Exeter Times, 1914-5-14, Page 4Ch dre Cry che is Majesty Eitertains Ruler of Denmark and Qonstrt, COVerte GAIrden Opera Rouse L Com - VOW ifeela Peeformance Whien Most Brallaut Gatiwr- g To Britain Is gette Ctineed Intereuption and To Be Elected, LONDON, May -- Tee Roya Ceoera House. Covent Gardeo, waa earomandeered Tast ragllt by Kinn 'George for a gala performance nor of the King and queee Of Den, mark, who ate pay. r 'their aceeeeion scene feoel La Tosco," La Boaente'' and "Aida." 'I'he sing, ers lneloded Mel5a. ann EuimY Death', reeai aedienee the performers had the jeaders of the political, tile plomafie and secial world of Looden, h rte291k111, eanndtctle°W:Veria°rraitts hoefatitt4ife4 gieWes aud eetvele of untold wealth, The eeene, whiebwas of gergeous brilliance, was for a time marred 1.7 eatUagette tlenninstratifee. Dering Interlude suffregette rose in haleoee etalls and sleartted: George, Wrtatetil are being' tar- n your tdorafiefons." 0 Men *Wan neerhy eeleed /he IS ;ter and dragged her' outside, ether ielett ejected wemen with Whet Started mtlemottatrating." e shrieked, ticked and 'clawed 43 re befog earried from the Meanwhile other ettifrae the gallery abeve the renal «Me 4 Mat et/entity of te leaflets, rge and glffiell Nary W gueSte. end tIlIrlY 0th h many oeettieleti 4 ben of the house, with mem UQ (matte, corps and their side and ttee eattictet their leaders me tbe ,¶VJ4 grotkr part• of the many of the stalls, epted by the enteetti that the general Went with tho WAY Dollghtte anti 'Which ,Taao been ea hag bnime the Signature of s been ro-de Milder /tin peen anal theflPervi-Siem Oince its infancy, km. no ono to decelsve you Inuit% el. ,s1, "trizeP-4S-fenieent " Ante .1544 ti el endangen the health of A ht,Steeat -A A ... .8,,,..ps, ...- ...b,sturth. ,. r s't 5,114- It battle NOPIPItino 40 Up rareS.o,. g reotle Pole IS it$ Kelfttrantee, It des__ PIMA.% Blare tui 2-11.11r17 lene74.' tt 11.3e Iller the -Y elief of C5Ortstirinetelope le, eele Teetleinef." TretchleS Ana 4,1 few felearneeh nettil Ronne/Se tenalthr and edatmul Seleelt. NetheeS , TH• EXETER T MARKET REPORTS t CBICAGO, May 11,-Rapidly-deereas-- g.stocks, both foreign andaVe domestic, the whip -hand to the buying sJde wbeat todaY The marl:et closed at az .dace of %c to le net, Corn gain -i r The for the day. and oats %e to, %.e. In provns, the outcome varied 43, 41'1W .0 :4 r -9-f 2ill,e. ToraiNTO caOIN MARKET, wbeat, fall, bushol.....31 02 to $1 02' Bar;ey bushel 0 52 0ne rens. bushel 0 90 •••• Oats, bushel 0 43 0 40 11.3„*e, bushel 0 65 Backwheat, ushe. 010 0 "'le xouoNTo Rutty xt,aTtitvx 4tter, etore os 0 23 Qg* tter. creamery, lb. rolis 0 25 0tfZ 17 separator. dalrY.• 2.4 , creamery, solids. 0 ge 0 SS s tO tine count/7„ The program ek4,,,e. 0 23 0 ee Otacese, 0 14% 015 nOtleY, combs. dozen 2 eo a g1? Renee, extracted. ea WINNIPEG GRADi. efARIGT. A frix* mon 4 , is the oh between \Viotti W1 excel Cl' t0 • R SA lugh 4,k ,44 *.