Exeter Times, 1914-5-14, Page 7D'SPREADIfIG
t: A? 14111 D1t
l'P I))C1pAIES
lima lie E"lnialtgn's in Late Geologic
Times Cited as
Vitt owe.
Prof. T, W. `e,g{ ry has been
busy for some time past dealin
with the question whether the earl
is drying up. His conclansiUn}s 11
here reproduced:
"Owing to, the varied nature o
the evidence. to be :considered, th
extensive and Iseattered literatnrr
whence Most of that evidence has t.
be gleaned. and the contra ie
opinions expressed by high auhgri
ties, the problem whether the earth
is drying nap is hedged about with
t#daCU ,40$. kala, ane Tact ,does not
seen. to iii'e to result clearly from
the evidence; there nave beep roan
widespread eli'rir;ytee Glaanges in fat
geologic time?, while in historic
t:31?(aeS there has been na worldwide
change of climate.
"If we �coneider paartieuiaalr eoatin-
'Wes. snick as Egyrpt, and Palestine,
the balance ,ei expert{ opinion is
strongly in fa rar .�f the vies that
There are rases of paralysis is that
ca. u'et he cured. But that is far
d fferent, from saying that every
ease of paralysis is incurable
There is . heolute 'proof that many
forms of this die:eae are curable,
Of the ca,s' s that r�„n'ri€•:t be einr,:d
:many can be so benefatted:. that the
- foo ae: ly ,hopeless sufferer will dice
h it , •: e rind hez life v�ol�;'a living.
e D Mire t.ai is called, -•o the resrark-
ab 2i cures that have hetes effe�otod
aili ca- of partial paralysis, ysis, ,atnd
e c 'a' severe ueryaus e; !dors, by
era the ?nye of 1)n Wilaz%nl. _ Pink Pills.
to 1 for P•akaz People. l on::e, of fl,.
:.cures are ^ �acrrcderaaal as. to sha.1
le1n ^ belief, but in every ease the
!statements have been Carefully
a<erifzed, and may be investigated by
,),one :nt;+res -,ed, in this cx nnec-
na �&he ease of ;Miss 13. Millshaa,
Man). N.B., is ''Fs orthy of the
e 1nsO t ireful attention, Miss Mille-
was'Some taken serionsiy W t1
therita. The (looter' brought alma
"a,fely ta'hroltgh ;his dreaded tteen-
• bio, and 1 VMS aseenterl to be wells
But tas n ;t s /ester 1 to a, a
lapse, my tlir"<uaa.t anal linnbs becoirrm
'lug paralyzed. 1 4701;1e1 , neither
spook, nor wanly. 1; =as raia(lo;
.lest oaf nt tic:a,1 care
few we -as was fable
g, bed, lilt any flim aG''we$ 1t� r
jnlete?ly: paralyzed a:nd 1 e<ririd on.
latter unintelligible
treated by three et 'Si<, Jo ae best
physicians for this trolibleand m.yT
eaa twa a gives ell Pee Iopeless. a"]„
Wend asked arae to try Dr. 1Vi?;
Hanle 'bink ('",ills, but T had s
so mut% ern zaecdieiane without
thwt 1 thought it would be only
there has been nn elirnnal,tieabagb
in wittier linage the earliest existing
D{e�aarclse The belief in �x lesser rain
fall hi Palestine has been .fostered
by the oft repeated emeparisea» rtf
the .ffehrewe betnveera the stromy wit
dernees oaf l iia i and the matured
fertility of Cancan. ''But it may be
concluded fron the mast precise
tests ntOW eyed ale, from the r'ango
f he done, palm and the vine, and
from the facts noorded by QId
estereen a waritere, that the eliaraate
Pele,stine is the came today as
the lime ofQiwes,
drannrgo I vi4deut int G"entral '4 siar�
'Returning to the sai.
logical evidence Au a t ; lr w
sage fr unu the clirrzat
'that :of o1rr
an, bee titan
ofxiea there has
a etc
farther 11.11$! of money, 11r>ever,
I felt myself rowing daily;"anerke.i.
