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Exeter Times, 1914-4-23, Page 5
B DAT A]?'E/111 3. sz h n you to a dea sa A yo 039 an 0 Y Phonograp u do not hear an Edison There is only one Edison and only one Pho4ogra g s Brame. Thet:4SM; Plan a ° P�'z ons achievement. e fs he pe Fie invented and ]t and ear.:.: feted it, He is responsible for its lifelike Records t,en � eAg#hernis, ul�bxeakab , >xllt� and lasting � ��, ��a3'�� �n� tng a liife e e 11 _ r u. IRdestrt✓4IIlG'" a iond'repr uci[i ir3t .never hang{ . this' _~ las recently .,.ct noW cabinet of thing of beam y ktsef and a Marlrt4 Of s ca! erfectioil I1 wm M, Heli" thtt w dyilxo* wow white stt slangs and nt- vaua s t rc zama :x to rt,titotds oto 0t CaaaadA trr3 lam# NO VAce4.:.ON cQrt lAuttilessCollege taOTTOi*I 48. F. WART Clubbing Rates. We tan nave lou Isom 45 to u0 iv by anbstiriblwn,t; for ]our diaiIy weekly papers at this -Office. bests rima are for Cantrell $ns+ 1 T1.1).3 MIXES AN'x} "a+nsl3 ]learld and Weekly Star ,ecifyAlai/ and E,,.... »a1 8a mpkiv 7 ?6 'Iatriechly Globe ` ...175 'Weekly Lotden -Free Press 1 85 "Weekly London Advertiser 2, ?5 'Work!, Moetreal 'IVc kly a z more Sitrn Witness 1 $a a 'r ere Advocate �,, 1 440 rw Vara; and .]:}airy I $5 t tfhe Caxadian Earn;Earn;,.. 3 $5 11 fl'oronto Saturday Might ..2, aD .I Waiiy ;News . ,:2 40 1 p Wady Star �.. .,:....... 0...2 '41 Wally World ...» 25 .tdornin r London Free Press ....,Vi' 50 `mS ;inn l.acdon l±'ree Press Ei 00 wily London Advertiser 1014rietian Guardian t;i�IVr ale r. la ATA ding iL�:lx;th Al e eel ni Ell *"+1 ratrgtaot �ltx're.. "tT$irl1 oto toit4o a sw txer a ltTDh ItarracrI u rlt#ire :tl llroun l, O '14tor t f int -.s m I Mars For 20 t'siil(IA or ]"andon and for tete ;i znr part oC that time waswasawe- tire „Western Onto ion able etv tOdell had 1,1k•. rt a distributing Brit JtcttCiherehten,linfnciivt.ti work to ha t tltthe in .'ilnorli,a.t 1aintt;tery^ but ihtecee .tor - ,ad ulna to go into more, congenial During ,rii g .hts residence in Lon- don le resided on I/icbntond 'Strada Two sears ago he came to, 'the resi- dence of his Son. 1)r .J, '11", Orme ww.here Le hart .1i4•1 Iver since. tic is survived by two tsar), and two dough. ziera i». J. W. aeon • of this place, Der T. 1). Orme of Lgicm; lues -Emma Orme of 'Credito .and Mrs, Fullerton f srn'er. ,'lire, Orme predeceased her husband tour Yore. the funeral w as held on Ttnursdey morning last rom the residence of his sort, here, nterm,ent toking plume al Atoned ,'asant Cemetery London; OD r tt etc, days. erl2ng ;tinesa l lift sis.ce Bits rt zta two years Cel /let the atge A[ re lira, Ocnn t'. of*• ev• 7C to, .:t SO 45 Q 0 DAIEY VALUE r : In the roinmercial world it is reaa n'aiblo to iassuhie -thea what 3'ou pay red Whet you get determine value; law ;price, -in itself, does: not spell lue, price:,Raid quality, togetitier de- rmine value. 1 , As eppiied to the dairy herd; how ticks this work out/ A farmer does ot, necesearily buy a cow because e price is low, he wants quality; tri this 'c;ise duality may be interpot- ed, to mean dairy capacity, oil ab- ility to produce plenty of good ruin:, If the does not purchase, possibly the heifer coming unto milk. .,has been raised et- rather too higfh' a cost so that her dairy, quality is impaired: th 'may net be of the right stock, `t is ter ,a, dawn of a deep milking. alities and a ,sire of known ability a very Woman to about ;he' ondeshould lCnoy d marvelWhirling Spray n Douche fb .. Yc armlet for .