**d* D Vaned 1.1 e It" TO. a o' e' a Ad.A of er we alrera. T ated wit ous 030 a ?owl: SOCIALISM ADVANCES an Job o inteliene ri lowest pricts Leh Pine ii Spruce (Jedar Shingles e Cedar Shingle- _ ed Cedar fel Posts 8 feet e 'Cedar FeDee Posts fept ed Cedar Fence Posts 10 feet AB Styles of Woven e Fence and Gates tapek bo4 01 0ns 11 a or t7ntn u ed Sttes sa11rnianti mart Bryi .nsste that the release be 'brought about at onee. Viriten milted about the nt- tez he *would not sey what impnert if tbe vice-consul wer kept b.prison, but he was ,gravely raphaVc lntumouncing the Goveirt- PellrEl determlnatiou that he be eed. in anaouncing the Lobos Island in- , cident the Secretary informed the ' mediators that en far the United States Government had received no official confirmation of the taking of th island and that in the absence of eonfirmatiOn be could offer no official explanation of the reported action of the navy. In o.dministra.tIon circles it is contended that if the seizure has • been made, it was not an act o ag- gression against lauerta, but merely a necessary step to protect oil ship- ping against possible disaster as a re stilt of the dosing of the lighthouse by the rederals. White the representatives appoint d by C., tn. leuerta, to confer with the /mediators were preparing to leave Vera Cruz, the IL S. Government o! fi Blue bake Cellielet arys Gkrnent, Eureka Aspii tit )Dfi ng at $1_25 per square A CLATWORT71 G iZAN fON IS T il H1ER 'low would yozz answer it? Betweea the lines of thia sbort letteryo enn read grim tragedy. If its appeal were made to you, personally, how would you Ammer ? Suppose you held the power to receive this poor woman or to turn her , way, which wouId you do? "Will you kindly give nae information concerning adnaission of a very needy woman, near me. Her husband is dead, and she is in consumption. She has two small ellitelren, ab present in an orphans' borne, as the mother is not able to care for them, and their only income is whah an aged 7oother earns. They live in one small easy to any, "Why, of course, 1 would offer relief, if it were in my poWer 1" D.1, think! Are you sincere when you ' ray that? Are you in earnest? Do you really ../eant to _help poor, suffering COO- aMptitteS? Thi?.44 Imre i5 your chance to ve your sincerity, onteibutioas to the Musitoka Free Hos- for,'Cortsum tives wilt .be gratefully , , J. Gage, Chairman Sir3aclina Avenue, reerserers „,34 cially announced its representatives Inmediation negotiations before tee South American trieinvirate at Ni- agara Falls, Chat., next Monday. justice Lamar, of the J. S. Su- preme Court, and Fred. W. Lehman, former Solicitor General, were chosen by President Wnson as the American representatives. From Iluerta are hastening forward Augustine Rodrig- eez, Emilio Rabasa and Luis Elsn- er°. Arabassador De Gama, of Bra- in Minister Neon, of Argentina and Inister Suarez, Cr Mile, the media - en, last night eepressed satisfaction the selection of the advisers for th Governments,. and little further expected in the neelirainaier peace eotiations until all bane net in nada. een. Carrane- s who setie ,I not be r. ence, es. acc- From Te eierals an on preen 'uggle, fle repo/ a wanho e bandit attack t ved to a ign na :rico CI' ger of. 'nee on1 9rtneet_ was t 7ankin feehie Garr' 10 e he. IVIerican re - overthrow, in the con - latest ad - Mexican alists have languinarY of battle, .'s strength -, and that :vas aeout the south - agents of people in imminent satb. activity lean situa- t .dozen of army now of .S'ecre- s confer - explained ting was itaa laws I tee , ietoer : 1 D. - Dvt,-urTri,:n. httra• 65'.-.0.--; No, 1 no,, '921$c; Jlily, 4 WINNIPEG, Mee 11,---Close-Caste- Wheet-Nce 1eorthere, ein;No, e doe eelee; Ne, 3 do., '7'.?,;•c; No.. I rejected! eeeds, 895'tic; No. g S7Viel No, 3 dool No, 1 smitten N. 2 do,', se; N. $ do, 5.q4c; No, A red winter,l No. 2 40., eenee; No, 3 doe ennece ate -No 2 OM., ern,et No. 3 extra Q. I 'feed, nen No. 1 leen, NO. 2itT.N4f,.. 