Exeter Times, 1914-5-7, Page 8rt
E3 16
Market Retort.. -The fniiuwing
the re»ort: of the Exeter mark4
rested up, to May 7th.
Wheat Standard $1.00 .,
Oats. 37e. i
Harley 50 to 52,, -
Buckwheat 50 to 60
Teas 90.
Family- Flour 2280
Shores $25, . t f t
Bran $24 i [ ` 1 1.1","C
Fine ribbed. i ottaait and
i1ra�;wers, special at 25e and n0e
You do not have to pay a. high
price for a 97 piece .dinner ret,
With a neat little pattern and
good qualit y ware , We van Sbgty
you great values AL $815
INQT Tsltts
Baia tai zpuality in 2. g Rua 4 d.
idths�l+ii ver have: we shown
aortreeatt of- pretty
deliver.aua toy it
ddulitierstil charge.
rprised, da
d'te p d to boy our waft
ou the line range
e tare 8hryrying ;,his season. 4
@ry dollars atpent will greatly
0 pt!ove your hoarse.
for Spring
and Sunmier
tai Noi folk Suits in
hainli;le stripes, tweeds &
worsteds. The !decd of suit
that will stand the hard us-
age and wear is r k hat you
want. We have them here
at popular prices,
too ser parts with double
seats, Price Si to $1,,,50
Very dainty, neatly t izzzoutland
i?rettiiy designed ab - 1a;,
'ldado, frwa111 crepe a Qth, neatly
„a aztanxeal.. peclttl at
To the popular Crape Cloth
Special st $1,"~!5.
'We cep, show you seven differ.
int patterns la odd cups and sau
Sews that eau be boufaht by the
dozen or in any quantity you
may require.
In ua:it az' erg of, patte.rne
reps, tape stlr , hrsa.saels, velvet.
aorl wiltona. u ens es 2 x 3 to 4
48. OtAr prices are right,
�gixa try considered.
rangee of
aict co:
honing al
neat pat -
terzas art per yard, 2U tt 0e,
,yin 2 Cents for eggs
Low Grade flour $1.60
Eggs 22 and 2,3c, a
Butter 20e and 21
Creamery butted' 31.
Chicks alive 11
Chioks dressed 13.
Ilens alive 8.
Rens dressed 10
Roosters alive 6
Roosters dressed 8
Duck. alive 10
Duck dressed. 14
Geese alive 10
Gose dressed 13
Turkeys alive 10
Turkeys dressed 19
Dried, apples Sqi
potatoes 75 to Sit.
Hogs 8,50
All persons having ac--
*:counts with me proir to' t
•` 1914 will please call and ,
settle as they ave past
a dare and oblige
•' Ernbamer P
'Funeral Director
Rxeter. Ontario
444 4+94 .4,0444+i
MX. 11, ',Rotten and L, Ross peal
Sunday last at Rirkaon,
Mrs, Gatlin, of 1 a ouver, visited
Miss AnnieaGiaSa this week,
3Irs, Geo. Crawley has rete -wed
borne after Vieiting iia London..
alra Be Iliggeit aeric, el,ifdrel cd1
lleueell. visited in l,clw;t '. aassday,
gtlithoo of May will he a red iettev
y its Ise:titer, Rettig ..pai.' the d r data,
Aire Fie ir, 'h%prackmati, of BleUlIetta
visited in toren during the past wear
Miss tura. ''Gtaratsoll has r'eturaaeal
atter spending Several days its Lore.
eowen or
ora Friday shalWla
$ceding is nearly coo
ss -est being several (143-
i s
Dayiast year,
i A John Floyd wee
14`1 d:tAesday.
ion rafia5 in t1AW
ba4 S xvitaa ole
rsErrio 3t
rise r2ec,k
laic 41G.rdx is
°tial ss ftb
, Bartle'.
W. p t weft was in St. Thom -
day on business.
sussDaly Mom. frayne left TuesdayQvisit Lar a, coil* of weeks lo
Dz'a E. IL Campbell of Toronto ia,
fisting Dr, 1louistoaa with bie dee
a1rr dared »iicAlister who Oats bean
ianitlr. 1aa~a ' a rent;s ;at the aFar4aon:ap al
pOeaot tz;aday at 1y saner.
'151 a di#trict meeting of thk, 11e"tli-
t *"liizreh 'Win bra' held in Park -
ay 20th and tlIth.
#ss >
J. Allan, eye -sight special -
di be at the Central Rotel, I;xe-
atardaY, bitay 16th. entl
oizte to Exeter on N'Xetoria. Day
e tioyr ono of the biggest eeiobza-
s a ver attempted tri this ;part.