and weaker, -and I dee ailed ars at
ot theme teat 1 udclHtra the
, ,flee; tuftal lined oaken: ar
�.._ boxes Vstilild *elle
o tlnaa doctor
a11nd mover
tiiikinig the
rued, °and
Fct health. rfy"
fry restoration
nielex arrod'
to that
In sntbe
�ryit�aa� ry�s"ert
da" � pencil
ter tenth
1lills, an.
felt 'Sn T
, ,M.�
friends 41r
ntnthinng $pro
iltink rri1,,,AI,
Pr. lj'alliaann
lnrinlg to-dny,
tkr'*y can c'�a q
others as they clic. teal
Dr. `1},, l am.s' I'iln?t
err is eaeee of this
lnoy� nuke new, rich, red blood
.It' h :loads a n<d strengtheans 41ii_
and tones up the whaia sys
\-Lit wre in aa•2ed of a' media
ille�,+ pilis a trial, We
• nt you will :;net •bediecp•.
ytakl by mould a dealers ea
tit) eents at box or si.; rz
2,3Q from: The Dr. Ai'ih
eitlicinc Co., I3s�cibksi'.'A,'
paarireal lin
Africa frtaint
uy, and titre,
0 same change ,ffa
laciaul period ire
e:asecd z"nirsfall'
xnoniI far sit ii
the ar1id, it is only rr.
acct, aonipen;ztting,v.
other distelets; and there �...w._.
inkly a predisposition +to
: t Llraat, ventral Asia is rte c,tan
increasing desiccat:ion.,
et it is well to remember that
%ernt of euelr change may be
acggerratecd by 'attributing
czat climatic ahaanges the ef-
lnreliistorie variations. For
ological and historical e+t,
donees ;shows that central Asia can.
even the coasts of Persia and I3elu
cliistati had a very arid climate i,
the earned times of which we liav
human records, that the Ca.spia.
pea was alat least as small and as lots
In the fifth century as itis now an
that the African and Miatie desert.
are an places .again passing under'
Conflicting Views Expressed.
`",Chough it must be admitted thae.
wlnilei there is a strong balance of
opinion in favor of the view that
the aridity in Asia is being still in-
creased there are weighty authori-
ties on :tile other side.
''`The explanation of the conflict-
ing views n y be -that in central
Asia the desert is widening in some
Tlaces and contracting". elsewhere.
hat the total rainfall in central`'
Asia has diminished is, however,
irobable as an accompaniment to
Its ine_r�ease in Parts of Europe.
Varifvtions in the distribution of
rainfall must result from. any con-
eide:>iab1e''al�terati'on in the level' of
the llHid.; the uplift of a continent
must cause the rainfall to become
„ envier, on the margins ,and lighter
in the vier nor,
The .crease of rain on the
coast1ands:: would, however, hasten
their. lowering by denudation, and
again the rails would sweep over the
Ardierior"; helace the marvelous, geo-
graipnhieal equilibrium; whieh has
gendered possible the unbroken
cgn4 se of • evolution, would in time,
unless checked by renewed.uplifts'
of. the coasblands,'r.estore the more
even distribution of the "rain and re
,-vi the desolate - regions in the
of a continent."'
In Tier New Place.
"How are you `getting on at your
pew place?" asked a lady of a girl
itrhom she farad recommended for;, a
�ltua:tion�. "Very well, thank you,"
nswered the girl. '- "I am glad to.
ear i,t," said i,he lady. "Your em -
lover is;a very nice person and you
AN .t 1iF1d1C_il?vT I%1.11.
Lally" Nee -borough.
Carr, Ire was Miss �, rr.
a . , oaf Kerrtutil
and; married Lord We -who- I
We -who -m.10 lain'
eon years ago, A smart dresse.
lavish entertainer.
t 1 COLD STtlt-t,(E.
li, Says Fores.eerm--� free
Devotees Crisp.
eve. as nd for ler•
o tine anon:
QC$ ioVVell Again 3 rixty' Ti€?t ,as Strong as Ilium
t r Irl
as. Gray, Who Was nervous and
Run Down for two Years,, 'Tells
flow Sire Pound New 'lentil'.
Tichboree Fron�tsnao .o n,
C'' ., Ont.,
Nay 11 (Special).—Mrs. H. Gray,
th,o popular p'8strais-tress here, is
telling her friends of the great
benefit has received fromi:tak ng
� r
`"For about/ two years," Mrs.
