HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-1-22, Page 8Al VM THIS MONTH OFFERINGS MEAN G°NINE ONEY SAVING COAD . They earl ai lined wea ierR eel A4t. ,, 1 ' .All BOBE �i la=ttR 'boare large ifat art&owl with ti l e tor the bat Mien a* A TRAQ I'AN CQ T$ ladies .straebaax tat: with, goad linings rani. tale... collars, Reg price ill ' 't1ur ebeice I6, late ba,< alOats for wi OATS car Red. b liana ,fad ar wear., ORENS Et4EEOE, UNTO EILIMPM aA * are Warm #i a rat " Adel., We bare rout oleos 41345a 0T OS pleaesgarIl Will mato a�as:rib from Haat tO be 1 up our bundles l nPeu slit he T H E fleet Report -e- ,'he following Is eDart of the Exeter market =tor, meted up to Jan `e�2nd W beat Standard 5,3„ Oats 30. to 32 Barney 45 to 60.. Reekwheat 4.0 to 60 Peas. 80e Family Flour $2,00 Sherd M grad $2 ler toe Lew w ! radii flour S.150 a not over is days, old 32 s over 9 day' old `2 teem' r ' better al. . s'te" 32. Creamery butter 23.. Chicks alive If Chicks dressed 13. Rens alcve 2, Henn dressed 30. Reenter' alive 6 Reeeta;rs dressed Duck alive 10 Dec dressed In Geese ;nave 10 Goose dressed 13 Turkeys .alive 16 'turkeys dressed 19 Dried aatnnes 1'rrrw Potatoes 75 to 90, Hoge .8.b0 TI TiU S tan . 24'€Tt1 PY 2 ifrc athless thereci tnei .W:;tn sou! Sc# orad trYtto never to initassclt 1natb said; `ery trade of late, is getting bate; I11 try another ten -incl edd" 3f sten there be, go mark .hint well, ,hien no bank aceeeni shall swell; ele angels wateb the golden ,stair To we/come home the, millionaire, The men Who never risks for trade By local Brae or gad. displayed Coxes more for ,rest than worldly .gain, Aod patronage 'hot ,gives Kira pain. Tr,�eatt lightly friznds let no rade sound TDstaub his solitude pro ound,; llerw list:him lite in enadea reepose- tlnse ':;htexcept by men Jae owes_ xa l a- hen h, dies get plant him deep, That nosieht reay brei zila,ehis dreamless slue' s"hem ne rude; e?angor may d,;:p.i tube qaz!et chat lye loved so Arid that the '.world may knee bas los; k'lece or. Ins grove a wreath of sanozs, And cr a stone chore, :`Here lies, tJ mora t ho ws-oiaicln't eilvert"ise.:' dames Beve, Llifgn in St Exete Phu FO ?tire iiia! fl 43 A ll is on been, o go bore ala . � a • : s; A oy' tag .a' 4444 oet awls^ A. STEWA' T... a ar Ai Wbb 0115 AND END SALE t overs fro: will be olearecI ou on. T . . , , . r,* Reducti n Ines WATCH OUR illINDQWS The Home o Edison Phonographs as towffli's Bazaar They BIG VARIETY STORE stTAmyTA nF�►ssOY"" 3VY=riaYj'®n'iaas 4A0:IA'a411' A11 Illioi�0`yamasses araYia4�i': s • +era►' say a, ▪ Ars nnit reel oto '!;rstenen. CA' enew t gent N. W. Taman the curlers bo local of tnnzIaincrs' ;sad pne. vs.+ tax. ivod for the Exeter nalfaattaruiaag Cls. The Company has _y...d olie`raatlons. 'W. G; H. i4lcAlister next Sab- aiveninc in ,Tames 1St. t hurch sc>asS Bibi.' 'vines trod personal land a�'bligation. a'17r. and Mrs. George Lovell end Cavo children returned home on 57 fur - ti 'last niter spending several weeks Willi 1 Ir. sand 3(rg,'Chow, Flynn. Y onosin has ben. flooded with cheap eilw ear 84.0OU of Straits Settlements And hong; Kiang coins worth. 60 cents ono the dedlrar !have. been imported do--' to London, London banks ere reins -0 ing the mone3'. 'd r:: 'itobt. Taylor of TJsberne has a chicken that 1.'aid an egg which 'met cured 47 by 13 inches end .which weigh ed four ,:end one half ounces or just ..aunt the eveig`ht of two fair sized ears. Who can beat this: Tn proving -Airs, Jas, Tlern 'sway in London this =week visiting her laugh ter Miss Olive. ° We nre 'plaesed to note that 3liss Bern is progressing favorably and eves able to sit ,up for a few minutes on Tuesday. The 'high cost of ;living is solved, by eating more bre, .. not +'ri more palatable and. r' telt +ns • .'nen _why not.eat !more 'read less of other things, thus o , in . :both health and income_ " oy `avant ' be best flour of course :hence buy M DLL B. sS. Phillips real testate agent of Exeter has ?this week disposed of efornzan dna-reins farm being' lot 10 eon. 1 Township of: Hay to Mr, Cred- ac Stanlake of the second con, of Stephen forr the sum of •$6,600 posses. sion to be given ou March, 1st An nyster slapper and social even- ing was held n,t the home .of Mr. Jas Etherington of ITsborne on Tues- day vening in honor of Mr. Eel. Etherington of Detroit. A very plea- sant time was spent by all. ltfr,sEth erington returned to Detroit on Wed- nesday,' The morning Albertan, of Calgary of December 31st containedthe fol - toeing persona) "Dr. J. 4I. Gunn les= yes to -day for, Vienne where he will spend': several",moutbs'; in "Post Grad- nate (study. Mrs. Gunn will aceom- apant- him. Mrs. Gunn was formerly Miss Anna Martin, and is well kiss -ten 'Jeri - For days the managersof the new rink tried to .get ice,' but in(,; vain, a strip across the centre refusing to foam' At last it dawned upon them. to dig down and investigate, when they found a drain from the knitting .Tull through 'which: warm water teas running, When the ; matter` was l nought to 'the ;attention Of Menagter ehby-'of the Knitting Company be at? .s once putrnen to"+wort fond so changed of curse of tate damn that is pas- s y not undertJa"ar alk Clintonlievor : r . k s, rnolcl of Renee?' A. Stewart* nen of Teedeeed Alt H25tin>5n .2--A base :r rer. g : n . A a secolad genes in the ill he prayed this ar nTher lien. who rec., flrafale4 °`,ask, is 'canal ll 4t Pd 0 A l a . -at oarttal aai i tltllcQ 3TeA!%t aaaldatreaepd Ql en AE. A small ai ?i�tAl_motst Iva year aai tr 1►res ow�a r --q ago XMAS GROCERIES i?aa'll soon be thInkln 4f = Cbrtstanes 'oohing anti bat- ing., ing., We have been thliakIng of it and are prep Four ttr meet 3'eur tvante bi fresh groeeri Oen us np by phone and lease your order ive' us a. teizil and be eonvin. lu JEWELRY .— OF QUALITY ; 511111 AMPIALAl a Luxury Ot , ARTICLES OF JE41 ELLER` ARV to ,tries .in the same sense that silk hose are lam % but Jewellery as a wtaote is not a luxus ° er instance a Watch. a Chain or Fob. Link Buttons. Scarf Pios, Tie A, tips, hat pins. Engage/1101A Rings, Wedding Rings, Cleeks, Kni- ves. ai-ves, Forks and Sp000s Brushes and Combs, are necessities and in lamb Vi per cent <?f a well: nedered . stock is composed; of necessities sX.OfAS isonly', 'ERR WEREW away it would be Well to inspect hoose} anewssitiea from a jewellers stock—The well assorted steles• ..--01? A CI -IAN! SALE- -heifers se r° ht, For Sale rJva; rated !ilia day ��arla undo ea°rata. a':eaaa1 LZua zturtla Ira, AVadahvIn A d' y: ale maga~eaa°cernaiala aartod down `ills aplred ;,after rtm Connor was aa:mew taral shaken up and 'Was a frees doss- Farm Sohl Mr. Milo tqnaia1 has tint Loosed of ;bis fine Tarn. on London I'!d aaoastb. to Mr, It, P. Luker, of Saskaia- aheaven Tor $11,000. Mr, Snell' will take off b.notber croft and Illy, taker will take possession on December lata, Tills is lanother instance where fart'- azaers 'who have been in the west have scone back to this district and have bought uta 'arms. 1f, goes to prove' that we have the'laand and the fnrmn ing conditions haat anxe the equal if not 4th' ;superior to most of them. This section _hes seen its worse times let us prepare for something better. Where should be a strong desire and ta, stronger determination or, "the part of every farmer an this Province to ,have the best facilities and, know the latest and best farm offethods. bard work is not the o ing that counts on thejfarm, . !ming is a business and a,'agood, 'fne. 