• "-42.. if he cannot cappap -� -eta R'EL, necept rao eats e. but seed stainer for illus, berated book-sealo3. it gives .ran ";rrni ll. totesra and e' isectioreenvalaateo 14avrt rnsonstm.ex,yCO..yl,indsor.Ont +tah eater:el Ar.ruts for tannd"a. QU TAKES OFF DANDRUFF Tars HAM 1 �ry+�p d all may /rave suffered froth the JT0PS .. PA1 T m a ry �];aley core, -the ,is, what . you tack of the _right food. be other pert > of elite value side of eve yc your Hair! Get a.�5 bent bottle eget of Danderine.,right now -Also n;a stops itching scalp. ler • _- ,ord qua Irn, "brittle, coTariess and. scraggy ed fir is Mute evidence of a neglected ing alp; of daxtdruff-th-at 'awful scurf, i 1,1:4, .'leers "is' nothing, so destructive to , wrlaic Mise bsir as dantprnii:.-It ,robs the hair + biy, 'of :its lustre,.. its strength -and Its vory + F' 1'1 "Xfoe:reventually producing a feverish- of s sa and itching, of the'sca]p, which n <11 mot remedied' causes the hair rdots ' orues i ;shrink, Ioosen and die -thein .the para, : r' falls out •fast.' •;A little "Danderine iII S i lizas> i yQrtr iia r any' time --will surely II' feed Get :la.' i;5 cent bottle of Idnowl'ee "s i . '1 t ianderine -from any drug store Yost : )rites air and lot ft, if ,you will rent t a little Ila; ki 'Save your ; ItAtet','- Thy it - froth . her is right in the. dairy' re's own. lha ;ds. Ile earn easily de - mine each cows voted or ' elairj', lift„ -by. beeping individual rec- s or ,production. ^I'lien if ,he wish- to girt- wifhea geed Cold hire sell price is enlnaaced le rearo,v",of L eer i,ificai.e of Value , ,her record b helps t,o fix t.lfe price. Bight noels ,true ecouom3';'-tire factory -on ;vitt. the -hh•glhesi conception 1 tdue •n'u11 - buy -; or raise .zing lit„ anal know, by his oe n �simple, ' rec., !belt., •enact cote in One bard .e - rely,: ant averaged ins a lump fits deal of value. ' Fix a.,gcod Stan- 4naJce, each cow pay;: lilt and r rcord farms are' eupirlied free :. bis tae: ])airy .C"oinnieseioner. Ot- i • urelyr can have beauttfel ii Ir"w x tt.n ANDERSON ane specie/ Laster aorvlces wheat; W4i e conducted nodes the Anel tree; of the` 4uxlliary of the W. 31. S ;fere a de ,id. d sbeccssr D$rs, Itev 11 x9 ; Graham of Lod .gave two very-. instructive and interesting ieddrevies or. Missionery wort. her theme ie, the nnorr inn 'Women's- work among wo- en ha the Foreign field" ,and in the odoo Our responsibility" 31rs. A I.- ...loo of Greenway. ,also added, i1 teT s. t. �t to the of :t he ocr'vtces, About 30 meunh�:rs eeeupi.:d the choir 1of :zed iteruished ;music fila the day, at he EnQ ' ren - ed a chores, Selo ,pees ladies dines tak. e Tk IT ° S rs Arson 3i2d, arse ,(,,r I'S rtt, alstn a solo by Miss trab'e Oen- nag The cver;ing neetiogrIvan hPcn- ed by a sor'g service, alter which ;edeett with Chorus parts taken by Miss Glary ' nveiteer end Bliss Pym after which a deco was Tendered tpy -urs, Gollioes and Miss Pyre., also a rft:artette ccmpescd "v}< AIre, Beavers, Mrs, (3olliags, l%Itss. ,G, liaidieg, .znd Hiss G. Peon, Miss, bleu 1 i dersora :rtd Mr, J. Wal.k.3 acted as 'ushers and Tra,1 Ii; ,y4a 3 indl,Y presider: at. tlxe