Gray .sa. ys, ""1 was all rain down,
My sleep was broken .and unrefresh-
ing, and I suff:red• from shortness
of breath and heart tlut�te•liegs, 1
finally decided that the Kidneys
were the cause of any trouble and
decided to try Dcdd's Kidney Pills,
1 tookefour boxes in all, and I feel
quite strong and like ro3-self again,;
1 certainly thin I)odd's Kidney
Pills are a *goad lznert oipe "
ane e.' rioance of the postmistress
is ;s1lnklaFr t<z that, of thousands '4
other .Canadian women, Theyr, were
weak, run downs, nervous and i
bad health generally. They > took
f>eacld's Tilney Pills and Are 'strong
feel well again.
The' reason is that when t.. Kid%
aleys get out of order they fail to
tl°a in the impurities out of the
cd, find genal lassitude and
kiaess ensues.; The natural mere
is tea cure the Kidneys, The experi-
x e
epee of thousands of others• tells you
that Docdd°s Kidney Pills cure 3._ e
y th
German Legal Befinition of A
ainrtf, ldandWry.
lneea clef►naa
>rnpe>liaal Cie
ilvzaz, reef
of air
he permis.
rn "Ii/ pi
S cnflo
it consen' t
lavers . Ti
but also
kissed, a
b a, person cotasiso
gal auterierenet;a
Sonat freedom an(
r her honer.
srditatvs a, Icdss region
In t'irfistiTYlst;ar3C<.Si9
and battery. :
es lilac
against the other's �ti-i11. ft is no
eceessary that the latter shoul<
consider the kiss an insult."
Rash on Legs anis Back, Scratching
irritated Breaking Out. Used Cuti-
cur,Ointment. DiseaseVanished,
Eent��ile, N. P. --,'For about live, years.
1 was bothered with a light ras=h ivhleh;
would appear most heavily oa nay legs and
bade, 'J his troubletlmr most
in 0:1,0 Rn -111g of the year. 'k"h ray
said it was ezceaan. 'rhe.
edema, itched sod burned
and my acswtGiain ^ !rr#t�t
& ,. ed
the breaking out. biter it
broke. out 1 could not obtain
`\ more than.. three hours" s1eo
each night it pained me so.
My legs and back were a
solid mass of itching sores.
"1 was given some salve and. after using
this preparation about a 'reek t?to disease
became worse sand, 1 could not obtain any
rest at night, Z used all the patent preps.
rations on the market but they only seemed
to i
tease the o su#2
and B afforded e no
relief whatever. About this time, ,a Sriorsd
fit".comuarended Cuticura Ointment to rhe,.
1ioweve ^,1 had hist faith In an remedies and
Old lzlnrso. but heIesisted that 1 try Cuts.
sura„ Ointment sol purel,ased Lt. bee, me
first npp eatien gave relief' and in about a
week the sem were heating and 1 was able
to obtain a food 0igkav<'s rte, tZse dr$011144
eo o •ed for malty nnentka, T OOntlanre it tido
to atment for women rartsuatla and by that
time all stew cab` nasi ase;lana imoisbed
lstued) 11' 0.31%1 filler,,: o 1#S. 1913,
Forraapre>. t loan. a sersclanieliCuticura Seat
Wei Cut#Fara, Otaxtrnezzt 1uaa�e afforded the
most economical treatmetitr fera,llsi tions of
the slain and cram that torture, .itch, ern.
scale. and destroy sleep, Staid aver,,rwhere.
aiunlaral of each wiled free, with 22-p. Skirt
air, Address tp post -Yard.
} d.. ♦:P'attyepr Pres &
tem, Corp. Dei u...d-,1', Zo^`Tiion,
' :miff. Vain
The ea':
xaid7vac s:
St 1, broadi3°,
the figures
t at lines, an
1 ever na.
the eat,
actnx,, , 1111411 earnnn
the C.P.
other a
eF ; boa
Scientist Says Venus and 3lars Are
—Seasons Lite Ours.
That Venus and Mare, ellr
planetary system, nee surely
1,- habited human beings of eeine
kind is tam assertion of T, j. See,
- who writes on that subject in a re -
e tinning, he says that observations
phere, a day thirty-seven minutes
4 longer than ours, seasons of the
game type, but no longer duration,
and snow cap$ at the poles, and
thus water vapor, though the
amount is email.
