1894. to the, ti , of lin esa Fraud 7407.1T1AL, '„Nlay 25. --At the Dfontreal stock yards, west end mar. ket, the reCelpts or live Atogit for the week ending May 23 were: 1050 cat- tle, 500 sheep and lambs, 3100 bogs and 1200 calves. Offeriugs tho martcet this morning amounted to 400 cattle, 250 sheep and laznba, 1700 hogs and 460 calves, • In cattle tho feeling continued firm and prices were! Unchanged owing to tbe small supplies, number of car- loads of pressed bebe have been brought In of late direct from Toron- to. Trade was fairly active, with ales of full carloads of choice steers at 33.25 to $8.50 and good steers or 1100 pounds brought 38, while fair stocle sold, at $7 to, $7,50 per 100 pounds, An Increased demand was reported for good butcher& cows and bulls. A stronger feeling devloped in the mar- ket and prices for Ontario stock ad- vanced 10c to 28c per 100 pounds over Wednesday. The demand for paciters was good and an active trade was done, with sales of selected lots at $9,10 to $9.25, sows at $7.10 to $7.25 and stags at $4,05 to $4.65 per 100 pounds, weighed off ears. The trade in small meats -was fair and prices ruled steady. Yearling lambs sold at 48 to $8.50 and ewe sheep at $6.50 to $7 per 100 pounds, while axing lambs brought from $4 to 38 eacb, as to size and qualitY. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. EASTrItIrFFALO, May 25,-Catt1e-1te- ceipts, 1800; aetive and 15c to 25e high- er; prime steers, $9 to $9.25; shim -Ann. 38.2a to 38.85; butchers, 37.25. to $8.75; heifers, $7.25 to $8.50; cows, $3•35 to 37.50; bulls, $6 to $7,50; stockers and feeders, 46.75 to 38.15; stock heifers, 36.50 to 37; fresh cows and springers steady, $35 to $90. Veals-Tteceipts, 1600; slow and 25e lower, $5 to $10.15.. Hogs -Receipts, 16,800; active and 10e to 15c lower; heavy, mixed, yorkers and pigs, 38.65; roughs, $7.35 to 37.50; stags, $6.50 to $7; dairies, •38.40 to $8.65; Can- adas, 38.55 to $8.60. Sheep and Lambs --Receipts, 9400: handy sheep active; sheep steady: lambs 150 higher; lambs. $6 to $8,40; year-? lings, $5 to $7.25; wethers, $6.10 to 36.50; ewes, $2.50 to $6; sheep, mixed, $5.85 to $6.15. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO, May 25. -Cattle -Receipts, 21.000; market,steady; beeves, $7.35 to $9.30; Texas steers, $7.10 to $8.20; stock- ers and feeders, $6 40 to $8.55; cows and heifers. $3.70 to $8.80; calves $7 to 310.25. Hogs--Becemts, 56.000; market, lower; light. $8.10 to 38.30: mixed 38.10 tr, $8 30- heavY. $7,85 to $8.30; rough, $7.85 to $8: pigs. $7.30 to 0.15; bulk of sales, $3.20 to 1.30. Sheep -Receipts. 24.000; ma.rIcet. :asset.: native, $5.15 to 76.10: yearlings, $6.10 to $7; iambs, native, $6.10 t..) $8.20; sizing $6.50 to $0.40. BASEBALL,. Li 141. International League. -Monday Scores-- .. . ... . 9 Toronto . . . Bochester..* .... -9-8 Montreal . . 5-1 13aitirriore at Newark, rain.' ProvldeneeaatitoJneariLseyeCau.. •izty,eramu, N - -Monday Scores.-, Philadelphia 6 ... 5 BcirTiocoikl nnyanti .......„....... 4 Chicago........... 5 New York 1 Bosten... . . 3 St. Louis 2 American League. -Monday score.s.n- wanalington.......10 'Detroit ..:. Chicago.. ........ 1 liew- York 3 Boston .Philadelphia ... ... 6 St. Louis • Federal eague. -Monday Scores. -- Baltimore.. .e.. 6. St. Louis.„..... 5 Kansas City.........8 Buffalo .. Indio,naiions....... 5 Pittsburg ° '° 34 C,hioago- • -••• • • • 4 Brooklyn . 0 0 , Piincc" Of ,Teelt Int,,Baneinet LONDON, MaY'2'6.--A,AsOnitt - ed.; Company,. inc1udit4; Itiag ottninglat,: 'key. Ali, ahxdb` THURSDAY MAY- 213. 