HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-5-7, Page 274. YOUR the £'referred Stool~< of'f��. e2lnonn,' IL Ment:; .az Alia Jc. an. A. Gun, . dizrL'� c na. I'�•rw; wr4l'C'•T.2 is ite',I`:%arfts. viers-Preisident, - Prestie•nt 11dr Wont. Royal 13ankt r. Canadian ra x. iio ex, President.O d #a ' o tri 173.etrc:, C -.radia: P:. 12a a,v. `i.,doaao 1°r este, l3,,3 a. :,pry}ae Co., Ltd..; . 4+i?X:cc 43�.' ltdoFitres.1.. :t,,, .t. w,"a:;ztg.e. it. Z. I'oL' a t O 0 al EY Lianited, o£ Montreal,, Bank of Canada, Genus' Limited. 51. Birks, Ea t. Director, ease Cc, etor Molsons Life ssur- �- r �Faaa tiSeKergow 7r?is `a *tire Co, Dazndtl ttti Life .:,*.**ranee $', -;,•'',f., 'l'udar a , t,t Cca:z:g 71;,* 47.3 a,T a . clk Post ea<z0 tot star. Sura e C'€} a'> ANY, 179 St. J.aiITea. Strut, MOntreal, CAliZtt a. ar, 'ad HIS Trk l: 5, i e the. Securities ,s*. this Cerperat o t 9+l'� M' in years dry 'i {d,n,a*. r�tSt -e�& :estta8,?kiR ea.t DRi a e 'Gl Fide i . ata Part A� M ai rti� maze year, 'Safe us: t a bare .a,ge Paall iad.Ps• $ . anwltecl A,.A request, NATIONAL. _77 : r.. ,,IM I,E hRa 9. sit4 Tunos tlNm wta�aat4a,, ", '#''Deli tela ASaav 1,17ea' Wart' s air a 10ard, edit nit it anttoa4a -tar*t. C.e; a *Soltotaaa as 9ti sate finDaam Norttwzn. awl No. tintittko r -.1A ;tt--.-mai, of oaot 'Glc, .*zi t volts �„ treg.gtat= to $4.04. Rana tra014 Tnentq s cat $. Nc as n eagat o 0.41 , w�a 1fis t ozotst%Ro,a co,t47,0i 404 00:o tam 1;I', G^ � a tf', iia 4 A d 1fr4 t aaf&r5 41c t''o. „'�aq: • esm i P 41. .311Q1' . „ 44071/09tM mr...4wolg twiny nwenolInn Fe -,-:$70,.., Air, 104 to 04 l +.'ilt>b�ie, kls•,r tAiteatr'"Tdt e. rusk* k1* mr/1 t,a*asA as • 1= Cguoiatty 14004 ., ka its to trot tna'aaat�trr tome OM io ger to a°8ata°tta�atd�: ; t di SG:tr't9E4>?j 71 at 0 it to fel, t tt tna 0 4 In �` w'kdr�aa at 4?„ awe° .tier .ISto1 1 • Ora 1 as to dS• 0.5 u ~r Mn qit "ag?� It o 'run FA any xls�tstis )NTARI HOUS°GUI" 0 et teraaut- over°nor's Address at Conclusion the Session -Many important Bills Passed eIe ing ref the OntaTio l,e gisiatt re at Toronto on Friday, the l,ic*ut..na11t-Governor ,t`i'e`i.wred th,r ol' Tla ng sp.?ec la from the Throne Ml Slheaker and Gentle/tick/1 o t}r L a tiistative :Assembly 1 icl?exing you of �'4nty ditties I d sh t express any thanks for the caar.faal eonsideratiill you leave • ons t the business of Vie s rnizaaa shad abd' ca fear the beneficial Iegisla, cte;d: observe 'haat, y. a patty rkec9 h statute, ,for the :Yten Ston of the startRepresentatives cif aha I>epartialeut of Agriculture. The Irnl} l' a these o «sfS in de.. taat�nsta", stag �i�:iitad'ac itietlatad`� oaf :agrlcnaliaaae tilroin bo tit,• the preen t v be ng �C;aAor tS d{h duik i tatt5ca°kt d ;,by `ilei* Iss�& p e. ant c,f > sf�•k f tlne sy-stc*sin a410, he „ f,.e�Ct;a'd tfi3 Eitly'�t"d$`�? kl$'sk it�•'ta� tla� awlnola�' �e�watialiaaxzt-�•. 01 - prori$loal.s fa ilii .ting the enforee- E raent of the} ,, L a•iaad�� 'T�.11ia�erance �. Ant and th' addition Fri- day to t•� listof days on which the i fait { f intoxicating liquor is 11l'F hlbited, f {observelvitb kiltexest. hilt msasures have been Adopted pro v-iding for the appointment of a pruvineiai Fire Marshal, off ring :a :i. Te 'ard for the disoevery cif r,_,Fin in this province, iaalprovinxg the ftVe- Q y legislatiea andauthorizing hoof hoards to establish auxiliary is " ata Mtaca4id:..ab i tan: e g: ~a*n a p A aM£iaa fiat of 4'4.