HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-1-22, Page 12ra ley Will See If "Suffragettes Are Be- long Tortured. LONDON, Jani. 2t --'The Rt. Rey, Arthur 1 ley Winnieatoe Ingram, Bishop of Landon, last night promis- ed a depeitation from the Wornee'e Social and Political Union, that if he caa obtain the Home Secretary's con- sent Ice 'will, in the course of a Yewk days,, visit Holloway Mail, accemeau- ied by the Bishop € f leeesington, in carder to in,estif,ate tbe allegations that three soffragettee, imprisoned there suffer excruciating torture Wb*Le being subjected to forcible feeding. If of5cia'1 permission ie ob. aimed tbe two bishops witaiese Inc' operation. This projected action on rhe part tatesaegnts made at a reeetine, of the til#tants` Bolen by Miss lilorettce Ansel), recent -1Y released from Belie - way, that while taeran she heard shrieks and moans 1wiee 44,11. 1Y' Pro- ceeding from the opposite ccel o me- I?ietl by Raebel Peace, ww i o le ,..#,rime n eiginteen months team. At the sane meeting Ties }3arba- a W,yi;e. referring to the purpose of i ize. militants to c,»il as tihe. King, as announced by idle. Deere -Foe. a week ;o,'said that the deeiutetiort would prostrate ttaeae'lee,+;, before the as Sir Edward Corse% the ter Unionist leader, 4414 the UI- teritee would. but: enlace sicced be ern WC tlaiesty ?TM. $lie did not to [ib, et}$tjhTie d"epupt�adio,any;e w u'bil f od. atnit- "dill, e'King: If nothing came the ' rtnaear still ttftd the same tCn fid, as 'Aster. SOfeSj SalaalteSMe Cilill�i.�ile"tl,. i - - li $i r SYR JAMES EE3"S lU, Premier Whitaaey OtatttaiKlraG Plenty of Natiari;l ± TORONTO, Jun, Whltue+Y May yet .retulrzz ter health and itreu be as coaaltiaaaaezt a tatux4 as It has be days. gis tnet, feeling very coati prevent a+, recurrence which have jeapa=dlatd eft means that he uaay be.'. within n -RN weeks t I OMilse that the 're its in a position to iris t o leszdera1 L I a. ulcer du ttte T return to any of ,ctrl, activities.• 'lied 1134 WOt nsoltucy is di Iblif t+ftder ibe cireninguan„ has been taking plenty to -day, 1ix4Plaedran, Clarke."' E R Auction Sale —OF -- FARM STOOK, 'IA3,PIXI1TITMz I1AY AIANGOLI?S, TtOTATO] &% HOUSEHOLD FURNI aeLeRE Cameron has received insrrue Hons. flop the undersigned to sell by` public arnitioax on Lot 30, Con, 12 Towne -hip of Hibbert on /T1ULRSDAY, FEB'., 12, 1914. At 12.30 oeeloek sharp the following HORSES -4 mare four years old, glje, : 1_ maitre 4 yrs, old gen, pur. colts rising 2 yrs. gen. pur. 1 aolt, Irising 2 years old General purpose I carriage horse, 6 yrs, old, quiet and reliable, 1 peeing ,parer supposed to be izt foal, 1farmers iiril'ing mare ciajet and reliable, CATTLE --1 renewed cow ; 4 cows, daze int /April and May, 2 cons due laiCr.`s 1 fat �i � e'E.er , r r Sia at keep h .. v'te fere 1 farrow eow; 4 heifers and steers risiaag Wa years old 4 calve.. HOGS--,a,e anew -s due in 'tl..rcti curl pr I 10 store logs. Oi,7i."I`ii`2'-50 reounce, Bens and inlets: some pre bred Wyarpdette tale birds IA.IELE 1IFNTS,--1 Adenfa t acoct t 2 top buggy nearly nx11-4, 1 den rat r' won; : 1 pr, beab sleighs; 1 :elf sfxeed cutter - binder nearly' .nese: fewer steel' rake 2 €urre foot lista tt ptorw is walk - scattier, seedef drill n..Eel Oral' eatltiz'atcue, ay&r- Teeny 4btl ilei rOW4, .awn it sectecats 'say 'rake; gravel lox: avbeelbaarroww . hay torn land slang 3 double t?ul agar, 1 set sax t'e'ar, . .fonts, +oeeeveifflea' olseax, "rte. A talentity s aY, ,'acts, 1polturr rf feed pens, OJD VP..BNiTURt cream daisy churn spites, side eat laaattresses, lira kitchen and cola, polls pane, orticla- tt! aeaauter;, YOUlt MID IS :sCONSTXPAT 0 rr If DAY J'ArwrrARy' 29$ Look "Mother' tf tongue is conte. cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs:" Mothers pan rest easy after giving ''California Syrup of Figs." because in a few hours all the clogged -up waste, nourr bile and fermenting food gent1F =eves pat of the bowels, and you haze, a