3.5344o. e1–N0. eleee: No. 4, 4feet%, ree e 0'3AI feed. Met 'w; 1331 Nelle.O.. eleeeee No, ',74•2; No- 3 O.W.. 31.2.471, ?..11LNAPOL1S GRAIN efAltleElle 34 war 1-TApat 034 Jab'. PV,ig' partber9,. ie OSi, 0ec b -tO 3o Pg+4,1. TORO .W110.4.t4eNO 04eint ,Nee t 4-11-C4 Y 11PS, 1. Reeeipts ot Uve stoot at t Union Yards were 142 care, comprising 2800 eattle, 10.06 hem 00 elieen and 331 calves, nutcnoys, befog 'agora. 40 ie W301 gPoil hoice -$1.46 $:,; medium at ri.av aC4,1 Catt0194A At re te 37.401 eheiee etnein ta 41`,Zt1?4 geed t.4.0474,1 vane cow* at 35 to 31.7st ea-4MM And tter-at Veen tO reeetet ettele,e belle ete TM; good at titget to S.0,74 ellatrim le At 46 ta.;6•26,.. stackers and Feeders. *et for atecitctv and f steady. Cholce Atom. at 4745 te $7,004 esteem 61 t,ed at 7 to eetn8Mft1 Wenn bee to rine. , kera end Serinaere. 02 Mere end winger* w 4 they sold at Malt olives I ranged At from $09 to eetion (elves Part El, thIn 111 her. "tf T!O Socialists $UeCegs2ul yesterday oe the or members of the Plates, 61 of them b • Vas gives them 1 tlai now Chamber as com- ritb 6t In the old. 11`be Cafl- dtQ418 managed to hold their oetTn 74 members, which th 37 eeted. oa tbe first ballot, s t • 161, ati compared tit 150 th the od chamber. The Temps, analyzing the position the Deputies. eccerding to their re-eleet1oa declarations, places 308 ut ot tho 603 members as in favor of the tbree years military service, the others being designated as aztInst such service or doubtful; 279 Members for the income fax and 35.e for proportional representation. The Socialists' success in the elec- tions appears to have been due to their well-defined program and their adequate organization. Tho Radicals and other groups had alnaost as many platforms as candidates. The Briandists lost ground bY lack of preparation and general. slackness in campaigning. Death of Mrs. Pugsley. ST, JOHN, N.B., May 13. - Mrs. Pugsley, wife of the Hon. Virilliara Pugsley, former Minister of Public Works for Canada, died yesterday morning at her home here, after a long illness, Mrs. Pngsley was a daughter of Thomas Parks, a promi- nent St John citizen, and was mar- ried to nfr. Pugsley in 1876. She is survived by her hifilinead, two sons, W. G. Pugsley of Montreal, and 3. A. Pugsley of St. John. The funeral will be held on ,Wednesday. afternoon. ,, Hindu Steamer Unreported. VICTORIA,J3.C., May 12.-Inp to Sunday night there was no word of the steamer Komagata /Vlarte which is bringing several hundred Itindui to this conntry in defiance of the law. `Unless sheehas been wee/lake/1 by dis- aster or her machinery has broken down she ought to be off the coast by this time. Mexican Youth Hanged. PECOS, Texas, May 12 -Leon Car- denas Martinez, e Mexican youth, was hanged here at noon yesterday for the murder of Miss Emma 'Breen, a school teacher, three years ago. The Mexican Government had,, the case carried to the United States Supreme Court in a vain effort to sane Mar- tinez. Plenty of Work In London, LONDON, Ont., May 12. - Indus- trial conditions are so good in Lon- don at present that in the police court yesterday Magistrate Judd discbarg- ed John Devine and Harry Minick and told them to hustle and get one of the many jobs around the city. The pair were charged with trespassing on C. In R. property. Gyp ies Are Fined. KINGSTON, May 22. -The -police' were called upon to drive a band of `about 5.0 gypsies out of -the city., Af- ter being driven out they came back - Veal Ceivee, in Of veal calvee• were modem 0 firm. helve calves eold fo$01',3etea.54,02140.