Exeter Times, 1914-5-21, Page 7o,1 erase ae Oe - east ass.,4 Nee send, the. roe.; heel Abe ot1 pute, sour, the heir eeal P era, tfli- ted am - bed ' .eet iers hn. C4 r ha in aoa, the ar- sine Idi- iize nks on See ys a of tsia Jin - the mat ge vtr. his, ibh orn I ar va, r; .+.i.ar-k hack ls caused by weak kidneys, and it is bard for a woman to look after her housaold duties when she is suffer- ing from -4 weak and aching back, for no woman can he stron- and well when the kidneys are out of order. Doan 's Kidney Pills go right to the seat of the trouble, cure the weak, aching back, and prevent any and all of the serious kidney troubles which are liable to become deep Kooteti into the system if not attended to at once, Jinks, Dentorestrille, writes—"For several years I Leo n troubled with weak back azid kidneys, 1 had terrible dizzy headaches, and could not sleep at night. A friend of mine asked me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and 1 did so, and, in a short time Was cured," Doan's Kidney Pills are 50e. per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at all detders, or mailed direct on receipt of Price by The T. Milburn Co., Litnited, Toronto, Oat, If ordering direct Specify "Daan'S." 4146417444: TO T Ap Incident Which Shows (he gaeity of (be llealTr. The beaver worke induetrio and with a degree of sagacityud that is astonishing. Air, Eos A, NMs, the Author of "In Beaver Worlds" toile ue that the beaver ia (easily tamed, 4443 thet he makes 4 anionablo pets The, author a pet at hie home in Colo - 44»d he tolls a number 1 frut the animal, which he eUhd I Tr, Other human quail - ;O5 than thet of industry appear in !eats related. had ,a. had fright or eve AhQut an hour before udowii ne1717711'd, ae usual, along- iea Be entered the war hunting about for 4 or so merry tile opposite, ly fifty ieet rade4as be bus' Oregon grap . then at hi el, a Ainse saladeallear "...."leit.teaseto 1 at the sve s r en iu ss All circled allthiattsls, with be water. One sec re the -coyote b waddled out, xasniatalion. A se a1iereat the spot, where 1% out to mo. his eyea told him, f the log, but his nose danger. After thisee or mffectua1 attempts to retreat, plueked t mirage, and rose to 1 height (u2 his hind legs and tail , stare eagerly at me. With head well up and forepaws drooping, he held his gaze for several seconds, and then gave a low whistle. At this Diver came forth from be- hind my eoat to see what was going on, The old one started forward to him, hut on having a geed look at me, whirled and made a jumping AUNT- intn the water, whaekieg the surfaee with hie tail as he disap. peered. Instantly there followed two or more splashes .smel a, number of tail whaeks upon the water, as if the, beaver rescue party were beat- ing a hurried retreat. aed •m 111 113'01 esn, 1.1/ , tin' low *n Appealed to Him. Parson—Do you know the ar- ables, my child? Johnnie—Yes, sir. Parson—And which of the par- ables do you like best7 Johnnie --I like the one where somebody loafs and fishes. • ESTI For Over Te IF ars. Weakening the body will never remove dyspepsia or indigestion, on the con- trary, all efforts should be to maintain and increase the strength. I3urclock Blood Bitters will do tin( and ai'the gaInC time enable you partake. of all the wholesome food 11 d, without fear of any unplearait nr'y P. White, Surretteville es:—".T. have been trouble( digestion for more than ten years •ed several doctors, and differen medicines, but all without sueccs Having heard of the many cut -es effect( by :Burdock Blood )-311 tors, 1 deeicdr to give it a trial. .1 have taken on, bottle, and 1 feel