HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-2-12, Page 3BLACK MAGIC IN LONDON W1ZARDS rRACTI,SE FASTJG AND OBSCENITY. Atbc Declares That Occultism Is Sign of Decadence in Britain. Black Magee is by no xnes so rare a thing nowadays as tho seee- Veal and unsuperstitions would think, There are peeple, in ndon to- day who practise witelieraft," de- elared Monsignor Benson, the well- known Catholic anther, to a ur- Pri-sed leonden reporter the othr day. "Oddly enough," he went on, "the two persons whom I have in my mind are 710t 1VOMert, but a mid - die -aged man and another male somewhat younger, so I suppose one should call them wizards, ra- then than witebes." Jeaue vlt.l Evil Spirits," " wa6 deseription these pereonse— ve fasting and y The cWm that they in 'nnirn wth vil spirits, ex:- actly as the old witches did. They are well educated; whether they are mad or not, or whether they 41"0 Th ars or net, are points on which woadd not are to vonunit myself, t I know they attempt this witch - planing hat uy be called sycholegietil view tb Pho' A of black magic!, caliper Pointed out that their aites as noentration, by oh t they wish, to 'ens, b,y the way, at or selilsb. ticularly wart that whil amount -o id sal say*l there nonsense deception jirove that bstantial IionevnIent DR, WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS MAKE WOMEN itIELL Just because she is a woman, there are tirors when evexy woman needs help and strength in the form of a blood -building toeie. To thousands of girls and women Dr. Williams) Pink Pills have proved a blessing, because they enrich the blood, give strength and restore tone to the aching nerves. no anaemic girl who is languid ed pale, the wife whose back feels like breaking; the matron whose bea!th fai2e as she reaches middle age—for all such sufferers Dr. Piek Pilie are invaluable because iU laealtb n wornao is usually caused by poor blood or insufficient blood. These pills have cured thousands of others, why not you Mrs. D. Morine, Wallbreok. N.S., says ;--"It is impossible for me to say too much in praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pi/Is. I have been a great suffeeer frOM thO-sO troubles that make the life of so any woinee ae almost constant wry, Pains in the bark and side 1 Iced and tortured me. My nerves med to give out, and at tames I could do no house work, and only 'omen who have similarly suffered know what I endured, I tried medicine after reedieine without y benefit, and WAS finally per^ ucied to try Dr, Williams' Pink Soon after starting the pills d an improvement, and as I ntinued their use my health and ngth returned, and I now feel I ver I did in MY life, and g my experience merely that it may lead some g woman to renewed y add that my mother houmatism se badly se a, truteli, and k Pills complete - o her isiu geoid £k bead ent,ury din g to £OA PeOplO WTI* also magic." eso cut or altruistic iltaS t0031" the i stared, "hos been , I was told of aboa otz ri-ago. The 'Black Mass' eomprises crry horror that it is, possible to imagino. The ob- ject, is to n&nit he Christian reli- gion. 'Probably thosowbo recite it --they believe, by the way, in the 11 y of the Saerament--aro in- weitid Sooner not Say what these people do. It is quite intles- tribable in its offensive blasphemy. The "Blaok Mass' has been said in Memo. But Femme is -the country for it*" Signs of Deeadenee. Usually, Monsignor Benson point- ed •out eignifierietly, the practiee these arts of blacg magic appear in periods of national barbarism and decadence. All the Egyptian oc- cultism eamo to Rano before its downfall. "I are afraid," ho said, "that, we are living in a period of decadent civilization. The worship of plea- sure, above all else, and the deca,y of family life, aro • unmistakable sins of tlais. 'The number of people in this country who would believe the -ma- gicians to whom I have referred is increasing—not necessarily among the poor people. On the whole the poor people are much sounder in their instincts than the well-to-do. 