ergen in her rascal fabttless styt l'hz church ;Bas. very nicely decorated able for^ Eine veeasian with Li€ties. rrnatit ra :Triilcax eke, as n eeseit rat heli names were added to our ro5l also en Life. over $21.00 wit as a.,d on the pla =i as ` hank O;, €eT.ng n c TH E T E T1 s 'foolish to Suffer from Stomach Ills l I the „rase of euflering froth he°irLbierri and other diswtareeabl4 Y '[ts n s ctaused by Dyspepsia Hod len- d4,estiort wx;lzem we offer you the prix iilege of using Reran IJi-epeprie Tab,; Jets entirely • t t'n our risk, i,-ith,the. ai;• ;tF nr_t F n Y 4. to rG r' �" i R.I. ..#. 3 1 ti z ai _ don't relieve your etomach trouble and make yoiu erornaeh comfortable and your.digesui-p easy they `tell S 11 t cos 01 �, - crest Y >; a. a r. .,. !f' they dee't do all you expect them to do, tt e want yo to tel , tell 1 35 awl . *rive. '• et S ; tE ick yoaar t4ton':-S, We know what they have done for others s:; m1 what they are Rade of. That is why we have too iideriee ih' thein. ;`room other 'things flirty contain. Pepsin and `k3i neat, two of tlae greatest rdigestive eis]s lcnowvp tp med- ico/ science, 'i'Aey -00 he and tom- " the stomach relieve heartb i artel distress pronaot.f: #;;In st•cretiaaz of stric ,juice end he!' riial:eearls>. bRttels reg&;iar, jure believe t : be by r 11 odds ltlte hest remedy toe iig t c,t *ou or dys epsi2 ever £Yantis e b l cy4nx evil say 50 torr once' tlta trace lewd them, /4 you. eloti`r In S ;tell coet you nothing. iSoid oa3, S ai he more thin 7,114 Itereit Stew s :4rid ere this Q'awva oely at our stow inree sizes eSe 50e and f$1.09,..ole .ci tote Ifo o t 6 o Bald z sr p3kltt$I ' AQ tnr flair fet l',ettl q thin, a4 it21, r'olor, or:ho* !hat to ad 'c.rag 011,1z'artpce trio, 1,vid3 s#t to andrgflf ed fzvif the azar roots, proiieriy. e r e t Tilled daily for a tttect. caecess"tzra Illy as :oil that gent "e4 d.iodruff with foiling fair d titching -head 4ttatea tate smakes ekes doll ixy heli eoft. Ubaudaat and .rads .v.as 1 Equally ,deed for :me Ideon -over), ono aaeada ttfe of this delightCttt he It aad'.froot Nr. *ter for ,GO cent :T" tt?►sliti ' age, �tlttt as 'good„ TI, t- oaten The Into re 4s1hoelted tc ra. I?`federitai; .__.. _. Rha Ilea Jeanie "T.'lt occurred' in Tltd al, roecutly Valero i 1 ritical opt, ,4 1 lad been in fE Ttalior' 'of mon 1 hon, operation wasRthp li o other life. lint iertt..trtSL 10 a very good: otic t?ro �^nhr. it that sbe never rallied on So turdaay April ins at ere brought home eon tx.•pin, it7!,he totterai Tuesday ,a#ternoon lost tterlded. Thebeautiful tb nwa flhire wvin3t ll were given by - all fnrtint nrt,.lni ati0 ia wi ,. o fait lily servers bore 'vit- r s oP her worth 'anal :appreciation alt. Beach earn e r tr• villagers o *Mil of 'so utaiden s*lateh at] Attn lies_ i jtta , on- o r It T al iTe xrrtcrs in this striation ore plowing uinil tittending- te the spring work in general. irtessrs :AToore alroy, have installed In front of their herdnare axil gen- eral repair emporium an nwatonnatio gasoline filler tor autos, rarryiner tette gasloine frond en under ground tank. et the rear of their premises to the street by Pipca. Our painters kind pacer hzngeris are rus,tied with work and we -believe.