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Exeter Times, 1914-2-19, Page 2
UNTRY OF YOLB erestitt Are t C nsu A' ra.&:°ch from SO tams saysi: tn£S a:t 2 l`c= lAax'.n of the census of issue on, 'Wednesday, a;.Mn` I - the sG:atist c4 of ages of the bysingle stotals' g yearn, by Y es., �t„_t, for 4'wL!u''S d3$ the t' y also comparative p ' of 11;3 -distribution mho rep periie is, in. 1911 as 1vaf , gestproms -if'sr; per 21.1990 gg � � n q t'a�alder / years iS f tdp 'rovinee r e,, with compared vtit 1.45i in 1x 01, when it also Veld the pre* m e p'esit en , The ]e"est p er- ti,, ,,fond it B ti lColuib , with 1'33.845, followed by 1'ttarfo% with 1,00.316 per '1,,000'; these tw* ;se& oocu fried the same l ' is p ton isle, former n IOs,S' 4:3 e latter ,' Tho provinces, which. betterment at 'ale are ae New era e .vn4i Web 1'shed , 'inz Man toba, �v .h S.°A 8.$r 2 i and 0.3 per 1,,000 reespeotively, ThAt C:iaclia ?,9 Pre--Cia12I-,8'.itraY ru OCAllit ^ 4r .yong ➢g People - deuced � fact- that 81.«9 par- �nno � `inn, '�"t�r+�• k fl€,0 of the�t3t:s,- .7 A gpj S qtr . of known are under 45 0 QZ d1vorces, (Of the tote..., 62: er -cent. are "ed., and 2.33 Ili, a,le poptaat!,eu, pax e sit, a rte single, u6 nevi, and 0,:3i widowed. f 0.-n . filfwen women of ander xgimarled. ill l +,e .u. o$ melee. males are mar i e (, eL 4'atio .. '*U,g gat the eeN0 feet thAt. 101. 114 men to ever, anapared with 106 ftpthe'popubajou Re the propo :°elle, 'ads o $y Breathing '; t4 Rich, $aloarnlo V dol° of Ca,tarrhozone You Prevent ure Aii Head, Nose, ani Throat Disease, Remember this; Yell don't take drugs when using C;ttzrrltozone; You 4i*�xply .inhale a healing vapor that cures evey tope of catarrh, bronchi- , asthma,throat. and 4 t a d n0.e . c p*^ene4a mi irritation. q t...ttQ: S l., No medicine e bri a suet. prompt t re - , . egesta such, ars ievigoa"at2 tg 3r,iitt ecce. a ,ea t„hproughty and speeedily e+Fres throat troubles as "Carart oe enc. " Doctors, hospitals, Bz natart tuns, all say that for those who seffe from changeable weather„ for rhos W110 fare predisposed to catarrh, tun tr4ilble, deafness. or 'brorlchiiin, ar ;eta€went Is so indispensable av "Ca an PIECES OF FARM PRODUCTS bIRXY 943CUleTRZei 8 S# fEJ7cilt'18 83'i BIS li+lCtli$a� aYEc. w who, Cralri. afcits's wti rRaft* at Iietne A{1ro4"11 traadategio. Toronto,Feb, 12:--I''xour---Ontario Wheat ?lout's, 50 per cert,. $3.56 to 83.70,. seaboard, and at. $3.6,6. Toz'onte. Main- tolrat—;,fret patente, in jute bags, $rr,4' dw., eeon@f>, a�,34; strong baler&", itt Sate bags, 84,'i0. laxaitoba wsi;eat--Bay ports. N'`o, i•. Northern, 9'ic. mad No. 2. 9ac., Goderici, 1-2c more, No, 1 Northern, North Bay, $1,02 1-2 and _\o- 2. 3L .ant., Ontario wheat ----No. ,+ at SO to outeide, nad 93 to 04,C. on use's. ' o'r'on- to Oats --No.: oxttarro oats, Sr,,, to 3s /-Se autelde, and at 35 co as A•:'e, on traelt As loco ato. Wester;a t.a &oeBosii?so dor , #O 1,77:a 2c .ot p ...t:,. el 3 Jlay ports Yeah- . 2 at ase to 41,, outside, -w t g o ferirgs small. el , Harley -55 to : outside, Co-z-_'\eti,- No. 3 _tareria3tl, 70e, a,li rail S'vP a tO. Py'e—tic. at 62, to 63o, outside, Buckwheat '-f ti0_ 2 at IA to 76e, out- DIA ut- bas Toronto eight. Shorts, $34toBoTa�nWtotbbran$12.80 a ton. I esr Vlctihl ail ,1a rztig Cate rrfx Ctsr601. d g . OVOI"C 5alit y8.€tt 3g( cupatlon af' furnittice t: ventualiy It devetop The desultory' mode ang gave me, very 312 es •ard ial€Q, and women, la, gni per Cell $ {M ','a 0-reif' fact r� rti6u%rth rMid fa EritiA 'lA sae ithdni' east pr j1 v Print, �w rau t° 1" t wx, with ii2,0* ja ►t«"v sly 'p ; ij, 4howing tlo 1 est k1 skaow imlea -la fairly boning but a 'fla pOpi le 40 P414 ' +l ],y shown, le At males to assume 'spa n longi From yearn► ferude pepu:1 or tenacity of ttr;rad to the Catart Ie tlastl;became 4vl °sate catarrh. & bought a paa:btase< 0 ce[t.a ha ona<, used r dlcectl+ana. and 'have never been bored dance, -1 will die'easy tao i;iad ea ro .ay Informationn. 