The probability of Venus being in-
habited is much greater than that
of Mars; for Venus rotates in
twenty-one minutes, and in all re-
spects so closely resembles the earth
as to be called her twin sister. 'Ve-
nus has an abundance of air,
clouds, water and also monntain,s,
and the-reforo seas, lakes and
rivers, The seasons are like otirs
except they are shorter—the year
being- 225 days in length.
Cannot do too pinch for
.44‘ori' mehn was the
Lame ,hack Strengthened,
Stiffness Taken Right Out
Was Relieved in an Hour, and Cured
Over Night.
A lame back? Quite unnecessary.
All you have to do is to rub on Nervi -
line. It's simply a wonder for back-
ache--relleves after one rubbing. "No-
thing possibly. could cure an aching
back.- faster than Nerviline," writes
Mrs. Arthur Kobar, of Lower Chel-
sea, N. 5. "I caught cold and was so
prostrated with pain I could not bend
over. We always liave Nerviline at
home, and I had the painful region
rubbed thoroughly with this grand
liniment. At once the pain departed.
The lameness was rapidly reduced and
in an hour I was able to be about my
housework. I was rubbed again just
before retiring, and awoke as usual in
the morning -without a sign of my
back trouble."
There is go sort of muscular pain
that Nerviline won't cure quickly.
Thousands swear by it for rheuma-
tism, neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago.
It sinks to the core of the pain—right
through muscle, tissue and ,nerve --it
penetrates where no oily, greasy lini-
ment can go and invariably cures
quickly. if you have an ache or a ,.„,P
cure you. Family size bottle, very a
large 50c.; triail.,ize 23c. at all dealers. d
rat (11 Ouriously. enou
at the dinary temporally
t bread grows stale, and at b
h and ,low temperatures it ea
preserved. At 1,40 degrees Pahr.
d has been kept for forty hou re
longed, while stale bread ex -
to degrees below freezing be -
fresh once mei
Cold seer -
his investigator. A proper de -
e of humidity in the ZOOMS will
If your baby dotes not skep, if he
eross, ones a. great ersa,i,, /me will
et be comforted, that is the tinie
give him Baby's Own Tablets,
'They pr011lOtiO sleep — not the
drugged unnatural kind obtained
through the use of "soothing" mix-
tures, but that refreshing natural
sleep of the healthy =ebild, Th,e
Tablets baeish all stereeeh wed
bowel complfaints—the direet cause
Concerning them Mrs-. E. Medras,
Grand Bois, Que., says; "When I
began Using Baby's Own Tablebs
baby was SO broubled coneiipa,
tion he would not sleep day or
night-. Now all this teouble ho.s
vanished end be is a strong healthy
child." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
eente a, box from. The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockvige, Ont..
The world is a wheel, and it will
come round aright.--Bea,consfield.
It were endles,s to dispute upon
everything that were disputable. ---
William Peen.
However mean your life is meet
it and -live, it; do, not; shan it and
call it hard names.--Thoreou.
Riches are the baggage of virtue;
they cannot be spared wad left be-
hind, but they hinder taie march. --
Worship is transcenclant wonder ;
wonder for which there is now no
limit or measure; that is worsthip.---
To avoid an occasion Ear our vir-
tues is a worse degree of failure
than to push forward phrokily and
make a fa,11.-11. L. Stevenson.
Disappointment falls heavily upon
elderly -people; they raa.y ,submit
better than the young, but they do
not so easily revive.—Mrs.. Ewing.
Man's highest merit always is, as
much as possible, to rule external
eircutnista,nces, and as little as pos--
`sible to let himself "be ruled , by
Nature, purity, per.spicuity,
licity never, walk an the clouds.
rd where they are not evident th•eY
other under
ty of assail
demeenor is
d if the kiss .si
P enuld• hardly buy
V fusee The?:'laand iu-w s
Ind' of from Pri tO 835 p
is 'worthless laird an Its n;
nt cash value'4'it
1 Oitinned By
r i all a
The efficiency of a firefly's light is
fifty 'times that of oar ordinary illn-
rei,nanss, 'leis eves act m,san that
it is fifty ti;z F,s brighten-; but that
for the space it ooeupi, . i b gives fifty=
bines the ligrt,
Herbert F; Ives end C. W. Aoi-
<iatn relate in the Lighting journal
rzw�}° they measured the light of a
fir erly, They held glowworms,
which are the larvae of fireflies and
give a steady, uuwiokn'g light,
against a disk of whit, blotting
r under an illumination of 1.Q-
2e candles, a3-
L let"�e
a and lequation,
a 4.
into which it is unnecessary to go
here, iatrulated that the glow-
worm's light was equivalent to .04.'4
candlepower per square centimetre.