well, playful child again. Sick ehiidren needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative.?' Millions of rnothera keep it handy be- cause they lino; its: action on. the stomaeh, liver and bowels is prompt',. and sure. Ask your drug Ist fora 54-nerit bpi tle-of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children £1 all a andfor o � ages�'r. ww - a rt, ai S, P Auction Sale 'hos. Cameron has received -ihst ructions frpu the undersigned to sElt by public auction on 3 of rs cors, 2 1, -lit S. /Tacker:smith on Ps'iday- 34th of January- at one °'clock sharp the rottoww.,ictg I F?', .of matched Agra -setter -al ;liter= 4es, mare and melding 4 and a yrs, oId : I brood mere 7 years old sup- posed t0 b In foe! elnaeie,: 1 fn11,y rising two dears .Agile; 1 horse colt waar lA lie., 1 eareiege eictra ria, a et 4 years old, broken to hcarnes , 1 earriagt; geidioe 4 years old bro- l:t.ct to ,izarneae attle 1 renewed eow, ised to calve lo Marcia ane' I farVAww -Mt* ; iteero 4 tielfer.s 2 years aid, steers, arid, heifers, I year old; 4 S; llo 4 brood sows due is Marc n d April; I. soar due later, eQn twit z .bc fest, ors farm,, Terms—Id months ,credit ~rill be -vert an furnishing 4Pproved ,teit,t antes or a discount of 4 per tent aft cash. ctsitively rzo' resvrrV as the .drop- tor^ has rooted NS it rw c?aa a ceouot lIi 1teaittt. i1waY ins t! an lzotrzta IChica<I o e. er+ rout Sdaatti Isatnt"i, ife, l'QCx ui doh ilntxta xzt y Laud: resb am in Glii tt extiwtil lice vdn ar because yuan tele busy. t yea rho --and gladly --if what mesz,t so little to ,yon to bring back he glow to u fnea or the laiogbter to *ou . rd .'; tl a tote vote world. Then star rrIf she ler " if he l:ey sounds. What would be - r plans And your busy days :etre new to Mitslogea pec+ ra,O mpti"i4 3u4 eat tot e _ , e best, anti iitindrlds gone bores t Itihr if611 Ind p deem open ticcsuse like you stop fol,+mem ee dh-;rocziber, this Chris the attached. 'form I contriirutien. +ieop the 2fusko1'•rt Free 7fos. for ConSuinptiresscomer ire it, alai»g work,'1,fliad1tr sauiuse avidema"itrtenanea.ora • ,*eek. asfor four weeks. neer, s bets for a,year. eaaereed zasuch, o.7, . ozezne,r+ J&trrret eC also tike to cube ri l,e _Register Warne accord- ) aizt torr & s"tee, i;w,:, 84 Sparlina Zn R. Dnn/t1r Ser: -, reag. National $smi• Se.,"rsi Karg 92, T., iarnata 1 lis kt i ad I be do do ire me to ri art bing Rates se you from 25 to 50. =ib ung for your' daily ap�ers at this office. are for 'aaeadian Sus u'IS AND Weekly Star -. ._ 41 85 a r d J mprie .,3: -75' 5a o Free '.Press .a 1 85. e 'Advertiser p ...1_ 75. :ai Witness rs Sur. .. ._ 1 80 "ate; 2 40 Cares rs 85 day night ..,. .,. 50 2 40 2 �5 itnra1 route $3.o0 .;E1npire Rural; rout `x.50 mile! free'" .Press" 3 50 See Bless .,..2 90 eraser 2:<90 ala.;u na l". A.^ Toro N. d, DoreEta lo Agent ad Trunk, tl, llurzting Q1`+ iE`r. Casgraatrz AYiII Aitat Itis Waterways') NTiiEEi.Ir, dttRst. 27.-»-1 grain, KC,,, eh r fsmart of ilio Ca'n, tion of of alae Tatertaa.tlol atervaays Commission, outing of the proposal sa. izaTe been broached by members a the American section for the eon- stariaetion of an ocean-going chip ch el trona Montreal to tate bread of rent Lakes,, and at present de- clines even to discuss the proposition. The subject bus neve been brought tip at past meetinta of the Water- ways COE1fl1isalan when both Cana - Allan and American, seet1ons met to- gether, Mr. Casgrsin.:aid, and be has no further intimation, that Chairman Tawney of the Amcrlean section in- tends communicating with him on the subject than what was appearing is the ;Press. osa ' omtit°, .A, ex: 4P1al7 tt etez, or to NAC The Mev. Tri Vit. liicL;a i0I4 Airman o to uow ready and Wilt he mailed pre- paid for only 35c, Professor 13icka! rine Magazines, Word ''land \Srorl s for one year and a copy or this A1cn;tnao Cor only one dollar. 