that I an cured at last1 can now do the same hard witx:1 I could before I was taken sick." Purdoolt ,,lood Bitters is inantnae- ured only by The T. Ivlilburn Co j.imiiccl Toronto. Ont. E ot,15od Hon to Serve Strstwherries. The iawberry could not be re- cOnlinended to the thoughtful house, wife because of any very high nu- tritive quality it possesses. To be Perfectly frank, 10 coltswort1 of strawberries contain about one- sieth as much eostrishinent as 10 eents' worth of apelea, ,Even watermelon possesses two- thirds snore nourishment for the price we pay titan strawberries, and yet no fair-minded housewife would want to deprive ber family of the joy of art occasional dish of straw- berries just on that aeceunt. It may have been in order to fur- nish •5:4)me exenSe for eating straw- berries that there have sprung up around them the tradition o s many virtues, It used to be said that he 'who Ate strawberries would have no tartar on hie teeth, that they prevented perspiration in emu- er time, that thee cured e -out and consumption and a, hest of other ills that ileeh is kieir to. The 11OPAewite who believed all these aillgS. eould weB eoneider strawberries e0Q110., ncal, Ilut wile' make all these excuses Why not admit thet we like straw. berries, that they do us PO 1141711 Alld that we eat them for the verY j'ey of it? For, indeed, to the 'per - who likes the flavor of thiF most useless of all fruits there ie some., thing incomparable about it. The very botanieal name or straw, berries—fragaria—which indica tes Us fragrance, is token. of the deli - ate and lovely flavor of the fruit. There are meow ways of serving strawberries, to bring out the Amy* oz. in a iim5t of delicious ways, liero are &Me of the rules that are espe. cialiv worth trving: $1rawberry i01.18 light desort., .two ego, beaten stilt cupful of poweleted ads, of erushed stya till stiff ellen The riper th better will be tit after iIISki ult s 0 and ene»kafl 1 u gether and Then whip a add to the, t blespoonfu a third ot lAi x together, set on the ice *11 t vberry one quart f ripe st bed t11reub astove. chin richer 'es calls berriea 21et sugar, They d mashed to, Iugh a sieve. tiff ereatn am] rsjes, with t1tine dissolved 11 ocold water. in a, mould and dy to servo, rids calla for vberries rub. Add 11. small wine, one few whole to taste, weather white eel go, is a delielone recipe fax ny shorteake Sift two eup. Os flour with two teaspoonfuls ef baking powder and a half tea- spoonful of salt. 'Work it into one- quarter of a oupful Of soft butter and moisten with a little ice gold milk. Divide into two parts aad roll eh part out with pressure of the finger tops, Place one layer on a buttered layer cake tin. Spread with soft butter and then put the second layer on top and bake in a hot oven. When the two layers are done separate them. Place sugared strawberries between the two lay- ers, toyer with the top layer, add more sugared strawberries and serve with a, cooked etrawberry sauce. To make the saute, entail two cupfuls of the softer' strawber- ries, add half a cupful of water and cook slowly for about a quarter of an hour. The rule calls for a, quart of <Team and one quart of ripe strawberries, one :capful of sugar arid one table- spoonful of gelatine. After the beeries bave, been carefully crushed add the sugar and let them stand for ,an hour or more. Then tub them through a sieve. Soak the gelatine in a tablespoonful of cold water and dissolve in half a cupful of hot 'water. Add this to the strawberries and mix thoroughly. Now put the strawberry mixture into a, pan of cold water and stir it till it begins to thieken. Whip