'The wealthy are continually seeking fresh stimulus and sense - ;Non, and their minds become ex- hausted, morbid and decadent. We see the deeatleeeo of which I have srieken in the growing worship of e.%cceltism, ``Personally," concluded Monsig- nor Benson, "I think that England may crumble either from internal deterioration or external attack. That is my own private view." Roads in Scotland. Tourist ---Whore does that road lead to, my boy 7 Scotch Do/. A'tri.tto ,hair. Tourist—And that one Boy --A dinna ken. l'ouriste---.And that one Boy—A eanua tell ye. Tot rls:t (to hinisell)—Great Scott ! What names they give to places in this benighted country I p0 and his mcMey keep man .etever PeoPle.'froM.sta,rvirig; ' Sandy was ha\ 11 , ii frL tate of life in Kfriezt, forests,Borrow- ing a gun he 8eb off one day in search of game. Not long after his companion spied in Une distance Sandy running at full soecd, mak- ing- 1. rael;s Mr home, with • a huge lion behind him gaining on F,,,',rindy Eit, ever'v f,ten. `'Quick, c,rtick, Sock!" he cried ; "open tne dooi; I'm bringing ,atiin home Dr.. Williams' ly restored her health. Always get the genuine the full name. "Dr, William Pills for Palo People," on th wrapper around <moil box, If your dealer dstle$ rot keep them, the pills will be sent post paid att. LO mats a. box or six boxes for $2.50, tiu The Dr. Williams' Broeleville, Ont. on bis eours. The great cafe &Woe open. He sprang into it, and closed the door behind him, although he °lid eat shut it completely. hat weald have meant slow butcertain • suffocation* He elipped aemail eash book into the aperture, and held the ponderous door open aboet half an inch. Alenewhile the python --for such it was,—in a paroxysm of fury, had flung its coils twice round the safe, whiell stood some elistanee out from the wall. The creature drew its coils to the utmost tension in an angry effort to erush the iron safe. By an effort, the desperate pri- soner colleeted his wits. He re- membered that a ease, slightly damaged and marked, "to be kept in a moderately warm place," had been put in the adjoining room, and doubtless accounted for bis horrible visitor. But the explana- tion, although •simple, offered no consolation, Sometlaing must be done. The captive racked his brain sorely nutil an idea, struck him. Earlier in the evening he had put one of the ledgers in the safe, with a long iok eraser inside to mark a. special entry. Cramped and almost deubled as be was, he fouod it no easy matter to reach the slender weapon, the blade of which was as sharp as a, razor, Taking bis cour- age in both bands, leo plunged the knife agein alld again into the folds of the snake'where they crossed the small aperturc. There fellow - ed 4 IlOrrible, testing sound, and tho Tos„,t5ivo $afe 11,0eloa4 ominously tor some moments. Then suddenly the folds seemed to relax and go writhing to the floor, Owing -to, tho eXtMITIO trallaion Of the coils, the keen blade had al- most, severed the body in half, From bead to tail it, measnred. mar - 1 fort • 7•••••••••••••.••••*•••••••••••••••••••• 101d Ui enua an and Me hors wore a miller oorobin- .reots—or street—of Ono day the nag driver napping and gallop, with Terry valiantly at the reins, "What's tho matter, Jerry 1" c,6,l1ed an acquaintance from the sidewalk. "Can't you hold him?' "Sure, I can hold him," shout,ed Jerry, still tugging at the lines; "but I 0071't stop him." BA13YrS OWN TABLETS ARE SAFE AND SURE Mothers 'wanting 0,4 sato and sure moody for their little ones can de- pend upon Baby's Own Tablets, They aro absolutely guaranteed by n. goveramaut, Analyst to contain neither opiates, narcotics or other injurious drugs. Conoorning thorn Mrs. G. L. Bonham, St, Georg+) Ont, can reoommenti. BabY's Own Tablets as a safe and euro raedieine for little ones, I bare raised four babies with their aid and would not be without them." Tho Tablets are cold by medicine dealers or by mail ,at 26 centn a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. AR That's Left. Mrs. Goodsole (feeding tramp) -- "Yen seem to have a good appe- tite.'" Hungry Ruggins "Ah, mum, dab's all I have left in de world dab