'Tbc plain les - of CIStronowyt, land the correct for+ caste of E:forzjs ^dxuutiis, biic4- nrds and tornadoes, make these pub- iicatrions za necessity in ',every home sn ,,A.znerica- Sexid to 'Word and Works -publishing Company ' 345.1 Pranklirz Ave. St, Louie Mo, KILL PRE GER/TS; TIOUBISB THE RAIR ROOTS Arlt' YO€°' ILL NEVER GROW, BALD €ISE PARISIAN' SAGE Its Your own fault if you grow bald at 35 eisi thousands of men do—yes 1 and women also. If you have dan- druff it is because the germs are al- ready devouring the very life of the hair at its roots. Kill thesegerms wits Parisian Sage and stop dandruff itcaing scalp and falling hair in two weeks I'a ? 'i R i rine' Its. guaranteed, you know, this d:ie:. tighttul and refreshing Parisian Sage' that is now sold'aii over Canada, and if it does not ° prove batter than any hair tonic you: have ever used get your baloney back. It puts life ,and beauty into dull faded hair, Largo bottle at We. 5. Coles and druggists everywhere. Regular puce 50 cents off. There'd a big diferr5ace be- tween seeds hon;scat from.. established. reliable Seedtaen' d those, bought, from a of no particllaa plea- Soar , -grow Usr our , es , W'rite for +.airdxme all d Cate-' Logue Aasa d h by return,A. rings 31si.t/sable P , tuna' Free 'With your sale= we. send you. �. .eel,,. lees. an atarat ctive , �r ° mn,i nan. See par czar of is catalogue ' Bath&Hua Loudon, Onto Cana;. Radial Plans Near Completion. LONDON, San. 27. Eon. Adam Beck is expected in London on Wed- nesday or Thursday, and, r s soon as possible a meeting of the London and Port Stanley commission will be call- ed to discuss important matters. The report of the engineers will be practically completed by that time and the purchase of supplies will be authorized. The appoltrthtent of a manager will be the first m:.tter undertaken. There are eight men in sight for the place. Confidential reports on all of them have been received and these will be przsennted when the ` question comes up, Another Added to Commission. OTTAWA, San. 27.—J. U. Vincent, assistant deputy ministers cf internal revenue, has been added to the High Cost of Living Commission. -The board is anxious to complete the en- quiry as soon as possible, so that it was decided to add another member. The commission expects to visit Mont- real, Quebec City and other points in Quebec Province next week. After visiting Quebec City the com- mission will go to Toronto and other points in Ontario.. It will then visit Winnipeg. Whether it will go further west has not yet been', decided. Million Bequest For Peace. BOSTON, San. 27.—The continu anee of the work of the World Peace Fourdation, :established by Edwin Ginn in 191f1, is asseteed by a provi sion in his will made public yester- day. Mr. Ginn, who had contribute 550,000 annually for•., the support of the foundation, bequeated eerie million dollarsfor the same 'purpose, the in- come to be administered by the trus- tees of the foundation. The abolition of war through edecatios in thead- vantages of peace is the object of the foundation. Four stilled OD to ea eel LIVERPOOL, San. _27.—en oxali- s/on occurred yesterday on ,tee Cun- ard liner un-ardlinez _laeaureteni,i., wyhicn is in dock undergoing repaire. men were killed and many Ialtaie . A' bottle of condee e &a� ' fei3 was 's irrk s sed in' a braz' to en'ein: rods a. r• outco-we cause; tion b. 0c aznq Zan, oljanen 'tit 1a .'liber, 'whc orlxed homest,etsderia and l� be l enora d:Rtr ct for two en captured lur a Posse 'raiz unded his tart s.nd got his x _.. ategy. The insane lnnan Is now Iodged in a steel -clad cell in Kenora jail. ice C.jo atter" of ; +Tot na Sr', tet e, i aatt2t.la` dect'�etlw e ltea.i tk.