$9.25; gOlna; _ ehcep and -Lams. Teen WIWI) 041Y 90 Atteer4 Ara I reported on eale, Prkes were 21 Sheep, OWN% vele at Stcsii to S7.74P. ra Se to- ;4.644 41UPPed lyeariing-AtI*eericAn- wetlierei. SS.10: yearling Intim, unelict- nottalc5.470. -to 49.00; ,toring iambs. t , eloon Rog pricee were lower, teelecte fed and tone. $S,35; end $9 tea). ears, andwetnoe °Ifilw0Nof1:1113761 L, slroox. IroxTrw.A.L. May 1L -At the 'Montreal etude market the supply 'was larger aud an, taster feeling /love/epee for good to eitotee eteers, and prices decline/1 lec to 25c per 100 pountis. Other grades were, ueclutriged owing to the fact teat tin were net advenced /net 'wenit in eyreptt., thy with the above, .st this redaction there wits a fair demand' from come tree while other a ebowed a disposition to hold off on adeleee from Toto that the run was large.. The quotity of the stock coming fore/are is geeerally above the zaevzetigoen:or tide eettson of 'the year and buyers have to. difficulty :In malting their The week feeling that developed in the market for hogs tete dee ween was more Pronounced, toden mei prices scored a fernier deeline of 35e per 100 pounds tor Ontario etock arid Iee to 35c for Mani- toba -a .At this reduction there was good demand from packers as they al/ eeem to want stock and a fairly active trade -was done with .saie.s of Ontario se- lected stock at $9.40, Idanitobas at $8.90. Sows.; sold at 3840 e7.40, and stags at $4.45 to ;4.75 tier 100 pounds, 'weighed off cars. The featUre of the small meats trade was the irnnortetion of two carloads or yearling lambs front the 'United States, Which were of very good qualitY. EAST BlirrALO LIVE STOOK. MES Notice to Creditors In the matter of the eetens of gobert efiller of the Toweship et IlaY, County of Htiree Partner de ceased. Notice is hereby neVen Parse/Int to Statuee in that behalf that all cred- itors nod others having ag- ainst tee estate oe the said Robert Antler who died on or about Nov. 21112%.t., 1Nt34arie91ceqr0oeseetuedt oubyee p;.•pf.00;:te, prepaid or deliver to neessre Glade man Stanbury of the village. of Exeter aolioitore forAdminietrator of the deceased with the will anaexea theix eheintian aed eurnemea adeleessee ape de,seriptions the fell particulars og their claims th0e. fe4tttuerna0e)(a,ft tett e'tb:elerusaictei,teta4untire and ld by theta. And ferthee take nO- i.O0 that after elicit east mentioned ete, the 0ald Adantinistrater will pro- ceed to distribute the /insets of tbe deceased. among the enartiee ealtied thereto Jeering regeoa ocl.i to the clailas Of WhdOtt he shall thett 'have notice toad that tne Administrator will Lee be liable for said assets or any ;;;:rt...at tho.Prterof wt,lacArasaeny 101 jearsoimia or per shall eat ,heve beca received by Jalde at the time 'of leech elisteibetioe. OLADMAti & STANROAX Solicicer* for Adminietrator Dated At Enter tine tith, day Nottfc, CreditOrS ah m tter of the eetate o Notko iseherehy given pursuant ''SLOtrl,?e-ttN7titain att14444etr'gVaVitrlgt440Liutnt Ise tzng t,,stelit1tife0 ei!Yth4ot°di°414 