the cream and add it to the mixture, folding in very lightly. Turn it all into the ice cream mould or cylin- der and freeze in ice and salt with- out stirring -as it es freezing. Let it stand for four hours "before sexy - hie repacking if necessary, Ilschil lluifs Wrap out bread in t Nod paper if you wouild keep it fresh. Try scrambling eggs wifh niince‹.1 green petypers for a change. Hang very dusty skirts out on the • • clothesline ]n a high wind. • Carrots and spinach are among: the best al tonics in the spring. Dry lamp claim n eys On the, radia- tor and on the baeh ri the stove. smoke 1 ro.ui burning, sugar is oiic of the eTy bast citsanfect ant Discarded inner auto tires can- be cub up- into' the best of rubber - - bands. In planning spi-ing menus ger, as ONE O.P THE QLD TYPE OF IRISH CABINS NOW FAST PISA PP' G. 44, A Photo taken on the West reland, Where Peasant are a tia far as' possible away from shes, Keep es pair of ordinary pl ors In the kitclen $or lifting intensely hot VI le t )ake a Living. 4 idea, to buy 4..611PPIY bine for tbe sewing ma- , "p matehee in hot, melted parafs m wish to make them water- A- lto valid's toast into me are t can be eaten inueb more USe a dish mop to elean windows. With it you can easily reach elaces othorwjse hard to clean. If possible bave two, one for using table oilelo Ile rnor on tten. This pre rrs can ring odi LtYtiterwise w is rubbed un eve's' da rti flannel rag it wiB. not cleaned with si than once a nao ' at difiere d by diffeent to leave on Qi red nt elleceLaegrT. ening pudding or damp aver the steamet awnildt bakingthe ntdUng heavy. d not eet buarpnettii.nsitmli e aIittle water and ashes i and the burnt surface will eorn cdl easily without injuring the dish,. To remove ink -stains from books ke a quantity of oxalic acid, di - tad with water, applied with a nel.hair pencil, and absorbed with blotting -paper- two appliea. sons will remove nil traces of the llithe<1 grease the mixing pan in After e bread is mixed and a which ie is to stand while rising, and the ease with which it can be taken from the pan when making to loaves will be a pleasant feat- ure of the work. An entunelled bathtub ease be cleaned very easily with a cloth dipped in turpentine and sadt. The tub should first be perfectly dry, and after the solution has been a,p- 11 f 1: Cll9L STUDY NATIONAL UssoN, HAY 24. tnprofitabie Srvaut Luke 17. 140. Golden Text, 1, Cora 1. 31. Verse 1. Oceasions of et b tumbling weeps literally ;wed or entrapped." to the errors iJ «IIIdW follawiag of 1;l17 4e44 nur the sn�xe incinsesill'it,72.,:uls* 11 11 iiis itsteo 5Qung la '4hPil,(1utu posiWy thechildren. 'ui1 w" 11 - e, pers '1 * i ear,. ltillatif )1404 1 4* dial brought 411111 de tbose nat well liu th, or would 1 o words11, 1115 ackboeause f esperleeee iabilit u .1 between ant uiolitythlbebroethet12, sin is not to be ,Pat-ied 1 otieed lest "thou bear sin Ow London Letta be hard to beat iu reported 1.//, the Man', chest:e000toztinirrzoei:n1a: Watch Char, A rentarliable coincidence that would Just' beirpre the opening of the battle of Diamond NUL in the Boer war, four soldiers, complete StraIlgertI, net atound an ,...rert,tiar'n,0 Iceg /or a hasty meal- After the meal one produced a hoad. dorn whien wah neatly cut in wharteris, iota a rarn/Kr-Ct WaS made that each nran should wear the ab-inerito on busivo zeo chain sneulat ase survi,e, Tbe f Our. who brAunPea tO different regi- ments, then Nr,eir, IMO action and from that moment neither hvad. any thing of the others until a lee,' nights ago, when a farewell dinner was being given to a gptoiliatigla r with alllaZeirtNr1r, ,a(at