�t tz1 rs hatl"lzzg elainas alt e of thtr sale Richard died on or about Dec. quested oR or before b. ea d to soJul rbY post prepaid or rt., .. , 1testirs G1atdmaa & Ston- e of Exeter Solicit Co *r xeei tors of the said deceaa `otairz and surnames od- e aznd descriptions the full par of their .alairns the altate, f their accounts grad the rm.,- the securities if any-, held And further takenotice such last mentiened date Pseoutors will proceed to trilautat the assets of the deceased on8 'the laarties entitled. thereto,' having regard' only to the claims ut which they shall then have noti.'e s►od that the Executors will not be liatble for said assets or any part thereof to tiny Person or persons of whose plaims notice stzall not have, been =eared his them at the time of lath distribution. .GLALALIN & aST,"ANJLilt ' Solicitors for Executors Dated at Exeter January 13th 1914 e MOLSONSBAM( :. Incorporated 1$a5 Capital Reserve °...,� $897004)00 L-",3. 85. BRANCUi,„S IN CANADA rTe A R REBAL BANKING R SiNEsS TRA SACTED tl 2t TTL ,R LETTERS OF CREDIT - . B VELL3 S QI-MQUES isSURD, BANS MONEY ORDERS- .. - SAVINCS DEPARTMENT At all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Exeter Branch N. D. Hil DOM manage n Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government COTHE CANAPIAN BANK OF CAPITAL, $15,000,400 REST, $13,500, O' MONEY ORDERS ' The Canadian Rank ofons . �rce" ars' a safe, etj+mv'ettierzn pensive Method of remitting swan cus f moms, The -set' ay alta without ire at. any buck in nada e:ce; � ept itszm u Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States*, at the following rates S and under . $ cents Over 5lind not ¢Icceedirzg'$10 fs as a10 ill E4, 30to44 30 4 145 41 s� should be 11 ORDERS. ABROAD OW DRAM awl, ZION= Credi 0j TON L.1!3,. a, D, the e 'ethnic Mew County art Ntaton, stccwised. ' given bebsit U nt alI having platiaxt to tit the said 'led On or ubou neared on or lzc to seed h sl ct deiirMt" to w'te srs 'G ad.z ilaaary of rhe village of 40eitors tot atdonnistrator of used, their cltriation and stza- �.r descri; tion. oln their claims acccounts and ;lea, it .any xr take no. rationed ,s ;o of Toronto- Gxa31lalt c over Dickson de C44+ office. Cte sed Wecksos s.' Phone 011ice Lei cums FOUR. Woman and Children. MONT,RnAL, Jan. 27.—MeS, Moo - on Rodin and three children vrere Notre Dame des Itas.r.l.r6,` Quebec. Mrs. Rodin was starting the fire vitil kerosene and tile flames jumped to the clothee of her little girl, who was present- Mrs., Rodin tried to ex- tinguish the flames and her own clothing caught fire. Two other little girls in the room, one of whom was thn daughter o: a neighbor, were panic-stricken and Ignited their dresses by attemptins to put the Mrs. Rodin tried to get out" of the house but was unable to open the door, In her terror sbe tried to open a window and the curtains caught In a few worisents the house was a mass of flames, and though the hue - band tried to enter the burning bUild- ing he was forced back by „the smoke and Bre.— He deeleted hls frenzied efforts only when badly. burned. , Pnetunonia Rained Effects of Radium Treatment for Cancer. ' PHILADELPHIA, San. 27.. --After a successful race against death from Iowa, by his daughter, aiad while tha rays from 511,000 worth of radium were working their mysterious way, 'Ibanan Zook, one of the superinten- dents of the Panama railroad, died ia the Rahnenaann Hospital at four o'clock, yesterday morning, not front (lender which the radium was obliter- ating, bat from operative pneuraonia.. As it had-heen observed that the cancer -in Mr. Zook's` throat had pro- gressed so far as to render a surgical operation useless, the surgeons, ae a last resert, turned to the gift of mother earth,"andlast,W:ednesday in - The cryetals, -Which in the aggre- gate would not cover half thenail of in capsules of gless and lead, and in- sertecl ,into the cancer by Dr. li. G. h r- meek ernith. Notice to Creditors the 'matter of the estate of Thomas ,XcstIe of the Township of Stephen County of Huron. Farmer laelotice iherebY given pursuant to Statues in that behalf that all cred4 Hors and others having claims ag- ainst the estate of the said Thomas Kestle Who died on or about Dec, 180. 