HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1913-12-25, Page 1'e Wish All Our Reade and A Very Prof: Ruse Prof, Ruse, o many years tawrghl til4 `neighborhood ebotrs and social IV trail health, to outning, and amerous fries daft evening in reha,•tg'Mark t; ofesaoa: and thei.a to, labors in lrc ReV. Fidel Chatlrles of tl4e gather/4R r altnd pent ilk, RQ SO Friends erry Ch • Obituary ttl'e. of Stephen Town Tlnarsday Dee, 18th ini Ot the home of hix SQo estle earee to Exeter aplaining of le grippe i? pneumonia causing wwroa born in England anra;de when a lad be settled on the of 'Gtepbt n where; n°' Rance ,Uo k ar- "a Sons and.ono the homestead' fey, Sanders of le of Sten Iowwr is in his 3featb-' e*nall was Wt'li axn ock. Err to ' Cern tk We wish our many Friends .and Customer a very Merry :Xmas and a Happy New Year :. w �i an's?° Hardware � and Stove S. v Store ~ f l f (ii3OBN a ; , , LOC1S-7n Exeter on Wednesday y Dec, 1 -7th to Mr, `;and -liars, G,, R PO/lack a San 1v --Stephen S S h 3I�1•.Ll.aand aY:llec„14th. to Mr, and Mrs W m. ,Hellin a son. Ft1.331DLE—fn Usborne on Dec, 18th to Mr, and ::Sirs, Bert 'Rundle a daurgrhter, MA'IiRIE'n ii GAT I;l S + ?—I3'rI QST At; - "Crediton on 'Wednesday Dec, 1,7thi Miss Laura her of 3'lr, and Mrs .'.. �Ilf dau t .. Fred ae, g 3;ixast• to Z ?3 r. kw. in° .1Jarnot • G user; . by ktev; E. Becker ' t+, DIED ESTLE—Jrt Exeter; North on bwirs day DeG, 18thThomas' Nestle a ed yearee8 months and'9 days. s IV 'In eboene neeSaturday Dee 0lo'6ns 39 Sr,•Sr `age , d'a�s l �•,s ..•, SI!eCKMAN-=In'Exeter on Saturday Dec, (20th- Mary Ann Smith. 'beloved wife of John Spackman aged 79 years 11'sinonhts and 1Z8,dhys, Card of f hanks r desire Rev. C W. and .. Mrs,Raker R e . to express their sincere'!hhanks for, the many expressions of sympathy which they received in t4he • loss of their infant son. Rev. l.ortson _of. Sarnia occup- ied J. " p1, ied: the pulpit in James Street Meth- odist church,. last Sabbath_ and 9reached two acceptable sermone..,. will be a ci'atecl A gift that Ppre q our 's tori, f r t year a he • every da in 5 GeSpelt Text calendars. The calander eoXktains' a text for every day print - a, an'- open )iible,. The golden text'wech'wunday is printed in black ice " 5 :cents. 11: Golden Wedding Last week we ruaae mention of the double wedding anniversary of Mr, and 1frs, L. hardy of town and Mr and Mrs, John 'Drew of Snowflake Man, On 'Saturday the London Ad- vertiser contained the follotving in reference to the ]atter.\�innip- tg, Dec, 90.—The golden anniversary of the 'wedding of Aft; and Mrs. John Drew of Snowflake Men.. was celeb- rated ht elebratedat the 'home of their son J:• F. Drew Winnipeg, today, The ' guests of honor were presented with golden rememberances in commemoration of their'tgolden 'wedding. Mr, Drew was born in Devonshire En land in 1842 and came 1.o Canada wit a hisparents in 1848. His parents died of cholera within 24 hours after reaching Lon- don Ont., and the family of orphans was left to battle its way in this !country among strangers. Mr. Drew entered, in as an apprentice to a cab- inet maker in 1860 at Exeter Ont, and was in 'business as furniture dea- ler and undertaker on his own 'ac- count in the same place from 1864 to 1882 lie moved to 111anitoba in 1.882. and has been in that business and farming in tihat vioinity of. Snowflake ever since. Mrs. ;Drew was born at London Ont, March 30, 1 91 and was raised at Exeter, Ont, John Drew and Miss Martha Ann 131s sett- were married in Exeter on Dec, LSth 18133, Eleven children were born but all died exeept two, J. F. Drew 'Winnipeg and Mrs,. J. M. Stewart of 'lay vide N. D. Mr, and Mrs, John Drew are 14 and 71 years respective- ly and are hale and hearty and enjoy ing life. t i i', '1 C i Usborne Council Council tmci: at Township Hall Dec. 15th pursuant to'Statute All the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were;,rend and an- proved. ere As li v . t were fewsmall items, of :. t.atc.s uncollected the Collector's time. for returning the roll ca°as extended' to January ' 12th 19144an d +l he 'as lo teontinne the collection of unpaid taxes. i 1, ', �cl A vote of .1.ti; 5..00 was w as votedto the Agl icultur'a,l. Society. t ta. large number of accounts were pat.ttea. 