other bv tne • pieces et mewl attaehed to their watch, .811 knew the gates; of the evening in• timatelY. and one of them had sent an invitation to 1114 °lbw's, Wi111n to Tr-iprove "1.a'crallou volume of doC'OUnfigures iF:Itied br the Lon- Dr. 1N-Q0r..i'$ iNorway Pin° SY11-- heall n tY COlmeia dates back. to ifi,56 .thneCntebign°:fsji.eli(;tillxialUt°1riles inhantilIne/isitnr- auled Intsureh°t"nsesssurfO•feesth' reelicelivee'sst,°PrIetnesoTel dem London. Apart from the cash rais- -11 - ed for annuai revenue the catiltal t'it- accumulated mucous or plileem, qttites nerrilflure 05 tbe town since 181G has • • c'i?,..Tarsr."1.0aalleuxturaieddrerztnedr14-wttylnesilli°,ant I e.ve.n„itbe m°,5'tec'bsitui3tee aenrdestch5a14:51'...'eut-4, rrigc'er'ree' 11)1ilionlits•Prztc'iviel cnc:aLt:'-a.:Ziy-setcol-n-tiage ssuireePer;.-71, but to otrieru clfau,Trieltz:somadeorarea;en.. 1,1 rsi$gPo ne;t,toobnuegafoh::fhotar:Zi / `Whose rest would otherwis^= Tiro brnkr•-n• awaliowesi bccapvesbixeetyn spen'iu on e5,euna margaresr yo,u1c$,;nwoDrilirtucelSw.i•-r-3'hi.aa`triusilDatri..i'avBf,ea.0.0;d1FINs. to let ncteen drii,ing runnels. under Tharnec. Ten atailliolIS ini:vo been ntettuet Pine Syrup did for me" 1. In Providing narks and *Pen Stulees. cold, cantata almost all 7.,2g-tt 0er-ranee wiih lve, and ora unlaeothY areas has cost t that bieklitag sens.ation la my tr-ar,-:.2.t. twehalf milllous. while new Th .04t bc,,ttle cud me so mtrre goc-a„ dr..eilings for the poor hay@ Cost over 0 teri m . imosas, Niners nntltronti 11Avit tilt:14'441 would try a :iecotti one, n-•",141 for education, and the lunatto - as1-1 Igva, voi,en grteen ounst re' , n,easeca to say restdo-d 4 Co:I'llt.'rt'ta-1 1111, I can strongly reCOroulCnd it to One Dfrra).1111,a,0:0;50.1Noor roat irritation,' [be pdcu o( is 21:1-c", a bottle; the nOe. up in a yellow wrapper; pine treee the 'aeUwet 0111)5 11)5aTekelu'V.,kl\' nasi hu ito Out, AL{ N mg ert I Th o ri A had cough, accompanied distressing-, tickling sensation throat is most aggravating. 4 bpeepaatiuosp:tabri; p.arroeb 3.7111-aley znul,oellTutjeonst- 1 14'P4illetrii%s•ge thntreiorliloofm,zioietz7eurat;nedutt ae stira.214,t ,. i eervant---A liondservant or beta exceliePtje. s' lizi#uyl°M`lailljicipl.e." tr"1"14!* icZ%tiseetee things PeheR the London t PlQwing, Ar keeptpg sheep -Thee Insurermt'sfrol ,t`j,Tea=tebreutoet4t11,rengtra - ntsntolene,forms of farm WOri; hfltd. 13, In this referepc. ient of slaves, 3'esus mentioning the C01117410 is of the people offamilPalestine, di 'an.' te9usatolImbs,isintelua4"inrsg..,T1%! nn oism• atinni:eitlu?,PoniZwe,l,nialt:h°,,:,‘„p4vaarTiric! lay Cra, 114 33rtta,4t, Isz.441 7 TA xi white paper WisS lel% utztfl,s that the an In the 1,-711tc4 i;.t $4r4t. #1-ast was rbsls used were as foll 7 bushels: wunalte4 4' 1.013.3Zni cwt. bops (ineitvilel reperatioms of PO caul hen sul,st. o Luke 12.. 87, in Avideil Darin4. Feclr 4. 1 41.411( 1. :4;3:: 151411 (prlit,v when be vcas11-21 2,1;o "trail 1).e11(111:,et,lb:eeestel,e.rsysencizi 4:1;11-1.is all;k") eiple rapl4z.rzaeo It3e,af hircer (Lev. 1,7). one should bear in mind that a, re- buke that will help and nut embit- r the offender must be very wise- ly tactfully administered, Jesus rtainly Meant to teach the dis-1 iples that Christians ehould neither be indifferent nor act as uneoneerned in the presence of wrongdoing. If there is a connection between this verse and the tire preceding, it is to be found in the eharity wbich should be manliveled toward these who sin against, us, contrast- ed with the severity with which we shuttle' deal with ourselves if we should sin against others. jesus expeeted his disciples to conduct severe and thorough self-examina- tions (compare Matt. 5. 