Exeter Times, 1914-5-21, Page 8E EXETER ID DLJNTIN( 24th of Mai �e have not had aCele- 'Ian iu tows.. for yeat'a t Will do you goad to do : liittle decoratirg in honor of the holiday. We can sup- ply you with Flags and Bunting. CREX 111. /GS 'eve knave placed an Stoele 6 sizes t this celebrated hue. FOP 'veren kasarehs 4/14, onhdotar use they niseat able. Wo will be glad tai, Mem kiel��aan x ales and tate Ig anssaarlotta3nt axe not hi t rue et t DU RAaI an etAltrre t bine, els. they tacaiN nal: an sit - re :� mill Market Repaxt--,The following i the re crt of the Exeter marke re'cted up to'May 21st Wheat Standard 0,,Se l Oats 34e. Barley 50 to 52 Buckwheat 50 to 60 Fear 30. t t Faanily Flour 2;80 Shorts $25 ., Brea $24 t 1 Creamery '€cutler ` 5 1 t Rutter, 20 a i Egges Low Grad Dour $1,60 Chicks alive 11 Ohicke dressed 13. Debs alive S, Renata dressed. 10: Roosters olive Roosters;; &eased D24i: nliVe, 1. Pock. dressed Oat, xeese *live "l0 ti e se dressg 41 Turkeys oliva Toe dressed 19 ' &tied *pies 6a. 'gala lb' to 90.. Hogs 7I50 *4/il*iso, LOCAL $!&* alt n ?thenal ttr 43. 'l rL, €af )ray Ba ° CRE R R, tan these paalatalr till id nanny r matt ata oxer counters at l vee .y er a oogi, l=r ti"f'erst lae#ialays, *4r FJra.t — 'E`a c — Best, Per eit i13n'a titian : vaeep3r just the thing • for keeping your rug • Carpets clean. No taking 4 * up carpets. No dust while • ▪ sweepinn' Every home I lira '13 m. Kirk and Ms 4 f esle5 haer, have built lark silos, on : fathe mscon33oradger t3ras, at Fullerton had. . • Mr. James Reutly is 'becoming altlite • adept. at handling his new auto. S Adrian kringle and Tar, Creighton; are improving in health. ees'1. 'Thompson has beets quite ill but is improving, 31 . George Hen' is ,taking the rest are in Loodone His physician ex- ' • lancets st eomPletc 'reeoven. • SI/01114 have one. Mrs. Gt"la ,rte is visiting i. . • SUNNY PK2tjSII • , LQ' cleaning aauc4 polishing ycla r 4. 4/4 '/" t.aa 92it18r� tine h st '}r't, • ��; • Sold �yby o R3 N RO Fu4ea'al Director Exeter, —, Oantuio PliONE ;tan 46 41'43* *40J iia _ l a asPtt e,aatter d'e phi &te Ji: hedfori lest shippt'd bi" ` VT, Manaa¢ Me t n. grad Controli n. 1„ r carte for her oaa Sat nal p viAtg^ a'tiseapae. aA a VD STRA, 'rho ovw lasts Tit Vir COKER taw ''Tooke" haa4a`g aaly word eaascn, Ea' g2 eut fol. ION tlx: sat L. P d lie4t, f*I' Sannda';' ,n pnaatbe; v. ha x. W. +Ani c pt 9elalwar x >ekck.eweronet Te4,4esteres Cos0 Co ' SCRANTON tea c 4 TE BST ti+�e a t li s"Oree.p x pAi alai e \Father's Day flay 14th snsl Pe e aaataden Mao 17th were fittingly obe. e'rved on the eireuil:. IDon't forget the ball games Bien- chard Vederals vs. Centralia nee t Monday, Morning' and afternaon- iC'ENTR A. Mr, and Mrs, ft.. Ranter of .l:aeter visiteal their son W. 1{+stater on Sail dal ; Alex, INrigh:t of Whalen :sire. t the seek end with her anat 13rs, Raw- retitle. 'A manatee of the ladies attenaK,* the "lam Mi. S. eeaivention last *veep', t 4 irktoat, This eenvK e ion will :he held at •R illi next tear~ '11ne Ladies Aid of than _oFAythoadiSL ...,eh' rdm celebrate their . 