HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-5-7, Page 1e warm palmy days are here and you ., a wash dresses. W have a fine select 1e nthfe for all %stir, brays New Crepe o d; n pale leo, eada blue bitewaive greygiro, and,SOe a yard New the rage- Oc los 1 O ; pink and for dresses or suits 50 and a Linens andBedford's Real goad for this season grid very serviceable; cable, blue ta; white; cream; pink and fano 15 2025to'50oayd. Axz inforzpal Meeting of the cozart- t+'as held tzn Mfr, i3,. W.1;. Beastore to tteke into co sideeatiaa the tetter Yeoeeved from i,dzc : ey. of the Hydro -Radial Ot,rattor , asking ' /oil th,e eouzicll to al noiaat'i' o delegate to ,af.tend o si3ecia1 zn3cc,,#iz: rt.. tae lae!cton the T3rb �xista.tt13![Iyaa�BeslXo�'a-eTbi7t rhe itce.t •:e' ire* tin � CarriedCoupeit l et in €he To•ry 3 Ale t'z,a,1 esening the 1st i:st _tIiczreds f previous song estte r.. zd .pnp.r.ot,.d. M7,r" ineri,iE'ela°Q "ivaa receivedeadtrona lar,j'.J. ' �grner-c spec ting tusto>r:sod'>riet�'Fne.eetj, i wjLi s]e : eSY paast otfiee. CoylL lEztd— '#a t rho oaLae tae. [1t° ed, Gyri e ii 13eavexz s,ar torr :.7',laat If4am+ last; RII' brie as T 9;,.a :zAI to by 11ne� lyt�ttrir',e t11$, Co, be referred r.d eo th, Fire and It�'"ti& cQ:€t, 'with power is est, Carried. ittk PetiF oil . � received t sigzteil la n`t tL ` Q. number of 2.)cs, x43 a s i 'tDgn pt a eS4it1,¢1tt cora rzi tzr ai.0 tae boo, ego W i11 par rJ -- `a i ,,,,cer 17:: e: 4t 3Zaiu sear',:[ Y loyl.e-olleaarers, That the 1 taatiataa most eak3rag that otepa be to ;+ez ra keep salol urn nu' cheat eo ,5toiAa Street la. ,° tt t xart tl /raa;: to the pntitittaa, rq 'o1 to u:ud 'bat* it iilsoffacaf.;aiilt rie . tt€ tot Fixtoriee 'Com m i i l4 401404 ¢n Page 't3 eaa} np: lint vp a � lids re in laloolxp; toy rate apple bio-> Ve inte^reslzx ateion atnr ":0a ,.1 10 4was 4/440g0*AA toy. 1Iel t itf`' ori ssa rDF.... t....__ ...,. lea z adz tion eted li)'F'O' p..- ' titta3. Ore HO 7,004 warrett Mt% fa ';'ei Ue a ttli ) ro t.`th 4t %a toot* ee os y :f Batt *AO >l eT4 e'en erivk k vzoot41 ,4.4.r 4; pagea; n.SEFI. of f~. di— ,ar#it uliipS 041.... t'r f that fa 0 Tri r"'old otne liter iPOtottooeor X� allariaa r► "ant*ar 55'l3o cared li I is n'ottnta>atiC t ;Are 2 447-4.4 Tho lirrosesi WV)) POO grand fiwt �t %1s t? rfiAs are able to oaderatnrad 1t� star ore a year Ihrroli te24l10; Teraeparoare: workerS awls bail wader e'out.icft°roti«a rite wi log roan ' the '*err,tcla a; OAt 44 %Ira* ,, 141.4h ` 11t 'aee�'i+ ary steps "tet .0 ‘4 114,4. Meet' the re in -merits or the law and 3 ate �`as stared gaff with a irrorm;se by ago iaar,.la1 thkerotar,}r Rama. tara,t.mr the 'woke of the prop/e wa?% t dt was t'iRr, % with no tracer- tatamid nod over 2609 re "< xeeit j - in .fl"aai'on >lat+slat'ala':s tt sirocag alaisaM aftatimeat mod showed tis tri � �` ralt'orrM sent that Huron County op 0 3aolttCai to t. n licensed bar 7t1tt finaar r~ *IfMir..w. duride'ring, wire - rot r "sh g is the eider 04l 4'ilTA.a falx your llotuo ls�ll. inisrzd sizes, lrtaals, olid curtain li el er rias oilcloth, 0 and $ C A nice show)n of i coats at $10 anh $1 . Te alike; all sizes. 44, and S i e you seen our now $12 suits. They are beat• flereni colore, Ir �•� 3 work, zt, a►r Diel grant ' pt tgialorr ttiauttt. s is>nt, r:i timoths :dead of e arl�0axicd to _ _C�i�iKING � Teachers Convention : ON T OF NEW PERFECTION Friday 8th. IL :inch will IC Served Always Ready for Use ThC convention-aiXth annual oontlwaVhseld1iunictoiclr'blxidsr3 001 'Oodericir, Qninorsday and° Eli- day April 30th, and lazy 1st., 1.114. The chair was occupied by the irire- sident, r'1tr, t!'red Boss of I7ungannoa;, and devotional exercises irt;re CoQ - ducted by Inspects>r'Torn adze minutes of the .e;aat .session of the .last annual aottventioo held in Exeter, Oclober 10th, 1013 were :read and approved, Inspector ,i E, Tom, introduced the subject Class liscipi tie and .Reading with class.,, ire emph +asized- very strongly that the pu- pils should stand -aroperly :during the reading lesson and exhibit life and, energy during the recitation. ,IIs. commended the Speller as a 'very use ful book in teaching readi.zg and pro- nunciation. The /mails should cent: ciate their words clearly, atnd disci ]- tly. The discussion was continued by Alessi% Ross and MacKay. ;Wee Lillian J. G,larkei of St. Hei- ns, read an interesting pacer or_- Distory for Third ,Class, preerare-- by Coal Oil --- 15c a gallon Gasoline -- 25e -a gallon e Doses JClark and A.1 Vs Dorrance. Don't forget to visit us on Friday May 8th r� o u Painting : . 