1914 neorporated 055* Canital & Reserve " S8i7009000 Ss BRANCHES IN cANADA A GENERAL -WRING BUSINESS TRANSACTED TC RI RACvUBLLALRE RTsd l_TrormEERI4Su c_RLEP.iT. jeD, 'EANR MONEY ORDERS - AtaSlBAIVra INOS DEPARTMENT. c a late,reat allowed at higbeet.,oarvent rate. Exeter N. It; HUH D ON Manage •Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government E- CANADIAN OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0., LLD., D.C.L. President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRD, Asst. General Managefg- 44,444141•0., APRA!, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,00 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES IOR :Mg SUMS OF $10, $20, $50 or $100 payable at their face value in VI; principal countries of the world, are S for a small commission by all branches of the Bank. Easily oegotiated anywhere and self -identifying, they are al indispensable to the traveller, The bolder is protected in the even loss of the cheque s* as a separate letter of identification is issued wtu them, There is fio safer or inoreconvenient method of carryiog money - When travelling. Exeter Braneh-a I. WAUGIT, Manager BRANCH ALSO AT CBEDITON Before You Can R..eap You might as well try to raurke • ferming pay without sowing seed as try to make a mercan- tile business pay without adver. tising In Your Home Pa.per. Horse Reutes ASCOT'S HEIR -Clydesdale. Mon- day at E. McDougall's and home Toes - „day at Arthur Campbell's and borne. Wednesday to Richard johns and Wit son Hawkins; Thursday to Illicit:on Pletcher's and S. RoutleY's, Friday to John Itielland's and Oliver Harris Saturday to John Benner's, and home Geo. Martin Prop, aod Manager. Lot 20t con 13, Hibbert-. r Monday at Harry Iforton'-: -n 1M - own stable„ Teesday O'Neils and O'Breins,' s, Fletaber's and Hirkton Friday W. Ilroclr's and home, Doyle Bros, Eas- ter, Owners, Frank Case Manager, leaNGSITOUNT - Imported Clydes- dale, Monday, Wm Boutley's and •Nr, Moffat's Tuesday Nelson Baker's ani 'Wm. Flynn's Wednesday Pat, Boyle's and Thos, Hennessy's Thursday John McLaughlit's and :rhos, Morley's are day Melville Skinner's and home Sat urday at John Allison's a,ncl home Geo, Coward Proprietor and Manager Lot 16 con, 18 Ilsborne CENTRAL sTaArFopin. nakelt, Canada's hest practical train- • ing, school. Three departments 4, •,Commercial, Seorte.and and • Telegraphy, Course's are thor- • otteh and practical. Individual • 44a inexepterreicitisieo:d i s seitavfef. boyu .;tt s rroarader_ '41! elina tteers a8ttle.tacneyedt inaSet ugdeern testi ar. .6af rae • coforaialgylletm.anc," swhat I've ?Clan d .3. J, A. MASON A RCH ITEC1' 425 Dundas Street, London, Guaran,7- teed cost of bUdina Io extras; Li" year NOW York experience. Fbon; 2725, .Anyoue Intending to build swill ill well to write nie. NO charge for con; ulation. C. J. W. KARN„ D,C.M., 423 RICHMOND ST, LONDON,. ONTARIO. SPECIALIST ta. tRGBXt AND tiENITO-UltIN DISEASES OF MEN AND 'WO G, ROUBSION L. D. a. Ds ,DVNTIST = Honor Graduate of Toronto Tizaivagra* sity Offiee over Diedesen & lines Law office. Closed Wealtarsio day afternoons: Phone Offire Residenoa 5 1:4, DR, A. It EINSMAN iL,D D-11". - Honor Graduate of Toronto ersity DENTIST i Teeta extracted without pain. so any bad effects. Office over Glrarlia loaan & Stanbury'a Office Maim Stkr, Exeter*, W, BROWNING M. D., M. Ili s P. is. Graduate Victoria Unisokefar sity Office and residence Dominic.* Labratory., Exeter% ASsociate Corantr of Huron ICKSON & CARDING Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Cant veyancers Gonamissioners, Bolisitosiat Lor the Molsona Bank etc. Money to Loan at lowest ratei-off itekv terest. OFFICE -MAIN STREET EXETERfa I. R. Carling b. A; t U, Dioltriosr MONEY TO LoAIN. We have a large amount of will, ate funds to loan on farm and 'rib', lage properties at loweat rate of terest. GLADMAN & STANDUIM Barristers Solioitora, Main kills Exeter, - T116 U8borne and filbnert .Farnierib Mutual fire lutur- and° Gompanll Heat:1 Office, FaroLher, ()mt. President IIOBT. GAED11$13. Vice Pre,sident , ROI‘3T. NO1110.4`" DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN Dteatiar WM. BROCK • Winahonee-as- WM. ROY •UO2e r.14.1.1D, J. L. RUSSELL A GEN TS ,TOEIN ESSER Y Exeter. anent bonus and Biddulph: • OftiVER HAIIRIS Munro aaen Blibbert Fullarton and Logan. W.. A. TURNE6)fal. SC./c.v.-Franz. F aretiha GLADYAIA.N '&' STANBURY Soljcitors , Exe t er. , Weer' ,"„4,43104000.4$0.0 ' !j.