HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-4-30, Page 731 A IL Fit iS flits • • iz) tlae Einem fslc er' t to Irish- - A ri it- - A large g2ale ashore ' t e r eka at. 2 atut<zia.r a, z•ear• Darryn 2, The maple <s (4: 'l)ro;a2;ai c Spin- ning AIzll Newry, . 'd t k work treele ago, : t .? azt. Arany atet^es .(47. ~laud along f lam, t { g,ir,:r Valley adz trice of Beath' l,a> 'T tAr de 1° ;h;nr dxffl ac'c`ount lto South liar z.sc fia FitCo*mahas beenlig As- vI ---------------------- Rs DISEASES IN TJISPI-tING C reg by Toning he Blood. and 1 Strengthening the Nerves f It,,s,Ex,.of Shan f the bc,st:zai'{]i cai a thd:;e.<a afi.A.- log bs va- tk,u, t..lar. nervous dissases the ^h_ rao s 2 rtcaz; , rd re r ; us in x ,. ' i.a ' 4t"4 tL ^-.>}m, "4'Gl3 ircP'1)M+'(3}. ar. 'tral ehang}.r,;,4- 2'A t2t S- :dt, lira Jong winter axz<t tt may J L^w3 Rpe dAt»4h $Kure trouble -than th.:: dxik 'l' i s n -a -i :g -weakness and Si-e3ri_ b GtS acaa1 whieh moss Aeop.i' :little.;' t 'M of indoor iii,. •'-.1'. $Pl. :-.1 and 4.:tt' `t'a. ' c.A. hti.4wd ;. ()Metal tecer4 pry ve Ari aad enralg a, tvs danee,.el:41* " and, ;:her 2 s.D3 f nerve troubles aro at their +Lb 9t a d that tact;, mom. than tria l»s 1", im,,, 4"ar Viend n al fug, teas a a°est A. tome is heeded. "Tt."'he a irt,D ted custom of `taking pt$nx. i t2 r or tl« :teal really neada trdrzt thezal,te, wvl2t c purgatives a1Vi rsR o 3&1 lk2 t%ti xls i-:,-:,lRo eltsg lliaik Klttte. for,' actua ll make tlne zzoi eh a* at~ttl - feeds tla , t Aare the ataanV'r r tarvott s.t"t°s her forms ta, elle a poo 1 Balms, ^t -a who ldx3 alaoitu an coated aM tee Dodd at, the ,ziaxan dMkku ?$ ^ t olgly o knife in tyygyl'yhi33 Wray t-itw'as enga%, lack lda ilftca p sent ecaard'a'd X11 of Xorth lam A 4. l;taaltataa age of l odatta'$ey, tv;dxstlzaa stea° it c) men *f glad trlt'tli tt?d O'Brien and $ +aunty Mayo, o, llawo been drowned tl TI: aar les, Pg. of sir et: ;cls helot; mita bur l; e a i1 edit s iiia Uld rent it l verai fD 1Dt ht y lanai,.) a?1: .fin fur they aziztgl liealtla Tail strengtla t cd bald Tela, 's'tA mei. adryRg t1e till y1}aa djM d fi%A %t 'e i aler5 ov R ^t iDi a box o,, .sex ho e:: flir" 't it iii N' ltnekwil,le, O. jai tdl &g`efr v:ho tlsatt4da^ l ,a.loa h aa,s w. rt?a it lamp. The death i;t ctnitcattttd t?d, Mullane, a form aborea.K lir 1. ` eraoft, (Fork, -rho is Apt Yea -died the age of vas active 1«i) to a few. Blau ] elfaa t statzart hOxesK ern iatttltl tax t ave: fluid. tt'eMt of scarlet it'tattx the Mallymo orth C»bi vay. In the 4atuily naaatSedl I.raunett the Ino tiror died ,and other deaths last' e since reel. "1'ltda loaott and month disease in t1te Sotdth has now :rasstratted r:ttlzk:.r ala ataitt,g proportions. The out- break at Thuries and Texnnpplencaore has now extended into County Tip- perary. of~1. large the .X /lumberO lave been drafted from. *;.rictus entries to augment, the forces in Cork and. Tipperary, owing to ,the outbreak of forst-tarad - mouth disease. A disease similar to infantile par- alysis (which is prevalent in the Irvinestown district) has broken ottt in some districts in. Ulster.. Miss Carroll, a nurse in the Lurgan Union; has s dried from it. A dirszt,strous -fire occurred on the Gastultinch estate, Porta,rlingtlon, when the old historic mansion of Mr: Richard IVarburton, J.P., b.L., was com.plebely destroyed, The Loss Ts est aated.aut .35,009. Ladies Live Longer. Shall we ever revert; "bo the days when ren sand women lived; to well over five score years? It is possible. Deana of to -day have