1 pt,s;ess to In as9fferine 'from the t3isease the bane of nay life two FI WTZ. Tireella�ilie„ Oat. ure, tel` TON( ?1a all. rhozeue. the only ecl3ciai, T1,<a',1r3Qeaills" at -devil. price $1.60, l * al. tt et dull ggi t J', 1� 1R A�i fi'kl'ltlpRU R '' al�n mat ll#1111111;II 11111 lYmillibuit1i11(f)�totiotn111JA1illtiiltt! 1,tputf }f l Hamm axr r B YEAST N WORLD. DpecuNz THE NUMEROUS INFERlIOR S . iIMITATIONS THAT ARE BEING OFFERED -; AWARDEDY-GHE....ST HONDRS AT ,AwdEXPOSITIONS �u�. p,� py����y JAR �..Y O *icl! 1 y■frl, LE/gam i� .V..m� - ,�,pr e�w gq...� ' $gN+ G TORONTO ONT. rtl Q 4TRjM 11+4ttaty'�C a rOdoce, Fret}r Gti,obce darn, .r4to 23 fe Ea 3 to 24e; farmers a=e . , a i a. 22 to 25e; creamery' 1 o- co to 3-? soAtels, 2T is dt}ar•1 p t aE& 1 tv aSe; solAeis, u 1- t© t ea +w-- get /0 F or new laid 3� 11 31 *e>• 404a<t. aior'3ge seleeto, `33 c and gtorttge, 31 to 413e,,Per +donees. c eotte--rfiew chte%*h etto for taa•t esra,i tea+-for'twins. ---ifond-plehed, 32,14 to 32.2 mete+., In Minae 11. to 3« I; combs. 54 acv s. 24 pe to and $2.40 tae .3D 14 he tem axle' rat; t! art 32 F-eztnrzlls $ �i. . 4Wti4 tic#. 3rn 1 1r a .ire ut ea lona, )tacos --3<f tai !al ease bets do.. mese. light. IC to i3 3 tO 13a' backs, T,src — Tierces. Oil?. 14 •affix Be 34344 RAM' A PARAGRAPH Empir Ooode h Jones three lalillfon dollars -exteasions to the tem in, Ontario. ultry Allow 'open - entries, exhibi- Port Arthur to OYER rout • 312 to MOO. 4, !, 'G'tSIFatt*'jli 1etlli The3 rc p taan 17111,0h r ly klrer n on N311, brilli tali. 32 1-4 qj4 lithe Toronto eight Demi rt) Canadian City of Braila* Railway and Railway ha tnilpecti tdl rlc"i rritl, '�"]i detail nl ti t ill e aa+ar under ucl ` gill ezlab ly :las re t* ti est gati Aneric:art tsii ' .stud ;1 y"sr�eian g; AD L' riloa Prnr;llccn ada is Stlt:lii. A despatch from The annual report; of the analyst, tabled on shows that fold Adulter Still prevalent in Canada,, the proportion of impul� food is small. Of 268 saniples of lard, two tere found adulterate -d; of 137 samples of butter, four adulterat- ed; dulterated; 6t samples of eider, 29 adtt?ater-' rated ; 150 samplers of baking pow- er, 35 adulterated; 138 stock feeds, 22 below guarantee; 1.10 fa- voring extracts, 40 adulterated 280 suites, 45 adulterated: while 273 samples of pepper showed 53 adul- terated. Cap' 'a STJTl l'b ON Meat Fig COuoner ds spukeh iron3 Bra it,fcirtl tlralb t]tre ttelned lftute occianned c, t, 'bieekin;g 13honil e, I e fine ts , of tinea hi,tutu fought, thin 3nzd isle and finally comp amount mount tiff el - ted estirllantcd .ra,t $5.000. -4*omn ':u DEA :Llphonsi Bertillon. Creator o System of Identification. A despatch frons. Paris says: .tha death `rfccurred on Triday of phonae Eertillon, Creator of rbcs system. of .criminna�l identification, which made itis name known I throughout the world. He was in his 01s1 year. A A fire the Mob S! d1l<lt xtl orn 't1'Aii vitas# be stolent itny of the eirtn ctcat- tss- Dr. Korn and two companions from Berlin have made a record balloon flight of '1,849 miles. B ITIS11 AYA ESTI e o ITi ^i`C' al`]lingy twars 1. bad used co andrefused to be convinced of bad effect upon the lumina :sys-' , writes a, veteran seboo1" nher. (Tea is just as harmful iaa fe it contains caffeine, the saaaltt drug found in coffee), "Ten ;scars ager I was obliged to give aur my 'lrlueb-loved work in the public ctobools after years of con. ailntLnl .salvor. I had developed a'. well-defined case of chtonic