2liti anus natpiem&^,y o,.a tip", K"4-<.iaafll T, aitn t'4„s •> ; rul 8n3' 6ifi pass• a errand ,sup ,r + 1714, rre'.ua',rfa."laA .,"a•d Ray, ;e it' 'vca'i eo*t tar p- iCRt85.' t'Itanrtn,=ass h�" ilia ;afl4 e9"Al. lrn,r aalos fay "li4'r. li nroei4 Fn ,Ir VIM 'MI15'- 1ta5irentnne;tai it •is d*nala aaaati ro< loos w111 also 'he efie°t #%l +\l .its lata4 ,ohms eh ait•aolo Admin sj"'ap pt, aagetaae=atts are e oder war a,io It /the a4rsa et delve :baa rites G' IiAt 14 sliQTts 'rases a: tc, a ill eta,' 268 Codhpit tat '.fit,*ns all d Mr's, Chars, f otiinalt stn °. a£td Rales, flicks $ blt+z�'aN {;r at tltc asaraaeaatak;e on Talitr i7 e4!t is driving 0 beau*: sae i',.t silk cdr. t daTie biggest cele; e' iYCtt eleltratioa�ly tt Cann 'early ana*ruing t O N4a laaeniea aaattbr+ , A, oU 6k"$ to*tans Ow beset Eliaar Yv'zit c °aR aL Mr1l, aain shears enit ,n nae de tar .the e Mattettn ciao it ]atYe ttanaly iii, is` ianpreviitg, erottstata of l"aSsa3dnre lgitl??olatives in and serest, liruxn,Old and daugktlrt+r ; r' tiNona a are tIAe eneet.e of .00. Jost; '`aloha 1L Lill of Ctraaand Demi, a, wlci `alp for tonne UMW. 4s is able to be: Calf ;newt tdttth3 sat F'ordwieb,, I eels and has idtn a^oas over o. fx D; SarOOD . a orr?Kart aa0, - ayr as iK`� la ra^ ;syn ti Slate as as°Iraq la� tai enaything. 45eo baF, T+t rrh aKellostoma; ritxghit 3.11.don iwho G titYA shpt" tat, on4"tilt" in e vilitagfe last .fit tor here Pol‘riter$4.11 (te” rt) a Alta�tlert attn_c4 llytal, 0. planner rare vat .nndotn tI13S is attending the branch cor.vty' trot 4 la. • SV orannn"q Missionary 'Soctet v "i iln 17171 #,au91d'tltn fA"•Sc•.1v A^"^+* a"11t Ivy W. 3' Bene as n hrrnese ahoy been toms dowal The old bl,telr treb i vhoal tier • 41.a "a 4* -1. ►...,,* tiiK,,: a, 'Ith these 'buildings sat of the stay stapes a large gap Ian linin Street+: ;peter will celebrate Mav 2;tb in a good old-fashioned style with aII modern improvements. it will be a real gala dav, Take a da.v off`and come to Exeter. Von will enjoy it and we will enjoy your visit* v Mr, T. i;. Reniiford of Ingersoll elan has been visiting his brother Richard, at Centratli''e, was in town +,n Esu-adad+ and .~]dressed the Vour.rt Alen's Clas%, at gain Street in the of ereaoo-,. Willie lfanse~r. is to. ;Sive a elk at the class next t5'abb .th :ifter- eon_ `'nt the. Times to the aa°bsexit mem- ber of the family or to the distact frientle It is as good as a letter fromhorse',- and is a weekly victor You/ can better imagine how :'the home paper is appreciated, whenyou are absent your self and a copy is for warded to yew. • r ' Auto Accident, -On 'Sunday n7orr.- ing last a party of four mon from London were overturned in an auto near the White 'church at Grand Bend. They were making the 'turn whenthe carskidded.' andupset throwing the occupants into the dit- ch. Other than a ifew bruises. the men escaped unhurt. The car ,.vas damaged somewhat and Mrs, T, 3. Nelson, of town was‘' caned upon~ to make( repairs. 1 eserve Your Shat-7dave you 're - reed your seat for "Whet Happen - d to Jones." 'You cannot afford to miss this treat of the seasonl. The cast of Characters (See bills) have giv en freely of their time and Wort, to make this one .of the best 'areateur productions, ever.' produced locally The Opera .house "should be well filled at this entertwinmen'c fin Moeday: night., Price; 50 c, 35c, and 25c. Plan Hall at Ilowey's Drug store -The Women's Missionary {Society held the most .successful convention in the history of the Exeter district, on Wednesday of last week in' the lierk ton Methodist Ohrirch. Diener e as served in the basement of the church and' "'about .400 sat down to ; idene: About the same number took supper A 11 the sessions were interesting and the addresses were above the average 1l'ri. G.tiS'tewart. "On Christ,ia.r Sire - erdship," and Mrs, McAlisters address on the white slave traffic deserve ee pecial mention The only address giv by a man was given by Bev E. G. 