` a number of of careens intend have ng their dwtellings:sepctinted. Our coencil ,have begun improve- 1uennts ort our streets end the grader is doing good ;tone in the way of lev- elling the sides and giving the waterl a T1an. iitessrs TDrysdaleark Bonthr n' nd�Drysd f the le has treated :himself to nes auto. Mr, Andrew. Johnston has return- ed Iron Detroit where .he Wag 'vis inrg relativesi.ri.nd friends,. Iit n Easterntor r 'holidayswitty ttv spent the her aunt Airs, J. Sutherland. Iter N. P. 'itrarrerner, recently pur- chased ,Cron the 21IeEwven Estate .tine dwelling on Queen Street :Iformerty i owvtned by Mr, Hugh, McDonald. Mr, Ben Ifaggarth rind 1ltiss Annie spi'p't the .lioli'days with their par.en ts, 11Ir, Band Hire, Porterfield spent .Fas ter with their retetivse at Clifford and we. believe Mr, Porterfield " and family intend making their new ,tonne believe an IIarriston. Trr Heywood ,has returned from the hospital in Clinton, 'where he under- went am opera tion ;for appendici tis and la getting ion weii, Miss• Rilty ;veto has .been ,spending have a nurnbe.n; of months with her '„reel g mother here who is to very poor heal- th. returned. to n•esurnra her position iii .a large bank in ,Calumet Mich. ZU aS rr#ottg !!Bost# wv10 R 7laster `Iaolida3•e3 stere, -fv,,kr'ti14 Appel of it ri af'Teareetq ° 3fr, tttt fir. "1' it+, officer `^tr:tkftrrrl, rlalltl J#yi+nston of tilt. 1;Olean', 1 ton.; =t e r;s. de kk, otic of Ti.eiotToroota. ctf rsnat,� r, ood .0frs, it+sn. 11a&beiner et.£ 1.'" 'too. 3T,s, e e Tedi .rd Selart Wee- r/CM, tTa Sent; left for Detroit 4he vitt visit for ;.# few days res wielded for ;?a 1p'n`� i'eet'lttly aVit'ta l.as d�att; It k 5ecittlTlttDlr lsraa rolroxt bgr� ref T?.t,i43:01, aiaffTtt tin : # ad Tit am 11 U. S. Forces May r T K4 Action ill? rl Few HOW'S. ougresS G!t en Almost lentinr/wee `ori ,7port r President l to rhe Iesnrlertk fat His ,tftzerta,--e astoires,o tTom pi co cn rernd Ver•a. r'rue Will lE;oSeixeel k 1 Qart Delay. WASHINGTON,;fart! 21. -R- ]n tkdirt3-six hzoursossi p , bllY less, the United States Goverienent will have taken possessiean of the dfe„dean eals- torne bailees at Temple° and Vere 4rur%, Ue:tailed Platin for lattdirag of mare lhes a t t these two important coast towns were completed at a confer- ence at the Wielae Tlo lse Secretaries Presideoir Wits n hBrrao, o ,- Dryarn, Garrison and Dap#els,Major-General Wood and Pear ,Ad nlirats Flare and Dine and Jotan Lind. "No order to the army' and Pert will be issued to-might,;"F vzas the. - 1 flolitacernennt: made after the salt#er .' erice, action •teanperarily heio<, r refer - ed ed motel Congress nets on tlne Soirnt re solution aiiittrctwiug tee P:eeidears `rpose or utaipa tee armed fereee Of '; o t'Tiite0 `ltetee to e, force La dee ''vet Ifeerter rrowir#g out rres.t at Talrtpko of Anaorlaara its. seltatiou Pes4ed the Rouse 1*byavote eta Ttoi 7,ti£, Cllr#tett debate. For s venal. wolx eozasidered by tie San.ate tol;ttltatts Committee with 0 0l! arz ail-zt!gltt session nt ss 11441 tett' d, until t;Q"daywore out bYfi in rF rtt xottred after haring on o lead hod the ressn totlob >wdtll p r k'ope �'latob ntted States t a Aatu. ur al untie F, " atdlt stall. Rheumatism, bago and Lame ck n be .cureri,by t'he great fruit ki 3,' and liver „remedy, FIG PILLS .tar mkt®rd Qak„ Aug 13 won for int°, ibe tie ai s p c d t n fiiTe 1 Fa 1.f y � e >1 L' 8 til owe ewe is�v Iz m to to Your S remedy. di i .you circ at :liberty to publieh this. I{ ill. Callihan. At all dee firs 45 -toad t1 rents or mailed by The .fig t=1 Go, tat, Thomas, Ont, Sold et ?low.y�s fixag ,store,. 