already re a_ to 0 n Cures tk+' 115; t l e get $lt&e b#alt Y )tM "4#6/M",C9n' tttl2ts lad, itat5 ld of thoughts Ulu I) 1 1a►11d ?int in him-, it left; .14ern'escape. ;+ cork hard to obtain btti« t tate dt esn't n+eees-, attfi, she will take in se:rubbing in older to t 'h 9i t • f =¢ To Jit C bort lwcaizt<Yy ilegctt t , and Rheumatism far 7 ---Now mita Is ,,t Well! t IiI3ri1 aafaN. " 'axis. Graves for Puitpies i%o ieal 1 WI and ,S_TzRt'vIEN 1'ins„ The, I e prcdza0 of the Pazxfsia; craving for ilio bizarre is to din! a /to vhzno se,. 547'84 Ca::I Z417, T freak, ➢ P. ate, : ,nig • acy mnak,('s e } .C ^t eo ppr .eat <4f C ,t orf a F.2 a: a at Ion 1" 1 c s t d tlt d `lEe ! r .0 a to+fir e rlt.,e ? 1114,far ' .•ns *r . riow;i t thoughts, way ter twin Ruh:ay falls t -A ill Eby a irl^f kst two fetadt go t'haDt 1got ix & tla Ty2tl# t11, cur ,dai8k tile' 2"d thy tuft c b4,r ict114ia.I ARMS SPUND LIVES IN COrrf,,i , .. rid tw i*Hc idl 1 s' Cout,lis Doesn't Disturb The Stomach, ,Eases 'at Once and Cures Thoroughly, ATARR}-!OZONE" A BOON TO MANY THOUSANDS. )3eeause you are old is no reason or suffering with everlasting cough. nag—those terrible chest troubles and tiiilicalt lireathing can be thoroughly cured with Catarrhozone. You breat ze the heals g vapor of Catarrh. 't beak a ozone,' and instantly its rich balsamic , outlay. fumes are carried by •our breath iinto .iM the tiniest recesses of the nose, throat, o,. chest, branchial tubes and lungs. Just think of it ---a direct breathable . a medicine, 'full of soothing, antiseptic, t` pine essences that reaches every :sore, ' t congested membrane in two seCands ] t No drags to take --nothing to harm or sicken the stomach, because Catarrh - ozone is the purest, :safest cough, ca tarrh and cold remedy ever devised, .are o4 falai The 1 o Add vice Pacific the work 'c West is proctlr d? . ., hundred feet on tit, been driven, about 5b tb td)fltnrr,,,a v haedieirte Ali d"& Z s gat. .- retiiein ant; TYN t t'o1u.n tldlieat4 tunnel in the Breven side have rite cent. of the approach has heel) cut on the end. Mr. G. Sullivan, who chief engineer for the West, 1,,wbo . out planning work' anQrl seeing' that when iilan efficiently carried oak, has just, roturnievi from It visit to the tunnel. .1) ho stales is being proceeded la in rinst vigorous and ,sne- -fill mariner. lir. Sullivan t a this programme will Mean, for the doubletrack work; but there re also about 60 miles of new line be laid on thopraiiie. nails and ies will be a, big item ; the work on he tunnel will tall for 1 lays; whale the double -tracking al- ays postulates big disbursements. a•Gre nots .rattly uty, but ext al . - There is the greata tri of avivid green lezagllty t tpettz1 ! bblek, of 'inky biackne. aav 'oilier $afi, sugar, hone, sud kizwg anti fruit -picking lairds 'fre various parts"tkf Africa and Ind)" queen whydah is n. little hi which, though zm larger than sparrows, has a tail over zz,'foot in length, Then Mere are Java spa, rows of snow -like -Ivihiteness ran I°r C'oulrl's painted finches. veritabi n ec1 post -impressionistic rd 4`Fror many years,:“ writes Richard is be MeCallum, Stirling, Ont "I hav thisi -work-, as lfr. Sullivan tints out, is part f th pre- hawked and coughed, so that my pa throat was always in an inflamed, ir-: ritable condition, "Doctors medicine did not help me In the least, and al( other remedies I 1.)v-`' used were quite treeless. In one ease 00' it was time wasted in snuffing powder tei up the nose; in another using a greas an p rovided for las b year. It rt. of a great plan which is to - aclually realized from -ear to cl able -tracking of the entire sys n. This alorre, weuldi take, year d many millions of diollars. rk,. however, will ha Oresecate tment, and so on. Not one of the? s the least bit of good. '1 heard Catarrhozone favorably ken of, and tided it. Reall 't b flted me more in a few hours than i ges The Canadian Pacific- has, spent be 'rracrly. Ouite recently the Lon.