coffee-' poisoning. "The :troubles were constipation; flutterings of the heart, .a, thumping in the top of my head and various parts ,of my body, twitching of my limbs, shaking of my head, and at times after exertion, a general "gone" feeling, with a, toper's-de- sire oper's-de-slre for very strong coffee. I vas t nervous wreck for years. "A. short time ago friends came IVIATEst4 visit us and they brought+ a, <znrack- d age of I'oatum wcitli. thein Will Exceed $255,000,000 in: 1914, Over and Above the $l5,000,000 Supplementary Last Year A despatch from London says: The Parliaamenta,ry correspondent of the Daily Chronicle, who is umually well-informed on these mat- ters, understands that. the navy estimates for the . next fikancial year will : exceed $255,000;000'' over and above the $15,000,000 of last year's supplementary- estimates. Lord Crewe, -who has hitherto been somewhat of a dark horse on the question of increase of a:rma-f menta, spoke on lArednesday night before the members of the Eighty Club and :gave) unqualified support to 'Winston Churchill's case. He entirely a -greed' that .the wbole business of. a.rnaznexats is as ap- proacMhin a scandal, and no orae should bo surprised at the reaction Liberal ranks a Eain5t *16535- burden. '`':13n t 1- can yciaa," 5adrd Crewe e etitin-i Iiax the l"xovertunent aro very conscious of. the gravity of the position. We do not under -esti- mate the gravity. of , the occasion, nor 'are we anrprised at the evi- dence of ,doubt which has been ex- pressed in various quarters of the Liberal party. The First Lard. of the Admiralty takes a keen pride in the splendid service over which he Presides. He also has regard for the efficiency of that service, but it is really a-Itogether r njust to Mr. Churchill to say or toint that he (`o., til indsol Cn 1V l ,fie urged me to try it. I was preju diced because :some years bask had drunk a cup of weak. tasteles stuff cradled PQstum, which. I d not like at all. ".This time, however, niy friend mach the Postum - according directions .no the package; 'and it won me. Soon I found myself irn proving in a' niost decided Iasi -don. "The . odor' orf boiling coffee no longer' tempts me. r am so greatly benefitted by Postilm, that. 6if I con- tinue to improve as 1 am now, '1l begin to think I have found the. F+oilnt.ain of Perletnal Youth .thin is no fancy: -letter but stubborn facts vnitcli 1 -,n glad to rnnake I: no am." Na -m e given, l- - C'.- , -t a.n 0.,eklJtt pr , , . ,L'. r for ;, regards :,nol'eased naval e.<rpencli i copy, of "The Road' to Wellc�illc." . tore with a light heart or anything Posture now r-cmos in 1n,'o forms,. approaching satisfaction, altogether Regular Postaiitt - - must he u-eli to the contrary 1 can certainly as-; boiled: sure you. ;When we present oui"j fn,taut Poston& --- i5 a soluble. 13 I` 5 d to efencefamates we shalldo so powder. A Lea,S?:oartful ,-1 , —olv s. • ,,hope we shall be, able to show the with cre.aln. and ,silFar ewr ts. firs on ear lulu, $13.60 to . Cheese t westerns. 13 7-8 14o; Mien t etc. 24 to 23N Potatoes. Oct SON ural prizo n to all agrie I continent. The largest stool water tower an - Canada and the second largest i tho Ontario Guelph, won eompeation al colleges on 0. 2 Northern, 90 1-8 to -cliow corn, 56 3-4 to 67o; Iltb, Feb. 17.