> is " t,"a,ld"�; izG�'l�i?k',g;, wA�,1l1`0Vi3a tta::e n dti lb;tsera; Ade'sii^425lal,r unizid ^rs staapc�atsaut nd faaa�rc ant�assa�nTM b1s� heen :a&lopt'et`d t a l„ C A1aap saiti21ii 73 trt la *it t"at SIIaAY ,t•1 , na'ltac*Ft dei n s ,� zaaasd �t�ld ,n +4 e a, L r and ang t1. Ip Stn e 'h lasnen for the c dtt;tt'oIn of children arho a e has cdieapped in any w,a ^ fn'. e rsuit of their s€udies, Prohibit Coullibations.. ..�t d is l d i~ a dinsting &nae x llletadilearaa that l h¢avino' rent'( t4ai 4' Sus,, p (.%iuhliiasg salla° oription day oxrpoilat out ;81).1 111 niad hodr '' licw 1,S�-s :tad xoahiaa eer. cwl.asxg�s i th x fereaace to tla„Y na IA CtP e dr resentation of the is1ati e Asyenabl -, tine a ecelaaa Doraaln- olitical Gov - in ash tae olaacr Il t firs dstatnld prtA1'ii .01 public lei ads' enostl, kneen'senna' G3 tsl'pctintod to fiat' subject. It is, hopec Ails cal this iuveitig4r. improved '$)1.1- The . Standard Lee o Canada. Has mang imitatUw s knit no equal f)IS1NFECTS NEWS EN A PARAORAP U.APp.ZI1t S..rtdOM ALL U T11l-.t;=,t311.F; IN • A. 1t EIS/TELL, of old country lawyers that s l£. is a joint heir to an estate in Ireland that is valued at $11,000,000. Mrs Sh,a inn, who is about fifty years old; i3 with her husband, has been a resi dentf o. T1undtrn.mo: s t of her lift' They are in comfortable rrable ca rlin _ c 1 stances, C4na1ta. the i;aatadre anti isle Woeful tea, General Retort ':eat Eyes, Galt, Eo d of f°ratde in a one -day ddtlnn'.iattd 0aa2ta1aaigaa n<ddsd: two hang fired And Aft) aa€aaaaes tea fts member- ship roll. Nearly caapan to 0411adaa lad 'canna z r aturdaa,,Y, ntroalon 1170;1110S( aptaitt It Ga Kendall, c0saaaaaa.aa " o the Canadian l'aeltic liner `► LI, has been ;Appointed cap - the Empress of Ireland. gad (hathoaatteatu has reversed handjag of the Illonlreal License 'Pard, thick nut off the licenses of cab -0' Rohs °stag many pro- !. i" ro-hal" el c'itir us and 4 h 1 brides.to. be Glasgow la clocked At 0"1 Great Britain. The lIonse of Lords Committee ailed Lord Murray's dealings in The intilding trade -employes London, Eng„ have, rejeeted the torms, of settlement offered by the nasters by a vote 'ef 23,000 to 2,000, t 110 20,000 people, mainly non- rgo of starvation. wo suffragettes disguised as Sis, s of Charity raided the Prince of les' rooms at Oxford on _Monday, 'st day of the new term, but oyal Ifighne,ss was not in. nee, having gone, on a Cruiso the, battleship CollingNvoed with his brother. l'aited States. The Court of ell5t0111$ A peals in 01.v IfOrk .tienicll the free entry AU Way Fs 1 0 ment on Events Canada is Helping.. • it is probable that the Pinmage Bill will moos and has the support or the gov- erninellt, and it is an effort inaolo to save those rare and exquisite species which are threatened with extinetion by the greoa of the bird -hunter. The 'United States hag already set. a splendid ex-, ample la this matter, and Canada has now passed a law by which after 500 - protecting the wild birds for some of the instances -of slaughter are perfectlY twenty-three.