Walsh of Toronto who has
"visiting w tlz ,lir, ntad r rw,. (..
"7nugla I:as r{eturnead to tier borate
Tara a village in Bruce suffered as
Oaportion of the ia ahiess sewhich 'trip -
cd out � S
firs, 'Clarence ta;naith. and , child at
tl[a foo, are visiting with. the for-
"rrau's " parents ltr, and 11rs, Jahn
Mies J. hardy. ewe. can interesting
address. on South Atnerieaa at the
James Street Sunday Sdhooj last Sab-
bath. .
Prof, Duxbvry of I:ngtand :biis been
engaged to give a`recital in lames
street !Methodist church on Tuesday
)r,,,y 12th.
The r.lackson'Mfg, Ca, started oper-
ations on 3londay atter beii.g closed
down 'for a week, for stock -taking
and repairs,
Planted is alae
earlier then
yna o
wenty thousand cars will be pro-
duced thisea
Y r by the Ford fac�
ory at Ford, Ontario, Even this
enormous production hardly sat-
isfies the demand for home made
cars—Fords are made in Canada.
Six hundred dollars is the new price of the Ford
runabout; the touring car is six fifty; the town
car nine hundred—f.o.b. Ford, Ontario ( formerly
Walkerviile post office), complete with equipment
Get catalog and particulars from Wes. Snell.
Agent, Exeter, Ontario,
Brockvi]Ie Canada
Carriae Co. Bnggies:
A Carload of Buggies has just been . received
newest Styles and an xtra fine lot. Intending
pur iha,sers will do well to call and see them -and
get our prace.
Class Farm Machinery and Stable Egniputtent
ltrs, Thorne who spent the winter
in, California ;is visiting her father
Wm. Drew, who is ill al his home
on t uroon
I . Street.
The London Conference cultl bold
its 31s1: session comuaencirg on Wed-
nesday June 3rd, in Central Method-
dst church Sarnia.
Mr, ;John Moir who recently sold
Isis farm in Usbor:ie, has purchased
3ir,'John Spackma a's houseonWil-
liam Street and will move to town
Seven auto loads of Odd fel low:s went
to Lucian lastSabbath evening and
nernded to church with the Lucan
brethren. Representatives were else
there from Granton and Ailsa Craig
Misses Vosper. Murray, Q'.uact.en-
ibush' and Armstrorg from the Exe-
ter public school, also Miss A. DOW
and; 1 'Marchand were Ina Goderich
I last week attending the Teachers'
Monday and'iTuesday we had heavy
downpours. of rain. Monday's storm
was as arom u•ed
a [ h � sharp lightning
P 3 P b 5
and ;heavy thunder. The smote
stack at tthe mill was struck but no
material damage was done: On 'Tues-
day' the rain was accompanied by
The Quarterly Official Board oif,
James street Methodist church held
a meeting on Monday eveni r -g to
wind up the affairs 'for the . year.
Reports were received .from the dif-
ferent branches of church work and
all were;; found to 'be in a flourishing
condition with finances is good shape.
illr, IS'. Martin %vas elected represe.n
following' is a list of:tbe stewards:
and district visilory who were elected
for the ensuingyear; stewards, P,
Frayne, Rec.-Steward; ' Martin, J.
May. E. Shapton, ST. 1;` Down, F.
Food, C. 11. Perkins, ,'Chas., Kiddy
and R. N. Rowe; district visitors.
E. Jory, Mrs. (Rev.) J. 7). Kestle; W.
11. Penhale, John Pedlar, Rd. Del
bridge, fThos. Sweet, Jas. Frayne, It
Kerslake, John Kerslake, E. J. Sha -p
ton, 'J. ''Powe, O 'Harvey:;
the committee in charge of the
25th of May celebration are sparing
rho pains to make it a day of `inter-.
est from early morning until even-.
Sabbath moaning last a
tioat� and 'baptismal service was he.
JauaeaStreet Methodiat church
lion :14 were received Tato taxeuaher-
slxipa and 'two were baptised. TheSaact'anaetit of the Lord's supper was
dispensed.: and 'the numtrer of cora-
mu`nicants eras the largest tor some
Debate -.-A very' iiateresfing delaate
a°nS held at James street I• worth
,oaCaae ou Tuesday ert,uaaag The
atlttect was "Resolved that !Moine
ttalk; xti-mild be a benefit .ter Engla+t4
lad lraioral," The affirtanatiVe side
as taken 'by
Messrs J. Chlttick and
t' r llarvey' and the negative by
essrs L; r'ebie incl Jos
itch Sld,is rrliarshalled their points
ell, atast the deb s a' was both gaiter .