—Linseed, eash ROTH FEET Dit.DLY FROZEN. he World In Review A 'Paetz Behind the. Scenes. General Sxnute has given some ex - Planation of the events which led to the declaration o1 martial law and the deportation, of Secretory Baia and hie companions from South 4,frica. Ho stated that Secretary Bain was one of the most desperate men he had ever encountered. lie had known him when, ha was employed as a secret agent i the employ of the Hoer tiovei•rtznent of which General Smuts was a prominent member"- Il this is true then it seetne :ertain that Secrct"try Bain, as tho lead er of the Labor Party, would bo in communication with l;eneral I er;og ae leader et the old Dote h �iart3 .,beth the Labor and Dutch Party being d©siecuA of getting rid of Botha. Whether' title t •tin eveny ,krov e to be true or not re- mains to beseen, but 1t As more than I net thatbehind the drama of tho strike lay the trail of a political intri- gue which had es its motive the el/min, ation of General, Botha and the nubsti tution of General I1ezzog. _Apparently Secretary l3ain was to do the work of forcing out the government by a gen- etsi strike and General Herzog- would ha\'e the burghers at his beck in cage General Botha tried to use force. Seem- ingly that is ,lust where the calcutatton went wrong. General Botha called out tomigill the citizen army, and the burghers as well i a5 the British reyvonded imine - dletely. The whole mobilization of tiro g Lumberjack Had Trying Ex- perience in Northern, District. A despatch from Kingston saYs Rrank uts, a young lumberjack: hose home is in, -this city, Was rought to the Hotel Dieu on badly frozen, aad it is feared they may have to be amPutat- ed. Ne tvaS working art Easter Camp, about 0110 laundred. miles north of North Bay, and eet out to lk to another -camp at Cacho ay ...a. diatanee of 30 miles. After g about 24 miles Ito was g' Writ as best he eon d, fart er to reach the nearest Part of trite way he had to Make on his hands and knees, and be suffered terribly. He bad man drive hint to cacir p4y, and hero he started on tus ey home. ha Daily ble that the hur not; 40OffotuiCilIntil'k3R11 ° pointed Viceroy, ur would make a strong appeal ragination of both races uld be a great service to Oil 5 Teleran d be re by a as in 5 aud true treyed By Fire. toll fora St. 111019104 n aa Fire destroyed the America. has been completed at St, Thomas, with a capaeity of half ' gallons. tween two and three million dollar are involved in the constmetion s prograinme of the Ontario Hydro - Electric Power Commission for this " Marjorie Drake, thirteen months . old, in Bra,titford, and the two - ton Hotol hero at 5.30 on a, day morning. It was a. bath structure, a landmark in the oity, ing in the alarra the ilre brigade ran about a mile to another hotel, and by the time they returned to the scene of tho fire It was past eon-, y trol. The temperature was about e 14 below zero. All tIle guests had time to dress and escape, but there to doubt as to whether one man is in the ruins or not mowers, Pratt and Suushine Webruary ut 31 1-2c: No. 2 bard Montana, SS to =vet Stock 2fflarkets, onto Peli. 17.—Cattle--Choice but - 37.60; ronnnon cows. $4.50 to 36.60; butchers' bulls. $4,50 to 37; canners and cutters. 33.60 to 34: Choice fat 34.40 to 311: common, 34.76 to 33.10. Stockers and feeders—Steers. 910 to 1.- 050 Pounds, 37.40 to 37.75: good qual- ity, 800 pounds, 83.50 to 37 30- Pglit bucks, 35 to S3.50: spring lambs, 3.9 to 39.50, but with 75o per head deducted for all the buck lambs. Hogs -39.25 to $9.40, fed and watered; 39.40 to lIontreal, reb. 17. --Sales of prime beeves were made itt over 7 1-2c, and frorn that down to 4 1-2o for the poorer sorts. Idlielt cows sold at ftom $40 to $75 each: ealees. 