'Io wake it the suosess it` oi,ht to e, business methods nust�,lte taken ad antage of The first atove you sho d make should be to subscribe .for :t e Week- ly iv 'Sun, The Farmer's Business Paper, It costs a little but msenns a lot to the farmer who is looking for profitte. able results 0 br awa ook Iced Silver Trophy Comes to 'Exeter — There has been on exhibition in ;Mr. J. 'Senior's window a silver cup which Was won_by 11Ir,,J. IL `Scott of the Exeter creamery at tbe'Western Ont- ario Dairymen's convention held in Stratford last 'week. There are tons of butter shipped from this section each week and we doubt if there' is a ny` part in Ontario that is making more butter than is beim made in this neighborhood. in addition to the quantity the quality elwass conies to the front in competition. • In its : re- port of the convention the Londta Free Press, says"fair, J. H. Scott of s xeter in - accepting the De • Laval. silver trophy for the higbobt score on butter made in October from collects. ed ,cream; --modestly passed on the honor to his butter'aker :Mr, Rase - Mond Pollock" 1 A. hearty ;Ttesponse-Last 'week an intimation was received ; from Rev.: D. C. MacGregor. of fforonto, who ou two „recent occasions spoke In Doyen Presbyterian ahurcb, that the work :4mongst the needy in Toronto this, 'winter was taxing, their resources, Mr J: •Grigg took- the matter up On Saturday and sent ourlword that any. discarded clothing left ,at .the store store =would be" forar-arded. (There was a ,heart y reponse and before night the counter ip the roar of the store ,t' was filled • h)igh a ith' clothing of 'sill descriptions .On Pfondeyestroornaog, t cc o nse5 went. for» ardetl +rons:o and these ety, :e folla:a� t 1p 1 Yesduy �' rad Wednes�rre- eciverr 'we :tea -ea 'to njae rite' eletenoge ebeT tteeheir Mend si 11 any lieynee on t1a eod 1�ietoria *.ale pravat,Ay rad follow*. mood) 'KIM. A lot ,of bla$ and: glance ere; oven; .;good as !`Ow sit. 1ing nam he lager . 4 dining tai&ellen chtai : 1 larAlltorlt *berry °n om + a , aale140 natbscma . alroaatr uilk.'a Titin, Am6sor Alettent ht' nhovaa ll gal Jaaunee4 S"Ere4 water. quartolr :s.td at ,a reor# tQ suit punkt ngq or l+iew brick (r Aiataat1l. of:. Teo_ Aunll ro PII. Ras lla letex. s idle Meeti gCa+ati:iaa;„, of the Pontks Tootitutt will tae held, aai Arenuer*a brill on on clay JeaaaaoAy 2t'b 1914 canal rat ?.o:flails Town oil gin 'ttefialtt;w ,satin 27 A fteraaaora a ti' , rat • in, +rn, Brent.. Skealcers Speakers ..lila oambotf li�oea"raassaaxr Por, ills.. sur rid tarticule Luc High Sehoel ckey tient rattle up kis Saturday and The home team was a tittle foo fa or the visitors and located the vie limes while the rubber got Peat the home goal keeper only 3 times The ice was in good condition and both teams: put up splendid hogicee The game ;was clean oral tvithout dis- pute. One ointite Inman ployers was penalized twice and two of *the Exch. ter players were niso penolised. nitre ing the first half the play was "moro evert and the Score was 3 to 2. Dorol ing the first of the hst half the home boys Scored severe' fschls in quick euccession and gained a safe lead. Senior at left wing mit up n good geme be Made several rustles and was true on the shot. Will Snell is a worker and is tete mnkings elf a fest stick bandlere Following was Lucans—Goal: 0. Robinson ; le. Langford: cover .T. Gunn, Rover IL 'Young; E. Collins, Ventre Glavin* left F, Liangford. Exeter Cover D. Wood, Rover, W. (Snell Right D. Pickarde 'Centre W. Stewart 'Deft M, SSonior Referee II. Bissett The first estames in "the town hock. ssy league Was .played last Tnusrday eve. There has been interest in the :league, since ~its organization end this was evidenced.by the vcrowd of spi.c.taxors who were present: end the emount of treoting which took Place The first game evas 'called at 8 'het- i:went the!Oddfellosys and the clerks the latter ',winning oet 5 to 0. The Oddfellown shared lack of practise and .the results 9f the- hears grind told upon the. players. 