1. it{ t dl ie Pitts hate 1`'orke 11 rItON 0 D BOYS ,E Celluj0 CHANGE 01 DATI; tjAs"nr,r to the inability of rere o _-i. t.. 3 thea rhil= ], yrly ears S,n t"?Ip, �ith. of Jiab- The date gr'i'p i U - derided t. On ter tint- 7luron Old Boys- Tsxcnr„o� 1 .roe t Toror.to the .I aseentive have d:- rri'7to teltaLge the date to Jon;: 27 .i 0 l 4 ._.at edgy in that ra©raiin. ;, lnol > tt,ts Is ' 1xfilDe a rIb2 - thatn las- i tr l it is ata,t .antieiipaic'tl z ln;it it wt•>Il ' any material difference; lrcaard than ,tai ice elate. as e w It hes Been the T KNE. tsiel y Yielded ToLydia ?den's Vegetable tf� t�.il Faltitr?ore, ?Kd, lad %3 'What 1~rydis. Veget Ponied Gic1 • _ .. suereti drestda Pains and eras ltery. irregular. 1 hecamis tlsrc edeud:Bentf'A aytiia 1. PinkItarn's egetable Cozy»: mid. took it reg,,, srly mitt ` vas itlnout a cramp or pain and felt like another Terson, and roo;iths sir ce 1 took . 1 }lope my littler 3sist y ozi iR helping other woe t, I zu w feel perfectlyw=Bell and iar e best of health.,"" - - Mrs. Attous- iTATr�J>�I R, 1.632: . !!1,- s Street, Hal - 0 ad- ieengera- for 11/1- r Vringthnn; and i r- to lcait at a line for the 90' Op fo TyCriela' ME.d.Pialthsra's Vegeta le dregs, end to -day bolls tire reeoed of bethg the Most euccessfel remedy for female Dis we know of, and thonsauda f voluntary testimouirris oll file le the inhbara inhOratory at Lyn; lades., CM 4 prove this fact, For thirty years it has been the stand- ard remedy tor female Pis. And hos re - who halm been trot/hied With suth ail- ments aa displacement*, inflernmation, tion, tumors, irregularities, etc, you 'want 5petedfa, I advice' YOUr letter 1‘,111 he opened, lecharge e held at t ert; relent) Mrs, 4ttbew bah visiting ther pari, .1oba JOU. Rourke. visited Jeho Gooding on Sun - Mr, Andrew Keogh, las left St Joseph's Hospital London, for :De- Lror',00.. where, he is under a plaYsioiala's Mete Janet 'Gooding end Anetin ("artily and; Mr, JOhn Gooding visited Miss Hattie Finbbtrintr visited her consin Miss Minnie Ignkbeiner Inas .7aneb Gooding and Miss Hebei Lynch. called on Miss Nell ifeogh Sun- daY evening. *Airs, McKinnon has returned to ber house 1n Shipka for the 3surnmer. Guaranteed Relic from all Stomach His If your bowels ore out or order, 111. eight, end to -morrow you ;rill feel ere -cat. They taste good and ect <so 40E5- hat `there Isn't a particle of griping et purgine, !nor the excessive looseness that Sollowis in the taking of salts end most pills. They soothe and etrengthen the 'bowels promptly unlikely to (recto' ;again. We don't "believe there is any other bowel temedy enywatere near as good pleaseat to take, es Dexall Orderlies, We know you. agree Witt; us end von about then]. If they don't satis- fy ecru in every 44 -ay come back and. len us, und we will give' back your money without. word or question. You END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Diapepsin'" makes Sick, Sour Gassy stomachs surely feel fins in fiye Minutes. If what you is souring on your stomach or lies -1111e a linup ref lead, retuning tligest, yon belch gas and, eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness nausea, bad t n mouth and stomach h can got blessed rel1ef in fiv'e mieeeteo Put, au end to stontsch trouble forever by getting 4 largerlifter,-e01it- ease of 'au realize in five neintiteiiw need-- ess it is to suffer from' 1ndigestion. pepsin or any stomach disorder. 