1 our ring Lowe Bros. High"Standard , Paints, ask for color card, in 20 35 65 and $1.25;'tins • Campbells Varnish' Stains - - k 5 25 45 95 cents Chi - Namel Varnish Staids— 0 3ai 60 and. $ 1.00 Brushes - 5 10 15.20 25 and up. ilea/flans Hardware and Stove Store the paler advocated the use. of th rad `method, 'with black board: sum e nary' and reproduction by pupils. upits' mote -hooks must be carefully uperv',sed. Reviews: Should -he •tak- en 'froze different' stand point thai r i:bose .'taken ,.111 the 1`t:sson:s. Lhts may be done by tracing events back cards, 'reviewin.g by ;dates, recalling ort • • zeas dn 0 page 3 ` BOIi� ALLETT— In Exeter tc on i,Icrday arAay: 4t:h to Mr, and Mrs John u41a1 lett' aeson, erTie Ll` E —A:t Goshen Line I#a,5' April 28th .to ,3Tr, land I1ias. 1� ? Wolper a :son. n 1 l A.RaIED $ tieLl C2D—\ fi:1T EG;dl0 V' A z i7 . t, ell manse t�eaforth, oak ',April, 27e .h 11 a•, '- Alvin McLeod of SeaPorth t 0 11$ i f se Via;' fain' lgttisiyil,; ofitaodilli� �2�as COOI'.Ef-In London on fefay 'and (Sarah 'S beloved b, Saturday .or the alai L <e Rob:: taved Wifec Robert 'Cooper :rived fig years 1 month,-. and l day, PE L D ..4.1_•1 ��yy `� Li Tn Ailsa a Craik on za£onday May 4th _Catherine Gill relict of the late K. Pedlar aged 72 years. 1%"ITV, EI?—t '1 Uasb,:0otl, an ,e'iprii 29th Charles `C %itwer. aged 60 years DI, ;OMTE-; .:f �'a'' he a�.zzbte" Line ?lay 'oat; April 28th „Alexander Denom ieaged 76 Sears.' l.;f Bear Prof, Duxbury in James Street Church Prof, Duxbury preceptor in oratory and elocution Manchester, •L' uglat_1: has been :.engaged for the eve nin g of f Tuesday, May ,1ltbzn-Jam s stzt.t Methodist share, 7xctcr. Perhaps no one in modern times is more sac cessful than Prof, Duxbury re- vealing the in re- gay:a'nd sorrow, the light end shadow contained in Literfi.ture k 1z i tlze :' r 'tragedy ea 0 r g Y comedy, m d e h y L oc- casion casron zs one richly to be enjoyed as :3 revelation of "humanpo'<ver a'nd its education. 1The auditorium of James Street aught to be too small on the c z t•ning of 'Tue'sday next" for a Thre- e* audience. Togive;everyone:an' opportzrnity to enjoy the treat of a lifetime '1t:,dmi'siorz : has been SO at 2ue. children 15c - ds'tse Qtlalitl a z q, ._ rtli T n - » Watt oto ca , trlrt, Cc� Xurptl \ ithout 7re!)etv,i`Z n ieerases as 'the ?ravine's 1 73ca:nano. stats vt+#oed the action of tire commission exs, They were also without: nnx- tetrsioI as the Commissioner; did not retest urlt13 Ertl:tally ir,ben. it WAS de- dccidCd Ito graaat darer WI e:xt:enrliorr for •threat .months, thus tar several days +the Boteliteepers in 'Centre lint- -were breaking the lain. Xi South ron there was quu'udry, The li- censes ;had 'not been renewed, the ho- -keepers trusting to receipts for tits unoncy paid in for an extension. of liaale ars a gu•trfntee?; for protec- tion. Anoth, peculiar affair in conLecr'on with south. Huron was that oa April 30th, there were only eleve:u 'licen- ses in the rirlizg but On 1f 33 1st 't was discovered 'that there were twel- ve doing 1ruai;,ess, the. Albion Rotel at 13ayfield having- been given rzu ex- tension of a Remise ' that; did not ex- ist. litre Archly is usually granted a summer license but this had expired last Sall. The attention of t•he gov- ernment was called to this matter by the temperance people and the Com- missioners 'met in Exeter on 'Tuesday when 7t was decided to cancel ` the Albion license grunted on April 29th The whole affair was a big mni.xup and showed'a condition of blunderiug incompetence that should not exist in