Their conclusions are as follows,:
""This calculation. is made on the
basis of the light furnished by the
glow WOrzn F.nnde.„ nattaerail condi
t onBy
d s, a,r�
v o
iii I".
tion its brigh : tiehi -
r end': may be omen }Ti-
erease aased, Tkre flash of they firefly as
y xnany� €old', perhdap &.y
or one hundred fold, as bright ars
the steady glow of the larva, Sue'x
conclusions as ha..s e been draws
with re,peet to the adequacy of th
jrtt male, daailliaalay° 1;ach we m
cured, held of coarse for the $
3xascet under more intense exertion.
rxlt appears, then, than the duarii:
nous material of the glow 'worm,
eonlel it be reproduced, would also
bean, happy mean in intrinsic b r}Int"'
nes , far lower. g
than the :artifieiatl
lig staa�roe: with w vh we now tt ;
ani ey:e y^ high enough t pert
its use without pz"e-ennptiiig mane.
wall spa�axe than ave no�v wive
wiudoyt s,
Pain in Baa Ail GoDe
Gin Pills Completely Cured.
eh with 4 dreadful Lame
that X could z:e stand 31P
was 'infornic<1 by R friend
Ai eady baked
ealy and frill
avored. Heating
only is necessary.
)744.-MItsig proved it the sttfs.t,reliable
F.9,111.45 FO IIALV•
Stock, grain.
tr. Dawson. lira
Good Prospect for Coru Crop
livery one with corns will be pleased
o know that Putnasn's Corn Extractor
frunra.nteed to cure hara, sort or
bleeding' corns in twenty-four hours.
Painless and Sure is Putnam's Ex-
tractor, 25e. nt 011 dealers,
The CenSehtt ion.
"There is one consolation in be-
ing homely," she said.
"And what's thatl"
"'Nearly all the other women are
willing to eoncede that I am sen-
sible and will make a go -cd wife for
some mae."
Ask for 1511nard's and tate no o her.
Largest Land Owner.
The Canadian Paeifie Railroad
Company is the largest land owner
in the world. Despite the sale of
millions of acres from the original
grant of approximately 26,700,000
acres, the railroad still posseeses
more than 11,000,000 axles, worth.
on the basis of sales in 1912, at least
Only Ono n1311011/0 QUXN/11E"
To Fet the genuine, call for full name,
for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures
a Cold In One DaY. 25c.
An ordinary cold is one of ° the
very few ailments the modern physi-
cian has been willing to undertake
to cure without a surgical opera-
She—I hear that your friend. Mr.
Drinkleigh's habits are very irre-
gular .
He—Nonsense I Regular as a
clock—he's never sober after din -
n er.
The way to success is not a chute,'
but a ladder.
of the bowels is an absolute neces-
sity for good health. Unless the
waste matter from the food which
collects there is got rid of at least
once a day, it decays and poisons the
whole body, causing biliousness, indi-
gestion and sick headaches. Salts
and other harsh Mineral .purgatives
irritate the delicate lining of the
bowels„ Dr. Morse's Indian Root
Pills—entirely vegetable — regulate
the bowels effectively, without eeak-
ening, sickening or eriping. Use
,000„ The lailds let'b
realize $200,00a,000. The
which the London paper
Northelifie'n called Answers
ut to investigate conditions
ts,ilalinnatIL:be.P,It. should
olicy to-
t t anent there
did not "4,. a alternative, The
ople could not be coaxed at the
le to settle an the wederness
nd the company needed money ,
and the bie panels were, partal
with—parcels whieh in their tillOC
cupicd statcc are the wonder of the
ineoming settler, who has to go
further back while ,the. eplendid
lands lie idle close to the railway.