50 to 7e; sheep, abeut 100, '' months' -old daughter of Fred and Mrs. Roach, in Hamilton, were s -mothered in bcd by pulling the 1 don division in 1911 are now back bedclothes over their faces. AB of the Grand Trunk employes who went out on strike on the fon- OD duty, with the exception of olio couduetor, who will be taken on again this week. PAINS IN BACK MI. GONE lIrr. 13. Das:1:3,, of Cornwallis, says, "Abont a year ago, I was suffering so much with a dreadful Lame Bacli a.ncl flips, that I could not stand uP straight. I was informed by a' friend about GIN PILLS. I got a hox. It helped rue immediately. I have taken about twelve .boxes :and the pains In my hack and hips are all gone. I can- not sneak too highly' Of your GIN We tree' if you write National Drug k Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, To - Great Britain. Seven militant suffragettes were ' sentenced to jail in Landon on a charge of obsyuction. The Mississappi, the first motar liner of 5,000 tons, built for the At- lantic Transport Line, was launch- ed at, Glasgow. In, the- first' div-ision on the home rule hill in the British House of Gommons the Government was sus- tained by a maorjity of 78. United States. Germany was advised by the United States of the "hands off" policy in Mexico.. , The Inspector -General of Immi- gration at Washington denounced Japanese laborers as "a menace -615 entire country." li(olcovsoff, the ,Russian ,P emier, A- French avia:ter fell in a para - hate a dial...aline of 600 feat without planouGra T INN c' Terminal Buildings of tile Excavatkm wolk is expected to be gin for the station and terminal buildings of the Canadian Northern Railway at the. nil y end of the tun- nel undnr Alount Royal, and the erection of at, least ,tempora.ry epol, for the nand]. rig of pa.ssen- gers cleri,a ken Loon as the wilt be running ▪ th ▪ inn ^1 by atitumn mishap. - Three thousand stitclent..a 'n,saured lie King of S weden of their' sup., ort nu the Parliamentary crisis: troops was, 'according to reports 00Vf dribbling' through. 1110st admirahle, There was not a hitch anywhere. Over lUu.000 men were under arms and after ' movemeni collapsed, There was one outbrea,it at the Tagersfontela mine where 3,020 patives tried to get out the compound and woutd have sue- . oeeded but for the nerve or the man- ager who with forty white men held Ratives at bay. having .shoot I: - troops arrived Just time to savo the I-,lakea tO this tali ,It 37.ays to, Advertise, erk:130 AlVratatt exchange? clk,fri rill a' Ii1)10eeitiAlra'ijoiella :e.11Iitrtr7a4Xritrri411:711°.aie:el'1:141;:::1:1:al ti:N0:11:1:1::g4;te:ciet7lit;11;.o;t:iyliv;:4;f1 ' RI9f._t_.0 turitisit ,t.o, s,o:all,countot: e417.5; 8 .004 Americo -tie have bv,:ett (Wawa_ to Otruiptitt Ye,Ithin the past decade. 4 Lein, Mlle: Ofti'lcil elyne up to au 000001 ex^ 341101gra.tIon. but the ..anterican author', ilea Put Ike 1igare as Ittatt MI $300.099* Tito obameful thing fa that, hundreds or (tiers to their old hOhaea Silvia, ' friends to COM* And aboro iii $117act I.110.1082414:4Poalfis.:rt 4-4:;1:1121,3311"Atialr°1151170 atlas 02 radium, Setentisto know' we llitioa are probably Ilm. leo . It es cost lo very great and the ac 1 2 radium mattes export. meats .4 ,t. inuaisallfie. In Lo on, I'arls. and Berlin, expert. Mental eufieges have been established. find pOSaibilitiea is being mode Under go vornmont supervision. There lo not 'the remotest chance for the aleheMlIft to littil radium. it lo 100 carefully concealed. Artt,tr tuo omit. utOtItha for the liXtraotion and purifies. - lion of the, radium salts. Alt of the shill 0 the 'most Oxport.clieudsto, aided by the *warty perfect 'apparatus of twentieth, century' fleienee, moot be ex- Du• t. if radium can curo that most ma- lignant disease, eancea oral it luta prov- ed itself remoritablY capable lii, this respect, ell the world will Watch the sources of production with such interest • 'X'or Better Things, The evolution of onr ltuittstrial sys- tem le eertain to work no to a square deal between capital and labor, If the 'universal minimum wage was 85 an. the universal day's