I kin rightly call me Piles Cured z.ln 6 to 14 'Days Druggists refund money if PAZO one'rirteuent fails to cure Itching, Blind, or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 50o. PRISON, ng Eqeienuoh lenstreas Python London iepresntative of an Indian tInA was working late warehouse. A large con - of goods, newly arrived, in ci room that adjoined Ms office, Tiroom wan n simple af- fair of four eh:at-covered walls. There Wag 4e6k in the middle, a few chairs, and a large fireproof ie. It was nearly midnight, when a sound from the -next room in- duced the man to go to the door to investigate. Nothing seemed wrong, and be returned to his work, but left the door ajar. Presently a faint, harsh sound carim from the next room. Re sprang up, to bohold the head of a huge snake protruding through the doorway. When the reptile saw bin], it stopped for a seeond, reared its head until it was abnosb on a level with the man's, and began to dart its tongue angrily in and out of its mouth. No novelist -ever imagined a 1nolte desperate situation. • The man was unarmed, and apparently without means of eampe. The moment he withdrew his eyes from those of the snake, it lowered its bead and moved toward him. But he had already determined Appetite Finds Ready :Satisfa,ction In a bowl of 0.5t oas and Cream. Thin, crisp bits of In- dian Corn — cooked and toasted so that they have delicions ouvirki as o —sold by Grocers ery- there. Cerenl 9.,TaLO, Vindeor. Ontario' ' ARE YOU A BAROMETER? Strange Phenomena Whieh Has Never Been Explained. Undoubtedly there is a great re- lation between the elements and certain complaints, in the same mariner that some seasons of the I year more than others render Ck,r- I-Lain people liable to illness. Thee lower we investiga,te in the animal world, the more prone are its subjects to be affected by the weather. A eat for as much as !three days beforehand feels a cern- ing sterna; a horse's fine nostrils can ,sniff approaching ram in an ii-neanny manner. The birds of the air have but to be watchedtosee the way in. which they seek their nests at a hint of danger in the - The very trees and plants tremble in a -peculiar manner before a se - vele) storm. Many human beings ere ust as sensitive to the march of the elements, but do not always readze the significance of their rensitivon et s. Arthritic; rheumatic, /1.41)ralgte People know at once when 'bad weather is approaCliing. 01,a n (ponds make themselves felt s..1, certain time, and the stannps ef members long since ampiltartecl ge pain. ica I rftl`n h:.tve nt.ver ,2ati Sf 'Loiily enplaiud thcse ntnangn 1)11=e- orawia, neii Q 3' can'they 1:211 why orrie Peopl 3 111S1i3 etive , ec",-)1110 restless bnd ex -cited, or moody a.nd sullen, before a thunderstorni. ie;te. things that J1-9139dY Cures Old Folks Coughs Doesn't Disturb the $toinaeln Eases at Once and cures Thoroughly, ‘CATABBROZONE" A BOON TO KANT nto IC/SANDS. Because you are old Is no reason for suffering wIth evetlasting cough- lug--thoso terrible ebest troubles and difilcult breathing can be thoroughly cured with Datarrhozone. you uthipiy breathe the healing vapor of Catarrh - ozone, and instantly its rich balsamic fumes are carries] by your breath into the tiniest recesses of the nose, throat, chest, bronchial tubes and lungs. Just think of it—a direct breathable medicine, full of soothing antiseptic Pine essences that rea.claes every sore, congested membr-ane In two seconds. No drugs to take—nothing to harm or sicken the stomach, because" Catarrh - ozone is the purest, Safest cough, ca- tarrh and cold remedy ever devised, "For many yearar" writes Richard McCallum Stirling, Cot., "1 have suf- fered from catarrh, and centinuatiy hawked and coughed, so that my throat vrea always in an Inflamed, Ir- vitahle condition. "Doctors" roes:Heine did not help me in the least, and all other remedies I used were quite useless, in one ease It was time wasted in anuftine powder up the nose; In soother tieing a greasy ointment, and so on, Not one of thorn was the least hit of goOti. "I heard Catarrilozone favorably spoken of, and