29). These should not Tnake them indecisive in action, nor cause them to be - less tordident and ap,-gressive phed it 'should be washed with clean oonse Warm .water. • in their work; he wished, rather, to Stored potatoes may be prevent- train Christian tharacter which eel freenrsnouting and Weil keep would be strong enough to bear dis- much better in the earth or eellar and -to improve with whole - floor on which they rest. Another snine criticism layer of lime should be added on 11 he repent, forgive him—For- the pile at the height of five feet giveness \sibilant rePentanCe is not should they be plarequired, though the teaching of high ced in a bin that Jesus throughout regarding malice , and vengeance shows plainly that a, Christian cannot harbor an un- forgiving, spirit nor continually bear all will toward another. 4. Seven times in the day—This number recalls Peter's question, "How oft shall my brother Sill against me, and I forgive him?" to which Jesus replied, "Until seven- ty times seven," though the num- bers are not to be taken literally. Unlimiteel forgiveness is meant. 5. Increase our faith—The high standard of Christi= character to which Jesus urged his followers no 'doubt caused thern to feel their im- perfections and limitations, and they were impelled to ask again that their faith /night be increased. 0. The words of this vertse are closely conneete,o1 in thought with those of Matt. 17. 20, 21. On that occasion Jesus re.erreel to the re- moval of a mountain, here to a tree. Matthew connects the saying than accepting deafness with the POINTE]) PARAGRAPHS. Some -people are not on speaking terms with their duty. One touch of fashion may make all women look like freaks. A stylish coat On 3116,1:1''$ back enables him to put ori a, bold front. Few men get far enough up tire ladder of fame to make them dizzy. What you think you deserve and what others think you deserve-, alas 1 From his p,oint of view, no man ever marries ,a woman sinarter thax himself. There are several kinds of unde- sirable trusts, but brusting to, luck is ,the limit. He is a wise man who k,novvs he isn't wise enoogh a,newer all the fool queseions asked him. NIne-teniths of the things that have been said might as well have beeri'left, unsaid for all the benefit they are to Intai amity, Charity. Thri r 'titude .toward135 v but 'rather 11 toward (0111 T12 o f the Kingdom, eaxtnol be properly t:na ‘; rat t , in 'King' 5110 willin dome in spz rsituifiso :ne spiri ,„ Ibe increasing b ei Christ /•• 411 II rra'' 4t*0*0 41 ne M Kipg has e 11 t 1 not re raitbE AA' Ei AND 11 WELL. 1 seI1r Bi' ss. Good for j)enfAlastiageaYal exer('',,o, at vi o ti1)1Qs, he -e1, been ad Viteated panacea for teeny divers ills, Pernet now proposes that by cam-- Isamu to eo for Street 'Pro - .aveo w..e_ may be t <1,)1 threaeeLei,ctrilie exteroachiS11)gldnellaufent: J.13 easel; of tor sHrr,,,,,si art of the scalp ber Torobatav - vol.urrta;i1;,Irasnacinds P 11 AMP hS4t Ili' 410 7 en o nioz�ysira I tk 1*1005 11 4. a I v. 11 v 27av 1 C ThQ oos t t A' attstaita . i I oiling ... 1 riti- a Yetlr to 1 '..• tr I mtborit les -• a eavy east, but 1 r 1 I t e old figure. IS t*set mikes n halorueutsn 1 tito stolterz-e depart gun Queen Mary vost u o ars more to buila than tz. and is mstils; $250.4i00 it a. maintain. 44115 4 I s a ) p 1 5 cis ablc wltk'li is madoran,:etrstilsa.tileiant(fthtilit(eirenaiiid(lele, earg. Y:•"aqetl*Lnili141.1.)11}s. begb ifituran, er that deafness be! 11-e- lat, throuo-} 51-1 Plariloen 0-3.* 4 -,an IlonusIle cerv.