work was el011 'Mors, wo would all say °hurrah." lint and will certainly be reached, It they be- long to the, trend of human happiness* hich. of course, they win not If ihere ends upon the, lvorld's absorptionl of If there 1S tile SItnation an unearn- ed Increment that win keep down the incidental high cost of living, we Ina,:ir hope for this tia.noy change. But there Is the rub. In flying high we havo to throw out ballast, hut le there is no bal- last to throw out. then wo drop. Condi- tions govern. We cannot do what we 0, ut ne can make conditions tter and build upon the improvement. 1 econornieal arid all hinge Street- ly on the manhood of living. Spain in America. It Is reported in Madrid that King fonso of Spam is te' go to Argentina xt JIM° "to make the a.erpraintance of country whither so many Spaniards No. Spanish sovereign has yet 'visited ,great einpire that Spain discovered d conquered and held for over three nturies—the last vemnant of which, in ct, she did not loee until 1898. Rut ove and ,beyond her political poseee- ne on the ruins of Spain's Indies hail en built a commercial empire far ,noro e as vaities are measured in these rncidern days and as regards both prac- tical and sentlineetal advantages, Spain is still a name to cozeiure with In, South and Central America, if leerdinand's sue- ceeser should sail over the seas te vialt the ancient dominions that were once the envy of the world, modern Spathe might well gain a new guerdon in thee.' New World and take In Peaceful trade far more treasure than her ganeons bore home of old across the SPantsh- ties that are to be opened up with the completion of the Panama Canal. There is ho reason why Spain. the mother country of -all those bountiful lancts that Ile south' of the -Rio Grande. should pet also share in the profits and rewards of' their peaceful exploitation. -4 greater SPain :than Spain' has ,eyer.'heen might well come into its (AVIA following such a voyage as Alfenso XIII. is reported to have In mind, • SUFFERED P11031 COLD.' and alWays, are tO be found in Califor- nia, tho Ideal Wintering place, reaohodi be comfortably and eonverdently by the chteano, 'Union Pacific and North West- ern Line, Vitt the fastest and most direct routes, amidst the luxurious surround- ings of the compartment, club and ob- servation parlor. or more moderate- oinellite Tourist car. Three 1 Limited, fastest train to San Pratelsco; The Loa 'Angeles Limited. three days “a• to the Alagie City 01' the Land of Sun- at Shine, via Salt Lake City: and the San ,, Feepeisee Limited. The Overland Route offers: safety—speed—scenery, and nn - Illustrated matter and full Partieulare -- currecl in conne with the agi- tation against tha Ministry at Os- aka, Japan. Mobs stoned the, tram- cars a.nd the r,evenue building. The disturbances are in part the out- come of an agitat,ion ' for lower 4)21••••=31 ,11161491..,,,VilS6111.2.0=11R0rMIRIMI.pateptwaptvamatItaautliralarrtlC.10•1104I, RESTORER Restores GRA Y Hair to its NATURAL Color, makes grou), and cores Dancirti At ail Dralgeists 50 cents a bottle feerdecommiageseme High Clasie *Sonde. Sorier,o:-30tao, $500, $1.366 INVESTMETIT may be withfhwavrn any tote after ow! year lished ,11.1 Tears. Sand for it:peel:al folder and fall partlenlare. FATIONAL 'SECURITIES CORPORATIO14, LIMITED, neva to Aosta. , lot of the D cperdussi Scheel of Aviation at Rheims, ilew over Nont,„.,, Blanc on Wednesday from this city to Aosta. Porn-131in left Geneva at .40 in the afternoon ir). sunny wea- ther and -arc se to a height of 17,- ',884. feet, where he suffered from in- tense cold. He used oxygen lo withsland the rarified atmosnlicre. o'clock, owing to a heavy fog. Ho intends to return via the Simplen