- emploYeeS, that island has bones, lt is computed, that something like one-lutlf of the entire specie* has there been destroyed, and the hideous work would assuredly have been com- pleted if the United States had net hap- PilY wakened just iit time to what was national a-reement will prevent the egret mid Abe bird of paradise disap- tions and hardsnips attached to an Are - London exploration company. Ic',or tho sum of 61,000 the firm will proNide ing; and fishing; lael.11 Passenger win poia, de luxe 'YO.Yage that includes hunt- vaitte fox. whieh be must shoot for NralrIM two musk ox, one wolf nod two self, To Make it easy and comfortable vin he fitted with eleetrie lights, bath; to hest brands and qualities, Dr. ,tionk r captain Bernier couid het desire any- :• 10.fh tot and cold water, cum. The Seereih for 1"rnewiedge, Industrial slums, huge armaments, extremes of tvealth and poverty seem hut examples of the truth that knew, knowledge fm. its own sake la in no way responsible for tho,errers of 5)430- olen or the faults of mankind, The true not a couch for the curious splvit, tier rrace for the wandering, nor a tower for the proud mind, nor a vant- '011rid for the haughty. nor it shoo to glory or cod and the endowment of tifiroisneil'''hietogista who devoted ; e studY of the mosquito had no con. en that they would he the elder tho search for know▪ ledge is an one. Glance back at those great of tile post --Pasteur. Vara.tlar. wit o coming generation be able tic o think. he /told or enq• uiry is ex - listed. ' last stages of tho roll have 'been no rapid and tho ad- o so great that there Is little terri- . ft to eXplore, flat melt succeed.. le Wing ft. The world pre- en go on derelOning. lt the law or lifqo 1 Ia diff feet te eta .era 2 er ce #attestt 'Ar st ea 'terns. l,t r, try eornery. ' :0 2 Nggs, 7 rc it.. «;Ct tics, 1 stock. 21e. ez bag, c4lr lots. S5 to s;o, :STsxuttie lots. 2 t o Po - Wflanipeg txrsia. Winnipeg, May 5. -Cash -Wheat - No. 1 Northern, 20ic; No. 2 Northern, 824c No. 3 'northern Sir. No. 4, S3/e; No. U 78e; No. 6, 73e; feed, 62c; No. 1 reJec ed seeds, 3.641.c; No, 1 rejected seeds, S4ie: No, :? rejected seeds, Slic; No. 1 smutty. Sflie; No. 2 smutty. 84$c; No. 3 smutty. S111r No. 1 rest Winter, OleNo. 2 red Winter. 59.;ic; No. 3 red Winter 375e. Oats No, 2 C. NV., 353c. llarley-No. 3. 45/c; No. 4. 44ge; re- jected 4210 feed,41ie, l+las-No. 1 61.33/: No. 2 C.W., No. 3 c.Sc., Si.sL3. United. States Idar3eta. Minneapolis May 5.---Wheal-May, $9tc; July, 005e; No. 1 bard, 94ic to 941e No. 1 Northern, 211 to 931e; No. 2 Northern, S21 to 911e, Corn -No. 3 yel- low 63 to 634e, Oat -No. 3 white, 354 to 354e. Flour and bran unchanged. Duluth, May 5. -Linseed, cash, 61.54;; Tuly, 51.5G; May, $1,54. Wheat -No. 1 hard, 9353c; No, 1 Northern, 92;e; No. 2 Northern, 205c; July, 025e. Live. Stock markets. Toronto, May 5, -Cattle -Choice but- chers', $1.15 to 13.2`5; good medium, 57.40 to $7.60; common cows,. 55. to 50.25; canners and cutters, $3.60 to, 54; Choice fat cows,, $6.50 to 57.30, ° n ding Hoy whielt w*l The ea %le , w ss tdlcl upon fcai eec1 ri eandaiet, the party tto the ra'ai- t nee of Nat ir�„ m whom Ial,eiey refs demanded, "au banded lnl'r .000 pesos, tirbkh lfuiealky ea.rrieri as his hotel axed dismissed the m rtes. On the fclary Nau c�tt Joined to the Provost, Marshal, xi erwi ch detectives traced lied- -, who was later arrested and in jail. The money was re- and returned to Nan. ahy was sentenced to five stknlnent. a: 5143 NVIiS i +vi It k, fiuyrp ,R Vont telae'' Ila t:.1Y.ttae°3d ti P Iia hat, 1t ald;AW3` k lh'eaa in dia5` fter- t•lI€�. COM 'd o 2:pita: tits 5 r4 a% tia,at I1IMiSSL":4'ttt' a a tl: i*rs„ 41 lodged and file ;galder es. choked, It may he s:before 'tlse dead have leen re- fired. dreds crf persons continue tc1 urrraatrd the village. isnd there tile. weak in the di"Stria, miners ani their families congregating here cxrmiort those of their friends who have, suffered. through