1913 'are requested on or before Feb. 12nd to send iber post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gladraan & Stan - bury of the 'Village of Exeter Solicit ors for Ea-ecutors of the said deeeea- „ed. their christens and surnames ad- dresses and descriPtions the full par- ticulars of their. elaims the state,* mend of their accounts and the ma- ture .of the securities. if any. held by them. Arid further take notice that after such last naentionad date the taaid Executors evill proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having .regard only to the claims of which, they shall then have notieet and that tbe 'Executors Will not be liable for siaid assets: er any aart thereof to any person 'or persons of whose claims notate shall not haVe of euch distribution. been receired by them itet the time Solicitors. for Exeoutors TAXTPIS OFF DANDRUFF, Save your Halal Get a 25 cent bottle of Daridoeine right now—Also stops itching scalp. Fish Combine To Be Probed. OTTAWA, San. 27.-- The alleged isb combine in Onta,rio will be invesr tigated when -the high cost oftliviiig commissioa pays a visit to Toronto. The commission will go thoroughlY,' into the whole qneetion, andeash de ae to thee ef' tbe eaIleged ,corn bine en PPiog,,' of -gel) Oeaeeteta,the ofeli Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy air is mute evidence of a. neglected calp; dandruff—that awful scurf There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its vary life; eventually producing a feverish - nese and itching of the scalp, which if not rentedied •causes the hair roots to, shrink, loosen and die—then the out fast. A little Denderine , as or Gviduata cit Torczat' fuli sstatement ie nature of held bY tice that after 'tine date, the said . or pro- d to distribute the aie5etto of the - o having regard only to the la of which he shall then 'have e rid that toe Administrator will liable for haid asrets or any of to any person or per. r,s 'whoa° claim notice th of huob distribution. Solicitors for Administrator Dated ht Exeter this Catia day lot 150 Acre Farm For Sale The undersigned is offering for sale that fine 150 acre faros tho Township of Stephen being the west nail of lot 15 Con.. 8. and Lot 16 con 9 Tbere is on the latter a good frame house containing 8 reoms tIVEl geOtt bank barns 84x49 and -80x60 with good stabling underneath; a never failing well with'. wind mill epaances; water through the barn well underdrained, welt fenced and in goodstate of cultivation For fur- ther particulars apply on the pree wises to J. K. Scbroeder or 13, .4S. Phillips, Real Estate' 'Agent Exeter BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND fif Subjects taught by expert instructors at the LONDON, ONT. -Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2rut. Catalogue free. Enter any tane. LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartereeaccaantant se Vice -Principal Mageolimmlintinerksoin CENTRAL Canadas best practical ain- Telegrephy. :Courses are thore d practical "Individual' instructioo ie given by a strong ate, experiended etaff Our 'grad- "1” enter- at 'any aur free Oie etalogue 4;4: aoy bad oft op the Molsons Barak eto. Money to Loan at lowest rate ato funda to loan on 'farm d laga properties at lowest rate of boi Honor Geaduate of the .London .conH aervatory of Music, Teaching 04144 lege of the Westeru UniVeraiiigs Teacher Plano -Theory -IlaraiorEV. etamterpoirit and. Musical Risher" P awls prepared _for musical escalate Tile lisporno and tilDbort Farmer's Mutual Fire Ilisur— Head Office, Farquhar, 01/0/g President 3. L. RUSSELL k,,,j DiRtmoas ROST MORRIS THOS., RYAN WM. BROCK WM. ROY Winchelselle AGEE TS JOHN ESSER IC Exeter. agent Hai - borne and Biddalpte OLIVER ElArtgis Munro agent for tlibbert Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TT_TIINRULL Secy.Treas. Farquhar Solicitors. Exeter. VO Offialt3 Jaterested and shoe/tiltrotor,- - ebouttao wonderful alive! WhIrthia spree, ur,ertigalst for tranaidebealk;:esoto ed; roartlatilarriailleafireationairaviatiable cat Gat yre