?adttg anad arz$truetive,. fir,. 3..
ars occupied the ellen-, The judges
ere Itev, lir.. Mc,41ister, Miss 'Toru
wind W. . Cole and after due consid
enation they decided iu favor of the
tiaa tire,
At a
well -attended meeting eI to
*` `faa.ara i Tziistoacial
Gxetcr Aleaday,, tbeuxgeu
ueesa afaAr" aiefoarnli in Canedies bank -
It the olidaa.:
lata As fr. olv oarlaessed tiara!; the
az xass ttaraA T c'owr'y, r4d4gal "char.'
,oto he aiaad 'Tf tiA,a test interests.
lrlaa .« t l ar„ !aortia ttr
be, ss r e -
e l'
e ta'xto
aaad are
rico which 'the' do
C aort', The dieenssion toile re
Hort raado by Nev. Mr. Sharp,
cently 'vis -iced the social: service; co
a;xess at Octans
tta3rtlty clot 1".ia in -
e pro_
nu Lily
st re -
The ,funeral of tlae late !lira, fir,
Campbell one of the pitaataear
mita of Boy took place Iritis L -
litime Lot 2, con 9, on Thursday of
last w ek, to the Exeter cemetery,
T'be alececised had been wiling more
or less [alt ^sr•lxiter and, ter, robout two
month, sli had .been under the doe-
tor's care tale irAifrmltiea or old
trt;e being the eaauxie of ber death.
Iler age was 60 yeaaran and 2:i .day's.
The deceased wawa born In Plfeshire
Seotla,rd. tier maiden name '"being
Helen Brown She came to Caaraad'i
when a young woman aur. shortly .i"
ter coming here was, married to the
Cale William Campbell who prea'Ieeeas
ber over eleven stars ago„ 'They set-
tled on 'the farm on which bots' died.
U'rs, Campbell was highly respected
throughout the neighborhood and had
kind friends.
She is survived
by seven children, five sons nod two
daughters viii Williatu And Chris on
the homestead :Etobt, on the Souble
line George and Mrs, Coxworth is
Saskatchewan Mrs, A. Eacrett in
Washington and John of Ray, Who
have the sympathy' of the community
The tuneral'lhursday was largely at
tended, , -
slirs, Sarah Cooper. a highly reslree-`
'ted' eitirtn of London died Saturday
morning May Zndat her residence,
127 Inkerman street,. She was the
the widow of 1.tobert Cooper who died
eleven years ago. Mrs, Coopers was
born in .Huish Parish Newbridge Bag-
I>3 a ;Canada;
with her parents
came to « ts when three months
old. settling in Londor., After living
in London ,seven years -the family
moved' to TJsborneTownship. in 1869
Mrs. ;Cooper moved to I3iddulph Town
ship where her husband died, tvhen
she returned to the city. She is sur-
vivid 'by two sons and six 'daughters
Jonathan, of Hardisty, Arta.; IIani.
lin at home:; Mrs, George Knox Tor-
onto; Mrs. William Pineonabe Uslior-
ne Township; Mrs, W, McFalls of
Biddulph Township; Mrs, II. S. Neth-
ercott. and !sirs, P. Chadwick. of Lon-
don, Miss Dorothy Public school tea-
cher : in ;Chatham. One se>'a George
died five years ago, "airs, 3, Evans
Mrs, W. 13a1man and errs, TOke of
London cad formerly of Exeter are
sisters, and Thomas 'Shute of Kansas
City iilo, and James Shute of Winni-
peg are brothers. The funeraI.. was
held on 'Tuesday morning from. the
Grand +'Trunk Station interment in
Exeter e er r ,emeterq. On Sunday evening
I uncial services were held at the
home after the regular service of All
Saint's Church, of which Mrs, Cooper
was a member. Services were ' con-
ducted by Rev, T. B. Clarke.
James -Beverley
llait-i $L Exeter
Phone 7.4a.
rr, Prank Eoo e is vis' nag
Mrs, -Andrews of 'Detroit is visit-
ing with Mr ,and Mrs Jas, Gould,
The first strew ghat of this seri n
va4 seen on our streets last Saturday
big time is iia store for those
who come to. Exeter on the 25th of
Ber ready, for the Pain. Kiang man,
'e is canvassing Stephen Township
his week.
'Sir, '4-. J, Statham has improved
the ;appearance at his bakeshop by
putting in plate glass windows.
