HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-12-25, Page 6,
Sinco 1969 Japan has mqxe than
doubled its exports .-of ttnys,
Seventy Pei cezit, of thei woa;ldxa
coz2ti is f)raducod in Spain aja4 Par
China, now has more ftajzi*,goo
mile:, of railroads .and is bya ding
02,273 Willes -more.
Iloc,tcA(ta,j, > t1Q. liakd tfie world's
largest av d icml harbor, 746.4 -eyes
iii area. and 231eet deep.
1-dmburgh has e. tauli d a''
Monopolyoz � �„oduchl- d'.44 dirtri-
bating, electric current Yvitidn tiie
An exp!)riaient station fox' tha.
study of flax cultivation and 'Man
facture Inasboeiz established a't
For int -then use there has been
iiiverrted a, azza,ehule to 6;har,pen and. `
p;al:sh Steel l�ziicres at t31.Q ;Sarno
Australia will establish, am a -via;
iorr school to teach her uxil tia, offi-
cers to becoixie phots,
dere" than 12,000000 gallonq of
g��.�sa�ane svt ,e pTeduced Froin notor-
al gas in the Vnit4d SA -pa last
Hardwood FazNvdusil, 40�d and
steril;zed by intense heat, is eom.
*-" into use in Germany for 4n.Bs.
ing wounits,
J)aicing suppers With rulfLer.
pliaga in the, Wilts to Prevent their.
earairg losing their footing are a
Tile Ts4e, of Vight is to ho Coll,
n'ovW. , with Qze mainland by a four_
mile subway oontni;x ng an ekctria
Ap mor anized effort will lica, mndo ,
'nlealsure tlxe toot and duafi in Mie
u#m*i R,,here a -lid
otlmr BugliAl'0itnes,
lla'ore Barin 60 manufaettur+erp were
represented ;roceri ly at Touche'i
fire e bibitiou �Qf inchtstrial' nvAor
,VQ1 i^les oxclusiV0, ,
Tlic� Ity of Pu dee sill ereet in
counoction witb its gx mlieill"d gas,
1 orks a; giant for the production of
tar az cl, atliea� by-products,.
>rh,: Portuguese Gover not ,ills
Manned an, extensive syste)n of
w recess ttlegrapli st tious tea link s
Upboa ,vitlt its colonies and -oirhez
,European empitals.
The opening of a new railroad .in
German last ,l.€rilqa early next
year will develop 381,000 ; kqu4re
miles of territory with a population.
of 10,W0,00a.
Carlsbad,. Germiny, by law rr. ,
quires all• buildings to be As nearly
fireproof as possible, Nvitb tho re,
suit that the city's firemen arca•
most of ttberirwages ° as'; ebinnzir ,..
An iron monumaxat in the icor
stepped' pyramid surniounted by
glob,?, op feet high, lias l oen erect rt
ed at Leipzig, to symbolize A'0 Ger-
man iroax a,rd steel industry.
Year rings on the scales of fishes
are used in Xorw y and Frdnoa to
determine the ago of sardines,
whether they have rearched their
full growth and when they will
The Milian Government io giving
much attention to the development
of the.mines of that counilrp,
Which in time are 'coal
to pro-
duce enough fuol to supply the
'Koine demand.
For destroying dirigible balloons
Italian arnny* officers have invented
shells 'carrying oxygen and plat!-
num sponges in their heads, the
latter becoming red hot on enter
ing the hydrogen and exploding the
mixture of the two gases.
To detect gas in mines there has
been invented apparatus wherein ,a
rat operates a treadmill to furnish
poker for a small inea,-adeseent
lamp, the .dimming' of the light in-
diimting that; the,rat is affuted by
Government -Urged to Put a Stop
to Their tDepredktioua.
The Minister of . Agilculture for
the Province of Alberta has urged
upon the Dominion Government .
the neees5,ity of some ste=ps being
talion' to put a staip to the deers
dations of wild -hoses in Ehe Pea,
River country iis, western > t2lber.-'
and eastern British Oolttmb'r
which has been one i£ the piiz� a.
pionoering :sections 'o£'"ti�iat ka
Canada during the,;pasb
He 4attes thaat wild horses J
inade ra &s titpon the ramebos of
settlei;s, killing M,)ny of, t.be cso-s,
tic' hi rsr;s anCl leading avis,v a num-
be.r of the well-bred domestic Mares
( which 7 aVP' , heen iztip,ortztl a* a :e'o'-r-
sideraable `cost to th` ne�u Sattler.
,r -cording to O'ttaiva sta615t1e3
these'hor5es are sripposed in be
I dam= �e'ndants of horses a1r'_rndon1,
�J} i";d the, gold rush t_qthe .�ulcan
I Te•rit�ry •in 189"r-98>'
.I+'KJM the Bow 1-er�cc�wttir0
j these, -
�, .animais h�Yr• .xaida'd .the
i ranch^s rf !the settLlers,,a.s :far West
as Kamoops' and flie contVA( Sins
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