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Exeter Times, 1914-1-22, Page 10
S SNOW INCI(EAS 0 es t Pri vet" lx e pmen @ Advance ight Per Cent, lFc?�u says: I:li ne-mont„l„s' ) t. 31 -1 a ;he total -t <<la: nada slay: ;.'e"d. ark advance of upon the trade of the c,.rioci -trf the year rd;n> to be nguare- )el,t1rtR1*ont. of C,ItE,_ :212 t tai trade, ex -...,$....4=s,71.9,51%, 4"1,:against,•4:°lr F ports, During 1913 t?= total evno;€al wd reSS�,^,�iQ > 7 as ,1y 5Z5, 1 t2, V toe t'.x. o7[ t, $1--'v)11.15 C.5S were <-fi against raa 1s be? d:? alestic Produce, as ,652,15 , tl tmcr>, sej S60,403,50/, t- over +24 • Trip r is en_`eredfor ser:s at n t showed a stight exT-,, t 7 ICM.d c1.4n products 3 3 „ln, 2 s tl`lTea th+3$e of a . :C3tr drop 7Z o .. April From. x'320,47‘7,,,473�_, n.7 ]L nw sa } Sir. -"',,o. - ,',.")$7,05$ an 3012, " othez hand. uwaaag $78,W9,830. ,�1,t101,Qs�Q, increase was 11u$1xo,30 25. a� 434,277 in '1012., to 4J MVrt .!,1.1)IPAPPao, 4 4 2.`6 , ns • Barley__ iarQa¢w awl, 6l to 46ti», 6470:: W •e. ,i sigight r i ,#4 - s; wR, 4 4s 8.1.501. tees. - f fi, a a 40; ptoutIAN 'alar avor« err t! aaM t as tera4P,' 11.1,a * 1 t$ I .4e, Rutter,- - Rutter,- +tsr,40. 1 rM4 A cb+'fge eateto ta,f4r lid '##;t 410 hre abt Tiero 4"*�l§�4t'4aasi t2» 1 u:0 to l�,i rMa'itMa� .14'0sa, 14 "4 a�a"BcaR 44y tua c1 5ar nrl bay --7,,s1 1 tAt. 8fi�i,aih ask !scrim, :v',v. 3 Mltatt+t$aal mix4Mi aa.t $42 to at2.sq, vt aw--'C r IGt19. , Toronto.. nnip^ :4 vin rd e;:zra z a4caal �sata butober acaL $7 i 14) tale, %357$ $7 to $?.w.$; CV: bas* �ker o., fair. A5."a rM too $5: dm, ,r€a2Uc r, s AD u► 1 6, 43 :gt 4 Tits a R.ATHCONAWASWEArt w�'SLn. iia No. 2 Northern. 23 I•f r1 ntxa, a1 1.4o: No. 4. 76e No. 6. 6 t» teed, 52e; :v,s, 1 rete,e Silica. roieeted Feec'.e, Waite; spe�tla. 76c:. No. 1 emttttp,; Manraatt 78 1.2e: No 3 smut, rea3' nter, S51 -4e: No. 1 83 1.2c„ . 3 rzd Winter. Nu. 2 .'ti?'.� 32 33e: No. 3> ^d 32 3414 No. 2." Barl e+y acts+!, sera feed,. 51.27; No. 2 is ti T. %io.4, 40e1. "c trio. 1 N.1, No. s v real; res Loss. Tw ut, the Roy- Ike wer NFESSI�N QF y: dd ick by jtlannlic "bt assist ltasrtl_v be zm arc v'e th -general unraoun ,.d, ch gaatt"ed the Ca tib gymnasium a ter! xn $100,000 proper -..cl new detachments: rthwcst 3iouoted P added to the forcela CONSTA a nally Gave Rope and Revolver to Murderer to Aid His Escape From Prison despatch :from Winnipeg says: nstabia Robert Reid, of the city. .ce, one of, the two officers guard- Krafchenko when he es - Ped, made a full confession on ,dnesday before the Royal Coin - SS bn, omscion, and implicated Percy ,Ha the lawyer, John Buxton and Westlake. Constable Flow his fellow guard, he clears of itspicion. Reid had fottnerly listood'a,seven-boar grueling be- e the commission -which seeming- -1.,d justifiedhim, ' but, he tom- ly reversed his swp;' state to gat IT,Illecititess box Reid, told hew ..rsanall3, given the : rope, . and revoiv.er t I,:rafclienko days before the- escape, while bask o Flowers,,, the other, d, tfa„ t uiin. re.' The' loosened bars in the window, he said, had been tampered with while. Ryan, the day guard, was asleep in the cell. The constable stated further that all the arrangements for the escape were made in the office: of Percy Hagel, Krafchenko's coun- sel, where'.Krafehenko had sent him to see Hagel. He :,said he did not knew what had induced him (Reid) to help Krafehenko. Buxton had given the gun to Reid in "Hazel's office, and the number had, been filed off in Hagel's presence. ' Ha- gel hacl told him that Westlake, who wa.s to hide Irafchenko after his escape, could be trusted to do so without ``squealing.” Nagel, he said, had gone to Plum. Coulee to get' $100 to handle the case. He aid not knew whether he got it Or not... mean Kidney Trouble Liniments and blood pureiers are useless: What you must. do is to'cure the kidneys'. Take sitz uls'r deco�} 15 ta.csq vital• i'gan s ca rectafl ozse:xse,—neutr, iize .:pi r fy.tj"eblood—re11f;vethe aE w 4.