tried it, Beatty It bone- fited me more In a few hours than years ig treatment with dootors? and other so,ealleol remedies. "Receiving such immense benefit, I Continued using Cetarrhozone, an In ik few weeks 1 v.rac completely cured of Catarrh and throat trouble," Get Qatarrhozone to -day. Large size costs 1,00, and lasts two IliOntbe. Smaller sizes 26e. and 500. fl deal- ers, or The •Catarrhozone iOcunnany, )3ntralo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. nomu vim, POISONOUS SN. San P12 ra I Qae of the qurt'eb ntibut.ion kind is certainly the Venom Inatitute of San Paulo, in Brazil, w2sere a. permanent and comfortable home 1s provided for pouon z 11,0 ^ lituto is in a part of Bra, superabundanee venomous reptiles, where the less lifo from, snake bites beeamo so serious that something had to be done by tho Government to ear, with the situation. Large hands of znnn wearing thick boots, leggings and 00VCSfor proteotion against the snake bites, daily hunt the thickly-gnaresed di- iriete round about the institute, rmed with long thin tubes, termi- nating in two serni-eiroular elawst which are controlledd at the end nearest the body and can be opened or closed at will. By this means they are able to grasp the snake by the tail without any danger to themselves. As soon as in snake is meat in this manner it is uneeremoniously thrnst into a* basket, whore, to- gether with a writhing, coiling mass of its brethren it is conveyed to the home, •A long conservatory containing long rows of glass -covered boxes as used as a sorting place tor the large quantities of reptiles which are brought into the heart° every day. Each ease is labelled with the particular species of snake It. con- tains, so that when the cla,y'i "bag" is brought in it is a, comparatively simple :natter for the expert natur- alist to grip each one with the abere-desoribed instrument, and recognizing its spemes, put at an the proper receptacle. • The IleZ6 stage in this queer place is what is called the .operating ta- ble. Here, under the personal su- pervision of a fully -qualified doc- tor, the snake is robbed of its poi- son --termed "sernin"—and ren- dered quite harmless. Ono man grips the snake firmly by the tail, while the doctor forces the jaws open with a surgical in- strument until he gets held of the bag containing the poisonous serum. A small glass dish is held directly beneath the bag, and the doctor proceeds to drain it of its contents. Eaeh sna,ke yiekta something like thirty cen ti gra tuMeS of serum, Cramming down ill-ohosen food, and ' rushing 'back to work, leads straight to dys- ' pepsta, with oll it means in misery. Proper habits of eating, with a Na-Dru-CO Dys- pepsia Tablet after each meal,' restore good ,cliges- ion, health and tameness, A box of Na-Drsi-CoDys- .. pepsia Tablets ceSts but. , 50C. at your ttrugl,,,tst's. Nattonsi Drug anti Chen: - foal Ca. of Canada, 1.-1nitlettl. , 141, nlr7 hi:gtasty, ene2icaf nesl t:4aIootey saver. tAaterougthproducer, 'Saving the Pen ies. One of the most. intfareting de- •artrnents ef the Savings Bank o • utli .Australia is that of the penny bariks. It is in this section the bank's operations that the irit of thrift is encouraged in y01.114 South Australiaue, and the aving of ,sniall eoins in youth is .'eciaerrtly he start that kads to wealth in later life. At the elos-e of last. year there were 251 schools at which penny banks 11. -ore in ()p- ro:Hot:I in aouth Australia. The umber of depositors WaS 12,254. total amount deposited stands ttt .210,146'. The work in o,innee- n. with the penny. eariuga bnks - he various schools is performed atitously by the teacher, whieb, in appearance great re- eembles ordieary When the operation is over b snake is taken away and plaoed la large garden, from which escap is a. inatter of impossibility, For this garden, whieh allr.oSt everything Mr. Snake woW tihardubisn, lic,igt insriahtitgisicigreLeTeponto,h,trees, s t,I*00,1718, where bo may disport himself on. warm days, are provided or by the institute, Ro LearPed Ills Valuation A touri4t irt Sec4ien<1 same to a wide