'and. orders issued in payment` all of ,A,hich will scion tappear in the Tr.cwsarcx•'s Financial statement. Couneiladjourned to , meet Dec. "29 after 111:1) tion nreeting. I t OlilrEYY_'lerk�' lounge aanrnd fine fetklian .:']sissy poppy nwnstearl 'll the. can ;Ali pleasing ranciatia Bennie D'art* r '; pees by Reeve S. Motley, lrnllon, 1Wr. Iloadbeius , Pet k and Mr. kohl, Gardiner' program refreshments d.,;nnd at most rn.loyabie renitng ~vas, spent, Lir, Ruse carries eith 'Criss the good„ will of ;ail, who nope' for hien aper/ ;r rt'eovt'rp to finis ranted health, :'. r. mid 1114^3, 1110lsv 1nvc lett for their new home in ianntnden. Te1fs no 0:41 Pxcsenntation and: Address—On Fri- day day afternoon of last week at tho close of the term, the Literary Soc- iety, of the Yfigh School department held 'a program in connection, with the closing exercises. r During the rotrranr an address was read to Mr W. E. Weideehammer BA., nrineipal ot the school and lfiss L. Edmonds teacher of Foram two and the former was presentedwith, an tectrae read- ing lamp and the latt,r with at ananicure set. The --address tents read by lfiss Madeline Carling and the, presentations n iede by 3ltiss Beta 110wve and lien Quackenbush. nlr. Weidenhammer ;and Miss Edmunds are both held in the highest esteem by the scholars and the citizens of Exeter tend the 'best wishes will fol- low~- them. I3oth recipients were deep- ly affected rend replied in h very be- fitting manner. Following was -the :address 7,— Exeter. —Exeter, Ont.. Dec.. 19. 1913. I:GG li `+'eidi'nhannuer and Miss Fdrriunds. We the jnaapils of the ,Ere- ter Continuation school regret very' much that you. are leaving us. and rete 'wish to avail ourselves of this opportunity of manifesting outs love for you and our high appreciation of your '.invaluable service rendered while amongst us. Will you please, accept this gift as t token of our esteem • and affection. Our e'reest desire is that your future, 'ma"y be crowned with success and ,happiness and that you may Always ihave the most pleasant recollections of this school,in 'which you both have done such excellent work. Signed on be- half of. the school jean wSeidon. Margaret :Case. .O of Old Resident --On Satur- l»llth Mrs, John Spackman. wvi o farars has 'been a resit - dent of ld. stet. passed o.way ai her home on i'illlona'Streetit the; age of 79 }'ears 1'l months and 28 days. Tt.t deceased had been oiling for: some date and for several weeks she had 1taFtxn quite ]ow, her, demise -being looked for at ony timer. the .was horn in the County. of . Elgin near Thomas, her maid --n name neii Iary Ann Smltb. In 1854 she was tnattrrir'd to luer'aowv b.-rcavcd ausband Ing 18138 with their Family they mov- ed to IiIxeter, and have been resi- dents Hera ever since.' Mrs. Snack - man was well known and teas high- ly ' esteemed by a wide circle of friends ,She is survived by her hus- band .and three sons • viz; Edward .7. of '.foronto; I,dwvin IT. of Blenheim enc. Thigh of town : also two sisters Mrs Gilbert, of Talbot vilte :and Airs. w°'n1011 Downie of Carstairs. Alta. and. two brothers John and 11'arren Smith 1 of Talbotville. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon to the Exeter cemetery and was private. 1 RICHAI;;D JOIINS. Sr. One of the last of Usborne"s pion- eers passed away on 'Saturday Dee, ,20th 1913 in the person of Richard ' Johns Sr. Deceased was born in the Parish ^ of Langtree, County Devon, England ni February 1324, and net en early age• was apprenticed for seven years to -s shoemaker. his father paying seven sovereigns or a sovereign every year for the privilege of learning that trade. When tewnty-one years of age., ,he married Eliza Whitlock and set up a shop of his own where be continued at 'his trade until the spring .of 1849 when. 'with. ' his wife and three small children and a few shillings, hesailed for Canada on the old ship Delilah. Captain Tozer in comnna.nd. The •voyage lasted many weeks but they finally arrived at Pickering, where he, set up a shop and made and mended shoes for his neighbors and Navvies who werebuilding the Grand Trunk from• Kingston to Tor- onto. They had only been in Pickering a very , short time .when their second daughter when playing in the open fire n got rot her clothes on firs and was terribly burned leaving her disfigured for life. 