*dece stvetlingiuhsnc'.Nand. se,1t.€m receipt cf price. ted that the id i l:r zi '., Qui g, Your Coldl About "ands: of M•^xmM,9a.a..,,, CI ze f!kit "t(loi to alae atonzaach--that's wl all. t t' ataarrhoz61ta1 g0e5 e right atter the at—!seats' the soreness . reu the taunnnation—nnalces Catarrh distil?, Nothing I have -ever used gives he run, soothing sensation, of 'Catarrho- e writes Isabel Pry, of Seguin alis; Ciao.""1 was in a frightful way 4tiz caatzarrh of the nose and throat -- bad droppings, hard breathing, bad breath and Indigestion. Catarrhozone relieved at once and cured me thor- oughly- It is invaluable in colds, sore throat and bronchial trouble," Not dlmcuit for Catarrhozoneto tura, bo- cainse it contains the essences of !sine balsams and other antiseptics that simply mean death to catarrh. Large size costs $1,00, and contains two months treatment; smaller sizes 25c., and. 50c,, all druggists and store. va Haat 0 v all. Coln; hero cilia keepers or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, 11.'Y'., and Kingston, Canada, 03. COLD WEATIL.EIt, IN PRANCE. Still Front 'Ten to Twenty Degrees of Frost. A despatch from Parise says: The extraordinary cold experienced here during the past four weeks, and which still shows no signs of abating, has caused the prices of food in Paris to rise from fifty to six hundred per cent. above the ordinary. Potatoes bring nearly double their usual. price, while fresh vegetables cost from four to six times their regular prices. The old inhabitants recall the siege prices. Railway communications have been interrupted by snow, it <being from two to four feat deep in ;sumo places. In •central and: southern France the, temperature ranges from -10 to 20 degrees below freez- ingFahrenheit. $126,000,000 SPENT. Annual Report ©f Transeontianental Railway Commission. A despatch from , Ottawa says . The annual report of the Transcon- tinental Railway Commission, Thursday, day, th w .in tle House, atotalexpen i - l tore of $720,000,000.. The amount spent last year was $14,000,000, a against $20,000,000 the year befysre. The New 13i'unswielk section lyas un- der operation during the ..ear, and o{l w Yet nee .vi v�2,000 ' The en' of this section the vale ilrt :1 {tied �rilrin *etch 7 . Jane6, 40, Gare b d, it3a1,1 on !rise rias fisc far~eraa7 erut13 eat h a obalta Luk Miming ri; txrita elnd tine worl tae, ie, .h fn a 4t„ throat, aater fr Pzn the lake is to daxw , h laar draining is tonna tt@ed, ' °I "aaidea was caused Say Inca ; ti ny ropes giving 'WV. ,� 4a eS ori native of NeWfouned!a1nd. I asvM*s a, wife, who iw at present xisit i Nowa Scotia NO SIGN OP 1,011, I II an Found Frozen to Death Nes Lumber Camp. A despatch ;from Port Artht says :Apparently o ercozn< by while walking from the I.tussel1 Company's camp at .Pearl to the station, William Lownsborough, aged thirty-one, was found frozen to death- on Thursday. Tho body was 1, ing undisturbed, with no signs of foul play. FRIENDLYI"EP. }n CA D MAIS A Trade Valance 5-1 1" a E NEWS I A PARAOR IIAPP _EYINGS F!W Al ALL t3 'EIt. F E (A.3LO11E IN A N UTSHHE F T,, aanada, the Empire and the orfs 3n 0eases tietora 1eur E.