ferry. It was sharply, and the rind we constantly 1110206.01.11g. The Scotch -ferryman agreed -to take the toiarist, across, but told him to wait urtU be bad first taken a cow across. Til'hen he had 'returned and ebart- 4 aeress with the traveler, the lat- r became ourious, "Will You toll nne why you took tit ow ovor Ana r1134e nis Waiti he asked, 'Wee', uow," an, ‘tysati, se and I fear orease' so th," the nd trip!' owarv ind wud in ight wise 5 -ssion V Bryart—"riqeitlier, inch, Re inakes ra() ricing." AS A CORN and branolul and atesns no Wel), Itbocured7 lea, by appPot- Corn Extrnotor; Palo sate, nvoriably sotietattory. I 1 rol Putnam o L.'„I'aruotor, 25o. at ali X - Why They Laughed. ngbrido "Norah, don't xrund you entertaining your women friends hi the kitchen oven - hags, but I must insist or their mak- ing less noise with +tilt:1r boisterous laughing." Norah—"Sure, mum, I'm sorry, but the ladies r'allv couldn't help it. I was tellin' them how you tried to make a cake yesterday mornirt'.'1 ROOTS 3finard's Liniment Co., imited. Seine time ante I had a 'bad attack of Quinsy whieli laid me up for two -weeks and cost n lot of moneY. Finding 4.1le lump again forming In my throat. I bathed freely with MIN - AIM'S LINIAIENT, a,nd saturating a, cloth with the liniment loft it on all niehe Next inernine the swelling '97713 gone and I attributed the warding off of an attack of QuittaY to the free use of 3IIN- ARD'S G. F. WORDElN.T. St. John. Naturally. Kitty— 'Jack told me last night that I was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen." Ethel—"Oh, that's nothing; he said the ,same to me a. year ago." Kitty—"I know that, but as one grows older one's taste improves, you know." Want ed. Wanted — Twelve well-educated, conscientious young wernen as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacarieies caused by graduation. T_Trausual variety of experience. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed. Finest con- tagious disease building in the State. Children's Ward and Ma- ternity Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthls allowance from tirae of acceptance Address Miss Prederik.a K. Gaiser Principal. 44 • Worn Out. "Those are rather tough looking patent leather ,thoee you axe wear- ing," suggested the critical frond, "Oh„ they were all right origin - replied the Wearer, "but the patent has expired on them." 51 inara's Liniment Cures Cohn, Etc. Soft Job. "What are you doing now, Bill?' . collecting," "Collecting What 7" "My thoughts." • "Gosh! you always were lucky striking; an easy job." won why we are goiber 2'' ercW‘clvyi:Dwge.d.--iii--1"eIcIofliftN-On't '";1:11r.: idea " , Mrs. N.—"Ye- • inr-,be that, is tixe r ea ti'ra tsincot ture,s WL Scotia Case of 1ntei'cs to UI Touiei lfti eride 04 a Messag to Many People, T{oUfn, sved tier tome 4,Wi AleT"r;s-t'Pule'a scli7 br1gursfortunate ease- was,alavays 'blue' and depreSeed, langunt atm us...,, r any work, fdy sonac1 W'41$ so tordered that I had no appetite, bat 1 fit eat disagreed. 1 fileffered catly m dtaainess and etch head- ared a nervousbreakdown.. ggfet's. reconunendation. *Boa's rills. t once. Every day 't weeks I was a wen Suro4 completely atter differ* bad, failed to help me. eason that I 'strongly th stomach or se ed, In% Hamilton's ed. In LittleBiotc1s Srtch it to Spread, Hams Tied, Criod Day and Ni nt Soap and Ointment e T...1 1,7. — four znentbo Bead. neeCt sactgi1494idor4 '50"4**' ti4r,A. They imaiss, out at flocs I bletaes, wwtery•„; wttiett tho. scriteit ;sod eatize,45 stmeed azuf o mess of sores ner bands bads to be ' Inuip ber frr,:nt arraWalatt tb0 *Oft& The,`1 ec,2totacaueed bsr to Ito xtur4 kanzt.t. !.„.txt to be =au, and peov'Itla, Oho AltOgnrr4 for the One sho hod it trog cried dzy amd tram the 5,11ltatlan. .Netzbbartr rrnt alte ,ireuld new be. enre,& "ebo was gtea serno ,g;.o,tuotte tq tato bt In470 -retfaaet o7aceos„., Tiaea a'Z'd ate to try catienre.t 49,4a14 ard Otntwat ttl:t1t4 I cliAL we,*tie4,t4erreitO van Cutiteera .5e*n.4r1t w014.004,40' niteAttio Cialleuraeletiniipli,4001,40 en4 f.e.