'In the sultnmer of 1849 he, with oth- ers made their way to the Muton tract, of 'which they bad heard so much and took up lot 1"2, con 7 Usbor- ne Returning to 'Pickering he earn- ed 8300 to him a la.rnge sum and in 1850 with his family he came to'his chosen lot in the virgin forest of Us'borne, and proceeded to bete out a. „home and many a tale of hardship and firivation he tee e^id tell but he suc c ^uded splendidly. Ile carried flour 1'-•• n fssery's mill etc etc. He, trade? ,, pair of boots for a 80 pound ox Incl- and' carried the Chide from the Seth, of Elimville to•'Csrlmes tanuery in `Exeter, Ile and his ~wife; >vere on their way from Exeter one summer evening when, it became ^s•o: d<ark' they could not lee their' way and were forced to climb over the wall of a tog house in the course of erection and spend the night sitting side -beside, on the mud' sill, he 111111ont coat or''vest, while the -tete-yes howled in the sur- rounding' forest. Ilia' cheraotermay be best dasc-ril3 - ed 7y illustrations For: may Tears swipplied'a number of vil1- ens with lour and ebiciren feed. ;in., be al- a a the 0 b ,�-,^ r 1. 1 Y 1 zap Joe 00 steal rvC)k ya ds should eat wnw has zwart G"aras1•.1'i�I ' d;Li j te.rs, flee o P an, Fhi ?•.t` da pin Additional locals on .pages 4 iand 5. I. ,Armstrong announces that ship ping day is changed • from Thursday to Monday after this. Dropin ana navea looh-.'at our bon bon bores. If we cannot con- vince you we have the highest qual- ity at the lowest price, wet 'miss our guess -W. J° Statham. On Friday evening fast the Mem- bers of the Sunday School and Ep- worth. League of Main 'Street Meth- odist church met at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs, Wm. Ilowey and Presented Mars, f 1onroe-Casaday with a linen shower prior to her departure to Charles City, Iowa. Lunch was scr- eed and. a, very sociable evening was spent The Junior League presented 11,Yrs,,`; Casa day with a, couple of china paces.' £n the eT,._ of Ezra Ilicnner hotel - keeper at Grand Bend, up for trial last Thursday on a charge of perjury L y in .ti local option by -late contest' at Grand ivied; last January. Judge Doyle after a. careful consideration threw out t -he case. '.Ile ~agreed with the ciefencc lawyers Dickson n.nd 1-laverson of r1'oirr 0 i.laa{s tvii ill it i- an,indict,a,blc .al;fensc' in 'catnnon law I bribe in lePislative and munieneil. elections an °k:.xcep11011 is trade 'and special pro:-isien applies to bribery in 'vetino• on bs lnws. ,T.he af; here being 'oi• a x not ar ,, d t •�: E i nishrnent by legal:nzo the•reeovery of a Penchi' sally apply is such h cis' for actiha^; under~ i; elapsed gothingt c rare riesling: money ;Cron se A man of quiet and titan~ llgf :it:074;AItfGoldenn 'tl—tempof for years sand passed ov divide honored and r who knew him, ,family consisted at sever~ sox. 1xxannd children slat] great axand stlrl* ren litre is rnaatrn 1155 lossI and rj'h o£s memory. Owvin, to t'ho stoh'Lay wva tlter no Tuesday :the number of ‘o Alto Alto paid. their fast tribute of tc Fspect; to tbs deported by €ollowing. laity g'oriai mann to their last rent—se 99t09ttb4ttttO► = A[JCTION -SALE BANKRUPT STOCK At the ExeterBargain Store BECEMY E 27th, -& 31st. EACH DAY AT 3 P.M. AND 8 PM. BOOTS, SiiiuS ca O ERCOATL, DRYGOODS e av• • r' 14"H$ exerraiR BARGAIN STAR • One Door Norte of the Post Office.',:, tiv£v40404' .SAF 44^4,1144.0? 4.44.44,44.444-04.444.4.0444^4.44.4' • T.0 RisTrdAS 4 A 4 4. 4 4 4 • 4.: 4 4 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4• 4 4 4. 4 4 4 44, • 4 4 4 4 4 4 et, • 4• 4 4: e ens' Sto 133 y'needs 4 ave ttefi n. . ;. { d NS • e eclat We Can ;tie Sim Von Something for a X as present Fancy Ties Suits Overcoats Fancy Vest Bta.,e S Gloves Sleeve Heide ��S Underwear Fancy Sox Fancy handkerchiefs Fancy Sweater Coats 9 Umbrel:as Garters Fant; r Tie;✓ 3 Caps Collars 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ` 4 4 4, 4, ttiV 4 4; KY'