Exeter Times, 1914-1-22, Page 6:Nerves
en become laza dox a
gehold OareS, zOd d4,tiee
WTher katu fied
attered nee -yes and
any wes of
`P-14 5ba4 avail
,-e by using
trcitible.-1 with ray
was ver7 p451,
pared. Ti
read,v, a
Idogs front be
in baxL
oneeoming etn
• 'The itideo
through the frees, 0
ed the eidge at undit
--and, just tie; we were
a shot. suddenly teased. For th
uncomfortable minutes there
dead eilence, save x h
—but at our hacks. The oo
led whining of the strthu
Then the clamor broke loo
. . .
had come almost -within eigl
Int. and had then passed ;di
und to give us another *
rear. Three times th
they repeated the perio
' howls eounded to us
,,----At--eue place we ssed their
trail, ana 1 corila See :enly one wolf
track. But the eangers reed inore, almonds and mix the two together
and a few yards beyond we saw the and pour the following dressing
track divide into eight or ten. The
, over them and let stand over night;
pack bad stepped eo accurately ia Two tablespoons sugar four table -
r. 1
rife Beeipes,
- Y COW'. — Ono Allow the children to eatal
1342,44 ar.d orte-hat.: cups flottr, reonds, One dozen blanched a -
and two. t.easpdons baking powder, ; mon,,ds arc equal to abea one
sifted together three times; into a: pound of keak nutritiNe
ettp drop two whites o5" egg s fir "Casee +he s;ecroont is be3n"' yen -
7 ; ," '
cup up to e 1.
ne-1t.11 w;tn knot. teatec a screen shon:d be ?aced.
molted) Futter; - fill up cup *with front of the windem,' prevent'
rail7K.., aev
ad both and heat sen. mia.-.danger of a drailght.
- in loaf. Ice with ono 1,1x-htn you wash Or panels
pnlverized sh,gar and one table-, of lace dr net aopligno o fit the
1 l'e elollteeline may be e eareed b.
wrapping it around a wasleUar
and thoroughly scrubbing it '
Anply glycerin, to a scald direet,ly
Ithe accident oneurs and cover it, up
with strips ,of rag soaked in gIY-
W'b.en waking 'sago pudding,
ow 'etre- dessert spoonfuls for each
o; milk.. let all soak tIVO hours
befre cooking,Laz- Da
voo3- 111, ontea,speon tn. 4emon tae, them on -0,1e dooz
c,,xtract; beat av and to dr y and they will keep their'
-ead. Znasa most Miors shape.
ir ez5...ke,„ Tarnished er rn be brightet-
Rsk i1Lix Oe pfui ad if ie.e.,eed fee a short time in buil.-
Tnater, one-wtarter cupful srp, ing water in whick afair-sized lump
eae egg, one eupfni rtg5444s.. ed waeltin soda has been clit•',%4Ned,
and ehop raieine. Add augar„ epee, A weak sbtion 'of carbolic aeiti
and. water, and (took tin IraiS- applied earetedly to ink smins
'we soft. Put; over pan et war, earpets will remove them. If this
.Attd adel egg 'slightly beaten.Changes the color it ma,y bere54ar-
ly'knalifelietley of thiek "ed. by anunonie; water.
f:10.vor with lemon, Coo:0 A recipe for aide grease is
%leg. Tide mattee 414 13011144ot tintww; het nPM11114
414114g fOr ti,DV T4414tet'eaSttar 044 (Matter 4,4 p5Altild
hlaek lead. Melt the tallow and
TAke a In
%ether with
le, nd ealt anti p
Then put in
fl * thickene the
ouh t form
aeker erumbe
rewel adrve lee
as be
be ee
auget in ths u to brow
4tt an ed pie it
,PI o andone-half
v qt ,,1.5 . e min -
a k forte
1141 t
sox nx
heat or eight inkl
arm place
tht has 'become flght and
-work in two eggs,
saltsecon SaIt1 oee-third cup sof
butter. four end one-half pounds
flour; LOW well and turn
1114 board and knead fully
minutes. Cover and set to the
oubIe the size. Cut in round
3hape with the fear points n top;
brush with beaten egg and bake io
euiek oven.
Pineapple Sabuil.—One two poend
an of sliced pineapple road 10
cents' worth of almonds; eut and
drain pineapple, blanch and split
rub; the whole well together.