'plane osrale4hoett;ttthArpi'irt ...tit lea ere 2equeeted ele or before ay 2% to send by post prepaid or A:Yvt:ir retdip t;oxh:lettV'stilrffsg0211 : of Jet- oiiei Q2 their 11 deegs- cheistaio 41ad euentunee and deseeiptione the full ear - 1 r of their elaires the state-, ate t of their nceounte octet ate, Aa - Ore 01 tbe eeeorities it any, J204 Y them. Awl fur Met' take notice tlat otter ettele laet mentioned ttAte Exemttors wilt peeeeed to tIlg$414 af 00 decease the Parties entitled therete, regard onlY to the 0;4E04 Or t. tht erYttesks4xlicetuhtomem 4zionttfilva r assets or soy part to on.T.ol :;O:orm:0:11:8 iFizen.bnuot„:01:0, 04,111 not hav beo ed by him at the tim 02 auob or Eneoutters r this 6th day of Dated at tlY 1914 TH SDAY .34:AY 24.., 1914, The MOLSONS BANK . . Incorporated 1855 Cavite! & Reserve S8,700/000 8, BRANctigs I,N CANADA „ 4414.F,R41 RANKING FIPSINgtg TRAN$AOTE9 CIRCULATE. LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAVELLERS CEEQUES - S$V RANE MONEY ORDERS- SAV1NCS DEPARTMENT At all Branches. Interest eilowed at hielaeet current rate., Exeter Branch N. D. NUROON Manager Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government THE CANADIAN BANK, OF COMMERCE CAPITAL, $15,900,000 REST, $13,590,00 MONEY ORDERS Issued by The Canadian Bank of Qouinaeree, are 4 Safe, e nvenient.;!, and inexPeasive method a remitting small *Ittlna, of money, These,-.! Ordemp payable without eltargc at any bank 1 Cauada (except int, the Yulcon Tertitery) and u. the principal eitieS of the United $tates,p, are hmed at the following rate$ : $1u4 under _ 3 eent* Over Saud not exceeding S/0 e 6 " " le " 30 10 44 0 o 44 0 REMITTANCES ABROAD mode by means of our $MCIA VOREIGN ppans and ORDERS. Issoctl without deley at teAtaaablt intes, Ile I -G. L. WANGII, ger' ANOld ALSO AT cHL-"Bizabi ------ J4 A, MASON dotcHITHCT .Streettondon4 t 42 bolidingn no oxtr 'York experieuce„ Auction Sale -.Or-, -- V, IlOVSE1101,1) undereigned leas been sell by public auction, 18 00 deletes Street ;Exeter V AY MAY 23t4 .1914 ac 1 tu, the folloallog Prol)er late Atm, Catherine lioweltff ehett choirs, 4 dining xou 'tacker, Stand, Centre 40 set, %Surest*, Otos 01110014 teZaitia taUlex hitt:hen "o mode, 2 bedettadS, Coo nor Graduate ten .Alower, neat *titer ar site! Office over er e to mention, liog's Lew office, tr tv dml la June, day afternoona. Lots on 4.;auth Residence b, , boing Nos. ertyl4 11 briek ne woodshed tasw BTIPPAT40, May 11.-Cattle-nte- ceipte. 9800: active and steady to 15c higher': prime steers, 39 to 39.45; ship- ping, 38,25 to nee; butchers, 31.25 to $3.60/ heifers, 37 to 38.25; cows. 33.75 to $7.51n buns, 36 to $7.60; stockers and feeders, 38.75 to $S; stock heifers, 36.50 to 37; fresh COWS and springers steady, $35 to 390, ' Veals-Receipts, 1900; active. and 50e hicher, $5 to 310.50. Hogs -Receipts, 15,000; pigs steady; others 50c lower; heavy and mixed, $8.50 to 38480; yorkers. $8.00 to 38.83; pigs, $8.660 " to 39; roughs, 37.60 to 37,75; stags, 56.50 to $7.25; dairies, 32.65 to 38-85. Sheep and Lambs --Receipts, 12,600; lambs and wethers 10c higher; year- lings 35c higher; Iambs, $5.50 to 38-35: Yearlings, 35 to 37.50; wethers, $5475 to 46; ewes. $2.50 to 35.50; sheep, mixed, $5.50 to $5.75. CHICAGO LIVE .STOCK. CHICAGO, May 11.