Exeter Times, 1914-5-14, Page 1Huron & Mid
lasex Gazet
Y14, b. 1914
HoNe 32
e warnt balmy days are here I
sh dresses. We have a fine selection of Real
New Goods suitable for all wear.
g s and
All kinds, Colors and
hers for Ladies or
ys good to wear.
New Ratine
e rage.Colors of blue
wi pink and navy,
dresses or suits ..._ 2-
d 1 a yard
brays New Crepe
et) n pale blue, cadet blue,
dresses. white, mauve, grey.
5 and 50e a yard.
p ape
rig baits_
oys are here..
1 nifty bunch.
iae ,uewust e1otb in the ver;
ttern . °v suit mil*
1p•'to.date. Have
and Bedfords
oodfor this season
serviceable; blue; tan
eam; pink and fancy,
to &OC a yd,
Ladies Suits
and Coat
dsome Donation
The Mairx street Methodist clench i
Fourth Quarterly Board, met on Moo,
Olean tip, Paint raps
dna' evening Mny Ilth, The. Board 1"e have not yet conte
was largely represeoled, 'The v,arie ,5 b"xt tic�e are on the way.
tx•ports in connection with tl>t, aadx-
clr were given. The various depart-
meats are in a'floarishikag cor,aiitiot.1
The NiSs onrlre Foods. not with-
standing so. Tnatt,` removals of pro.
ratiateni and nerd -.''s contributors are
in excess of n.ny previonS year, Dura,
ing the Yearoi h. M
A C' .rt }tree, 1C'�Qxa �y`r'
gation >bta3t and ;.ai<l _ser a !row gem.,
at iron r0Q d Shed ZO x CJJ decorate
the interior of the• choral installed
a new furnace 0,t:a cl:t.ol ore -91,240.
Tlatta. Arlonl'txlli k,
besides the oz er regular p.;;aartent'S.
The. foilcowir; stewards were
E .1i°. e'ee' d
ted; 1.r, 4S. Tr ow•ey EnvellOPe; l• spar
gentle, Pew Ti 1'- klarston„ Recort3igq;�, to
A- U ' opta,r, tc+. C ears , itaar
Circuit t isitorss„--r-P J. Wickwire:,
Ni lritanait, l' ot„ NorthrOtt qtr. "13u.
E. Tt clew, . ]?ca;tac, Williir, 1. Pow-.
yl. v,T A, Pa tkwiil, Chas, Aldw ortb,
a'. li. ,t"sa4sar:o 3, Frsd Stryt'<itrl;
Cl i s ii.e tiers,—I1y Hoop( r, i', ..,
m i vers, B. F,, Boston, lit ora.
1,ranoi•s, This. P3ssancare.,
z iters -,,-1"411011C, '1`atfijun ;l4#
1 "tall t~r. f , t{
T.iasea l I`r4+flc`berg,-, 4.°n., t1, 0111,4
l?ra.$. I' a3re1 1 n t,—Mi-is )'Bcts,
Maw San
1U oil
se ur shin s
clean], g is the order
ay, Yoe. will want
0. new for your :home
rugs, al.kinds and sizes,
curtains, blitu;dsy curtail
ns linoleum c' oilalotll, :_
ON 3
and $12 Coats
oleo showing of Spring
Lofts a.t $10 tao two
alike; all sizesR
to Old Ho
M A,
our ca`v,
lrpUtica! arties are patxttirrb95,
Farr paint, and are parep•triad
election for tate 1 rovi'aleia'ik!
elti}15' a
';rte .rie:#vy oDa
vice $fill, it's
es Y'Dl'!
to this
enc thing
(r ti•
<tre, tlo
rind ra
Wo- t'.'4nvo., t}Di#klx taf a 'th iG,' 'tr oi'o
attshinet °than do snitxt un. Tr i '
tett a had tbirer to ga't araln th,o ,.1---,
asci oqo thtiiaw+ it will
of xrsaA the doctor's la;il,
t erten r�c�>�
Th Sin
Tlatm. r+lrratle9
Pa, t4
u tit
12 and
Rave you scan out ,new $12
and $It scuts. They ate beat..
icy. Different colors.
WUU0NE - 27 A
l they rlitle of the pixy 'to the put on
in the Opera House, Exeter, on the
evening of May 25th, by ...local peo-
p>le. and will be the crowning event
of thatgreat days fan, The play is
most laughable ane, . Something
"happens to Jones every minute,
Sketch. Professor Goodly and firs.
Goodly who have two dant-filters Mar -
toric and Minervaa and •a ward Cissy
are about 'to be visited by the. Prof-
essor's brother. Bishop Goodly of Aus-
tralia, who is in love zgith Mrs, Good-
ly's sister Alvia, when Richard ileth-
erly 1 son-in-law to .be, of the Prot-
fessor's, prevails upon the `Professor
to attend aglove ,contest, which is
raided by the police, when they es
rid save money
Our Prices are Right
`V and B Mowers, from SI to 50.50
Black Diamond, from 7.50 to 7,75
Grass Catchers, from 1,00 to 1,25
Grass Shearers, from 25 to 50 cents
Hedge Shearers, from 1,00 to 1,25
Lawn Rakes, from 25 to 85 cents
' Poultry Netting from 2 to 10c a yd.