the tra- gedy.. Pl ce year COUNTERFEIT $XO BILLS Canadian Bunk of Commerce Issues 'Warning to the Public. Counterfeit $10 notes of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce of the issue ab present in use are in circulation in Harrtilt011, . Ont, The counterfeits which have so far been seen are numbered 452,477, in red over blaok, whereas the genuine notes now issued by the bank are numbered in blue. The colors used are also much deeper ..in tint than those of the genuine notes, especial- ly the yellow and red on the face. On the back there are two 'or three flaws in thedesign, apparently made by blots, which eppeear on ,the word "bank", whereit, occurs at the foot of the note. The counterfeits are countersigned by H. O'Reilly. are just as g'od ' 'f®' the l= ladder as they are far'the Ridneys. I£ there'is trouble in retaining ,urine -if you have 03 get up three orfour times or oftener during the night ---if the urine is hot and scalding -Gin Pills will quickly relieve the trouble. They cure the kidneys and heal the irritated bladder. SOc. a box; 6°for 52,50. Jot all dealers or sent on receipt of price. Sample free if you -mention this paper. 184 1�ATIONAL DRUG AND .CHEMICAL CO, Or" -CANADA LIMITED. m TORONTO. $320,000 'FOO ROADS. .� Systema of Roads for the Con of Oxford. A despatch from Woodstock says At to -day's special session of the Oxford County Oouneil an order -in - Council was read authorizing an ex- penditure of $320,000 on asystem of countyroads for Oxford, with the proviso that only $60,000 shall be spent in one year. A by-law was istroduced providing for the raising of the latter ainoun,among the var- ions mucic palities. y AB CA SE, wit tegottarti. 1 from Pet A the nowo by a. i );ye th'e local agency of the s practically blind for years past, following a re. tck of inflammatory rheu- ome w Its chopping wood at iliece flew up and str lc him on the bridge of the This .-evered vein, and as a result Mr, Germain lost much blood, binCk in. color. Immediately aft,er Mr, Germain dis- vered that he could see distinctly. Strange to say, he fait no pain when struck- by the piece of wood. ODEL DAIRIES, LIMITED. t seldom happens that private o curirig stock in such attractive nterprises Model Dairies, Limi- ted, Montreal, advertised in this issue. Large dairy companies in, all the large cities of North ,Amer - ion, are paying handsome dividends to their sha,reholder.s every year. Model Dairies has been organized by a :number of the kee,nest and most suocessful business men in Canada. The. names of these mem insure permanence and good m.an- agement. It pays to follow good leaders. VESSEL FIRE ON New Complication in the flexican Situation 'Which Play Prove to be Serious turn out to he s,exi,:ens„, han come in stitution,alists at Tampico have fired upon, an Ameriean merchantrna,n flying' the Cuban flag and have wounded her helmsman, A blilletin given out at the IN avy Departme,nit said #.1ait Admiral Mayo .reporc,ed' the Cuban flag, was stopped by the Constitutionalists while she WRIS: passing ttp the river to t,he city, and was forced. to anchor in the `‘Appiarenbly,'' says the Na eessa,ry to fire upon the boat before her helmsman wounded and re- quired medical, 'assistance. Admiral Mayo sent boat with his aide and medical officer on boardn La.ter number of foreign officers, heacled by Captain Doughty, of the Her- trrione, called on th,e commander of the Constitutionalists, fOr an expla- nation of the