�es,. C<algadn, Mayor W..jr"„ Barrett, of Thessalon was aznseated as La owed the town. i .40 for taxes, ,aelpa Board of Trade wa'a1tsB l , consular, agent there, and far, Taylor paid the` death pen„- ±4y en-t; at Brantford oo Friday for an 'ler of C"baa1ie Da »son, :her, e: years olid, last Sept"etaber, ?die has forreed across 3 a4F°renee, near Alorr3shurg, +Q's gra e„ anxflety thr✓1ugh. fear A4 a 1,am a:zd <'.,onAse ueot 1c4, Maior V.V, 1. reds i k iri4,llflt.on, aan Ottawa newspaperaT2an, formerly of: ai e;,ro,ntoa. is to he N�Ja'ti4'�ea� a�4r 9$;L"4' a P47ih��l. ^�s Thr r'eratn 141177 t:rw:aaa &°'14."3, on awes, the completion of the Wei - a and Co 1, and as c aufercniae ria inces on the E aa4ihiiit , of tela a?�arlal sy a4 sal., aro, loipho Lei liaaar i cna otict gatn resolution, t' loaalaaras providing ding for b'ed ars' �laa s boar 1e the prop000d Wo; streal .14 1 for ad ,;o- tufa e 44: , aarxe tc tw �J'l a rt arch: art ctaaarla tiean with to •tend pd, *ILd demi, or aeons.. n Patrl B,siaa:d ar �Ft . ig>ar fa Ra °neo f n„se µ aiita'a , the Zee Lu, y t1aMa^i#, riaade Saar aaani; Bch as l4at, a,417. on inter- artaaa'e and uarrei4awy. At - 110 K tmd4att 4ta42^i ai ,, 1 0 �r4�' �1�rrL2XRr�P t 11. ,120, t aaaa^ntn g about 4+lpfif4`Fla= tg during t l a4at 4137,000�&1a at resk which sae Restored Hope and Confidence. After several years of indigestion and its attendant evil influence on the mind,' it is not very surprising that one fanalIy loses faith in things generally, An Eastern woman writes an in- teresting letter. She says: "Three years ago I suffered from an attack of peritonitis which left me in a, most miserable condition. For over two years I suffered from nervousness, weak heart, shortness of breath, could net sleep, etc. "My appetite was ravenous but I felt starved all the time. I had plenty of food but it did not seem to help. I got discouraged, stopped medicine and flid not care much whether I lived or died. "One day a. friend asked me why 1 didn't try Grape -Nuts food, ", stop drinking coffee and nse Postum. I had lost faith in everything, but to please my friend I began to use both, and soon became very, fond of them. ' "It wasn't very long before I got. some strength, fait a decided change in my system, hope sprang up' in -my heart and slowly but surely I gob better. ' Icould sleep very well, the constant 'craving for food .ceased and I have better health now than before .the attack of 'pexitr,riitis. ' 1r husband and I are still, ieFisi Grapy Nuts and Postuna." Name given by Canadian Posbuan Cc., Windsor, Ont, Read, "The. Triad to AVe1la ito. in pkgs. 'Thee."7:.a Rea- n" nye!: recall' the above lotto < .a ' aorr ono 4)e koin tin 5 to tires They a o" .go u1 tt�xer ane$ w I outman+ 9iitei.E@�Wb egt 11 Ile 4i (-54 th 01,000 t sisal Port e2'ta Out rlA'atl "uei :Xtra iia li a�rett. A despailn, from i Faaraaiaan* En tard, says: a n tlaa►a4 rand a,) Ors . in London o. 41 higher pa} para e rarctioally no coal WAS d+ail, 103,1011 iaa in the rnriala and worst cold s ayaara, It will take iii orf dt4ys: to cause grI ry in '0 to of hones wbe 1 is 'boulatizailr, eanly aa;'bucket ftal at .r time. Porter whi aro this 113 cent ton `for handling +sial, are dernata�iing an inoreraso of two cents a Fn and other concessions, which it ]ai estimated, will practi call,• raise the ;pay seven een a u'r1or.o. l�aaa seta f try akms's' tl°p7il.li at r urtt .F.. mitera.iM&�aa't' ay airy 'i rt Tats ifier iaorta�.o a�” n4e tbo ' t4 tt'b011t' �. Aga tier' ta,�rrarw nl s i .thi to aoltratc t a4boul s #140 haa,lnx4*e a?t lair a �es� t r 4�hac'la �Sr�ar'isinl� �� de anaot4a is ah n t q, rlaila�_ �st�i4a�, ria ilae�a iacaat`, r :dir ;d aehnnnsi, tiaa don Ea to a4lxawty, end toss ani v lies iaa4t it would ho a nads lana axa' 1331,70StAtbrq an4 fiat Y t i a4tt;ott )2 th it t*ti4` t , ECtt liber P' ;4�44e4sa'aA.: oa` ^s„ r, n 1 0 n4 tedntladt :a+ar' ut, rad Jutaarc t�4 panty imaDla4l asseen Setcthrostt, colt} lra cheat, is taxntlaaclie,'cta.a las quickly. relict'ed icy Csium Vas- lin,G. Apply extent/illy." 2' ai stn; gG It 44 04 The it ' ra aiit4ati°�ar�ttt. ii4ac'�,ata3 t14an Fso0ialted. gatThuiska,a4i4ail cl which re41v anent of Edam i to for 3"•ural. naval ndi1 ➢cinnt; tufiraasts it sr which witi irrc1ta fawn at. Fturking14 1 ort 'that horses of at Caa,iainet, And tis: fait a sty i4tirP. %`rtita*tl; made , !arra , irar4, than noted Ai ser• aromotMer' of hence, tlii;d in bueotts, 1: man 'an Iw°t ,v York eoufc cYrxaxriacity in ala _ Martin, Maier, of Ton Srnto flrnited States proposes to , strong land fortifications in se aawaiian Islands. P'axsenalrs on as trash between �a troit and Chicago were robbed by a bandit oho ana.de the porterst aid hint, Creat; Lakes traiiic in 1113 iaroko all previous records, Sacr ordin4g to the' head of the Lake Carrierai -As- sociation. There are not` less than 30,000 d2niesticated reindeer in Alaska to- day, according to estimates of the U. S. Department of Agriculture AGRICULTURAL COLLEGR« tendaneo at the InstitutiOn This 'Winter Is SS& A despatch, from Guelph, says: The attendance at the Ontario Ag- ricultural College and Macdonald Institute is now 886, divided as fol- lows: Macdonald Institute (regu- (regular course), 430. Short courses —Sbock,and seed judging, 135; bee- keepirig, 77 ; poultry, 38; dairying, .; mutual training and special subjects, 13. .11 .17CITROGEN FROM AIR. Concession Granted by the New- foundland Government. A despatch from St. John', Nfld., says : The extraction of ni- trogen from the atmosphere on a large scale for use as fertilizer i the purpose of a concession just granted by the Colonial Govern- nfent for the eniployment of Grand Falls in Labrador, The plans call for the development -6 ono million hoese-powee from the falls -to gen- erate electricity, Wanted --- Twelve 4V all-eaticaLed, conscientious young worann pupil nurses in City 'Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies ca,used by graduation. Unusual variety of 'experience, New Nurses' Home soon he completed,: - Finest con- tagious disease ,h'uilding in the State. Children's Ward and Ma - Visiting rses' work, Montlali alloviance from time oi acceptance. On hes or belated Vase!: 1,10 Wog like Com- ber ice for chapped hands, cracked lips, etc. Just what the outdoor, man or' girt needs, Ever suffer from nervous headaches? Rub in Men- tholated Vaseline: The relief is magical. — soothing and. good fox' nasal catarrh.: sc ca booklet is full of tete ieresting " home hints" end - Tactics! information. Pree, post-peid. Write to -day, Druggists everywhere mane only by the. John Lind, the United States re- presentative in Mexico, is said to be That the `U.S. has acquired the Panama Canal for purposes of war is the assertion of the German general staff in an official report. The executive of the Federation of Trades of South Africa has de - dared the general strike off. The general strike was called in sup- port of the striking railway em - Police at Dresden, Germany, raided. the offices of 23 cigarette factories and seized cloeuments showing the relation of the factor - les to the American Tobacco Trust, which the Government has been in - WEAKNESS IN BOILER. at Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa says Olaf E. Cranberg, chief inspector of the Boiler Inspection and Insur- ance Company of Canada, who came here from Montreal and made...... an official inspection of the boiler caused the frowick Hall dis- ter in it and b so) ve Abe