• 3. ,14,rte from -.mt. sh Ele Rubber v.vIn etteutto gene° exceptional oorne may bec (lima eoyte in the e.0.005,0. of the fir,t • 55 flSt Olne Grn the offl ntr'v bas b . rub- ieves tl • facault n ‘se's A .14‘) e" 0( 11 movements. °le "Prudoce such "aAy'ril'Er,:ciTer:.17,t't 11.-oetrbtengblg '°••••fl'irt:°atzuclIllieetIntblifa-0-rt erifeiLhs,ae.alicliebiNto:isaed—thr'ee ett,'s-i:xseerfieS zi;:huUatillt:err;leb) eob:terrfs::wr °0:111;lutbtsielloviul:ebsbarnrclikethienrail .h _ s. low; reh, e tIlat whtm u be next yea, etroe ot grimace, ' lir:it, con- u Nv.hat they He bel' in Of he ntit;i2:0;.:csa,cttlineer:os..4airnibiosv.zeln,ad, ni:teib,tel,:in.fdt7i..ad :le glre, ,,..,,tigt...,1..,,,xtties..sitie,:,:s:nes:uosti:::::iselrts:ag.derlioon,:c..)1):•''11:11.‘11:!;(1110.11:11):::, lips, ..6 turn the noes 1 ' ecia. -the eustachean tube are the CX CS' irosonentdrabely. a ti.ciie,' (tee: p it tlai 1 , In u scintars-lxatelill',:,_ tes, ate:er,T.Itrill.e;'11-,;,;1,,,,,eararir.e,e‘ve:eFirirp14g.tt n lel. eat Se:7:1.'1 ;:e,11.2s,:t i: I: n front of -the ear. The trraqeles of tec alternately and then the P ly to reach the i.letar.' .1:',1, 'ill'I;;‘,11‘o7rlfg.' -Ilia- t - W e are al e 'g ' cool in :niancliazneTru, ilia seems noiseless, and it m "warm in winter ant r0 eo bt L. I: 1 1E: et E 'triel 0; 1.0 .. el ' a!"1:. ,.,_. ,11: 3'111' 1 .t'''.1. ' ' " - 1 1 'Ci‘.. t h .r. ' r ititiagrs,tswhicolhalhas been a resin r to show them." exhibit a specimen alniost ''' f°rever. can V wIll. it is c'll5 3° He irs%c.yt'is°,,,ns,rawelelisibealte igrite'ries ' `:\i!":.°11:r, iatnielsilnorticaitarai ...lia sli:et eteeir)n'evE‘'i• mythical Howe . i' ' flailliely. ing the anatomy of the parts, - of tulip has been shown wafttat can train their inuseles very effec- ap,,lacinaig. tieulAiseiai?trenteporritarebeatalt atiolfivie•srt. wasseistunceill tually in this w.ayn, others need an Its growers declare they win be able to instrue,to coal black Just what the ultimate outcome of IleXt Year. this proposal will be is questionable says the journel of the Amerie ' '''"'"'''''---.--------------------- ture -be ourselves tentatively a fa- 6'0 . ,, .an eeee Medical Associ,aroien. We, may Pic- ' At1 11 ture period when all around us will1 be viatble a series of grimacin g,, ear -wiggling elderly men and wo-i nun . . men in the ace of improving their ears and warding off the encroach- tirillbeem s 'art and big deafness of old age. (`Playsi- dans p arti cola rly, ' says Fe met, 4e Film Built 'need good hearing, and rather :ler ;JP d y of Clirist tvith tile question of the fatalism of the °lien tad, ' they should ,. disciples as to the cause of their reseelP aeiel fight it," if it is to loomen Frank -Biejige, so:nee, one, , . inability t'n cure the ePilePiic, the celebette'd by this reeheds -bile word writes: ---I ensbrace the opportunity to meaning in both instances . being "fight". is a very appropriate one. write you saying that 1 have used Mil - that the seemingly impossible can bur.tOs Heart and Nerve Pills, and found be accenaplishecl through faith. them very helpful to rite. I. was very a badly rue do If -we 'could realize that suppos-ing A grain of mustatel See d --see very The Larsta9;e .ritrwer. znecivzine. 1\a y srati, otat 14) es L, wrote la ri t been with out a 0. e tens 1 tar i,l'-c-u, and was taking doctor's we were , all c r ea Le cl alike and sub- snslayielaSnelfeii),Cle21,hi'le'ic v..,(3.323::1) trans]: t d -,f 0 is, b elle,ved a LIE, iiie island of i tne saying, ' 1\10 -titer! von use the Mil- (Isn't • • • i cot to th c"-,sttala reit'CUMStsal cos, we syeanian.0 means ila modern. ai,esk atiindai,-hao pro, duce,s, ebe, ;la:re-eat flow- i numb Illeart '''''''d Nerve Pills, tileY will ', S 1.1 0 lad all. in a Kt; „the 501150 mist ah'e 8 -, , •,., i lac cotter for you that doeto-• stn. d ' a mulberrki,„ tree lyn b in the q L C.