Vaseline staintaay be removed
eewrsig�ds by soaking in 4,11,
od a 1 rubbing with the
rids. h n hot teoap-
;Lel away fro
tents From Provinces Where
Ontai‘lo Boys and Weis Axe
“Maittng Ottod.”
Ten thousand free dinners were
served in 'Winnipeg on Christmas
During the past year Me,diciiie
Hat ineNaee,r,1 tile number of its
telephones by 300, now,,,lia,ving
A blinic-lnalting plant • has boon
instituted at Meyronne, Sask., and
will begin operations in the spring,
Fireman Jr. Campbell was badly
hurt in a collision between tWO
freight traras in the yard at Reeteet,
A sullaeommittee of the
Council reported that,
Lo t
uand to tt
the traeks of the leader that, a no-
vice would think that only one
- wolf bad passed.
A. Man With Ideas.
'Hew shall we advertise our fire
sale 1"
'Say the goods are still warm.),
ad Salt Rheum.
Could Scarcely
Do Work.,
Skin disease.; are Invariably chte to
bad or impoverished blood, and while
not usually attended with fatal results
are nevertheless very distressing to tha
average person.
Among tlie most prevalent are: Safi;
Rheum, E/ezenia, 'fetter, Rash, Boils,
Pimples, and Itching Skin Eruptions.
Berdocle Blood „Bitters drives out all
the humor f-tOM the Wood, and makes it
fire and rich,
s. Ellwood, Nesbitt, Apsley, Ont.
— I hao Salk, Rheum so bad
rcely do my work. 1 took two
e ts of, doctor's niedicine, but they
rt told me me
spoons vinegar, two tablespoons wa-
ter, one-half teaspoon salt. Butter
size of hickory aut. Mix fhorongb-
ly and cook until thick. Just be-
fore serving acid one-half cup whip-
ped cream. Serve on leetuce leaves.
White 3.`i`lat Cake.—Cream to-
gether one-third aup of butter and
one cup sugar. Add ane -half cup
of sweet milk, two cups flour, and
two teaspoons of baking- powder.
Sift baking powder and flour to-
gether. Beat thoroughly, then add
one enp of -walnut meats cut in
small pieces, dusted, with one ta-
blespoon of flour. At the last fold
in the stiffly beaten whites of three
eggs, Bake in a sqva.re pan in a
slow oven for one hour. Cover
with boiled icing and decorate With
lialves 'Of nut meats.
. atiseliold Wilts;
Stair carpets should- be. heavily
I padded e desires thein to 'Wear
iwell. ', . ., ,
i Salt sprinkled on a -carpet before'
ISWeeping, reducefi -tile amount, of
- . . • .. ' - - ,
i dust that rises,
1 ; Good/ eggiS will sink in a brine of
. • - - ,/, ' , ' • -
two ou,ia can , of 8a1:, to a.'„,pint of: Iv, a -
had' eess I'5,'7.4"1„1 '11, -.0a,t,'''4' I ' ' I
inCture of inity01, il '
aw it
f* bIt 1
nuts are
stud when
top of a toaL The dkou
tuts do 114.5t S I the
drains (pg.
„ e eiyate ust
aad 144t;
to 'ert tb
ugh the Etglisit fagytom
rein to *be experienee an
deniskaf Canadian schoolboy
eny of them have some knowledge
f its character and extent, thanks
o "Tem Brown at Rugby," ad
Ither taleof publie-school life in
land. Since Tom's day abuse
Iave been minimized; but the sys-
f remains unchanged in all
he raat sallools—Eton, Harrow,
and the rest,
Princ enry, third son of Xi
'eorge, has recently been enter
pupil at Eton, where his par -
elite have expressed the desire that
he shall be treated like any other
boy—which, of course, means that
Ihe musb be somebody's fag. That
has led to the appearance ill the
English papers of many aneedotes
that illustrate the excellently de-
• mocratic training the system af-
Although no son of the reigning
sovereign has before been a boarder
at any public school,' young Henry
(whose schoolmates have already
dropped his title) will'not be the
first prince of the blood royal to
become an Etonian. The „present
Duke of Saxe -Coburg was one.