'After, the first game ithe high( School and Rank ers came logethero This was a fast- er gorneiond a little more even. It sees ;also a little rougher. Talk'. bank*: ers wen out by eine gotil 4 to et. The n,yropethies of (the' crowd ran to the nigh 'School and they received ;line held the. Players up often .or offsices Following composed the 'different 5.1 Itctle, Itt.T*Do tirade; it. Ford ur husi'ness and bei asttr�e car w 1 all ` tl bun red doll i"s fo ntfoboatrl the touiita�, o.nr One Imitated Rb. Waall erviale posh office}, sat catalog and par 1tis eea toter. Ontario. th ei t ty; e t twin Pr y Q€ata tic. (formorIy plate w.ith equipment acro from Wes. Snell. PAPE N COURT. NTO, lotus developnat timed Inquiry Into It t Ontario West Shore o by the Ontario Railway' an c Board at the Parliamen s yesterday, the air ot =rate dleurnett sine die. of the railway, who has been persist- ently called as a material witness„ was absent and a doctor's certificate of illness was presented. It said Mr. Mayes wan ton 111 tor mental or PhYn sical effort. The much -talked -of papers con- nected with the inquiry were on hand in charge of Crown Attorney Corley and Detective Twigg of the Toronto detective department, and tttis cram the signal for much disenission. re- garding their ownership and as to whether they should be opened to the public gaze before Arr. Moyes could be present. It was finally decided tn.' allow Messrs. Wm., Proudfoot, K.C., M.P.P., the respective counsel for the municipalities interested in the road and Mr. Mopes, to open and Inspect them In the presence of a representa- tive of the Railway Board and ac- countants to be appointed ,,by- that body. The papers were seized at the home of Williarn Baxter of Toronto, on a search warrant. min Id - CONDITION IffiCilANGED. Last Night's Bulletin Concerning Premier Whitney Discouraging. TORONTO, Ian. 20. Sir James Whitney was back again among his own ,peoplewesterday. The journey from New York on Saturday night' was accomplished` without apparent shock* to the distinguished patient, and Shortly after his Admission to the Cendial Hospital at 11 o'clock yes- terday t morning, and After taking nourishment," he fell into a restful At 9.45 last night Dr. Alex. Me Ithedran in attendance on Sir Ja—es .Wnitney at the General Hospital, 1s- ec:tett the following bulletin: nSir dames has been pretty rest - e for the lent- twe or three hours, - more, ,restless than before "and not; quite no well. He is not taking ,any ourishment,and not Sleeping expected to `Meep soortd% At Toronto yesterdayst veying the patient Was ;tom the train and was Tile ing oeorga, Hensalf owued • Cooper' Or Clinton and destroyed ' c 'Sunday night', The structure is of brick end was urd7 put up about two years oath The firemen did good work in saving ther buildings Around it, which aro frame work. The inside of thif building was ihadly gutted, *The, loss is about one thousand covered tlay im* • trhe large Irtor..., in the road way( 5n hes et last been filled In. at 'took over 2,200 yards of gravel and, stones besides the large boulders thrown in The farmers are now igoing to try toS drive over it with .loads to test it and see bow it will stand. trhe beavy frosts lave helped to ;hold it tOgether but the spring and soft 'weather will prove the „most secure tests ,Tihe ca.ves bas nroused considerable inte.resC among the citizens es large crowds haver teen. vi.sitin2; the scene >wait& the 'work was going on. Mite only an, cident that happened was to Mr, Mil Plenn who Id/ into the ;hole, a did -P out with difficulty, ' foot Giotto. ” 44 ,ntsd Iter grocer: st.p (le:tling with yen. leo It., moteing very muds' ittle te.ed meter with my had to maker 11g Mid butter with my good to traaksd • Settling Up • • ine All perseps hating an account with Ine yfi,i ease ea a fir