-..1'trIr•B IVO PICI. 1.1)F; SI 'I 01. t" ' ' r ttn4 blunders, 'Pal' ilici111c.,nt' of .°t11- gint, or earliesb Greek translation 1111 ti'le Para -e. 3/1--011-ntain, 2(500 'feet! recommend them. to otlier people.' lt/fy 3liss Fliri„--Jack tehl me s . i -nit goo a reStiltS. T oaten ''ftet'll'aInty el 1-1v. - ers would -bo daffttren,t. liae„re, as no or Lhe Bible, this \yard is ass d ler above the level ef the aca. Ilse na- 1 doctor did not kflo,A, I vcas usitta- them, ri,:,,ilt, blia b 1 w a s iiis ye -try i'LF6, 5 g phase of clear/ ty so, b ea utiful a,s the lig tree. ,,It se am 8 likely there . t1,13151,1001,0i.,_,,,,en, tbi.10,„;-,s,:tannia:n..ifs.tvoe_Eplied,o,la'..laiiiiieilici:ji; ehieiiv,eiu•sisib-ictiel.':,ti.:s;ril.-Yiilcia'n\r\;:11:1,1-1,-'i'l'cei,1'..\,.,\•er.,fli..-e,ieCz.xv:cehrapssai.iwis-;:orli: 0...ti., eill'-E_3ril,,,Lailc,er,—_, Tienck,i,,, f)ili'l,,,• '''0011.1 thin lcin g c liarity. If you tri ic 11 - ' - a-- fore that the .fic,i• .tree is meant do not need any rnore medicine.' -' i ' ' -- alr1,11°r'dr &IV:Lel:111S .9,i71211e12'sonfil7ist. ii1111° lia°1yer 50c, per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at all was first found in Sti,niatra, and :c -V. -9,S dealers, or taiailed direct on reeeint of ._ ealle,c1 Falflesia, Scliadariburgia, 111 Tpriceolori,ii.aoy, o'Billite. T. Milburn Co., Lir,,ited, honor of its cliseoverer. 14 141415 am Zies arese 1t1*03 than 4 • he txxeii. 111 all sr 7 sif 1, • see u pro sity of in- Loudon 'tn the 31st ult The llt flea nu, pie es fztntknis Lortd.fri 2.eason. is tis be liekl o ay 20z12, at the lalotol 4.2 A pri,oner at 31aryleboura. 114*1113 Ible. to rectall the name of Pris,in, referred to it as 141 •Itere, they Ind the s es get General Sir A. AI. , se was presid-itt of tile :Med,. al a -et the India Ofilee feeet O died at Foikeistone on t w •staled in the report, -of a itaittee issued at 1,221.14 hat, tke veent strike of municipal ;eh lasted a, month ceet 110 11.1 41,00a Th',4 anni 4141C'tv erking the 11", 1.,nes Sat -i-11 d thee. Ilse litadquariees` ie- ene amour/1,-d to 4:/1,0ila, or aa ca -ease *0 „fl•-( upon tile previous A witness at Willesden ratline Court, said she sent the gliop-porter upstairs to mind the bab,3,-, Th..) -Aragi•ztitate suppuee that was pare of. his duty as shop parter The 1Voanan : ''Yes; ba,t he F. loie ray ring and bracelet, That 'was not part of bis. duties." "The wretched sex war is making men less courts to women and women more aggressive to men," ,saicl Lord Cromer in a Speech op- posing woman suffrage. He declare& ho oonld not see why an impriso-neel woman a -he refused to take food should not be permitted to eoinmit uieiele if she wanted to. On April 5th Mr. W. A. G. Hake, the ,oldest living barrister, ce.le(- 1) r ed his 103rd. thday, , Mr. Rake lias lived for Mione than half a century at ilNre•. 3 01d Stein°, Brighton, the quaint cobbled aitynse in which 111 any of George the Four th',s guests were lodged. A. near neigh b or, Mr. . G -lover, ii reached the age of 102, while shill an Oille C Pat al liras ,ff lfloye„ Vol- the -last 20 years ou hag yok ha c L he p000, or Ohowyou' here charityin i anY Ot-ier way, it, avaaleth 7. Who is there ,of you—These nothing o ng *0 you think tin - Words were no doubt addressed 'to, ;kindly and _un)ustly. Chariteo-hatts a large audien,ce mpely of whom no one by Word or deed, s awned slave. 0iifc is The mays wI ,elle fla 0. Whenaotsi