When he was,at Eton, his Mother,
the Duchess'of Albany, once called
at the school, and desired to take
him away "with her for the after-
noon. Inquiry elicited the fa,cethat
he :SiaS then itt attendance upon his
fag master, whose rooni was polite-
The fag master had risen, '
bring up some more cba,1-', a7nd then
course, os the lady entered. He
you will be free for the rest of the
bowed and turned to the fag.
day. Yes mad ani `It'',/te shall douse"
e. cheeeoe.1 anr21 knocked
downnckd. Deeudat at ato r cht tle gl'/ if' was
was'ai ni
to be free this afternoon, if pn$ -
it to
"Boy," said he, slowly, 'you can
make it burn brighter.
sweetly, but I should like my son
"Excuse Me," said the dechess
dukeThe wen
3 ,
vited by a lordly. voice to ',Tome
in," and entered.
'L The fag master lolled comfor-6ably
in an ea,sy-chair, while the youthful
other sent hen i'scat
-tled'' raw
daii ter.
and bavng nohrono
etion witeah other.,
h y bave hisen chose rather on
relationship t
thongbt and teahin, a prinelp
issible in all our
v and quite 4
withharmony a rnethod followed
by the g& iters thenlselves i
vaot v . e st 1 N
arts o their- eil nar-
Ill qt. t e...
whiel Ile spd
is grouput 1
outthY esents.
.in the ex i aft"' v
in e e and
'vine1 are reuoded in the u1osin
Good ts--Th
ei our
word epiritually minded sister eagerly
the words 4cyanehsm,"er0n-1, took a d va ntage.
• 11" etc., are derived. But one thing is needful—.Splen-
Mary that was ealled Magdalene did and appropriate as was the
ermine probably that her home service which Martha, rendered, it
was at Magdala, a village which is was not absplutely essential, and
commonly identified with the mod-
s is the eral
gospel; also
g(ol, from which
-a mb for rybody to
eWbat Jesue woe
all exenee understand
he tzlakea very plain in the next
seetence,itt which he make* etead-
stuess and Aelelit.y the 'best of ftt-
e o the Itiegdom of God,
As they went on their way—At
ihi point me *4;1 narrative
ef aur last leason, though here too
1:5ee what 'was aai4
h on "ar50401500-
in nnection with
lie passage which
y not be related
h what intro
t viflagarnfletbany, near
et 01Lved 26. 6 1,70
11. 1, 18).
4. 3
1 ofa fezst prep tred for Jesus
be house f Simon the leppr,
sand Maty anointmg
tha Iliftt'et:r , It has been aea-
duped that perhaps Martha was
-Simou's daughter or even hie
In either Ca$C Simon would
ttot be present, eine° the law manded the separation of tenets
fro Cu Ltlr
e7edj:.:t11;31:1' ;;;;71*s
Martha, evidently had gone to mucb
trouble hi order to do due honor
to their distinguished' guest. In
centering her mind wholly upon the
external service and hospitality she
in part at least-, the deeper
of fellowship with the Master
which the occasion of his visit made
possible and of which her more
when permitted to rob her of the
ern village of Mejdel, on the west- greater blessing which the occasion
ern shore of the Sea of Galilee. It afforded, it became an encum-
-as enstomary so to distinguish brance rather than a eoerce of
from each other persons having a blessing.
very commori
he afflictions from which this
woman had been freed by Jesus
were doubtless euth as affeetedthe
brain and nervous system since it
was these ailmentthat were .eom-
monly attributed to demon posses -
Remove the Rust.
rots find it often em:y difficult,
and sometimes impossible, to re-
move rust frem articles made of
iron. Those which are most thickly
sion. Unless Mars lidgclalerie Is ooated are ruost easily cleaned by
to be identified with -the sinful wo- being immersed in a solution, near -
man mentioned in the preceding ly saturated, of chloride of tin. The
chapter, and there is no sufficient length of time they remain in this,
ground for such identification, de- bath is determined by the thickness
mon posseeeion is nowhere in the of 'the coating of rust. Generally 12
New Testament associated with to 24 hours is long enough. The
low moral- character. Both Mary e,olution ought not to contain a
Magdalene and Joanna are men- great excess of acid if the iron it-
tionecl again in connection with the eelf Lie net attacked. On taking them
event -s of resurrection morning. from the bath the articles ate rins-
Chuzas, the husband of Joanna, is ed first in water, then in ammonia
nowhere else mentioned -unless we and quickly dried, The iron when
identify him, as .Gotlet , suggests, thus treated has the appeatancoof
with the,..nobleman mentioned in dull silver. A simple 'polishing gives
John 4, 46-53, "Who -believed with it its normal appearance. This pro -
his whole house." As the steward cesS is susceptil31e of numerous ap-
ef Herod Antipas tetrarch of Galt- plieations, and is destined to ren
he would be manager of the der greatservice in many in-
latter's large estates, a, man who duetries.
exercised much influence in Her-
ed's household. Susanria is not
Mentioned elsewhere.
opeame, motor buses were what '
Wienipeg needed.