'Powell of :'Eeetcr J. The ,more you know about a thing, the more you enjoy it. It is easy to undersigned the Ford, the simplest car made. The fell enjoyment of running a car is ob- tained by the ownership of a Ford Six hundred dollars it the new price of the Ford runabout the touring car is six; fifty; the town car bine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ontario ( formerly WalkervPle post office), complete with equipment Get catalog and particulars from Wes. Snell, Agent, Exeter, Ontalp,. eneeneeeeneeneireneatelesehee rockville Ca add, Carriage Co. g ies A Carload of Buggies has just been received newest Styles and an xtra fine lot. Intending pujlhasers will do well to call and see them and get our prices. Snell l ll klass Fair Machinery and Stable Equipment £tai kelvin an Rai up trot aril rlleti Ju: tows oianiw to Grant CXpense or 'e 'cart .is beide ed to make Victoria Day on ipecal interest from tarly ~ting untillate at ~night. There will be something doing' every "innate. Gime and celebrate.. May tit in lxett r, Miss home weeks Molal et rfr :at all taiga& 1 \f a;1° Frany.3xa t ata :e atr a•a valiting for ax cxiaide Brantford The Aunual fleeting of the Duran Rural Deanery and ;nutria, Soboot As- sneiaelion was held in t, il,'honxaa rltorch S4'afertle en TIaatr ;day ,gay when Rt?e, .1, W. Doherty, R. A. of Tlensall was re-elected rural Dean or i'lasraxn. A spec al program was pro- vided donsisting of addressee on Mis- sionary Literature, by INV. Dr, rage of irussels and Duplex l nve1opc, tem and Every Member Canvass. by acral 7]e11n Doherty. The afternoon sa'ssion was devoted to than work of Sunday Sehocls. fe~v D. WV'. `Collins. ushers' E. an, Rey 03: Atkinson. 1, "erehand and A. Day attending the rtl,, aiaag. from Hetes. . Plan to spend Victoria day in Br- ier, Baseball, bowling. horse rac- ing an .automobile, exhibit, and a concert in Lite evening will be some the features during the day,. n Hurt in Auto Crash, Former Excterite--John R. Jaynes; who was injured in a:n automobile ' accident near /Toronto. in which his wife was killed, is a former Exeter boy, and well-known as a commercial travel- ler throughout western Ontario, Re 'started his career as a clerk in Pickard's store, at Exeter,' and aftei a time on the road, he engaged ` in business at Alvirsto'n _ After'.a time he again `ireet on the' road. and later. moved to 'Calgary where he has mede a fortune in real estate,. The accid- ent baripened alt bond lake 15 miles out of Toronto. The automobile car- rying ellr, and Mrs, Jaynes, his sot:- in-law, oilin-law, Mr, John Vanwert, with his wife and three children, Ruth, aged seven, Dorothy four, -Willie .three; swerved in a sandy stretch of road and over turned when it strick the rail of an intesburban 'line. ' A big time is in store for those who come to Exeter on the 25th of May. 1 el l ""ti, areetteenetiee'' gamvszemze James Beverley FURNITURE DEALER FIIVI;Y�AL DITRECTOR AND ENEAE'_V1ER air St., Exeter Photic 74a. 'hen nerreenee °t'ho11laest 4aln*wn Th�'dC�grd tare e7itiaa3 ear t�taa heir"4'irc41 brtoikl Tht, 'hare. men ` are to 'hall.,; their *letoriat . day' 14 West, c 1,11oltra, -td has crawly begt 714 area seed** throughout Canada Nabob': not exceed, that of 'fist Reports from the West are th . Moe eeili be a 811181i inerease 'to the ort seeded In •uheat, while in ',Iitan t ba and Sasks-tchewan the wheat eraee -will be unchanged,. in Ort - r the weather last run having per Ploughing until a late date ultivated area will probahlY he than lot year. On the whole. °natty will be fortunate it the u s from field crops equal those year. Lt the present expeota, pus are realizsd, the wheat crop or he United States, Will be the great. est ever harvested,. Some enthusiasts etiolate a yield of n Billion bushel.. two hundred and fifty million bits- hels greater 'than the average,. In trend of which Nvas interrupted lied yea; by the failure of the United :its tea corn crop, A1111 be low. The re- turns from animal industry ought ur.