Of course, not an acre is Feld now
except'to the 'genuine settler, but
the poiet value le-, that in the
course of a comparative13- few years
cier Canadian r:ailwaye, 'which be -
gen in feebleness and (1oubt, with-
out great faith in the future, and
meeked at by critics, can chow the
enormous earnings, in a twelve-
month, of .$200,000,000.
ez in
CT4R1STOP,1111111 ,S,
eured it horse. badly to r
; with
Ballturot, N.B.
A, gem
Olfaulo, reit.
cut pain by ,our borne treatmen Write
a' Linittc43, r4111nown,r1 Ont.
But a, girl who is an expert at
making- angel cake may have a de-
mon disposition.
Ma'ke for good days
From a package
of fresh, crisp
-fill a bowl and add cream or
Then, with some fruit, a
cup of Instant Postum, and
a poached egg or two if you
like, you have a simple
breakfast that is wholesome
and, satisfying.
Toasties are bits,, of torn
carefully cooked, delicately
seasoned, and toasted to an
appetizing "brown" without
being touched by hand.
They look good, taste good,
"The Meinory Lingers"
Sold by Grocers --
Every -where, I
narilan Poste Cereal Co., Ltd.
Windsor, Ontario. '
Peddler Posted.
She—If you don't go away
once I shall call my husband:
Peddler—I called on him first n
he threatened with you.
rzazoar, wnsaaort S; DAVIS.
715 St. 3.4.121011 VCOZt-XOta
Wilts for Inforzn,ation.
he Star Attraction.
Hostesee-I am glad you Children
a deeided to come for dinner.
, Little Josie—We didn't tem for
a dinner; we turn to hear Willie's
grandpa eat his soup,
sitinera,es Liniment used la Physicians.
Try Mumble Eye Remedy
If yon bavo Red, Weak, Watery Eye.,
or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart
—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sail
Marino ye Remedy. Liquid 25e 50e.
Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes.
25e, SCie. Eye Books Free by Mail
Muurimoto stir. Remedy o.. Chicago
Intense Cold Is Healthful.
Without leaving gone anywhere
near either Pole writes a carrels -
pendent of tAhe 'London Chronicle.,
I have had my expe,rience, th,e fact
that intense coild outside stops the
cold in the head. We were six
men, e'ssaying the ascent of the
Grand Combin, in the Alps (over
14,000 feet). From our first attempt
we were driven baek by a tlhunder-
storm, and a sta.3- of some hours to
dry in the hut with the stove going
woke up all the microbes. When
we returned to the hab next day
from the valley tthere were at least
four severe colds among us, `with
sneezing, sore throats, etc. On the
third day we traverse.d our peak,
slowly cutting snow ice steps
in weather memorably bitter even
for that height. On the other side
it suddenly occurred to rfle that I
had rno "cold" left, and t'ne others
made the same discovery.
Rubbing it `
"My dear," remarked Jones, who
had just finished reading a book on
``The Wonders of Naturc,'' ``this
ture is marvellous! Stupendous!
When I read a work like this it
makes me think how puerile, how
insignificseit is man."
"Huh!" sniffed his better half.
"A woman doesn't have to wade
through four hundred pages lo find
out the same thing." '
Calle —Is your mistress in ?
Maid—Did you see her at the win -
doe` ZIS came up the Walk,
ma' am ? Caller—No, Maid—Well,
she .said if y',0 hada't seen her to
that she was out. --ED
Blowing It.
"When old Riehleigh died he eft
request that his dust be scattered
to the winds."
"Well, his speedthrift sou is at -
ending to that all right." 41
Pile* Cured In 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money it PAZot,
OINTMENT rails to cure Itching. Blinctl
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gives rebel'. 60e.
A Fanatic.
'They say that Briggs is a tem-
perance creek of the extremist
"I should say he is. Ile wouldn't
even buy stocks because they fre-
quently take a drop.
freer, Minard's Liniment in the house.
Figg—Do you believe in metem-
psychosis 7
Fogg—Come again, please!
Figgs—It's like this. According
to that doctrine, my soul, after I
get through with ib, may inhabit
the body of a jackass.
Fogg—Well, I don't know any-
place where it would feel more at
Many a good sailor has been
wrecked on -the sea of matrimany,..
It eases the !Joining, stinging
pains, stops weewng and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zatn-
Rol( mc,ns cure' Why not