Winnipeg retail merchants re- I
ported the volume of Cheistreas
trade for 1213 beaNier OMR it had
been for other year. just past.
F. W, French of Oalgery wee
appointed nopal of the High
School ia that city, be being tho
enceeesfel one of 100 eandidates,
J. Politer of Wapelle, Seek, was
bitten by a. mosquito on December
, and sent the body of the inset
which stung 1iin to a Winuipeg paWIiJe�WWarn-
MeConnell and
familY;.o Raxeieta, Man., Were
away fopantling Chrietinee their
houee burned doeet, with sloes
about- 94,000.
John' 0. Rall, a 14-yeareold boy,
was found dead in bed at Moose
Taw. Evidenee ;7/bowed (hat he had
been indOlging intoxieants prior
to Itie death.
A private deteetive made a
eaten of the affairs of ow polio
co of Mooeet jaw„ and made a
rpot favorable to existing eondi-
'As they went on the way—An- al-
together- different occaSion , and
doubtless much earlier 'than the
events aheve mentioned. Compare
Matt.- 8, 'where this certain than
is referred to ns a scribe., Hath
I 1' 1
not w tolay, its tead Th- pub -
lie -life Of Jesus was one of constant
adtavity and travel, 'so that he had ,,,and the traVeler was about to 10P,,Se.
Ito 'forego entirely' 'the usual coin: /into the city, when an official,' who,
forts 'of home life. Leave the dead had been,: ',sc.-Arming his.,traii,"eling
- th-lniti-v- their own', dead—Let tholie pers., ed
, ,
A' Knotty Problem.
Nearly every one who has travel-
ed in Russia. has, at some time or
other, run afoul of the official "red
t,ape" of that country. So, at, least,
lia,d the traveler whose woes -are
the Subject of an ariausine•6 story in
a , newspaper,
Has trunks, had been examined,
wil.c) are so engrossed with af- ; "These papers contain i,rregul•
fai''" of everYda-Y ti)at they'll,a ye ties,'' said the c:fficial, ste-
not ilear,1 and re,sporlde,k1 ciieu cannot stay, lit Russia,'
call of the gospel alitie,nd -to such "V'ery e'eee4id the -bl-
ouse for 'not intinedia4ely proclaim Berlin'
alai -tel.'s as 3,ou Put forth as, an er 11 Shall take fill • it' traili."-ba
• • . ,
tii* tin ' ediatee1iby his
One f the old Otters of the wetti
Portage la Prairie, Mane
in the person of Iseialt Halt aged
4 had resided in Portage le
Irairie ginee 1.877.
Smith, a Maple Creek,
rancher, lies .purchaeed
f 10,00 ebeep ett the United
$tates, whieh be will instal ou his
,000 acre farm at Maple Creek.
Rev. A. C. Wishart, pastor of the
Presbyterian Chureb at. Calgary,
vas feteeeleputeteselie re--„tte. eoteev
,13.04 tii,A.1414)14 it.*
;IS a result of mama gas fame,
but recovered when given attend -
Through the explosion of a kiteh-
en at Regina, Sask.'the
stove was blown to pieces and Mar-
tha Tarnbull badly injured by
pieces of flying iron. The bob water
tank exploded, due to clogged wa-
ter pipes.
joseph Provo, of Quill Lake,
Sask., went out chicken shoot -ng.
Later he was found with the entire
charge of the gen lodged in his
brrtiu. The trigger of the gun
caught as he was passing through
Emile earub bush.
W. S. Fiddler, a farra hand,
dropped dead at Moose Saw while
helping to' unload some theatrical
scenery. A eoroner said the man's
death was eaused by acute indiges-
tion, he having eaten a large quan-
tity of cheese on an empty stomach.
Edward W.. Murphy, eight years
ago, was sent to the penitentiary
from Brandon, Man., for stealing
diamonds from a jewellery store.
After serving half his sentence he
volunteered to tell the authorities
where the stolen diamonds' had
been hidden, and did so.
A coroner's jury, empanelled to
enquire into the death of a foreign-.
er killed while working for the
O.F.R. in Saskatchewan, recom-
inencled that in future rldes for the
guidance of employes wbe could
not read or speak Euglish should
be posted in their own languages.