- der the stimulus of free enay into the United t%tates. to materially in- crease, especially if indestrial depres- sion has started labor to the /and— Weekly 1Sun. Mallon •and their hem mina' lo June 1rd, DON'T TIE A QUITTER We cannot always find the ways That /ead 'to waiting treasurers: There must sometimes be dismal days That are devoid of pleasures. The winds that blow so softly now To -morrow might be bitter; The storms will come, but, anyhow. .Don't be a quitter. We cannot always do the things, We may not all he dukes or kings Some naen must. do Ithe hewing Sorae men must plow and some must 1 While some in jewels glitter But„, if sour place is high or 10W, Don't be a quittere Some men may live in idleness On fortunes -they inherit, And some men never can posess The sweet rewards of merit; Some ,men may ride in lordy staee'. 'While others bear the litter; Ha rich. or poor, or small or great., Don't be a quitter, Ybei cannot wren by --sitting in, Your corner, sighing grayely, Deflate your chest thrust out your den And do your eluty bravely; You. enay have cause to be ic doubt, Your hardships may be bitten But never let the world find toil— e rehtitter, Court of Revision The reshorne Council -44 ili meet as a court of Revision of the ASsessment Roll. for 1914. at 'the 'Township Hari Elirnvihe en Saturday, June 61.11, at WO T -- feed doors TII€'1SD.'. x1.1' 21. coal, coke, lake firing easy at pan is filled e without' removing. cCI dealer or write for booklet liAwKiNg SON, Local Agents isomenommisessonmeaumudommeamm Ruts iy runs faster el rely ver e oed Ative him zince can be pr aaver estir 11011, you D lie is dol ose who col oil you what e urago those InVited y 2 teneeteeleee Big Celebration a ELI ER BIG DOINGS AT THIS STORE Big showing of Fancy China and Glassware for wedding and birthday gifts. It will pay you to come in and see Our Big Assortment Lots of Fire Crackers and Rockets, Lots of Candy, Oranges, et Big Prize Grab Bag Sate. Music all day, " The people come from near and far, To spend their money at Powell's Bazaar." Be one of them. — Rhone azaar ss SEALED TENDERS WANTED The cOuricil of the Townehip of Hav will 'receive sealed tenders up to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, the 30th day ot allay, 1914, for building a number of cement bridges.. Plans and specifications may he seen at 'the office oe the undersigacd The,,lowest of any tender, not nee- -Zurich Ont, May 12Ih 1914 FRED HESS Clerk of Ha Meeting of Huron County The council GE the Corporation of the County of Derm, wilt meet is the Connell chaniber in 'the toetn of Goderieh on. Tuesday the 2nd day of Jane next at the hour oi.,3 o'cloclei iv,7"1. LANE, Clerk George Pedlar Flanos and Organs, Tuning and repairing. Over 30 years experience All tvork guaranteed T,e.ave orders at this office or ade dress Box 174, Exeter Geo. Pedlar,. The Times is_ prepared to (get: our horsemen's route cards on short nee, see us. on William Street Exeter ' Good, Eitel ‘A,lsoelereinier separators, $15.00t '401 Morley