---Cattle-Receipts„ 16,800; market steady. Beeves, 37.25 to 39.50- Texas steers, 37.10 to $8.15; stock- ers and feeders, 35.60 to 38.30; cows and heifers, $3.70 to 38,60; calves, 37 to 310. Hogs -Receipts, 39,000; market lower; light, 38.30 to 38.45; mixed, 38.15 to 38.421A; heavy, 37.95 to $8.371A; rough, 37.05 to 38.10; pigs, 37.30 to 33 35; bulk of sales, $9.30 to 33.40. ' Sheep and /..a.rnbs---Receipts, 15,009; market higher; native, 35.25 to 36; year- lings, $5.85 to 37.10; lambs, native, 36.30' to 38. , Fire on Caroni, NEW YORK, May ,l2. -When th Cunand'iltei Careeia, docked yester- day she eeported that two -days front New York fire was discovered, in thatch No. 5 among art,enonnotis con- _signment of Oriental rugs. 'The hateh is in the rear of the .veeseleand thus the smoke was 'carried off so that none but the steerage passengere were alarrned. officer, -wearing a. laelmet, led a.party of the crew into the hatch and far five hours the hatch was Heeded. , This cheekeo the dames, ' -Centenerian Dead.-; 12— oafndth:ere,..,,eael.erquiu„ntee,rto, naefdhred. enie;.c.r8,..eTb°1:Tje'eT.1161-..,..DINu'l.,bN'a"aTe-ienTM,aayt hr -bon eLitarea, ti yesterday, in ker. 10 -2nd ,ea,r, • JUDIC CHOLLET ••••••••411••••••••••••••MmINMPON.I./.......1.10......./INO Tie ititnceto sleeve 'Is to be Emma lu the smorteet dresses for the little toll:. This- one Is distluctlY bevel. 9.,4ere is leettily shaped pauel and d $115h P00se1 through elestiee and tbe eireet is most ettntetire. to this case striped materiel nns been need throughout and eut on the cross for the intik peed, but u very pretty effeet could be Me CHILD'S DEAES 'KITS SEPARATE tstoomEns. Mined by using plain material for the main pertion with ail over enibroidery. In the have view there is n suggestion for tinishitte ;lie collar and eliffS with seallopet) ethres, and the treatment -is always- 14roty one. lti addition to being extremely smart the frock -is sim- ple atel will) very f4.11' seame, and the fact that it buttoned all the way down the hack innli.es it palsy to lean- .'" In thy entiire eiripe(8 iimterial has been eseo 11111W...41)(10 and 4"0 no the Cr0S-14 ft)1' 114k. ivsnit ea /lei. to the back view there 14 n enggestion for finish- ing :the et>linr :and cuffs with.scalloped edges. For tne sit* the dross Will rognire- lito,r And tdielnitt yards of material twenty-seven Inches wide. This- May _idantort Pattern is cut In ntZeS for children Of few% six and eight years ot age. Send 10 dents to this office, giving number. 81/7, and it will be -promptly for. warded to you by, mad if in haste senci an additional. two Gent stamp- for leiter pdstage.' When- ordering -use coupon. 81510,, . . . • ": Anyon 'ell to wrl d to and 03, n bootie, 0 roornto, with abet Ir owe stnbk, Terme of liousehoid e Cos Terms or veer J.:Hutto-au per cent cash balance in 80 days, T. Catuerou, Glednuin & Stanbury Auet Solicikore ner initate. !louse & Lot Sale House end Lot on Ciarling Street and cant lot QS Sititcoe Street, 1 1-2 storey brick house on Carling Street Clontalialug8 roOMS, porlor, dieing room and kitchen Alta pantry, 3 bed rooms up stairs, 1 below rroine ato- bl n number of fruit trees, This is a very- desirable property .,'being nice- ly situated A vtx,y suitable property Lor a retired farmer For, terms :T- ele' to IL S. Phillips A.uotioneer or to J. W, Taylor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate or Hanna Melissa Spice; of the Vil- lage of Exeter in the County: of Huron, Spinster