444, Mexico United with tile Pa wools, thou the abo houses ericao in olved 'by United the Vnited St emends upon Yict-ria er unequivocal amends to e overn- his Government by Gen. Tinerta and is representatives.'1 A bill to appropriate 5 03,000400 be expended by the President was ntroduced by Senator Chamberlain, eliairtaan Of the military affairs con). tnittoe, to which the bill was referred. The Chamberlain bill provide$: "That the Preelderit of the 'United Elates be and he Is hereby authorized to expend in bis discrete-% for the national defence and for each and every purpose conuected therewith the sura of fifty rail/ion drilars out of any• moneys in the Treasuo- not oth- erwise appropriated, which 51-Itla shall remain available until expended!' Tills is identical with the bill pass- ed before the war with Spain. Justilication Strong. LONDON, .April 21. --The an editorial on tbe Mexican crisis, says this morning: "'The crisis has come in a form which, as sincere friends of the Amer- ican peop/e, we could well have evish- ed different. Their justification for forcible Interference in Mexican at - fairs is far stronger than the parti- cular pretext upon which" the Presi- dent decided to abandon his policv of waIctui waiting. What About Japan? 13ERLIN, April 21. ---The German press as a rule is remarkably spar- ing in comment on the Mexican situ - The TaeglIche Rundsch- t, asks: "What will Ja."an, the natural elle-- m.71ot the Milted Santa-, do, and what wiD the other powers do?" The Boersen Courier sees in Gen. iee You the opportunity, as o:e here- Iluerta's refusal to salute "The first by do, to tlry them or: our risk adraission that he does not feel s to ation est pocket tin boxes 10, 25, matt 50 cuts. You can buy Itexall Orderlies at the Resell Stores nad in thie town SEAFOHT11 d„ After en illne.ss of less than a, -weele Mrs. Alexander Sethorland 3passed -aerey• at ,their house in ,Sea.Corth on residcet of 4Seaforth end ',her sudden den Lit is a se vere bereayement '. to her husband ond fame.), eo nhoni the sincerest eyntpatray of mil will be ex- , mete. The for,tral took place on , I son only dangliter ,of 31r, Silas Atkin - i 4epril 1511.1 tool,: place Friday from ;, .,,,a; ealued member dreve from • Sea. t *reit fo :atteocl. the tumoral. • -1 o his positron and le now playing his lase trump earlier than was ex- pected -namely, the pollee of rally- ing all, elements in Mexico against 0' foreign aggression." Pa-on:Orient Belleville Man Dead. Verinilyea, vrell-known and popu- lar citizen of this elt3r, died yesterdaY morning, aged 53 years. He had been for some tirae in the shoe trade with his father, A. W. Vermilyea, and eva.s al ia a of the Belleville Shoe Co., a wlaolesa.le establishment. A. M., and major and paymaster of the 15th regiment. A widow one son and two daugheare survive. Huron Goes Dry May 1. GODERICH, Ont., April 21..