!Ir and Arrs, ,Tno, ' MC)faho;z who
have spent: the winter ii Toronto
have: returned to their home id Hay
Ir. 0, Becker, of New Ramberg.
visited at the home of Dr, and llrs
Browning last xs eek, Mrs, Decker
who has spent several weeks here re-
turned with him -
an to Vend Victoria day ass Dx;.
err, Baseball; bowling, horse sac-
ing an automobile, exhibit and. a
concert in the evening will be some
the features during the day,,
;airs, 1. Pedlar of Ailsa tiraig sis-
ter of Mrs, J. Gild of town and sis-
CLE AN—No dust or flying ases> ASh
chutes guide aft ashes into convenient pan.:
No ash shove
arnaCe necessary See
McClary dealer or write for booklet
z A l' s: SON, Local Agents
ter-in-law, of Mr, J. Pedlar died at WINIIININIIIIMMilmoomenmadillifiliMilimimmAilllism
her hour' on 3%nday: last after coat
'Unca$ 4f aboat two; years The de-
ceased was 72 years of age.,
Mr, John Treble, or Rtaroraville,
Sask., in writing to the Times say's
We are always glad to get the pa-
per. There is still a'ssarm spot in
our hearts for Exeter although ql is
twa°lve yearn this, spriaag since ri x
left there. Wishing the Timis 44c-
w. J. Veer is thi$ week moving in
to his new store formerly uecupled lsy
the bank of COMMelree .fir, Peer tas.
had new platen glass windows pat aid
nand .made other improvements to the
interior, and now has a very' credit-
able store. Re will opsin up Sat+arday
$ee stir in another column
Ws Sure FeE W Wzei
ays to usao there,
ear agent at Exeter will giro
rte at Exeter Veil Fair, to
rn sat 'sis's'.ikta high, netato eiticc�
tili4er for the hest bushel nil
agtown on lead on which, tbia
a*z' has 'been used. 41eyaaea
to ti'»ter ,this Ceeltesit w41
letavc their order ri*d,t7a..E. L.
*ar t� lafiae n a r Il, « :Nu'll's''
Auctio Safe
LOTS 1,10117Sl;lltlL'f'
tate of the laic 3tetisxa. $p
ler of \4'ill`arat and S.-aeder
Art atur'gsy May 16th ;at
Veer particulars see bila
Ouse For Sale
Or Rent
e rtsb e and onvenlently 'scat
Apply' to Mrs, E. Birk' Exeter.
For Sale
4 pigs weelts aid, . and 6 sown
to ccam+z bra in Zane.
1IIi2aili: tTIlOIMON
Barkbfll T'. 'o,
t oon '3foGaiIlivray*. Bell phone.
FOR .S14.'I„I -50 earetgrsss .farm Hay
township, phi '
p, biiiiww;iy rrci:iTen Exeter
nand Berman Two mites ,from the Lon
lion Road, Also LO ion oatmeal teed
price $31.5.00 per ,torr.
D. ufQ ITART. Ileas'
are desired.
a. the uaerchaots of his n
o i their owo, i:tere
s �
°:till y,
and to make the
"lulltalcrfts iaterestt
bo tratle c
its and have
o this co
or wain
S to give
„ etre chance to
comm _..
Vi nyaoa nd;your money out two ,;ouuteotalaity,,
y eaaurriciai tib great shop woad Impoverish than ettua-
tttuntty, t9taaeogtheta chitwearken—•themerchanta
of tltiecarom tttaity. It will ell be returned to you £n
the Corm of bet tearsea*vice .reud better valrtee,
(�etition is
end. For
Be LOyal to Your Own Community.
WANTED -Lady Boarders wanted
Apply to !aria=s Lewis 311`ninStreet,
WANTED --A smart boy to 'tear
C PrintingA t
s o1
WANTED-Cattteaker wanted app
!tf to Thomas Snell, Exeter, new hfe+r-
clrnnt Tailor. , a . t
.George Pedlar
Pianos tmnd Organs. Tuning at,-
repalxing, Over 30 years experience
All w
ark•int a
uar. '
$ ee
,Leave orders tca't phial °Mee on acre
dress Bos 174, Exeter Geo, Pedlar,
The Times isrc eased to etc
horsemen's route cards on short o-,
tice Eine- selection of cuter. Call and
see us. ,
Opening Sale on
.some Special Bargains to Early y
Bu ers .
We expeet to be comfortably located in our new building
this week and will be open to the public on Saturday May s r
We invite you to call'and •see our new and up-to-date sur-:
soundings and inspect oils "stock. As a Special Inducement
are making some sweeping reductionsin a few lines. $5
Plush Ruas wilt be cleared out at $3.75 • Suit cases,' trunks,
and grips will be sold at .bargain prices; Come in whether
you buy or not. We are grateful! for your patronage in the
past and trust for a continuance of your favors.:` QITA.L[TY
AT A RIGHT PRICE is our risotto. We 'are equipped
with all lines of leathergoods and can supply you with any
requirements for your horse or outfit.
1-1ARNEss lylAKER'