Breen Windows from 1,00 to 2,25
+, /Curtain Stretchers from 1,00 to I,25
cape to ,the home they a -v. 1'n/towed 1 y
Screen Wire from 10 to 30 c a yd, Jones, a, drummer, who don s the Bis -
Screen Windows' 25 to 40 cents hops Clothes, and pers inates the I3ish-
hop in the home, and many funny
Paints and Br U9hes
things happen to Jones, An TEdian
and the policeman Bolder, add much
to the situation. Don't miss this
ent arta i nm eat.
tPlan of flail will be open at How-
ey's Drugstore, at 10 a m': on Satur-
Wizard Mops at $1,50
Wizard Oil at 50 cents
Liquid Veneer at :?,5 cents
Dustbane at 35 Cents
Reamans Hardware and Stove Store
A.CK,NEY—In Calgary, Alta, on May'
4th to Dr, and ,nrs, Win; Hackney,
a son.
man cd 'Toronto (ace, Alma, Burnett)
daughter, '
rooks Alta;
77; Ea
,vein% 7,1
> arra„ r
72:4 XYllie
6371-1 B4Q1.15;
ole; 0;
usseP, Charly Irord, George
d, bilippa Dorm:9A, Josephine
lloulden. Verna Walker
Trodden 73; Ifoward T/ignart 72.;
IleverleY Acheson 72; Alvin Andrews
72; Zaildred Wood 71; Perla Sanders
71; Wilbert Gillespie 02; Florenco
Vincent 61; Sr, 4/ad Honors, Verda
Vale 91; 'Mildred Norry 9/1;
Cookson, 90; May Webster 83; ,Tos-
eph Bradt 80; Reggie Taylor 79: Glad
ys Bedford 78; Darold Irtintz 66; No
enrolled 39; Average attendance 186;
t „IL Kinsman, teacher,
'loom VII
'Promoted from Room 7 to Room 6
Donors J. Morley, 92; G. Powell 81;
Barr 70; Mr. Ortwein 66; U. Redden
05; M. Elworthy 01: Recommended,
Norry. Class 3 Donors, G. Bedford
Scott 82; M, :Elworthy 80; 0. Davis/8
Mallett 67; L. Brinincombe 65; L.
Stathain 62; Class 2 Honors S. Stan -
bury. 87; Seldon 85; 31. Gladma,n
9)avis 65; Number enrolled 40 Av-
erage attendance -31; '
I. Quackenbush teacher,
}Promoted to Room 7 2,1. Scott, G
ster, B. Powell. L, Wells, F. Beaman
Elunkin, 90; J. Vv/htte 86; II. Gould 84
Oh, ye \vho coniplain. of the grind,
remember these ‘vords tr. e
The 'dearest job one can finci is look-
ing for something to do,. Sometimes
whni my work seems a crime, and
I'm sorely tempted to sob, I think of
the long vanished time 'when I Was
out bunting a job. I walked eighty-
; miles every day and climbed forty
thousand high stairs. and , people
.wpuld' shoo me away and pelt me
with' inkstands wnd chairs, .' And
then, when evenir.g grew dark I
knew/ naught of comfort or ease. I
made rne a bed in the park for slip-
per chewed bark from the trees. I
looked through the 'window at me,a
who tackled their oysters and squabs
and. probably gr,arubled again beetiAle
they were tired of their jobs, And I
was out 'there in the rain with ,,noth-
ing to eat but my shoe, and filled with
a maddening pain because I had no-
thing to do And now when run tempt
ed rise ,L 'grans' bailing sign of
distress, I think of those sorrowful
days, and then fe.el hztter I guess,
go to my labors again with energy
sital and new, atid say as I 'toil fr.
in;v :den -Thank God, I have some -
Cluing to do". Walt MAsoo,
11th William Horton forme ly of
ALLFN—In Exeter,,, North on
8th Alfred lien' aged 83 years.,
weeks ago died Saturday riierning.
The funeral \vas held .1\lonclay. 'The ,
late iNir, Boyd WaS 73 years_ df age,'
ell for inany years, is survived ,
bY his wife two sons andthree claugh.
W. Spencer 80; Pass, V. dollingwood.
Elworthy 75; Pass L. BlaDonald,71;
T. Cookson 61; E, Cooinhes 60; No, ort
Ida Armstrong- teacher.
A Liberal Conventiog
For the Biding of South Huron. as
constituted for Provincial purposes
will be held in the Opera 1401.1.533,
still. on ANrednesday May 20tb. for
the purpese of choosing a candidate
to contest the Riding ia the Liberal
'n(erests Delegates will meet at 11
a. .m. ;to present thei credentials, af-
ter -r\vhich adjournment will be made
uotil 1.30 p, rn.. At the close of the
business rneetirg the convention will
be addressed b)," "Arr. C. M. Bowman
ers. Evcryonc in sympathy with the.