-T711- 2ertainty in regard to the -license sit- uation in Huron County has been eleared et by a message from, Hon. Mr. Hanna to the effect 'that the Government wilfearker out ite pledge, Phis means that licensee,throughout he county will he t '1 1111 be 0 very deep yid( h the upper ler kimono ; sleeves, While the lower portions ere sewed te it. and the I ower portions of the blouse are siightiy gathered. The lines are the newest and most fashionable possible, and the blouse is one of the useful kind available for meaty purposes, for it is charming made from any tbin and soft material, the fashionable crape, the net that is so MlIeb in vogue and similar fabrics that snit it to perfection. The blouse in- cludes seams Oier the shoulders, bet the sleeves are cut in one piece each. blouse is most becoming to a slender, graceful figure, het for the stout ;Tomei) it is taboo. When select- ing styles too few people Vent of ap- propriateness. ' For lbe medium size the blouse will require three yatds of material tvventy- seven inches wide. with one aed a quarter•yards of plaited lace for the This May 04anton pattern is cut ht sizes from 34 to 44 Metres bust measure. Send 10 cents to this office, giving number, ltOfi, and it will be prOmeny forwarded to you by mail. lf baste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage. When Ordering use 'coupon. tie 11 hill la iltalotapt arra wager von elite. roger you Tk la.44 halt that ge there Iwo yerre## nod 44 day earl of you, I'm yurt rail my irstril?" 'rho tortoise Itiollfelt for 11 ;nutrient eon' then meswereil that lte did. Ile " dilek lettY of turtle, and. a* 41 been sold as to *bow he wns reach Ids denlitnitit10, be Schen ed to (Taw; to ihe oearest reeks Of an text,rees trate. "I believe 1 eotahl make it throe years and then win.'" said the bare as be started off. Nutt two ,y1l1IN glitl$, by. ohl stick in the inuti!" The bare gailloped oil' at tire rute of destination in two bones. He was mit- a bit wben be beard talk of a rear end collision down the rood, with litany killed end itrittred. arta he gat - loped down to tire 'spot eeo about it. The engineer had failed to see tile danger ei;nrat. The emit -hes bed been reduced The (eremite- writs pecnnising "tire most rigid ierestigetion " The railroad telieires were laying the biome ou row. Tbe tdrtoirte tree ;intone the tiered, "Geed' exeleinted the hare when be found him, always tietogin legs. beat brains. but w trete; would "1 ha va beer) if this trait( hailiel been wreelted by net of henvene" Aforal.- Anti that's where the coro- ner's Jury laid the blal»e. "'1 tlept. Sol) knoll' enough le Iteeri,, "Dom. My wiftes [molten 'emit Is' going to live with 41K., "I can't. She's going to Hever-id; us In her house.'-CleveIned lee it; Dealer. Startling Suggestion. "Darling," bt; murmured, ite soon as they were seated in the high /irked restaurant, "you rim have anythittee you want on the menu. reail "No." replied the deer ater•13 "juet eael A WOMAN'S MESSAGE To loOtrilEN. If you are troubled with weak, tired feelings headache, backache, bearing down sensatioes, bladder weakness, cons. tipation,idatarrhat conditions, pain ie the sides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, sense of /ailing ortnisplaceinelit of in ternal organs, nervousness, desire to ery, palpitation, hot fiashes, dark rings -under the eyes, ore loss of interest 1M, life, itivite yeet home it' merit, cntsrely. po so vete* t� Vita