Mayor Berry of St. Boniface was
arrested on Dec. 26th, by the Chief
of the Police Force, charged with
vacating the' mayor's chair on Dec.
24th, without notice. He was then
taken before Police Magistrate
Turenne, ani pleaded guilty in an
excited manner. , The magistrate
then sentenced the mayor to accept
a silver flaslc, presented to himSby
the employes of the city It was
fully three, minutes before the may-
or could get his breath, Ho told
those itt the plot that they had
nearly frightened the life out or his
wife, and himself,
In Angel's, Misfortui
evelo e
However slight a cold you have yen
sboud never neglect t, Ili pos-
SibilitY, if you do net "treat it in time it
will develop into bronchitis,
or some other serious throat or lung
1:/r. Wood's omay Pine gyrup is
partfeularly adapted for all colds, coughs,
bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, whoop-
eaugh and all troubles of the throat
and longs. Three points in favour of
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine ayrup are
1. Its action is prompt. 2. It invigorates
as Well as heals, and soothes the throat
and lungs. 3. It is pleasant, learmle,se,
and agreeable in, taste.
Mrs. Albert Vait, Brockville, Ont,,
writese-eejesta iUe to let you luiew
about Pr, WOOCPS Norway Pine Syrup,
Our oldest little girl is now six years okl.
When she was four months old she get
a cold which developed into Bronchitis,
arei we tried everything we could think
Of and -bad two do4tors attemnug 'her,
put it was no good. One day 1 rea,c1
ta yeur 5k1manac about Or Woods
Norway Pine. Synip, 5,o 1 tncd it, and
before she had Ihiished one boltle of it,
the dry hacking cough had nearly 5:11
gone, There is nothing equal to it,
and we are never Nvitltout it in the house,"
$ee that you get "Dr, Woou"s" when
37Q51 ask for it as there are numerous
imitations on the market, Tile genuine
is miteufaetertd by The T. 31.111hure
Coe 1,iteited, 'reroute, Ont.
Price,„2;le.; family size, 450c,
AT: 'old, gerl,tleman, alw.otYs
• to ladies, was asserting' one A4,
that ie
ha::: an.06'elecraoef(j,
ugly woman ,
'ose, overheari
u.I" ('Madain-'
he rest
f all
'ens Methoee.
Freuelt ui
the frontier
of the ais
with seeks o
suspuion3 ;
aking out 6Q1110
be Senna
of tobacco
v en
ey were pacit
eleverly done up in w
ly iMitating potato a
Together with two assbitanis M.
aernez eoncealed Mlles
wagon and the train wen
Way to Noyon. just outside the
station as the train ahmkeeteel
peed, the doo4 of the wagon WON
lid back in them grooves and two
began to enter. The customs
era darted from their hidiug
art„" caturhfo,-,ne the other es-
capingc' ,,, 1,
, way teetee.
aCrOSS tun ,iiii,
The captive Was bl ,-..-"`'4,t,-F.
where he disclosed ti e eante
accomptiee and admitted h
been previously condemn
similar fraude. Closer examen .
of the contents of the sacks i.
closed 0,000 packets of -tobacco,.
bought ;tt Mons, i'n Belgiem, and
representing a value of $4,000,
Fact and ranee.
Accidents will happen — except
when you've bought a polity.
A Roumanian dish is roee
It's amazing how much deeper
bole is After you get into
Russia is the first country to
adopt, in addition to her land and i'oe
sea flags, an aerial flag for aero-
The cook's work covers a wide
There are twenty Buddhiat news-
The only difference between wit
and impudence lies in the size of
the man uttering it.
• Reason Enough.
Teacher—Why didn't yen conab,
your hair before you came to
school - -
Tommy—'I ain't got no comb.
Teacher—Then borrow your fa-
Tommy --Father ain't get none,
-Teacher—Absurd!. Doesn't he
comb his hairl.
Tommy—He ai.n't-got no hair.
Yoti C n Cure
Ely Tile Use Of
A free motion of the bowels daily should
be the rule Of 'every one, for if the bowels
do not move daily constipatiOn is sure
, follow and bring itt its train many.othei,,
I troubles -when the bowels become elogg,./
u.p. You get Headaches, jaundice; Pr
Heartburn, 11loating Sp'eeksi befor=6-'$'tlie'
4yes; Catarrh of the, Stornach, and„those
tired ; wearyfeelirrgs' which
rhng action Of the fiver
vrijSoS 60