* vet4int tto* OS* ber4414101414.14W 014 awl. iomettr4 ias Mgt. 04 'WhOrtlikok wen oteTim, meetba OTIS Oft eOtoOtOtollitt ettrer4," (Staned) Mrs, Jotu 3XteCarrit; Nov'. 27, ,11312. Niti4ovitb 'tho- Ctgieerr« 6o55 ftn4 Pla* 37* ,Y4 ebably. at someone is tt Dictionary, rds in it, I suppose n rd's Unlnleat Curet Piplitherla, It °most "You bet my mom epauk hetri nt was er do 7Bun n. .an' toid Mom" Wo Cure aCcItt n °no Take 1AXATIVI.1 flltOMO QD1NI1I Tablets. Druggists refuud y if it ture r lateBizr—:)111)0:6nytt 1:if:Pierer to the club for you 1%.litin you are eut Din—"No, but she goes for ine When 1 get home." mtnerars Liniment cares olstemaer. Victims. First Bighwayman "Bully smoke, Pikey, didjer see de fat wad dat de old gay was flashing?' Second Highwayman: "Sure. You can have ham, Cully. I'm trailins de chap wit do baskit of eggs." Try Mumble Eye Remedy If you 'have Red, Weak, Watery Eyeg or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Sinosst --Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, SOc. Murillo Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubea, 25; 50a. Eve Books Fres by Mail. Zrz Totila ces,a tor AIS rrea urst Read czre latrrino nye aesaetiy Co.. Chicago The Thrifty Scot. Sack (after several drinks)—"Say, MacColien, you've been used to wearing the kilts, havee'b.you MaeCohen--"Hey, mon, rather I" Sack—"Thought so. • I haven't noticed you pnt your hand in your pocket lately." After you have accomplished a really gtood thing get busy again. Asked to define a hypocrite, a 'smart boy wrote: "A hypocrite is a lad who goes to school with a smile on his face and pretends he likes it." Vital Intoreat ad nraple lizar Maker maoe Syrup inettiere n sousult theft' best lritererto by order - •1n or their nezimlien now Instead of de-. laying unt,i1 larch—our burliest ttrrie. Write for free booklet telllitg about our "C'ha.mpion" Elvaporater, ruscle 21 sizes, aultable for large or amo.11 00.. • treal, Quo. POTA r U tro • 1l S roza.sre is an znahrpszsab PLANT FOOD. No coil will raise o. Afaxitnum Crop tbat does not contain an AVAILKSLIO sup- ply, sufficient for the 'aren't) needs. latt121..8.T11 Or riltail.;‘ and 611XXXCIL5?Ii Q' 'OABZZ can be obtatned f.roro the leading fertilizer dealers and seodsznett. Buyers et "ready -mixed" terttt- izero sheltie/ insist on brands of PUGH Pt:MA= CONTENT'. WRITS for our PEIII2, educative bulletins on the Important ambient of FERTILIZTNG. 0111till'Arf .1.,02%1112Cr SYNDIC/ATM, 1010 Temple 1315g.. TO12014"20. Rapid Transit. The Caller --"I want to see your master about a bill." The Diplomatic Servant—"Ho left for the eountry last night." The Caller—"I want to pay him." The Diplomatic Servant (hastily) —"But be returned this morning." You will find relief in Zam-Euk it eases tbe burning, stinging pain, steps bieedig and brings ease. Pr.severance, vilith Zara. Bak, means cure. Why not prove • this ? AzI Drage-Ide and Stor48.- fiCe box. AND 100 VALUABLE PREMIUMS dIVE? AWAY 1 t Prize, $50.00 in Cash., 2rd Pwisle, $35,00 in Cash. .1` d Priao„ '.:540.00 in Cash. 42h Prim, $28.00 III Cash. Silt to Otis Prizes, ends $t 0.00 in Oaeh. Below will be found six: seth of mixed or jumbled letters. Cut you arrange these. six sets of letters in such order that each set will spell the name of a well known vegetable. By sending a proper nYrange- ment you bave an opportunity of winning it cash py,LI:e. Write Ili,eso six words plainly an5tneatlypn a slip of paTxx, as in the ease of ties,. both writinkand titatness W1, -ii heconsidered, factors to this contest. ...,.... OPA i or . !ooTTB-A-aciABfrourrtt ,g fi) - fr-F1-31' ,.... . Sena your answer at once; we wit reply- by R,Ctura ,3,,1 . ,stilittg'yott ....... whether your answer is correct oe not, at‘sl. we will send you a com- plete Pri2;e List, tog,e.thor with the natnes and addresses of 4.)ersoos who have racers t17/ received Two Thousand dollars in Casb Pr'ke.cs,,frOin, tie, stud fug particulars of a simple cohdition tlle fulfill ' This'ecmclitio41 cloe$ not'illychre, the senug o Send yo r reply &treat iot ,r", , ,,, ' " 9 - . . use e t 1 Uberal. ''•"^,,..,1,P.....M1 !MI.' Ts,P.',..,..1”,••!,,n ots, amini,astiarstaishals‘ aishuttits too ars+0441; 11• iktott'im*ifelehalsositrOIPatsi*.