incident. The Con- stitutionalist commander explained that they could not Jet the boat, pro- ceed to Tanapico, as it was neces- sary for them to stop all stores from reaching the Federals, and tha.t t,hey would be obliged to stop all merchant vessels din bh, f t Outdoor or in -this is the t that gives satisIactioa Stands the test of Canada's trying weather as no other paint you have ever used; For barns and ether buildings. for your implements and wagons, and for Your home. both outside and in there is a .Ramsay finish that is the best of its kind, To the man who does his own painting the eonvenitam and economy of Rammy's Paint is self evident. The trtan who hires palates to do his -work for him will do A.V* 1 to speeity Ramsay's paints -they wear so well and protect wood and nxelal so thoroughly from deterioration. The local Ramsay dealer will give you splendid service and suggestions. Or write direct to the fattoty. A. RANISAY & SON CO. (Established 1842) MONTREAL, Que. ECONOMY One burner, or four -low flame or high --a slow fire or a hot one. No coal soot or ashes. Alfleftlat OIL 4" THE INNER L OiL CO. Limited means better cooking at less cost-ana a coon clean' kitchen. in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner siZeO, with cabinet top, drop shelves, towel ' racks, etc. AlsO a new stove with Fireless Cooking Oven. At all dealers and general stores. Royalite Oil Gives Best Results ,St. John 'Winnipeg , Vancouver res can 31 last wer n t tit is De- partment rec. yre il Oat for' the ye. t 1,112,502,10 total trade of ti Preceding Year; which was UP' to then the high water 1130•rilit't sl‘elkallorL1,0ogrVIllot;'.)2;!5a'r recently dee- d is the enormous inerease in exports The imports On the other hand. whIelt rea,se from tin> previous year of a lit- • to over fifty millions. The biggest increase in experts wag agricultural produ'ets which l'OSO 43 nillliOns oVer tile previous year. 'Manu- factures juinped 24 millions foul fisher- ies showed an increase of four millions. -trade for the month of March showed a tle011110 from the previous year the total belng $32,381,133 as against vliter and Without typhoid germS, latinlight is a. great enemy of bacteria, imitate a• nd Improve. upon nature by creating a miniature sun and harnessing. its ultra-vlolet rays for the use of man WI: the Idea of scientists, and Nvonder- fill success in many climes has rewarded their ingenuity. mercury vapor arc is enclosed in rock crystal, the only so- lid which the ultra -violet rays pene- trate, Typhoid epidemics in France, Morocco, the :Philippines and. S‘>rvia have been checked by this germ -destroy - Ing device. The rays may also be used to purify public baths. GRAFT SCANDAL IN JAPAN. Admiral will Ile Court-Ilartialed and Others Impeached. - pi-climb:may' enquiry into the naval GOO bribe in connection with the crui,ner Kongo. This sum. was give,n to him by Mitsuis, the Japanese agent of the Viclters' shipbudlding• concern, out of a $57,6,..000 oonnais- sion the latter received. It be, tiered the admiral 'Gould not have been hribe,d without the cnnnivance of his superiors. The admiral will . be court-martialed. Pile of Explosives. A de -spa -toll from Montreal says An unknown laborer employed bY the Canada Cement Co., was..blown to death -while at work ,prep'arinz change of dynamite. 'While waS stooping over it a ,spark furnace it,liglit,ed on tCrie back of his S,onle are born lucky, others, an - quire luck and still othe.rs 'just