Liberal platform is cordially invited
to be present.
Henry ISmith J. G. r.Stanbur3
President Secretary
I bora
ctiri8 away
carnal u ty bee
vour money at borm:
in 'building up your
incithntally help to
Went of keeping the
at home.
le3';"ar: Its:R: ;141:14ni
build attro
P aryl )1111r
le, Spend
an assist
al the p.ro-
boys and
A. Signs Point
Stine or July
"Sagas rtocuixiulate daily to l3oiant to-.
', rds the provincial elec!1on, taking,
place this spring. Although wart
rumors tette 'beep earrent to the- ef-
fect that it may lz* vn4ylt ed azul!
t?eptereber or even held over for a
dear_ 'St is 2ea,Fike4 nutlet nt c t?ty dant
the Govea:rrt$tt..; ;$ ,cd.«it= :.a r•;F
the country,' 97 Jtui.,, 29th it
sls date should fail the t+oils
be opened a. Week later ecru, Y1.4 E`
This variation til •ze woe x eems
aassibility" beta i se of the Rush O
r it A cOA•Aineetrti %Vitt the cF cess-
ry Printing., it is und,21-istood, itaw.
tkxa the hallo ,$
press *rid that tie clear
cagnsider.'a will be 4�taYe�
hex, 1s as , et .40 offa,.,ial.
Pakiirtet, bit
e ccanuing &n daily fret '
a. keep ire tohen with the
Sect. km affairs.
. riaf .x 7011,1 .:_ :.' r1- of 5}a;,t'la<.yp;!' e
l n aaz d, h tct•:?o ::
p ]s r orae lttaiir sir, .l.uxbuT " tel<t It
aualaralct _le 11e
gave the stOxy. ok
la>-zsa ; 1 x�rn .7 V: -.,r 1f --
of xATisre G1aztPotrs clrar'aatte7r c. a t '
the crowiaing
e x
he 2 th o May
ell i ite !IS Or farmers and the mer -
elm n1 et).^tiperatt: With the farmers
for mutual bent.fd instead pf;
Lotion of the farmers. The more this
spirit grans, the more siraessful and
satisfactory tail( be the busines4 rein,
lions. You CallilOt 5:tparate the
town and farming commuraty as they
are linked together by common ties
The mere the farming conditions im-
!wove the better it mull be far the
town, and 'the liettkr the coaditiot-s
ln the ,town the better it is for the
farmer. Thus the more we can do
to !nip one another helps ourselve
South Huron Baseball
League Organized
On Friday last the South Daron
baseball league was orgnaized with
the following officers. HOZV/rY Pre-
sidents, lljerner, 1" !Zurich
Gillieo Ansa Craig. President Fred
Kerr lerediton, Vice President 'Thos.
13oyle` Exeter; Secy Treasurer E. II.
Axi; Exciter,
The Executive to consist of oflicers
assisted by A. %plan Ce-atralia and
E. Chapman Ailsa Craig.
Four teams have already entered
viz. Ailsa. Craig, Centralia. Crediton
and Exeter. One game will be play-
ed at home one week and away the
next 'The committee will meet
the COUrSe Or a day Or tWO to draw
The series commences June 1st.
A good deal of enthusiasm. is being
displayed lay the ,c1n.ferent
tennis and it is expected that good
ball 'be in order. The 1.onclaa
Advertiser in commenting ea the Lea
true .says, 'Some good hall p ayers
will 'be found on the different teams
ii;inrfteci-flarn'ayarat°)stlai,v:17 Ila°1y:a •Churecet:1131:te°rneloirullpvelsubioovrt- „
years ago but did not slick. because
he lacked experience. Dick 'Tasker,
the former Brantford Canadian, t-wirt-
er, interesting Chin tor. people in, the
matter, and he 'Neill inansge hn
Clinton t2ain if it enters, Falumr,
Credildn's .second sacker is Ww old
exp:crienced minor ' league player
)t 1 Darlington of tile Exeter teant
Pit cbecl for Sarnia, against Rabe Den-
cou's All•Star, Canadian league ag-
gregation last fall. There is an ab-
.undiance' of good material for all
teams. a Fruit 1/1P,711 rotalsirg
stitrs brcnc-ht out. The league -
should prove successful withotil. alaS
aking Shop
nd shoe st
Pa, age is soi
he La
vill ()pet up a
tit,. Your
r Florence Hu ter
••••414 y....e .®44••••••••••••••494000.0••••••••••••••••
we have a
good supply
in ail styLs
and sizes.
Two Piece and Combiiistioa
Mso we -keep on hand a Fiat
Line of Overalls
We have a new and up
to -date stOck rIt. Gents'
Furnishings in leading
fashion hits En
Hats, Caps
Gloves, Tics,