* ne7 toigio. tilottililt", itt‘Ww*KIN' VOr 44.,t AtlOu'rfith'30,21;11*00114, to Pattar Drug git Mott, r. El. A, •FgtAt, Slns Osi*rn c o Q ' . . — 37* ,Y4 ebably. at someone is tt Dictionary, rds in it, I suppose n rd's Unlnleat Curet Piplitherla, It °most "You bet my mom epauk hetri nt was er do 7Bun n. .an' toid Mom" Wo Cure aCcItt n °no Take 1AXATIVI.1 flltOMO QD1NI1I Tablets. Druggists refuud y if it ture r lateBizr—:)111)0:6nytt 1:if:Pierer to the club for you 1%.litin you are eut Din—"No, but she goes for ine When 1 get home." mtnerars Liniment cares olstemaer. Victims. First Bighwayman "Bully smoke, Pikey, didjer see de fat wad dat de old gay was flashing?' Second Highwayman: "Sure. You can have ham, Cully. I'm trailins de chap wit do baskit of eggs." Try Mumble Eye Remedy If you 'have Red, Weak, Watery Eyeg or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Sinosst --Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, SOc. Murillo Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubea, 25; 50a. Eve Books Fres by Mail. Zrz Totila ces,a tor AIS rrea urst Read czre latrrino nye aesaetiy Co.. Chicago The Thrifty Scot. Sack (after several drinks)—"Say, MacColien, you've been used to wearing the kilts, havee'b.you MaeCohen--"Hey, mon, rather I" Sack—"Thought so. • I haven't noticed you pnt your hand in your pocket lately." After you have accomplished a really gtood thing get busy again. Asked to define a hypocrite, a 'smart boy wrote: "A hypocrite is a lad who goes to school with a smile on his face and pretends he likes it." Vital Intoreat ad nraple lizar Maker maoe Syrup inettiere n sousult theft' best lritererto by order - •1n or their nezimlien now Instead of de-. laying unt,i1 larch—our burliest ttrrie. Write for free booklet telllitg about our "C'ha.mpion" Elvaporater, ruscle 21 sizes, aultable for large or amo.11 00.. • treal, Quo. POTA r U tro • 1l S roza.sre is an znahrpszsab PLANT FOOD. No coil will raise o. Afaxitnum Crop tbat does not contain an AVAILKSLIO sup- ply, sufficient for the 'aren't) needs. latt121..8.T11 Or riltail.;‘ and 611XXXCIL5?Ii Q' 'OABZZ can be obtatned f.roro the leading fertilizer dealers and seodsznett. Buyers et "ready -mixed" terttt- izero sheltie/ insist on brands of PUGH Pt:MA= CONTENT'. WRITS for our PEIII2, educative bulletins on the Important ambient of FERTILIZTNG. 0111till'Arf .1.,02%1112Cr SYNDIC/ATM, 1010 Temple 1315g.. TO12014"20. Rapid Transit. The Caller --"I want to see your master about a bill." The Diplomatic Servant—"Ho left for the eountry last night." The Caller—"I want to pay him." The Diplomatic Servant (hastily) —"But be returned this morning." You will find relief in Zam-Euk it eases tbe burning, stinging pain, steps bieedig and brings ease. Pr.severance, vilith Zara. Bak, means cure. Why not prove • this ? AzI Drage-Ide and Stor48.- fiCe box. AND 100 VALUABLE PREMIUMS dIVE? AWAY 1 t Prize, $50.00 in Cash., 2rd Pwisle, $35,00 in Cash. .1` d Priao„ '.:540.00 in Cash. 42h Prim, $28.00 III Cash. Silt to Otis Prizes, ends $t 0.00 in Oaeh. Below will be found six: seth of mixed or jumbled letters. Cut you arrange these. six sets of letters in such order that each set will spell the name of a well known vegetable. By sending a proper nYrange- ment you bave an opportunity of winning it cash py,LI:e. Write Ili,eso six words plainly an5tneatlypn a slip of paTxx, as in the ease of ties,. both writinkand titatness W1, -ii heconsidered, factors to this contest. ...,.... OPA i or . !ooTTB-A-aciABfrourrtt ,g fi) - fr-F1-31' ,.... . Sena your answer at once; we wit reply- by R,Ctura ,3,,1 . ,stilittg'yott ....... whether your answer is correct oe not, at‘sl. we will send you a com- plete Pri2;e List, tog,e.thor with the natnes and addresses of 4.)ersoos who have racers t17/ received Two Thousand dollars in Casb Pr'ke.cs,,frOin, tie, stud fug particulars of a simple cohdition tlle fulfill ' This'ecmclitio41 cloe$ not'illychre, the senug o Send yo r reply &treat iot ,r", , ,,, ' " 9