deceased. Notice Is hereby- given Zursuant to StatueS in that behalf that ail cred. tiers and otbers having claime ag- ainst the estate of the said Hanna ni Spicer who dice on or about- April 9th nein are requested on or before May 12th to send by post prepaid or deliver to Alesers Gladnian and Stanbure of the Village, or Exeter Solicitons for Executors of the zaid deceased, their chrotian and Bur names, addresses And deserk;tionw the full Tarticulans of their claims tee statement of 'their accounts and the nature of the Securities. if any held by them. And further take no- tice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will );.r.nr ceed to distribute the assets of the deceaeed among the rties entitled thereto having regard oele to the claims of welch they shall then have notice and that tee Executors will not be liable for said asisets or any ;art thereof to ep7 Person or per- sons of wise claim tnottee shall not bare been received by them at the time of each distribution. GLADMAN &STANEUEY. Solicitorfor Executors " Dated at Exeter this 21/st day of April 1914. 0 • CENTRAL ir / • 1 FORD. antennae. -- 0 Canada's best practical train- I ing school. Three departments n e. Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Courses are thor- ough and practical. Individual G instruction is given by a street; te experienced etaff. Otir grad- • nates succeed. Students may • • t" t f * 4, enter at any /me get our free • atelerme and act witat we can 1' 4- du for you. ' I .117: Me ACHLAN. Principal. 48, sflk.nhOentetAtteiteltelete*Inletneetiel".94ente 41 DE szla% Teeth, extracted without pain, ADY brtd effects. Office over Glad*. "matt & atattburra Office Main a* Exeter, , • .1 I W, BROWNING 21., A, Id. coI P. ie. Gradual° Victoria Ualvfeee say Offioe and reeidence Botroluesal 14 a Oars., Exeter, Assoaiate Coroner of Huron D rercsos OARIFING Barristers Soliaitors Notarlea Cone rs veyaneedonenaisaioners, Solleitses for the Molsons Bank eto. Mane), to Io at 10West ratea at inn tereat. OFFICle--MAIN STREET EIRTIal. I. R. Carling B. A. k Hi. DInka01111 MONEY TO LOAei We .have a large amount of prits ate funds to loan on 'farm and lage properties at iovveat rate of 'MP tenet. GLADICAN & ST.ANBUIM Barristers, Solicitors Main Ste Exeter The-Vaborile anuitithort farmer's Mutual fire llama; dliGe Gompanu Head Oftleo, Farquhar, °mitt - President 13013T. GARDINERle- Vice President BOB, NORRk DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN Doblite, WM. BROCK Winoleelasele- WM. ROY - lilornholJe;•, J. L. RUSSELL AGENTS JOHN ESSER Y Exeter. agent Use - borne and BUM/Ape. OLIVER HARfelS Munro naeot for Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. Vir. A. TURNBULL Secy.Troas. Farquhar GLADMAN & STANBuRY f3o I ici tors., Exe t er. OVER 66 'YEARS* EXPERIENCE Anyonsseusteg,s alietel:'TanridA:a8:117:41:71°:::: - -- Pons fitrIcarcontidonadt.' :11°NPOYBOR011:011TPS::::.0w,' Quickly,' ascertain oar opinion free' woollier als, invention la probably patontabto. Coannazilcii,, cent tree. Oldest a ooney for secaring.patonis.` Patent!, lake!' througU Munn & Co. reesiv* - tOce4400tfc,s, withest chants; lathe - -. elltifit finieriCak: L . sr Ai anii,1 ittli will to s 40,13:5i n:r S etn.ualcsft,e,_ranp_totjestjtveoe„4e11r7o41.yto:,,,,,!.c4::i:etosoapiv,,t:4,;f, , , , r B MI It ' OillOtr. 45 ret44vi*,toto.D, o.,,, , N 1,Coes,18,0601111617 York it