- P° icipn Times r6eorded the death of ten otio.ogenanians in one day, seven be ing women,:, An eminent physieiar; gays that the essential ca,use of di Oath is a wearing out from over- work of our b rain cells. IVOinen be just as hrainy as men, btit clo not work their brain eelle as -vigoroirSly Or as contrinuoltslY 1818 do their male relatives. If they did there would not be so great a dig - panty in the length. of life of the two sexes. wo wit years of treatment with dectors' and other so-ealleci remedies. ' "Receiving such Immense benefit, I continued using Catirrhozone,.and In a few weeks I was completely cured of Catarrh and throat trouble."' size costs $1.00, and lasts. two months. Smaller sizes' 2.b'e. 'and 50e. All deal -I fore now, from $50,000,000 to S.100,- 000,000 in the West d,n a single sea- . It has moderated its anti • thas year, tar 1914 wall not be arycar 1 is not without interest ta know (When idle lather was in eha,rge, "of ,1-110 of' imp° liql nit plait way men, Al .cre at I work the Ca)ial ho pad. oulb t"250 000 00f) most bizarre and tityring colorings Close upon 1.400 canariPs of di verse kinds, the iinneb-ba.ek-ed Bel giati.species, crested varieties white specimens, and Yorkshires an Lancashires, are ail represented stitutes a, bird -lovers' paradise, When a TiToman Suffers With Chronic Batkache o It The Tells 0 difion by u Form inszu bunions bY tiro 04 gledtm its The gent h for ti in 144 de ITIS Inject • rs X11 ready baked to auxcetr, wboie, 2leel)" and full aver d, Resting only is So lc ening The Waiter Th ruck t sevsnovIiiting appie; how 11,117ti:iYalcig)(!)t't7 get ey'd all gone I Strike r 04 .isr Protruding Pile ghee See, ps . Service. t' the under cove magnify, .sir, and make the ortio tine .00k larger. A ew treatment of chrome i and asthma and pulmonary o was outlined recently be Paris Aeadenty of Medicine by AI. Guise; who stated that he " instrument devised by frim.s If inject Into the bronchial tubes by way of the mouth and larynx a re.- iatively large quantity of medicinal substance in a solution of an oily Experiments, said M. Guisez. had shown that stich injections impreg- nate nob oMy bronchial tubes but the whole pulmonary parenchyma, I thus constituting an extremely effi,- The method was shown to be of un- doubted efficacy in eases of eNronio brondutts, asthma, and pulmonary There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a /arge and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing WOmen, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Stich Suffering isn't natural, but it's tiangerous, because due to diseased !The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptonis df kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance -of Dr.- Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat - of the trouble. • To give- vitality and power to the G - kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder anti liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so sua 1 cessful as Dr. 1-tamilton's Pills all womanly irregularities their naerit is well knoten. Because of their mild, soothing., and ) ihealing effect, Dr. Hamilton e Pills are P safe,' and are reconnnended for girls -41 and women, of all ages. 20 cents per f„. box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- in stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- rs„.1,1 drake and Butternut, ' It is elairoed that paltients suffer - ins with either simple or doable neirene were invaxiably cured tions, ivilich are likely in the future to revolutionize the treatment of these disea,ses. Iwould You do if You had a hall-bain, , Call wants to kneW will you trUst her for ,our ed fellow like that in your' ofilee ? i •ee hare,, Peggy, aid You, tell 1 mother that I was one of tlae 1 ahc lchow,it without needing to 10'.1 -cent atamps—ane wants to send -igge away, some postal phOtOgraphs of Wo, oar new automob/le. t IN PILLS FOR WOMEN lead What Mrs. :Barris Says Ahont A•rrs Tiarris of, Tyneside Ont nowe. all about . GIN P.CleLs. am" ow tqlring my third box of •- she ivrItes. "Tile pain across' y back and i_s_.-idneys has almost en - rely gone. was a great sufferer 005 Rheumatism, but it has all loft No Change. nort herself in her Affliction at los- "A v f ``t only one ,mmtoisio t2aammtn" Fet the genuine, call ror run name, Mins: tor signature of E. 1V., °nova Cures thought I et Cold io One Day. 26e, me at once. right for Prinelple. am never without it now. id you oppose that motio Oct. 25et. tr meeting r asked one lady. "Oh, I had nothing against the motion. But the menzber who made it opposed a motion of mine and it the first chance I have had to get What are Co.. Limited. -with Quirisr and ENT ond it cured einard:s Liniment lased by X, yercian snaith—nta dog 1 bought of you 11{)DIviesalaelrl--nlitgabvbelyou tried sitting up and entertaining hini, sir ? Try Muirkte EYe Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyeat or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —S9odies Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Ilifunne Eye Remedy, Liquid, 2Se 50e, 2.50, .50e. Eye Books Pree by Mail: 410 Om Vont* Gtood for filigree Cdaod Cara wife* Ere noirsed7 Co.. Chicago Little George (to physicia,n)--"I ay, I don't think you look like a ,amma told papa that you was an id to the prom---inent lawyer. Begging the Question. "I ha,ve come to consult you," she TVitat is the trouble ?" "I have received three proposals ,marriage, and I do not know .to accep hat if I knew would co " yo inry he aske{1 his law3,er when or any other lawyer ?"' If is Prescription, "And how long, doctor, should I , stick to this plain, inexpensive diet which you recommend 97 "Why—er—iintil ray hill is paid." Ask for rizinard'e and. take othork, Lord Stratheona's Maxims. Be content with your lot, but al; ways be fitting yourself for come- -thing higher, Only cheerful persa,: venance will bring you to a, better position; "grumbling won't help you fin inch. Do the work yourself ; don't depend upoL the influence of friends on your behalf. Oppor- tunity comes to sca'ne uteri mere frequentdy than to others, but tlhere are very few it does not visit aft some -time or another. Follow the, old oountsel : "Trust in Providence and keep your powder dry." :_are madie ace0erdarintgedto aomforzmula biya use nearly a century ago amo L)r. Morse. Though repeated at- t,crupts have been made, by physi- the pills. Dr. Iiilorec'4. Indian Root est t world for Con. pat on. end ICiciney and Liver troubles, They 3:orted lierself all the time lie w, -as 'Yes It's looking jarie„,s ever saw:), dead in kve comes .to agai