the License department,. altVri tth Oscar-- terat 4114ebgne road atter n ,, M the rnr:,a, Tiaesa tx1A,c,, to gQ o long' Way rowel; _ "' prrflalrtaltr Usborne Council The IIsborne nIu.nicipal • Council E met at the Townebip Hall on May 2nd. A11 the members were present The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed by the Reeve. The Court of Revision to consider and determine L ermine appeals against ass- essment .roll fcr the current year wilt be held at the'Townshitt Hall on Saturday June Gth at one o'clock'. A resolution lv-as pitssed asking the Hydro -electric power commission to examine and report an 'the proposed Electric Railway .Route from London to Listowel b,y way car Lucan and Mit- chell without prejudice to any pro.. nosed route. A copy of the said re- zt Sol ' I a an I.o be forwarded ed to the, chair man of the commission. The :'Engineers Report of :i;,e 1`7efl- T Nevin or Centralia Drain of the Torvn cozaskrt« tea for L'rovinciizl nzr3aseas ship of:Stephen �t'as read and adopted 1 F ill be held an the Opera TTouse I3 o .zed - by -la v providing for its a j sal[, I on Wednesday 'a t tin and the•collection dap- I the pur'-icse o y L s cath. for of assess- r f r:-oo.,.. a candidate meets,imposed thereby to be collected to contest the stg its theta 1 the first rates tooled ts. Delegates win met t li'. 111 full with f'lr interests. Liberal 0u t dr ti ear ay Oaft QI r) 0 If' 4dtc t: et print sol' ettry ret town st curd. scala: the suxrounding Viilagrs a rrd be a benC1 arch, to lltea z ta our town. The us,szc::s tiaztt wosuldnd he transacted he should In. suffi- cient to warrant.: tate governnlcct es - !dishing n customs house as there ire quite a number of large harper- -who at the present time are be- ing put to ad kinds of ntense:rit:nee The matter is one of suflieient tor- portance that pressure fibould' 11, brought to bear moon the government and a committee should be appointed to deal with this matter., t las ry e s - 's .hart rbtigh Notate: One of the many signs of prosperity 111 Breter is the large number of a.Qttb mobile owners. Besides 'the already large list of owners there are several others wire gyre contemplating pur- chasing autos. Below is a ;list of the auto owners. J. A Stewart W. J. diei4tuan ,1L A', Doyle Dr, Quackenbush 0. Lueflc Chas, Snell Dr; Browning Wes 1Suelt W. .-ornate If.-Elworthy 1)r, li3"ndman. In• Kinsman T, Baker,* D. ltal tlelb. at,. McGillicuddy. Connor Machine Co, Dr, ISwcet A. {Cottle G. 'Windsor • 4 '" ,1 fli 'Ci',lfl the � err and v einity thst will: open essalxilg she ll ;tater in the l~ea3nlall'� eller G. 317al o and shoe store abou may iib. tM tinge is solicited. -44+* *ear +04040 • MENS I,. 44. d 4 4 4 f • w 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 *. Liberal Convention For all, .I; ling of South Huron'® and collected for the, final a.tn..'�n prsesent their • e a t passing lz.tz ezcdenttals,,.:lf oC 1he by-latir coos provisionally ado t ter 1v13ich adjouruinent tvi1L be rnazde 0 0 0 I ea. The 13y -;.lay+' to be onariol 14 until 1.30 p. al.. At the; :Court of llcvision 'the close of tfyll Heid t�ebi and business ]nretir; the i . June O ' ' c lzelyd b; gcon will h af..3 a eoclt.,, c addressed:' by promin •z e A few accounts were Every 11, i:z1: ej t st/ea�c1, • re passed d ss'mpa by slit,' the Ta '0 *-�--------- 1_i payznenr. .. era[ platform is cordially-:: ... Council, -.lace aajourned t d to 0 i orders issued an ry, t) 'sleet Saturday June 441h.at-rizc:�caelock F. Morley Clerk. be present. tn}az e Henry lStni413 .1. G. tanbure T'i•esident Secretary • as. FURNISHINGS WONIDE/Z rcJ1L,. VALUES IN EN'S SPRING SU1T1NI S AND OVERCOATINGS, - - "The Spring Rush" wis won and it is necessary that you order your suit early to be ready for the o. opening of Spring, FURNISHINGS r 4 4 0 0 4 4 • �r 0 • 4 *- • • 0 • 0- 4 4 We have a new and up to date stock of Gents' Furnishings in the leading ' t` ashion hits in� _ +IF Flats �.`1 f Flats, Caps, Shirts, Gloves, Collars, Ties, a Underwear, c r Socks, ear 0 4 0 CALL E f ,.Y11' AND 3 OICE c ;t